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5.2k · Aug 2014
Fade Away
Sound Of Rain Aug 2014
The gentle hum of the airplane passing by
Is loud at the beginning
But then it gets so faint that I have to strain myself to hear it.
It's there for a while and then it gets fainter and fainter,
Until it just disappears.

And when I look up at the sky,
It just looks perfectly normal and clear with no trace of the airplane
Like the airplane never flew through it,
Like it never existed,
Like the gentle hum was all just an illusion.

And that faded away plane reminds me of you,
How the sound was gentle and loud in the beginning,
Like our conversation when we first started talking,
And then it was gentle and started to fade away,
Getting fainter and fainter with every passing moment,
Exactly how you slipped away from me.

Until there was nothing left except memories.
And then I start to question whether they even existed, and
Did we really used to talk or did I just dream about that?

And now the memories are like the airplane.
Gentle and loud,
And then they get fainter,
Harder to remember,
Slipping away slowly,
Until there's nothing left.
And then you just remember the airplane vaguely but any other memories of it have faded away into nothing.
To all of those people who used to talk to me, and then they started to disappear Slowly and faded away and now they're just gone; thank you for the lessons you've taught me and for making me happy for a while. Happy Friendship Day anyways. (:
5.0k · Apr 2015
Earthquake in Nepal
Sound Of Rain Apr 2015
It shakes. Lives are lost. Cultural history is all in rubbles.

It shakes. There's nowhere to run.

It shakes. Leaves our minds and bodies shaking in fear.

Hope this passes soon.

Pray for Nepal.
4.0k · Apr 2015
Rain drops
Sound Of Rain Apr 2015
While everybody else focused on the rain drops,
she focused on the distance between rain drops that
had touched the Earth and
rain drops that were yet to touch the Earth.
She didn't focus on what she could not change.
She did not focus on the past.
She focused on the possibilities held by the future;
she focused on what she could change,
which is why

She never focused on the raindrops;
she focused on the distance between them.
3.5k · Apr 2014
My thoughts scare me
Sound Of Rain Apr 2014
                    I                                Li
                 ke                                Li
                 ste                                ni
         ng   To                       Music
      In A Vo                  lume So Hi
That I                  Can't Hear  
     My Own                      Thoughts.

Or so I think...
"I like listening to music in a volume so high that I can't hear my own thoughts. Or so I think."
My attempt at concrete poetry.

My thoughts scare me sometimes.
2.9k · Mar 2015
Sound Of Rain Mar 2015
First times had always been important to her.
The first time she learned how to ride a bike without the trainer wheels, the first time she got a great grade on her test.
Because these first times were special only when they happened for the first time.
Riding on the bicycle without the training wheels was no longer unusual, getting good grades wasn't new.
They just became regular habits. She never regretted having all of those first times; the only one she ever regretted was the first time you spoke to her; looking into her eyes.
Because now, even after all those years,
she still can't look away.

Jumbled thoughts
2.3k · Feb 2014
Your Laughter
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
My words disappear and my mind goes blank when I hear the sound of your laughter.
It's just like music to my ears, and I never realized just how beautiful it is,
Until the other day, when you laughed from so far away, yet I heard you in my room.
It made me smile and warmed up my heart, and I almost felt like Summer was here.

    :)                          beautiful  
P.S. Summer is my favorite season.
2.3k · Aug 2013
I'll Make You Proud
Sound Of Rain Aug 2013
On the winter night of December,
A girl sits near the fireplace with her mother,
The mother on an armchair with the girl's head on her lap,
Slowly caressing her hair, as they talk.

"My Dear little girl, I love you so much,
I want you to have a perfect life.
You'll face hardships and sorrow, happiness and joy,
But through it all, hold your head high and never forget to smile.

"Never run away from your problems and such,
Speak the truth as it's all worth
It, at the end you'll have no fear or regret,
And you'll remember everything with a big smile on your face.

"You'll have to pass many tests,
But no matter what, we'll always be there,
For you, my precious little jewel, are worth
Dying for, and I'll protect you for as long as I can."

