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2.4k · Sep 2015
Luann Jung Sep 2015
Honey is sweet.
Honey is sweet as it's
poured into my throat
in a never ending stream.
But there comes a time
when I am too drunk
on the sugar to
notice that the
sweetness is too thick
for me to
continue to
choke down
2.3k · Jan 2017
On Being Left Behind
Luann Jung Jan 2017
It only hurts when I think about it,
but it hurts not to think about it.
Although there are multitudes of stars
brilliant against the night, all of that fades
when the moon is missing—
when the moon has run away
to orbit another planet—
when I said that I loved you and only you
and so the moon grew dim for me and only me.

And now if I crunch an apple between my teeth,
I pretend it is the heart you proved I had.
And if I hear euphony—trickles of water in dreams—
and if I see a crimson-throated bird crying into the fog,
I think of you and I think of me.
Then I think of me without you,
which means I think of nothing.
And finally I think of how these are only words
that you will never read.
Because there is no light to read them by,
as the moon's brilliance has danced away.
1.8k · May 2016
6 Word Poems
Luann Jung May 2016
Grow up: airplanes aren't shooting stars.

You're beautiful yet cold, like snow.

Someday I will meet you there.
Inspired by Ernest Hemingway
1.8k · Jan 2017
i was happy once
Luann Jung Jan 2017
i search for memories buried under
miles of debris and find
that i remember i was happy once.

i scour my memories so hard until i can
no longer tell if my hands are bleeding
blood or rust.
this is where i realize that i do not
remember what happiness feels like.

is it more depressing to have never
been happy,
or to know you were happy once
without knowing
what it meant
      what it was
             what it felt like
                   that you'd lose it . . .
1.8k · May 2016
Loss Of A Twin
Luann Jung May 2016
Today the clouds are beautiful
wispy trails of lace-fine droplets.
Somehow, everything is almost the same
even without you.
Maybe this is a sign that I can move on,
that I am moving on.
That I can step onto that shimmering
watery surface and not sink into
a crystal clear wave of memories.
Let me go, and I will promise
to relive you in every breath,
every glance, every smile.
Somewhere in those clouds, you are
waiting for me. Someday when
my life has become lighter than this,
I will join the clouds
to find you.
1.4k · Sep 2015
Luann Jung Sep 2015
Someday the sun
will stop shining and die.
And if that means
that it will be too dark
for me to see you anymore,
I would rather die
with it.
1.3k · Sep 2015
Love Is Not For Everyone
Luann Jung Sep 2015
Love is not for everyone
Love manifests itself in the darkest places,
in the dingy, cracked-tile linoleum
of strangely lit rooms with
flickering bulbs and glazed
eyes staring into the glass
but seeing nothing
on the other side.

Love is not for everyone
Love escapes from the grasps of those who
are the most desperate.
Trailing from their fingers like the
thick, spider-web smoke
of smoldering cigarettes
and the lazy twirl
of a steamy breath
on a winter day.

Love is not for everyone
Love flames and burns the world,
setting alight anything anyone
once told you about life.
Love consumes
and then spits hearts out like
a machine, fine tuned for
efficiency and not meaning.

Love is not for everyone
Love smiles with gleaming white teeth
that hide a black rot deep
under the shiny pearls of illusion.
Love brushes a hand over
people who least expect it, and
love leaks from eyes in
shimmery crystal rain drops.

Love is not for everyone
Love is made OV LiEs
1.0k · May 2019
Luann Jung May 2019
your breath brushes
my skin
soft soft soft
like your hair
like my thighs.
and as we sigh in sync
everything feels right enough
for me to forget the loneliness
that led me to you
in the first place.
lying under strings of lights
breathing in time with you
i could sleep here
as long as forever means
just for tonight
984 · May 2016
We and Us are Ours
Luann Jung May 2016
Everything I own, I carry with me:
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
It has done me good because of the color of the wheat
But love is not a victory march

Herta Müller
e.e. cummings
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Leonard Cohen
No copyright infringement intended; only trying to be creative in the presentation of four quotes that I happen to like.
897 · Sep 2015
Luann Jung Sep 2015
There is a bag of peaches
in the refrigerator
However, I'm afraid
that they've gone bad
And left a soggy puddle
of juice in the drawer.

