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Nov 2019 · 275
Missing Piece
SabreLi Nov 2019
I’ve lost my sense of gravity, lost every shred of patience
My head’s spinning one way and the Earth the other
The only gravity I understand is that of the situation
Doomed to the darkness, the fate of a broken mother

Hope lives on, too strong to die,
Or maybe I just won’t let it?
If I let go I’d do nothing but cry,
And people would surely forget it.

But how can I let that happen,
When my baby was taken from me,
And I’m still searching for answers,
Without which I’ll never be free?

Did you need to strike out on your own?
Did you have the help of a friend?
Should we be raising exposure?
Questions remain in this gaping black hole
That ruptured through my empty soul.
What happened, where did you go?
And how did your story end?
Should we be chasing closure?

I’ve lost all shred of sanity, lost my sense of peace
My body is weak but my head and heart still fight
I’m sinking into insanity searching for my missing piece
Doomed to the darkness, lost to the light

Dread seeps in, in the dead of night
Haunted by ghosts and wraiths
It’s a battle to hold on ‘til the morning light
When I try to regain my faith

And then I disappoint myself
For giving in to dismay
And somehow I find the strength
To fight another day

Did you need to strike out on your own?
Did you have the help of a friend?
Should we be raising exposure?
Questions remain in this gaping black hole
That ruptured through my empty soul.
What happened, where did you go?
And how did your story end?
Should we be chasing closure?

Copyright (C) 2019 SabreLi
In honour of the missing.
Dedicated to the loved ones who fight on.
Nov 2019 · 202
SabreLi Nov 2019
She found him in a dumpster
While searching for precious stones
She thought him just a youngster
‘Til she saw his missing bones

She realised at once
That he had been discarded
Abandoned by the ones
He’d fearlessly guarded

For he was a robot, a humanlike android
Commonplace in the future earth
Considered disposable, of feelings devoid
Due to his artificial birth

She took him in and cared for him
They built a life together
She replaced his missing limbs
And swore to leave him never

He no longer had a master
No orders to obey
She taught him love and laughter
The real human way

Over time he slowly learned to trust again
His faith was restored, his heart healed
And though it didn’t beat like normal men
He felt a love so deep it would not yield

And til her dying day he stayed
Forever with his saviour
A lifetime of love and friendship repaid
Memories he’d forever savour

The chance that she had given
Long ago in their past
Broke his algorithm
And set him free at last

He began to walk the earthly lands
Displaying humanity
For he is the last who understands
How good humans could be
Nov 2019 · 309
SabreLi Nov 2019
Stop! We need a second referendum!

Education on the topic was poor!

Quick! Introduce another addendum!

People don’t know what they were voting for!

What? You’re speaking a load of nonsense.

Anybody with eyes and ears would know,

The media bombardment was constant -

Yet the resounding answer was ‘Let’s go!’

You can’t proceed! The public are conflicted!

I beg to differ, you see I believe -

Any lack of knowledge is self-inflicted,

**** it up will you, we just want to leave!

Alas! It’s not possible you see,

Because the vote didn’t go our way.

Quiet! We’ll have vote number two, or three,

Until it says what we want it to say!

Remainers unite, let’s show them we’ll stay!

Disregard their uneducated opinion!

Brexiteers resist, come what may!

Stand and rebel against their dominion!

Who will win in this pre-planned battle?

Or is it an impasse-perpetual?

Neither side will win as we’re all cattle

Cannon fodder, for the great eventual.

Copyright © 2019 SabreLi
Dec 2017 · 663
SabreLi Dec 2017
There are so many things that I'd like to say
But I just can't find the words
And even if I could, there aren't enough hours in the day
For all that I want to be heard

It's impossible to condense into words on a page
Just how much you mean
No picture or verse could adequately gauge
All that could have been

I'll try my hardest to express 
The joy you brought into our lives
All the love, hope and happiness
I just wish we had more time

But how could I fail to mention
Your beauty is exquisite
Button nose and rosy lips, you're the picture of perfection
And we're so grateful you came to visit

Named for elegance, sophistication and finesse
You're a beauty pure and rare
Spread your wings and reign on our princess
Beneath your crown of fair hair

I like to think you're sleeping, cosy and at ease
And though we'd much rather you were here
We'll take comfort in knowing that you're at peace
Treasured in our thoughts, you're always near

And though these times are painful and bittersweet
We will always remember
November 25th, two thousand and seventeen
When you touched our hearts forever

Copyright © 2017 SabreLi
Self explanatory :( <3
Dec 2017 · 673
Dear Tragedy
SabreLi Dec 2017
Dear Tragedy, we meet again.
One day your reign of terror will end.

Why the cruelty, why all the lies?
It's like you build up my hope just to watch it die
Why all the anger, why all the grief?
Can't you see I'm dying, will there be no relief?

Each challenge you bring I rise above
Time and again but it's never enough
Your chaos I'll fight whatever the cost
If only for the sake of those I've lost

You raise the ante with each move you make
But you've taken so much there's no heart left to break

You chisel away until cracks develop
They merge together until fractures envelope
All of my soul, all of my mind
Little of me remains 
Bitterness and pain
I'll pay you back in kind

Why the deception, why won't you cease?
Where is my redemption, is there no release?
Why do you haunt me day after day,
And why don't any of my prayers keep you away?

The damage you cause I try to contain
But it's never enough, it's always in vain
I want to fight on but I'm tired inside
For all that I know I've already died

Again the bar's raised, now too much is at stake
Cos now you've taken so much there's no heart left to break

And sometimes I wonder, what have I become?
Is your victory complete now that I am so numb?
None of my soul, none of my mind
Nothing of me remains
But my shell will fight again
I'll pay you back in time

Dear Tragedy, we meet again
One day your reign of terror will end.

