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26.1k · Apr 2014
Sorry Eyes
y i k e s Apr 2014
I love

that look

in your


right before

you say

22.3k · May 2014
Symptoms of a Crush
y i k e s May 2014
butterflies and jitters
stutters and whispers

shaking and sweating
hesitating and forgetting
18.4k · Apr 2014
y i k e s Apr 2014
Faces painted with colors that make girl's skin pop out.
Eyes large and done up with circles around them
Coverup hiding the blemishes that grew out of stress and fear
Legs shaved and exposed under the beautiful gowns

Smiles grow on their faces when they see their date; dashing in suits and winsome smiles.
Small flower pins added to their beautiful dresses

The night is ready.

Legs spin around and around as they twirl, smiles in motions and hearts race.
Sweat lingers down their faces as their laughs grow more.

The night is ablaze.
Everyone is smiling.

But only one question lingers,
*"May I have this dance?"
my junior prom is tomorrow, wow.
17.9k · May 2014
Hand in Hand
y i k e s May 2014

we will

join hand in hand

when the time is

12.0k · Apr 2014
y i k e s Apr 2014
you're the worst kind of drug

and i want to you in every way possible

smoke, inhale, snort, injection

and i want to get

11.9k · Apr 2014
Early Sunday Morning
y i k e s Apr 2014
early sunday morning
when the air is brisk cold
when i refuse to get up,
because my bed is warmer than the house

early sunday morning
when the house is empty
because my parents have plans
that don't involve me

early sunday morning
when everything is silent
not even the footsteps of the dogs
or a peep from the bird

early sunday morning
when i refuse to get out of bed
is when i come to realize
everything is suddenly dead.
dead is in figuratively

my family members are not dead, nor is my block
9.8k · Apr 2014
Paint Brush
y i k e s Apr 2014
now that you own a paint brush,

i no longer have to paint a smile on my face
9.7k · Dec 2013
y i k e s Dec 2013
I am no longer a human.
I am an animal.

An animal who feeds on sadness.
Who thrives for nothing but deep melancholy.
A melancholic, if you wish.

I thrive for the feeling where you feel nothing.
Not even a spec of eagerness or a dash of enthusiasm.

Because at that point, you're suddenly interesting.
9.0k · May 2014
Hamster Wheel
y i k e s May 2014
your mind is a hamster on the wheel

running, running, running
spinning, spinning, spinning

never knowing

when to stop
7.5k · Dec 2015
mouse trap
y i k e s Dec 2015
"I'm just happy she didn't fall into that trap"*

Boy, my neck snapped from that trap long ago
But you don't focus on me unless you see what you want to
7.2k · Apr 2014
Look Forward (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
Don't just stand there

and adjust your bowtie

                                     **ACKNOWLEDGE ME
So, Junior Prom was pretty fun
y i k e s Jun 2014
Rest your hands on my waist
        and I'll rest mine on your shoulders

Glide with me around the venue
          and tango with me across the dance floor

Buy nasty food with me
         and spill Shirley Temple on my pure white dress with me

Poss for professional photos with me
        and rest your chest against my back as I blush

Hold me close
         as I hold my breath
              hoping this moment-
                             this night-
                                     never ends.
7.1k · Apr 2014
y i k e s Apr 2014
and i'll love you from afar


getting too close is

far too

6.5k · Dec 2015
love & care
y i k e s Dec 2015
Everything grows with a little love and care
Even in small dosages, it'll bloom eventually
6.5k · Jun 2014
y i k e s Jun 2014
A stadium filled with thousands of bodies

all pressed together

knowingly aware

but not caring about the abundance of sweat coating their bodies, which isn't their's

or the amount of limbs pressed against them, which isn't their's.

A stadium filled with thousands of people



the words which fuel them

give them life

and a purpose to keep going .

