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Randy Johnson Aug 2017
You were a mother who was both special and divine.
If you hadn't died, today you would've turned sixty-nine.
I would give anything if you were still here.
Everybody loved you because you were a dear.

You died over four years ago and it was the worst thing I've ever been through.
When they said you'd die, I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do.
The day before you died, "I Love You" were the three words that I said.
When I saw you lying motionless, it was sad because I knew you were dead.

The doctors couldn't save you after you became ill.
It took two years for this heart of mine to start to heal.
I still miss you and I have something to say.
I'll always love you Mom, Happy Birthday.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
503 · Mar 2019
Deadly Magical Power
Randy Johnson Mar 2019
All I have to do is paint a portrait of somebody being dead and he or she dies in real life.
I've painted portraits of my former boss, my in-laws and I also painted a portrait of my wife.
I've been given a magical power but I don't know where it came from.
My killing spree is not going to end, there will be more deaths to come.
I'm going to paint portraits of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Then I'll paint portraits of the creators of the new Doctor Who TV show, I'll get rid of all of those chumps.
I'm also going to paint a portrait of a bully who I went to school with.
He'd better enjoy what time he has left because he won't have long to live.
I will never see the inside of a courtroom, I will never be tried.
If you don't want your portrait to be painted, don't get on my bad side.
502 · Feb 2018
Jacqueline Hill
Randy Johnson Feb 2018
It was a sad day in 1993 when you went to be with your maker.
You starred with William Hartnell and years later, you starred with Tom Baker.
You starred in seventeen episodes of Doctor Who.
The show became a success partly because of you.
Doctor Who was a fascinating show that was scary.
Millions of people were devastated when you died on the 18th of February.
Dedicated to Jacqueline Hill (1929-1993) who died 25 years ago today on February 18, 1993.
501 · Dec 2015
There Will Be World Peace
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
There will be world peace but only when Jesus Christ returns.
We will be resurrected whether we are buried in the ground or are ashes in urns.
Everybody will be friendly to each other, racism will be a thing of the past.
Black people, white people and all other races will love each other, it will be a blast.
Nobody will become sick or die ever again.
It will be paradise because there will be no sin.
When Jesus resurrects us, we'll all be young, nobody will ever grow old.
Look in the Bible and  you'll see that these things have been foretold.
But to be able to live in this paradise, many will have to change their sinful ways.
Because if they don't, they will have to face the Lord's wrath on Judgment Day.
501 · Sep 2019
You Ruined My Birthday
Randy Johnson Sep 2019
A man's birthday only comes around once a year.
You wanted revenge because I drank your last beer.
You decided to get even by ruining my birthday.
You got even by giving me the new Doctor Who on Blu-ray.

You know that I hate the new Doctor Who, I think it's a piece of crap.
Now you've started crying like a two year old because I gave you a slap.
I loathe the new Doctor Who TV Show and I let everybody know about it.
You bought me a piece of crap for my birthday and it's making me throw a fit.

Even though I apologized for drinking your last beer, you decided to make me pay.
You had an evil grin on your face as you handed me the new Doctor Who on Blu-ray.
Everybody had to cover their ears because I said a lot of cuss words.
I burned your present because I would've rather been given a ****.
500 · Dec 2015
Jehovah God Is Real
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Some people think that Jehovah God isn't real because he's invisible.
They assume that he's not real because his existence isn't physical.
Air is also invisible and everybody knows that it exists.
The Lord is just as real and that is something that I'll always insist.
If you turn to him, he will help you cope with any ordeal.
Jehovah is a wonderful supernatural being and he is real.
496 · Feb 2016
He Married Herself
Randy Johnson Feb 2016
In the year 2019, a woman had a *** change.
Then he traveled back in time and what happened was strange.
He and his former female self got married after having a relationship.
When I learned what was going on, it was hard for me to get a grip.

