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370 · Apr 2015
And this is why
My poems breathe for
another soul
another being
another living flesh

*They exist for a reason
370 · Jan 2016
Your own personal lamp
To me, you're a wonderful tapestry
However patchy you can be
You're what I've been trying to seek
A beautiful master piece that's unique

Don't worry
When your vision turns blurry
I'll lend you my glasses
To see the different faces

Lost as you may seem
I'll let my light beam
To let you see your way through
We'll make it through the maze too
369 · Mar 2015
In the dark woods
You made me think
That in just a blink

We'll always be angels
But with hidden devil horns

You made me think
That they were a bunch of morons

You made them look bad in my eyes
I was too doubtful of my own opinions
So I went with what you think
Even though inside,
It was killing me to be such a madness

I believed it was fine
Because you said so they were a bunch of ******
But in reality
You just cant accept who you guys were

Covering up for you impure souls
I was too naive
But my eyes opened itself
And saw every single thing

Now i'm aware who're the predators
They were walking with me side by side
It was a good thing I switched lanes
With that I saw the true and purest hearts

Never again will I enter that dark, mysterious, full of mischief of a forest
For I will never lose sight of the sun ever again
368 · May 2015
Not even worthy enough
Those parts that were once holy
Only meant for those who are worthy
Those who'll live with us in honesty
Now can be accessed by anybody
Its holiness
Banished from the very realms of this world that's unworthy
Touched by those hands that are so filthy
366 · Jun 2015
Will you wait for me?
It was brief but it has marked a place inside of me.
Although you're far, I know you won't ever forget and neither would I.
All I'm saying is that it just really feels like
walking over shards of glass that represents my broken soul
for I lost the other half that makes up of it.
It was the past that I have been fearing and yet I am here but I guess I need to fight fear with courage.
Just lend me all your strength and I shall fight my way out of it.
I am going back into your arms once I survive.
As I am going to a different path to fix my mistakes, I hope you don't forget about me and I wish to see you at the finish line.
:( :) idk.... T^T
365 · Apr 2015
Just a maybe (10w)
Maybe you are the reason why things are still undecided...
365 · Apr 2015
Unrequited Love
I thought I was going insane
trying to keep up with all the pain
Until you showed up and kissed it all goodbye
It was the sweetest moment of my life

Every night I've wished upon a star
for the sun to notice my existence

I caught a glimpse of you
smiling so bright that it made my life complete
It was just a gist for we weren't meant to cross paths

For I was the moon living among the stars
and you were the Sun who can't see me along the bars
364 · Apr 2016
Broken you
Just promise me
You'll never forget
The stitches I've sewn over you bare chest
Because I was the only one who knew
I was the only one who saw
That void you were hiding underneath your white shirt
All they ever saw was the false reflection upon your face
All I ever saw in you was your shattered entirety whom dreams to float along the clouds
And so there I was
Trying to mend your broken wings
But I never thought I'd get broken in the process
Why can't I say no to that look on your face?
I just stayed
360 · Jun 2015
Turned upside down
Just when things are turning out so nice
fate would unleash its specialty
Plot twists...

Your whole life suddenly turns around
leaving you broken again,
making you scour the whole land
for somebody to fix you.
359 · Jan 2016
Tell me, What do you think?
Whenever I surrender
You suddenly come to make me remember
It's like you come back from the dead
Making it hard for me to make a step further
I decide to go forth
Then you'll reach out and grab my ankle
I'm like a chained dog who thinks she could run away
Then a chain will stop me from going on my own way
You're a coward who can never really keep me
A hinder is what you are
To my dreams that would take me far
I've given too many chances
But I'll see you like a reindeer who prances
To my very existence
Thus creating such a distance
That eventually made me drift away

Now tell me one last time
Do you really wish for me to stay?
Or would you rather let me go and walk away?

