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2.3k · May 2016
This is not a love poem:
k May 2016
You had me there for a second. Had me believing. Wanting. Aching. And then....breaking. You had me like no boy has before. You held more then my thrusting hips, my lustful lips, my hand wrapped in yours like you were scared I'd diss...appear.
'What more, what more is there?' - you cry

Well foolish boy, don't act so surprised.
Didn't they ever tell you in your Sunday school teachings, that the seeds you sow grow and grow, when you water them?
Maybe you missed that day since you saw no crime in taking your sweet time to plant your love deep inside my soul and you fed that garden come sunshine or cold. But come season for reaping, you were nowhere to be seen. You fled when you saw the beautiful monster that flourished.  You only wanted a garden and could not handle my forest. But enough about you leaving, let's talk about loving. Ah.
That is all we want to hear about isn't it?
The ones that made it. The fairytale endings. The moments you searched for hidden cameras 'cause reality was too, too perfect. You always said perfect like something bitter on your tongue. Like you weren't deservèd of it, your excuse being we're too young. But you said my name like it was your favourite song and each night you cursed the days for being so long,
dismal and futile when lacking my presence. You fought battles with my insecurities and made best friends with my hopes.  
You said, 'we got this, let's go'
And boy did I go. But your hands grew slippery, your lungs too weak. You could not keep up, but I'm not one for defeat.
Please know that I kept going, long after you let go. Please know that I kept growing, long after the cruel winter snow.
Please know that I love you,
but this is not a love poem.
1.9k · Nov 2015
Dear 17 year old me
k Nov 2015
There's a lot of ugliness in this world. In these four walls alone there's enough to talk about for hours. Everything can turn ugly when you look at it for too long. I started hearing voices in my head tonight. I know it's not me this time because I didn't know what they were going to say next, and I usually do. I'm so scared because each day everything gets more terrible and people become less beautiful than I believed they were. I'm so sick of telling the people I love that everything is going to be okay and I'm even more exhausted of them telling me the same thing. Because we don't really know do we? The demons that arrive tomorrow could make today's seem like a dream. I've seen it, lived it even. I've thought that I could never feel so terrible as I did in that moment and then get proven wrong later on. The worst is, I know what I've been through is not the ultimate worst. I know there will be so many awful times ahead and I can't fathom how I will be able to deal with them. We lose people we love all the time, people move on and don't need you anymore. Sometimes you still need them and that is the most difficult thing to understand. How someone can walk past you, past all your memories and all the love you gave them, are still willing to give, and carry on walking without a second glance. But you will grow out of people too. People that you swore you needed so terribly they were oxygen to you. And it's difficult to know what you stand for and what you believe in at 17. Everything is always changing and nothing is ever permanent. This ugly, ugly world is filled with lies and hurt and darkness. But there are so many lovely things that you have to look for. It's so easy to see the bad but you've made it seventeen years in  this place and there are so many beautiful places and people to meet. And sometimes they will turn ugly over time and that just means you have to look for the next beautiful thing. We all need help, some a little more than others. You have to try to not be sorry for being here and only apologize when you hurt someone. You don't always have to be sorry for making the decisions you want to make, you are so beautiful and filled with kindness and love. It truly breaks my heart to see you tear yourself up and see the way you look at yourself. And nobody can make you believe that you are beautiful but you have to understand that you are. And I mean your mind and your heart as well as your outsides. You have to stick around, you have to stay okay? It's difficult and extremely scary but it's going to be worth it. Yes, the hurt that is coming in the future is inevitable. But it's worth it for all the love and wonderful memories and the adventures waiting for you. You are going to be okay. Everything isn't going to be okay, it never will be. But I love you and you can do it okay?
- what I wish someone had told me when I turned 17
k Mar 2016
You deserve to hear those words and believe them with every piece of your torn apart heart. You need to hear these words and nothing less. You don't deserve maybes and someone who doesn't know what they want. It needs to become a rule to believe these words and not something to laugh off.

You deserve to hear someone say, 'I'm not going to hurt you.'

And you have to be able to trust them. You deserve a chance to believe them. And what those who left gave you was not love. Because love is giving as well as receiving and you have to open your eyes when looking back on the past and see how empty they made you from taking and taking and taking all your love and leaving you with so little. But take your bent and battered heart that's far from broken and allow yourself to fall in love again. Because after all the tears and pains in your chest that felt like trying to swallow broken glass, you deserve to be happy. Don't rely on someone new to fix you - fix yourself. You deserve to know and be so sure of the fact that you don't need someone's hand to hold in order to be happy. You deserve to find love again and never have to look back and wonder what you did wrong. They were wrong and they never loved you. You are lucky, you have not lost anything. They didn't love you. You loved them with everything you had and that is their loss. You have so much more to find and its waiting for you just around the corner. But you can't look back, stop looking back. You deserve to open new doors, shut the old ones and swallow the keys. They'll always live deep inside you, but they won't matter anymore. They don't deserve to matter to you anymore.
1.3k · Mar 2016
I forgive you
k Mar 2016
And I forgive you,
Boy who promised me endless tomorrow's
And a lifetimes supply of love
But then left my heart, cold and abandoned
more than once.

I forgive you, best friend who said she would stay by my side no matter what,  
And left me sobbing and alone                    in a pool of my own *****.

I forgive you, mother who loves me with the world but can never seem to notice the way my cheeks are always tear stained and how I haven't eaten for a week.

Father, I forgive you for telling me home is always a safe place but making me feel like an imposter in my own home every time I enter the room;
Just because my grades didn't meet your standards.

I forgive you, kind sister who sometimes forgets that I just need a pair of arms to crawl into when I'm lonely and not
Disapproving looks and judge mental comments.

But most of all, I forgive you, sweet girl in the mirror.
Bright smile, brown skin, hateful glare.
I forgive you for not loving yourself enough
And thinking that you're never good enough.
I love you, okay?
And I forgive you for sometimes forgetting that.
k Nov 2015
It feels like someone's continuously tapping a hammer on your heart and I know you've taped her together so many times and there's still so many fresh wounds covered in band aids. But you refuse to let her break. You refuse to hide her behind your ribs where it's safe and protected from all the coldness and cruelty of the world. And every night you wash her cuts clean with your salty tears and tuck her under your sleeve, careful not to touch the bruises. But you're the only one who's careful with her aren't you? You're the only one who night after night still believes in her and tells her she's still capable of love and someday you're going to give her to someone and they're not going to have guns for hands and bullets for words. They're not going to grab her and hold her against their chest and whisper that they'll be there for her no matter what, only to carelessly drop her, sometimes throw her aside, when realizing how close to falling apart she is. Don't they see how hard it is keeping her in one piece when all anyone tries to do is rip her to shreds? Don't they see that you're  trying to love and love and love in the hopes of getting some in return to fill these cracks? The worst is when you see other broken and battered hearts, and with the sole intention of helping them you only end up in worse pain than before. I can't stop crying I can't stop crying. Somethings got to wash her bleeding wounds. She might be ruined but she's still capable of love. She is. I am. I am. I am.
901 · Nov 2015
Bottled Up Happiness
k Nov 2015
I can't get it out, I'm comfortable being down.
Don't try and cheer me up, don't question my frown.
Don't tell me that I'm special, that you love me so(?)
I know you're lying
And I'd rather be alone.

