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Jan 20 · 232
Lit tunnels and less lit tunnels
Where is the light at the end?

I want the warmth of the train's headlights
And I want the conductor to feel bad
When his breaks don't work in time

Inescapable Death Upon Impact
You can try and lift both feet off the tracks
Hurl your torch into the groaning abyss
Pry the railway from the ground


What goes up
Must come down
Every flame that flares in
Must fade out
Tonight I'm remembering and mourning the loss of the great visionary Mr. David Lynch. I sometimes think I've come to accept death as a fact of life and therefore defeated grief, but Mr. Lynch is on that list of people who have it in them to remind me otherwise. It's felt a little like a part of my soul is missing, since his passing. One day (probably fairly soon) that feeling will also meet its end, maybe.
Bittersweet to remember
The hands that held you
Before they beat and bludgeoned
You and the potential you once possessed

Cast off into the sinisterly sultry embrace of eager
Thirsty mouths
Only to serve shadowy dead-end escapes

Perfectionist performers
Putting on unsatisfactory performances
For insatiable audiences
How could any of us stand to forgive each other?
Let alone
Tonight my father is in the hospital for what might be a stroke—some disturbance in blood flow to the brain. I only feel cold and disconnected, my worries are almost entirely financial. Everyone around me gathers together biting their nails and pacing and praying. Stranded outside the anxious huddle, I play with my hands, unsure of what to do and where to put them. I think there's something genuinely wrong with me.
Black Coffee, 2 packs of Cigarettes, Cold Sweat, Quantum Leap
Will today be a good day?
Is life worth living?

The answer bellows back at me
Soft and
Sharp and
Sordid; sinopia spilt and subsequently washed all over the page
Slithering out from beneath harrowed brush
Written in hot breath fingerpaintings on frosted car windows
Dished out in massive, steaming vats
With ladles,
Too heavy to hold
It is rooted to my teeth
                         my stomach
                         my nostrils
                         my nasal cavities

It rustles when I breathe in
It begs for more when I bite
It screams when I swallow

I cannot be your choir boy
And I will not kiss you
                   not today
                   not tomorrow
                   not tonight
I've now made it through my second semester of university only to find myself wolfing down an explosive, uninhabitable vindictiveness to quell the equally overwhelming emptiness that eats right back away at me.
I have 16 or so unfinished poems strewn around my notebooks. I'm hoping to track them all down and complete them here, and I am also hoping to be dead and gone sometime within the next 315 days.
Aug 2024 · 980
40 F
Lying on my back in the sand
Dead fish flop desperately underneath my spine
Corners of my vision
Taxidermied owl
Taxidermied swallow
Pinned Cicada
Etched with defeat.

Roar of the ocean
Flopping fish
You wave its fins in my face and
Run away when I wave back.
Jun 2024 · 206
Husk Husk Husk
The eternally dry patch of skin
Right above your elbow

The creased duvet
A sea of olive silk

The toughest pill to swallow
Better taken by mouth
May 2024 · 429
Tentative First
Bright plum lips
Bitter to the taste
Soured and untouched
Sweetheart angel baby divine
Salvaged by time

A little bit of sugar
A little bit of salt
A little sip of red wine

Sweetheart angel baby you're so fine
Come on
Pucker up
Let's see you shine

Do you want her on a stake? A skewer? A fig tree?
She can be yours and yours and yours and even mine

And she wants you so bad it hurts to breathe
And she wants you so bad it hurts to breathe
And she wants you so bad
It hurts
To breathe
Religiously, religiously, religiously
Purity is not
Apr 2024 · 212
6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms
Ants, in all of them

New sofa, new perfume
Still, I see the holes in the walls

Tall ceilings, silver spoon
Mildewy, a faucet that only runs warm

A carton of milk in the fridge,
Spilt over,
drip drip dripping into a sour puddle
it soaks through the floorboards
pungent, cutting through the air
I hear it as you hold the door open