After having the *** change, he grew a beard.
When I saw him kissing his former self, it was weird.
Just thinking about the situation brings a chill to my bones.
I have a question, is this reality or is this The Twilight Zone?
I got the idea for this poem from something that I saw in a video game.
489 · Aug 2015
Forty-Four Years Ago
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
Mom gave birth to me in 1971 and today I became forty-four.
It's a shame that she can't celebrate my birthdays anymore.
Forty-four years ago today, my mom brought me into the world, it was the first day of my life.
But my life became difficult because she is no longer a part of it, it has been a painful strife.
Two and a half years ago was when Jehovah decided to take her.
Her death has been painful but it's nice to know that she's in paradise with her maker.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
484 · Mar 2016
Rest In Peace, Mom
Randy Johnson Mar 2016
You weren't a saint but you were extremely close.
Out of all of the people on Earth, I've always loved you the most.
It will be very painful as they lower you into the ground.
Life will never be the same because you're no longer around.

You were a wonderful Human Being and a terrific mother too.
Your family and friends will always love you.
You were so sweet and kind that you should've been given a humanitarian award.
The people in Heaven are happy because you're there and so is The Lord.

You're in a better place and that makes your friends and family glad.
But as people see the tears rolling down my cheeks, they know that I'm so sad.
You were one fantastic lady, you were truly one of a kind.
Knowing that Heaven is your new home gives us peace of mind.

From time to time I wasn't the ideal son and that's something I regret.
You gave me life, love and happiness and that's something I'll never forget.
It hurts very much because you are deceased.
Everybody loves you Mom, may you Rest In Peace.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013. (I wrote this poem in 2013.)
483 · Jun 2018
Solo Is a Flop
Randy Johnson Jun 2018
Disney didn't expect it but Solo is a flop.
When it came to ticket sales, the second week saw a 61 percent drop.
In Solo, Lando Calrissian is a pansexual, even robots turn him on.
I'm sorry to have to say it but the magic of Star Wars may be gone.
Certain people are angry because of The Last Jedi.
Leia was ****** into space and she didn't die.
Disney obviously knows nothing about outer space.
Criticism is something Disney doesn't want to face.
Disney thought Solo would be a massive hit but it's not.
Fans are angry and that is what caused the Solo boycott.
If you like The Last Jedi and or Solo, that's okay.
But Disney is very upset, they've had better days.
480 · Dec 2019
At Midnight Tonight
Randy Johnson Dec 2019
At midnight tonight, the second decade of the twenty-first century will be no more.
At midnight tonight, the third decade of the twenty-first century will be what's in store.
At midnight tonight, billions of people will welcome and celebrate the new year.
At midnight tonight, some will celebrate with champagne and others will celebrate with beer.
At midnight tonight, it will be the first day of 2020 and the first day of January.
At midnight tonight, give your wife some razor blades because her legs are hairy.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
When people do us wrong, Jesus doesn't want us to retaliate.
He is the Son of God so his words are something we should contemplate.
When Jesus was arrested, he didn't retaliate even though people slapped him and punched him with their fists.
When we want to retaliate against others, Jesus wants us to resist.
Jesus wants everybody to live in peace, he wants us to be meek.
When people do us wrong, Jesus wants us to turn the other cheek.
479 · Aug 2015
Jehovah Is Our Friend
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
Jehovah created the land and the seas.
He loves everybody, including you and me.
Jehovah's love for us has no bounds.
He's a friend who is always around.
In a world that has been consumed by violence and greed,
Each and every one of us needs Jehovah indeed.
He will take away your pain and wipe away your tears.
If you're depressed, remember that God is always here.
Randy Johnson Feb 2019
One day Barney Fife was practicing his quick draw.
He accidentally shot Thelma Lou, he broke the law.
Andy had no choice but to put Barney in jail.
But Andy let Barney out when he said he had a crop of marijuana to sell.
Barney offered Andy a fifty-fifty deal.
But Andy wanted it all, he decided to steal.
He shot poor Barney and dumped his body in Myers Lake.
Andy became furious when he learned the marijuana was fake.
The crop of marijuana turned out to be oregano.
Andy was arrested and jail was where he had to go.
Andy will be pounding rocks for the rest of his days.
The Sheriff soon learned that crime doesn't pay.
469 · Sep 2019
My Stolen General Lee
Randy Johnson Sep 2019
Last week while I slept, my **** neighbor decided to rob me.
He stole my car which was an identical copy of the General Lee.
As I painted the car, he told me not to include the flag that was on top.
When he saw me adding the flag, the **** fool demanded that I stop.
My neighbor wanted me to stop because the Confederate Flag isn't politically correct.
He was going to take the car to the crusher but died when the car was wrecked.
I punched out that PC ***** because I got tired of hearing him nag.
He stole my car because I ignored his demand not to include the flag.
He decided to jump the General Lee as he drove down the road.
He wouldn't have done that if he'd known the car would explode.
A car gets demolished if it's jumped in real life, but that was something he didn't know.
He wanted revenge because I added that flag and the Pearly Gates was where he had to go.
468 · Aug 2016
Religion Is Dying
Randy Johnson Aug 2016
I read a pamphlet that asked if religion is dying, it's almost dead.
Religion may be gone forever in just a couple of decades ahead.
Religion is important to me because it's what America needs.
Jesus will return and when he does, he and his father will lead.