But you don't want to leave, so I let you stay
I say that I'm not looking for love
And you're just in my way.

I can't stand it when you're here and I hate it when you're gone.
You're getting tired of waiting - 'so ******* long'

You have to understand love, these things take time
But you're so ******* impatient,
Trying to knock down walls
That were built for you to climb.

And lately you've been distant,
Probably found someone new
You're unaware that I'm broken,
Memories of you in my head lie frozen

I am a shut bottle of happiness,
only you can open.
You hurt me so many times and we were so young and I did love you I just didn't know it at the time and I'm sorry for pushing you away I didn't mean to. Just know that you were always the only one who ever made me feel good enough.
893 · Dec 2015
You're gonna be okay, kid
k Dec 2015
This is fake so so fake. All these drugs man they're messing with my mind. It's kinda like I'm ok but I keep feeling like I'm on another planet. Really spaced out? Messing with my head my head are you okay (no) ok well I'm just saying you need to pull yourself together I don't really care about myself right now. I know I'm breaking my body and my brain thinks it's getting better but it's the euphoria. It tricks you. Everything is always ok okay for like an hour. Then it all gets terrible again. Fake. Without antidepressants for four days I thought I was going to burst into tears every 5 minutes. Also the pills' happiness is not real. So fake again. You trick your sad little brain into thinking you're happy. But deep down you can almost feel the darkness inside you getting crushed with this concocted 'medicine.'

So you are content and you're 'happy' but deep in your heart you know your sadness still lives inside you. Pushed into a cell, bolted, until it grows too big and breaks the walls down. So go get your dosage upped and sit in class with your head in your hands and know that there's nothing wrong with you girl. There's nothing wrong with writing poems late at night and crying over people you've lost. You are a forest fire among dimly lit matches. Just because your brain is sick and no one can physically see the bruises doesn't make it invalid. But it is there, always. It cannot be destroyed, only tainted. I know you love harder than everyone else some people aren't used to that kind of love, they can't handle it. I know you still believe and trust every single person you meet. That is your best and worst quality. They're scared of the way you care too much and don't think for a second that the fault lies in you.
781 · Feb 2017
unhappy endings
k Feb 2017
I remember my last love letter to you and how I apologized for being more ocean than girl, more suffocating than soft. I remember promising my reflection that I'd stop my heart from overflowing and I'd try to loosen my grip on you. I remember waking up the next morning and finding my heart on the front porch - beating and bleeding. Nothing too sentimental attached - just a plain old 'sorry' as if you had only bumped me by accident or forgotten to reply to a text. I remember trying to shove it back through your mailbox and your shaking head standing at the window. I remember waking up to everything smeared and hazy for two weeks straight I never knew morning from afternoon.  faded rose that used to be bright scarlet. I remember being pink for a while. It took me months to wash your stains from my walls but soon I was stark and white. Naked and empty. But at least you were gone. I remember swearing to never look at red again. Let alone touch it. But it's knocking at my door every morning and banging on the windows all night long. I try to ignore her singing but sometimes I crouch at the keyhole and hum along. Sometimes I stand clutching the key in my prettiest dress.

Last night I grew too curious. Opened the door just a crack. I saw love crimson and crying in my garden corner surrounded by empty bottles and cigarette buds.

I saw you drunk and tired

We gave up at the same time
673 · Mar 2016
Forgetting you.
k Mar 2016
I've let it all out.
And now all our memories
Are spilled all over the bathroom floor
In the form of teardrops and empty bottles.
Lost inside my sheets
And the crevices of my pillow.
Etched into my clothes in the form of cigarette burns and tear stains.
Caught between my teeth
When I tried to empty my stomach
Hoping my heart would pour out too.
Stuck underneath my fingernails trying to scratch your touch off my left arm where you touched me last.
I've wept and screamed and smoked my tired little heart to nothing but a vacant space longing to be occupied.
I've tried filling it with friends and books and writing poetry till my fingers bleed.
But an empty room
Is always an empty room
When you're not in it.
673 · Dec 2015
It was so easy with you
k Dec 2015
I can tell whether I'm interested in someone by the number of positive adjectives I can describe them by after speaking for the first time. I met you for the first time 4 months ago and we spoke for roughly an hour. By the time I got home I had thought of at least 30 adjectives and by the next morning, another 14. I thought maybe that was just my way and that I try to focus on the good in people and don't even acknowledge the negatives. After all, I spend my nights writing poetry and prose and whatever the hell else my mind can't hold in any longer. But then I realized, it wasn't me being poetic or even a poor judgement of bad character. Because, last night I met a boy whose eyes lit up when he looked at me and he didn't stop telling me how pretty I was. He smiled and laughed at everything I said and seemed ready to do almost anything for me. But after 4 hours with him, I drove home in silence. The only word I could come up with to describe him was 'nice' and that's when I realized that I wasn't listening when he spoke to me and I wasn't paying attention to the way he looked at me. I was preoccupied with memories of you and how I never had to try at all. We saw each other and seemed to pick up where we left off, perhaps from another lifetime. How easy it was to just take you in and have you hold me like you'd known me for years. My mind hasn't shut up about you since we met and I'm having a very hard time believing that the 'right person' is still out there waiting for me when you made it clear you don't want me anymore. And I can't imagine anyone feeling more right than you did.
I compare everyone I meet to you. I still live every day thinking it would be better if you were here.
648 · Feb 2017
heartless or hurting?
k Feb 2017
Short skirts, heels high
Straight back, skinny thighs
Dark lips, always smiling
Bat those lashes, keep them trying
To get a taste
To get a feel
Of the girl who is no longer real

Hearts turn to stone
When they've been broken too many times
Kisses don't mean anything
When you're wearing your disguise

Cause everyone's playing a part
In this **** show we call life
These days either you're too young
Or your heart is completely gone

And true love is not something we're used to anymore.
645 · May 2016
I don't know you anymore
k May 2016
You're not the you I know.
It's difficult to watch you these days. You've gained an air of arrogance
that fair enough, you've always had,
but you don't cover it up anymore.

You were never nice,
but you always cared.
your lack of sincerity
is painfully evident.

You were never reckless with your words, but always straightforward.
Now you say anything you can
Just to get a reaction.

We used to whisper over cracked phone lines -
"I miss you's" and "I'd do anything to have you here's"
Now we're occupying the same 2 square feet
And you can't even look me in the eye.

