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21.2k · Sep 2014
The Depressed
MonkeyZazu Sep 2014
Sorrow filled heart
permeates throughout
a broken soul.  

The body reflects
inwardly out
all the pain felt.

Solace sought
but not found
furthering their agony.  

Too sad to live
too broken to move
they lie there

barely getting by
yet somehow
finds the strength
to carry on.
18.9k · Nov 2014
MonkeyZazu Nov 2014
Innocent tornado of joy,
adorable wind of air,
I'm blown away
by your presence.

Your energy
simply put
raw exuberance,
overwhelms me
in to submission.

Caught in your gust
lost in your playful spin,
I never had a chance.

Your just too cute!! :)
#spiritscience - good topic carien XD
15.4k · Dec 2015
Leaves leave
MonkeyZazu Dec 2015
Naked branches
now scratch
cold wind

Leaves fell
and with them
his coping

with him
thoughts stay
no longer swaying
15.1k · Sep 2014
Repercussions of Caring
MonkeyZazu Sep 2014
There’s a pain in my heart
that’s slowly tearing me apart
because I saw what they did to you.
Visualizing your pain
the agony you went through
I too
am now
Taxi to the Dark Side

CIA Torture - Guantanamo Bay Prisoner Lifts Lid: Russell Brand The Trews (E211)
11.9k · Jul 2014
Living Wonders
MonkeyZazu Jul 2014
We are living wonders.
Our bodies, our minds, our souls,
unfathomably intricate beyond all knowing.
The true essence our being,
a microcosm of unlimited possibility.

Living in wonder.
Behold the marvels of this vast universe.
Consumed by the mysterious unknown,
desperately we seek to understand it,
eagerly trying to grasp all that is.

Wondering why we live.
What purpose is there for our existence.
Many say this. Others say that.
All answers become more questions.
Forever we wonder.

We are living wonders,
Living in wonder,
Wondering why we live.
11.5k · May 2014
MonkeyZazu May 2014
The path lies right in front of me
clear of obstacles and paved quite nicely
I hesitate to walk on it, until I absolutely have to
I avoid the path that if traveled
Leads me, gets me closer to my goals
But still
I stray away from it
Preffering to stay where I am
Where mostly
I just find
exactly what was here yesterday
MonkeyZazu Aug 2014
Your differences, my differences
Is what brought us apart.
Your differences, my differences
Is why we lost our hearts.
Your differences, my differences
Is why we couldn't restart.

Unfortunately, things never got any better.
But regardless, I'll still love you forever.
9.2k · Nov 2014
MonkeyZazu Nov 2014
Darkness loves me too much
Always has me in a tight hold
It loosens it grip every now and then
But never really lets me go

Because it consumes all color
It's able to create any illusion
Sometimes I believe it's not there
But really, who am I foolin'

Darkness always surrounds me
Always lingers over my shoulder
Simulating fake happiness and warmth
Only making me colder

For now I endure the shadows
Try to put up a good fight
Still stumbling through darkness lost,
A blind man searching for light
8.4k · Aug 2014
MonkeyZazu Aug 2014
This world
filled with so many lies and misconceptions,
I find it hard to thrive, hard to make meaningful connections.
Life constantly focused on money, what to buy, on endless consumption,
is not a life I want to live, and is one that I'll eventually walk away from.
For now, like most, I endure; life enjoyed is seldom.
Just trying to be myself,
trying not to lose my mind in this ****** up conundrum
we call society.
Azedia - Something
MonkeyZazu Aug 2014
You took my breath away,
but not in a good way.  
Loving you was like breathing without oxygen; impossible.
Yet I tried anyways,
and suffocated.
7.4k · Dec 2014
Unwanted Gift
MonkeyZazu Dec 2014
is at times
an unwanted gift.
The sentiment is nice
but sometimes I think  
having the receipt would be nicer.
Maybe then it could be returned.
Maybe then enough money would be given back
for a new one.
6.9k · May 2015
MonkeyZazu May 2015
Words flow for hours into the late night
I grow a little tired but it's all right,
for I'm not ready to depart.

As our words dance around one another
as we exchange ideas between each other,
I begin to see your heart.

You and I are not that different
even though there is some distance,
we are not that far apart.

My thoughts are very fond of yours
talking to you is not a chore,
I enjoyed you from the start.

You might wonder if I'm blind
but I assure you, I see just fine,
you're a beautiful piece of art.