Copyright © 2017 SabreLi
I've been away from writing for almost a year now and I am facing some tragedy currently, which has prompted me to write again.
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Sleeping Dogs Lie
SabreLi Jan 2017
If they had their way all they would say
Is ignorance is bliss, save it for another day

They say I
Should let sleeping dogs lie
Tell me I have got nothing to prove
Why don’t I just move on?
Tell me why not let sleeping dogs lie
You’re only gonna cause more pain
Open a can of worms when there’s nothing to gain

But they don’t know that every waking minute
I’m getting closer to reaching my limit
Cos even in my sleep you’re haunting my dreams
Unless I **** the lies I can’t be done with these regimes

Don’t ask why
Even sleeping dogs lie
When they rest on a bed of untruth
Nothing but lies burn through
Let them die, let their sleeping lies die
Cos sleeping isn’t dead and buried
And the lies and the cheating aren’t temporary

And they don’t know that every waking minute
I’m getting closer to reaching my limit
Cos even in my sleep you’re haunting my dreams
It’s time to **** the lies so I can be done with these regimes

It's high time
To let sleeping dogs die
I have got nothing left to lose
I’ve paid all of my dues
Let them die, let those sleeping dogs die
Cos sleeping isn’t dead and buried
When the lies and the cheating aren’t temporary

Copyright © 2017 KF
New year new start and all that...
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
Days Of Torment Past
SabreLi Dec 2016
I heard something today, which took me by surprise
It took me back to a place that I thought I’d left behind
And although it’s hurting I know through searching
I’ll find out for certain what good has surfaced

‘Cos the days of torment past
Have taught me not to look back
‘Cos they turn blue skies overcast
When their storm clouds attack

It does no good to stop and stare
At the past when you’re no longer there,
When you can’t change what’s been and gone
It’s too late to change all that’s been done
You can’t just sit and wait for change
‘Cos you know the past won’t rearrange
Into a picture-perfect scene from the silver screen
So don’t keep holding on to the things that could’ve been

I heard something today, familiar silent cries
It took me back to that place I thought I’d buried inside
And although it’s sore I know for sure
I’ll find out which door leads to the cure

But then I begin questioning
What I thought I had surpassed
Is it all just destiny?
Have the days of torment passed?

It does no good to stop and stare
At the past when you’re no longer there,
When you can’t change what’s been and gone
It’s too late to change all that’s been done
You can’t just sit and wait for change
‘Cos you know the past won’t rearrange
Into a picture-perfect scene from the silver screen
So don’t keep holding on to the things that could’ve been

Copyright © 2016-2017 KF
A rework of an old one
Dec 2016 · 859
Prisoner In Death's Jaws
SabreLi Dec 2016
Darkness is salvation, sweeping through within
Watching my own cremation inside this world of sin
Deliverance is close at hand
Seeing myself fall apart I stand amidst the flames
Like a dagger through my heart I feel all the pain
A sea of red treacle drifts peacefully by

With the blood my pain seeps through, almost like a sieve
Now feelings do not flow in me, I no longer live
The curse has now been lifted
Every drop has now been spilt, no more is left inside
No anger, hatred, pain or guilt, with me that night it died
Nothing left to pull me down

Yet, I felt faithless, lost inside as darkness swept through me
I laid there alone and died, I was no longer free
Steadily, the shadows engulf me
Here in the darkness I now rest, too shallow to be saved
For all eternity suppressed, confined within my grave
Soon, I will consume all that is left

No room to move in this small box, no feeling in my limbs
Held inside with chains and locks, beneath these waves of sin
Life and death have the same origin
I solemnly accept the truth and stare at these four walls
There is no more that I can do held prisoner in Death’s jaws
Without death there can be no life

Copyright © 2016-2017 KF
Thinking that giving in to the darkness and depression is the best way forward, being disinclined to fight any more. Realising too late that in giving in and allowing the darkness to take over it only introduces you to different types of pain. Acknowledging that without the darkness there can be no light; a lesson learned a little late.
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
Going, Going, Gone
SabreLi Dec 2016
They tell me it’s the lesser of two evils
But I’m not sure that’s a fact
Sometimes I think it’s best to leave you to your demons
They’ve got you this far in tact

Either way I can’t stop the progression
This deadly routine’s for your own protection
There are no winners here, there’s far too much at stake
Do I stand by and let them feed you to the rattlesnake?
When I know it’s eating you up inside
Like a private supply of cyanide

Going, going, gone
I see you today but who knows where you’ll be tomorrow
Going, going, gone
Slipping through my fingers to a place that I can’t follow
Going, going, gone
Your own private cyanide’s a bitter pill to swallow
Going, going, gone

I know there’ll be times that you will disagree
But just between you and me
When they tell us over again that two’s company
I feel like we are three

But they don’t matter, all my objections
This deadly routine‘s become your obsession
There are no winners here, there’s far too much at stake
Do I stand by and let them feed you to the rattlesnake?
And I know it's killing you from inside
Like a private supply of cyanide

Going, going, gone
I see you today but who knows where you’ll be tomorrow
Going, going, gone
Slipping through my fingers to a place that I can’t follow
Going, going, gone
Your own private cyanide’s a bitter pill to swallow
Going, going, gone

Every day I see you drift further away
And there’s only so much I can pray
I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place
Soon you’ll disappear without a trace

Going, going, gone

Copyright © 2016-2017 KF
Another one written with multiple interpretations is mind, but mostly about someone suffering from ill mental health whose medication changes them so much they are not the same person any more. Is the cost too great; to sacrifice your self for a few moments of 'normality' when we don't even know what that is?
Dec 2016 · 2.8k
SabreLi Dec 2016
Words can’t describe the way that I feel
When I look into your eyes
I hear your silent cries
Through the stillness calling out for me
To pull you from the void

I want to reach into your soul
Banish your demons, silence your screaming
I just want to make you whole

I wish I that I could see you fly
Spread your wings and soar up high
But to see you is not to see you
Cos something else wears your face
And to be with you is not to be with you
Cos something else shares your place

Words can’t describe all the things I see
When I look into your eyes
I see through your disguise
Into your soul, staring back at me
Through the windows of your cell