You're not the you I thought I knew
And I miss the old you quite a bit.
Maybe he's still in there somewhere
This is the real you, and he who I loved
Is never coming back
k Jun 2016
and actually
the reason I don't know anything
is because you don't know anything
because if you did know
then I would know
I would know so well
But I don't want to be the only one that knows,
you know?
619 · Nov 2015
Dear Self-esteem
k Nov 2015
Look at you.
Young in years but heart so beat,
tear stained cheeks
you so skillfully play off
with a smile.

Don't get me started on that smile.
You smile with your entire face,
did you know?
It's so rare to come across
Such an open and honest laugh
these days.

I know, I know
I know you by now.
I can hear the echoes of the screams
You keep swallowing,
If I'm quiet enough.
I can see how furiously you
Blink back your tears
And how your hands tremble
In the morning.

I see how you fight with yourself
Stay in bed. No. Get up. Stay.
Some days, you can't even bother
To put on a clean shirt.
But you get up nonetheless;
I know how difficult that is -
Don't let a soul tell you any different.

Angry, angry girl.
Why why why do you carry
So much hate in your hands?
- 'But where where where
        do I put it all down?'

I see how your chest
Is so full of love,
it's starting to break your heart.
Please won't you give some

I'm tired.
I've slept for 3 days straight,
But the weight of all these emotions
I've kept locked up too long
Are too, too strenuous to handle.

Lovely girl. Beautiful girl. Clever girl.
You've been laughing off compliments for years now.
Why do you always search
For the most unlovely and demeaning
adjectives for yourself?

Sad sad girl.
What are you so afraid of?
Why can you not stop crying?
Promise me, you will try
to stop breaking your own heart
before giving another soul the chance.

Hopeful girl.
Stars in your eyes and
Flowers growing wherever
You tread.
Keep on wishing wishing wishing
As you do love,
Keep on.

You are broken and
exhausted and
Full of love love love.
Please allow yourself a fraction,
And be ever so indulgent,
With the rest.
I'm trying to love myself even on the days when no one will.
584 · Nov 2015
Days Without You
k Nov 2015
Darling it's been 2am choking tears and bittersweet memories for some time now. It's been 6am regrets and waiting for the 'good morning' text that just doesn't come. It's been 12pm fake smiles and trying not to write your name on my maths book. It's been 5pm listening to our songs as my eyes water and my chest is heavy with remembrance of you. It's been 7pm ice cold showers because it's the only thing that makes me feel alive since you left. Darling it's been the 8pm poems I try so hard not to write, but the pile just gets higher - filled with thoughts of you. Oh, it's been 10pm prayers for you to come back and 11pm wishes, wishes for just another 60 seconds with you. To make it all right again. And when reality and the realization of what you've turned me into hits, suddenly it's 12am hate, disgust and blame. I feel so stupid, so used and worthless. But you still remind me of perfection and I crave your affection. Then it's 2am again and I can't believe I've been doing this for so long.
I was 15 when I wrote this and it still hurts thinking back. I don't think it will ever not break my heart a little when I think of us.
575 · Apr 2016
Another letter to myself
k Apr 2016
I've been thinking a lot lately. About memories and how they seem to slowly slip away as the days go by. They never leave all at once. But one day you think you'll never forget this moment and this person and then months or years later you find yourself struggling to remember a simple name. Of course there are some memories we can't possibly forget. Some absolutely incredible, where we felt on top of the world; most of them haunting and excruciating, that have incinerated themselves onto our hearts and souls. And we'll carry these with us forever. But I've found that the key is not to think about how heavy they are, and how much they're weighing us down. But how strong they make us that we never stop making more. More mistakes, more reckless decisions. We are so brave to keep making promises and we are so brave to keep letting love in, over and over again. I know it's hard to give someone your love when it was handled so carelessly in the past. And you don't think you'll ever feel the same again. And you're absolutely right. Because it will keep getting better and you will keep getting braver and stronger and full of love. You are growing and your heart is expanding and you are learning every single day to forgive and never lose your hope. I beg you, please don't ever lose your hope. You have battle scars that tell the most heartbreaking and inspiring stories and that make you the beautiful human you are today. You have a smile that never ends and arms that are always open. You are the everything that I want to come home to - sweet coffee, warm bed, contagious laughter. You love with a heart overflowing with forgiveness and acceptance. You are the one who stays, when it's long past time to go. You are second chance after second chance and you deserve the entire universe. Don't let anyone give you any less.
k Jun 2016
The rains will come in the middle of the night and wash away the heaviness you've been carrying in your heart.
The rains will come; gentle and soothing at first, and then forceful and pounding
You've forgotten the difference between
feeling clean and feeling empty.
The difference between
feeling pure and feeling nothing at all.
You sigh too often because you are constantly forgetting to breathe.
But the rain will teach your tired lungs to allow oxygen to enter your chest and for now,
that will have to be good enough.
In the morning you will wake to air crisp and toxin-free.
You will feel the dew in-between your toes.
You will carry the weight in your heart with ease
and the puddles in the street will always be a reminder that sometimes
water doesn't flow, but fills.
All your cracks will be mended in due time.
It is when we don't allow time the chance to mend,
that emptiness sinks in.
Because you can fill your broken crevices
with liquor and smoke, with strangers' tongues. Things that take up space and distract.
But never heal.
Time is the only thing that can heal you
my love.
So allow the rain to cleanse your soul,
Allow the wounds to form scabs.
Then pick your scabs and forgive yourself for doing so because it is such a human thing to do.
But don't ever fear that you will never be whole again.
Time knows how long you need and
Time will have you looking back and laughing at the fact that you ever doubted its power for a second.
k Dec 2015
"I've always had this feeling that I'm going to die young. I don't know why, I've just never been able to picture myself being older. I just have a gut feeling, that I don't have much time to be alive"

I said these words to you and you told me to shut up and stop talking. At first I thought you were being rather harsh, I was only speaking hypothetically of course, no seriousness at all. But you genuinely sounded terrified and you told me that you wouldn't know what the **** to do if I died. You told me to never speak like that again because even thinking about me being gone forever ***** you up a little bit. But, love, what makes this any different? Now only a few months later you tell me you have to let me go. That we have to stop what we're doing and that we'll never move forward from this. That you have too many doubts and I don't deserve someone who can't tell me they'll love me no matter what. So now, it'll be just as if I'm dead to you, that's what it feels like anyway. I haven't seen your face in over a week and you don't plan on seeing me anytime soon. Even the deceased get one last goodbye as you lay flowers on their tombstone. I didn't get anything but an emotionless message claiming you're sorry. So you're telling me, that you wouldn't be able to deal with me dying. You would lay flowers on a grave containing rotting remains of a soulless body but you can't stick around to love the real thing? I feel dead because you haven't acknowledged my existence in so long. Your touch and the weight of your body was always an assurance that I was alive, regardless of how numb I felt inside. You brought my eroded and love deprived heart to life and planted flowers that filled my rib cage so sweet I had no choice but to feel utter and complete joy. And of course I had my doubts because we're young and ignorant and a little naive. But I never doubted you or the connection we shared. I never doubted the fact that I cared for you with every broken piece of my heart and I would continue to care until you no longer needed me. I just didn't expect it to be so soon and I was so sure of the sunshine you brought to my soul, I only assumed you felt the same and nothing less. And I'll never understand how the people you love will tell you sweet nothings and make false promises about the future, with no intention of keeping them. I'll never understand how you could look me in the eyes and tell me you'd see me soon, and not have any intention of looking into my eyes again.
560 · Mar 2016
I feel you leaving
k Mar 2016
My broken heart,
your hands breaking.
The dark depths of my mind,
your hope sinking.
My reckless love
And your constant flinching...away