Donald Trump says that he can bring back prayer in schools.
I'm not crazy about Trump but if he can do it, that would be cool.
Children should be taught to pray so God won't be forgotten.
The thought of God disappearing from people's hearts is rotten.

We should always remember God because he will always remember us.
He will bless us if we worship him, he's the one who people should trust.
Now a days many people are non-religious, they refuse to acknowledge God and I don't think it's funny.
It wouldn't surprise me if the United States Government removes 'In God We Trust' from our money.
468 · Nov 2016
Let's Give God A Holiday
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
Martin Luther King JR. has his own holiday, God should be given a holiday too.
God deserves to be given a holiday, that is what our Government should do.
God's son has his own holiday, God also deserves a holiday that is celebrated every year.
God is the greatest, he loves all of Mankind and he deserves to be revered.
468 · Nov 2015
Please Don't Kill
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
When some people get really mad at somebody, they want to ****.
Please don't commit ****** no matter how much anger you feel.
Some people think they can get away with ****** but the cops are much more efficient than they think.
Please don't ever take a life because if you do, the cops will most likely end up throwing you in the clink.
No matter how badly a person has treated you, please don't commit ******, there is always a better solution.
It will be very sad if I hear that you've been sent to prison or death row where you'll be facing execution.
If you get so angry that you want to **** somebody, I'm begging you to think twice.
****** is never the answer, if you commit it, you will most likely pay the price.
I've written this poem for anybody who is thinking about committing ******.
467 · Feb 2018
Papaw's Demise
Randy Johnson Feb 2018
You died twenty years ago today.
On February 7, 1998, you passed away.
You were born in 1910 and died at the age of eighty-seven.
Twenty years ago, you left this Earth and went to Heaven.

You became a widower in 1957 and had your kids to finish raising.
You finished raising your kids by yourself and that was amazing.
When you died, it was something that I hated.
You were my Papaw and you were appreciated.
Dedicated to Burkette Greene who died on February 7, 1998.
466 · May 2015
She Was Sent To The Chair
Randy Johnson May 2015
She said that she was innocent but nobody heard her.
She was sent to the electric chair because of a ******.
Even though she was innocent, she was found guilty.
She was put to death over twenty years ago in 1993.
Several weeks ago, the guilty party went to the Police and confessed.
The people who are responsible for her death are people who I detest.
Now those ******* know that what they did wasn't right.
I hope the guilt causes them not to be able to sleep at night.
You may wonder why I'm so angry and why I've missed her.
The woman who was sent to the chair was my younger sister.
This is a fictional poem.
461 · Jan 2020
Randy Johnson Jan 2020
He was my neighbor for over forty years and his name was Jim.
When I think about what a good man should be like, I think of him.
He and my uncle were former co-workers and friends.
It was sad when I learned that his life came to an end.

Many people know that he was a credit to the Human Race.
Poor Jim's life has ended but now he's in a far better place.
When a man goes to Heaven, he celebrates his greatest reward.
Nothing can be better than being in Paradise with The Lord.