Quietly listening, the girl speaks now,
"Oh mother, I love you too. I'll never forget the things you've said.
And I hope you hear me clear and loud,
For one day, my dear mother, I'll make you proud."
Wrote this one for English at class today. This poem is dedicated to my mother dear. Love you.
2.2k · Nov 2017
Sound Of Rain Nov 2017
So many lies.
You made me feel like
I was the reason why.
I was just never good enough for you
until I stopped loving you.
Then you wanted me?

Wrote words to you that I poured my
soul into.
It was my fault.

Mother always said "don't trust too easily."
I should've listened to her.
Extremely old piece.
2.2k · Aug 2017
Passing Time: A Ghazal
Sound Of Rain Aug 2017
The cool breeze tosses your hair in all directions late in this summer night.
Missed phone calls from your mother makes her nervous this worrisome night.

Drizzling rain causes your wet white shirt to cling to your body as you run.
Memories of biking in the rain with me take over you this rainy night.

My mother used to teach me how to sing and read poetry to me as I smiled.
Now I sing and write poetry about her as she smiles in this nostalgic night.

Seven years old; it was midnight when my grandfather passed away from this world.
I slept with an uneasy feeling and felt his absence in this mournful night.

When I was five, you chased me in my backyard around the guava tree.
Now I’m nineteen and I’m circling this tree all alone in this lonely night.

You spend your night cheering me up with pop music and warm hugs.
I let anger pour out on you and snap “What?” at you this regretful night.

I promised myself I would never let myself lose control of my emotions.
I let go and broke my promise with my scared heart this fearful night.

We grew up and went from one place to another as we learned about life.
I cherish the memories I’ve created and am grateful for everything this thankful night.
2.2k · Aug 2015
To do tonight:
Sound Of Rain Aug 2015
i'll let myself think about you one more time.
i'll let myself cry over you one last time.
i'll let myself feel the hole you've left one more night.
i'll let myself hurt over how you broke my heart just one more time.

And then, i'll get up and i'll wipe my tears away.
i'll wash my face and clear my head.
i'll write a letter to you and then
i'll let the pain subside and
i'll let your memories fade away

away into the stars and the moon and
where there is no more hate.
i'll forgive you for what you've done
and i'll keep the faded memories
inside a little box which won't haunt me
too much anymore.

And then, i'll get over losing you.
But for now, just let me be.
2.2k · Apr 2014
Sound Of Rain Apr 2014
I've always loved the thunderstorms,
the wind whistling and moving through the city streets,
as if it's in a hurry to be somewhere in particular.

The thunder clapping and roaring and rumbling through,
just like how my heart beats loudly when I realize something and
I don't want it to be true.

The lightning streaking brightly through the sky,
like a beautiful little streak of truth that's bright
and exposes every little lie.

The rain falling from the sky as if they were tears,
crying and mourning for the things that have been
gained yet lost too quickly,
also washing away lies that exist all around in layers.
There's a beautiful storm going on outside. I just randomly came up with this. I'm not quite satisfied with it, but decided to share it anyways.
2.0k · Aug 2015
Sound Of Rain Aug 2015
if i could think about you without it leaving me all choked up,
i would think about the promises you made to me,
the ideas you planted,
the smile you smiled at me,
and the way you laughed; so light hearted.

if i could talk to you and tell you all i think about,
i would tell you about how you're always on my mind,
every freaking day like 24/7,
the way you look at me when you talk,
your gaze is mesmerizing.

if i could just see you one more time
i would ask you to hug me the way
you used to before we messed up,
and i would close my eyes and wish for you
all the happiness in this world.

Because, although i don't love you anymore,
i still care about you.
And no matter what I do,
or how hard I try,
I could never stop caring.
One day, you'll understand.

I hope.
1.9k · Aug 2017
The First Day of Spring
Sound Of Rain Aug 2017
Sing song chirp of sparrow
Loud against the beautiful budding buds.
Snow covered pond with melting ice;
First day of spring.

Crunching snow under padding feet
Smooth slick ice coats the pavement.
Slippery unintended ice-skating with laughter;
First day of spring.

