Adolescent yesterdays
Of being too afraid to care
Too afraid of sharing what makes you, you
Time stands still it seems
For fear can linger through
Making it difficult to let others in
Yet there is no true caring,
Without first cracking a window
Letting light into your heart
Push, push, pushing away
"Eventually", they all will go
Not I,
Not now,
Not ever
You push, I stand
You pull away, I stand
You glare and yell and scream
I remain
For I am not a silly, silly girl
Not a fly-by-night friend
I know who you are
I have always known
And yet, I stand firm by your side
A million miles away and always in your heart.
I see who you are afraid to let yourself be
I know what you deserve
Though you believe not
I see you
I see your heart
I feel you
Because of that, I scare you
You want so much to feel the good
To be happy you must risk sadness
Good, for a moment, feels lousy tomorrow
Lousy tomorrows, are easy
They are never hard to come by
They are always laying in wait
You can stumble through a thousand lousy tomorrows
Yet, I'm still here
After you are done with the crutches of the flesh
After you are done with inadvertent broken hearts
After you are finished doing what it is you do
I will still be here
Here to listen
Here to hold
Here to help
Here to stay
I know you.
I have always known you
I am not blind
I have not been fooled
You have never made it easy to be close to you
You, who believes that happy is for others
Fear binds you, blinds you, and ***** you dry
Love will set you free
Let it.
copyright©PrttyBrd 13/12/2010