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9.1k · Jan 2015
Fear of death
Sabbathius Jan 2015
"Fear of death?
Hell no, I fear mortals even more, they give me the creeps!"
Fresh out of my mind :D
7.1k · Sep 2014
Iambic Redemption
Sabbathius Sep 2014
Alone I stood, against the stare of death
With head to head, I felt its gruesome breath
Its fixing crimson eyes igniting mine
Its scythe around my neck, which drew this line

I walk with pride, although the scar is seen
By everyone in every place I've been
Although I could give up, somehow I feel,
there are some tasks I must and shall fulfill

The urgent need of many things to toss
The cursed demons I have come across
As I have let them slowly drain my soul
So shall I use what's left to make them fall

*Iambic Redemption by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
T'was my first serious attempt at iambic pentameter, hence the name :D
3.6k · Apr 2015
Drowning Deep Down Despair
Sabbathius Apr 2015
In the ocean of my sadness
Almost driven to madness
I've been diving deep beneath
‘Twas getting hard to breathe
But your anchor I have found
And came back safe and sound

After all, there was no treasure
Almost crushed by the pressure
At the verge of detonation
From above came salvation
Someone sailing 'round my sea
While watching out for me

From chaos I’ve been freed
Just in my time of need
All my wounds ceased to bleed

Back in the light of day
As in the grass I lay
I greet the sun’s first ray

*Drowning Deep Down Despair by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
3.0k · Jan 2015
Once Joyful
Sabbathius Jan 2015
Ever wanted to go back
and never advance again?
Simply quit and lose all track
of the endeavors in vain?

The routine is your own bane
Will keep you from being sane
Oh, there is no greater pain!

Nothing's ever at your favour
Gotta take some time to savour
all those moments before labour

On a journey to the past,
ever steady to the course
Never running very fast,
pursuing a greater force

Onwards, keep calmly receding
Flee towards that place in time
You were once happily singing
That charming and joyful rhyme

*Once Joyful by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Another piece regarding my strong hedonistic thoughts
2.6k · Dec 2014
Quote the Vulture
Sabbathius Dec 2014
Not a poem, just a quote from a song called "The Tower" from the band "Vulture Industries", which I love, and that I think somehow describes the way we live nowadays as a satire.

Rule number 1:
Each man is what he owns
Whether or not one truly exists is a question of having things
Rule number 2:
Things have purpose while the only purpose of flesh is to possess them
Rule number 3:
What one does not possess it is mandatory to land
Rule number 4:
The bond is the marrow of your bones
Rule number 5:
Debt is inherent and the birthright of the young
2.5k · Dec 2014
A Charming Discord
Sabbathius Dec 2014
He fingers the strings,
Enjoys the discord
Without any chords,
He dances and sings

The way he should dress,
He couldn't care less
Some hate him for that,
Some show him respect

As blind as a mole
But she, does enjoy
His tunes bring her joy
And peace to the soul

Old chums think he’s mad,
They just wish him dead
Young lads go “Hooray”,
When they hear him play

So happy he lives
Without real care
His talent so rare
Is all he believes

*A Charming Discord by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
1.8k · Jan 2015
Of Hope and Failure
Sabbathius Jan 2015
Traversing fields of ice and barren lands
Accursed woods so dark and torrid sands
Returned have I, with nothing on my hands
To nothing more than simply make amends

I kept on following the brightest star
Up there it shined undimmed like a cigar
Across those mountains I have ventured far
The struggle, with my strength was not on par

I've faced the cold, I've been through hell and back
I've been so close to have an heart attack
These wounds around my arms, my legs, and neck
Have dripped along, they left this ****** track

Tendeth thee my ailing ills?
I have all lost my way and will
Yet in me lies a passion still
Some fast heart thumps that I can feel
Perhaps desire or the thrill
To happiness in me fulfill

*Of Hope and Failure by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Sabbathius Jun 2015
In vain, the priest attempts to exorcise
He struggles hard to cease the demon’s rise
His prayers prove to be of no avail
She's almost sure they will completely fail

