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Aug 2017 · 925
Bees - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Yellow and black stripes,
Vibrating ear drums, buzzing
Around my garden.
Aug 2017 · 447
Whisk - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Whisk me up into
Your arms, like you want to blend
Our souls together.
Aug 2017 · 842
Depression - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
"You look fine to me"
The problem with depression,
Aug 2017 · 1.1k
Foxglove - Haiku Poem
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Your vibrance is like
foxglove, in small doses it
Is medicinal.

You control my heart
And volume of blood per beat,
Healing conditions.

When you consume all
Of her poisonous nature,
It kills you quickly.
Thought I'd make a contrast between the two.
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Unscathed new love
that flourished throughout,
yet no sense of direction,
but were both willing to
figure out the missing puzzle piece.
Aug 2017 · 570
Painted Love - Tanka
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
As it was our last goodbye,
I tried wiping away the canvas
you had drawn,
but I was never so forgetful
with true love.
Aug 2017 · 485
True loves kiss - Tanka
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
We were tricked by close hands
To find different dreams,
But we arose
From this sleeping curse,
Then found each others dreams
And our true loves kiss.
Aug 2017 · 1.7k
Butterflies - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
''Twas her smile that let
My butterflies tickle my
Gut, to say "you fell"
Aug 2017 · 476
Bitten - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
I may be bitten
Once, but my skin grows thicker
With each single bite.
Aug 2017 · 1.1k
Deep Love - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Till the bottom of
This ocean is discovered
No love is as deep
Aug 2017 · 590
Wishing Star - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
You were the sparkles
In midnight sky, and you stole
All of my wishes
Aug 2017 · 504
Lost Wind - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
I feel like lost wind
Floating in time, not able
To choose direction.
Aug 2017 · 372
Once Bitten - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
The tongue is bitten
From the talker of deep love
For it can't chew truth.
This was a slight riddle. It's supposed to be those people who are "all talk". I've met a few in my time - those who tell lies of love.
Aug 2017 · 316
Shadows - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
When the sky shrouded
Me into the shadows I
Learnt to see in dark.
Aug 2017 · 374
Canvas Love - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Paint these words onto
A canvas, so you can see
It drips devotion.
Aug 2017 · 464
Presence - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
You stole my mind, you
Made my whole world turn around
Your presence alone.
Aug 2017 · 655
Tongue Twister - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
The priminister
Of the tongue twister, mixture
Syllable whisker.
Aug 2017 · 739
Fresh Flower, Rotten Roots.
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
I can't shrug the vast curiosity
For the beating heart that strives
for her has become flat lined,
a line that no longer represents
hot coals of my love

The quivering shores are barren
to the sand that we count
as it is lost in winds of time
and life experiences.

Fast paced indecisiveness is lost
with my teenage years.
As is the confidence and acceptance
to sparks of love.

My soul shakes at the thought
but my heart leaps from my chest
like salmon up stream,
forgetting the cold waters and unable
to remember the tune.

For I am a bruised man.

So I cant risk the shards of this
glued heart being handled again,
As one drop, one fall,
could mean the end of my affection.
Loving, loving and loving some more - the fear of falling again.
Aug 2017 · 2.4k
Summer Sun - Haiku Poem
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
The doorstep we sat
Frantically eating ice cream,
before it melted

My sister would laugh
with her blonde fringe, big blue eyes
and round chubby cheeks.

Most simple image
Yet it captures a fragment
Of my purest soul.

One that dreams a dream
inside a wrapped up moment
For my heart only.
Oh, I remember the days like it was yesterday. In the summer sun with our ice creams
melting on the doorstep of my grandmas house! 4 Haiku's making 1 poem :)
Aug 2017 · 912
Wounds - Haiku Poem
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
No amount of love
Could form an ointment to heal
These scars on my chest

Not even your words
Can unravel the stitches
That I had to sew.

Even voodoo dolls
Had never seen such torture
Inflicted at once.

For I must heal wounds
Because I know I'm afraid,
They may re-open.

And these fragile bones
Will crumble into mere dust
Lost in winds of love.
5 Haikus making 1 poem :)
Aug 2017 · 1.9k
Wild Love - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
We can both become
Predator and prey to make
Beautiful nature.
Aug 2017 · 696
Mysterious Exotic Goddess
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
As she lays bare
''Tis not just her eyes
That sparkle amongst stars.

Her skin reflects candle lights
As amber skin mixes
With olive tones.

hourglass sand falls with my jaw
Drying my bottom lip with nerves
Yet excitement and lust.

Feather like touches tingle
Every sense of being alive
As our hearts murmur in time.

Palpitations even match rhythm
In this alchemists dream bond
That doesn't exist on the periodic table.