Come again
But please,
Leave soon
Somebody get me out of here
Mar 2024 · 140
Legs blown off
Your reflection stands in the corner
Growing heavy
Growing tired
Bursting out of your ratty car
Running through that barren field with bombs dropping out of your mouth
Cheeks swollen
Inspired by my politics professor's late friend, a veteran. My politics professor is very old and he is beginning to show signs of entering the early stages of dementia
Feb 2024 · 573
King, Horse, Egg, Man.
I drive the screwdriver through my own heart and
Stuff the open wound with my fist and
Swaddle myself in threadbare cloth and
Get to work,
Gathering up the pins to
Try and stitch my skin back together again.
worse, each time
Feb 2024 · 237
We Can Talk
Looking up at me with dandelion glass baubles for eyes,
Say, "What about tomorrow?"
I shake my head down at you from my magnificent children's playset
My neck cracks when I **** it to the side
I whisper in singsong,
"I think we should stop."
How do you let someone down easy without letting them down so hard?
Feb 2024 · 835
Jimmy Dover I Hope U Choke
Six children and a suburban home
Don't it hurt you to see me like this?
One of yours, and still so alone?

First daughter assigned third wife
I've done it all wrong again,
Haven't I?

Sprawled all across this spiky green turf
Drinking up the merciless sunshine
Trying to keep it down

Weeping about my friend's father
Watching for a hint of remorse in your stern frown
I wait for you to ask for my forgiveness
Go on, ask
Let me for once be the one to deny
Feb 2024 · 137
Daylong Ailment
Feeling bad
Getting worse
I shrivel up under the sun
A prolonged fit of pain
Mistaken for
An erratic dance
Feb 2024 · 957
Wallow Wallow Wallow
In this drafty bedside cavern
I lay with my feet up against the wall
tap tap tap
Held up over my hard head
Resting against the hard ground
Back here, where my pillow is my headstone
This palace is a burden,
Utterly insufferably forgiving.

Fantasy hits the ceiling
A dream shot from my mind
Moonlight shines through the cave's newborn fissures
Useless to me
Uselessly groveling under shadowy sheets of sky  
I need this sterile fluorescent light.

It dances across my face
pitter patter pitter patter
It drops into my eyes,
Falls into the chasm between my lips
Cold and reeking of rot
Cold and tasting of an invasive species of mildew
I swallow, choking back tears
I eat it
It eats back.
Francis Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Bishop, CA
Jan 2024 · 213
Cotton Mouthed
The realizations smarts me in the chest
The horrifying transparency falls out from under my teeth
Without the clash, I am lifeless
Left crippled
Watching it crawl away
Through blackened eyes
Grizzly and ugly and growling
I have never been beautiful enough to be art
I have never been gifted enough
To make an art of it,
My circumstance
Curled up in my work clothes on soundproof sheets
Preparing for The Slumber
I hate college and I don't know what I'm doing!!
I wake up without you
Lying away from me won't solve your problems
Not even on your cold asphalt bed
Your mechanical graveyard covers twisted tight around you

Rain rinses your wounds
The blood is washed away
A river flowing into my room
I don't recognize you, sitting in the corner

Watch my chest heave with silent sobs
Picturing your gnarled face
I don't sleep
I go to bed with you still gone
Jan 2024 · 782
Born a girl and bred a monster
Bringer of despair
Bringer of demise
Bite the twisted hand that feeds
Glaring straight into the beast's eyes
Flailing fists, handfuls of coarse hair
A good-for-nothing, two-timing taker
A Self Portrait
Sharp teeth like shimmering diamonds in the dark
Dead of night
Pronged in a mouth as soft as satin
Unforgiving underground
Unforgiving as God's gated hell

I sprinkle a ring of forget-me-not flowers around our feet
I watched your eyes as they fell
But onto the petals that fly into the air as I dropped to my knees
Flocks of small sky-blue planes
Far far away
Much too far past where the eye can see
Jan 2024 · 109
I crept out from under your ventricles
Cut out
From your glucosamine thoughts
Dripping with mucus, dripping with sap
Sugary sweet
Let me ease your pain
Let me rinse off your feet
It's finally started to snow
Jan 2024 · 2.7k
Birdie in the Basement
You never did manage to see
The final nail on the casket nor
The 9 years it has taken me
To unweave it from my crown of thorns

You say you shout you scream
You could not have foretold
The bullet I held clenched between my teeth
Heavy to the touch, heavy and unbearably cold
Not as I my mouth became a steal barrel,
Not as it came racing out
Not as it came to meet your creased forehead's third fold