Contorting limbs, in pain and immense fear
From one of those alluring eyes, a tear
Cannot control the one inside no more
Without a pause she screams, so sick and sore

The wretched spawn is crawling right within
Her aching throbbing belly weak and thin
Some spikes are seen already tearing flesh
She feels each one just like a dagger's slash

With blisters-covered skin, expelling pus
There is no true escape from all this fuss
Entirely drenched in sweat, in **** and tears
Atrophied head rotates, her judgement nears

Amidst the blackened blood, now flowing out
Applying strength, ignoring cry or shout
Exuding putrid smells, an horror-born
Keeps screeching out as if destroyer’s horn

*Possession, Defilement and Birth by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
I fear for my mental faculties :/
Just kidding, but sometimes my mind is a really scary place xD
1.5k · Dec 2014
Flowers be damned! [14w]
Sabbathius Dec 2014
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm thinking of you
And hoping you're dead
1.4k · Dec 2014
Self-Exile for Amateurs
Sabbathius Dec 2014
Plunge yourself into the abyss
Forget all the things you’d miss
Give in to nature's embrace
Leaving behind not a single trace
Boldly venturing into the unknown
Facing all kinds of dangers alone!

Put aside your troubles and worries
Forget about the same old stories
Point your finger and close your eyes
Spin around, give it a hundred tries
Take whatever you need and flee
Nevermind the direction, do it for me!

It's time to cross the seas,
Climb the tallest of all trees!
Knock down a hive of bees,
So just get up off your knees!

It's time to fight with sharks!
To be the one who barks!
Quit strolling around the parks
Quit scoring the lowest marks

*Self-Exile for Amateurs by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Sometimes I just feel like leaving this noisy city and boring routine, and go live an adventure in the woods, or a tropical island, to be in contact with nature
1.3k · Sep 2014
Slow Descent
Sabbathius Sep 2014
Into god knows where
Into a deep dark lair
Slowly as a candle burns
My body twists and turns
For I am robed in flames
I am the fire he now claims

Still widely around my soul
All scorched out, nothing but coal
The rope which hasn't snapped
The endless fall in which I'm trapped
The more I fall, the less I care
For all the times, I spent up there

No escape from this descent
None of this is what I meant
Stripped of scent and sight
Cast away from the light
Void of all my senses
Void of all known faces

*Slow Descent by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
1.3k · Apr 2015
Rumo ao Inesperado
Sabbathius Apr 2015
Um barco na areia encalhado
De um inf’liz já quase acabado
Pela tempestade levado
Submetido a tão triste fado

Por maus caminhos de Proteu
Sem os conselhos de Nereu
O rumo traçado perdeu
Três mil e uma injúrias sofreu

Pelo o oceano ambos cuspidos
Conjuntamente destruídos
Ossos e madeira partidos
Rochedos e areal tingidos

Um último olhar para o mar
Já sem muito mais para dar
E menos em que acreditar
Assim um grito faz soar:

“Será só isto que consegue!?
Este corpo jamais se ergue
Vinde lá a onda que se segue
E que no profundo me entregue!"

Arrastado p’la margem fora
Que puxa-o a corrente agora
Para o além se vai embora
Destino Estige, sem demora

*Rumo ao Inesperado by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Journey Short on Hope
Sabbathius Jul 2015
The burden’s growing heavier with each second
Been keeping my head up, and never beckoned
On through the night, dragging this weight alone
These winds are strong, they freeze me to the bone

Constantly afraid of what may be lurking
No matter the cost, I have to keep looking
In the unknown, I place my only hope
Feels like waiting for the snap of a rope

“To start anew”, they said with smiley faces
“Go in peace! Travel to find different places.
This land is dying and so are we all.
Go now! But remember, you must stand tall!”

So far, I haven’t found a place to settle
Many days went on in this constant battle
Got no map or compass to guide my way
As I advance, deeper into the fray

Water and hail, fall heavily on my path
For far too long, I faced the storm god's wrath
For how much longer will I have to roam?
Must it be this hard, to find a new home?