Lung inhales chilly warm air
Wind swish away the snowflakes.
Misty crystal dance under the sunlight;
First day of spring.
So many things have changed. Everything is different. Spring came and went like a hurricane even though it was supposed to be a smooth transition from Winter to Summer.
1.8k · Nov 2014
Dear Andrew Durst
Sound Of Rain Nov 2014
I've followed you for such a long time,
your play with words are what bring me back to Hello Poetry every once in a while,
And today, when I sat scrolling through your work,
I just couldn't stop.
Oh no. Couldn't stop but I tried,
And I felt like a creep so I stopped halfway or so,
and I just wanted to let you know that when I read
what you wrote, it made me smile.
Your work is beautiful and I truly believe you have magical powers
for when your fingertips touch the keyboard, I am sure golden sparks fly
and work their magic,
for what you write is simple, yet incredible,
touching and relate-able
and most importantly, I feel,
so very powerful.
I've been so stressed about tomorrow,
            that I forgot to live today.

I repeat, so very powerful.
And your words inspire me,
And make me feel such strong emotions,
and although I don’t know you,
you make me wish I had someone willing to write for me,
and I hope you no longer have to feel the heartache and sadness you sometimes write about
and that you are able to smile.
But if you find yourself stuck someday and find no reason to smile,
remember that your words have moved me, and made me smile,
which in itself is a reason for you to smile,
for being able to move a stranger through your words is quite a great reason for happiness.
1.8k · Aug 2017
Changing Times
Sound Of Rain Aug 2017
When I was younger I was told that things
change quickly; things change drastically
and so I should live in the moment and
enjoy today to the fullest.

I was told that the sunshine quickly turns
into a hurricane, and that hurricane quickly
turns into a rainbow, and everything changes
without a warning or rest.

Past few days I've realized how true that is,
and how sorry I am, but also how thankful
I am, for every second spent, every memory,
every beautiful moment.

Things change, but the love never goes away.
1.8k · Aug 2017
Sound Of Rain Aug 2017
I say take these lies from your past; pluck them from their roots
Crush them in your hand and throw them into the fire.

I say watch the flames lick and swallow the lies up into the hot
rage of destruction, as they turn into ash.

I say wait for it to cool down, then pick those ashes up
Watch them blacken your hands like singed paper

And then wash it all off and away until there’s no
Trace* left. You deserve a new start.
1.7k · Feb 2017
I Can't
Sound Of Rain Feb 2017
Not just the blue river of endless desire,
but the stark redness of the burning fire,
eating up the logs; the flames swallowing them,
like what I do to get rid of the dry throat
I get just from seeing you.
You stop in front of me and let your eyes wander
and I look at you as you quietly will me to
do things I've never thought of doing.
You pull my shirt off over my head and our
arms tangle into each other as though we're playing
a two player game of knots. We try to untangle
our hands but instead our legs get involved, and our
bodies are a mess on your bed as I pull your shirt off
over your head. Our breathing flows on in rapid gasps as
if we're scared we'll somehow get so caught up in each other
that we'll forget to breathe.
Your hands on my body as it roams everywhere, stroking every
flaw on my body, and suddenly, they start to feel beautiful. And
like that fire, your touch burns my body, leaving a trail of
tingle wherever you touch, and I knew right then that the
only thing that'll make this burning better is more of that
very same touch.
And maybe I'm a ******* because I like this pain you inflict
on me and I know I can't have you but I can't stop myself
from wanting you.
And I know I might be selfish 'cause this blue river that flows
on, I don't want to share it's water with anyone in this world,
except for you.
1.7k · Nov 2013
Words for you
Sound Of Rain Nov 2013
The two words that automatically come to
my mind when I see you: Imperfectly Perfect.
The way your eyes light up when you're excited,
the way you smile like a 5 year old when you're happy,
the way you roll your eyes and then secretly smile when I tease you,
the way you try to act annoyed with me but end up laughing,
the way you dance when you're hyper,
the way you show me the peace sign at random times,
the way you talk, some times like a tantrum throwing little 6 year old,
the way you're so stubborn,
the way you order me around.
the way you understand me so perfectly,
the way you hug me,
the way you add a "Maybe" after thanking someone,
and the way you do so many other things.