Our heats radiate screaming,
As your goosebumps on my fingertips
Tickle me back, teasing my nerves.

''Twas the night I finally realised
My heart could once fly again
And you were the one to make it.

Even a singular night felt like forever,
Grasping our chance, and gasping
With pure, destined passion.
I think it's self explanatory this one haha!
Aug 2017 · 467
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Within torment, deciding if our jigsaw piece
is the right fit, we find serendipity.
For we're believers, day dreamers,
far seekers, and mind speakers.

We separate the gap
between positive and negative
For we are are the optimists
in this pessimistic world.
Just a quick write :) - I hope you're all keeping well!
Aug 2017 · 664
Grips - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Pinches on my skin
Remind me I am still caught,
In grips of your love.
Aug 2017 · 498
Closed Book - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Keep this hand close to
Yours, you will never know when,
It stops you falling.
Aug 2017 · 490
Soul Cleanser - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Hold my cold tainted
Soul with yours, your purity
Warms and cleanses mine.
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
1st verse
ill tell you a story about the place that we live in,
How people hate each other, never forgiving,
Frantically telling me, people judge on nationality,
But we fall quicker than, we can catch all the gravity,
Politicians are happy, they don't lose sleep,
they keep us in formation hopping the fence like sheep,
they cant swim in the ocean of truth its far too deep,
all this pain inside me, is bursting and hard to keep,
people judge in popularity instead of soul,
I look different at the world, its my own personal goal,
but I'm feeling and falling into ferocious fates that I feel,
When the clear glass in front, never gets revealed,
I'm feeling philosophical over analyse the world,
whilst it twirled and curled people around me just swirled,
even little girls are living no Polly or pearls,
No food, shelter, water, only young girls.

Hook (1) x1
I see people broken, and choking in the street,
I see woman hoping, trying to stand on two feet,
Children are hungry, and politicians don't lose sleep,
cos they Form us into lines, turn us all into sheep,
and then they take individualism from individuals,
I see it with both eyes, I'm chronicles of visuals,
Sending signals to my brain it always seems to tingle,
Because I put together jigsaws like pictures aren't a puzzle.

2nd verse
I see peoples necks just arched into phones
But when I was a child, we used to thrown stones,
Not stay at homes, when one roams he reaches his goals,
But I took a hold of my life and I used the controls,
So I snatched the sun just to bring in the light,
And I grabbed at the moon just to bring in the night,
And I swam this ocean just to bring in these waves,
and I surfed on the tremors hoping a soul that it saves,
I wanted to flip the world 360 cause its in me,
within me, magic tree, letting go of leaves we're free
Even in thickest storms never get tangled.
stand on our own, not fragile, keep it angled,
People use racism every day in the system,
risen to glisten my concoction of the serum,
Lets rise and make this one giant kingdom,
throw away restrictions, racism and division.

Hook(1) x1

open your eyes can you think so freely? x4

3rd verse
Your clock hand keeps ticking, tick tock, tick tock,
We've broke the clock, and we've broken the lock,
to the secret garden of eve, as i weave and weave,
spinning straw into gold before your eyes, you wont believe,
threads of spun gold on my wheel like Rumpelstiltskin,
But I mark my life with a pin, Gemini twin,
I'm using my mind to send through these signals,
bars like rainbows should be sponsored by skittles,
Catullus RP too much pressure I form crystals,
these aren't just stories these are facts not scribbles,
I'm not trying to rap about money or ****,
and I'm not going to rap about pills, girls or speed,
People are killing and stinging instead of living,
instead of just giving you're a villain who keeps digging,
people with no talent make money brains absent,
you haven't got the minerals not a single fragment,
please find me a person who's heart wont worsen,
someone who's kind and someone who's never cursing,
practice for an audition to change the world I'm rehearsing,
bubbles keep on bursting, only kings are emerging.

Hook (2) x1
Currently we look at angles to win,
never biting the bullet moment or pin,
worlds turning and yearning I'm always learning,
I'm searching and surfing on waves that you seem to be churning,
pick me up don't put me down,
please try turn this frown around,
It's simplicity, trying ability with possibility,
vocabulary's increased I've extended flexibility.
I wrote this last night after writing "deeper perspectives" I wanted to make a rap. Still not finished it needs a lot of editing :) - I wanted it to be serious/play on words so some parts aren't so serious but it breaks it down when you rap it :)

Should get my new microphone soon so quality is going to be better - just a little delayed in the mail!
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
The dusk fog reminds
Me of walks home after I
Had just been broken.

You caused the water
Drops like condensation, on
My dripping burnt skin.

Just to come back for
Another round into your
Heat-stroke and cold lies.

I had been frozen,
In place whilst burning, welding
Onto the embers.