I'm supposed to be the one with the torn apart soul.
But you're the one who's all hands and no hold.

You like my head on your chest and your hand on my thigh
But when I speak of love,
all of a sudden you're shy.

You're all promise but no keep
And I'm all love and no sleep
k May 2016
It was feeling everything and absolutely nothing simultaneously. It was the dam wall of my heart cracking slowly and then collapsing all at once. Hope came gushing out of everywhere and left my soul speechless and empty.  It felt like I couldn't quite place my feet firmly on the ground and I was floating away up and up out of my own body. I don't know how but I can see my crumpled face the moment he let me down once again. A mixture of hurt, confusion and an irreplaceable look of wonder that I can never quite get to leave my eyes when I look at him. It felt like a blindfold made out of duct tape was ripped off my face and for the first time I was looking at him and I didn't like what I was seeing. It hurt to look at him. I was meeting eyes with a stranger. A stranger that I knew and loved so well not too long ago. It was the feeling you get as soon as the roller coaster ride comes to an end. You're breathless and nauseous, heart beating outside your chest. Relieved it is finally over. It felt like the time I realized I didn't believe in God and cried myself to sleep for a week. All the water in my body was replaced by fire that night and now smoke permanently lingers in my veins. Realizing he was never coming back felt like someone was burning the home I grew up in to the ground and all I could do was watch. That someone was me.
497 · Mar 2016
I'll always care
k Mar 2016
Do you allow yourself
To drown in our memories too?
It hurts my chest but I still smile thinking about those days we spent together.
How cruel of life
to give me something that makes me so irrevocably happy,
and take it away so suddenly
and so
If you saw me crying would you want to help me? If I died would it break your heart or would you not even attend the funeral? And if you did come to my funeral is that the only way I could get you to come see me again?
k May 2016
And when you see where I was,
it'll hit you hard
That the air is more than just particles
And the touches leave you scarred.
It is more than just consciousness, tangible explanations
The theory is already there,
Without any reciprocations.
The jokes hung on the bough,
Long before you met his gaze
And love sat patiently waiting,
While you wrote of the haze.
I follow love like an eager puppy
And you chase her away.
But she sits persistently in the lobby
And won't be led astray.
Love is all lashes and pink lips
And you are the ocean - waves, foam and dips.
So your tide tires her
And her lipstick leaks
And next thing you know
Pink from your water peaks.
Overthinking can be violent
And draws destruction near
So let's give in to attraction,
Let energy control the gear.

