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1.6k · Sep 2021
The Forest's End
Rachel Rae Sep 2021
The deep woods that linger on the mountain hill
With open palms that beckon and hold
As I move across its glades of gold and jade
As the hidden bridge squeaks beneath my weight
The pines beginning to close in on the space
That was the path, crumbling into mossy lace

In that moment, it was barely visible
The red steeple of the city temple
Peeking gently through the canopy of leaves
But as the wind blew and the woodlands breathed
And the fairies of the river bank sang
The warm hand against my back began to lead me away
1.0k · Sep 2020
Rachel Rae Sep 2020
I ate the cake,
        the lemonade
Cool and sweet
        but left the pain
In the back of my throat
        like an aftertaste
952 · Jun 2021
Rachel Rae Jun 2021
Sweet breath of me
Lily on the water that trembles
In the slightest breeze
The bells that herald the new morning sun
Yawn of a sapling oak,
That stretches its arms across the dawn
The laughter of yours that drives the winds
My name that balances between your lips

With pattering lashes, you drift asleep
As I coax the tune from the ivories
Oh beauty still, even should my fingers bleed
Even should I melt into the keys, the strings
I shall die before I end this piece
To keep alive, one more day
My darling melody
935 · Mar 2020
Rachel Rae Mar 2020
The nymph steals glances from behind the glass
Bright blue, sharpened stare
Between bushes, amidst the grass

Fingers so nimble, they slipped through the cracks
Slid down the molding,
Dyed the carpet, stained the cat

Her smirk lived within speckles of paint
The hush of the floorboards
Breath that made the fruit a sickening sweet

But only in afterimages do I see her face
A late night mirage
In the bathroom, in the closet, in the eggs

In the sticky, wiry ink in which she'd signed her name
Her ghostly whispers calling out
From behind trickles of rain

A permanent spot in the recess of the window frame
Did she lay, nuzzled close
Silently, to wonder, watch and wait

A forever presence even the wind cannot displace
Only one day had she entered
But a thousand she'll stay
Thieves come in uninvited and never quite leave
923 · Mar 2021
I called, you answered
Rachel Rae Mar 2021
Whistle once on the mountaintop
Hear nothing
Whistle twice, inhale
See something
Breathed of wine and birthed from sky
It was the hand, stretched out
And I, could barely contain
The tear, a sigh
733 · Jan 2021
Rachel Rae Jan 2021
Haze, Haze
Ask me questions
Tell me names
Whisper sweetly
Always stay

And when I leave
Fill the mold
That once was me
Slowly, gently
And with ease
657 · Aug 2020
I am as I always was
Rachel Rae Aug 2020
The sands of time rest deeply between my toes
The night sky unchanged, even as I step into the next day
A shooting star in my world, taking a lifetime of breathes just to cross the sky
But you were one that shouldn't have existed within my space
A supernova in a place of long days and low tide

You found me, kissed me, begged me and left me
before the tear could even leave my eye.
With such force, you sped past like a rushing wind
Leaving my hair torn across my face in the wake of your absence
And my hands shivering out of lack of warmth that I don’t remember having known

Should I apologize for not being able to match your passionate pace of life,
Or resent the cosmos for letting two very different beings cross paths?
Still I hope that my voice reaches you,
journeying many years in the swirls of space, till it whispers in your ear

I want you to know that I am as I always was,
traversing the shore, watching the stars
though my gaze searches a bit harder than before
In hopes that a ghostly glimmer of your presence still lingers
657 · Aug 2021
Rachel Rae Aug 2021
Then the Universe will find her peace
As chaos settles, deviations cease
On a hill, the glint of a telescope eye,
Will watch as the Sun, Earth and Moon align
A city will cheer as looming tides recede
And my life shall once again be stripped bare, clean
609 · Mar 2021
2 a.m.
Rachel Rae Mar 2021
Those who don't feel the Earth turn like I do,
How sweet is their slumber?
Unknowing, unable to see the stars that are falling
But I could not, could never not,
Know the **** of gravity that pulls me under
521 · May 2021
Rachel Rae May 2021
I saw a balloon circling overhead when I awoke
Where am I?
What is this?
Where are my hands?
I gasped in a breath, deep flow
That mixed into my belly
And melted to my soul
Tight and tense
It battled with the shadows
In my heart that had settled
Till I doubled over in agony
with a deep, steam scream
Out like a kettle
And I felt for once
In such a while
The pain begin to *****
Down my spine,
Up my neck
And into my fingertips
481 · Dec 2021
Rachel Rae Dec 2021
Atlas dropped his globe atop my neck
And I thrashed and screamed
Under the weight of it
474 · Apr 2021
My Heart Speaks
Rachel Rae Apr 2021
My heart speaks,
Through constellations
In the popcorn ceiling
"You ask too many questions",
It says
450 · Mar 2021
The Magpie Dies
Rachel Rae Mar 2021
The Magpie dies in Act No. V
Though the audience was hardly privy
It was only me, in the backrow seat,
Who saw the gentle feather
Who heard the silent clink
Its branch that swayed bare
Shivering only but a moment
Before it found a new pair of feet