A stadium filled with thousands of people

all wearing the same shirt

which represents their love

for simple humans

just like them

which give their life

not too great, but it's good enough for being half awake and excited because i finally get to see my favorite band today!!
5.8k · Jan 2014
Instagram Romance
y i k e s Jan 2014
i'm going to instagram a picture of the sunset
because it makes me think of you
bright and beautiful
but it's like to everyone
isn't it?
so romantic and and cliche, but that's all i'm good at

perhaps i'll instagram a picture of a meal i'm eating
maybe you'll like that meal too
or you'll think i'm a total idiot
'she's one of thoooose girls'

or maybe even, i'll instagram a selfie of me looking dumb
you'll laugh, or maybe even giggle at my face
because it's so idiotic
maybe, just maybe, you'll like it
because that's what people do on instagram, right?

but you won't
5.8k · Apr 2014
Nine Lap Jog (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
i very much enjoyed

jogging around the grass

with you
Though we barely talked...

y i k e s Mar 2014
'yo be my partner'

you extended your partnership
i accepted it gracefully

we slammed the competition
tossed the shuttlecock back-and-forth, back-and-forth

everyone was in shock
oh how that tiny shuttlecock soared

okay, let's be a little realistic...

0-3* was our score
we lost in pride
and in demise  

at least i could dream we were kind of good
i accidentally touched his hand :)
4.6k · Mar 2015
sleepy time tea
y i k e s Mar 2015
sleepy thoughts

lead to sleepy wants

and sleepy me

wants to sleep with you
4.3k · Aug 2014
Photographic Memory.
y i k e s Aug 2014
toes buried in the sand

smiles painted on faces

frame this memory

because you'll never see it again.
4.1k · May 2014
Thank You for the Laughter
y i k e s May 2014
"please swipe your extra care card"


we all laughed

"help is on the way"


we all laughed

"please stand by, assistance is coming"


we all laughed

and all I'd like to say is,

thank you for the laughter.
3.1k · May 2014
Far, Far Away.
y i k e s May 2014
far, far, far away
lies a house
with a fireplace
and an old rickety rocking chair

even farther away
lies a mountain
and behind that mountain is a box
with a lock on it

in that box
lies a small, battered bag
and in that bag
is every piece of joy
which you stole from me.
y i k e s Jul 2014
it's 12:25 am

and i'm starting to miss you again
y i k e s Jan 2015
do you think by the time this poem ends,

you'll want to get some lunch and catch up?

because i surly do miss you
i was thinking your favorite food so if it's the last time we talk,

you'll enjoy it
2.8k · Jul 2014
Beach Day
y i k e s Jul 2014
As I stepped foot on the beach for the first time this weekend, my head was spinning.

This was such a great experience for me, I've always wanted to go to the beach. And I was extremely jealous of everyone who got to go, multiple times in one year.

The sun was beating down on to my sunscreened filled skin.
My toes were submerged in the sand, which was sticking to my feet.

And then it hit me, this is such a normal experience for someone. Walking on to the beach in the blazing heat, splashing in the ocean with their best friends, jumping into waves; it's all normal things.

But to me, this experience was extraordinary.

So remember, be thankful for every little thing you have.

Every experience. Every action.  

Some people would die for things like that.
Now I'm really sunburned, ahh.
2.7k · Mar 2014
Junior Year Bites
y i k e s Mar 2014
so much to do
so little time to complete anything
so little time to chill out

study guide
quadratic formula


i just want to sleep
and not do anything
i have so much work and all i'm doing is eating spaghetti
2.5k · Nov 2014
sister (10w)
y i k e s Nov 2014
you're an idea that only makes sense from a distance
2.5k · Dec 2014
the end (10w)
y i k e s Dec 2014
so i guess that's it

                                                        maybe i'll see you around?
2.4k · Apr 2014
y i k e s Apr 2014
Oh look, a beautiful butterfly is soaring in the air

fluttering ever so gracefully in the beautiful, warm, spring air

flying through the air in such an elegant, sunshine filled sky which is recovering from the harsh winters

so astonishingly beautiful...