Passion eeks out, you lose the steering wheel
And love doesn't drown, her gills are
******* real
Don't let me be the only one trying for this okay?
k Jul 2016
Where does girl with broken heart go?
Girl with sunken eyes and heavy chest
Girl with pressed on smile and recycled lips
Girl with sharp words dripping with forgiveness.
Where did boy with sunshine smile go?
Boy with electric hands and voice like rain
Boy with truthful eyes and honest lies
Boy with unsure insistence and blanket arms
Where do we go from here?
Because from what you say (or don't say)
Our options are not very clear.
Was our reunion after all these months,
Simply just to plan our farewell?
Maybe this is the beginning of the end.
Maybe we've reached the conclusion of our tale
Maybe we've been pretending there's still more to our story
The remainder of the book is wearing thin and neither wants to turn the page.
It is too final.
Too much like a tragedy, instead of the fairytale we'd hoped for.
Maybe I've spent weeks mistaking your silence for fear, when really you have nothing to say.
You know, it is very much the same for me.
I think that I have so much to tell you but whenever I open my mouth to speak,
My hearts already breaking
Whenever I want to pose a question
Your heads already shaking.
And I guess what I'm trying to say is that only my hands and my heart still love you, but my head doesn't know what to make of the stranger next to me.
And I feel like a fool because I swore I would always look for you in a dark room but you don't want to be found.
Even if you did, it would be both of us searching in-between forbidden kisses
Because you don't know where you are either, do you?
And I spent months thinking that I would have you any way I could get.
That anything would be enough 'cause you're the only one for me
But lately my hearts been playing tricks on me and my mind cannot come up with more excuses.
Because it hurt so much less when you didn't love me at all.
Now you love me in halves and quarters
And I just don't know how to break myself up like you do.
With me, it has always been all or nothing.
And don't you see that the scraps of affection you keep tossing my way feels
Like a whole lot of
Especially since I've already seen what you can give me in the past.
And then I start to wonder if I'm living in sweet memories and refusing to see how bitter reality has become.
You see, this is who we are now.
My problem is not that I can't live without you.
If you had to tell me you want nothing to do with me, I would blow you a kiss and be on my way.
My problem is that you plant hope in my heart whenever it suits you, and I'm too weak to refuse.
Especially when it feels so familiar and tastes like chocolate instead of heartbreak on our warm and wanting tongues.
And I don't know whether I am jumping to conclusions or hitting the nail right on the head.
Because I don't think and you don't talk and we've both been terrible, terrible cowards.
What happened to girl with poems pouring out of her soul and hands that reached out unafraid of rejection?
What happened to boy who reassured his intentions with every second sentence?
Where did they go and why did they leave and do they plan on coming back or can I please stop sitting at my window waiting for something to happen that deep down you know never will and deep down I'll always, always hope for?
461 · Nov 2015
cry(ing) for help
k Nov 2015
How can I believe it when I finally feel happy for the first time in weeks. When I laugh really loudly or when I smile, so hard my cheeks hurt and my eyes crinkle. How can I believe it when so many times I thought it was all going to be ok to have it snatched away from me moments later. I don't trust being happy anymore. Perhaps I have become too much of a realist that I can't allow myself to feel a split second of joy because I know it's not permanent. As much as I don't want it to, my happiness and well being solely depends on others. The fact that I can't possibly feel content when I sit by myself in an empty room is disturbing and the only thing that can comfort me is knowing that tomorrow will be a good day. I plant my happiness inside other people and what they don't understand is once they let me down I'll refuse to water it and I'll leave it to wither and die along with the phone calls you keep declining and letters I wrote that you keep tearing, to pieces. did you not see I gave you my heart broken and battered but still willing to love. Are you truly blind or are you choosing not to see my dead tired eyes filled with regret? Are you truly deaf or are you trying not to hear my cries for help that's starting to ring in my ears and the sound of blood spilling all over my bathroom floor. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why I'm here.
453 · Jun 2016
Girl on fire
k Jun 2016
When a girl loses her hope,
She becomes the most dangerous creature.
Fairytales and happy endings
Have lost their appeal.
'Mr Right' has been buried along with
All the other prince charming's from her childhood story books.
She visits him only in her dreams.
Boys with smooth tongues and gripping fingers trail after her.
Her bright smile and piercing glare
Spell the words: "enter if you dare"
She will laugh at all your jokes and burn your skin with her touch.
And her hands, oh they're so soft and gentle,
You don't even notice your arm is on fire.
Cheap compliments spill out of your mouth one after the other
And when she does not say thank you,
But instead chuckles to herself
You cannot help how enticed you are.
Every word she utters is
Daring you to come closer.
You see the way she's looking at you,
With those cumbersome doe-eyes
And you think you know what
She wants  
And you think you have what
She needs
And you could not be more wrong.
She knows exactly the right witty remark to make, how to bat her lashes just right and how to laugh with just the right combination of coquettish and cute.
Stupid boys always like to think they can save girls who in their minds are 'too adorable for their own good'. Stupid boys are always trying to make themselves gentlemen by simplifying a girl to being 'pretty'.
The hopeful little darlings will swallow all of these unsavoury sentiments and store them in their naïve little hearts.
But not this girl.
Beware of the girl with no hope left.
To her, this is a game that she cannot lose anymore.
To her, you are nothing but a pawn;
She is a luxuriant forest
drenched in gasoline
A beautiful disaster waiting to happen.
She is so deceiving, so alluring,
You simply must have a taste
And you may.
But take warning:
She will light up in flames,
devour your little boy soul
and burn both of your bodies
to the ******* ground.
k Dec 2015
Remember me with a smile on your face. Forget the bad parts- hurting me, uncertainty and almost losing our minds from not knowing where we were going. Forget my tears and the day you didn't eat because I ended things. Forget the fights and the bad jokes about leaving that weren't funny at all. Rather remember me by the good parts. Dancing together and kissing me at midnight in that little town street. Remember the smell of vanilla, oranges and jasmine on my neck. Remember laughing like old friends and the taste of strawberry fizzers as you waved goodbye on our first date. Remember the lace texture of my bra and the feeling of my fingers caressing your scar under your left eye. Remember how I looked at you - singing and playing on my piano. How I couldn't stop smiling whenever I saw you. And remember the park at night. City lights and the taste of cigarettes. Remember how whenever you said goodbye, I looked at you with big, disappointed eyes. Remember my voice at 2am over the phone and how you said you didn't know what to do because you liked me too much. Remember our bodies entwined and my breath on your neck. Skin on skin, under blankets and in over our heads. Hands and lips and teeth and it was just as emotional as it was physical. I adored you with every part of me- body, mind, heart and soul. Please know I had so much love for you. Feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it and look back and ask yourself, why you could never see it.
445 · Jun 2016
k Jun 2016
Young girl, wrinkled heart immaturely aged. Your wine is too sweet and your self confidence weak. You reak of naivety and romanticized happy endings. But the only thing ending is you. Did the world let you down once again, or was it just your blind hope that got the better of you? Did the false promises and the forgotten love-struck glances fool you? Is that why you're so mean and your eyes gleam with watered down love for a boy who was merely just a ploy in your moments so wrapped up in joy, that you didn't see it? You didn't see the lies for what they were. I don't blame you, sweet child, for they were so perfectly polished with 'good intentions' and contradicting sentences. You looked at him and you felt nothing less than the universe in your chest, but let me tell you, even his best will always be mediocre for you. Did the forgotten roses, wilted and pale on your windowsill make you believe that dead things can still prosper? I am sorry but it's time to realize that even though broken things are beautiful to look at, they will never grow and the cracks they show only allow more room for pain to seep in. I am telling you now, strong girl - leave it. New flowers bloom for you just outside the window and they are so sweet and they want to give just as much love as you do, if not even more. Leave him. He is not the soul you're meant to hold for all of time and he definitely doesn't deserve a second more of yours. Do the cigarettes and the open ended texts burn your tongue girl? Well good, that's what they're made for. If it hurts, it was intentional. If your hands shake whenever you wake because you had another dream where his love washed you clean, then push those dreams aside my love. They are nightmares now and the memories are sweet but your sheets lack the heat that his arms once promised. He promised but he didn't understand that you are the type to swallow words and hold his actions up to the light when they don't reciprocate what he claimed you two could make. You can make the world bold without his hand to hold and you can make it on your own, for your heart is your home. And no one else's.
441 · Nov 2015
My Sun
k Nov 2015
Somehow the universe saw our souls, far apart in distance, but too alike, too perfectly matched to not be together. I'd like to believe our atoms fought to reunite as they have been best friends for all of time and brought her into my life. My sun. The warmth that never leaves her radiates from her eyes and makes you feel at ease. My sun came into my galaxy and when we saw how breath taking both dusk and dawn was, we knew she would be here to stay. Although the clouds cover her love sometimes, the storms make it hard to remember she still exists and every night it's too dark to see her, you know she is always, always there. Even if I can't see her light and feel the warmth she brings to my life all the time, I don't have to worry about missing her, because I know when I wake and draw back my curtain, there she will be, my brightest star, making sure I don't wallow in the darkness too long. I can't imagine my life without her, I don't know what I did before her. But I will be eternally grateful to her for lighting up my life and making me believe that I am never alone.
k Oct 2016
I  am standing at the grave of a boy
We lost, a couple of months ago.
There was no elaborate church service or organs echoing off cathedral walls.

We are here today to mourn the death of a soul we cannot be sure is really dead.

You went missing.

That is what I told myself all those nights I spent out with lanterns,
Searching for you.
But it seems now that you intentionally ran away and the suspect in question is just the person you've become since you left.
You only died for me.
You only left me.

Everyone else still sees your wide-eyed smile and hears your singing soul.

"Have you seen this boy?"

No. Nobody has seen you since late November but I am the only one who remembers.

For you, I've written eulogy after ******* eulogy.
I mourned your loss and grieved in your absence.
I took gulp after bitter gulp of wine, each a toast to You.

I stand at your grave, eyes red and heart still in flames.
How come you turned to ashes before me, when we started this fire together?

I lay two roses on your tombstone,
One for each month you existed for me, next to me, with me.