The roar of the crowd rippled and swelled
With the song of the main headline
Licking the tune, wetting the eyes, but at the end
My lashes remained dry
For I, at least, could spare a glance
Toward the soul who belted Act I through V
Laid angled below the plastic bushes
Gone, dead, died
442 · Apr 2021
The Night I Lost
Rachel Rae Apr 2021
The night moon catches in the spin of my umbrella,
Running light down the ribs,
Dripping off its fingertips and
Vanishing into the slick concrete,
Shimmering with reds and greens
Of passerby and walk-signs
Blurred bags and t-shirts that push past
the pair of shoes frozen on the edge of the curb
The spot there beside me
The reason my hands burn white in grip
Since when?
Did my shoulder no longer feel the drip of rain
Since when?
Had the puddles' glint ceased to hold your face
Since when?
Was there, beside me,
A space
pt. 1
436 · Nov 2024
A Girl,
Rachel Rae Nov 2024
When I was a girl
I thought I could be anything I wanted
I didn’t realize I would grow up
To be a woman
That I was forever ‘and her’
Instead of them
That my father loved me
As an exception
And I would have to witness my sisters
Wither away in happiness
I found out that I was not the ‘public’
In public transportation
That I needed to switch my grocery run times
Every now and then
Discovered the places where a hat
Could be the best weapon
On Sundays, I dress up and buy pretty roses for my table
To keep from remembering that
If someone wanted
There was nothing I could do to stop them
Sadness overtakes me for all my sisters and friends out there...
404 · Apr 2021
Fool, you are
Rachel Rae Apr 2021
Heaven, you have left me.
I learned it from your silent words,
Knew it when I saw no stars
That I had jumped from hands that held me
And leapt into unending dark

Fool, you are
384 · Aug 2020
I Jumped to Blue Mountains
Rachel Rae Aug 2020
I jumped to blue mountains
That broke like crystals in my grasp,
and then I was out upon the ocean
Horizon silent, horizon flat
Just thoughts
381 · Feb 2021
Rachel Rae Feb 2021
I have,
Since the light touched my eyes
Since the voices entered my soul,
I have known
That the hill is where I was made to stand
Why the Night, to me, extends her hand
That the ocean still should be my home
That I was meant
To be alone
366 · Jul 2021
Rachel Rae Jul 2021
Tangled twisted heart,
Tumbled down the road,
Like a scrappy skein of yarn

Knew to ride the gutter's trails,
To weave past boots that stomped and sneered,
Huddle in the cold, hide during hail

Stolen away its many days with the trash and weeds,
By rough desert winds, past red dust clouds,
Snagged and snipped on spindly trees