Trapped beneath those layers of pain
Screaming for release, drowning in defeat
I just want to break your chains

I wish I that I could see you fly
Spread your wings and soar up high
But to see you is not to see you
Cos something else wears your face
And to be with you is not to be with you
Cos something else shares your place

Words can’t describe how much pain I keep
Hidden deep behind my eyes
The tears that I don’t cry
You don’t see the scars I hide beneath
I just want to set you free

But I know I won’t see you fly
Spread your wings and soar up high
Cos to see you is not to see you
Since something else wears your face
And to be with you is not to be with you
Cos something else shares your place

Soon you’ll lose control, break your oath
No matter how you fight them, can’t always hide them
And when the time comes they’ll **** us both

Copyright © 2016-2017 KF
Written with dual interpretation in mind. 1) From the viewpoint of somebody in love with a person suffering from schizophrenia, 2) From the viewpoint of a schizophrenia sufferer, written about themselves.
Dec 2016 · 653
Wind And Tide
SabreLi Dec 2016
Behind the deep and dark blue eyes
Is nothing but a sea of cries
And the smile only serves to hide
All the anguish deep inside

Can’t someone take this pain away?
Must I relive it every day?

You may think I’m in my element
But I can’t resist both wind and tide
I’m just creating more skeletons
The pressure around is too intense
No matter how far I run and hide
The torment suffered is too immense

And day by day the challenge grows
To live despite my new sorrows
The candle burns, its wick draws thin
Temptation begs me to give in

Won’t someone take this pain away?
Must I relive it every day?

You may think I’m in my element
But I can’t resist both wind and tide
I’m just creating more skeletons
The pressure around is too intense
No matter how far I run and hide
The torment suffered is too immense

And hard I try and harder still
But just as quick I lose the will
I start to falter, lose my way
And before I know it it’s too late

Why wouldn’t you take the pain away?
Am I doomed to relive it every day?

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
Dec 2016 · 9.1k
When Cultures Clash
SabreLi Dec 2016
It was the end of the world when Ares met Mars
Supposed to be counterparts, brothers in arms
But on opposing sides they stood
Couldn’t see eye to eye
And instead of stemming the blood
Each took an eye for an eye
Until in time the whole world went blind

The sword attacked and the spear struck back
But that’s what happens when cultures clash

When cultures collide
With anger and hatred it starts to divide
But nobody wins, cos the dead look the same on both sides

It was the mother of all storms when Jupiter met Zeus
There could have been a deuce; could have called a truce
But each wanted more and more
The two as black as thunder
And instead of stopping the war
Each stole the other’s thunder
Until in time the whole world went under

The thunder attacked and the lightning struck back
But that’s what happens when cultures clash

When cultures collide
With anger and hatred it starts to divide
But nobody wins, cos the dead look the same on both sides

The underworld shook when the earth caved in
Pluto and Hades together couldn’t take us all in
We didn’t see when being heartless
In wanting the best of both worlds
That the second of the two would be darkness
And together the weight of the worlds
Would send us crashing down to Tartarus

The rivers overflowed and the fires turned to ash
But that’s what happens when cultures clash
As the title says, when cultures clash.
Dec 2016 · 870
Chasing The Evasive
SabreLi Dec 2016
I wish I could communicate
The thoughts inside my head
Without opening my mouth
There’s just far too much to explain
Inside this crazy mess
Why can’t you figure that out?

I’m chasing the evasive,
Navigating unaided
And every day’s a struggle
Battles raging deep within
I can’t run but can’t give in
It’s a war I cannot win

I feel like giving up sometimes
Taking the easy road
Letting the ghosts come for me
But at times there’s fight left inside
Stubbornness takes a hold
Things will get better, you’ll see

I’m chasing the evasive,
Navigating unaided
And every day’s a struggle
With evil creeping closer
It’s around every corner
And just will not blow over

I’m searching for finality
In lieu of happiness
That never did arrive.
I’m done with all this agony,
Fear, pain and distress
Is it time to say goodbye?

I’m chasing the evasive,
Navigating unaided
And every day’s a struggle
Battles raging deep within
I can’t run but can’t give in
It’s a war I cannot win
Sometimes we all feel like giving up, that life is too hard or things won't get better. This was written when I was feeling this way.
Dec 2016 · 2.9k
Acid Rain
SabreLi Dec 2016
Tears fall down like acid rain on sun dried cheeks
No longer burning with passion
Once beautiful memories now are each
No more than a lost reaction

And as they fall these tears erode the last of my conviction
They blaze a trail along the road of my heart’s affliction

Discontent to pass me by from the sky it flows
(acid rain) Acid rain (acid rain)
It leaves me high and dry, and as I cry it deals its heavy blows
(acid rain) Acid rain (acid rain)

The space by my side used to be taken
But these days I keep no company
Since the day you left my life’s been vacant
Like my heart and soul – incomplete

And as I walk these steps erode the path of certainty
They blaze a trail along the road I wander aimlessly

Discontent to pass me by it just keeps pouring down
(acid rain) Acid rain (acid rain)
It leaves me high and dry, and as I cry it I feel like I could drown
(acid rain) Acid rain (acid rain)

Years pass by like stale air in the cold night breeze
No longer filled with emotion
It’s becoming so hard now even to breathe
Consumed by my own devotion

And as they fall these tears erode the last of my conviction
They blaze a trail along the road of my heart’s affliction

Discontent to pass me by time and time again
(acid rain) Acid rain (acid rain)
It leaves me high and dry, but still I try to move on from this pain
(acid rain) Acid rain (acid rain)
Written about drowning in the feelings of despair left behind when you suffer bereavement through loss or abandonment.
Dec 2016 · 391
Burn Eternal
SabreLi Dec 2016
As I look into your eyes
I see a flame that I know will never die
And even though there will be times
That I'll look into your eyes
And I'll wish you were alive
I know I will be strong
And I know I'll carry on
'Cause inside I see a flame that will never die

Although we didn't always talk
I know you were watching like a hawk
That if I ever needed you
You'd appear out the blue
And though you never needed me
You always saw the best in me

You stood by my side when no one else would,
Saw what was inside; saw all of the good
I can’t believe that you’re gone
How am I supposed to move on?