I commemorate every bench we ever sat on:
"In unloving memory of two souls that loved too much and tried too little"

I was the only witness to your death
The only speaker at the service
And the single carrier of your casket.
I stand in an empty grave yard
And weep with the dead.
439 · May 2016
What is 'moving on' ?
k May 2016
Moving on is not trying to deny the pain it brings to your chest when you hear their name mentioned, but acknowledging that it's there and nothing can be done about it. Moving on is touching all the places they used to touch and accepting that you'll never forget the memories you made together, but knowing that you can't go back. It is finally not wanting to go back. Moving on doesn't happen overnight and moving on isn't a switch that turns your love for them off. It's learning that it's a light that will always be lit, even though you don't need it anymore, even though it's in the corner of the room - dim and gathering dust. It is looking back and saying 'I miss you, I will always miss you. But I don't need you anymore.' It's realizing that you never did need them. And it's being able to think about your future without crumbling to pieces when facing the fact that they're not going to be a part of it anymore. Moving on is a deep cut across your chest that has healed but bears a nasty scar. It is the difference between actually feeling the pain and the memory of the pain. Sometimes you can't tell which one is worse. And sometimes you think you're right where you started because you hear a certain song or you drive past the restaurant where you went on your first date and everything inside you just wants to go back to when everything was okay. Moving on is bittersweet. You can't bear to let go, those tender moments where you finally believed your heart had a home after all, it has become a part of you. But no matter how much you want to, you can't forget the nights you spent piecing the shattered bits of your heart together, through misty eyes and with shaky hands. So moving on is accepting that the bad parts overrule the oh so exquisite ones. And the love you felt for them will never be enough to overcome the pain that came after. It is choosing yourself, even though you want to choose them. That's it. Moving on is choosing yourself and believing that you deserve so much more than what they could ever give you.
k Dec 2015
That's the ******* worst thing in the world.
Remembering plans I made with you.
To watch
certain movies,
to go
certain places

and talking about them with no uncertainty whatsoever.
Then all of a sudden we're over and we are strangers again

and thinking about our memories is sad,
but at least we had them.

Plans that we looked forward to,
but never got around to doing -
that's what ******* kills me every night
when I can't sleep because your voice was always my sleeping pill.
I miss you,

but thinking of the future without you feels wrong
and there's still a tiny part of me
for you to knock on my door, begging me to take you back.

Heaven knows, I would in a heartbeat.
But we both know you've never cared that much
and your ego is way too big to ever admit you were wrong.
I still haven't come to terms with you leaving and i like to fool myself into believing you'll come back and finish that movie we didn't get to the last time. Please don't finish it without me.
428 · May 2016
What you'll find
k May 2016
If you had to climb inside my head tonight
You would find quite a mess
Of guilty confessions I haven't had the courage to admit.
Stay a while longer,
You'll catch the scent of regret and last night's alcohol
hanging heavily in the air.
You'll spot depression, somewhere in a dark corner, exiled and asleep (for now)
You'll find a fair amount of hopes and dreams, still waiting to come true
You'll probably find my deepest fears and gravest nightmares too
You'll find all the words I want to tell you
But don't have the courage to admit
There'll be memories boxed up real tight
And a loveless fireplace, waiting to be lit.
422 · Nov 2015
k Nov 2015
Intoxicated, most of them
looking for empathy at the bottom of bottles and ends of cigarette filters.
Some, smiling a little wider laughing a little louder
Others more determined - blinded and stumbling, looking for someone to hold for the night

And friendships form over spilled secrets that would never leave sober lips and
for tonight,
we'll forget how forgotten we feel.

And you and your perfect words are close enough to seep into my skin.
And I say I'm fine and well,
But can't ignore how familiar this feels

I should be happy.

But the memories crack and bleed and I have to lock the gates,
burn the key
And protect what little I have left.

We were there, but not.
You were (are) iridescent
and spoke of pretty eyes and                           faraway planets
and your disbelief in
gods and bibles.

And I; afraidandrecklessandnaturally selfdestructive,
Allowed room for hope and lovely words and your smile.

You've crowded the place and its terrifying.
415 · Nov 2015
2am thoughts
k Nov 2015
And now Im finding it hard to breathe I have to think about letting oxygen into my lungs and exhaling slowly cause I have worse things to worry about then catching my breath.
And I'm no longer hungry because I need so much more than food to fill up my body,
I'm looking for peace, peace in you and peace in my mind
and some kind of sign
that everything is going to be okay.
But as soon as I take the directions I've been given someone changes the map and leads me down a different road.
Tell me how many times do I have to cry myself to sleep
and how many times do I have to see myself bleed
so that everybody can welcome me in this home and trust that I'll be just fine on my own
I know last time I was alone I ****** it all up and trust me that wasn't the first time it was just the first time I took it that far

but what does that say about you and every one else who's said they were there for me
but never bothered when life got too dark for me.
And I just needed a light but instead all I see are headlights
coming towards me and the soles of my shoes
are glued to the road this time
cause I'm too dazed and confused tonight
to know which way is freedom and which way is the noose.
So it's roadkill or the rope around my neck I'm left to choose from
can't you see that you leave me no choice except extinction
from this life I once believed I could learn to love
turns out you can never be honest cause that just makes you fragile
And they'll promise and promise they're there till the end well it seems  I've run out of road to run on
and by the empty street I know there's no one I can depend on.
k Nov 2015
I can't make up my mind. You should know this by now. What I wanted this morning is completely different to what I want in this moment and that will probably be completely different to what I'll want tomorrow. People change, but I think I change too quickly. Every emotion I feel is fleeting, although not completely gone. Like the ocean, my feelings come in waves. Just when I think I've forgotten you and I've stopped missing your presence; you come crashing onto the shore of my mind at full force. As soon as I think I'm content with my life and where I am, give it a while and the sadness will come in again as sure as the morning tide. I've always admired the stars. The steady, steady stars. Who have made up their mind and don't lose it, because they know they are happy. But I, I am always looking for what's to come or looking back on what I've missed out on. I make and break friendships so easily and although it hurts to lose so many people far too soon, I can't stick around. Boys who spilled their hearts out on the table for me to greedily consume and I swear, it wasn't my intention to let you go. I just always think I know what I want and when I realize you're not what I need, I am not strong enough to pretend that you are. I'm sorry for telling you that you were the one I've been waiting for and for calling you every night for hours on end. I'm sorry for reading you the poems I wrote and making you feel like you meant something to me. I'm sorry I drank too much when I finally saw you and couldn't hide the fact that I felt nothing for you. I really thought we could change the world, I thought you were everything I was looking for. I just wanted someone to hold me and someone to confide in and someone to love me by choice and not by default. I think the person I wanted you to be and the person you are is very different. You see, I'm very good at writing pretty words and making people feel something with my writing, when in truth, that's all it is; ink on a page. I'm not so great at making people stay and I'll push you out of my space as soon as I realize you've invaded it. You were so close to my heart, you could've reached out your hand and grabbed it. I would've let you keep it but I hope you understand that it would've ruined me. I love too much and I show it too little. I care a lot but if you care for me I'll run from your embrace. I'm so ready to give everything away and love someone irrevocably. I just don't think I'm ready for someone to love me the same way. You have to realize that if you want me, we have to take it so slowly that I won't even notice us falling. We have to take the stairs because at least if you're not there to catch me, I can take them back up. The truth is, I've never been good at happy endings. I've only ever been good at beginnings. Every relationship I've ever had, romantic or platonic, ended mid sentence.
387 · Jul 2016
My sunshine no more
k Jul 2016
The sun sets at 6:05 pm and it's not even pretty because we're sitting on the wrong side of the tallest building in town. The laughs have become tired and a little forced. The conversation is dwindling and your hand is twitching to answer your phone. But it's cold so we'll sit folded into each other and you'll blow hot hair on to my ice-cold fingers and maybe we can keep pretending for a little longer. We are nearing our end after all. So the sun sets and the sky goes grey just like our love, but it will be black and empty and gone soon my darling, worry not. We sit in silence both waiting for the other to say something, to ask something. But we don't talk about what we really feel anymore and your reason is that you don't feel anything and my reason is that I feel too much and everyone is just waiting. We are two seeds that were planted together long ago. I did all the watering for us my love and I sat and I waited and I watered. Day after day and month after month. But I have become disgusted with waiting because our love never even breaks the surface of the soil and it is there it is there I know it is. But I have always likened you to sunshine and I  guess I had to realize that no matter how much love I poured into you, our flowers cannot bloom when the sun never sticks around long enough.
380 · May 2016
I love. I hate it.
k May 2016
I drip
and bleed and spill and leak.
I overflow
and I don't know
the art of 'taking things slow'
Not when it comes to you,

