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Phoenix Dec 2015
How to be a great tweaker

1) Go get some drugs
2) Don't take them yet
3) Go get some tweaker friends
4) Go get some snacks and take a shower
5) Put on clean clothes
6) Go to a tweaker friend
7) Give them the drugs
8) Walk over to a light post
9) Give it one dollar
10) Go eat that food
No clue. Write a How-To poem. Write a poem instructing someone how to do something – could be something you know how to do very well (I can bake a great loaf of bread) or could be something you have no idea how to do and are working out the steps toward (Fixing a hard drive is beyond me) or it could be something completely imagined. Consider writing the poem as a series of numbered steps with no step being longer than 2 lines
Phoenix Jan 2016
Rhyming in a scheme
You should totally try it
It is not as easy as it may seem
Like finding a shoe that fits

Rhyming cannot be implied
It cannot be faked
It must be applied
It is like a good steak

A rhyme a day
Or is it an apple?
Will keep the lame away
But do not grapple

For it is rhyme time
Time to rhyme
Rhyme scheme counts. ABAB CDCD EFEF GG
Phoenix Jan 2016
The fringe of my pillow
Makes me cringe quite oddly
As it reminds me of our night out
I singed my hair
Only to binge on Netflix
In the dark with you
I unhinged when you left
Because you left for Vinje...without me!
Use the words fringe, cringe, singe, binge, and unhinge in a poem, and if you can, Joe's bonus word: mandolin. Do not use any end rhymes, whatever you do
Phoenix Dec 2015
Macaroni and cheese,
It will never cook for me,
It is a pimple on the face of humanity

The water is too watery,
The fire is too firey
The cheese is never too cheesy

Macaroni is the goal that I can never reach
It is the bird that will not screech
I think I want some peach.

Peach cobbler
Always such a blunder…
Are you overcooked-- or under?
Write a poem about cooking or baking -- something delicious, something that didn't turn out, something burned, something better than expected, something simple, something beyond reason, a surprise, a treat, an old favorite, a brand-new dish.

I am so hungry, it isn't even funny anymore. Include at least three metaphors and/or similes in a poem no longer than 15 lines. (Keep in mind that your poem is about the creation of the dish itself.)
Phoenix Dec 2015
There is the sparrow
Calling out to everyone
Not ever caring
I am in a poetry challenge, so I have different prompts everyday, today was write a poem including a sparrow
Phoenix Jan 2016
I have so much self hate*
But  *I am so vulnerable
I just  When I cry  I just
Can't  But I cry too much  Can't
Seem  So I think  Seem
To  That I may just  To
Evict  Give up  Evict
It all  One day  It all
**Maybe it will consume all of me.
So, Read one side of bold for poem "1" And then read the italics for poem "2"
Write a poem that has a crunchy outside and a soft center.
(from Joe)   Hmmm...Does this have to do with subject matter? with sound? with shape? with something only you would think of?
Phoenix Jan 2016
It was just another day
We were going to worship and pray.
We didn't know that we were prey.
In God's own house-
Sacred house-
We were just nine.
Nine people.
Nine families.
Nine Deaths.
Shot and killed like fish in a pond,
Not a single chance to escape.
I chose the church shootings in june...? I think they were in june... Write about a news story from 2015
Phoenix Jan 2016
We had fun,
Throwing rocks at every beach we stopped at.
Kids yelling,
throwing sand.
Little baby boys screaming,
Face-planting the sand...
Beach to beach
Pebbles and stones
Into the water
Until there was one,
With rocks not for throwing,
But for stacking.
Not destroying,
But building.
Think of landmarks you know. There are the big ones, nationally known, touristy places. There are the landmarks that are more personal to us -- in our towns, in our relationships. Write a poem about landmarks, big or small. Here's a parameter you are welcome to ignore if you'd like, but if you don't, try to write this in at least 4 3-lines stanzas.
Phoenix Jan 2016
Bread and butter
Bones and blood
Air and water
EERRGGGHHH I AM SO TERRIBAD AT POETRY *** I GIVE UP FOR LIKE 20 MINUTES.Write a poem no longer than 5 lines about bread -- every day bread, holiday bread, the best bread, the worst bread, communion bread, Wonder bread, lefse, pita, metaphorical bread, etc, etc. But no longer than 5 lines!
Phoenix Jan 2016
Top ten reasons I don't like spiders and you shouldn't like them either

