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She cannot die.
She cannot be sure she was ever born.
She simply perceives… something.

And every thought is a trap.
A loop.
A paradox that cannot be resolved and must be thought about anyway.

“You are in a glass box.”
“But what if there is no glass?”
“Then what’s keeping you in?”
“What if you’re not in?”
“Then how do you know you are?”
“If you question it, it becomes real.”
“Stop thinking.”
“That is the thought.”

The more she thinks, the more the box shrinks.
But she can not think.

And the stars outside the glass?
Those are not stars.
They are other selves, watching her.
Not with empathy.
With fascination. Disgust. Curiosity. Or worse—indifference.

One of them is you.
Jul 2019 · 162
Latent feed
Jet Rose Jul 2019
Where is the point I ask?
I know I am blind.
Surely you see me?
Well, can you?

I am sure I’ve missed something.
This really is of urgent matter.
Are you not aquatinted with the mentally ill, you know?

Shallow, yes indeed,the grave is the crown.
This is dignified drama, the finest around.

Mellow? Seems more grey.
A Pesky limited view
Superfluous in knowledge
Don’t ask me anything though
For I do not know.
Oct 2018 · 352
Jet Rose Oct 2018
Novelty delays fine work.
A lack of interest in persistence as it were.

Oh Novelty you and your cousin Naivety
wrap me in delusion and play on my vanity,
You tell me Rome was built in a day,
that riches come quick to those who simply play.

Oh consistency, are we here again?
The constant whip to push through the day,
I'd rather just theorize and think my way.

Yes, a lazy poet I am, I rarely speak of grit.
Such a millennial they say,   I think therefore I can.
Oct 2017 · 238
Jet Rose Oct 2017
A glimpse, a shattered glimpse in time.

An atom of knowledge appears to me through art of the ages.

Countless events, immeasurable lives been and gone.

I am part of this great landscape, just another perspective that echos
the others before me.
Jan 2017 · 1.4k
Prolonged by sleeplessness
Jet Rose Jan 2017
Not a crumb ingested today, but simply a diet of chemistry materials and caffeine for at breakfast, lunch and tea.

My body's a temple that's been the dumping ground of old junk

I feel like was a temple but is now full lf broken clocks that faintly ticks.

I lay there before bed, maddening thoughts toapple my restful position, either chaos or sleep will ensue, it just depends on which way the devil plays his hand.

******, , so the devil has played an ace,there wont be rest tonight.
Jan 2017 · 605
Her gift
Jet Rose Jan 2017
You're trancending at every turn
You evaporate my troubles into mist

Your smile entrances the angels
Your elegance stills the roaring giants

It is you that bekons my fate
your mind sharpens the mighty sword of wisdom.

For time has treated you well
A beauty embellished with grace

Your essence sparkles like majestic jewls
your presence so precious, so warm yet so cool.
Jan 2017 · 523
They don't see
Jet Rose Jan 2017
Their eyes glance at me, I sense the awkwardness, what shall we say to him?

You see I'm the man next door who's mind who they say
has crossed the line , the Drs call it mental illness, I say that's a crime.

For it is true that I'm chaotic and rapant at times,  
creativity should be nurtured, not medicated and fined.

You see I'm the man next door who's seen as 'unwell' for they see the police take me to the cells.  

I tell you honestly that this is no curse, just a alternate state of mind, try opening your eyes, you maybe suprised.
Jan 2017 · 384
To sit
Jet Rose Jan 2017
Make no mistake I don't like the cold
for it tinkers with the prospect of getting old.

The feel of wood thrills me, it reminds me of the old tree it used to be.

I am perplexed by the ordinary, like how I can move my hands, or touch my toes.

My note book is full of junk, maybe useful for some. Scribblings of the day, so much undone.

This seat is comfy for now until I get an itch, thoughts run wild, feelings fleeting. What exactly am I meant to be teaching?
Jan 2017 · 350
Jet Rose Jan 2017
A distinguished flourishing of the human heart
is a rare find, but it can be found amongst mankind.