I shake with loss
I shiver with relief
My silver armor melts away and evaporates into flesh
The life you had left ahead of you was anyway brief
Unlike the fruits you stole from my long life that once lay ahead of me
An ugly, loud, rampant, hobbling thief

I leave my pills to you
For all the times I failed
Trying bleed your blood out from my wrists
Bullet blown, skeletons thrown, casket nailed
I walk back up the stairs light as a feather
A crested crow, my wings unfurled, a crested crow unveiled
You glare into the lens with smoldering eyes
Your ghost
A fiery whisp of your soul
Hungry and straining to yank itself out from under your clenched jaw
Bite down hard
Watch the blood spill from your stone tongue
Into my plastic solo cup
Your tooth floats to the top
Quickly swarmed by genial bubbles
Mocking our leaden embrace
Pop pop pop
We fall to the floor
Breaking our bones in a fit of giggles
Happy New Year
Screaming baby on your end of the line
My static is your lullaby
The telephone is cradled against my chin
The cord is wrapped taut around my neck
I wait to rest my head against your phantom shoulder
Press my lips against the mouthpiece
Begging you to pull the trigger

Rocking myself to sleep slumped on the sticky linoleum floor,
The plug pulls off its socket with a pop
My vision grows dark
My song bellows through the air, it
Swallows the walls that keep us apart
Take me out
onto the roller rink,
where, under the neon disco ball, everything turns
pink and hazy

Make me out
to be your in-line princess,
your ribbon-bred baby

Spin me 'round and 'round
drivin' me crazy crazy crazy

Bring me to my knees
sorry, you whispered to me

Drop me to the floor
my crustacean legs
fold crooked underneath me like a crab
i skip back onto the tips of my toes
i cover up quick like a lady

Still, I wait patiently for more
Still, spinning under these hazy neon lights
looking for someone new again,
looking for somewhere else to score.
Dec 2023 · 685
Mouse Daughter and Rat Mom
I watched you turn young again
Lost in the supermarket
Searching for a place to be
Searching for my hand to hold

I watched my skin turn old and pale against the steering wheel
The way back home is long and
quiet and
all dirt road

Wise girl turned wiser
Wise girl turned free
Perhaps too gone to be my girl
Still, she returns to me
What did you want me to do with your empty casket after I clawed through the cold cemetery dirt in search of you?
A mad rabbit on its hind legs. I was a rabbit gone mad with inanity;

In the dark, I am massive; a crouched heap.

Twitch twitch twitch,
Shudder shudder shudder.

I scrape the weeds out from under my fingernails with my teeth.
Sweet chloroform tainted by a sick, chemical sheen.
The hole looms between my shadow and me. The hole sticks out from underneath.

Will you whisper to me while I weep?
Your words carried by sheets of sleet,
Bite the tip of my nose, caress the apples of my cheeks.
Cradle me in your barren arms, lull me to sleep.

Burrow burrow burrow,
Reap reap reap.
Intended to be recited in thick, deep, desperate, and guttural whispers.
Dec 2023 · 696
Reflections on Han Kang
Trees bleed crimson in protest
Before the wind drowns out their last, dying breath.
I walk through the barren orchard,
Marveling at their grand, glimmering display of defeat;
Their bodies torn apart by the sky's frosty breath.
I am but a lone red blade dancing out
stamping out
my frail stem.
A fiery ballerina on ecstasy.
I wrote this back around October while reading the story of a woman driven into vegetarianism and eventually madness by a dream. Still, I figured I should publish it here before the season ends, although it's already snowed a few times here in Wisconsin.
You are the diseased soil in which these doomed seeds were sown,

You are the poison tree from which these evil apples dropped,

And you are the acid rain that raises the earthworms from their
underground abodes
and eats


eats away.
Today I turn 18.
You planted and preened the seed you destroyed.
Your midday whispers running up my legs;
You left behind a trail of innocent tickles that,
In the empty evening air,
Curdled into a sinister, aching itch.
You left my ankles and the insides of my knees abandoned to snap down on a mosquito
In one swift, final bark.