When I look into your eyes
And see that flame that I know will never die
I remember all those times
That I looked into your eyes
And I wished you were alive
I know I will be strong
And I know I'll carry on
'Cause inside I see that flame that will never die

We didn't always see eye to eye
But I know on you I could rely
We used to be the best of friends
I hope that feeling never ends
The memories I have are thermal
I'll miss you in your rest eternal

You stood by my side when no one else would,
Saw what was inside; saw all of the good
I can’t believe that you’re gone
How am I supposed to move on?

I still look into your eyes
And I still see that flame inside
And even though there are some times
That I look into your eyes
And I wish you were alive
I know that I'll be strong
And I know I'll carry on
'Cause deep inside I know that flame will never die

Copyright © 2008-2017 KF
Written about loss of a loved one, who I see every day when I look in the mirror at my own reflection.
Dec 2016 · 773
Infinity On End
SabreLi Dec 2016
Infinity on end
The hourglass has fallen and time continues to pretend
With grains of sand spread far and wide
They cover hilltops and mountainsides
They paint the world an unearthly glow
But all that glitters is not gold

Yet here in our little bubble, ignorance is bliss
But just beneath the surface we know not what we miss

Cos while we think we live, we live only for the puppeteer
To cut the strings
Is to switch off the life support, rebel
To flip the switch
Is nothing but a one way ticket to Hell
Or so they’d have us believe

Edges on display
The shiny glass has broken, fragments scatter in disarray
With shards of glass spread far and wide
They cover oceans and countryside
They paint the world with unearthly snow
But all that glitters is not gold

Here they give us nothing, yet we honour and obey
So what have we got to lose, of what are we afraid?

Cos while we think we live, we live only for the puppeteer
To grow our wings
Is to remove the safety net in place
To cut the strings
Is nothing but an almighty fall from grace
Or so they’d have us believe

Eternity’s end
The hourglass has shattered and the puppeteer descends
With freedom now spread far and wide
The tainted earth is purified
The strings are burned to ashes and dust
Leaving all that glittered now to rust

Now we see the world in truth, no more ventriloquism
We see it all; the black and blue; why not embrace the crimson?

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
Another rebellion against the lowest level of the great 'above'.
Dec 2016 · 646
Where I Belong
SabreLi Dec 2016
I stand nearby at the Guardian's gate
And realize there's no escape
No choice left but to stand and wait
I look on…
I hear them whisper as they pass me by
Each one staring from the corner of their eye
"Yes I was wrong, it was no lie"
‘He' has won.

So much beauty, I see no flaws
A place of rest for those indoors
While I get punished for my disbelief,
I stare on…
I cling to the false comfort of emptiness
Knowing that anything could be better than this
Was I not created to be free?
‘He' has won.

If I was not supposed to question
Then why did you give me free will?
If I was to learn every lesson
Why is it so easy to sin?
If you wanted me to believe
Then why were you never there for me?
Why didn't you give me something in which I could confide
Instead of all these fairy tales which I just can't abide?

So there is a life after you die;
If they have one, then so do I
Determination comes from my desperation
I push on…
I turn around to begin my search
Feeling sorrow, feeling hurt
Consolation comes from my condemnation
I push on…
If this is ‘Heaven' and I was wrong,
Then I know where I belong

Copyright © 2008-2017 KF
Written from the viewpoint that maybe I'm wrong about the opinions of organised religion.
Dec 2016 · 677
Tempest Of Temptation
SabreLi Dec 2016
We had it made, we had it all
Nothing could come in between us until the siren called
I heard her warning, saw the signs
But she poisoned you against me and filled your head with lies

While you stood by and ignored my pleas I continued to fight
But little by little she stole you from me just like a thief in the night

Her tempest of temptation broke through your floodgates
And drinking her seduction made you forget your mistakes
So I can understand
Why you’d want to hold her hand
But the crutch you think is temporary has her own demands

I saw her coming from miles off
It was as if in slow motion but it wasn’t slow enough
Like ships in the night we capsized
As she sabotaged the lighthouse and led us to our demise

Before long she stood upon our wreckage as we had lost the fight
She stole you away despite my objections just like a thief in the night

Her tempest of temptation broke through your floodgates
And drinking her seduction made you forget your mistakes
So I can understand
Why you’d want to hold her hand
But the crutch you think is temporary has her own demands

Temptation does not relent
To be satisfied with her loot does not make her content
She’ll take it all; your dying breath
And you will give it blindly not knowing she is death

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
Written about a couple of people very close to me who came to rely on alcohol too much and eventually succumbed to its effects.
Dec 2016 · 947
Fate’s Law
SabreLi Dec 2016
It’s hard to accept
I feel so inept
I don't know what to do,
Now I’ve lost you too
I can't take it anymore
Fate’s law
You say it’s meant to be
Why me?

I crumble, I fumble, I rise and I fall
Under this pressure I’m feeling so small
I stumble, I tumble, why rise just to break?
Too many sorrows were left in your wake.

You pushed me so hard
I trusted you, let down my guard
It didn’t matter, you went too far
Straight through my heart like a glass shard

I’m losing touch, it’s proving too much
Your lies, my life - a counterfeit
I’m breaking away, saving the day
Your cries, my crime - I won’t submit

I’m falling behind
I’m needing a sign
You’ve widened the distance,
I thought you were different
Finally I realise
Fate’s lies
This is the end of us
You’re loss

Now twisted and distant, no longer so tall

Assisted assistant now in for the fall

You pushed me so hard
I trusted you, let down my guard
It didn’t matter, you went too far
Straight through my heart like a glass shard

You’ve lost the touch, I proved too much
My strength, your source of satisfaction
You’re breaking away, savour the day
When your strength is more than manufactured.