until the butterfly got caught in the trap of a beautifully made spiderweb

twirled and twirled, it's crushed

and eaten.
2.4k · Apr 2016
A Simple Hug
y i k e s Apr 2016
Being in your arms for those ten seconds was the most wonderful feeling in the world

more beautiful than a spring flower blooming,

the sound of laughter in an elementary school yard,

and the smile on your face when you see me
You make me so happy
2.2k · Aug 2014
sun burnt
y i k e s Aug 2014
it's such a shock that skin can burn on a person so **** cold
2.2k · May 2014
In Summer and Winter
y i k e s May 2014
just another poem
describing my low mood
with an irreverent metaphor
comparing my low mood to
the drastic change of temperature
in summer and winter
y i k e s Mar 2014
i have feelings
you have feelings

... we all have feelings!

some feelings stick
other feelings are magical
and some feelings even connect with other feelings

... how magical!

feelings are meant to be shared
like a gigantic 64 pack of crayola, the ones with the fancy sharpener

however, some feelings hurt
like a nail going through the layers of skin, causing blood to pour out

so always, be careful of your feelings
not everyone will share them, or want to be aware of them
feelings can cause misery, and joy

be careful with them!
2.0k · Nov 2013
I Love You.
y i k e s Nov 2013
I love you more than Holden loves Allie's glove
I love you more than the Doctor loved Rose
I love you more than Cosmo loved Wanda
I love you more than Squidward wanted to be alone
I love you more than Mr. Krabs loves money
I love you more than Gerard loves Lindsey
I could go on, but there's no point
Nothing can compare to how much you mean to me
You stupid twit.
y i k e s Mar 2014
First off, we need to become friends and date first but..

Hold hands in public and pow through the hallways
Meet each other at our lockers after class
Walk to school together in the chilly mornings, sharing coffee
Make out to Arctic Monkeys
Make out to Cold War Kids
Make out to Gorillaz
Make out to Arctic Monkeys again
Make out to good music
Make out to bad music, why not?
Go to a concert together
Go to Warped Tour together and laugh at everyone
Go to one of those underground shows you talked about
Cuddle and watch old cartoons
Hang out in a park after dark
Get high
Get high and make out
Share a cigarette in the sunset
Draw weird things together
Take a walk on the beach during a chilly night
Go to one of the radio's block parties together
Get front row at a concert and hear complaints about how tall you are
See Gorillaz when they come back (if they do)
Take a bubble bath together
Tell stories about all the trouble we(lets be real, you) have gotten into
Have dinner with your parent(s) and my parents
Swing on the swings at night
Hang out with my friends some day
Hang out with your friends some day
Combine our friend groups!
Talk about books
Spend a day in bed and cuddle together
Cuddle while we're high
Fall asleep together
Wake up in each other's arms
Get McDonalds at 3am one day
Hang out with my best friend's family
Annoy my best friend's little sister
Annoy your friends
Annoy my friends
Annoy your brother
Annoy my sister
Annoy the teacher together in class
Hell, annoy everyone!
Pick me up so I feel tall
Hug a whole lot
Make out some more
Cuddle a lot more
Create things together
Write a book of ideas you come up with you're intoxicated
Hang out with my sister and her boyfriend
Get high and talk about the future
Fall in love
Spend infinity and some more together
Get cute coffins so we can cuddle together in the dead
y i k e s Jan 2015
your hair, eyes, and hands
                                                                ­              they drive me mad

the way your cheeks light up when you actually smile

                                                          ­                    it makes me want to melt

all your side comments, and stupid jokes

                                                          ­           they make me cry in laughter

the fact that youre perfect

                                                        ­          makes me crave you more
today you were high due to drugs
and i was high due to you
y i k e s Jan 2015
you are a hot summer day in the middle of august


some people may love you, but i hate you.
1.9k · May 2014
y i k e s May 2014

a flower that just bloomed
so beautifully divine
and gracefully eloquent

the model of beauty and grace
and the paragon of righteousness

and i'm so lucky
to be raised by someone who knows
first hand about how unfair and unjust the world is
but still has positive hopes from everyone

happy mother's day, mother.
1.8k · Feb 2016
Nuts and Bolts (A Question)
y i k e s Feb 2016
Do you form your own opinions?
Are you your own person?

Or are you a robot?

Conditioned to believe the beliefs of your makers?

Do you always believe what you're told to believe?