I believe this is because
I was saving them for you,
And you were saving them for me  
So no one ate them.
Wrapped in a blanket of caring,
They wasted away,
Like I will if you leave
880 · Sep 2015
I Have Math Today
Luann Jung Sep 2015
Wow graphing calculator.
I could spend so much
time tracing a function
up to infinity, but you will
never let me get there.
864 · Sep 2015
Escape Hatch
Luann Jung Sep 2015
I wrote a poem about you
yesterday. At least, I
think it was yesterday.
It could have been the day
before yesterday, or
the day before that.
I wouldn't know.
I stopped putting
the dates on all my poems
because they only reminded
me of how many days
I was wasting missing you.
Or maybe I just stopped
remembering what day
it was, so that I could imagine
that time wasn't carrying you
away and leaving me behind.
It's funny that I'm
suffering so much, when
I was the one who left you.
I will never make it off of this
sinking ship of ours.
I am drowning
in my own escape hatch.
851 · May 2016
Three Days
Luann Jung May 2016
It hurt me to see you. You,
with your unbelievably broken life and
irreparably broken heart. Back then, it hurt me to
watch you support your little sister
with vibrant words and
warm hugs even as the ice in
your eyes cracked and froze
endlessly on repeat, swelling with a tide of
emotions that never broke.
It hurt to know that you would never
accept anything I offered you because of your
stubborn, beautiful pride.
It was so painful to watch your life,
so fast-paced and so dark and so emotional,
speeding its way into an abyss that I could not see.
It hurt me that I loved you.
It hurts me that I still love you.
It hurts me that you never had the
opportunities that others had, and that you
lived the way you did not because you had chosen to
do so, but because your weary heart wore a sign
that said you must suffer.
It is sad to think that someday, when I no longer
have your momentary smiles to hold onto,
I will think back to this moment and wonder
if there was anything more I could've done to save you.
It hurts that no matter how many questions I ask,
they will never be answered, because there
is no one here who understands that we can only
meet again when it is spring . . .
but it is winter now.
And it will be winter
Just a tiny little pain
Three days of heavy rain
Three days of sunlight
Everything will be alright
-Antonia Michaelis
765 · May 2016
Luann Jung May 2016
Today I confessed that I loved you,
but you did not hear me, because I whispered it
into the thumb hole of your softest sweatshirt.
You asked what I had said and I
only smiled coyly because I am wary to
say it too many times that it loses its meaning.
I hope that even though you didn't hear me,
the moment will be preserved forever
for us to think back and remember
that sometimes the most important
words are the ones that
are never said
but always
729 · Nov 2018
Luann Jung Nov 2018
i spent so many seconds
bled into minutes
into hours
into days
thinking of you

what hurts most
is that i know you haven’t done the same.
somewhere out there
you sleep

the sun is coming up
and my blistering eyes can barely
stand to see it.
i’ve gone blind
looking for what we used to be

even when i sleep
when i dream
of you still caring
i just want to wake up.
i want the dreams to end.
it hurts to face
what i can’t have

in this rubble
i see pieces of us
and i pick them up even though
i don’t know what i’ll do with them.
the glue that held them together
is so very gone
705 · Sep 2015
Luann Jung Sep 2015
There is a blue area in my heart
It is neither dark nor light
not the sky or the ocean.
Instead, it is somewhere
in between, where the birds
and the ships disappear
into nothing as they become
smaller and smaller and
more and more isolated.
There is a strange space in my heart
It is neither here or there.
It is made up of the differences between
eyes and seeing and observing.
It is made up of the change between
one wave and the next and the next.
There is a black circle in my heart
It is black, that's for sure, because
there is nothing beyond it.
Like an empty hole facing the
darkness of oblivion, looking in is the
same from both sides. And slowly,
like an infection, the blackness
spreads until it becomes bigger
than I could ever be.
573 · May 2016
Luann Jung May 2016
I dare not look up for fear of the brilliance of the sun,
yet I will never look down either
for I hide from the darkness of the smoky fabric
of my soul.
I do not look forward because I am afraid
that the strings which connect me to what is dear
will break and leave me reeling backwards
like a fish out of water.
I cannot look behind lest I be reminded
of all the mistakes I wish I could take back.
I will not look here or there or at
this or that because I believe I am weak
and lacking in so many things.
But in truth, I am just waiting for
someone to tell me that I am strong
and that I will make it, and that the only place
I need to look is
of myself.
566 · May 2016
Golden Laughter
Luann Jung May 2016
Tell me why I left you
Why the fox escaped to gray
You believed in all my promises
But nothing I've ever said was true.