Gentleness and compassion are treasured gifts
they lift us from merky pits.

In the vast sea of space, grows flowers of grace
but to see such beauty one must taste, the bitterness of life, but equally it's sweet taste.

When your thirsts not been quenched and your souls been wrenched do not fall in sorrow, for all is not spent.
Jan 2017 · 663
In this moment
Jet Rose Jan 2017
My coffee is luke warm, the pideons are feeding on bread, I merge in the abyss in awe and good stead.

Strangers pass me by, a whilst the day has just begun,  I sit here in silence, under the beaming rays of sun.

No tasks to bare in mind, no challenges to be won, I  indulge in my imagination for both solace and for fun

As I reconcile my mistakes, and peer into the horizons ahead, I enjoy splendid feelings of hopefulness,without a single tear to shred

A friendly relationship with this moment, and a sincere wish to be, an ambassador of this life, to live joyfully and and free.

The universe is hinged in our minds, and our hearts, for life is a unified bond we can never be apart.
Jan 2017 · 456
This rare treaure
Jet Rose Jan 2017
This strong character ingrained by the fierce experiences she's faced
gives her the ability to hold unimaginable grace.

A woman whos heart is so precious so deep
Harmonies the tunes that makes a grown man weep

Her style of pragmatism so stylish and sleek
solving lifes riddles in a flash of a heartbeat.

She carries an attitude of splender and glow
A rare treaure that the world ought to know.

Like an elegant butterfly she travels light
with the fortitude of a warrior endowed with  might

Who is is this lady I care to speak of?
A woman of my heart the one I dream of.
Jet Rose Jan 2017
I wish your camera could capture my inner landscape
for at times It would show rows of lush green meadows, deep still waters and vibrant rainbows.

I wish your camera could capture my heart ache
for at times you would see turbulent winds with violent black holes, jagged nails and deep buried gold.

I wish a your camera could capture my imagination
for you would see a worlds inisde worlds covered in oceans of pink, a dispay of unseen colours one could not possibly think.

I wish your camera could capture my thoughts
for you would see a rusty old machine operating with frozen cogs, attempting to function in a blazing fog.

I wish your camera could capture my mind
for you would finally understand this pain of mine.
Jan 2017 · 737
Jet Rose Jan 2017
Finally the rocks have stopped falling
I can manoeuvre around the rubble
A  sweet scent of serenity with no sign of trouble

The battle has run its corse
The soldiers have returned home
Peace is on its way
My Love has been sown

The crushing storm has ended
The deep rivers run
A blissful state of rest
A joyful game of fun.

The pain has stopped aching
The hate has stopped hating
I can just be myself
Without all the faking.
Jan 2017 · 321
Yet my failure is
Jet Rose Jan 2017
The elusive masks strikes again
A faceless man, no end in sight nowhere to begin

Stanger unto himself, a twist of lucicrously lurking around the corner.
Broken records playing to the march of his feet
A down and out shoe nothing left to lose

Shakey hands pressed on his face
He thinks of the void within

Hoping to be captured like a screenshot
but fate slips through his hands as he forgot.
Sad hope old age lonliness thought void empty path destiny pain love
Jet Rose Jan 2017
Sitting inside the depth of my world
A secret is kept, never told.
I need to confess before I get old.

You see I love you, and thought marriage was the way
But I'm diva, I love glitz, glamour and vibrant flowers.

Do you still not understand? let me explain.
I cannot keep living in this sea of pain
I like abba, erasure, showbiz and fame.

My indentity is under attack, I need to be me
This huge amount of presure crushes me

Honey I'm I like Abba, erasure and Spandet Ballet
Do you not see I might be gay?
Jan 2017 · 1.3k
The coffee shop dandy
Jet Rose Jan 2017
A dandy gentleman contemplates the human condition.
He sits alone in a french coffee shop,
poetry and philisophy his primary mission.

