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296 · Sep 2015
I don't know anymore
I've done my part
Gave you some pieces of my also broken heart
But I guess you're the only one who can fix yourself
Pick up your story up from the shelf
And put an end
To the suffering you've been through
Cause I no longer know what to do

Try to find yourself first, I guess
Cause we can't even get a grasp of your arm
as we delve in deeper into your soul of a dark abyss
292 · Jun 2015
True Loves and Forever
I know they don't believe in "forever" but I do.
I haven't proven it yet but I'd like to prove to you
under the gray clouds or the summer sky blue.
This has to be true cause never have I been so sad
to be far from you.
There's this something that grips my heart
whenever we are apart.
My heart floats when I'm with you.

I'm not talking about a guy I like nor a guy I love,
a friendship to infinity is what I've been seeking for
and it's what I'm fighting and saving for.
You may haven't known the me from the past but I guess
you'll be the audience of my present and future.
This kind of feeling will never stop overwhelming me.
292 · May 2015
Just a reminder
The most beautiful and colorful
frogs are the most poisonous ones.

The most elegant flower
has the most numerous

The prettiest smiles
hide the most evilest grins.

*So be careful who you bump into
The problem with us is that we all wish to be equal
As if saying that we are all human and a human we shall stay
But in reality, we all have different roles
Portraying a certain character
We need to consider one another and seek for justice and understanding instead of equality
287 · Jul 2015
I can't blurt out the sounds out of words
I've been meaning to tell
but I can construct sentences
with all the emotions that I have kept
284 · May 2015
Fragments of me
Day by day
The fragments of my memories of yesterday
Gets lost among the recesses of my mind

I wonder
*If they'd ever live again
282 · Mar 2015
A somebody who's a nobody
For them,
She was their happiness
She was the sunshine
Smiling through and through
Happily skipping each day
Laughing with glee
Her wide grins
Always intact

But on the other side of that grin
Is a lost little child
Who can't even see the sun
Even its rays she cannot reach
Her skin so frail
Her bones so weak
She can't walk towards the door
The door of happiness

She felt so **ALONE
280 · Aug 2015
If there was eternity
I keep on coming back to those days with you
Those moments I wish I could freeze and relive again
There was no regrets
Only an eternal bliss
You and I*
was dated back long ago
But I still cant help but think    

That what you gave me
Were one of my best memories  
You gained a place in my heart
And you're already a part
As our eyes meet again
For the first time    
My heart leaps out of my chest

Thoughts of you rushes in
It makes me happy as I have been
279 · Aug 2015
Our constellation
Maybe we are just a bunch of bright heavenly bodies appearing to be so close to each other yet so far once you look closely.
277 · Jun 2015
Don't talk, just stay
I guess no gifts or amount of cash
could top you up
Just seeing you stand there
has filled my face with a smile
and makes my heart almost
At least you tried
on the day that I cried
Your effort of changing
left my thoughts hanging

Maybe I can't change you
But i'll accept it
for it's the real you

And you were the most special
Of them all
274 · Jun 2015
Forever and always
No matter how weird or crazy I get
you'll still be here, I bet
Cause you've always been and always will
For my mom and my supportive friends! :)
272 · Oct 2015
How long is that never?
I wonder when will everything feel right
When you're not out of my sight
I saw you today
as you passed by my way
All I can do is glance
I'm stuck in an endless trance
but I guess half of me is afraid
afraid to take the risk again
For I remember when
I took a leap of faith
and let myself feel what I wanted to create

My huge jump left me in pieces
gave my arms and legs numerous bruises
"Never again"

But will never last forever?
~nyehe... the last line doe...
272 · Jul 2015
I don't know...
I don't know... Why not?
Isolation is my only answer to all the fake things that has been happening... I can no longer stand people who give you sweet cheery pies with rat poison in it... I can no longer stand all those who smile so bright who hides the stench of their bodies.... I can no longer stand the people with willing faces who keeps their evil grins at bay... I can no longer stand this world full of lies but neither can I resist lying to make my self happy...

But why can't I make my own paradise with a group of people whom I've already proven worthy of my doubtful, worried, excited, down, exhausted, happy, hyped up self?