"You'll be back next summer, right?"
You asked, full of hope
"I'll be back every summer."
Grimace twisting like a rope

Your smile lit up my days
But oh, how sparkling eyes do fade
Life was shining, we were brave
Until the day I went away

Maybe I was just too shy
Maybe I was small and weak
I'll be strong now, I won't cry
I'll be lonely in my sleep

I didn't know I wanted to leave
It still shocks me all the time
I hope that you can rest in peace
Away from all my desperate lies

I wanted to be with you again
Before we parted ways
But hesitation choked my breath
Filled with words I couldn't say

With our fingers intertwined
We would've left the past behind
Yet somehow time escaped us
Amongst the singing stars and gold and wine

With my final fragile breath
I have left these words for you
With the sounds of all the laughter
We, as lovers, never knew
547 · Sep 2015
I Know Nothing
Luann Jung Sep 2015
I woke up this morning
and thought I saw you.
I was so scared, I
shrank away, waiting
for your fists to batter
my body. But then
I looked again
and it was only my
reflection in the mirror.
And I think that
scared me more.
527 · Sep 2015
Full Time Jobs
Luann Jung Sep 2015
You're so good at breaking
hearts that I honestly
can't say I'm surprised
to know you've taken
it up for a living.
511 · Sep 2015
My Heart Must Be Empty
Luann Jung Sep 2015
I don't know why at eighteen,
one year after we had started dating,
I didn't leave when I realized
that I didn't love you.
Maybe it was because when
you whispered "I love you."
"You're so beautiful."
"Promise we'll be together forever."
I saw the passion in your eyes
and told myself I'd give
my heart one more year to
decide it loved you back.

Except at nineteen, when you
and I moved into an apartment
at college together, I still
felt empty when I lay beside
you. I tormented myself
so much. I wanted so badly to
fall in love with you, so that
I wouldn't have to hurt you
later on. But at twenty-four,
five years later, when you pulled
out a ring and proposed, I
realized I had waited too long
for my heart to find something
that didn't even exist.
491 · Sep 2015
In Love With Nothing
Luann Jung Sep 2015
I think I am in love with
the way your words
mean nothing when you
say them.
I must be in love with
the empty promises
that spill off your lips
like poisoned wine.
The only logical explanation
is that I am in love with the
way you kiss other girls
like I'm not standing right
there beside you.
That must be it.
Why else would I have
stayed this long?
Luann Jung Nov 2015
Her name is Lillia,* and I think
               I love her. Her name is Lillia and
   I think I love her and she smells like
             caramelized marshmallows with Honey
                                                           ­                Crisp apples.
                              Or was it Braeburn?
    She smells like Anjou pears and one
           day old rose petals (Scentimental, I think
            they’re called). Her soul would put feathers
                                                to shame with its lightness. When
                       she says my name I hear the crystal echo
        of wolves among the cliffs, and the ******
  of fluted champagne glasses swirling
                              merry contents. Her waist
                                   is like an hourglass where time
                          melts away in a daring drip of
         ­    Her name is Lillia and I don’t quite
                                      remember how I met her but it’s okay
             because I’m here and she’s here and
                                                             ­        the end justifies the means, right?
Her name is Lillia and I want her
                    to stay with me until all of the stars
    in this starry night become hers. Her name
                        is Lillia, and I am too transfixed by her
        hair swaying in the breeze to notice
                            that she has already walked
                *farther away than I could ever follow.
475 · Dec 2015
Dance Me Back Down
Luann Jung Dec 2015
On this day, in this moment
suspended in time, I cannot tell if I am falling
through the world or if the world is
falling past me.

My life is a falling star.
An ancient soul with
nowhere to go but down. Nowhere
to run but away.