Left in a heap and
Waiting for the next person,
To mould me again.
5 Haikus making 1 poem!
Jul 2017 · 2.1k
Deeper Perspectives
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
Currently we judge,
Looking at angles to win
Just to please your own mind.

We throw insults and we fight,
We ignite fuel to our fingers
Tapping away like it's a race for popularity.

The world spins and spins,
Yet nothing really changes
Because we just keep spinning.

But it's as if we have weaved
Ourselves into a ditch of
Despairing linear paths.

As we watch, we listen, we observe
And try to become something else,
Something we're not supposed to be.

Just to let everyone know
That you watch the same things,
That you do the same things.

But then after it all we realise
As we grow older and as we mature,
We merely did nothing for ourselves.

We just followed the same road,
We followed the same destiny
And we lose ourselves in our journey.

At the end of it all we start to notice
We have taken the wrong path,
And the other roads are too far away.

So we turn into the side-roads,
Which lead to nothing but plagued floors
Broken doors and empty souls.

Mobiles have taken love out of ***,
Generations have missed out
How it feels to actually be connected.

You make love and your phone rings,
People stop to answer like your moments
Aren't precious enough with loved ones.

We eat meals at restaurants
With our families and friends,
All I see is arched necks and fiery fingers.

I wish I was in a time when we spoke
To one another about our days,
Not about a video that has gone viral.

I wish that as I grow and my children
Will walk amongst the earth I have,
It won't **** them into inevitable fates.

I don't want them to be another
White sheep hopping the same fence,
Like the rest of this miserable world.

Systems have taken individualism
Out of individuals and get labelled weird,
They give us titles like "OCD, ADHD".

I'm not either, and I don't actually have
A label to my name, yet I feel I should
I feel why shouldn't I?

After all I like to think different,
I like to think one day we will see
The clear glass in front of us.

But most of all, I truly hope one day,
We can become a better world
Instead of repetition in characters.
Just some quick thoughts I had on my brain. But this type of thing doesn't get spoken about enough. This may "offend" some, but I only speak in truths. My heart can only love so much until it gets stretched beyond its limit.
Jul 2017 · 1.2k
Moment - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
From the moment we
Met, I knew it was you who
Would repair my heart
Jul 2017 · 651
Poetry Puppet
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
If I wisp away
Into this humid night,
Whilst my sweat drips
With my honey and
Your anguished hollows.

And as these trees calmly
Blow in this muggy fall,
For when my legs can't clamber
These piercing cliff rocks,
And my knees tremble.

Because I fear, yet anticipate
My own emotions in misty
Wind that blows between us,
That will guide me into a pool
Of my own heart shed.

''Tis not your sensitive heart
My mind will whisper,
We're all a lover deep down
Yet I'm cursed with overthinking
Like a poetry puppet.
I feel like us poets are all sensitive - or we all think way too much into emotions and love. Hopefully some of you can relate!
Jul 2017 · 909
Why - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
If my words can't sway
Your mood to create a smile
Why lead me along
Jul 2017 · 768
Hard Catch
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
Every whisper,
Is an explosion,
Every tear
Is a tsunami,
Every touch
Is a pin *****,
All because
You're the abrasive,
Yet benign woman
That I need,
to keep me
On the tips
Of my toes.
Jul 2017 · 641
Your Words
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
I have took bruises
All of my life,
I brace for impact
Upon my skin.

I take remarks like
A pinch of salt,
Using them as
seasoning on my soul

Yet for some reason
Your words are toxins
To my forever flowing
Unsoiled blood.
Jul 2017 · 2.1k
Eyes - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
Read my eyes not my
Lips, as my eyes move towards
You, without any thought.
Jul 2017 · 651
Lost Love
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
When my lips move
To match your ear drums
Just to sync my emotions
With yours.

Why is it that you
Stop playing the drums
And we sink deeper into
The abyss of lost love.
Haven't been on for a while so I thought I'd quickly write something haha!
Jul 2017 · 367
Door Heart - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
Don't shut me outside
Because I will get used to
Your featureless door.
Jul 2017 · 609
Vapours Of My Love - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
Rest your lips on mine,
Take my breath, and inhale the
Vapours of my love.
Jul 2017 · 591
Manifold Nature
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
She is the music
And all of the joy,
I see her blossom
And unfold into the
Beautiful flower she is,
Yet her petals are clipped
With few wounds,
Where wounds in
the wild become
One rhythmic motion,
One perfect combination,
Her joy is a manifold nature
Making more
Than one
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
I haven't been able to write much poetry recently due to all my time being Put into music. I have 3 more songs being released today so after this I should get back into it. This is a collab with an American who's showing me the ropes after my first month into rapping. Missing you all!
Jun 2017 · 2.3k
Hairbrush - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Leave your hairbrush as
The insignificance still
reminds me of you.
Jun 2017 · 837
Your Lips
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
I want to kiss your lips
until my whole mouth burns,
The kind of affection that would leave
me in pain and suffocating for air
as my lips weld shut,
Yet your breath is a small consequence
to pay for the moment with your touch.
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Ok so I recorded this through my earphones and laptop. It's been a month now so I need constructive criticism. I hope you like it anyway, it's only a preview at the minute until I get to a studio to record it :))
Jun 2017 · 10.0k
Moon & Stars - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
I miss you like the
Moon misses the stars during
The revolving day
I love writing Haikus, you can probably tell!
Jun 2017 · 526
My Walls Are Brittle
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Even though my outer shell is unbreakable,
The structure inside me that was so hard
To build was finally complete,
Or at least that’s what I told myself.