I scratch and scream,
Devour your dreams
And I still have the audacity
To ask for dessert.

I want everything you have to offer
And no, my dear,
I will not love you softer.

I need my soul to shatter
And it does not matter
What you do,
Just. Make. It. Mean. Something.

Make me look at the sky
And wonder why
Your voice makes me weak
And it's always a surprise.

I sigh and huff,
Poke, ponder, puff
Away on cigarettes like candy.
I wait and wilt
And wallow with guilt.

I curse at the clouds
for not teaching me
How 'not to stick around'
I want to run and heave
And finally ******* leave.
I want to push your pride
Underneath my thumb,
Tell you I wish
I never made you ***
Or come back.

I want to ****** the day
That sent you away.
why  couldn't you just stay

the first time?
359 · Dec 2015
I don't want to forget
k Dec 2015
It took me 3 years to get over him. He covered my pillow with tear stains and filled a journal with scribbled poetry. But he didn't even touch me or hold me in his arms. He never spoke to me over the phone at 3am and I never laughed with him like I did with you. He didn't fill my sheets with memories and he never saw my naked body or called me beautiful to my face. He didn't make me breakfast and walk 5 kilometers just to see me. You did. You did all those things and still, you had no intention of staying. That was all I wanted. I didn't ask for much. I just wanted you to tell me you weren't going anywhere and actually mean it. I put my already fickle and battered heart in your hands and you've decided I am too much for you after all. Now, I have no choice but to get over you and it feels like this pain will never come to an end and I don't want to move on. I don't want anyone if it's not you.
358 · Nov 2015
Am I in too deep?
k Nov 2015
I've gone and made mines out of ditches again haven't I?
I've made oceans out of streams again and made next years out of tomorrow's.
When will I learn to stop trying to predict the future
in a desperate attempt to assure myself I'm going to be

Are you okay? I forget to ask sometimes
I'm too busy arguing with my own
insecurities and uncertainties
But your ego is large enough to
Make up for my lack thereof
And you never needed reassurance

Did you?

From that first good bye,
you could see how I struggled to unclasp my hand from yours and how I kept looking over my shoulder as I walked out the door.

I missed you as soon as I left you.
Did you know that?
Am I foolish and naive and perhaps slightly
Insane. (statement)
To feel as though I had missed you, before we even met?
Call me a romantic,
But energy doesn't lie my love
Call me delusional
But I can see it, feel it
Whenever we're together:

The way our energies get along like old friends from a previous life, who have so much to catch up on.

We have so much lost time
to make up for
my love
k Nov 2017
How does one love an unloved thing? How does one love when you are an unloved thing. Maybe I am unlovable - is the conclusion I've come to. Which is why I spent an entire summer practicing the act of unloving someone. I learnt how to erase memories so well that I swore myself a completely different person back then. I taught myself how to turn every gentle touch of your fingers in my fingers, your lips on my neck, your head in my chest -into scars. Let me tell you, knives and fists aren't the only things that cut and bruise. I swear your mouth was a gun because with every kiss you gave me my heart took a bullet and I swore your eyes were the sun when I looked into them and couldn't see clearly for 8 months. I reminded myself for 364 days to forget you and by day 366 I'd forgotten our anniversary. I rewrote all the poems about you in the sand at sunrise. I didn't move till the tide came in 12 hours later and washed it all away. I followed them into the sea and swam and swam and swam. I didn't stop till I couldn't see the shore and the salt water burned my cheeks and I just keep waking up in tears thinking I'm drowning and I guess you could say I am.
k Feb 2017
So now you look like you've got it all figured out right?
So now you finally found someone who you're not afraid to love right?
I stand in the corner
Hands wrapped around my chest
Because you're the one that taught me that my very best
Just wasn't good enough.
You told me someday I'll find someone to love me just like I loved you
You said they won't lie to me the way that you do
You said someday, someone
But never you.
Now I stand in the corner
And you're acting like you can't see me right?
At one point I was the only person you spoke to all day
Now you didn't even wish me on my birthday
I'm trying to make sense of love and why I always get the shortest string
Why boys line up at the door just to get a taste
& then spit me out the minute it's no longer a chase
I'm not trying to play these love games
I don't want their cheap compliments
I don't want the hand holding without the heart holding.
Why does it feel like I'm always begging him to love me
But at the same time telling him don't bother trying to trust me
And I'm not saying I've got it all figured out
In fact I'm way past falling apart
I just wanna know why your heart got spared when you were the one who ruined mine
How someone can love the ruiner
But not the ruined.
Why you got to walk away from this mess that I've become
This mess that you made
This mess that's not a mess at all
And now cause you couldn't love it
I won't let anyone else even try.
346 · Mar 2017
drugs baby
k Mar 2017
Smiling stranger
4 am
Head rush
Starts to blush
Are we really this high
Are we real
Are you going to kiss me
We are magnetic.
I think we just went to space
I think I love your face
But it's just the drugs, babe.
It's just the drugs
341 · May 2016
k May 2016
I locked up my heart
Like a prisoner
It was a tough decision,
Necessary though.

