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Jun 2022 · 1.3k
AmyKatrinaSmith Jun 2022
When I was a little girl my favourite film was Peter Pan.
I so desperately wanted to go to Neverland.
So much so that I often thought about becoming lost.
Just run out of my home one night and never look back. Peter would find me and fly me away to Never Neverland, where all the lost boys and lost girls were.

What if I did run away?
What if I'm still lost?
What if my body is still here but my soul, my being is gone?
Never to find its way back.
What if I found Neverland.
Only somewhere in the depths of my mind never to return.

Only my shadow remains.

Forever a Shadow.
May 2022 · 545
Red Flag
AmyKatrinaSmith May 2022
Last night I drifted away into a panicked state all night.
eyes filled with tears, I paced and felt so sick I knew this wasn't right.
You were only down stairs but you felt so far away.
I found it hard to breathe my heart did race.

feeling so frail and unsure,
I worry about what you do behind closed doors

oh no, this is happening again
I've fallen so fast, I just can't pretend
What a fool I've been, surely I should have seen. The signes were there but the thought of loosing you I just couldn't bare.
May 2022 · 3.1k
The forgotten ruler
AmyKatrinaSmith May 2022
Alone she sits upon her dusty throne.
Her eyes sunken and her long moth bitten gown hung lifeless to her ashen skin.
The unforgiving chime's of time pass her by. Dripping with jewels her boney hand still clung to the broken string of pearls as they roll between the cold stone cracks beneath her feet.
Secrets layed to rest long ago with no voice to tell.
She who has been long forgotten dwells in the silence of her chambers for all eternity.

Lost to the darkness.
Jun 2019 · 490
The Body
AmyKatrinaSmith Jun 2019
I have been walking past a dead rotting body for weeks now.

A badgers body perfect looking at first and slowly watching the worms and maggots eat away at the flesh. slowly decaying and rotting and becoming nothing. this is life. this is real. and this is the truth. this is everyone's eventuality. that is our future.

The smell of death was unforgettable, and it makes me wonder why we try so hard when in the end we are just a body that will fade to nothing...
Mar 2017 · 394
The sea is calling to me.
AmyKatrinaSmith Mar 2017
The sea is calling to me.
It’s pulling me in.
It’s like the tide is getting heavy
But patiently it sits.
Waiting for me to return.
To walk beneath its majesty once again.
I can hear its call a mile away.
To be welcomed back, into my gods embrace.
I have a dream, where I lie down amongst the waves and be still, with a feeling of wholeness.
I remember falling to my knees, feeling the sand and waves beneath, so still yet so fierce.
That was when I fell in love with him.
Jan 2017 · 933
Medusa’s lament
AmyKatrinaSmith Jan 2017
I look up to the sky to seek comfort from the star’s
There light glistening in my cold dead eyes
My body used, but unloved
My Vows abused, and the temple tainted.
I am forever alone, until my undoing.
Those who seek from me what was cursed upon me,
so painfully, wrongfully and unjust.
First was the sharp pain of the cracking of my face,
And the bloating of my tongue.
Next came the brutal hardening of my eyes,
and the elongation of my teeth.
It felt like eternity,
the never-ending screams that would bellow out of me.
And when I thought it was over,
the agonizing snakes pierced from my skull in a ****** mess of flesh and teeth.
The serpents upon my head grant me no company,
for they hiss and they shake and they fight.
When I lay my head at night it’s as if I have a front row seat to an unending feud.
My tears are lost dreams for no man to drink
My lady has forsaken me, ****** me, Exiled me with an ungodly face.
Many have come to gaze upon me, to laugh, to point, to be cruel.
My only defense is a gaze so cold it turns any onlooker to stone
My garden grows, of stone figures
The unwise, and the foolish.
Monster they call me.
They have no idea of the cruelty I have endured.
The loneliness, the pain, the suffering.
I sit alone and scream, I sit alone a snake.
I sit alone in this unforgiving place.
I see a place of Beauty where children’s laughter fills the air.
I see poppies and streams and pink skies.
But when I awake I realize it was all but a dream
And I sink back into my hole of misery and despair.
Snowflakes glisten as I hold them in my hands
but shortly fade away as like my hopes and dreams.
I am forever tormented by the things I can never have.
Locked away was my virtue, now locked away is my joy.
My womb tainted by momentary pleasures
A disease growing inside of me planted there without consent.
Hello, again star’s, my only friends.
Your silver shine is the only glow that warms my heart.
I lay beneath your dazzling gaze,
I am yours and I pray we never part.
“a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.”
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
Your The One To Blame
AmyKatrinaSmith Nov 2015
Once you were so sweet
you had a gorgeous smile
once you played guitar
I stayed there for a while

heaven opened up
you owned the place
slipping away so slowly
now its hell I taste

The memories of all that we shared
can't be forgotten, can't be compared
will I recover, oh I'm so scared
my heart full of rain and
your the one to blame

Oh, you never tried
the more that I knew, the more I died
do you have no shame
just shatter my pride
and your the one to blame

am I a fool, waiting around for you?
when I know its something you'd never do.
you pushed my love aside, that's something I cant abide
And your honestly the one to blame...

Scribbling away on my walls,
have I gone insane locked up in doors?
your the one to blame

why did you hurt me so?
you always had to be in control
never letting me In, just letting yourself win.
what did I do, why can't you love me
am I invisible, cant you see?

Oh, you never tried
more that I knew, the more I died
I got a reason now to bury you alive
What do you think about that?

