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May 2021 · 89
xavier thomas May 2021
Eyes open every morning, see self-made, I was born for it
Jesus by my side every day, walking under faith for it
Bonded from the ground up, sacrifice my time for it
Told him that I have a dream, told me to go work for it
Can't worry to much about the past
Wrote a list under covenant, while learning how to fast
Have to stay focus and keep myself strong
Thought I couldn't make it but he surely proves me wrong
May 2021 · 195
old yr. resolution
xavier thomas May 2021
"You have a year"
2."You have a year"
3."You have a year"
4. -- another year just went by fast--
Apr 2021 · 92
Hey sunshine ☀️
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Up early to a blaze pink sky & the 1st day of Gemini season

Heat running through the body, mind, & soul

Bright colors begin to shine outside

Fans work out the warm air

Swimming in a pool of sweat

Nature is singing, radio is playing R&B tunes

Drinking sweet grape/cherry Kool-aid juice

Enjoying the summer madness
Apr 2021 · 17
xavier thomas Apr 2021
This is a brown world  
This is a brown world
This is a brown world
This is a brown world

But this wouldn’t be nothing
Without the Lord’s touch
Black Lives Matter
Apr 2021 · 573
What it feels like
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Living in times
That’s the end of time
Black Lives Matters
Apr 2021 · 679
Warned pt.2 ❌
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Pray to bed
Protect your crown
Cause nightmare crawlers
Coming to ware you out

So brothers & sisters
Begin to stand
One solution
Keep faith, Amen

Been warned...
Been warned...
Been warned...
Been warned...
Apr 2021 · 537
Warned ❌
xavier thomas Apr 2021
He’ll curse your name
And waste your time
Cut short-term deals
False promise lies

He let his sinners
Take whatever they want
There’s a spiritual warfare
That’s about to start

Been warned...
Been warned...
Been warned...
Been warned...
Apr 2021 · 980
Good Karma
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Listen baby,
I can make love to you so good,
You’ll turn into powerful woman today.
If I have that ability,
I expect the universe to share that same energy.
Then I become powerful today
Apr 2021 · 790
Coco 🍫
xavier thomas Apr 2021
She told me that I’m her favorite chocolate

I told her to give me a kiss
Apr 2021 · 73
Wild 💋
xavier thomas Apr 2021
As bad as you wanna give it to me, I wanna give it to you

As much as you love me, I’m way to deep in it with you

As crazy as you think about me, I’m already crazy about you

As sweet as you show me off, is where you’ll receive my all to you
Apr 2021 · 1.7k
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Life fulfilling; stay well fitted; support my crew; always giving

Yes I’m different; never trippin’; features cute

No interference; way to brilliant; God man fearing

Keep ya distance; don’t act suspicious; too ambitious

Swag be hittin’; can’t slow my road; cause I be winning
Apr 2021 · 72
xavier thomas Apr 2021
I wanna be your lover that can cuff ya
Your partner, your black man
Your super hero with super powers like
“The Black Panther” from Wakanda.

I wanna pray from the word to the Godly heavens
Keep your faith up so your soul don’t become corrupt.

I wanna stay up late tonight
Fantasize about the birds & the bees
creating a new tune
Of our own lullabies & melodies.

Sometimes I wanna go off on you while other days protect you
Stick side-by-side ya when the world wanna fight against us.

Love is essential
Brings us closer, bond is stronger
Built foundations
A royal empire, that’ll bring us wonders
A nation of offspring
Where they can grow up under.
Apr 2021 · 405
Run to
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Now where did you hide to, hide to?
I think I just spotted you boo
And I see you smiling, smiling
Only a matter of time before I catch you

Where did you hide to, hide to?
I think I just spotted you boo
And I see you smiling, smiling
Only a matter of time before I catch you

I promise to protect you day and night
I promise to help you grow a healthy mind
I promise to cheer on, when you cry
I promise I’ll fight for you, love

Now where did you hide to, hide to?
Only a matter of time before I catch you
Just my child & I
Apr 2021 · 889
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Roses are red
Violet are blue
Let me dive in
And swim through your river stream of sweet juice
Ms. Jasmine
Apr 2021 · 603
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Blow my mind
Let me get that flow with you
Apr 2021 · 1.6k
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Close to my roots
But you have to dig deeper for this forbidden fruit
Apr 2021 · 423
I can’t wait
xavier thomas Apr 2021
I can’t wait
For all the love to come

I can’t wait
I’m thankful for your mercy & that your “Will”, will be done

I can’t wait
To glorify Jesus for my sins, paving the way as your son

I can’t wait
To meet you in person in heaven, as we chat one-on-one
They say you’ve already given us the answer to our questions.
So how come it takes a long time to see that?
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
Hear me
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Lady, Queen of moonlight
Let’s just dance, in the starlight
Won’t you stay, till the sunrise
Cant you see, I’m your sunshine

