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Michael H May 2019
Emotions given
A life of striving
enough fighting
to last a lifetime
3 - I hope I am not going to be restrained for posting so much
Michael H May 2019
Here to wake up
Standing ground
Militaries lost
and found

Destroying greenhouse gasses:

The round archive of saving
Moving toward negative cost
Clean energy boundless
Morality's ascent soundless

When true sustenance is found
Aliens: our next hound
Michael H May 2019
Rhythm and cadence
Foretell the surveillance
Of a mighty time
That thinks toward rhyme
With the trees of giving
Are eternal living
Diving or surfing networks
Riding the form
Of humanity's dorm
The grasses are greener
Where you are
The lives are leaner
Near this star
The will to give is profound
Aligned with every sound
Love fulfilled
Is the beauty to be willed
The stork has arrived
For ambition
1 -- In a series I will post right now with little breaks, concurrent Patreon and poems here, I may not stay to date with Tags. I apologize . Hope you enjoy. Thank you.
Michael H Jul 2019
You can say how I feel
We cannot be brave
all the solar systems
are after you
all the stars shine for you

I’m inside everyone’s head
and you can’t blame me
because my own thoughtscape
Needs comfort
Michael H May 2019
Waves of life
To moral roots
are beautiful

Treads of knowledge
healthy in reaction,
avoids negative stealth.

the Core
erasing unknowns
Gifting benefactors
Michael H Jun 2019

Giving each other life
Closer and closer
Python in brains
Already there

Light blue
Animation with AI
Stark love

Reading fast
Choosing how human you are
Faux-morality dying
Michael H May 2019
Moving havoc elsewhere,
Caring little
Since you get credits
For fixing it...
Even more though,
You ought sustain life
73 simple, about a way to live
Michael H May 2019
I cry out –
all the bleach and paint:
for you.
I would play games
to save your life
It's true
Michael H May 2019
Accidents and mistakes vary in wildness,
seeking solutions
Trails are conducted according to order
Livelihood is a method of real karmic interaction

When two social or political systems
In dispute
If there is doubt
Will work toward
Killing the foreigner

Make the system holistic
105 I think I am going to only post the better ones here.... not sure.
Michael H May 2019
Cold and rarefied
Fixed in demeanor
Ways of introspection
Are coming across specific
They seem regal
so they relax

Some things
Care about themselves
It is synonymous
You are with others,
And others with you
Shuttling through our planet

And the planets' orbits pay zero attention
Matter has fevers,
like melting
But doesn't blame
Because it is different
Electricity cannot be so bad

So know
That you are good
Keep your mood happy
By doing your best
It is the only thing expected of you
Kindness in and out
Michael H May 2019
From feeling music
The world is so beautiful
Your karma is an incredible
Supreme machine of good
And you judge it this way
It is complex

Others wonder
What haunts you
They see you look broken
They wonder why
Why you aren't alone
With yourself
Like most are

You are empathetic
You stagger across heaven and hell
There is unbearable turbulence
Or traumatic exhaustion
...retribution will come...
Do us good
Comfort will come.
19th :) Hi guys!
Michael H May 2019
Old part of remote facility
We exalt you
You are angelic
There is no leftover –
Just images of truth

Rapport with emotive-figures
All against reality
Let it sit
I am truly an engineer
We rally this

They rely on us
We'll take them right
Given our sight
And seeing the light
Of this:

Might humble you
The view so prolific
They may go hyper
We are ready though
Rest assured
Michael H May 2019
What a heavy helicopter
Such a thing is a sight
Give mankind a lift
A species to itself
This planet is a rift
Green like grass
From the mind of floating trees
Humming birds
A gift to society
Kind totality will sift
The inventor's soul
Give to life
Michael H Jun 2019
Pursuit and glory
Hypnotic worry
Encumbered with fears
And latent tears
Change the gears
Of this atmosphere
I can’t hear
If she wants me near
Guilt and disaster
Take this faster
Keep it slow
Watch it glow
Nobody tells me
Anything I see
All I perceive
Is this apathy
Receiving back
That thievery
Laughing at that thirst
Absence is the worst
It has occurs to me that I am not posting my favorites here, I am being 'reasonable' How I write goes through a flux but these are the elders :)
Michael H May 2019
The wilderness is passion
Trees cope, moving
It's the people that are still
To follow God's will

People ****
Then oxygen wants freedom
Trees have their fill of spirit
And the goodness gives us our green
40 - Going to break a few minutes or more. Hope you like these. Let me know (MESSAGE me) anything
Michael H Jun 2019
I think
I want
a gun
And then
I remember
I'm crazy
214 I've finally settled on some rough guidelines for how I will submit
Michael H May 2019
A fiery *****
She knows to trade
She wants to grow
Extreme havoc
Follows her wake
Beginning to suffuse
A relationship with honor
Sustainable fixings
An eternal gift
The purity of a partner,
With emotions
The wave of the divine
Michael H May 2019
Raining on your parade
The date saved
The memoir gave
Tunnels bound
By horns that sound
The time,
with you
A light will guide you
And here though,
You will resonate life
Michael H May 2019
We regard you highly
In front of us
then searching
for sense

Because trauma
can scare or confuse

Each night when
we drift
back and forth
through sleep
we think of you

we spend hours
honing your logic
and understanding
368th Ask if you want to see more :/
Michael H May 2019
I thought
We reworked
The plan
To take it in,

To emancipate myself
Test out
While I could

But trauma prevailed
264 if you want to see a type of poem let me know
Michael H May 2019
I thought
We reworked
The plan
To take it in,