It's adorable how you're shy at the most unneeded times,
and how you're careful about the decisions you make,
and how you and I have a similar perspective,
it's like you know exactly what you want, and how you want it.

Standing over here and looking back, I feel so blessed.
Having you as my best friend is something I never thought was possible.
If only you saw yourself through my eyes,
you'd realize just how amazing you are.
Thank you for being there for me and pulling me through hard times,
I'll always be here for you, the same way you've always been there for me.
Dedicated to my amazing Best friend. You're amazing. And though this poem isn't very (can't find the right word) nice or anything(?) yeah. It's for you. :)
1.6k · Nov 2013
My Precious.
Sound Of Rain Nov 2013
You were so close, yet so far.
I had so much to say to you,
So much to apologize for,
But i never got a single word out,
Before you disappeared into the dark.
You're just gone. It's like you never existed.
All I have now, are faded memories, which I cling on to
as if they were my life line, the string holding me together.
I wake up with a hope that maybe, you'll reply today.
Maybe, you'll come back today.
Slowly, days pass. One month, two months, three months, four months.
You're gonna be 17 soon. You're probably freaking out.
Or you're excited like anything.
Don't worry, you'll be the most amazing 17 year old in this entire world.
17 years old.
I haven't forgotten yet, no. You were always older than me,
and I always asked you to stop there, stop for a while and let me catch up with you.
You'd laugh. And I'd smile at the sound of your laughter.
So angelic and calming. So nice. It made me happy, your laughter did.
Oh all the memories I have are so precious. So **** precious.
It may not mean much to you, but I still remember and have every single word you ever said to me,
every single song you ever dedicated to me,
every single smile you ever shared with me,
everything. I have folded each and every memory, neatly
and put them away inside a box, stored in the back of my mind.
The lovely sunrises we talked about, the riverside tranquility,
the funny incidents in your life,
the inspiration you had,
the way I imagined your topaz eyes would sparkle,
the way everything fit so perfectly,
the way we'd "Knucklebump" all the time,
oh all of the memories stay with me, love,
in the back of my mind.
Sometimes I wish I could let everything go,
scream your name till I'm out of breath,
maybe the world will scream with me and you'll hear?
Hah. Who am I kidding?
The faces you'd make.
The walks through the forest right next to your house,
the times you'd spend on your balcony, just sitting on that swing,
talking to me, with a cup of warm coffee on your hand,
the times you'd be so immersed in a book, with your eyes scrunched up in concentration,
How you loved the thunderstorms.
Love, you're the strongest person I know.
Been through so much, yet you still go on, still have so much inspiration,
so much motivation, such a drive to succeed.
You never give up.

1.4k · Jun 2017
Sound Of Rain Jun 2017
So trapped.
Reminder: breathe in.
Stumble, Fall, Get back up.

Shaking hands.
Reminder: breathe out.
You trip me, watch me fall, and pick myself up.

Reach out.
No hand to hold.

Nail digs into palms
Same song on replay
Drowning out my sorrow.
1.4k · Feb 2014
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
And now,
You wont even
say a word to me.
Soon again,
I'll have to
Face my biggest
I'll be forgotten.
Yet again.
By yet another
Person who
Mattered so much.
It'll probably just be like this. Forgotten. And I'll be somebody that you used to know.
1.3k · Oct 2014
Why Is It That People Lie?
Sound Of Rain Oct 2014
Why is it that people lie?
Telling you that they care
When in reality, they just
want to see you down.

Why is it that people lie?
Acting like they love you
When in reality, they just
Want what you have.

Why is it that people lie?
Telling you they'll stay always,
When in reality, they'll
Just leave in the end.

Why is it that people lie?
Giving you all of this false hope,
To which you cling on to so hard,
Only to let you down and never come back.