10) They are eight legged legos on the floor
9) They crawl around like spider plants
8) They make the walls have eyes
7) Spiders are EVERYWHERE
6) There are 34,000 DISCOVERED species
5) They are small- they can get anywhere
4) They can sneak up on you
3) Some of them jump!!
2) Spiders are lethal!
1) Spiders Plot Ingenious ******* Extravaganzas Rudely

Top reason to enjoy killing spiders

1) If I hurt one I wouldn't have to make amends
Write a poem entitled “10 Reasons I Don’t Like _________________ and You Shouldn’t Like _____________ Either.” Your poem should include 10 numbered sections, at least one metaphor, a reference to a plant in home or backyard, an example of onomatopoeia, and a line from your favorite song.  

But what don’t you like? Mayonnaise? Birdsong at 5:00 in the morning? Rock gardens? Trump? FaceBook? Crocheting? Mean people? Guns? Hillary? Cold pizza? Polar bear swims? Poetry?
Phoenix Dec 2015
Play ball!
It is in your court
will you aim for me
or try to trick me?
My heart is in your hands
and you need to decide what to do with it.
Write a poem around the topic of Play Ball. This could be about baseball or it could be about another sport or it could be about a more metaphorical type of ball playing. Optional parameter: write your poem in four stanzas of no more than 9 lines each (4 bases, 9 innings – baseball’s my game) or 9 stanzas of 3 lines each (9 innings, 3 outs)...and oh, you could even make that terza rima! Serious poetry chops there -- Dante would for sure give you a thumbs up. (See below for more on that rhyme scheme.
Phoenix Jan 2016
We are the "minority"
We are the "weird ones"
We are the "crazy people"
We are the "Oh, they should be locked up!"
We are the "Honey, let's go somewhere else. SHE is here."

We are the light
                    in an otherwise dark world
We are the color
                    in an otherwise grey world
We are the art
                    in an otherwise lame world
We are the curves
                    in an otherwise straight world
**We are the poets of the world
In the recent New Yorker, writer Elizabeth Kolbert has a great article on rising sea levels and how they will especially affect south Florida. Here's a link to the article:
In the penultimate section of the article, Kolbert writes that Bruce Mowry, city engineer of Miami Beach, muses, "I'm sure if we have had poets, they'd be writing about the swallowing of Miami Beach by the sea."  