The sky is so cold and lined
with frost, grandiose in its sharpness.
Don't catch me as I'm falling,
lest I burn through your hands.

I am a falling star, with
a life as short as a flash and as
deep as a black hole. I am
a broken thing that still shines.
470 · Mar 2016
I will stop fishing
Luann Jung Mar 2016
I am pretty sure that I should stop fishing alone. It is kind of
stupid to go there and spend all my time but find nothing.
What's worse is that it was dark and any sound could
make me feel scared. I didn't feel so scared when we went
fishing together even if it was dark.

So even though you are only six years old, you are
absolutely important. You make me very brave.
Now I am not brave any more.

I hope you can be brave there.

465 · May 2019
Luann Jung May 2019
i thought i already knew what it felt like
to lose someone forever.
and yet, i still sit here shellshocked
in my mind i imagine
the crunch of metal
grinding in my ears
over and over.
you were probably
asleep in the backseat.
one moment, dreaming
the next,

last year
i lost a bet with you
"you have to go out
to get hotpot with me
at least once"
you said.

last week
you told me
you weren't feeling so well
-- not sick --
just sad.
and though you mentioned
you brushed it off
"nah you're right,
we haven't gotten hotpot yet.
i can't just die"

but then you did.

last night
at 5:20pm
you texted me
"this car ride is so longgggg
i made a meme
do u wanna see it"
i didn't respond until
the next day,
but last night
by 6:47pm
you were already gone.

and i sit here now
in the steam of hotpot for two,
hands pressed against my eyes
i can feel my eyelids trembling
bitter bitter tears dripping
into the broth.
but it makes no difference to me.
hotpot will always
be bitter
without you
rest in peace
438 · Nov 2015
Take Me Somewhere Better
Luann Jung Nov 2015
I am standing here alone
In this room of empty sighs
Pressing blades upon my skin
Trying not to close my eyes

What is there to bring me comfort?
Who is there when it gets rough?
Tell me why it won’t get better:
I’m not pressing hard enough.
383 · Sep 2015
Luann Jung Sep 2015
You are an itch in my skull,
in my ears, that I
cannot get rid of
no matter how many
ways I try to
rip my brain out.
353 · Jan 2017
i know
Luann Jung Jan 2017
hurt me harder
make me feel

crush my breath
these shards of glass
277 · Dec 2018
Luann Jung Dec 2018
funny how something
i thought would feel liberating
has me shackled tighter
than ever

i'd been seething
with anger and disappointment
sorrow, exhaustion
but with the burner extinguished
now im emptier than before

do you ever drip tears
of lead
of mercury?
heavy metals that
carve tracks in your face
as you
carve someone out of your life

existing is exhausting
guess we really are
219 · Dec 2018
it's for the best
Luann Jung Dec 2018
it's for the best

before you
i never understood why
people hold onto the things
that hurt them most.
i put you above myself
and through the pain
i told myself it was for the best

my mind was a sieve
every drop of anger felt
but easily washed away
to reveal the broken love remaining:
too large to let go

i don't regret us
but i've come to terms with
the fact that
i cannot blame myself for our end.
i cannot blame myself
for loving
even though it hurt me

in need of catharsis
how can i let go of something
i've spent so long cherishing?

as i let go of you it will hurt
but this time when it hurts
this time
i will not be wrong to say
this hurt is for the best
166 · Nov 2018
Luann Jung Nov 2018
don’t quite understand
can’t quite understand

it’s like when you take a staged picture
everyone is smiling
the picture is taken.
within a moment
everyone’s smile drops
where did we go wrong?

i want so badly
so so badly
for us to be worth it.
all signs point to no
and yet i persist
a fish swimming against the current
too weak to overcome the flow
too weak to let go and turn around

i can only hope
our time together meant something
to you.
that i’m not alone in thinking
what we had was special.
that i am not alone
are we over?
129 · Jul 2019
death of a poet
Luann Jung Jul 2019
i cant remember the day when i
stopped thinking in poems.
when i stopped wondering
why my life is how it is.
dumb and dumber
numb and number

nothing that belongs to you
belongs to me;
you are your own
and so
you could never be mine

i cant find the things i dreamt about
i cant find the fuel to dream
april 2018

— The End —