Or are you your own person?
With your own opinions?
Inspired by John Stuart Mill's piece titled On Liberty
1.7k · Apr 2014
Such an Odd Little Soul
y i k e s Apr 2014
you're such an odd character

        a sixth toe
        the one piece of untrimmed hair
        the fan of a fad that has long ended
        the one question you got wrong on a test
        the single cloud in an almost sunny sky  

why won't you go away?
1.7k · Apr 2016
Overstaying Your Welcome.
y i k e s Apr 2016
i'm back at home
and you welcome me with open arms

"welcome home, we missed you!"

a warm embrace leads to a tender kiss
a night in bed, very well missed

a one day stay, leads to a week long stay
eventually, i pack my things, it's time to go

you stand in the doorway, holding the **** firmly

"you're not going anywhere, you BELONG here."

you're right, i do belong here.
i can't argue that.

i unpack my things, get cozy in bed.
you lay next to me, place your arm on my chest

everything wells up, the feelings set in
the familiar settings, the normal mindset.

darkness welcomes it's self around me
it's my second home, i can't argue.
I'm back, I missed you.
1.6k · Mar 2014
I'm Free of You
y i k e s Mar 2014
one year ago, you left me

like a helpless child without a mother to raise it
a baby bird left in a nest
a motherless puppy, left to die.

dazed and confused, i learned to accept it

everything happens for a reason

and now, one year later, i am stronger
more willingly to accept
and free

thank you for freeing me of you and making me stronger

i'm more alive than ever.
march 22nd, 2013.
my chemical romance broke up
i never got to see them live, or meet them

now, i no longer care.
1.6k · Apr 2014
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs.
y i k e s Apr 2014
What if

that tiny bug you just killed,

which in no way was harming you,

just wanted to make sure

you were okay?
I actually can't stand bugs
1.5k · Feb 2014
The Big Old 20 Milestone...
y i k e s Feb 2014
this is my twentieth poem about you
i guess you can say i'm really fond of you

we've come a long way since november, or even the first poem i wrote about you
now we kind of talk in class
that's a long way from the one poem i swore i'd never speak to you

you playfully tease me now, but you do that to everyone
you are a little ******* ****

and hey, you even accepted my follow request
i guess that one poem is invalid now, huh?

we've come a long way since the beginning
well, i guess, considering we're still not friends,

we're in that stage where we're just, people

anyway, you're a ******* **** and i hate you
jusssst kidding

**** head.
i need to sleep

1.4k · Jul 2015
y i k e s Jul 2015
with a shining future ahead

and a dismal past behind

for once it's okay to not be dead

and it's quite certain that i'll be fine
just looking ahead
1.4k · Nov 2013
y i k e s Nov 2013
you're a rainstorm
when everything is going wonderful
on a summers day
when skies are bright and the air is fair
you cause a draft and turn skies to gray
and downpour on everything with a vengeance

you ruin things
papers, hair, clothes, everything
just for your satisfaction

and just when everything thinks you're done
you come back another day
just to start again
1.4k · May 2015
kiss & tell (10w)
y i k e s May 2015
don't kiss my scars when you're the one causing them.
1.4k · Apr 2014
Spring (10w)
y i k e s Apr 2014
time to peal off the skin of sadness,

it's spring
y i k e s Dec 2013
I sing America from Frankford
      Commonly called 'home of the 'trem',
      where the buses fly down the street, almost crashing into feral children

Where the scent of not-so-soft delicious pretzels are ubiquitous as it
soars through the streets like an airplane

     Where the impudent teenagers scream at night
      sounding like an angry choir

Where elderly widows rise gardens out of damaged bushes and dead grass

        Tiny un-trimmed lawns are a can of tuna for stray cats

Where row homes cover tiny streets connect everyone
causing too much closeness

       Where gum coated pavements are welcome mats to the running feet
       running to catch their bus

Where cop cars fly down the streets, providing the next scene for the new Fast and Furious

      Where at night, the constant sirens echo in the night sky
       piercing through my ears

But in the end, I wouldn't want to be anywhere
but here.
1.3k · Apr 2014
Such an Innocent Soul.
y i k e s Apr 2014
king of the streets
dictator in the sheets
ruler of the weak
destroyer of the meek
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