Copyright © 2008-2016 KF
Dec 2016 · 471
Eyes And Ears
SabreLi Dec 2016
Years ago
I made a mask and hid behind it
And each day that went by I came to rely
More and more upon it
But then after a while of wearing the smile
My own face - I couldn’t find it

There once was a time
My own true face, only my eyes could see
Until I began to believe in the lie
And forget what it was to be me

I hid in front of my own eyes and ears
Got lost in a fountain of fears
Not strong enough to see through the cracks
Where my own self was staring back
And instead of helping to break the shell
I sealed myself up in my own hell

Years ago
I made a promise I couldn’t keep
And each day that went by I continued to try
Even though it was in vain
But then after a while of hearing the lie
My own voice got lost in the deep

There once was a time
My own true voice, only my ears could hear
Until I began to believe in the lie
And forget what it was to be free

Hid in plain sight from my own eyes and ears
Got lost in a torrent of tears
Not strong enough to see through the cracks
Where my own self was staring back
And instead of guiding me to the light
My voice became whispers in the night

I forgot my face and my name
Became a number, a pawn in the game
I lost my voice and slowly became
Just like everyone else - the same
And in the end I’ve only myself to blame

Copyright © 2016-2017 KF
We should never hide our true selves. If someone won't accept you for who you are then they aren't worth a place in your life.
Dec 2016 · 699
Carry Me To You
SabreLi Dec 2016
Just when things seem to be going so well
Something comes along and knocks the wind from your sail
You build a bridge across the ocean
To find someone back home has lost the devotion
And sinks beneath the waves

So today I made up my mind
To leave this world behind
To find the place where you now rest
So we can be together again
At last

The blood will run dry in my veins
Leaving no trace on the knife
As I leave behind these chains
And the pain it will disintegrate
Wash away the plague of life
As I wash my hands of fate

I thought everything was going so well
‘Til something came along and I tripped up and fell
Making me realise the notion
That someone back home is lost in emotion
Got lost digging their grave

So today I made up my mind
To leave this world behind
To find the place where you now rest
So we can be together again
At last

And the waves will carry me to you
They'll **** the space between us
Just as they **** me too
And the stars will disappear from view
They'll roam the space above us
As I will roam with you
As I will roam with you
Carry me to you

Copyright © 2012-2017 KF
Yet another one written about loss and bereavement
Dec 2016 · 1000
Jeckyll And Hyde
SabreLi Dec 2016
I’ve longed for so long to be
A part of something apart from me
But the seconds and minutes draw near
Turn into days, into weeks, a year
Just what will it take to be,
Just to be, to be free

Will you be the Adam to my Eve?
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
Jack and Sally or Sid and Nancy
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Let’s write our own twisted love story
Who cares what anyone else may say
We’ll be both the judge and jury
And in our own little world we’ll stay

I want to be closer now
Closer than skin and bone will allow
I want to peel away the edges
To remove all the excess
Be closer than we know how
Just be free, you and me

The Romeo to my Juliet
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
I’ll be Scarlett O and you’ll be Rhett
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Let’s write our own twisted love story
Who cares what anyone else may say
We’ll be both judge and jury
And in our own little world we’ll stay

Will you be the Jekyll to my Hyde?
Without you I’m incomplete
Just half of what I could be
And I’ll be the Bonnie to your Clyde,
Nobody else can compete
Together we will run free

Copyright © 2016-2017 KF
An attempt at a subject I know very little of. My own twisted interpretation of a love story.
Dec 2016 · 598
Four Horsemen
SabreLi Dec 2016
The first appeared to me in white, and I thought him pure of soul
Little did I know that night his spirit was black as coal
Conjuring many connotations, he seemed of pure intent
But his gift devoured nations as his plague would not relent
He spread like wildfire through the land, yet displaying no remorse
He paved the way for his brothers ******; each arrived in due course

A solemn warning that’s never heeded
Will breed nothing but despair
And no amount of promise or pleading
Will change what can’t be repaired

In red the second of the four needed no introduction
I knew at once that this was War, with havoc and destruction
He plied his trade while the world did bleed, and seeds of hate did sow
And ventured he upon his steed where no other man would go
For once the earth was fertilised from the spill of human veins
All the people he had terrorised succumbed to their own chains

A solemn warning that’s never heeded
Will breed nothing but despair
And no amount of promise or pleading
Will change what can’t be repaired

And scales in hand the third did spring with his mare dark as his heart
But far from justice he did bring; only famine did he start
And so just as midnight claims the sun he brought his starvation
To claim all good that was begun and reap his depravation
And even though his deed was done, spread far by his charcoal horse
All the suffering was far from gone; for horsemen come in fours

A solemn warning that’s never heeded
Will breed nothing but despair
And no amount of promise or pleading
Will change what can’t be repaired

And all too soon before me stood the fourth and final horseman
While there he stood with horse and hood spoke he to me his caution
Pale and pallid his horse and pallor; left a lot to be desired
Now invalid; vigour and valour; no longer are required
The Fates; their cloth length cut as due, they have measured mine alone
And now here He comes; Death right on cue, to claim me as his own

Copyright  ©2016-2017 KF
Is it just me, or does it feel like armageddon or the apocalypse? The world is suffering as we stand by and allow our selfishness to take over. We need to start paying more attention.
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
The Wheel Of Fortune
SabreLi Dec 2016
Another year gone by
Another candle on the cake
A distant friend remembered
A minute for memory's sake

Time or distance haven't healed
The pain I've managed to yield
Since your departure hurt is all I feel
I guess death is never an easy deal.

Another year gone by
Another card in the post
A distant feeling lingers
A minute for an absent host

Time or distance will not seal
This wound inside is far too real
Since you departed hurt was all I felt
I guess death was your hand to be dealt.

Time to make a toast;
To You we'll miss the most
We simply cannot fake
The pain left in your wake,
The truth that our hearts ache
And the fear that they may break
A message for your ghost;
Think of us on Heaven's coast.