6.3k · Jan 2015
MonkeyZazu Jan 2015
the closer you are
the harder it will be to see
everything that i am.
I will only appear to you
blurred and distorted.
if you really want to see me,
know me for all that i am,
get back, back away.
moving in closer is not the right way.
you see
your focus can't stay fixed
for life is a blur
and you'll constantly have to change your perspective
to truly see it
to  truly see me
and everything that we are.
6.2k · May 2015
MonkeyZazu May 2015
Sadness collapses the faculties that hold together reality

the observer lost in painful recollection,
experiences life with no feeling of the present

A silent numbness takes over the senses,
a muted movie plays.
The zombie walks forward
hoping for better days
Sad truth -
5.7k · Apr 2014
Walking In Spring
MonkeyZazu Apr 2014
Puddles on the ground,
reflect the heavens above.
Cloud filled skies calm me.
Flowers bloom, behold the sun,
praising the warmth that grew them.
5.2k · Nov 2014
MonkeyZazu Nov 2014
Blazing within me
burning me inside out  
roaring fires of hatred
igniting with every anger filled thought
engulf my soul.
Soon enough
ashes will bury me.
4.5k · Jan 2015
Rose trend.
MonkeyZazu Jan 2015
we are in
an upward trend
where everything is beautiful roses.
let's not descend
because all we'll have then
are thorns.
4.3k · Sep 2015
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
dawning radiance
showers anew
day within
my soul

soft warm glow
gently brings
my sleeping dreams
to rest

blissfully tranquil
adores this placid
4.2k · Sep 2015
Hippie Poem
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
let's disappear for a while,
let go of everything we know and have.
let's be
in the oneness of the universe
letting go of fear
holding on to love
each other
and peace.

Craving the flower hippy days
where everyone was chill and lay,
soaking up the sun rays.

real lie nation.
let truth be the goal and destination
of heart, soul
craving information
to create an elevation
in mind.

Silence =
the sequel
to life.

4.0k · Jul 2014
They don't die silent
MonkeyZazu Jul 2014
In my cloudy eyes,
blurred visions of sadness,
storms rage without fear.
In this furry, tears
spur out of the madness
and die.

Those, they who see it all
lost in the real,
enlighten us to the
hard knock truths of life
while everyone else stumbles
in and out of fairytale dreams and illusions
of which have no meaning.

Dieing before their time
storms continue to rage
not only in my eyes
but in my heart.
Their words
etched into eternity
forever echoing
reassuring that
they don't die silent.
R.I.P suicide poets and writers.
4.0k · Aug 2014
Silicon Veins
MonkeyZazu Aug 2014
Shooting myself with another needle of cutting edge,
my desire for the latest and greatest continues my addiction.
Where's my IV!? I need more electricity.
Without constantly being jacked in and distracted by others,
I’m left with the one thing I can’t bare to endure – myself.
Who needs dreams when exist
virtual realities of dazzling graphical effects,
unreal visuals that I’m actually conscious of.
Screens dispersing artificial radiance bare all,
but blind me from what's real.
Google is my omnipotent god.
3.4k · Jun 2014
Appreciation for Tribulation
MonkeyZazu Jun 2014
I am thankful for the struggle.

Only in death,
in the turbulence of losing everything that I am,
do I feel alive.

Existing in moments such as these,
where the continuum of ones own way of life
isn't guaranteed,
it allows me to have an overwhelming appreciation
for what I have here,
in this moment.
3.3k · Dec 2015
Material Things
MonkeyZazu Dec 2015
I've never had the luxury of material things,
but I'm starting to think that it was a blessing.
I find it easy to give up any material thing,
and do not find it the least bit depressing.
More than I, if someone needs this material thing,
come to me and I will give it to you.
For I hold no attachment to material things,
because I've only had but a few.
2.7k · Sep 2014
Dark Residue
MonkeyZazu Sep 2014
In the darkness thinking
remembering your light
always brought me peace

calmed the storm within
but, some thoughts
are just too dark

for even your light
to reach.
Edited by - Maggie Emmett
MonkeyZazu Nov 2013
I'm lost in the jungle. It's so dense and vast.
Makes me wonder if I'll ever get out.
I keep moving forward, trying to escape.
It's no use though. The darkenss misleads me.
Continuously in circles I wander.

