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Arabella B Sep 2016
What did I do to get those stares?

Why do you guys look at like I'm a freak.

They whisper and stare at me when I Board the bus.

I'm just like you guys.

I came back for the Love of the Sport.

Not to be a Nuisance.  

I came because I love the sport. I don't care if I don't play.

So Please don't give me the look why am I here?

and Ignore me like I'm not there.

I know I got cut from the team. I know I don't have my Serve.

I know I seem weak.

Like I can't do my Job.

But I'm trying my Hardest.

I want to please you guys.

I want you to see that I'm here to help.

The stares and whispers are breaking me.

I'm going to have a breakdown.

Because I know you guys don't want me there.

I know why Stick around somewhere where you aren't wanted?

I want to show them I care enough. That I am strong enough.

I Just wish that's how they saw me.
If anyone from My volleyball team is Reading this though I don't know why they would But if you guys are Hit me with your best shot. I might feel hurt by your actions but I love the sport more.
D Sep 2015
Is it so wrong to want to kiss you
While other people may be watching?
Lets not care for the stares
And just get lost in each other

Nothing complicated
Simplicity is key
Know, I love you
Known, you love me
2 years <3
Nameless Sep 2015
I caught her staring at me again
I can't quite place
A name to the expression
she has when I catch her
but it's different from when
she doesn't know i'm watching her
watching me
from the corner of my eye

She never brought up the 'notes'
even the one I wrote out of rage
I don't remember putting it
into her bag

But is she afraid
What name can I for a fact
put to the face she makes
when she stares

And when I catch her
Poem inspired by a girl at my school... Addy.
Gemella H Apr 2015
Having a disability
Doesn't mean you're helpless
It means you show the world
You'll work that much harder
To fulfill your dreams.

Never mind the countless stares
The many whispers
And those who lack faith
That things will get better.

The journey isn't meant to be easy
But with a dose of
and Determination...

You shall survive!
Meg Howell Mar 2015
If we were soldiers
and our "love" the war
Why, there was nothing we were fighting for
Just empty air
and shouted threats everywhere
with awkward, distant stares
Meg Howell Feb 2015
You're one for
solid hellos
easy goodbyes
nervous chuckles
whispered lies
slow smirks
long glances
useless questions
many chances
You will never begin to comprehend
The fear I have in just existing.
I want it all to meet its end
The dark thoughts always keep persisting.

Will you ever understand
The world I see through twisted eyes
The silent stares that reprimand
And touches I'll forever despise?

The things that haunt me are unseen
To everyone except for me;
My demons come with just routine
For one to sympathize, I plea.
liz Nov 2014
I wasn't afraid of you, you know.
You had your team and your burning stares,
but I wasn't afraid.
Little did you know, I had my arrows pointed at you.
We all had the same passion-
In the beginning that is.
We all wanted something out of this experience.
But most importantly,
we all wanted to be on top.
So we started climbing the
cold, ragged, stormy mountain
to see who could make it to the there.
I was behind in the beginning,
invisible from their distance above.
A tiny ant that could be stomped upon,
an inconvenience.
But in the distance below,
through the evergreen trees
and the cold rustling wind,
I had my arrows pointed at you.
I started gaining up seed,
I saw the looks of your faces as I was passing by you.
The defeat.
Looking into the those eyes,
I still had my arrows pointed at you.
And I reached the top.
With callused feet and sore muscles.
With an aching heart and an uneven chest.
I looked down below and then saw your laughs.
Your smiles.
I heard your words.
You had your fingers pointed to me.
They were now my demons,
haunting me in the light.
The were now scars on my heart,
locking myself further and further away.
But in the night and in the light of day,
I had my arrows pointed to you.
I’m dancing on this mountain,
at least for right now.
Because I’m at the top,
so why not enjoy it.
But my arrows are still like a live wire
between my fingers
pointed at you.
I saw you today.
I tried to look away,
to keep you and your heartless soul
in a distant memory stored away
like a forgotten childhood trait.
But you swerved your path and fell right into mine.
You want me to be afraid.
You want me to regret the decisions I made.
You want me to be weak.
But darling,
you've got it all wrong.
Because when success seeps through my veins
and you’ll be forced to hear my name
every day- to you, like nails on a chalkboard-
remember this.
That I was never afraid.
I made the right decisions.
I was never weak.
Because my arrows were always pointed at you.
And now the fingers of life are the ones
that are letting these arrows target straight to your heart.
And like always,
I’ll always be at the top of that mountain with
With callused feet and sore muscles.
With an aching heart and an uneven chest.
But this time you won’t be laughing and smiling
and saying false words about me.
You’ll be afraid
because I’ll have my dignity
and my team of burning stares
with our arrows pointed at you
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
If i could end it all today i would
If I knew no one would notice
I'd keep cutting if he hadn't found me out
If you knew no one would care,

                              would you keep breathing?

If you heard the whispers
And could feel the stares
And the insults... seem to choke all hope
If you were told no one would care,

                               would you keep breathing?

If it were a choice
Between your life and his happiness
What would choose
If your death was his peace,

                               would you keep breathing?

If death were your own escape
From the demons who follow
If life was torture
And death was freedom,

                             would you keep breathing?

If not breathing was an option
A simple road to choose
I'd take it..... but......
If i was gone,

                            would *you
keep breathing?
I didn't think i could keep breathing.. but here i am writing about it..
Kalia Eden May 2014
what have i to do with these grips,
these squared, white knuckles
holding tight to handle bars?
what have i to do with these empty stares,
eyes void of truth?

these "fill-in-the-bubble, A B or C, music only reaches the ears" types of humans
attempting to tell me how to carry out my existence,
attempting to tell me the most efficient
mindless ways to die?
to tell me
to show me
the most rewarding ways
to die.

what have i to do with these sculptors
who try and quantify the rain,
who try and evaporate
the sun?
what have i to do with these ideas of perfection, of what is best?
these assumptions of false fulfillment,
these preludes to orderly, institutionalized chaos
and contempt?
what have i to do with all of these cardboard boxes
which cannot differentiate between being filled
what have i to do with those who cannot detect their own storms,
their own energy waiting to explode?
what have i to do with one shade of blue?
what have i to do with feet that cannot move,
knees that cannot bend?
what have i to do with white houses
black cars
trimmed bushes
a front porch?
what have i to do with stationary?
what have i to do with these wings
unless they are free to flutter?
what have i to do with structure
with corners
with average
with plain?
what have i to do with boredom
with settling
with insignificant breath?

what have i to do with waste?
have i
to do
with waste.
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