Time or distance haven't healed
The pain we've managed to yield
Since your departure, Fate's not ‘sposta steal
What kind of fortune is death upon a wheel?

Copyright © 2008-2017 KF
Another one written following bereavement
Dec 2016 · 344
The Gift
SabreLi Dec 2016
I recently received a gift,
Its sender knew me well
And though inside it caused a rift
Its meaning time would tell

But time past is gone forever and never returns
So be careful how much of the wick you burn

No query, doubt, no second guess
Entered my mind at all
I didn’t wonder, I confess,
While waiting for the curtain call

I took the bow from round the box
Felt the fabric in my hands
Turned the key, opened the locks
As I finalised my plans

‘Cos time past is gone forever and never returns
Just be careful how much of the wick you burn

And as I freed it from its prison,
From the confines of its walls,
I saw it in the moonlight glisten
As I heard the angel’s call

I felt it press against my skin
Let the icy touch devour
Leaving a trail of heat within
I met with my final hour

‘Cos my time has passed now and will never return
No, I won’t be getting a new wick to burn

The gift that I received today
Its beauty was exquisite
There was no point to cause delay
For its purpose was explicit

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
Self explanatory
Dec 2016 · 1.9k
The Evil Within
SabreLi Dec 2016
I felt trapped, I couldn't see
As a fateful darkness surrounded me
It came from nowhere and left no trace
It picked my soul as a resting place

There I felt it deep inside,
Digging my grave before I died
Contrary to its ghoulish nature it slept so peacefully
One could hardly believe this was the Evil all had feared

Meanwhile all around me,
The darkness crept so silently
So easily deceived
By the beast that lay so deep
It passed me by…

But I saw it glisten in my eye
Day by day as time went by
I begged and pleaded for it to go
To no avail, I should have known

It would not listen; there it stayed
Inside me as I decayed
And as my body began to rot, I felt the thing emerge
I tried to fight the Evil One; I tried to fight the urge

Until it was lodged far too deep,
No chance of recovery
I slowly watched my old self go,
Could not retain an empty soul
It passed me by…

Nothing weakened the beast that thrived
Inside me as the old ‘me' died
My shell crumbled piece by piece
Yet my suffering did not decrease

My last defences were not forsaken
Until the last part of me was taken
Forced to surrender I bowed my head
My whole body lay there - dead.

The Evil One contained in me
Now roams loose, completely free
A constant reminder to all around:
In suppressed souls -
Evil is found.

Copyright © 2008-2017 KF
Written when I was younger; I felt like everything was against me and that if things continued in that manner I would cease to be me and my demons would take over.
Dec 2016 · 366
Grass Aint Greener
SabreLi Dec 2016
I thought you’d always be by my side
Never thought I’d see the day
I’d see my life was built on lies,
See the foundations fall away

And though you’ve left me so distraught
In pieces on the floor
I hope you’ve found what you had sought
And you won’t run no more

It’s so much easier to deal with all the anger I feel
I’m fine being callous and cold
But when you’re hurt & upset you can’t forgive or forget
Stuck in an emotional black hole

There roses are red, and violets blue,
Yellow buttercups and daffodils too
But how long will it take you to realise,
That the grass ain’t greener on the other side

I thought you’d always be by my side
Will justice never prevail?
Will I be forced to live out my life
Forever with this betrayal?

And though you’ve not exactly caught
The best hand of the game
I hope the joy it may have brought
Is worth the price you’ve paid

It’s so much easier to deal with all the anger I feel
I’m fine being callous and cold
But when you’re hurt & upset you can’t forgive or forget
Stuck in an emotional black hole

There roses are red, and violets blue,
Yellow buttercups and daffodils too
But how long will it take you to realise,
That the grass ain’t greener on the other side

Copyright © 2012-2017 KF
Written when a family member chosen something trivial over the family and about the way it made me feel.
Dec 2016 · 344
Tears Of A Thousand Angels
SabreLi Dec 2016
Destination – the same as yours
Hesitation – a wasted cause
A hole in the ground, I’ll see you there
Your time is now; don’t think I don’t care,
But I’ll move on, my time will come
No matter which road I take
The end result remains the same

The sun will still shine, the clock still chime
Over this crowded plot
The rain will still fall, the clouds still form
Whether I like it or not

I’ll make my way through this lonely world
Through the ins and outs, the twists and turns
I can go left or right, up or down,
It doesn’t matter – I’ll still hit the ground
Like the tears of a thousand angels

Emotion – powerful the effects
Devotion – lives on after death
Take hold of my hand, one last time
I never planned that you couldn’t be mine
But now I know, that’s the way it goes
No matter how hard I try
I can’t keep you here if you’re destined to die

Life must go on, tomorrow will come
Another day will begin
The battle is lost, but well worth the cost
To have known you like I did

I’ll make my way through this lonely world
Through the ins and outs, the twists and turns
I can go left or right, up or down,
It doesn’t matter – I’ll still hit the ground
Like the tears of a thousand angels

I’ll see you there, don’t think I don’t care
It’s time that I moved on
My feelings grow numb, my time will still come
But I won’t speed it along

Copyright © 2008-2017 KF
Written after bereavement.
Dec 2016 · 682
Heart Within The Stone
SabreLi Dec 2016
One more day
I'd give a life, an age, I'd pay
To see you again
In your prime, so much potential,
Such a shame you ran out of time
Without a real goodbye
Without the answers
I can't move on…
It's too hard

There's a heart within the stone,
Beneath the layers of rock, a soul
What people saw wasn't you
You just found it hard to break through
I understand
But now I'm left with empty hands
I thought you'd be here to guide me
Now I'm left without you beside me

The only one
Who understood me, stood by me
Through the thick and thin
When patience wore thin, you were there,
You cared, without you I'm scared
I hate to admit it
I feel so human
So vulnerable