It's so hard to move. The vines engulf me.  
Tangled in them I struggle.
If only I had a blade, a machete of some sort.
Something to free me, detach me,
let me flow through this jungle as the river does.    
Constricted, alone with my discomfort,
I deal with the vines myself. Embrace them, natural and bare.
It's hard. Feels almost impossible.  
But on my own, by myself, of my own will, I sever them.  
A subtle gratitude is felt. A sense of accomplishment expereinced.

Glimmers of light sparkle through the canopy. A path emerges.
It was obscured in the shadows of the vines.
On this path the jungle feels so different.
Observing the trees and creatures,
There's a calmness, a peaceful harmony.
The path leads to a peak. At that summit I gaze the treetops.
Shining radience touches everything. Many paths lead to this peak.    
Seeing the jungle as it really is, I ponder. A realization is had.
No matter where in the jungle I am, the sun is always shining.
Whether I can see it or not, a pathway out is always there.

Within the jungle I was lost.
Above the jungle I am found.
This poem goes out to anyone experiencing depression. Hopefully you can break free from the mental obstacles(vines) of that mindset and find the way out.
2.6k · Feb 2016
Little Brother
MonkeyZazu Feb 2016
my wisdom is wasted on you.
i share and share
and still you know not what to do.
when life's too much, you gaze and grieve
but be assured
leaves won't always be there to ease.
do not mistake yourself big
for you are truly little -
a weak resolve and your heart is so brittle.
you need to grow up and actually live
you need not only take, but actually give
stop trying not to be hurt and not hurt others
there's a balance in everything
and you need to find it, brother.
Higher self speaking down to the lower aspects of my being.
2.5k · Jan 2015
Endless Possibility
MonkeyZazu Jan 2015
Without a clear image of you in mind,

freedom to create you is mine.

But I won't make you into anything.

I will not commit the crime of giving you form.

I would never put a shell around your being,

for it's your raw substance I awe in.

Your formlessness is what I admire.

In this state you are any and everything to me

Possibly endless,
you are an endless possibility.
2.3k · Jul 2014
Wrong Escalator
MonkeyZazu Jul 2014
It just dawned on me.

This whole time
I've been trying to go up
unknowingly walking,
on the escalator that takes you down.

No wonder
has been at a stand still.
How else
could a person
walk in the same direction for years on end
without going anywhere.

you have those people
who barely take two steps,
and they're there...
Makes so much sense now.  

Word to the wise -
walk a path
that's a little less
2.2k · Jul 2015
Glass Eyes
MonkeyZazu Jul 2015
Not enough pain was felt
to cry
so I just sat here alone
with glass eyes
thinking, trying to figure out why
the worlds too cold
for angels to fly
Ed Sheeran - The A Team
2.2k · Sep 2015
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
Regardless the pain
the day to day suffering
try to maintain
a sane mind.

Depressing thoughts will come
naturally like the weather
creating dark, shadowy clouds within mind.
Your life might become frozen,
put in standstill bind
but stay calm, try to unwind
be aware of the coming sunshine.

Overcoming adversity
refines the spirit, creating true beauty
in how you now have the ability
to help others with their insecurities.
You can be their purity,
the living example of what could be.
2.1k · Aug 2014
Fear of Dying
MonkeyZazu Aug 2014
I tell myself I'm not afraid of dying.
But in truth,
the closer I get to perishing,
the more fearful I become of death.
I'll do almost anything to resist it.
In doing so, living life
becomes unbearable.
Never still, cuz death
is right around the corner.
2.0k · Jul 2015
MonkeyZazu Jul 2015
Each remembrance
of her kiss
leaves me in
an agonizing bliss.

Her passion and love, I admire.
It fuels and ignites
these chemical fires.

coursing through my veins,
engulfing me
in lust filled flames.

My love for her
itches at my flesh.
I can only suppress
these feelings
for moments
at best.

I'm forced to endure
for this is the consequence
of loving her.
TMN <3
1.9k · Jul 2014
Philosophy of killing a fly
MonkeyZazu Jul 2014
Power resides in action.
Please ponder on this abstraction.

The ability to carry out,
to produce great outcomes,
is something we are not without.
You can determine what becomes.

why did the fly have to die?
why did the fly stay alive?

The reasons as to why
are of many, but
mainly come down to

logic or feeling.

Either or, to what extent, do you choose?
Either or, to what extent, do you lose?