*But first, remove your cowardly mask and face me with the question you wanted to ask
Ugh... just be straight forward even for once... your actions are the opposite of what you're telling me... it would make me think you're a fraud... so please set things clearly... or all else is gonna be blurry...
I am in distraught
all of these monsters has to be fought
the answers must be sought

I am trapped in this horrible realm
just a glimpse of the light
and maybe I could win this fight
please hear my plight

I wonder for how long can I bear this sadness
give me a dose of dopamine
you are my daily medicine
you are the cure to my cruel reality

so please stay with me
356 · May 2015
A moment of nostalgia
This may seem kinda weird
But when I arrived
It felt like I've been there
As if I have met you there
Like, I have felt this before
I have encountered this before
I don't know why
I don't know when
I don't know how
But one thing's for sure

*It was very nostalgic
Meh..  went to a friend's house... it felt like I've seen the village before and have actually been there... ughhh so weird... I dunno why...
it hurts me to the core
to see your soul
bawling on the floor

let me send you the rays of the sun
I'll shoot those demons one by one
354 · May 2015
It's all about you
I feel so intoxicated
As if such a strong spell has been cast upon me
I can't seem to sleep
Can't even make my self go away from you
This would sound cliché
But I know it's true
"I don't know what to do without you"
Oh my, what have I gotten myself into?
I wish I'd just bawl
I wish I'd just cry out loud
I wish to just scream it all out
I wish to just let it pour like a waterfall

But maybe it's too much that not even a single drop comes out...
It's too much for my soul to bear that it can't produce a liquid called tear drop to clean my broken heart
352 · May 2015
This is LOVE
I guess I understand now
It's not about the looks
There's more to it
Even when it comes to personality
It's more about the emotions one posses
We become this person
Who wants to know more
And be there to see the ****** expression
The feelings this special someone feels

Yes, that's it.
Figured this out while talking to my best friend... hehehe Thanks Gabby! :D
Don't you ever get tired of seeing the same stuff each day?
I see everything everyday
they stay the same way
But I don't get tired questioning
how I never saw you coming

They said "He's always been there. He never left since the beginning. Why?"

Neither could I explain
how things went from plain
to a sweet candy cane

So, how come I didn't see you coming
if you've been there *
**since the beginning?
349 · Jul 2015
Can't stop the blood rush
You make me unstable
These feelings, uncontrollable
344 · Aug 2015
Torn into pieces
I loved you to the moon and back
Gave you the stars and the sky
Only to know that you'll soon fly
You didn't just walk out of my life
you also stabbed my very precious heart
It hurts for us to part
but knowing of what you did killed me
Inspired by Julius Caesar's story...
343 · Dec 2016
That disease called 'You'
Gazing upon a masterpiece
"Give it back to me, please?"
Talking to my ol' trusty fate
Hoping to start with a clean slate

Though under a different roof
These feelings just can't go ****
Unlike a bubble that pops in mid-air
These stay like a disease that I can't bear
Inspired by and dedicated to my lovesick cousin and bro hahahaha...
343 · Jan 2016
Let it
Let your mouth speak the unspoken
Let your eyes explain the un-explainable
Let your mind think the unthinkable
Let your heart love the unlovable
Let your gentle hands cure the incurable
And let your faith make you result a *miracle
342 · Jun 2015
It really doesn't take much
It doesn't take much for me to remember you.*
*Just a glance at the starry night brings chills up my spine
and a clear image of you comes up in my mind.
338 · Aug 2015
an asterism of our forever
I was lost within the wonders of the world
But I looked above and the greatest story was told
Your light that guided my lost soul
into the depths of the galaxy
where no one has ever gotten a hold of
I wonder when we'll meet by the black hole
where time stops
and everything comes to a halt
just to bear witness the infinite
Now this is what you call a Sirius poem... heuheuheuheueheu too corny... I know... but welp... aint got anything nice... ._.
You're a bit annoying, I guess
yet you still give your best
You listen to all my troubles
and maybe even if I mumble
you'll still hear the loud echo of my twisted brain
As I tell it all to you, we share the same pain
No matter how we look
elegant or plain
we'll still look the same
for we don't see with our eyes
but with our hearts and our soul
for my guy friends... whooo! reclets are tiring ya know
337 · Jun 2015
Hope to see you again :)
Summer's almost over
School's about to start
You ain't here anymore
But I get to see you today
I hugged you tight
And almost squeezed the life out of you
But maybe I just really miss you... :(
Deym long distance friendship... aw... T^T Hope yer doing fine bruh... gunna miss poking your chubby cheek... XD
334 · Jun 2015
Your voice
I just want to talk to you
Even about the most nonsensical
things out of the blue
Yeah I miss your presence
But I guess
your voice will do*
For the meantime
334 · Jul 2015
Hiro the great
I guess no one would be better  
when it comes to being a leader