We became neighbors in 1977 and that was a long time ago.
I used to listen to some beautiful music when he played his banjo.
When I say that he was a good man, it certainly isn't a lie.
His family and friends are shedding tears as they say goodbye.
Randy Johnson Feb 2019
Certain people like the new Doctor Who TV show but I think It's foul.
If I had a choice between watching it and having dental surgery, I'd choose a root canal.
And rather than watching Doctor Who, I'd rather have that root canal without anesthetic.
I stopped watching the new Doctor Who because It's pathetic.
I loved the classic Doctor Who television show, it was my favorite show on TV.
And I honestly believe that the new Doctor Who has been ruined by the BBC.
If you like and want to watch the new Doctor Who, that's okay.
But If I had a Genie, I'd wish for that **** TV show to go away.
Randy Johnson May 2015
This is the third Mother's Day that has come around since you perished.
The love that we felt for one another is something that I'll always cherish.
Out of all of the people on Earth, you meant more to me than anyone.
You were always there for me and I'm a privileged man to be your son.
You were very special and everybody who knew you, knows that is true.
You gave birth to me in 1971, I wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for you.
Whenever people ask me how I feel about you, I'll always say "I love her."
Happy Mother's Day Mom, you were one of the world's greatest mothers.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away at the age of 64 on March 6, 2013.
454 · Aug 2016
Randy Johnson Aug 2016
Mom was only twenty-eight when she moved in this house in 1977,
And she lived here until she moved to Sneedville, Tennessee in 2011.
Mom was beautiful at twenty-eight and she was still beautiful at sixty-four.
She would still be beautiful today but sadly, she isn't with us anymore.
When I was growing up, Mom was a stay-at-home mom and that made me glad.
She devoted her time to her family instead of a job and that might make feminists mad.
But I'm happy that she was a homemaker because I was able to spend more time with her.
If I'm asked to give Mom a rating on a scale of one to ten, a ten is what I'll be proud to give her.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away at the age of 64 on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Dec 2023
When I say that you were a wonderful mother and person, I'm being sincere.
The memory of the last Christmas that we shared is something I hold dear.
We spent many Christmases together but we won't be able to do it again.
We'll spend Christmases together in Heaven in the future but I don't know when.
Back in 2012, I gave you and Dad two presents each on Christmas Eve.
You passed away less than three months later and it was hard to believe.
I didn't realize just how sick that you were.
Your death was painful and hard to endure.
If I'd known that the Christmas of 2012 would be our last Christmas, I would've appreciated it more.
I will always appreciate and cherish the final Christmas we shared and all of the Christmases before.
You and Dad are both gone and I can't spend another Christmas with either of you.
I want to wish you and Dad a Merry Christmas because it's the proper thing to do.
Dedicated to Agnes Marie Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
449 · Jan 2021
Sweetie Pie
Randy Johnson Jan 2021
I wasn't going to buy another dog because it hurts too much when they die.
But I decided to buy another dog and she is my Sweetie Pie.
When it comes to the heart, losing a pet sure will break it.
When it came to my former dog's death, it was hard to take it.
But several weeks later, I ended up being in luck.
I bought another dog for only two hundred bucks.
Hazel looks similar to my old dog and I sure am a lucky guy.
My former dog was my Baby Doll and Hazel is my Sweetie Pie.
Dedicated to Hazel, my Chihuahua
447 · Sep 2019
Happy 49th Birthday
Randy Johnson Sep 2019
If John hadn't died because of drugs, he would've turned forty-nine today.
If John hadn't died, his fiftieth birthday would've been just one year away.
The paramedics had planned to perform CPR but they saw it was something John didn't need.