Why is it that people lie?
Even when you've lost so much
And think of them as your only hope
Seeing you suffer, they just smile.
So tired of all of these lies.
1.3k · Oct 2013
Sound Of Rain Oct 2013
Anger filled emotions,
Sharp words fall out.
Cutting and tearing you apart,
Silently you bleed out.
Those times when someone lets their anger get the better of them. Words hurt.
1.3k · Feb 2014
Don't stay up
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
Turn back the time on your wrist watch,
It's getting late, go to bed.
Don't stay up,
It'll take me a bit too long,
And I just might never get done with this.
Just. Whatever.
1.3k · Jan 2015
You (ii)
Sound Of Rain Jan 2015
You try to be mysterious.
You keep secrets; afraid of what I'll say.
You think I'll care about unnecessary things,
but darling, it's been 3 years already.
When will you see that all I care about is you,
not your secrets?

1.2k · Dec 2013
9th December, 2013
Sound Of Rain Dec 2013
12:00 AM
"My birthday is in 5 days :3 I get excited like a kid ((:"
"You are like the sun light streaking through my window of life every morning, reminding me how blessed I am.... "
"My vocabulary linguistics can't fathom let alone transcend into expression the intense profound passion driven emotions I feel for you. It's called love, with a pinch of deep passion <3"
"The intensity of the feeling, the warmth in my stomach every time I say I love you, the passion of my heart ... It's like a very new and different, special feeling.. "
"I know you are smiling, you were smiling reading what I had to say and that's exactly how I know you look the most beautiful - smiling <3"
"I was at the hospital today, the doctor said I'd be fine. Don't ask for what or why, please."
"knucklebump (:"
"Best of luck........"

All the stuff you used to say to me. Everything.
I have them all imprinted on my mind,
in that secret corner that I dedicated as the space for you.
It's all there, everything.
From the first word you said to me,
till the last word.
They're all there, spinning around in my mind.

I woke up this morning with a tear stained face.
It seems like that's the only way I find myself
when I'm all alone or when I wake up these days,
With a tear stained face.
This morning, I washed away the tear stains and put on a big smile.
Pretended that I was okay. That nothing was bothering me.
What they say is true,
"the happiest of them are the ones who cry themselves to sleep."

You should talk to my pillow some time.
It'll tell you the truth.
That you're all I think about when I'm asleep.
You're always on my mind.
You've given me too much to remember, I can't forget you now.
It's too hard. I take this as punishment for letting you go.
9th December 2013 now.
At this exact moment, you're no longer 16.

15 more days, and I'll be as old as you were just 15 days before.
You're One year older than me.
I'm One year younger than you.
Wait for me to catch up please.
This race with time is driving me crazy now.
It's moving too fast.
I'm tripping too much.
I'm falling too hard.
It's getting harder to get up every day.
But I wont stop.
No matter what, I'll keep running.
'Cause I live with a hope that you'll come back some day.
They say you wont. That I'm being stupid. But deep in my heart,
I know you will come back. I really do.
Prove them wrong, my love. Come back.
And we'll knucklebump one more time and start off from right where we left,
Cause after you get here, nothing will be wrong again.

Till you get back, I'll just settle down by wishing you a very happy birthday [on here].
Happy Birthday, AH. Miss you so much. I hope you have the most amazing year ever and a great day.
1.2k · Feb 2014
What they implied.
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
And then they said something that
                                                 implied that she was a ****.
                                                           ­                             And she doesn't know.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Sound Of Rain Jan 2015
I have been beat up by the waves of doubt more times than I can ever count.

I have been stepped on by the foot of insecurity and have been brought down by critical eyes.

I have been to the depths of pain that you could never imagine visiting,

And I have had the perseverance and energy to make my way back up.

I have scars on my heart from all the battles I've fought and I am who I am because of all these battles.

And if you judge me for being who I am, I will no longer let you linger.

I will drop you like the weight you've been; trying to pull me down.

And believe me; I won't regret it for a single second.

1.2k · Oct 2013
Sound Of Rain Oct 2013
In the bottom of what I assume is my heart,
There's a Deep void which is aching to be filled,
If not with love, at least with something else,
Some emotion, some kind of feeling,
Just not this numbness, just a feeling,
Just to know someone's here,
And They're here for me.