Lady, stuck on my mind
I can’t let you, out of my sight
Have my love, in this lifetime
Give your all & your truth
Then you’ll see our future in my eyes
Mar 2021 · 439
subconscious mind
xavier thomas Mar 2021
with drunk words
Sober thoughts
forming generational curse
Mar 2021 · 125
xavier thomas Mar 2021
Two different hearts joint together in the same time zone

Our chemistry is strong, we’re in control of setting the tone

She love the way I treat her, have her mind blown

I like the way she hustles, she has her own goals

Next year we’ll be living on 500 acres in our new home

Express my commitment through this rose gold

Born a natural leader, I set those milestones

Beginning to end I’m here for the long road
Power. Trust. Secure. Delivered
Mar 2021 · 80
xavier thomas Mar 2021
Baby I’m sorry...
That you’re upset at me
Which doesn’t make sense???

But I’m sorry.
Not because I tell you no
Not because I forgot to let the toilet seat down
Not because I did anything crazy, which I didn’t...

I’m sorry that I didn’t wait for you like I was suppose to.
At the time I thought she was you.
Only to discover that she wasn’t enough & I was wrong.
How could I have known?
To be sent a mere false images of my one true love that I once called my own.
I understand if you decide to leave
But I’m not over you
Yet, whatever decision you make
Don’t wait to long,
You don’t have wait around for me

So I’m sorry that I was wrong
Mar 2021 · 356
xavier thomas Mar 2021
Where’s your faith for me?
Where’s all that energy transferring from you to me?
What ever happened to
“I believe in you Zay”
“Let’s go Zay”
“Praying for you Zay”...
It’s so funny how I can cheer you on in your darkest hour
When your light becomes dimmer & dimmer into the pitch black void
When your demons surround you in your bedroom attacking you in your dreams.

I can lead us in prayer & God, himself, gives us power to overcome obstacles together.

Yet, when I’m down
I receive a closed mouth full of sand & a mind of emptiness from you.
You are only here to absorb energy
Mar 2021 · 60
Go down
xavier thomas Mar 2021
I’ve heard stories about the men in my family
Who were once kings to the wrong woman,
Become slaves as their dreams were taken away

I’ve watched the men in my family
Struggle through drugs & back-child support only to find out the child may/may not have been theirs

I’ve talk to the men in my family
That allowed a woman’s body to be known first, rather than know her. First reason why they’re divorced

I’ve lost many men in my family
Who souls were filled with goals
Corrupted by the world & it’s materialistic things, trending like followers.
Now their body is no more than a sleeping hollow
Mar 2021 · 59
xavier thomas Mar 2021
As soon as you start achieving your goals

That’s when they say you’ve changed
Your soul is not the same
Proceed to throw shade on your name
Have you question those dreams in the mirror
like “Did I even do the right thing?”

Quick to criticize
Not realizing they never supported you in the first place
It’s easy to talk & accept a loss
But hard to support a love one gains.
That’s how envy forms close enemies making jealousy cycles repeat.

At the end of the day,
Shouldn’t be a debate.
Support is a requirement
Because nobody knows what sacrifices it took to obtain that spot in the first place.
Mar 2021 · 755
Deep inside🤭
xavier thomas Mar 2021

Do it
Mar 2021 · 77
xavier thomas Mar 2021
Stay low
Hit them goals
Mar 2021 · 308
Night Life 🌙 💭 🎵
xavier thomas Mar 2021
My life my life my life my life, in the night time ...
🎼 🎶 🎵

Watching the skylines in the night time...
🎼 🎶 🎵

Ideas run wild in the night time...
Nighttime (2x)

Thoughts expand wide in the night time...
Nighttime (2x)
🎼 🎶 🎵

Just peace & love & hours(4x)

My life my life my life my life, in the night time...
🎼 🎶 🎵

Feel when I feel , what I feel, when I feel, what I’m feeling
In the night time...(2x)
🎼 🎶 🎵

Write when I write, what I write, when I write, what I written
In the night time...(2x)
🎼 🎶 🎵
Mar 2021 · 261
Diary 📔
xavier thomas Mar 2021
She always had an opinion

About the men she choose to entertain.

For her I’m one in a million

In her diary, I fit the description.

However; she can’t help but continue to

Run back to the villain who caused her pain

Because that’s the only man she’ll listen to.

She’s well educated, sophisticated, & independent

Yet, highly brilliant in being ignorant in choices.

A slave to her own prison

Who knows no boundaries to the poor decisions

Being made or how it’ll affect her condition.

