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Jul 2018 · 510
dina Jul 2018
i'm a hard worker
i've been a hard worker
almost all my life

i get good grades
and i get rewarded

but i feel as i advance
my hard work
will not pay off
and my hard work
will not be enough
Jul 2018 · 625
dina Jul 2018
the gulls
flying by
their wings
shrouded in the morning mist
or silhouetted against a bleeding sun
i think i'm not going to participate in poetry for a while. i'll miss this community but i think i need to try something else.
Jun 2018 · 507
dina Jun 2018
chimneys and cobbles
from a long time ago
decorating this city
the place that we know
like the back of our hands
traced with blue lines
matching the transportation
the stops drooping with vines
plants rich with rainwater
that drips from the sky
a sky gray like concrete
dotted with birds that fly by
looking for a warmer vacation
with a sun that can shine
strong enough for imposing clouds
they're looking, but i've found mine
i'm really enjoying writing poems about places that i've been before
makes me want to go back desperately!
Jun 2018 · 813
dina Jun 2018
tangerine and cerulean
cool beneath our feet
in a spiraling mosaic
while we rest and eat
olives from the groves
salty as the sea below
lapping on the shores to touch
fields marvelously aglow
with the shimmer of the fireflies
as they perform their dance
a lilting, evanescent display
that leaves us in a trance
we amble back to the villa
as the setting sun paints the air
a dazzling vermillion
that reminds me why i'm there
Jun 2018 · 433
summer love
dina Jun 2018
while i endured
your winter love
of icicle words
and frosty lips
piercing my heart
and freezing my mind
i prayed for summer
to break me from your hold
and it soon arrived
in the form of someone else:
a beautiful golden angel
who carried me away
in tender, forgiving arms
who kissed me softly
and filled me with light
i flourished
in their summer love
of flower words
and sun-dappled lips
nurturing my heart
and warming my mind
Jun 2018 · 362
dina Jun 2018
there will always be
someone who picks up
a cigarette
after eight years of hiding them
locked up in the bottom drawer

there will always be
someone who uncaps
a beer
after four months of listening
to the words of their daughter

there will always be
someone who goes back
to a lover
after a time they thought was an eternity
of forgetting them, moving on from them,
when really nothing has changed
and the progress they thought they had made
was nothing
Jun 2018 · 295
dina Jun 2018
just when i thought
that i'd have a day
when i could just sit
where i am and stay

stay placid and cool
without a single worry
but now i am caught up
with words in a hurry

they pour out of me
like bees from a hive
only to land and get hurt
and not stay alive

for i can write
only so fast
the rate these words are going
only few can last

they're words about everything
from last week and last year
they have so much to tell
to those who can hear

but i am tired of this
and choose not to aid
these words who want to get out
i choose to stop this parade

maybe another time
i will allow them to dance
but of course when i sit down
nothing will advance!
speaks for itself! creativity comes when i least need it!! who else can find this to be true?
Jun 2018 · 460
this forest
dina Jun 2018
as you walk through this forest
you duck under branches and boughs
that are the gnarled fingers of a witch
as she stirs her dark and glassy potion
resembling a puddle you peer into
and gasp when the reflection there isn't you
a creepy little forest story as something different for y'all <3 i guess this would be more appropriate in october but inspiration hit while walking my dog today
Jun 2018 · 486
dina Jun 2018
the ocean is so idolized
she's what everyone wants to be

she can be patient and thinking
sitting still like a mirror
reflecting the great blue sky

she can be strange and esoteric
lurking like the creatures beneath
hiding dark and obscure wonders

she can be turbulent and rioting
frothing with intense emotion
howling in distress about her pains

the ocean's variety of personalities
can be seen in all the world's people
maybe that's why we like her so much
if we like her so much why do we keep dumping trash in her :(
dina Jun 2018
i'm glad that now you're just a memory
and not forever my reality
so many realizations in the past days... another has been that moving on from them has been more beneficial and nurturing than they ever were.
Jun 2018 · 542
catch up
dina Jun 2018
how's it been,
living life
to the fullest
while wrapped
in someone else's arms?

how's it been,
turning away
from someone
who loved you
with ardor greater than she thought?

how's it been,
the times you've had,
which were so real
that leaving them was unthinkable?

how's it been
now that we've caught up?
meeting up with an ex was less embarrassing and nervewracking than i thought. instead, i was enveloped in so many words that i had to spit out at them to make them able to comprehend what had happened to me.
Jun 2018 · 858
this dress
dina Jun 2018
nature has pulled out
a dress they haven't worn in a year,
tucked in the back behind coats of frost and snow

this dress
is long and flowing
like a river finally thawed
that happily gurgles freedom over the rocks

this dress
is dotted and floral
like meadows spread with wildflowers
that are abundant with bees humming working tunes

this dress
is mottled and colorful
like the cotton candy clouds
painted by a sun that goes to bed later each day

this dress
is sprightly and vivid
like the people milling about
grateful for nature's anticipated change of style
the weather is looking up here and i'm so happy to spend all of my days outside for the next few months!
Jun 2018 · 363
old love
dina Jun 2018
not star-struck lovers
now we're darlings who have been
struck out of the sky
Jun 2018 · 268
dina Jun 2018
you tell me the things on my face are ugly
and that i should cover them up
but what if i told you
that only makes them worse

i should tell you that your personality is ugly
and that you should cover that up
and let me tell you,
that would make everything better
kind of mean but, i am tired of people pointing out my acne. i've had it for years and have finally started to win my battle. even the littlest comments can make me start at square one again.
Jun 2018 · 262
dina Jun 2018
this time of year comes by
and i always have to think
why did you have to leave
why did you have to fly away
away, to wherever you are
away, to somewhere so far
from mom and me,
we’re getting on fine,
but something tells me
it could be better
if you were here
but you’re not here
you’re away
far away
and you’re never coming back
dina Jun 2018
why do i think of you
when the sun is down
and the stars are bright
reminding me of the time we spent beneath them

why do i think of you
when the sun is high
and the stars are gone
but have not erased the memories of you

why do i think of you
when you're not thinking of me
a remastered version of something i wrote earlier... i think it was called "think of me". again, emotions are flowing and my fingers need to do something
Jun 2018 · 1.6k
dina Jun 2018
you were my lighthouse
out on the sea
you were my lighthouse
calling for me

you were my lighthouse
out on the bluff
you were my lighthouse
when times were rough

when the waves mercilessly crashed
up onto my sides
and pulled me down under,
deep beneath the tides

you were my lighthouse
standing true and tall
you were my lighthouse
with me through it all
we all need a lighthouse in life :,)

— The End —