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Cherisse May Oct 2018
one less spoonful.
i repeat, and eat less.
one less kilogram.
i repeat, and eat less.

as i look at my own reflection in the mirror,
as if to mock me,
it's all the same;
i am still not enough.

one less craving.
i say, as my stomach grumbles.
one less meal.
i say, as the bile comes rushing in, forcing its way out.

one less spoonful.
i say, as i head to the comfort room after a meal.
one less kilogram.
i say, as i force my fingers into my mouth, expelling the contents of my own stomach.
i need help.
Cherisse May Sep 2018
drown me.
drown me in your scent, like waves crashing,
the sea that used to be calm made a tsunami,
and left marks of yourself.

you make me feel whole.
addicting, intoxicating, like alcohol;
like drugs, drowning in ecstasy,
let me drown in you.
for my friend, whose girlfriend smells like heaven in a bottle,
whose scent becomes addicting.

Mabango na jacket mo, J.
Cherisse May May 2017
Talk to me
Save me from the monsters
Inside my head

Talk to me
I don't want to die
Trying to fend off my thoughts

Talk to me
Because I can't seem to say anything
Because my mind is louder than my own voice

Talk to me
This is a desperate cry
Begging you to save me from myself.
help me.
Cherisse May May 2017
As I step out into the world
A starry night sky greets me
And for some reason
I bump into you

And there, you apologized
Thinking you did something
That I would've been mad about
But no, all I wanted was affection

And there, you told me
How you asked her how she felt
And if she could reciprocate your feelings
And if you had a chance

And you pretended I was her
As you told your story, back hug
As you gently face me, another hug
And then and there, I felt confused
I should really stop writing poems in the middle of the night.
Cherisse May May 2017
I've always been
The rock
Underneath the gems;
Nothing but a barrier to others.

I'm always the ugly duck;
An eyesore
But follows the group
Even if I don't belong

I'm never special
Nor unique,
Nor interesting.
And yet I pretend to be.

I'm too scared to say something
In case the world hears
How pathetic I sound
And criticizes me again.
I don't even know anymore.
Cherisse May Oct 2018
let's lose sleep
thinking about how hungry we are, craving for each other,
hands rushing towards each other like waves,
greedily filling each other's void, fingers intertwined.

let's lose sleep over
thinking about the endless possibilities,
the world, even; almost anything, really,
as we lay there, the silence engulfing us.

let's lose sleep over
feeling the cold breeze of the night,
a tint of alcohol and blush on your rose dusted cheeks,
as we struggle to feel each other's warmth and heat.

let's lose sleep over
the fact that
this will only happen
in my dreams.
another day of me being fragile.

get out of my head; you're making me think about you quite often now.
Cherisse May Sep 2018
Suicide is never an option;
It's simply the last resort button,
hiding in the background, waiting to be uncovered
when everything just goes wrong.
i sound like an attention seeker but writing poems is better than actually keeping all of these nasty thoughts to myself.

at least I've reduced my attempts to almost 95% down this year.

Congrats, self.
Cherisse May Oct 2019
minsan ang sansinukob,
minsan ang namamagitan sa ating dalawa.
minsan ang kalawakan,
minsan ang hinihingi para makahinga.
Cherisse May May 2017

The most consistent lie I ever say
When I pretend to sleep
But all I can do is lie awake thinking and thinking.

Why am I still up
In a corner of a room in darkness,
Headphones blasting silence
My thoughts louder than the world.

Static noise filled with jargon
A computer screen sitting quietly
And a kid whose mind is on the run.
this definitely *****, not being able to sleep right off the bat.
Cherisse May Sep 2018
I've been so used to being lonely and self loathing that I end up pushing everyone away, hoping that it'll all go away.

This nasty feeling inside me needs to stop.

But something's telling me the only way I could ever do that is if I make myself stop.

Stop, halt. Ending.
These inner demons rising beneath my bedsheets trying to strangle me, trying to devour me whole. They're unstoppable, and I'm terrified at what I might do next.

I'm starting to lose all hope.
Cherisse May May 2017
How stupid of me
To push people away
They might pretend to care but actually don't

How stupid of me
To isolate myself
Destroying an avenue
Where I could've been helped

How stupid of me
To be like this
Attempt to ask for help
But too scared to speak up once helped.
Cherisse May Sep 2018
I tried suspending a heavy object
from my ceiling,
testing a hook ***** I found
lying around in my room.

As soon as it fell,
I took some superglue
and squeezed it onto the *****'s threads,
hoping it'll stick into the ceiling well.

Superglue advertisements often endorse
their superb sticking ability;
let's see,
can it properly hang me?
I should be studying but these nasty thoughts are consuming me.
Cherisse May Sep 2018
the first time i did it,
my neck didn't break, the rope fell,
and the ***** simply came off;
it couldn't support me.

the other attempts,
I've been trying,
but I always kept telling myself there's still
some reason out there for me to try and fight this.

I guess tonight isn't one of those days.
Here's to hoping
the superglue on my ceiling
gets to hold me nice and tight.
i hate this feeling.
Cherisse May Oct 2018
anxiety talks to me,
her velvet, silk voice, trembling, yet wrapped around me,
choking my insides, stomach twisting,
all reason gone; blinded and paralyzed by fear.

depression talks to me,
as he leans close into my ear,
as he releases a ***** sigh, an exhale of various colors,
as he feels the weight of the blade on my skin.
no voice deserves to be left to dust;
yet these voices turn me into dust.
Cherisse May May 2017
Tanga ka ba
At binabalik-balikan mo
Ang mga tweets niya
Na nagpapakitang masaya na siya sa iba?