Causing separation from soul to flesh or

Flesh to soul that’ll keep her head spinning

Minute after minute.

Eventually, those diary standards will vanish.

She will lose sight in that vision.

And that man [who’s me] will be re-wrapped

Like a gift, given to a new woman

Who will treat me like I’m her one in a million.
Blue Dreams
Feb 2021 · 80
xavier thomas Feb 2021
Driven by my Mind
Not my Testosterone
New Wave
Feb 2021 · 108
xavier thomas Feb 2021
Sin is too expensive
Faith is free paradise
Feb 2021 · 957
God’s gift
xavier thomas Feb 2021
I’m open because I want to be better.
I’m open because I see the treasure
That lies beyond my naked eyes could see.
Reaching for that door full of wonderful gifts God intended to give to me.

He knows I belong to him.

Because one day,
My soul will ascend to the heavens
Mentally, physically, & spiritually.

I will be accepted in the kingdom of worthy angels.
Living in peace for all eternity.

One glimpse
Shall set a smile upon me
Jude 1:20-21
Feb 2021 · 440
Your Grace
xavier thomas Feb 2021
A fake Queen can never control a great King
A pitiful King can never love a beautiful Queen
Feb 2021 · 955
All Night
xavier thomas Feb 2021
Jan 2021 · 1.5k
xavier thomas Jan 2021
You can look at it
You can admire it
But you can't touch it
To expensive for your taste
*WARNING*--Do not Touch
Jan 2021 · 603
Personal meeting (pt.2)
xavier thomas Jan 2021
Cut off more sins, I divorced it
Had to change courses, paint a better portrait
Devil was handing out distortions
Tried to control me with his poison
God bless me with his endorsements
+ added wings as an extra bonus
Got caught up in the world & my flesh having an entanglement
But now, nothing can touch me when I’m in my element
Devil tried to make me feel guilty
Bringing up my past so I feel personal pity
Taking form so he can trick me
Shifty messy, petty, & he filthy
Thought he had me, that snake slippery
He wants me so bad, he really miss me
Fighting my battles, spiritually I been busy
I’m winning this war, I’m winning this victory
Story told by my best friend
Jan 2021 · 455
xavier thomas Jan 2021
I wanna show you off & even brag
Cause you so forever, ever, ever fine looking like a snack
I wanna take you coast to coast
To Cali, watch the sunset in a beach house, kicking back in our robes
Drinking a box of wine bottles
Build a empire as we make a sand castle
Tomorrow we get married, as you loving on me
Create beautiful babies, & start growing an army
You will be my first, and always be my last
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Thomas, ooh I bet you like that
I wanna show you off & even brag
Cause you so forever, ever, ever fine looking like a snack
Jan 2021 · 120
xavier thomas Jan 2021
Unravel your mask & show me the real you
The weave attached to your real hair to
ruby woo lipstick with the choker
powder cake foundation
Second layer of eyelashes
rose gold hoop earrings
rainbow colorful nails
Let every flaw bloom as a flower
Jan 2021 · 252
xavier thomas Jan 2021
I could tell you multiple stories of jealous people who tried to steal my light,
And fail cause they had no self-control over their own life

I could tell you about the time, I was a kid & almost got shot
While mom was calling my name to come home, right up the block

I could tell you, one by one, how I met each girl & thought I had a potential wife
But one by one, they showed me that was a lie

I could show you how hard life is right now, living as a black man
But if I did, I bet you that you still wouldn’t understand
Dec 2020 · 216
Married to the Life
xavier thomas Dec 2020
-More debt, more problems
-More bills, more silence
-High like the Covid cases, Feels like each month’s recycling
-Working sleepy through the day, wide awake through the night.

-I feel like drinking right now will help change my mood from being bitter
-Invite some company over while I pour this liquor
-Stretch this drink like a river.
-I want it, I have it, I got it
-Getting faded quicker, Killing my liver.

-Head shots, head shots take one baby
-We in the moment just living
-Emotions & *** in the air mixing, yeah.
-A new rememberable night flowing through my memories
-She put her drink down, took me back to the room
After we finished, she called me her boo.

-I wake up to her calling her man in the next room
-She lied to him saying, “I’m still at my girl house”, stretching a lie from the truth
-I didn’t know she had a man: the slightest clue.

-Thinking in my head how could you sit here & do this to me
-Seriously, do this to me
-Treating me like some side-piece.
-But you know what I appreciate this lesson man, I mean I really I do.
-You’re not one for me, you’re not the type I need to pursue.
-Sometimes I wish things were different growing up becoming a grown up.