Taken to the extreme,
both valid beyond choice.
But which is the supreme,
of which you will voice?
1.8k · May 2015
A lady hit my car
MonkeyZazu May 2015
the sky was crying
I could already tell she was lying
... why is this happening to me

earlier experiences omen the bad to come
but lately the bad's been so seldom
... I didn't want it to be

when it happen, I wasn't mad at you then
in all honesty, I wanted to be your friend
... pass anger your eyes couldn't see

in that moment, out of desperation
you made things worse by fogging the situation
... now no one will believe your plea

in the future, own up to what you've done
don't be dishonest and try to run
... the truth will set you free
Even though she holds the liability
Even though her actions and lying are making things hard for me
I still feel sorry for her.
Is that wrong?
1.7k · Feb 2015
Leap Year
MonkeyZazu Feb 2015
Let's be like leap year.
Let's leap through time
leaving behind
all our agony and tears.
Let's head to a future
where surrounded by close peers
we could just be ourselves,
no longer filled with fear.
We'd do things our way.
No longer would we adhere
to a broken system and society  
where things are never as they appear.
There would be no such ambiguity.
Things would be done in complete sincerity.
We would be the premier engineers
in this radical new frontier.
So, if your ready
let's leave this time behind
let's leap to a better future,
a future with a little more peace of mind.
1.5k · Sep 2014
MonkeyZazu Sep 2014
Your lying there, dead.
Corpse slowly rotting,
flies hover around
your mutilated flesh.

Sorry but
your life, your existence
wasn't as important
as someone getting to work on time.

it's now that your dead
lying there
that we take the time to swerve
and not hit you.
Thoughts had while driving past roadkill this morning. Watching people swerving, trying not to hit it, made me wonder why it wasn't done in the first place.
1.5k · Mar 2015
MonkeyZazu Mar 2015
Walking through this life of darkness
the only visible lights were
the stars that burn billions of miles away,
their clarity dependent upon
the number of thoughts clouding my skies.
Occasionally the moon would hint at a light just around the corner.
So, in that direction I walked,
in that direction I struggled,
never a %100 sure of it being the right way.
But right now the skies are becoming brighter with each step.
It seems dawn will soon be upon me.
1.4k · Jan 2015
MonkeyZazu Jan 2015
clouded by the darkness of experience
in between the cracks of sanity and despair
tiny shimmers glistening with the divine light of truth appear
resonating and reverberating everything in your wake.

let it take you home.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Night Time
MonkeyZazu Jul 2014
Night time is
the time to be alive
a time to thrive
the time to be
everything yet nothing.
at night time
many forms come about
without substance
they might as well be
an empty glass of water.

Night time madness
roars in the shadows
tip toeing between
shimmers of artificial radiance
followed by a maniac fever
that dances on the edge
of the incurable.
An influenza of self-indulgence
that leaves you in
a perpetual euphoria.
1.2k · Jul 2014
MonkeyZazu Jul 2014
Tired, but
instead of sleeping
I wake up.

I know not what to,
only that I want to.

In those places
I find myself
1.2k · Sep 2015
MonkeyZazu Sep 2015
Moonlit late night
clear mind and insights,
realizations had.

As I ponder on my love for her
lost in the wonder of being her lover
I understand what she means to me
I realize what I want to be

Not an "object" of her affection
No, not an uncontrollable obsession
but a nice cool refreshment
for her being.

Ideally she'll come, dip into me
I'll engage and wash away
all her misfortunes and worries.

Not being stagnant like a pond,
but more like a river that continues to flow on
washing over her
with new experiences.  

A catalyst for her greatest
keeping her vibration high
and her spirit weightless.

Evolving and growing,
not controlling,
but easygoing.

Ultimately I want to be
myself and uphold honesty.
Continue to adore her geometry,
and impress her with my poetry.
TMN <3
1.1k · Aug 2015
Meditative Reflection
MonkeyZazu Aug 2015
in stillness
I saw the movement of heart and mind.
it was then i realized it was time
to let go and unwind.
now, i feel fine

more than fine
it really is sublime
this feeling...
it's a state of healing,
a pealing away of being
seeing more than I am

was engulfed
by thoughts, lost in the chaos
the shadows moving
i wonder if it's proving
that there's more than just light
maybe let's not fight
the dark

in that shadowy realm of thought
a silent angel sat down and taught
me the tribulations of what was sought.