Those tears were bound to erode
That face, that beautiful mask of gold
What people saw wasn't you
You found it so hard to break through
Your mask made good your escape
One of many in the masquerade
You thought she'd be there to hide you
But didn't you know she was behind you
The whole time

There's a heart within the stone,
Beneath the layers of rock, a soul
What people saw wasn't you
You just found it hard to break through
I understand
But now I'm left with empty hands
I thought you'd be here to guide me
Now I'm left without you beside me

Copyright © 2008-2017 KF
Written about loss.
Dec 2016 · 711
Jack And Jill
SabreLi Dec 2016
I knew a man, a woman too, good hard working souls
You’ve heard the stories, read the myths of how they dug their holes
I promised them I’d tell the world and make them see the truth
That once they were - like you and me - only in their youth

They made a stand and brought their cause
Died upright not on all fours

Jack and Jill were murderers
I’m sure you’ve heard them say
Of how they pillaged and broke the law
But it was the law that did betray

In days gone by Jack worked so hard, just trying to appease
But life was tough and nothing helped and so the law did squeeze
Every penny that he earned was given to the courts
Til one day he realised they do nothing but extort

Jill was a loving lass of this they all agreed
A talented young writer girl and so she was envied
She met him in a bar one night and as the music played
They fell hard and fast and so began their own crusade

Jack and Jill were murderers
I’m sure you’ve heard them say
Of how they pillaged and broke the law
But it was the law that did betray

They sentenced him for petty theft and threw him into cells
Whilst locked away inside if him vengeance came to swell
He said to Jill on his release, “Babe it’s you and me,
But know that lest we make a change we never will be free”.

A robbery in Austin, a death in Shelby Bay
Pin it all on Jack and Jill you hear the lawmen say
Yet all they did was fight against a world on self destruct
And to this day I never met a couple less corrupt

Jack and Jill were murderers
I’m sure you’ve heard them say
Of how they pillaged and broke the law
But it was the law that did betray

And in their hearts they knew from when first blood did spill
That this was it, the trail's end, the death of Jack and Jill

Copyright © 2009-2017 KF and CF
Written by my brother and I when we were in a particularly rebellious mood. Based on a parallel and misunderstood version of Bonnie and Clyde.
Dec 2016 · 484
Mine To Farewell
SabreLi Dec 2016
You always belonged to someone else
So I can't complain that you've gone
You were never mine to farewell
Now all that's left is to move on

I never thought it'd be so hard, never thought I'd fall so far
And though we never shared much more than one night at the bar
You've come to mean so much to me
I didn't think I'd feel this way, I thought I'd be okay
Now all I have to take away are memories of that day
You've come to mean too much to me

And though we're standing side by side we're further apart than before
After all this time I realise new cities don't open new doors
There are fewer oceans between us but we're still worlds apart
Forget San Francisco, it's with you I left my heart

So this is the beginning of the end
It was so short and bitter sweet
This is what it feels like to lose a friend
That I never thought I'd meet

I shouldn't have let down my guard, shouldn't have fallen so hard
I wish we could have shared much more than that night at the bar
You came to mean too much to me
Thinking I would be okay was a sure sign of my youth
The way I feel today shows it was a far cry from the truth
I can't let you mean so much to me

‘Cause though we're standing side by side we're further apart than before
After all this time I realise new cities don't open new doors
There are fewer oceans between us but we're still worlds apart
Forget San Francisco, it's with you I left my heart

Copyright © 2009-2017 KF
Written when I went travelling and met someone I'd have liked to have become closer to but who was already taken.
Dec 2016 · 800
Runaway Freight Train
SabreLi Dec 2016
At first I was too scared to really believe
All I could do was question how this could have been real
I could not have prepared, just didn’t know how
Convinced it was deception, blinded I made a vow

If this could really be true, I’d always be there for you
Give you everything you want, and take anything you don’t
I’d give my life to, and happily die for you

And for the briefest of moments my sadness was frozen
You gave my life purpose and meaning and stopped all the bleeding

But then the truth unfurled in front of my eyes
Like a runaway freight train, I was so terrified
As the weight of the world crashed down heavily
When that speeding train derailed and headed for me

I’d tried to be for you what you wanted me to
But life had another plan and I didn’t get the chance
To see it all through, ‘cause life was stolen from you

Goodbyes don’t heal all the heartache that’s been left in your wake
Countless Hail Mary’s can’t bring you back; it’s just too late for that

One minute you were there then you departed
And all I could do was cry, I was broken hearted
It left too much grief to bear, far too much raw pain
All I wanted was to die so I’d see you again

‘Cause Goodbyes don’t heal all the heartache that’s been left in your wake
Countless Hail Mary’s can’t bring you back; it’s just too late for that

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
Written after bereavement but with more of a focus on what could have been before tragedy struck.
Dec 2016 · 827
Rose Tinted Glasses
SabreLi Dec 2016
I had no idea
Until it happened, how much pain I’d feel
Each and every day
I think about you, ‘bout what I would say
If I got another chance
But chance ain’t on my side
And no matter how hard I try
I just can’t get you off my mind

I keep trying to be a bigger person
It’s not working, inside I just keep hurting

And through your rose tinted glasses
You may think that the grass is
Greener on the other side
And so you say goodbye
Think it’s your time to fly

But colour doesn’t always mean
Beauty, hope and evergreen
So I cannot let you go
And the harder you pull
The harder I will hold

If I could turn back time
I’d do whatever that would save your life
I’d stay by your side
Remove the pain and tears from your eyes
If I got another chance
But chance ain’t on my side
And no matter how hard I try
I just can’t get you off my mind

I keep trying to be a bigger person
It’s not working, inside I just keep hurting

And through your rose tinted glasses
You may think that the grass is
Greener on the other side
And so you say goodbye
Think it’s your time to fly

But colour doesn’t always mean
Beauty, hope and evergreen
So I cannot let you go
And the harder you pull
The harder I will hold