-The next day, I sit back, then lay back, trying to relax as I light up the candles
-I been through some battles. Pray that God heal me from my head to my ankles
-Times like this, I wish things were better now like back then
-I’m casting out more demons and letting more angels come in
Telling a story about real life experiences
Dec 2020 · 436
You Are
xavier thomas Dec 2020
Good enough to keep
Addictive like a bad habit
Dec 2020 · 805
Mess around 👄
xavier thomas Dec 2020
Come here,

Let me taste & bite softly into those lips little lady
Juicy like my favorite candy,
that’s a “Now & Later”.
Kissing on my neck, giving me hickeys
Loving my scent, always stealing my hoodies.
Grab you, squeeze you, spank you, thank you
No one else deserves this treatment like you do.
I want you to focus, watch, & observe
Lick, slurp, oh I struck a nerve.
Please you, please you, keeps you so eager
Those jeans cause trouble the way them cheeks just sit up.
In public so sweet, but my private lil’ freak
I peep you trying to play me for keeps.
Attractive, Delicious, Teasing, Yummy
Keep you around cause you stay stunning.
Bragging to others you’re taken & that I’m your man
I like that cause I needed boo thang like you on my hands.
College Days
Dec 2020 · 260
Love Making
Nov 2020 · 281
Take me there
xavier thomas Nov 2020
Touch me like it’s the first time

Touch me like it’s our last

Touch me like this is forever

Touch me like we moving to fast
Nov 2020 · 636
xavier thomas Nov 2020
Gangs came recruiting
Stirring up trouble
Our lives were a gamble
Lets run away
We moved south to Kentucky
Home-town got ******
Our home was unsafe
Childhood memories vanish away

We watch the news
& settled down
Saw people dying
All in the streets
Was once was Paradise, now turned into a ghost-town

Gangs came recruiting
Stirring up trouble
Our lives were a gamble
Lets run away
We moved south to Kentucky
Home-town got ******
Our home was unsafe
Childhood memories vanish away
We were just kids from the south-side of Chicago
Blessed by the grace of God to quickly escape the gang life
Oct 2020 · 115
Dying Flower 🥀 pt.2
xavier thomas Oct 2020
I wish that I can undo
The past; I want to undo.
Where our paths cross that we walked
Now that I know who you are.
Commitment from you was never an option for me
Caught up in my feelings, believing that this was meant to be
Feels like my life is nothing but a funny, yet, sad meme
But I still want you all for me.

You’re making me vulnerable right now
It’s everything I’ve always want
You’re breaking my heart, walls burning down
It’s everything I’ve never want

Dying flower, dying flower
Dying flower, dying, dying dying
Dying flower, dying flower
Dying flower, dying, dying, dying
Innocent mind & toxic actions
Oct 2020 · 164
Dying Flower 🥀
xavier thomas Oct 2020
I need to tell you the truth
Not lie nor give you an excuse
I have a crush on you babe
But fear your love, that it’s fake
Situation so repulsive
Yeah, heart has me chasing after toxic

Afraid to ask, but I wanna say...
I want you bad & I can’t no longer wait.
You’re making me vulnerable right now
It’s everything I’ve always want
You’re breaking my heart, walls burning down
It’s everything I’ve never want

Dying flower, dying flower
Dying flower, dying, dying dying
Dying flower, dying flower
Dying flower, dying, dying, dying
Innocent mind vs. Toxic actions
Oct 2020 · 187
xavier thomas Oct 2020
The same dog returns to eat it’s own *****
A fool returns to repeat their own sins
xavier thomas Oct 2020
“You need to leave your lady.
Come & be single so you can holla at these girls with me.”
There’s no limit to satisfying his hunger
This guy is straight down trifling to the core
Giving girls that “I'll tell you what you wanna hear” speech & more.

I said, “I beg your pardon?”
(Cause this dude is crazy)

He said,
“Bro, I have a girl coming home from college this week.
Her body is banging, I set up the move for tonight
She’s expecting us to come, are you down for the ride?”
Oct 2020 · 463
What did my woman say?
xavier thomas Oct 2020
“I will support your brand”
That’s what my baby said as she held my hands
I know she’s an introvert
But acts like an extrovert
We getting this money selling books, & promoting T-shirts
My baby is a businesswoman, making people invest
My #1 supporter, what more can I expect?
Income > outcome, look at our progress
We in control, now watch our success
Oct 2020 · 159
What did my mentor say?
xavier thomas Oct 2020
“You need to relax your mind”

That’s what my mentor said- leave the past behind
Focus on my mental health, & continue this grind
She could tell that I’m special, staring right in my eyes
She said I’m accomplishing more than others, 25, I’m right at my prime
Her words were encouraging, keeping my worth alive
Mentor is right,
I need to treat myself; maybe travel the states
Love on my girl & generate some more wealth
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