it was natural to feel that way
never will i forget that day
i found myself, within myself
and then
there was really nothing left to say,
only to forgive.
in that moment, it was time to live
1.1k · Sep 2016
MonkeyZazu Sep 2016
to what end will i repeat
past mistakes that make me weep
past regrets that take my best
to lay down and put to rest

to what degree will i pursue
that reassurance overdue
the reassurance that will never come
from you
or anyone

to what extent will i keep thinking
that we could've done it and you weren't faking
that you really wanted
it and me
to live forever after
advice: keep the past where it should be left - behind you.
1.1k · Aug 2014
MonkeyZazu Aug 2014
Our relationship has always been bumpy,
harboring nothing more than hatred and discontent
towards one another.
A part of me held hope that things would get better
between you and I,
between mother and son,
    the words
          you said
              that day...

"That's your problem - always asking why. You need to stop asking questions all the time, and just do what your told."

In that moment
I knew
that all hope was lost,
for your son is a wonderer
and will never stop wondering.
Until you understand that,
I guess you'll always consider me a misbehaved brat.
1.0k · Nov 2015
Feeling sun again
MonkeyZazu Nov 2015
The goddess spoke.
Her mouth opening like
clouds letting sun through.
Her words, shimmering
blessed him
with warmth again.
TMN <3
1.0k · Jun 2015
MonkeyZazu Jun 2015
I've been blessed
by a goddess
in disguise.
Her everyday dress
tries to suppress
but doesn't fool me.
I understand
who she is

Kindness incarnated.
Through her
in a sense
I feel liberated.
Judgement is non-existent,
for her love
only knows
Redemption is her touch.
That feeling...
Her love...
I just can't get enough. (pun intended ;)

her transience...
I'm left in pain
from her absence.
my faith
still remains.

Has she pulled
the wool
over my eyes?
Maybe so
I admit it
I'm hypnotized.  
Mesmerized even.
Right now
her love
is the only thing
I believe in.
TMN <3

Blacked Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
1.0k · Sep 2014
MonkeyZazu Sep 2014
At the edge of lost
stumbling through life
without meaning,
barely grasping purpose,
shimmering beings of light
find me
pulling me up
from the deepest depths
of my darkness.
They wonder why
they keep finding me
lurking down there
in the shadows.
I tell them
it happens whenever
they let go of my hands,
thoughts never hesitate
to grab them,
dragging me back down to that place.
Sometimes I can resist
but when their numbers multiply,
I'm helpless.
To that they replied-
thoughts manifest and multiply
from an over active mind.
Calm your mind
still your spirit
and you should be able
to overcome them.
1.0k · Jul 2016
MonkeyZazu Jul 2016
Ash lit eyes
Lost in cloud filled skies
Searching for an answer

Grieving in the chemicals
Looking for a miracle
Maybe a happily ever after

Smokey grey emotions
Insides still unwoven
To myself I cant be the actor

Head rushes past self
Slowly past everything else
Wish I was fading a little faster
1.0k · Nov 2013
MonkeyZazu Nov 2013
There's something about living in this ice cold desert called loneliness.
Just makes you appreciete the little things in life.

Like when someone gives you a hug,
its like the sun peaks up over the horizon,
filling your body with overwhelming warmth,
melting away all the ice,
thawing out your frozen soul.

Feels so **** good...

You hope that it'll be everlasting and never leave,
but the sun sets,
and it does.

Now your cold again.
1.0k · Jun 2015
What's wrong?
MonkeyZazu Jun 2015
In short, I'm ******...
Honestly can't believe
I gave up your bliss,
for this?

******* galore,
doing nothing but menial chores.
As usual, at first
it's always a pretty door.
Then you step in and soon realize
you don't wanna be here anymore.

At first it was ok,
but it always goes down this way.
You try to fit in,
but they're all riding on
a different hay wagon.

Bliss filled ignorance
dipped in chocolate
then giving me ****
because I'm not eating it.

And talent...
it's always hidden before seen.
So before they've see mine
there's no point in them being mean.
They're smiling, but I can tell they're faking
I find it a little irritating.
I'm tired of suppressing these feelings
but now I'm thinking I need to express them,
so I can begin the process of healing.

I'm a little on edge, please be wary
my state of mind is sure to vary.
To the next ******* who denies my being
a big fat F U is what you'll be seeing!
Guts over fear
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