They keep on doubting your capabilities
but for me, you exceed all the possibilities

Your logic is limitless
Your wise words are endless

I can't help but say "wow"
the only thing left for you to do is bow

Everyday for you is just a day at the stage
I turn to each page
and can't help but still get trapped in this cage

I can't go around your final act
and that's for a fact

Your specialty is Deception
and I can never see through your undying illusion
332 · Dec 2015
Standing still dazed
Unable to process completely the whole thought
Waking up since that day makes you want to slap yourself awake
Away from this bad dream if ever it was one
That pain slowly eating away the insides of your chest cavity
Makes you harder to speak about that day
The day everything suddenly gave away
It's hard I guess
It's unbearable
Weeping is currently impossible
Because the whole thing refuses to sink in to me
This is the first time in history that I've felt like I kinda died because of a misunderstanding in our circle of friends... but I don't know, maybe it's also because this same thing has happened to me already before and experiencing it for the second time is just ugh... *sigh
331 · Apr 2015
He was a creeper
I was a late night sleeper
Every night
he'll be under my bed
While i'm trying to fix
the loose thread
At night I try
But whenever he drops by
**I just can't
330 · Apr 2015
How, What -?
Whenever you're near
My eyes start to make tears
My heart beats faster
My courage I couldn't muster
My whole being comes to a halt
And it feels like I'm breaking apart

*What kind of sorcery is this?
meh... Whenever large monsters or higher lvl peeps attack me while playing LoL this is how I feel... hahahaha weird right? but for a noob... well... this is how it feels oke...
327 · Dec 2016
Dream away~☆☆☆
Everytime I dream of you
I always wonder whether it's true
In those dreams of mine
We both seem to get along so fine
In my dreams
We were both inseparable, it seems
In those dreams
Your smiles were mine to keep
They all make me want to continue my every sleep

For only in my dreams is where I can talk to you...
For only in my dreams is where I can be with you...
For only in my dreams is where I can hold you tight...

Cause in reality,
I know this may sound funny
But none of those exist
Believe me, cause I too want to feel the actuality
*Even for a small fraction in time...
"Your smiles were mine to keep..."
327 · Jun 2015
Hushed troubles of my past
I have pondered about this for a while
and I don't know how or why
but every time I gaze upon your eyes
I could see your very soul

Your soul is calm unlike mine
troubled, confused, tangled, anxious

When I stare at your star-like eyes
the stillness of your entirety
radiates through out your whole body
and it infects me

I can feel the tranquility
as soon as the windows to my soul
falls upon yours
You become my safe zone...
As if no monster, big or small, can harm my inner core...
Sometimes I don't know if you're just naive
Or if you are doing this cause this is how you really are
But either way, what you are doing
Is not resulting to good
If you continue
The bond you created with us
Might just snap
And it might be late for you to save
So please try to fix the way you go
The way do
The way you talk
We wary the way you act
It isn't funny anymore
It hurts us more and more
322 · May 2015
It's time
Maybe it's time I step out of my shell
Cause every story that I unravel
To a new world I travel
So I grab my gravel
To seek for bones that are like a puzzle

Every mistake that I commit
And every wrong that I admit
New ideas emit
I always learn from it
321 · Sep 2015
Hidden stella
You're like a lost child who keeps on wandering off
Me on the other hand keeps on finding you no matter where, when or even how...

A star lost in a wide ocean of other heavenly bodies
Yet I could still find you for you shine the brightest
But you shine not for me
Your light is destined for another
That's why they ask "Why bother?"
It's cause I wont ask for any other
You're the only lost star worth looking for
320 · Aug 2015
ION Oblivion
I thought your name was Oblivion
*How come you're no where near there when it comes to her?
I know for sure that i'm just sleep deprived but yours is a different case... I know you're trying to question me as well but yours is different. Try hiding it yet I could still see it clearly...
316 · May 2015
Good things indeed
Good things*
come to those who wait in silence
*But work with diligence
If you're ever feeling doubtful or down about the amount effort you put into pursuing your dream, just remember this and believe... :)
Maybe being an idiot
is what i'm good at
Cause showing my true feelings
would cause so much embarrassment