Maybe I’ll just stop, sit right here and wait
Calm my body, spirit and fast heart-rate
Perhaps someone might pass around these parts
Provide some help, so that my journey starts

*Journey Short on Hope by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Writing to Eudora
Sabbathius Jan 2015
I've read some of your encouraging words
Like the music of a thousand pretty songbirds
They helped me making it through the day
My troubles and worries, they swiftly cast away

You've stopped the bleeding of my heart
With that truly marvelous written art
I beseech you to never stop writing
To keep hope in all our hearts lighting
This is my take on the latest challenge from Mr. Joe Cole, just writing to a friend :D
1.2k · Sep 2014
A Grave Unknown
Sabbathius Sep 2014
As you turned on the wrong track
I couldn't see!
As you turned away your back
I watched you flee!
No words or gestures to explain
Just embarqued to a life of pain
In that accursed final train
There was nothing for your gain

On the longest voyage of your life
Through constant fear of all the strife
Yet you managed to stay alive
While poking sticks at the closest hive
You mistake your friends for foes
And are addicted from head to toes

The light slowly fades as you slip away
The feeling I get, it seems like decay
And no matter how much I delay
How much words I can say
I can't make you stay
For a last night or day

Yet you keep torturing your flesh
With pills and needles for a lash
You're in for an ugly final crash
You'll be buried among the trash

In a place where all the wicked tread
That's the ******* you chose to head
On your path to a grave unknown
Without flowers, coffin or tomb stone


Cleanse your soul!
Cleanse your ******* soul!
Cleanse yourself of ****!

*A Grave Unknown by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Something overly cheesy that came to me, as an idea for lyrics with the metalcore style in mind.
1.2k · Jun 2015
The Promise Of Hell
Sabbathius Jun 2015
There he falls to his knees
Stung by a thousand bees
Close to his dying wife
Slowly draining of life

“No! This cannot take place!
Right here in my embrace,
My beloved soon dead!
Oh Lord, take me instead!”

“Cease all the liquid flow
And shine thy holy glow
Gently upon her spirit
She’s almost at her limit!”

From out of smoke and fire
Appears a spectre liar
To bring a twisted deal
That only blood may seal

“But what explains thy presence!?
To carry out her sentence!?
Wert thou sent by my lord!?
I’ll strike thee with my sword!”

His blade is raised but stilled
The eyelids as if peeled
Limbs paralyzed in terror
‘Twas that an awful error!?

‘Tis the odd spectre’s hold
On his form now so cold
Approaching the young girl
His words, start to unfurl:

“Of her I shall take care
If only wouldst thou dare
To grant to my possesion
Assets, for my collection”

“For riddles I care not!
Of those I’ve heard a lot!
What could someone like thee
Do now, to set her free!?”

Raising arms high above
It starts to cure his love
Making it seem so true
But stopping half-way through

“Thou art a seraph, right?
Please, bless her with thy light!
Please, what desirest thee?
Take anything from me!”

“To make her again whole
Requires thy own soul
It will suffice to mend
The wounds of a dear friend”

“Well, If it must be so
As I won’t let her go
My essence may fill hers
Seems like that she concurs”

Their fate was swiftly sealed
Turns out she was not healed
Both meant for hell’s inclusion
‘Twas all just an illusion

*The Promise Of Hell by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
That was surely my longest write until today, and one I'm very proud of, still can't believe I wrote it xD
1.1k · Jul 2015
Sea-lurking Terror
Sabbathius Jul 2015
So cruel and ruthless,
So ugly and toothless!
Such Ice-cold betrayers,
Such chronic naysayers!
Band of pesky thieves
And withered old leaves!

Chaos ocean-wide!
Demons side by side!
A sailing black cyst
Pushes through the mist
Such anger and strife,
Threatens all sea-life!

A curse compels them
To shoot, thrash and ram
Every ship on sight!
Every passing night,
The waters run red
With all the crews dead!