Yet, my core is broken down and crumbling
as I slowly rot away and break,
I still feel every single piece of chipped off
Brick that I tried so hard to put up.

I see my walls falling despite my efforts
In this apocalyptic mess I call safety,
So I hide away, repairing myself
Piece by piece scared to ever love again.
Jun 2017 · 927
Don't Sleep - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
As my eyes close shut
I already see fear of
Losing you in dreams
Jun 2017 · 1.0k
In Order to Survive - (Rap)
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
1st Verse/16 Bars
I'm trying to earn more pennies to mark me a moment in life,
A moment in time, I should probably drop this razor sharp knife,
I need to Push forward through this crowd of confusion,
But your in delusion with these rhymes that I'm using and abusing
Cos I'm confusing, consuming, choosing and amusing myself,
refusing so I'm producing more tracks for consuming and wealth,
Snapping your neck at every single beat, whilst you're tapping your feet,
So all  sit back with some popcorn you're in for a much needed treat,
I ponder and wander in my mind sometimes as I see painted pictures,
when I paint I find a story or a rhyme using these triggers,
Whilst I play with words that take years to carve and curve,
something harder to learn and yearn into something much more worth,
More to you than me so my life had, meaning from my birth,
Ripping up turf, trying to find words beneath the core of earth,
So I rap in metaphoric tongue because I'm using poetic justice,
you're frowned from above whilst you try master and craft this.

(Chorus 1)
In order to survive,
Do all you can in life,
Make yourself feel alive,
In order to survive.

(2nd Verse/14 bars)
I use a form of speech that frees the soul to reach your own goal,
so you won't be buried inside you'll confide in deep parts using coal,
to set fire to bars you spit, ripping and fitting every single hole,
Whilst I rap I'm reforming and morphing them into some sort of mold,
Because while I'm hitting, n knitting bars like threads and then sowing,
the lawn whilst I'm mowing n showing people I'm always growing,
in capacity and trying to shove off some of the animosity,
the world's in atrocity whilst I'm producing I feel it subconsciously,
As we would say in Great Britain would you like a cup of Rosie Lee
and then In France they say no musketeers without the three,
but I found me as I perfect and refine every single line,
lyrics so evil I'll be committing a grade A crime,
in time for these dimes to drop without single a fine,
Lyrics so sour you may as well **** a lime.

(Chorus 2)
In order to survive,
Do all you can in life,
Make yourself feel alive,
Find a future or wife,

(3rd Verse/14bars)
I can rap like I'm insane but other rappers are plain,
No strawberry or chocolate just vanilla milkshake,
I dream of crowds shouting my name not in vain,
Because within this ink I'm pouring my soul through pain,
Razor, scissors and chainsaws will cut you all the same,
Like these lines that will cut you up whilst I'm in the game,
i hope you realise but this whole rap is one big metaphor,
A rise to the fame and all the glory comes with downpour,
Crying so hard he might flood the whole ground floor,
Biting so hard into the rap hes got lockjaw,
I hope my next song will be featuring someone who killed a
situation to diffuse the rhyme from the bigger picture,
I'm Slitting my veins to bleed and produce on this page,
trying to push and pull salary above the minimum wage.

(Chorus 1x2)
My next rap I wanted to play with it a little. With some detailed rhyme schemes. It's not finished yet but I hope you like the roughs. Audio to come soon :) (Try rapping it to a "boom bap" beat ;)
Jun 2017 · 716
Softness - Haiku x2
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Water is a mere
liquid yet it breaks even
The earth and mountains.

This shows that softness
Always overcomes hardness
Using persistence.
Jun 2017 · 630
Cradle Her
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Hold her gently whilst she sleeps
For the hurricanes she dreams
And the nightmares she has,
Will never come to fruition
If you make sure your hand
Is not far from her own.
Jun 2017 · 466
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
The thing about poetry,
Is I don't know if the ink
Will be my medicine,
Or if it's the poison
Inside my veins that
Will slowly destroy me.
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