They quickly learned that performing CPR would've done no good so they did not proceed.
Sadly, John had died and he went to be with the Lord.
His arm was sticking upward, he was as stiff as a board.
I learned about the circumstances of his death from the people who he lived with.
John had done me wrong before he died and the time has come for me to forgive.
I had to threaten him with legal action because he'd been coming in my house and swiping some of my medicine.
I informed him that I'd have him arrested if he came on my property again.
Because of taking drugs, those drugs turned out to be John's noose.
Sadly, he was destined to die because of his many years of drug use.
Randy Johnson Jan 2016
I love Jesus but I love his father more.
I live to serve Jehovah, that's what I'm here for.
Jesus is fantastic but Jehovah God is far greater.
I loved God as a child and I still love him all these years later.
I wish that Jehovah could be somebody who everybody would love to discuss.
Even during bad times, Jehovah won't abandon people, he is always here for us.
I love Jesus but I love his father more.
Jesus is wonderful but God is superior.
444 · Feb 2019
Crosby Park
Randy Johnson Feb 2019
I moved to this neighborhood forty-two years ago today.
I moved here six months before Elvis Presley passed away.
Crosby Park is the name of my neighborhood.
I've been here for a long time and I'll be here for good.
I still remember the day when I moved here.
It's been over four decades, that's a lot of years.
I became the owner of my property eight years ago in 2011.
My parents gave it to me two years before they went to Heaven.
I moved to Crosby Park forty-two years ago today.
I've been here since I was five and I'm here to stay.
444 · Sep 2018
Randy Johnson Sep 2018
Because of a man's death, millions have been hurt.
He was a fantastic actor, and his name was Burt.
He starred as the Bandit twice, and as Stroker Ace.
His death is something that fans don't want to face.
Burt starred as Boss Hogg back in 2005.
Many will mourn because he didn't survive.
He was very lucky because for a while, he was married to Loni Anderson.
When people heard about his death, they were both saddened and stunned.
People are crying because of the ordeal they're going through.
Sadly, the world has lost Burt Reynolds at the age of eighty-two.
Dedicated to Burt Reynolds (1936-2018) who died on September 6, 2018.
443 · Feb 2018
Father Ted
Randy Johnson Feb 2018
You starred in a British sitcom called Father Ted.
It is extremely sad because now you are dead.
You were successful and things were going great.
But then a tragedy occurred when you died in 1998.
You were taken far too soon, you were only forty-five.
The world would be a better place if you had survived.
You excelled at acting and you were a teacher too.
You were an awesome Irishman and people loved you.
442 · Aug 2023
Randy Johnson Aug 2023
You were a Chihuahua and you were my pet.
You died even though I took you to two vets.
Two days from now will be my 52nd birthday.
But it will be ruined because you passed away.
When your life ended, it was a **** shame.
You were awesome and Puppy was your name.
I bought you and owned you for six wonderful years.
Your death has and will continue to produce tears.
Your death is something that I certainly regret.
You were my Chihuahua and you were a wonderful pet.
Randy Johnson Jun 2020
He did drugs for many years and he finally had to pay.
Because of his drug use, he died one year ago today.
He overdosed last year and sadly, he could not survive.
If he would've had the courage to say no to drugs, he'd still be alive.
When he first started, he smoked *** and later did worse drugs like ****.
He grew up around the wrong kind of people and that caused his eventual death.
On June 3, 2019, his family and friends had to say goodbye.
If you also do drugs, stop it or you will also eventually die.
440 · Dec 2015
Merry Christmas, Mom
Randy Johnson Dec 2015
Last Christmas was great because I was able to spend it with you.
But I'll be spending this Christmas alone and it makes me feel so blue.
We each thought the world of one another.
I'm very proud that you were my mother.