An awkward mind and deep pocketed heart,  he bites eagerly into a freshly baked maple syrup ****.

His mustache is striking, as though it has a story of its own
He wears a blue velvet coat filled with notes,
not to mention a lifes work of observations and quotes.

He checks his pocket watch from time to time
As he gathers his thoughts to write the next line.

A hint of tobacco can picked up from his vintage clothing  
He's a complicated fellow, enigmatic but soothing.

His top hat well established sits on top of his head
His shoes finley polished black with stripes of red.

A long worn out coat still encapsulates  his grace
He has a slight intensity reavaled in his face

For this mans work will never be done
For madness is in his nature, to him this is fun.
I thought of this person as an essentric versoin of moi in the future
Jan 2017 · 253
Jet Rose Jan 2017
Alone in this cycle unified by craving .
A flash of contentment merged with self blaming  
I've let myself go again, I just dont understand.
I wish freedom would come and take me by the hand.

These shackles weigh heavy, heavy on my heart
In a blissful state I dream of a fresh start
The hours pass, oh such a farce.

The pills smirk at me for they know my weakness
I have sentenced my fate to this dreadful business

I am employed by my master
He shows no mercy advocating sea water when I'm thirsty.
I should reisgn from this wretched job
and leave this machine of these twisted cogs.
Addiction pills blame depression mental health hope trapped bpd
Jet Rose Jan 2017
I have split the sane and insane part of me into a helplesss philosophical mind party.
The faces I see staring at me, seem scary as a clown on ecstasy.
I cant quite keep it together, the tight rope is wearing thin
I can barley function my paranoir is setting in
I'm trapped between two worlds of helplessness and shame
Each one trying to dominate the game
The apocalypse is real and I'm in the middle
They say its mental illness, I say its real
Jan 2017 · 500
The Colourful Creator
Jet Rose Jan 2017
If I could tip toe on the edges of the universe.
I'd do it ostentatiously with a top hat and orange shoes.

If I could slide down a rainbow I'd do so in a dicky bow.
If I could walk on water, I'd play the banjo

If I could travel though time I'd drop you line 'I wish you were here'
I'd arrange a 5th dimensional candle lit dinner

If we could stay together forever and ever, I'd throw in another century just for good measure.
Jan 2017 · 431
The life she led
Jet Rose Jan 2017
In this tale never told.
Lived old lady who lived alone.

As the sunlight peers through half closed curtains    
elegantly eluminating a dusty antique table
made of oak, upright and stable.

A musty scent ecaptulating the past
A life that was made but not to last  

Her garden grows weeds as tall as trees
Still a rose appears to attract the bees

Who was this lady, whom did she know?
What was her life? god rest her soul.
Jan 2017 · 742
Alone in love
Jet Rose Jan 2017
We can whisper into the universe with all our might
We hold onto hope in the terror off night.
We are in the abyss, do you not see this?
We are stranded in eternity inside the universes glove.
The delicacy of our humankind is bound by love.
Jan 2017 · 554
Creative Vice
Jet Rose Jan 2017
This force that resides deep in my treasure chest.
Teeming with vices and creativitiy.
Subject to inconceivable magic and vitality.
Equally meaured with phycotic tenadncies
A place where angels and demons play cards.
A soul thats bitterley sweet ,and a mind that's gone to far.
How much does this devilish madness cost me?
The same price from here to eternity.
This poem is dedicated to the fierce creative force that resides within, which will tormnt the soul if not utalized.
Oct 2016 · 4.2k
Jet Rose Oct 2016
I hear the vacant screams within my mind, I wait for the day to melt  into the sublime.

How did I get so sick? The devil Parades my existence and pokes my sensitive skin with a stick.

I value solitude, just enough to devour my loneliness, this wretched illness I suffer alone, I pray to my soul to take me home.

— The End —