I can't see anyone by my side again,
It's like the starlight was never seen
As I've ended up Being Lonely and reckless as I've always been.
Wrote that a while back.
Don't know if that makes sense, but yeah.
te echo de menos a mi mejor amigo.
1.2k · Sep 2013
Sound Of Rain Sep 2013
Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.
The water drops make this sound;
At day time it's not as loud as it is,
At night time; mesmerizing.

With none by your side, all alone in bed;
Listening to the sounds.
Trying to understand everything, as you slowly slip away,
Into the unknown vastness of unconsciousness called "sleep."
Sound of rain at night. Beautiful.
1.1k · Apr 2014
It's Getting Complicated,
Sound Of Rain Apr 2014
Everything is jumbled in my head,
Nothing makes sense at all.
It's like I'm awake but I'm still dreaming.
I'm in the middle of a crowd,
But I'm still all alone.

They ask me what's wrong, all I can say is, "Honestly,
I can't express myself right now, forgive me."
I don't even know what's going on,
I used to think that life was easy, that you just live till it's time to leave,
But boy, I never realized how hard it is to do just that.
Live, till it's time to leave.
I don't know. Writer's block. And nothing makes sense. Oh well.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Your Unusual Art
Sound Of Rain Oct 2013
I took your wrist and had a look, you told me about the unusual art you did,
The use of natural dark red paint flowing down, dripping onto your clothes,
In your eyes I saw your emotions, though they were locked up, tied with a chain and bolted away,
I saw them, and I asked you "Why can't you do a different art?"

You looked right into my eyes with a sad smile and said,
"My dear friend, it's not easy to live. Certain things just make you feel worthless,
and like a bunch of wastage, sometimes, it's better trying to feel something else instead of that,
for words hurt like nothing else does."

I added a texture of cotton on top of your art,
You looked at me silently, and in your eyes, I could see someone hurt and broken, screaming for help,
and at that very moment, I decided, I would never let you be alone,
I took you into my arms, and hugged you tight, making soothing gestures on your back as the silent hug turned into something deeper,
and the sobs racked through your body, but not once did I let go,
and at that very moment, I just knew,
You couldn't turn to anyone, that's the reason you did your unusual art.
1.1k · Dec 2014
You (i)
Sound Of Rain Dec 2014
You are the most annoyingly charming person
that I have ever had the unfortunate privilege to
lay my eyes upon, for your smile turns my
world upside down, while also makes me feel the
kind of happiness that I, never even knew, existed.
Something I wrote a while ago for someone.
1.1k · Jan 2014
After so much of waiting
Sound Of Rain Jan 2014
I woke up this morning,
expecting the same as always,
no answers.

So, that's the reason when I checked my emails,
I started crying,
No. These weren't tears of sadness.
These were tears of happiness.
Of getting something after wanting it for so long.

He is back.
And he replied to me.
Today, 1/14/2014 , he replied and he's back!

I will no longer wake up with a tear stained face,
or have nightmares about things,
and today, no one can take my happiness away,

Because he's back.
My chocolate, A.H. is back. :)
Never been happier. :)
Sound Of Rain Aug 2013
For one whole year, you were right there,
So far away, yet so close.
It was like everything in this world was fair
With you by my side, I had nothing to lose.

Everything was beautiful, bright and full of life,
We smiled at the nature's beauty and sun's rays.
But now I feel like I might have made a mistake for I think
That one answer changed everything.

At first, the world seemed happy, and so was I.
For with you by my side I thought everything was perfect.
However when that horrible day came, I still feel like I could've changed
Everything that happened, but now I have only myself to blame.

I miss you so much it suffocates me, makes tears flow,
Gives me bad dreams and internally torments me.
For one answer changed everything for good, then it changed everything for the worst.
Nothing is the same and you're not by my side anymore.
Though we may be far away now, the memories will stay with me forever,
But the hole in my heart will be empty forever,
For because of my one wrong answer, I lost you. I lost the fight.
This was written by me during my free class at school. It's dedicated to my Best Friend. And the one and only guy ever who actually understood me and how I felt. Though we don't talk anymore, I miss you. And I hope you're doing amazing like always.
1.0k · Jun 2014
Thoughts from 1AM to 7AM
Sound Of Rain Jun 2014
1:39 AM
I'm lying down on this air bed thinking
What would've happened if we'd never met.