She stood at the pulpit,
Eyes swollen and red.
She'd been crying for months now
Tears of love no one cared to collect.

She begged for freedom,
To give out her love as she pleased
Said she was too full, she would implode
If kept contained too long

Myself, the judge
Looked at her with disdain.
She was not meant for fickle relationships,
Half-hearted promises and slippery hands that failed to hold all the love
She never stopped dishing out.

The gavel slammed and
I proclaimed her guilty.
She had murdered reason and
Set insanity free.
Her love had poisoned her body,
causing her rib cage to collapse at the smallest thoughts of him.
She overdosed on naivety
when she continued to pour
Her love into memories, long after he was

The poor thing didn't stand a chance
She had to be put away.
Defeat and acceptance carried
her to her cell.
Anger and loneliness chained
Her up.

I locked up my heart
Like a prisoner.
And, although I know
The decision was apt,
I visit her sometimes.
Midnights when I start to wonder...

Some nights she is
Screaming and savage,
Hands gripping the metal bars.
Other times she's quietly
In the corner.
335 · Apr 2016
k Apr 2016
Hey you,
I know you're so scared
And I know you're a little lost.
I know you want to love,
But can't afford all the costs.
A heart is a house on fire
And you don't want to get burned
But with happiness comes a little hurt,
Is a lesson still to be learned.

I now know you're not quite like me
That's something I could not take
Sometimes I wish I was not so reckless
It would save so much heart ache.

But maybe if you learn to let
Your heart lead and your soul be brave,
I can learn to have some patience
And this mess can somehow be saved.
332 · May 2016
I hate
k May 2016
I hate the way you always try to play it cool. I hate the way you never admit to the way you feel. I hate how you never let me be right and how you never put up a fight for the things you want. I hate the way you just accept things when they go wrong and always question things when they go right. I hate how you always talk down to me. I hate the way you always laugh at my jokes when they're not even funny. I hate how you always cut me off. I hate how you play my piano and I hate how you know my favourite songs. I hate how you're always so afraid, so petrified of falling in love. I hate how you never believe I care and how you never cut your hair. I hate the way you pronounce my name, and the way you love me is never the same. I hate you when you're so far away. And I hate seeing you up close. I hate the way you sound so good on the phone. I hate how you're the only love I've ever known.
k Jun 2017
I was so empty and hungry for love;
that I scoffed it all down in one bite.
Then I was so full I threw everything up in your lap
& I haven't been able to stomach it ever since

Love is the only drug you can't buy;
yet the most lethal
& once you've had a taste you'll never be quite the same as before.
a burning itch you cannot scratch,

You'll either live with the discomfort
Or you'll tear your flesh apart till you don't feel a single thing.

Maybes don't cut it anymore with this heart of mine,
It is either love or leave.

But, if you feel you might want to stay -
touch me everywhere but
my heart
& don't call me if you just want to talk.
k Aug 2016
You know, you're never here anymore
You're hardly ever sober
And you're making all these memories
That everyone but you can remember

'Why do you always get so ****** up?'
- they ask
And you don't know what to say
Because you ask the mirror the same question
And she just laughs but her eyes are
Somber and kind of frightened,
Even though you know you're never scared of anything.

I don't drink because I'm sad like I used to
I don't need drugs because it hurts too much
I guess I just like the risk. The freedom.
The inability to make rational decisions.

They say you can't escape your own mind
But I have found a way.

And strange boys take the love you didn't want
And I know it's not love but I can pretend for the night
And your kiss has been replaced too many times to count,

But still you're the only love I ever write about.
319 · Nov 2015
If They Ask About Us
k Nov 2015
The fact that you made me the happiest version of myself before we'd even met. The strange looks from my mother when I was laughing on a Monday morning. My cheeks hurting from smiling too hard. Your head on my chest and your hand wrapped in mine like we've known each others bodies for years.

After waiting way too long. Almost too late. 1 am in the middle of the week. Late night phone calls leading into the early hours of the morning. The busiest time of the year, but still more than enough time for each other. 8pm in my neighborhood playground - stars and street lights, my eyes sparkling like the stars when looking at you and our hearts flickering like the street lights, unsure, but burning nonetheless.

Instincts and going with my gut. Swallowing my pride. Not being afraid for once. Letting you in. Effortless. Familiar. As if greeting an old friend from a previous life. Reminding me of what my real laugh sounded like. Wishing on first stars and last cigarettes. 11:11, every night and every morning - you. Bringing you home. Letting you in. So fast, we can barely keep up.

Everything comes naturally. The comfortable silence that doesn't need forced conversation to feel like we've said something. Seeing you everywhere. Talking to you when you're not here. Singing in front of me when I'd only known you for a week. Asking me if you can touch me before just assuming like the rest. The fact that I found it so strange at the time but thinking back now it is the only way it should ever be. Hearing you say my name and it's like the first time I'm actually hearing it. Me saying your name as if I've been waiting to say it my entire life.

You. Me. Complete opposites, but in so many ways the same person. You - charismatic and never running out of ways to make me smile. Walking into my mind and telling me things about myself I could never admit. Confidence shining through your every word and action. You get quiet when you speak about me though. I know what you want to say, but I still need to hear it. Always apologizing. Scared to put a foot wrong. Hearts on our sleeves. You. Me. Us.
316 · Apr 2016
Something broke
k Apr 2016
You should have met her back then.
She used to be so brave.
She used to be so fearless.
She loved with a heart so full and warm and eager to give everything she had.

She never feared the day he'd leave
And so when he did
Something sort of broke.
Her romantic soul and dreamlike mind
Suddenly awoke.
The stars in her eyes grew dim
And her hope ever so thin.

I wish you'd met her back then.
You can hardly recognize her now.
She plasters on a perfect smile
And puts up the strongest fight
She's even met someone new,
But it just doesn't feel right.

I wonder if you'll see her again?
The girl with the ocean for a heart.
She loved too deeply and
drowned them all to death.
And although it's gone
And he's moved on
How can her love just simply end?
I always know exactly what I want or what I need to be happy and right I now I just honestly have no idea what can help. Nothing is wrong but nothing is right either. And I am happy, I just can't help but feel like it's really really fake I don't know
315 · Apr 2017
The damage left behind
k Apr 2017
Don't get too close
If you smile he might think you want to **** him.
If you're nice to him he might think you want to **** him.
Don't let them touch you
A second is far too long.
Your skin is smothered in gas,
His fingers are lit matches

We can't afford to be fire anymore

Don't do anything that might make it seem like you're asking for it.
Your smile should be small
Your voice ice-cold

Don't let your guard down for a second

Stay awake. Don't fall asleep.
Wake up.
(I'm always tired)
don't let them catch you asleep.
Don't let them catch you

Keep running.
Don't let them catch you
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