And with a thud, it hit at once, the ground,
When, with its last exhale, the wind withdrew
That I, left between terracotta clay rocks and budding anthill mounds,
At last looked up and saw, a sky so exceptionally blue
355 · Sep 2021
Miss you
Rachel Rae Sep 2021
A stranger stopped by,
Asked how things were going
Simply put, the sun seems just as golden
The road glides easy as we drive into the next day,
The ocean breeze's just as sweet as the smiles on our face
There are no wounds, no tears
And yet, my world has shifted a few degrees
For it is the small scratch that forever bleeds
That pulls at one's existence like weeds
It's the ghost that lingers in the peripherals
It's the gasp, before the light switch is flicked on
With the lamp that swings alone, above what is truly gone
It's the wave of laughter that lacks its fourth part harmony
And it's the forgotten Christmas dinner seat.
339 · May 2021
At Times
Rachel Rae May 2021
I think of you,
As one thinks of mountains
While stuck in the subway
263 · Dec 2020
When I fell
Rachel Rae Dec 2020
The stars were out
when I fell
Bright sparks that broke the dark
Almost a comfort in my soul
there settled
As I drifted down the well
250 · Feb 2021
Once There was a Mountain
Rachel Rae Feb 2021
Once there was a mountain
Atop which lived a tree
Her swaying arms full with oranges and greens
She loved the mountain god
Who trailed her shores
Watched him light rainbows in the skies,
Freeze waters at nights,
And on occasion, rest under flits of sunlight
That drifted through her leaves
241 · Mar 2021
Thoughts #1
Rachel Rae Mar 2021
Train amongst the gods
And even as the lesser of them
Still you will be a god amongst men
208 · Oct 2020
With Me,
Rachel Rae Oct 2020
Sing with me
With breaths wild and ablaze
On the rooftop, overlooking
The snowy escape

Come with me
Under trees with lanterns adorned
The sugar of maple sap,
The fresh light of morn'
202 · Jan 22
Bleeding Love
Rachel Rae Jan 22
Love myself?
I loved myself
To the point I overflowed
For the Earth, family, friends
My love was warm and abundant
My sadness was that
no one would ever know it

I was gazing in windows
Leaning over shoulders
Edges of worlds, social circles
I never found them.
I defined them.
Where the sidewalk met
The playground grass
The little girl was watching, left

Perhaps the flowers below my bedroom window
Watered on the emotions I bled
Will last longer than I did
May they find hands to hold onto
As I was never able to
188 · Oct 2020
Rachel Rae Oct 2020
Sweet Magnolia
Born in dead winter
Wouldn't have stood a chance
Even had Lady Luck pitied her
Too sweet for this world
182 · Mar 2020
It's in my Nature
Rachel Rae Mar 2020
My honest concern goes to Mother Nature
For she proves as fickle as I
A late September with the winds of December,
A truly wicked surprise

But she has my understanding not scolding
For too many times have I,
Taken what was once a peaceful October
And scorched it with the fires of July
176 · Sep 2020
A Story I Once Read
Rachel Rae Sep 2020
There was once a story I read, but didn’t know
Clear were the words, yet I walked comfortably past
It is nearly humorous.
It is nearly sad.

Smokey head tilted my way with a grin
Where was my mind
Lifted high with the light, afternoon wind?
That I could not feel the echo of his smile pull at my lips
124 · Apr 2020
Inside Again
Rachel Rae Apr 2020
Sometimes I dream of wondrous things,
That flood the room with roaring waves
And cool deep waters of the mighty seas

Neon fish now nest in my kitchen sink
Eels dance along the dining table
From my mouth rise bubbles of blue and green

But other times the ocean spins away down the bathroom drain
Leaving a bristling heat, a cloudless sky
And desert winds that rough up the window panes

Oranges of fire, deep breath of life fire
Leaving spittles of burn on the tips of my nose
As I now travel along the sands, a caravan rider

There are things I dream,
Dreams of such wondrous things
Of colors gold, red and aquamarine

Of dazzling lights that drip from the walls
Soaked deeply into the cupboard,
Filled to the brim, all the halls

Like jewels, the dreams sparkle with life
So unexpected each time sunlight hits my eyes
That all I wake up to, is again
just white
Day ? of being inside
101 · Sep 2020
I Wish to Forget
Rachel Rae Sep 2020
I wish to forget the taste of fruit dipped in honey,
For it was far too sweet
I wish to forget the touch of the sun as it caressed my hand,
For it was far too warm
I wish to forget the sight of Autumn trees showering us in gold,
For it was far too dazzling
I wish to forget all the days spent with you,
For they were far too few
I would rather have never known love than to feel its absence
69 · Dec 2024
Rachel Rae Dec 2024
I wept, and wept, and wept
As I had done only once before
When I first learned that
All my power was borrowed
That my hands were too small
To hold anything of significance
That the universe didn't care about my favorite season
That my name held no meaning

Why would you let me go on the way I did?
Gracing stages,
Planting rose beds,
Finding secrets in the way the light
Streamed through the windowpane, and
Futures in the pink of my flesh,
Why would you let me dance
Without rest?
Why would you let me peak through
The peephole lens?

If there was nothing in the end

— The End —