Souls forever snared!
Never really cared!
With each raid fulfilled
Their decay is healed
Life-force of those slain,
Used to mend their pain!

Sickness of the sea!
Spreading wild and free!
Death lies in its wake,
The whole world’s at stake!
None can slow its course,
None can stop this force!

*Sea-lurking Terror by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
949 · Sep 2014
A Mensageira
Sabbathius Sep 2014
Esta espada me foi dada
E me dito: "Segue a estrada"
Tal experiência tão falada,
Para sempre recordada

Uma mensagem recebi
E todo o perigo antevi
Neste reino em que vivi
Da escuridão me apercebi

De lá de cima me foi confiado
Que salvasse todo o reinado
Seguindo o caminho encarnado
Com bravos guerreiros a meu lado

Batalhas a dentro todos liderei
Sempre em frente, sempre ganhei!
Muito orgulho trouxe ao rei
E os invasores daqui expulsei!

Invasores estes que me levam agora
Servido o meu propósito est'hora
Meu Senhor, deixasTes-me à nora!
Servi-Vos e mandais-me embora!

*A Mensageira by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
841 · Sep 2014
Oh Inspiration
Sabbathius Sep 2014
Oh Inspiration, such a marvelously beautiful maiden she is, though always comes in late and when less expected. With sweet yet swift voices and tender touches, slowly involves you in a world full of splendor and awe. A world like you never seen before, and where with her help you create more and more! Such splendid sightings often fall in the depths of the unknown, due to everyday's troubles and struggles if not carefully and without ever for one second losing focus, immediately recorded.

Oh, the good times I spent with her on through the night, and all the wonders she helped me build!

*Oh Inspiration by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Not exactly a poem, but I like it, and think it's worth sharing
831 · Dec 2014
A few final laughs I
Sabbathius Dec 2014
He didn't even fight
Walking with his head straight up
As if not even afraid
Of the grim end awaiting him
By the end of a rope

The executioner offered his hand
To help him get up on the gallows
He agreed on the help of his killer
And directed to him his final words:

"Here, in my final sunset
I thank thee for helping
Don't worry about the rest
I'll go down myself"
I've heard the story somewhere I can't remember. It was about Thomas Moore, which is kinda strange since he was beheaded. Just some dark humour I find funny xD
Sabbathius Jan 2016
Around around, these stairways down the void
This relic hid, it must not be destroyed!
I keep the candles lit to guide the way
They follow straight behind in silent pray

It is my one and only task, my role!
It is the purpose of my very soul
I sweep these beaten steps in every side
Await arrival of new ones to guide

Whoever they may be, I welcome all!
And do my best to keep them standing tall
When finding hard to keep a steady pace
They trust the healing powers of this place

When languish weighs enough to shed a tear
Their spirit-selves depart and spawn in here
This realm provides the means to cure their ills
Without the need of dulling pain with pills

Proceeding slowly on this soothing trip
In state of trance, descending further deep
Forgetting lies, betrayals, plots and schemes
Embracing peace of mind in midst of dreams

*Keeper of the Mourners Haven by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
816 · Aug 2015
The High Fanatic Speaks...
Sabbathius Aug 2015
I'm here to set all matters right!
For years and years I'll keep this fight!
To bring this city’s **** to light!
To strike them down with righteous might!

These parasites who live concealed
Shall never see their dreams fulfilled!
Shall dig them out, the hand of God!
Shall punish them, the holy rod!

Impending wrath will swiftly fall!
Undo mischiefs of those who crawl!
Defilers of the sacred code,
Are those who I completely loathe!

It is not late, although, to turn
To save yourselves from certain burn!
Receive the blessing of Our Lord
And He’ll put down His fiery sword

From now until the very end
To all of you, my help I’ll lend
The city walls I shall defend!
Be sure! They will forever stand!

*The High Fanatic Speaks... by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This is merely a work of fiction. I am an atheist myself, and it is not at all my goal to turn someone to any group of beliefs.