I met so many new people this year.
Each and every one have made a great impact on my life too.

Was it that night last year in June? Everything happened that night. Felt like nothing,
But now I realize it meant everything.

2:08 AM
I can't stop thinking about everything you said to me.
And I also can't stop thinking about what would've happened if I'd handled things differently.

Oh well.
Can't do anything now.
'Cause I did try. I tried so hard. But I failed anyways.

3:08 AM
Did I tell you that you're what I dream about as well?

4:56 AM
Silence. Streaks of moonlight along the windows.
Quiet cars passing by. You're on my mind.

5:35 AM
And I'm still thinking about you.

6:54 AM
Fall asleep finally.
Dream about you. You were laughing. I woke up laughing.

7:00 AM
Wake up. Try to clear my head. try to get you out of my head Get a glass of coffee, look outside.

It'll be a better day I hope.
Random thoughts.
1.0k · Dec 2014
Back To Where I Was
Sound Of Rain Dec 2014
Another year has passed by, and things are different,
but I've ended up at the same spot again.
Just like last year,
I'm wishing you on here.

Happy Birthday to you,
and I hope all of your wishes come true,
and that you stay happy forever.
P.S. I still miss you.
Happy Birthday. 18. Legal now. I hope you have fun. I miss you.
999 · Nov 2013
Like the stars
Sound Of Rain Nov 2013
Lights everywhere. Twinkling and shining.
Some shining bright like the sun,
those lights remind me of your eyes,
Some twinkling, almost like they're shy to be seen, like you.

Your eyes were a mixture of both the bright and twinkling lights,
You didn't like being seen ,
though even when you didn't want it, you'd get the attention.
Just like the stars.
At times, I like to assume that stars don't want to be seen,
that's the reason they keep twinkling, almost like illuminated eyes, blinking.
Wanting to see the world, so they open their eyes,
Then realizing that their eyes are bright and not wanting the attention,
they close their eyes.
It's an endless cycle. Repetition all the way.
Not wanting anyone to notice, but getting noticed anyways.
Written for this guy that I once knew. A.
972 · Aug 2014
If only
Sound Of Rain Aug 2014
If only I could write without choking up every time I spilled out words on paper,
If only I could close my eyes and block out the harsh things that I still seem to remember,
If only I could smile and write pages after pages about everything without tearing up,
If only I was not as shy as I am right now and instead was bold and fierce,
If only my hands would stop shaking when I write your name,
If only everybody kept the freaking promises that they made.
If only.
If only.
If only.
I would surely be happier and more satisfied than I am right now.
I don't even know. Suffering from major writer's block. Can't seem to express any of my feelings properly these days. *sigh* If only.
972 · Sep 2013
Random memories flowing out
Sound Of Rain Sep 2013
I'm just standing here,
Wondering and watching.
Reminiscing the time you came into my life,
Leaving my heart filled with joy, and glee.

However, in a few day's time,
One word was all it took for you to hurt me,
Shatter my heart into millions of pieces,
Which can never be joined back together again,
Without anyone cutting themselves with the sharp edges in the process.

One single word.
The one I hate the most, and you said it to me.
Random scribbled words.
945 · Sep 2013
Sound Of Rain Sep 2013
Broken smiles, broken hearts
Broken dreams and broken jars.
All shattered into a million pieces,
Cut you with their jagged edges.

Smiles to show your beauty and glee,
Hearts given for safekeeping,
Dreams to keep you shooting out for,
And Jars to keep your cookies in.

Knowing it's wrong we fall again and again,
Tormenting ourselves with so much pain.
But with that same pain comes the happiness,
Just hard to forget at the end, when there's nothing else left.
Sound Of Rain Nov 2013
And as I look outside and think, I realize a year has passed.
Though looking back, it seems like just yesterday, you were mine.
Just yesterday, You were with me, right by my side.
I miss you.
918 · May 2014
Too Late
Sound Of Rain May 2014
A year passed by and now, all I know are your words,
the beautiful sound of your laughter and all
your other little habits that make me smile.
All I know are things like your smile, your voice and
for some twisted reason, along with your voice, there's another one,
and this one wont stop laughing and it keeps whispering into my ears,
"You're too late."

