We wander together,
your hair a burnished gold beneath the streetlamps.
We hold hands,
your eyes wild and bright in bursts of taxicab headlights.
You pull on my collar,
your lips stained and blurred from the wine.
We cling to one another,
the stone steps slip under our feet, I catch you.
We run together, scream together,
our raucous laughter bouncing off the walls and the sky.
We tumble together,
you a mess of hair and cold fingers, the water is in my shoes.
We gasp together,
the fountain has filled our lungs and you kiss me hard. The lights below the surface are flickering and I see black spots where your eyes used to be.
We crawl across the square together,
giggling, you pull out a cigarette that hangs crooked and dripping between your drunken lips, your devil's smile.
We watch the stars together,
laying on our wet backs while the earth turns and my stomach churns and my sick heart yearns.
The stars will stop for us.