All I feel is guilt
Stuck in the shadow of the hole you built
Wish that you were still
Around me but I know you’ve grown your wings
You won’t get another chance
Cause chance has left your side
And no matter how hard I try
All that’s left is to say goodbye

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
Written after the loss of a friend who died by their own hand.
Dec 2016 · 853
South Of Heaven
SabreLi Dec 2016
How things change; I’m not a little child any more
No need for someone to hold my hand
To shield me from the truth
No more reins – I’m all grown up for sure
Now I’m ready to understand
The bitter feuds of my youth

Lately we’ve gotten so close
I feel like I’m losing the one I love most
How can it still hurt so much?
We’d only just got back in touch
And I’m losing you again

They say lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice
You and I know that’s not true
I’ve already lost you before, that’s not luck of the dice
You shouldn’t have to say goodbye more than once

I won’t make it back in time
But that doesn’t change the way I feel inside
Wherever you are now you’re fine
It’s so hard to grasp all the time that went by
Look at it this way; it’s better late than never
We’re not so far apart, I’m just south of Heaven

How things change; you’re not there any more
You won’t be there to hold my hand
To shield me from the dark
No more reins – you’ve moved on from here for sure
Now I must understand
It’s okay to be apart

I’m just coming to terms with the thought
That of all the battles you’ve fought
This one finally defeated you
It wasn’t fair the way it treated you
And now I’m losing you again

They say lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice
You and I know that’s not true
I’ve already lost you before, that’s not luck of the dice
You shouldn’t have to say goodbye more than once

I won’t make it back in time
But that doesn’t change the way I feel inside
Wherever you are now you’re fine
It’s so hard to grasp all the time that slipped by
Look at it this way; it's better late than never
We’re not so far apart, I’m just south of Heaven.

Copyright © 2016 SabreLi
Written after the loss of a family member who I hadn't had much contact with prior.
Dec 2016 · 487
My Last Breath
SabreLi Dec 2016
The day is here, my time has come,
I feel myself growing numb
How I longed then for the gift of expression
I look above but see no sky,
I look below and there I lie
Caught in this moment of deep admiration
Like most things from the past
I’ve learned it will not last

I hear my name and look around,
My friend walks in, I have been found
It’s times like this your best memories emerge
"Do not fret" I say from near,
I look at him, he does not hear
Why now is there no meaning to words?
Absorbed in tears, he sinks below;
"I wish you well, I have to go"

My last breath escapes from me
And I am gone –
For now at least

"Although I’m gone, my dear friend,
I’ll be with you until the end…"
I now find the words I needed before
But like most things, it came too late,
This life is done, my next awaits
Still unaware what I was here for
"We’ve been so close; I know you well;
There is so much I want to tell…"

Now I can see, I’m not blind any more
There’s a light ahead, I’ve opened the door
"I’m so close to peace, so close to calm,
So close to never feeling harm…"
I hear them calling, it is my time;
Do not fret, we’ll both be fine
I’ll wait for you on judgement day,
Although for you that’s far away,
Now I leave you, I say goodbye;
Do not worry, do not cry"

My last breath escapes from me
And I am gone –

Copyright © 2008-2017 KF
Written at a difficult time I was going through; imagining the reaction of a friend who would be left behind if I took rash action helped to ground me and to put things back into perspective.
Dec 2016 · 754
Enough Is Enough
SabreLi Dec 2016
Sick of having to compromise
My morals and beliefs
I’m sick of institutionalised
Corruption and deceit
Decisions, decisions; ‘it’s all fair’ you see
But ‘fair’ isn’t fair, between you and me.

No pain, no gain, earmarked again
But what else do you expect?
You’re a tiny fish in the shark’s domain
There’s no such thing as respect.

Word hard, lie harder, that’s the motto
Be the best act around
Tell them ‘there’s always tomorrow,’
‘Opportunity abound’
Decisions, decisions; ‘it’s all fair’ you see
But ‘fair’ is unfair, between you and me.

No pain, no gain, earmarked again
But what else do you expect?
You’re a tiny fish in the shark’s domain
There’s no such thing as respect.

Bite your tongue and swallow your pride
It’s all part of the game
They say ‘your turn will come in time’
But how long can I wait?
Delusions, Illusions; it’s not fair you see
Enough is enough, if you ask me.

No pain, no gain - walk out again
‘Cos what else do you expect?
Just a tiny fish in a shark’s domain
Life is too short for regrets.

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
Written after an episode of frustrated disappointment I had a while ago.
Dec 2016 · 382
The Price of Clarity
SabreLi Dec 2016
I’m disappointed, it’s true,
In myself for believing
That I could be anything
But disappointed in you

It used to be my priority
To learn to see with clarity
I should have learned long ago
How dangerous it is to hope

And time again you prove me right
And every day I have to fight
Much harder than before
And every night I go to bed
And think about the day ahead
And wonder how much more?

Sometimes I wish I didn’t see with such precision
That I had everybody else’s blurry vision
And could see the world in the same light
‘Cos I don’t like what I see when I open my eyes
The grin behind the smiles and the truth behind the lies
But I can’t keep them closed all the time

I constantly blame myself
Doubt and question every time
I let it enter my mind
That I could trust someone else

I now see the severity
Of seeing with such clarity
I should have learned long ago
How dangerous it is to hope

And time again you prove me right
And every day I have to fight
Much harder than before
And every night I go to bed
And think about the day ahead
And wonder how much more?

Sometimes I wish I didn’t see with such precision
That I had everybody else’s blurry vision
And could see the world in the same light
‘Cos I don’t like what I see when I open my eyes
The grin behind the smiles and the truth behind the lies
But I can’t keep them closed all the time

Now I know the price of clarity
Is to sacrifice normality
I should have learned long ago
How dangerous it is to hope

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
This was written when I finally lost faith in someone who had treated me very badly for such a long time, when I had done nothing wrong. I chose to let them live their life on their own and no longer be a part of it, even though it was very difficult for me.

— The End —