My thighs still sting.
May 2023 · 937
Class of '23
I scream
My friends have moved on from my early death
At the age of seventeen
My graduation dress was a dream;
Never sewn, only glimpsed,
never seen.

Buy me a cassette,
Buy me a carousel
-Hold me close ma, hold me closer-
Buy me some time and a jet and I'll leave.
I won't pretend to be so mean.
I wouldn't pretend
to be so mean.
It's been a while. Here's something that made me think to think of you. It's a little wonky, things have been a little disjointed for me, but how have you been? We should hang out sometime. We should really reconnect.
Nov 2022 · 192
Eleven Sixteen Twenty-two
Oct 2022 · 312
Heads Down, Thumbs Up
step once
sit down
stand up
spin around

blink twice
tap thrice
turn that frown upside down!

cross your fingers
cross your legs
curl up
shut down

look left
                                                                                                    look right
run fast faster fast as your little legs will fly you
through the night

throw up
break down
blow up
find it fright it flight it fight it fist it twist it pop it smash it burn it **** it
stomp it out


now go to sleep
Oct 2022 · 326
Ugly Naked Womanchild
Every morning I wake up blind.
Bask in my reflection, I feel like hot **** I feel like fresh hell
I feel fine.
I want to strip my skin clean;
Tear off tissue like toilet paper spill blood red like wine
I want to stop this beating heart every
Every night but ohh
I just haven't got the ******* time.
Instead, I smother myself in your covers,
And you watch as I try and pick ants,
One by one
by one by one
Out my spine
And there are none to be found nothing to find.
I could've sworn I put them there myself, but who knows?
Every morning
I wake up blind.
You aren't as good of a person as you think
And I am not as bad of a person
as you have made me think
God sinned when he gave me nerve endings at 9 years old
I've got a mind full of mold and lips that
when kissed
turn into solid gold
Don't listen to a word I say:
I'm okay I am alright I'm fine
Instead act on my ever-extending un-exiting untold
Do not pretend to know me
Just know
You're mine
Procrastinating final exam preparations
Apr 2022 · 159
I'm so upset with the world,
I've decided there's nothing right left to sea.
The Eiffel Tower can go **** itself,
The Leaning Tower of Pizza too.

I have torn myself to pieces on the fence that is bureaucracy
I get out the car, on the ledge, and plunge into the blue;
Look out God! I'm coming back to you!

Tell me you still think I'm funny,
Because you don't know it's breaking me in three.
Roughly inspired by Andrew Jackson Jihad's "Normalization Blues"
Mar 2022 · 138
In A Loop On A Roll
Tonight I'm in for a loop
Today I'm on a roll
She smacks my head against the counter and says:
"Don't hurt yourself"
Mouth full of knives,
She embeds her glittering lips all over my body
I scream and I thrash and I bleed all over the bathroom tile
And I smile
Today I'm in for a loop
Tonight I'm on a roll
High on acid with steam-filled lungs;
I call my poor mother and tell her I'm fine,
I fetch my good brother and tell him to bring me the gun.
Pepper runs deep in my veins.
I am speed,
Salty, light, and ever so gent-
-ly freckled.
Slip through your fingers like time and
Twist myself around some others like twine
Climb inside,
Spill a bottle of cheap wine,
**** yourself dry
Day and day again
Down till you die
From Thanksgiving
Oct 2021 · 416
Slurred Sunny
driving east to 'Zona
Right on track.
Gonna take her off,
Run right up
Cut to black.
Bully for the woman who held me back.