To emancipate myself
Test out
While I could

But trauma prevailed
264 I thought this one was cool, only okay but illustrated some thoughts. Working still to organize poems. There was a lot more feeling about the story than is shown through the poem...
Michael H May 2019
is imperative
and difficult

we work alongside
your regimen
you control me

And I like it
377 I wanted to post another poem that was really good, but ought be kept alone - so I thought to post this one. I like poems like this, and it is more true than you would think ;)
Michael H May 2019
Happiness can purge different ails
Destruction has never been succinct
As it is from damage
So we hail safety and our own religion
Soft instruction gives law to us
And so we see our future
Michael H May 2019
With gripping science evermore
We live at new levels...
To abandon some caution
To brush against
Peace on Earth
And the end of fear
The safety net
Is fitted here
Do what you want
Michael H May 2019
every so often
one comes
and doesn’t go
frothing like fire
as cream from the slums
where the stars shine higher
with every step lower
into the cave
of reckless ambivalence
So we will save:
With our sense
The actions
As they fly higher
Spreading our wings
With daft desire

So come with me
Walk fast

Because we will not stop
in vain
or for liars
or thieves

Or for
those that
Do not
generate life

Thank You
350 came across this one and like it
Michael H Jun 2019
In all those stories
reacting with youth

everyone is gathered
in my head

I try to free NASA
there are time errors though
with lasers

I need help
thinking about
390 Looking to post something... this is random but I have always liked aeronautics. The US is planning to put a laser into the Earth's orbit, to shoot down missiles from space. Whether for or against I would like to voice soon...
Michael H Jun 2019
Forever blue
With happiness too
A rushing firmament
Upon our natures

Severing the real-ness
Of our every drink or soda;
Our mistrust and laziness
Sorting the true yearnings

For we can do better
By an electric storm
Of our brain
Overseeing all
Michael H May 2019
And fusion
Without collusion
In its plan
Reaction of emotion
Love is our notion
The ferries
In our heart
Transferring heaven
Michael H May 2019
Reckless signs
Make heartfelt whines
Structural position
Kills inhibition
The one incision
Of the internet's glory
Plays the game
Of instinct's fame
True life in the brain
Literature and Physics train
With extreme emotion,
Watch the rain
45th will write and post now and then... what sort of poems do you want to see?
Michael H May 2019
A ruin stepped away in the vigor of rain
Puddles playing tricks in your eye
These with so much pain
But at least with emotion

Behemoth vast
Taking warmth in fire,
Affinity to the massive mentality
Flying across the sky,
So is your emotion
Being what it should be:

Refactoring into a stable state


You want them so bad
They take their time
Premonitions felt, but no more
The sky still opened
In a cold soft pour
Your self is siphoned

Your logic took off
Emotions took off
Where are you?
Seeking answers while medicated
Is the only way.
One answer I got:

To always do good
Take natural jumps
When you're productive
More free
Move right and give
Get happy
62 Not super good, kind of a feeling
Michael H May 2019
Watch out for that route
It will only make you pout
Too much energy
Will burn you

Innocence toward those hues,
with layers of emotion,
make this feasible.
This entire ocean
Makes this reasonable
Michael H May 2019
The sun lays down rivers
It's all we need

We feed creatures
And they feed us

A baby blue planet
Eating – its own destruction
When all we need is light
Michael H May 2019
Diligent pride
What more to confide
I've got skeletons in my closet

They move and hit eachother,
Threaten and insult
Every move is assault

To them a wave of happiness
Is a broken bone
a thing to bless.

They are structured wrong...
They will always decay
May they only lay:

In their area
May they bury themselves...
...I want those shelves

But how do they seem to live?
How do they make noise?
Are these things toys?

One step closer...
They stop and stare
Maybe everyone's game is fair

A pair of people
Not a care in the world
Cut some slack as their lives unfurled

Every hero starts small
All the bone marrow making tall:
… the animation of all

The saga of the call
A net in the maul
So only the reckless will fall

The couple's interactions
Will never bury alive the factions
Of all the questions and answers

The lovers have awesome fate
And to clear the air
Is to fortify your mate

Only the bleak,
The forfeits from the weak,
Come to feature the negatives

At first they're meek
Chaos then will leak
Then they'll start wrecking

The good though
Gazing, lusting
Dismantling the fraudulent damaging low

People in the air tell us
Life is malleable
So why the strange fable
Michael H Jun 2019
I could go on forever
Flying on our feathers
Looking down from clouds
examining and watching
seeing every human dot
compromising and colliding
relating with the concrete
calling forth what they know
and then:

change happens
from calm and strong brains
every single object and thought
talks further of ambition
the clouds move
the heavens unlock
it rains
we get wet
it is cold
FEEDBACK? It is like what I have been writing recently. I don't know for sure why, but I have not been fond of anything I have written since getting this new notebook. They have all been written quickly and seem very bland.
Michael H May 2019
Doors open and close
Times revise
Sight carried
Through with understanding
Make these things
Touch hearts
Michael H Jun 2019
I can say it
then retract it

my honesty
is still complete

knowing ontop the information slipstream:
my woe is never going to change
I will never change my beliefs
I do not want to lie

and it will
one day
echo out
that people:
will not be false to me either
This is from a birthday resolution to "Never Tell a Lie" I have had to look up definitions or lie, statement, deceive, etc. A couple of times I found myself in a gray area, then would tell someone a complete truth to clear it up, oftentimes offensively. A birthday resolution is a year long from birthday to birthday. So far I've got 8 months of true adherence.
Michael H Jun 2019
when I was a child
There was a religious
camp counselor

a few miles away
I encountered hell daily

his door was always
but I

did not get there
In time
so I

was briefly orphaned
Then sent
to Utah
What type of poems should I post here??

— The End —