Guess I was too overconfident,
I'd thought you'd stay forever.
I was too scared to accept the truth.
I never knew that you leaving would hurt me so much.
Now, you're right there, but you're too far away.
I can't reach you now. I wont be able to. And I'm too
disgusted with myself to even try to reach you.

And for some twisted reason, I agree with that voice in my head,
the one that was laughing and whispering into my ears,
I am, indeed, too late.
Well, just realized what heartache feels like.

I hope you're happy with her. You deserve the happiness. And I'll just like you from over here, silently. 'Cause in that silence, no one can say anything to me. And in that silence, you can be mine and you'd be able to stay for all the time in the world.
Sound Of Rain Mar 2014
Am I turning more like her with every passing second?
*Laura: A character from The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. She's got a small glass menagerie, and they're just as fragile as she is.
Sound Of Rain Jun 2014
These days, I feel like time is moving too fast for me. Too dang fast.
Everybody comes and goes out of my life, Always.
without the blink of an eye. You included
Break those promises wont you? You said you'd never do that. Look at what's happened now

Maybe I should stop caring. Just let it all fade away. It'll be Peaceful maybe
I did try didn't I? I kept trying. I still am trying. It's really hard.
If this doesn't work, what will? I want you to stay but I'll have to let you go
Will you ever realize how much you're hurting me? As long as you're happy I guess.
You don't even know any of this. And I wont tell you either.

I wish I was strong enough to throw a fit and scream and yell I wanna let go.
but no sounds come out of my mouth when I try. Why is this happening?
So instead of going through all that trouble, "It'll get better."
I just put up a smile on my face, try to make it seem genuine, "It'll be okay."
and walk around with that fake smile. *You lie.
I don't know where this came from. Been suffering from Writer's block lately.
This just kind of happened I guess.
748 · Apr 2014
Time to let go
Sound Of Rain Apr 2014
The awkward silences we have
scream out to me.
You probably don't realize it as you're talking to her
But it screams into my ears.
And so, it's time to let go and move on. Because saying goodbye comes easier for some people. Specifically, people who don't care.

And you definitely don't.
I don't really know where this came from.
724 · Sep 2014
Tell Me,
Sound Of Rain Sep 2014
Is it that hard to keep your promise?
721 · Feb 2014
It's so obvious,
Sound Of Rain Feb 2014
The Evil intention in your eyes.
It's so obvious that she can almost feel it.
You look with a devious smile.
Who are you? She doesn't even know you.

She  NEVER wants to know you.
DISGUSTING That's who you are.
That's what you are.
I hope someone afflicts the same pain on you,

The one you afflicted on her. I hope you go through that same fear,
the same one which you made her go through.
You're not human. You're worse than an animal.
You're a horrible thing.

Those eyes. She will never forget them.
And Trust Me when I tell you,
If I or her find you EVER again,
It'll be the last time you Ever smile that devious smile again.
Disgusting Stranger. You may go die.
684 · May 2014
Sound Of Rain May 2014
I wake up every morning on my bed, in my room.
Everything looks the same,
but it all feels different.

I look back at how I woke up on this very bed,
a year ago, and I was different,
and I was Happy.

Then you had to swoop in and put everything out of place,
leaving me to clean up the mess.
But that mess isn't the worst part.

The worst part is the fact that I liked that mess.
**And I still do.
#love #life #sad #pain
665 · Mar 2014
Last Night,
Sound Of Rain Mar 2014
When I pushed my food away and got up to leave the table,
My mother took one glance at me and said,
"It's not healthy, what you're doing." And she continued eating.
Guilt was all I could feel, but I just couldn't eat last night,
Not without the food coming back up.
Just like how I still can't play that song,
Not without memories of him coming back.
Why does everything I do still remind me of my feelings for you? I don't wanna feel this way.
Ah well. I guess some things, you just can't get over.

This is Disgusting in a way, I apologize for that. But yeah.

— The End —