All s'posed to be over
Now I'm standing in the suburbs,
Maybe if you hadn't said you loved me
I might still
May 2021 · 441
Spillover II
but a thought
misinterpreted metal man
carved of an art
chisel block,
ished by history and hate
roses always bloom be
The light that illuminates
the beach watchers.
beach watchers.
I will alter for you.
Inspired by Jaume Plensa's artwork
Poem's a little choppy though
Apr 2021 · 708
Not Much A Poem
WHERE ARE YOU OFF TO? she asks me.
T o   watch the   s t a r s ,
I tell her.
U n t i l   they burn over and the Earth flares to an uncontrollable
i n f e r n o .
WHAT? she sneers.
N o t h i n g,   I just thought it was   p o e t i c...
Just by
A bit.
She gives her eyes a roll.
Or I imagine she would
if she knew how to roll her eyes.
" I T    DIDN'T EVEN   R H Y M E."
I'm going to trace you through your IP address
She tells us
I'm going to fine you for a terrorist action,
A threat.
She might have gotten away with it
Because I'm of the Islamic faith
And we get that
All the time
But hey,
I don't think she checked my age,
Don't think
She knows I have never flown on a plane.
I'm not sure she
Speaks English,
Despite fascist points of view.
Because Suzy Belinky, dear
What you pulled up is a tweet
And ******,
Your condition,
Is an STD,
Not my fault.
Still a joke, hope she sees.
Suzanne Berlinsky has ******.
That's right, you heard it all

She hasn't got any friends
Because she smells so bad
But if she did,
We'd ask her how Suzy smells
And her friends would tell us
How bad Suzy smells.

Suzanne Berlinsky has ******.
A fright, I'm sure
For the ghosts around her.

If you smelt Suzy you too,
Would perish.
That's why Suzy's got no friends
Because she smells so,
So sickening.
And she has ******.

Suzanna Berlinsky has ******.
And that's all for tonight, I'm
This is very much a joke
Haven't seen him smile right in
Quite the while but I know
He's a smart boy, so he must know
How to escape his little slump.

Peter does not know
The true size of his slump.
Only that She's got
A soft, pooling belly under
Plumes of purple smoke
Floating over her wax *******;
Perfect for forgetting.

He's trying to breathe through cold drizzle
Photosynthesize through linen tarp
I say he chooses not to leave the rain
And he nods.
His lover has the saddest eyes
A misty grey under a heavy blue
And he’ll see her again at sunrise.

Their love some seem to despise
Thinking of it as a ****** taboo
His lover has the saddest eyes

Though no one seems to empathize
No one’s aware of their little rendezvous
And he’ll see her again at sunrise.

He knows she’ll be hidden under a clever disguise
But he won’t confuse her with just another heart’s statue
His lover has the saddest eyes.

You couldn't convince him of your lies
Of his leman his desire you could not subdue
And he’ll see her again at sunrise.

Love her until their hellos become goodbyes
From the moment he’d set eyes on her to his final adieu
His lover has the saddest eyes
And see her again at sunrise
I got a B-, it was too long.
Apr 2021 · 785
Your Own Self-Destruction
You cannot blame me
For when your stomach folds
If you keep coming
To my forlorn tree,
Not when the poor man's fruit-bearing bush
Is just the other way
Within the same, short walking distance
I'd like to slow dance with you
A tasteful sway, just for two
Don't tell the moon
I'm ready to leave her
Not ready to be left so soon.
Mar 2021 · 575
Save Me The Last Swim
I'm going to
Throw our whole book
Into the river
And drown it with my screams

I am going to
It floats away
With nothing more than ****** streams

I am going to
Jump into the water myself then,
I am going to plummet and pray
That the waves are struck by lightning,
Setting fire to my body, our book,
Both of our dreams.
I liked the imagery this painted in my head so here you are
Have another drink,
Why don't you?
Take another sip?
The bartender's watching us closely but
If I give him a hearty enough tip
He'll leave us be
And we can slip
Down to the train tracks
Like our slurred words.

We won't make love but we'll
Lay on the mercury speckled rails
Singing our heads off,
Drinking some more ail till
The horn blares and
The insides of our eyes pool with gaudy lights from
Heaven above

And we're rolled to bits,
Leaving nothing behind but a trail
Of blood and
The heavenly light of tails.
I wish I could have made it a little less shallow but it messed with the already poor rhythm
Mar 2021 · 620
That 1:06AM Specialty
1 am 06 and
My mother's just called the police on my
Daddy for hitting her in the face
'Cause he didn't like the food today.

Doesn't come as too much of a surprise
They've been yelling all-day
They've been yelling every day.

1 am jotting it
All down in a little notebook, without
Lines because 1 want to practice my
Straight hand.

No one else in
My little 1st-grade class has a mother
Calling the police on their daddy
For hitting their mother in the face.

That is why 1 am special.
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