Masaya ka ba
Na inuulit-ulit **** tingnan
Ang mga ginuhit mo para sa kanya
Na kahit ni minsan hindi ka pumasok sa isipan niya?

Bobo ka ba
At pinipili ****
Magdusa nang mag isa
Dahil gusto mo pa rin siya?

At higit sa lahat
Manhid ka ba
Dahil mas pinipili mo ang magmahal ng iba
Kaysa sa taong hanggang ngayon ay hinihintay ka?
an attempt at Filipino poetry and a ***** slap to reality to myself.
Cherisse May May 2017
The thing is
Will I matter
Even if
No one sees me?

The thing is
Will I be heard
Even if
No one chooses to hear me?

The thing is
If I let myself be drowned
By my own thoughts
Will anyone save me?
Cherisse May Jul 2018
A sad song is playing,
And I'm here,
Lying on my bed,

They always tell me
That they're there
But why does it feel like
Whatever I say won't make sense anyway?
I can't write good poems. I'm ****** as is.
Cherisse May May 2017
I'm too tired
Too tired to open my eyes
To a world
Where peace remains an ideology.

I'm too tired
Too tired to argue
And share my opinions
Because I forgot it didn't matter.

I'm too tired
Too tired to walk in a life
Where I constantly battle myself
Myself, and all these wounds and scars.

I'm too tired
Too tired to try and speak up
When people around me tell me my problems are nothing
And I end up melting ever so painfully from the inside.

And I'm too tired
To even wake up and start the day
Despite everything that has happened
Because why would I matter?
When will I get better at expressing myself?

I'm sorry.
Cherisse May Jan 2019
i love you. and i miss you.
though only the clicking of the keyboard can hear
and the silence of the night can tell,
this distance makes the night grow colder.

i want to melt in your embrace,
and no longer will i fear protecting my soul
from my demons wanting to inhale every inch of my soul;
i no longer have to fear being alone.

through glass sheets and LED screens,
i no longer have to fear to start over again
when giving away a little part of me;
i no longer have to fear opening up and letting my heart out to you.

through airplane rides and bumpy roadsides,
i no longer have to find solace in the warmth of a blanket,
or the voice over a phone,
or the presence on a screen.

love, i'll meet you soon.
i can't wait to meet you soon. hopefully. maybe.

i'm looking forward to it.

i love you, my best friend turned lover. hehe.
Cherisse May Sep 2017
To You

Shade and spiteful
How carelessly I thought
You were better than

I shouldn't have written this poem
In fear that they think I still think about you
You were a memory, long forgotten
And one I'd rather not recall.
Cherisse May May 2017
For some reason,
The nights get colder,
The days get hotter,
But we weren't getting better.

For some reason,
You weren't happier,
We saw each other lesser,
And you found someone better.

It was always like this, anyway.
I was alone with my thoughts.
Anxiety, doubt, worry.
But all you said was 'Sorry'.

I don't miss you.
I just think of your voice.
I just think of what could've been.
I don't miss you, I just long for you.
The silence of the night gives me time to think about you more and more often, and it definitely *****.
Cherisse May Mar 2019
test me
my waters have remained constant
rippling, reaching
as far as the eye can see
into the horizon; the water surrounds me
my knowledge is useless
when drowning in these waters;
i can only flail desperately
as my movements create ripples
out into the open sea
all these efforts
all in vain
all in my vein
blood rushing out
like the sea, light then heavy
then strong
like the sea, with a strong smell of salt
this time, the waters are red
and they reek of iron

test my waters
they’ve been stained crimson
with my lifeline
exam week got me in a bad light
Cherisse May May 2017
What am I
To a million people
Whose names are numbers
Waiting to be counted?

What am I
Other than a mispronounced name
And a character of no value
Who often becomes forgotten?

What am I
Aside from being a drunken thought
Whose name you scream
And whose heart wrenches at your drunken sight?

What am I
When I become frustrated
At how much I love you
But can't find the right words to say?

What am I
To you
When all I've ever been used to being
Is nothing?
I really hate drunk you. *******, and **** my worrying, anxious self.
Cherisse May Sep 2018
I've always wondered "why"
Why can't I write
Fluffy and warm poems,
Making me happy?

Why can't I write happy poems
Without hating myself?
Why can't I write about falling in love
Without cringing and deleting it?

Why are my friends
So good at writing poems
And making people feel
All these good emotions?

I want to be happy.
I want to be truly happy with whatever I'm doing.
Everyone's writing beautiful poems, and I feel happy whenever I read them. How come I can't write happy poems without sounding disgusting or trying so hard?

I want to cheer people up, too.
But I end up drowning in my self hate anyway.
I am a source of negativity,
And I'm genuinely sorry.
Cherisse May Nov 2018
I’ve never really felt
The need to write, more and more,
Until suicide notes and love letters all felt the same way.
Write more. More. Because suicide notes have started to become love letters of the ******
Cherisse May May 2017
I saw you today.
You two didn't talk
And seemed like strangers
But I knew better.

I saw you today.
You were still handsome
Attractive, oddly
And charming.

I saw you today.
I still like you.
But I know my feelings
Were nothing to you.
But despite all that, you two were a pretty sight. It just ***** because I feel like a villain for liking you.

Aren't I hilarious and cringe-worthy.
Cherisse May Oct 2018
you're a photograph,
grayed out and dissolved by time,
washed away by an ocean of tears;
you're a photograph no longer occupying my album called my heart.
the emptiness is not cause by you; rather, the absence of you.

i'm coming into terms with my own loneliness, and it seems like i'll never fully get over this horrible feeling.

rest assured, i've finally moved on.

— The End —