I don't think ill be OK
I can't believe, you could treat me this way
I do believe, you didn't try to stay

I don't think ill be all right
Another old one of  mine iv just rediscovered.
AmyKatrinaSmith Nov 2015
He was beautiful and kind
he seemed like a gentleman so refined.

he made the first move, and asked to date me
I was so happy I said yes, and wrote it all down in my diary

The date was set, I should have know then it was going to end in tears
for the day was a day made up of fears
was this a sign I think so yes
the date was Friday the 13th
I should have laid this one to rest

The date went swimmingly he seemed so charming
but then something happened that was so alarming

whilst making love to me he uttered these words

Don't go falling in love with me

my belly that once was filled with butterflies and birds now filled with bats.
my heart sank, my body froze, I can't believe he just said that.

Don't go falling in love with me he said, as he was on top of me in his bed.
my eyes looking up to the ceiling
feeling so sad they filled with tears
he was unaware of how I was feeling.

Don't go falling in love with me
Those words echoed in my mind
how can he be so cruel when he seemed so kind

Don't go falling in love with me
I've never felt so used, I've never felt so *****
A cheap sleep around I have never been accused I'm not Even flirty.

Don't go falling in love with me
too late I already fell.
I loved everything, your eyes, your laugh, your smell.

Don't go falling in love with me
Those words will haunt me for all time
I gave you everything but then in a instant I realised you was never to be mine.
AmyKatrinaSmith Nov 2015
In death we praise and feel sorrowful for the dearly departed.
tears flow freely and you can't stop once you've started

If only we had been nicer or done a little more.
if only i saw you that day before.

if only i knew what the cards were saying
perhaps i could have saved you and stopped all this praying

maybe this was destiny come to pass
all i know is that wave we shared was our last.

i will never forget you
you were a good mate

i just wish i had told you
but then i realised, this is a poem too late.
Dedicated to a dear friend. R.I.P: A.L.M. 05/07/89-16/09/2015.
Nov 2015 · 3.6k
AmyKatrinaSmith Nov 2015
Sitting here across the bar
watching you with your Spanish playing guitar
you look my way, with your brown eyes
I got a feeling you want me tonight...

Oh how I want to be in your arms
and for you to strum me with your fingers, like the strings of your guitar...

hold me tight,
I will ****** you tonight.

with a glance your way, I think you no what to say...
with your long hair in your face, daring me to chase
this dance around each other, will only lead to a long lustful night
But it feels so right.
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
My dream about a clown.
AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
Come in, come in and enjoy the fun, the fun will begin when it is done.
My dream was all in rime. There were no breaks at any time.
If you couldn't think of a rime, you would sing or mime.

There was this tall colourful clown
as I entered the show he sat me down.
His name was something I couldn't pronounce
but being his friend is what counts.

He was very mad and very sad,
he reminded me of the mad hatter,
but crazier with his chatter.

I have a fear of polka dots, But Even more of forget me NOTS!*

I loved my dream, I wish I could have it again
that's why I wrote it down with this book and pen.
so ill always remember my crazy friend.
Oct 2015 · 677
It was all in my head.
AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
All alone in my room
where the goblins whale, and the wind goes boom,
I sit alone in the corner with flickering lights
with visions of death I'm not feeling quite right.
delving deep in to my outstretched mind
feeling weary i got in to my bed i climbed,
my mind stained with scribbling's of ink spilt ramblings'
visions' of demons and witches
and unholy tampering's.

The eerie halls creaked as I sat up in bed
I saw a man in my room
I reached for the light
it was all in my head.

I arose from my slumbering grave
never too shy and never too brave.
down the towering stairs where the portraits came alive
a thing of nightmares, in the dark the monsters thrive.
they try and tell me it isn't the house to blame
but I'm a prisoner of my own mind
I have gone insane.
Oct 2015 · 2.7k
AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
Heart shaped tears fall from my large eyes, rusting my metallic face.
warm like milk I bathe in the love that once consumed me.
I fall in to shadow, entombed by rage.
never to love again.
memories form like fog blown like ashes in the wind.
feelings so fragile, melt in your fiery grip.
using me as charcoal to fuel your sadistic mind
for evermore.
Oct 2015 · 569
AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
A place I can call my own.
The one thing I love the most.
A place I can grow.
Memories kept raise my own.

Feelings emerge, softness so great
safety and care never too late.

My home is a wonderful thing
A place I can lay my head at night,
stop all the worry turn out the light,
its a place where new things grow.
Oct 2015 · 1.7k
AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
I love my story
you don't even no,
there are some hard parts, there are some I enjoy
please don't in anyway make me cry.

I'm not naked wrapped in thorns just to bleed.


I Want you to feel me, and feel this wild side with me.
I want you to taste me, lay your body on my skin.
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
Shackles breaking down
fire dancing around dead ash
the final farewell.
I wrote this short  poem about one particular scene in the movie Daybreakers, where the vampires are shackled and being led in to the light where they are set on fire and become ash.
Oct 2015 · 1.7k
AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
I am frozen, my life is hidden away, I can't see you, or anyone, I'm rejected, heavens full up and I'm frozen, why does god deny me? my life is fading away....

I'm frozen, under a river of ice, and I lay there under the moon at night, the great deceiver, oh how I pray for the sun to melt this ice away

Cuz I'm ready I just need a chance, I can make it, just like everyone,
god can't deny me, not now I've come too far,
the great deceiver, doesn't just deceive anyone, oh when will the sun be melting this ice-age away?
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
AmyKatrinaSmith Oct 2015
I see you sleeping
but I hear you weeping, do you think you can fool me?
cuz I no what lurks in your heart, your everlasting heart.
I see confusion you deceived my heart.
Don't you run away, don't you know what you do to me
you broke my heart in two, you put my heart in to a glass jar.
I feel the fear sweating out of you, the end is near

Heart in a jar, you've gone too far.
My new solitary home has not even a soul, you put me down, down in to the ground.
I am bound, I am bound, I can't hear a sound., I am bound, I'm in the ground,

— The End —