Rejection is also a factor
towards this feeling
that I can't ever tell

I don't know how to act anymore
thinking that you like someone even more
it just hurts my feelings
My heart gets broken more and more

I just wish I have enough courage
to tell you the way I feel
Without hesitation
and this feeling of infatuation

But maybe it is all in my imagination
That you and I may happen
I just wish I could tell you
straight forward

Cause the more I go on
the more it crushes my being
313 · Mar 2015
I can't help it
Once I start writing
I cant ever stop

Maybe that's just how it is
Our train of thoughts never comes to a halt

We continue to ponder
Among the wonder
The world has to offer
Cant stop writing poems... oh gahd...
311 · Aug 2015
There are two sides to a rainbow and only a chosen few gets to witness the *** of gold at the end of it.
Don't get too caught up in the moment
cause you may not know what you're
getting into.
Maybe it may not seem like it
but the joke's on you.
Better open your eyes or you'll
get stuck into feeling blue.
Just because what's happening
feels like out of a fairy tale
doesn't mean it would have
a happy ending.
You may not know it
but maybe all he's been doing
was not really genuine.
I don't know if this tight feeling in my chest is called jealousy
I honestly don't like that word
But every time I see her approaching you, it makes my breathing come to a halt...
Maybe I'm just getting too fond of this sick love game that everyone's playing that my "own" thoughts and feelings got caught up in the vines
please, leave me out of the game because I still don't want to participate in such a foolish thing
I know for a fact that mine is still too young to understand what everything else is...
305 · Aug 2015
Let it all out
There's no need for deep words
and rhyming schemes
Just pour your soul out into this world
and let it do what it's told

*To express your sober thoughts
303 · Jul 2015
They never do
They never run out of words to throw
I'm better off believing
where my soul would eventually grow
301 · Jun 2015
Are you the world map?
With you as my inspiration
nothing's unreachable.
With you as my guide
nothing's too far away.

**But with you by my side
our destination
is at the most beautiful
300 · Aug 2015
Brightest stellar being
They said, stars shine brighter when they're further away from you.
I guess that's the most logical reason to what we are now.
I'm just a star gazer who can never gaze upon your bright lit up face from such a short distance.
299 · Aug 2015
Secrets of you
Until now, they can't decipher
that you're the one I was talking about.
Maybe they can never really know it's you
because i'm the only one who sees what's true
299 · Oct 2015
A tragedy?
Come here my sweet pea
Sit right beside me
I'll make your day bubbly

I gestured my hand towards you
But I dont know if you're just shy
You just shrugged it off and said "goodbye"
Dont you know how that makes me feel blue?
But I guess you never had a clue

This stingy feeling that I cant bear
and my feelings welling up that I cant wait for you to hear

all the things printed on my face
is just like the design on a flower vase
But just like a flower vase
im as fragile as I look
this is a mask I was made to wear
for I am vulnerable
But i'm willing to let my walls down for you
Because I have trust in you

You'll see me cry
and feel me when I feel like i'm gonna die
You'll see me weak
and the way I look when i'm freaked
You'll see all my flaws
and all my downfalls

I think it's better for me to hide
I guess I was right
You're the bad apple that I've mistaken for a sweet one...

But i'll never forget
how you once made me
smile with so much glee
that I can't even explain

It was like magic
a magic that has made my life a lil' tragic
299 · Mar 2017
Sparked up
I need a spark, spark, spark
in order to create a wonderful mark
let it all flow out of me
shall let it all out, let it all be
it shouts nothing but gurgles
don't worry bout my mumbles
there's organization in this mess
there's always an explanation to the madness
all they've known is entropy
all I knew was the one inside of me

inscribed in a small box
let me ink away like a fox
within seconds you'll understand
this world that I somehow could withstand
from my miseries, I'll be freed
once I plant the truth's seed

this was finally it
wishing it's going to be lit
feels like a long time since I've gone out of my grave
what a heavy sigh I heaved
the heck with it
I'll just publish, wait, and sit
This is bout me trying to find my lost "spark" / inspiration in writing. I can't seem to put my stressed state into words but anyway, I guess this'll do. I've released some of my stress through this so... I'm ok now... :)
298 · Mar 2016
You're a live fire
Burning me from the inside
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