You were sweet, smart and so very wise.
I've been devastated because of your demise.
You always said that you loved me and was proud of me but nobody tells me that anymore.
I didn't know just how great you were until I lost you and it makes me feel so sad and poor.

It brought me joy when I called you each day.
But sadly, that pleasure has been taken away.
While you were on Earth, I was so blessed.
Merry Christmas Mom, you were truly the best.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013. (This poem was written in 2013.)
440 · Nov 2016
Remember Jesus
Randy Johnson Nov 2016
When you're tempted to commit a sin, remember God's son.
When you're tempted, ask yourself what Jesus would've done.
Jesus Christ has never sinned, he was a perfect human being.
That's something that people shouldn't have difficulty seeing.
If you're tempted to steal, remember Jesus and you'll know that it's wrong.
If you put your faith in Jesus and his father, they will make you strong.
If you're tempted to commit ****, remember Jesus and you'll know that it's an abomination.
Jesus has always lived righteously and he's against all violence, that is no exaggeration.
Remember Jesus if you're tempted to raise your fists to another man.
Jesus will help you to live a righteous life like he does, yes he sure can.
439 · Jan 2019
Barney Rubble Is In Trouble
Randy Johnson Jan 2019
Let me tell you about Barney Rubble.
He's a criminal who is in big trouble.
Barney lost his job and Bamm-Bamm was taken by the state.
That made him turn mean, he has been consumed by hate.
He and Fred Flintstone are enemies noe, he's gotten himself in a mess.
Barney looked through Fred's window and watched Wilma undress.
Wilma knew that he was watching but didn't care.
She didn't mind him seeing her while she was bare.
Barney bought a new car after he kidnapped Pebbles and sold her on the Black Market.
But the bank took his house so he had no place to park it.
All of this started because Barney lost his son.
Now Fred is out looking for Barney with a gun.
Fred is determined to shoot his former friend and watch him die.
He just found Barney so now Barney can kiss his **** goodbye.
439 · Nov 2015
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
I've started saying Grace, I thank Jehovah for my food.
I didn't do that in the past but I've changed my attitude.
Jehovah didn't have to give us taste buds but he wanted eating to be a pleasant experience.
We should all say Grace before we eat every meal, it makes a lot of sense.
People should also thank Jehovah for their possessions and their families.
If we thank the Lord for everything that we have, he is sure to be pleased.
Randy Johnson Nov 2022
When it comes to being thankful this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful to have The Lord.
When it comes to God being a part of our lives, there is no greater reward.
God is our creator and he helps people every day.
God will always be there for us and won't go away.
Without God, people would not exist, nobody would be living.
We should all be thankful to have The Lord this Thanksgiving.
437 · Jul 2024
11 Years Ago
Randy Johnson Jul 2024
Something happened eleven years ago that was sad.
After he battled Leukemia for many months, I lost Dad.
I thought he'd live longer but he died at the age of sixty-five.
He took chemotherapy for over 18 months but he could no longer survive.
When he died, I had to say goodbye.
I lost him in 2013 on the 13th of July.
Dad couldn't beat Leukemia even though he tried.
It was terrible because 11 years ago today, he died.
Randy Johnson May 2016
This is the fourth Mother's Day that has come around since you died.
When you perished, I had to deal with a lot of pain on the inside.
When you became ill, I wanted you to get well and so did my brother.
I found out just how painful it is when a person loses his or her mother.