I have a made a contest out of this poem in another community. In case you are interested:
Sabbathius Oct 2014
For many miles we have travelled
Many sickness we have seen
Such confusion we've unravelled
In many circles we have been

Walking with bare feet on the spikes
Carrying boulders at our backs
Getting poked by countless pikes
Following these endless ****** tracks

To find him there sitting on his throne
With his vast velvet royal mantle
To cast us out he seems so prone
From this ****** infernal temple

For causing discord in hell
From there we fell
So deep into the dark
Into darkest shades of black

Unwanted in neither earth nor hell
We drift along the dark infinity
Void of space, a complete vacuity
So horrid a tale, it hurts to tell

Descending in darkness!
Ascending in madness!
Across the borders of the void
We swam through pain and fear
We haven't shed a ******* tear!
We wandered mindlessly
We felt so cowardly!

*Across The Borders of the Void by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
787 · Nov 2014
Pilgrimage on Wings
Sabbathius Nov 2014
The birds have ceased to sing in morrow's eve
It is that time of year in which they leave
From hither they’re now gone to seek the warmth
Against the frigid winds advancing forth

The flying pilgrims search for sacred heat
Until they reach as much as they find fit
A thousand ***** were heard and off they went
To find a truer heat as they were meant

Their joyful chants no longer wake me up
As I enjoy my tasty coffee cup
No more do they provide a cheering mood
While feeding babes or searching for some food

*Pilgrimage on Wings by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
735 · Sep 2014
Aprendiz da vida
Sabbathius Sep 2014
Sou estudante de coexistência
Observo em bastante persistência
Mantendo sempre a minha distância
E aprendendo assim esta ciência

O quão difícil é de aprender
E quanto mais, tentar entender
Qual será a melhor forma de ser?
Como será que a hei-de manter?

Pois é imperdoável qualquer erro
Em meio de lobos, sou um bezerro
Que a todos pareço bastante tenro
Que cavam a cova do meu enterro

*Aprendiz da vida by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
My beloved mother tongue <3
For those who understand it...
724 · Sep 2014
A Shrouded Soul
Sabbathius Sep 2014
So close and yet away from shores we tread
That mass of grey so thick, there lies as dead
A foggy veil which blocks the way and sight
A ghostly form that fills all hearts with fright

Forever there, it lingers ever still
From very far, you feel its icy chill
In either dead of night or sunny day
It leads all sailors bold enough, astray

Yet I have seen her crossing part of it
I'm almost sure that we will never meet
Towards a land unknown, into the fray
She sails alone and casts the mists away

Reveal what lies beyond the smoky shroud
What wonders hides that huge, so steadfast cloud
Just lift the smoke atop the river deep
Unveil the realm where silently you weep

Come sailing down and take me there to see
A land whose gates have one and only key
I long to witness what it truly hides
Behold with my own eyes where she resides

*A Shrouded Soul by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
708 · Nov 2014
Life Ablaze
Sabbathius Nov 2014
The source of all the life we know is FIRE!
It is the cause of all our wrath and ire
The FUEL that boils our blood and brings DESIRE!
Without it's help we would most likely tire

Forever bright the flames do guide our way!
As piers to signal hope to those astray
Forever there to cast the dark away
They are the gods to whom we all should pray!

The great emergent star provides us light
Protection from the dangers found at night
Deceivers hidden carefully from sight
Conjuring tricks to make us doubt what's right

*Life Ablaze by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
And that's just the first of a big pile of WIPs I've been stacking up, because I always find it hard to finish them.
707 · May 2015
Haggling Love
Sabbathius May 2015
I serve you my heart on a silver plate
A gift like this must never go to waste
Have another piece to savor its taste
Take your time, no need for such a haste

Still in good shape, still in perfect condition
'Twas never a victim of malnutrition
Or any possible form of addiction
But constantly lost in ills of perdition

I now entrust you with this part of me
Treat it with care, don't turn away and flee
There will be no regrets, just try and see
After all, you're getting it for free

*Haggling Love by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

— The End —