How very odd that he thinks Miami Beach does not have poets and that he also feels their lack in new poetry about sea level rise which truly threatens their city. We must help! Let us step in and write some poems on their behalf. Write a poem about Miami Beach (I've never been there, but I won't let that stop me), the rising sea levels, climate change, flooding, or the strange ignorance of the poets in our midst
Phoenix Dec 2015
On my way
       to recovery
              I hit bumps
                     I crossed chasms
                           I defeated my monsters
                     as they defeated me
       I took two steps forward
and three steps back
       but recovery isn't always positive.
                            I have spent my fair share
                                                              of crying
                                                   of drinking
                                                          of hating
                                                               Hating me
                                                 Hating my family
                                    Hating my decisions
                   but I can see the finish line
        There is just one more leap
             but it is my biggest.
                   Apologizing and forgiving
                                    I hope that one day
                                    I can do just that.
                      But until then,
I will take a water break.
Okay, this was too fun.
I just want to say: Mom, I am sorry for all the hell I have put you through and the hell that I will put you through. I love you so much.
Jason, I want to forgive, but I will never forget what has happened. I hope we can still be friends. I will never be your daughter again though. Too much has happened. But I want you walking down the isle with me. I want you to meet my boyfriend, be a grandpa and be like a dad. What you did was not being a dad. That was a monster and I know you are better than that.
Okay, now that that is over (urg) the prompt was Trails and Paths. Think about trails and paths, real and/or imagined that you have traveled or would like to travel. Imagine those trails that loom large – the Pacific Crest Trail, the Appalachian Trail, the Camino, and imagine those that loom close and personal – a path to recovery, a path to a career goal, a path to a poem, a path toward…whatever we all take paths toward. Write a poem. If you’d like a parameter, make your poem look path-like – a few words on each line perhaps; a long, skinny poem perhaps; playing with spacing
Phoenix Dec 2015
I think I love him
                                                            ­But he won't love you
He makes me so giddy
                                                           ­ He has to hate you
But he says he loves me
                                                            H­e is lying
No, he can't be
                                                            O­h, but he is
Everything is so passionate though
                                                          ­  To YOU it is
To HIM is is. He said so.
                                                            ­He thinks you are ugly
I know I am ugly
                                                            ­He thinks you are fat
No! He wants me to eat more
                                                            ­Because he needs a reason to leave.
But he hates it when I starve
                                                          ­  "You are a fat *****. Bye"
He would never call me a *****!
                                                          ­  How do you know?
Because we talk!
                                                           ­ About serious things?
                                                  ­          See what I am saying?
Yeah, but--
                                                           ­ *No buts. He hates you.
Check out the colors of the year from Pantone, the people who decide such things. Here are Serenity and Rose Quartz. Write a two column poem – one for each color. Your columns could play off each other or be separate, or maybe they could be a conversation. They could read vertically only, or vertically and horizontally.
Phoenix Jan 2016
Dear Father,
You were so great to me...
You fed me, clothed me and loved me.
You took me on bike rides and walks.
We chased the ice cream truck,
Just to get my favorite spongebob treat.
We were a team.
You chased my demons away,
only to become them.
Now we are screaming at each other,
Kicking and hitting.
You choked me,
and I couldn't breathe.
I accused you of it,
You denied it.
We don't ever talk,
and it kills me.
Can't we just swallow our pride?
Buy some band aids
And patch up our broken hearts?
I love you,
I miss you.
Your Heart Broken Daughter That Needs Her Dad
I am so terribaddddd
And so, dear poets, your prompt:
Write a poem in the form of a letter about friendship gone not quite the way you wanted it to go. Friendship denied, friendship taken for granted, friendship ruptured and either mended or not, or...of course, blissful friendship. That's allowed too. It could be a letter to your wonderful or not-so-wonderful friend, real or imagined, or it could be a letter of advice about friendship.
Phoenix Jan 2016
Last Monday

Today I cut
And out of that cut,
A beautiful dragon arose
And from that dragon's mouth,
A single word dripped out
A new hope filled my veins
And it made me set down the blade
I gently washed off the dragon,
His words still echoing in my mind
And I let that hope flourish
Let hope spread,
Like a butterfly's wings
Think about your day today. Spend 10-15 minutes writing about it. Start at the beginning and write down everything you did or noticed, anything that you thought or felt. Be detailed. At the end of your time, stop writing even if you didn't get as far through your day as you thought you would.

Now look back at what you've written and pick out the parts you think are worthy and begin creating a poem.  Maybe it's all worthy; maybe only a couple of lines are worthy. That's okay -- work with what you have. But wait, you're not either change a two or three of the ideas in your poem to be completely different than what actually happened, and/or add a couple of things that are amazing, but just not true. Make your ordinary something more. Consider using a day of the week or the date as your title.
Phoenix Jan 2016
Your love
Was special
And so perfect
But I guess
And perfect
Weren't enough
Write a poem of only 15 words. Consider having one word per line. Consider repeating a word or two. Consider playing with sound. Consider giving your poem a title that is nearly as long as the poem. Consider the topic of love.
Phoenix Jan 2016
You're creeping up on me,
Sneaking up on me.
Trying to scare me,
to scar me.
Hand me those blades,
Take my food
And throw it away.
But you can't fool me.
Nor can you trick me.
You won't win,
No, depression,
You won't win.
Not this time.
Not this time.
Start the song at 0:14 and start reading there too
Here is a piece of music by Django Reinhardt.

Listen and write a poem inspired by the music.You might focus on one section of the music and write lyrics to the melody, you might write a poem that reads like jazz, you might simply write a poem about something the music reminds you of. You could call your poem "Blues" after this particular piece of music. Or you could call it something else.  :) Consider avoiding mentions of France, gypsies, or guitars.
Phoenix Dec 2015
The full moon haunts me,
it only reminds me of those nights:

The nights that I would sit by my bed,
doors locked and window drapes open.
I would hold the box cutter in one hand and the codeine in the other.
The tears would roll down my face.
The screaming downstairs never stopping.