You are gone but I still have fond memories of you.
You were terrific and other people knew that you were amazing too.
You were a very special mother and I'll always be proud to give you praise.
You still exist in my eyes because I'll carry you in my heart for the rest of my days.
Dedicated to Agnes Greene-Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
436 · Aug 2016
Bobby Boyd
Randy Johnson Aug 2016
Death comes to all of us but it's sad when a life is destroyed.
I recently learned that I lost an old friend and his name was Bobby Boyd.
It had been about thirty years since I last saw him, we were friends at school.
Sadly, Bobby was killed one sad and tragic day while he was driving his vehicle.
I didn't know that he had died until just a few days ago.
It's sad but he was a person who I'm happy to have known.
I know that his untimely death devastated his loved ones terribly.
But he isn't gone forever, when Jesus returns, so will Bobby.
Dedicated to Bobby R. Boyd (1968-2011) who died on September 9, 2011.
Randy Johnson May 2015
When a man came at me with a knife,
I was forced to shoot and take his life.
It was self defense but I was still horrified by what I had done.
I would be dead and buried if I hadn't been carrying my gun.
But he said something right before he died.
After he said it, I was even more horrified.
He told me that my wife put him up to it.
She tried to have me killed but she blew it.
I found out why that she was able to convince that man to try to ****** me.
She was going to share the cash when she cashed in my life insurance policy.
She put him up to it but it was something I couldn't prove.
I divorced that witch after I packed my bags and moved.
She would've been on easy street if she had succeeded with her crime.
But she failed and because of the prenup, she didn't receive one dime.
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Mar 2016
I was devastated when I learned that you wouldn't make it.
When it came  to my heart, your demise sure did break it.
You died 1096 days ago in 2013.
It was the worst year that I've seen.
When I saw you on life support, it was rough but facing your death was rougher.
My brother and I had you taken off the respirator so you wouldn't continue to suffer.
When you were dying, I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do.
When I found you dead on March the 6th, I had to say goodbye to you.
It took me about two years to get to feeling better about your death.
For two years I suffered tremendously after you became ill and left.
You were such a great mother that you made my brother and I better men.
Your death isn't permanent, when Jesus returns, we will see each other again.
I felt overbearing pain which made my life a mess.
Rest In Peace Mom, you were truly the greatest.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away three years ago today on March 6, 2013.
434 · Jul 2019
Rebecca Schaeffer
Randy Johnson Jul 2019
She was very young when she was shot and killed by Robert John Bardo.
She starred in 'One Life To Live' and 'My Sister Sam' over 30 years ago.
Bardo had stalked Rebecca for three years and tragically ended her life with his gun.
Fans were forced to say goodbye to this great actress who died at the age of twenty-one.
Randy Johnson Jul 2019
It has been 243 years since the Declaration of Independence has been signed.
It was signed nearly two and a half centuries ago, that's a very long time.
The Declaration of Independence was written 243 years ago.
At the time, the USA only had 13 states, it would continue to grow.
We celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July.
People shoot off fireworks because July 4, 1776 was a day that Americans glorify.
430 · Oct 2019
Randy Johnson Oct 2019
When it came to my existence, you and Mom were my creators.
But Mom died in March of 2013 and you died four months later.
When you died, you joined Mom in Heaven.
You were brought into this world 72 years ago today in 1947.
But I'm sorry to have to say that you and Mom aren't with us anymore.
I didn't want to believe it when the doctor said that you were done for.
I remember thinking that now I have no parents on the night when you died.
You were born 72 years ago today but your life ended in 2013 on the 13th of July.
430 · Oct 2017
The Big 7-0
Randy Johnson Oct 2017
If my dad had lived, he would be the big 7-0.
On this day, Dad was born seventy years ago.
Seven decades is how long he would've been alive.
But leukemia killed him, Dad did not survive.
He lost his life in 2013 on the 13th of July.
Dad would be the big 7-0 if he hadn't died.
Dedicated to Charles F. Johnson (1947-2013) who died on July 13, 2013.
Randy Johnson Mar 2021
You think it's going to be your way or the highway but that's not how it's going to be.
You'd better change your way of thinking if you want to continue to be married to me.
You are not always going to get your way.
You'd better learn that if you want me to stay.
You need to learn that marriage is a two-way street, it's not a one-way street.
When it comes to our marriage, I'm not going to take a back seat.
You don't care about my dreams and desires, you think it's all about you.
If you don't change, I'll have this marriage annulled, that's what I'll do.
You've started laughing because you actually think I'm not serious.
When I talk about this problem, you think it's not worthy to discuss.
It won't be your way or the highway but that is something that I have failed to make clear.
I no longer want you for a wife so I'm going to pack my bags and get the hell out of here.
Randy Johnson Sep 2016
People should try to live like Noah and Job who were in the Bible.
Don't live a corrupted life because in the end, you'll be held liable.
In the eyes of God; Noah, Job and others were blameless.
Reject the world's wicked ways because it's what God detests.
To be blameless, we must put an end to doing drugs, killing, stealing and watching ****.
If you live a righteous life, you will be blameless in God's eyes like on the day when you were born.
The world has been corrupted by people's greed, hate, violence and lies.
It may be hard to avoid these terrible things but we should at least try.
If you are blameless in the eyes of God, there can be no greater glory.
If you are blameless, you will end up living happily for all eternity.
Randy Johnson Jun 2019
Some people didn't like it, it's a game that certain people detest.
I'm talking about the NES game 'Castlevania II: Simon's Quest'.
I bought this game in 1989 on the last day of June.
I bought it 30 years ago today in the evening or late afternoon.
It's a game where you must discover things and go exploring.
Some people say it ***** but those are the ones I'm ignoring.
You have to go in castles and collect Dracula's body parts.
You have to collect his nail, eyeball, rib, ring and his heart.
You collect Dracula's body parts in order to **** him.
Certain people hate this game but I think it is a gem.
Before playing other Castlevania games, I played this one first.
Out of all of the Castlevania's made, it certainly isn't the worst.
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