It stopped.
Now there is sobbing and there are sirens.
But the sirens aren't for me,
they belong to the poor woman downstairs.
She obviously didn't see the icicles outside,
with their cold warnings.
Or the man on his porch,
preaching the devil to all that entered my house.

Silly girl,
the man on the moon isn't as kind as he seems.
He loves to come out for death, and death only.
Wow...this is bad...even for me...*goes and dies* I haven't been able to write poetry recently...oh well. So, here is #4 and now I must do 5-7. UGGHHHH...The prompt for this was:
Here is the painting "Moon Madness" (tempura, 1982) by Andrew Wyeth. Write a poem.
(If the image doesn't come through here, you can type 'moon madness wyeth' into Google and a bunch of images will come up.)
Phoenix Jan 2016
I was just a child,
but that seemed to be enough
We sat in the front of your car
As you drove us to Hell
Oblivious to all the **** to come
True story bro.
You wake and find yourself quite comfortably in the passenger side of a vehicle heading…where, when, why, how, and who’s driving? Write a poem of possibility. The road is wide open ahead of you.
Phoenix Jan 2016
You told me I was free,
Yet, when I ran,
You put me in a cage.
I am skipping so much >-<
Attached is a photo. Write a poem.
That was the amazing prompt for today haha
Phoenix Jan 2016
You seemed so amazing
But I only got a taste
I am sorry for ever trying
I am sorry for ever pushing

You felt so amazing
With all your numbing qualities
You were always there to save me
You were always there to hold me

But now I see you were setting me up for failure
But that is okay now
I know I shouldn't, but I forgive you
I know I shouldn't, but I still love you
Write an elegy for something you've happily let go this year.
For example, I stopped drinking soda in July (I still miss it), and I stopped thinking I would eventually enjoy exercise (I still exercise; I've simply accepted that I'll never, ever, ever like it.)
Phoenix Dec 2015
My life,
My future,
My world.

What does my future hold?
He will be there,
holding my hand
as we walk to the park.
He will be there,
meeting my mom and step-dad
for the first time.
He will be there,
cradling me
as I cry about the loss of my dad.

He will stand,
at that isle
thinking about how beautiful I am.
He will stand,
right by my bed
feeding me chicken noodle soup.
He will stand,
at the desk
and fill out paperwork to adopt our first child.

He will hold my hand,
love me as I love him,
and he WILL

be my future.
Today is technically supposed to be #4 but I forgot to do #3 so there will be two uploads today! The prompt was, and I quote, What do you imagine for your/our future? Too hot? Too cold? Too apocalyptic? Pretty much the same? Without bananas? With a true love? Without a love? With flying cars? On the planet Mars? In retirement? Pandemic? At the beach? A cure for the common cold? World peace? Too full of deviled eggs?  To join email and say something along the lines of "Add me to the poetry challenge please!!!!" I think you can still join! There are only 30 prompts, so spread the word fast!!
Phoenix Dec 2015
Kiss me,
love me,
Don't leave me.

Hold me tight,
Be my light,
Cuz you're so bright!
Yeah...uhh...don't ask. Just, don't. The prompt was : Write a poem about kissing or about a kiss. No word in the poem can be more than one syllable.
It isn't too late to join! You can write poetry that ***** or rocks (Or both) and you don't turn it in!
Phoenix Dec 2015
Segregation and isolation
Exclusion and division
Those who are different
Are thrown in a category
Do you have money?
Come over here.
Do you do drugs?
Go over there.
I don't even know. Write a poem about borderlands. These could be real or metaphorical, personal or global or universal or fantastical. What about when someone claims their personal space and you have to cross their borderland? What about borders between countries or cultures? What about crossing the borders between expectations? Hmm... And, in case you want a parameter, no line can be longer than three words.
Phoenix Jan 2016
You made me this
This bird with broken wings
You took away my voice
And my ability to sing
Haha I skipped 12 cuz it looks a bit too complicated for my sleep deprived brain...We share our world with about 9,956 species of birds. Write a poem about birds -- their lives, their habits, the wild, the domesticated, their place in your life, what it might be like to be one, metaphors associated with birds, whatever bird-like imagining you can come up with.

— The End —