I guess there will be no such place but can you please bear with me even just this once and agree with me because I ran out of options... I chose to believe in forever instead...
272 · Apr 2015
It shall be eternal
A friendship like no other
If one may be a bother
They still treat each other
More like brothers
From different mothers

More or less, inseparable
Both so lovable

Got separated by lang and water
Still friends whenever, wherever

One stomped at the door
Then the other fell on the floor
They made up for sure
Friendship, stronger than before
272 · Apr 2015
The truth will always hurt
It's funny how writers give such
privilege to those so-called
Maybe it's because
they - so as we
think that there is a protagonist
and an antagonist
When in reality
there is only you

Only you yourself
could defeat the demon
living along your bloodstream

You cant actually scream
and a hero shows up with a beam
We are all trapped in a dark realm

Just accept the truth
before you lose a tooth
How do I sing a lullaby to thee?
You were the pied piper with music so alluring it lulled me
I was sent away into a deep sleep
I saw you as you slowly creep

I sat and played my favorite broken consort
Thy soul beats like it has come to its last resort
You follow the sound of my harp
As I dance to the rhythm of thy heart

Let each chord be the voice and it will speak
As I strum and let you hear what’s on the peak
I shall sneak a glance
To see if you’re already stuck in a trance

I pour my heart out in this little piece of devotion
Each note of my song is filled with so much emotion
I could smell lies
more than I could smell freshly baked pies
You hide every bit of pain
and leave yourself in shame
You're not even up for the fame
and not even you I could blame
I guess it's okay to hide
but remember that I could hear your side
I wont let anyone do the same to you
because I've already felt it too
But I guess it's up to you
If you'll leave the thorns inside your deeply wounded soul
I needed to find myself in this vast ocean of different faces from different places
I beg to differ from the people who are entitled to the same opinion
I want to stand out from the rest
I seek to find the voice that I lost deep along the recesses of my brain
For I once read in a poem from a poet who's dead
That one can find *bliss in solitude
Credits to the poem of William Wordsworth entitled "I wandered lonely as a cloud" for giving me an inspiration... :3
261 · Aug 2016
A daytime nightmare
enough to make me cry
My beating heart you'd daringly tear
leaving me bawling and wondering *why?
got addicted to a series and boom inspiration came YAY!
261 · May 2015
I loved a monster
I always loved feeling your hug
Your sweet kisses upon my lips
The way you hold my hips
As we danced all night long
To our most favorite song

But as we go on
Your hugs felt like my skin was being pricked
Your kisses stung on my fragile lips
That once secure hold now felt like a very tight grip
Our once favorite melody turned into a horrible symphony

I wonder where all the sweetness and softness went
*Cause all I remember now is this huge scar upon my heart
This is poetry.*
*Instead of leaves,
words build up a tree.
253 · May 2015
Do what you must
Sometimes to get away from destruction,
you must put yourself in isolation.
252 · May 2015
A show turned into reality
It was only a pretend
Never have I thought that you'd mend
this broken heart of mine
that has never felt fine
for a very long time
247 · Dec 2015
"United we stand, Divided we fall"
Can't it be "United we stand, United we fall"?
246 · Jun 2015
These ain't butterflies
My anxiety gets worse
and I think I'm about to burst
every time you are near
and the pain I can never even bear.
I guess I understand now
what the true meaning of home meant.
It wasn't some sort of fancy place you bunk in,
eat at neither does it provide a shelter or a roof
over your head.
Home is where you feel yourself being yourself
no matter how stupid you get
or how much of a failure you become.
FARADAYDAY!!!!!!!! A.S.E.M.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IONs!!!!!!!!!!!! lab you guys... :) hart hart XD
244 · Jun 2015
Maybe it was you, not me
They say "Why would they get so involved in your life, care for you and make you feel so loved and then leave you as if you never existed?"

Haven't you asked yourself? Maybe it wasn't them. Maybe it was you. You didn't think they'd ever leave up to the point that you didn't care if you don't show them any love and care.

To top it all up you didn't give enough attention and importance that's why they felt as if you never really appreciated all of the things they've ever done.
240 · May 2015
Yeah, Kinda like destiny
I don't wanna believe in destiny and fate... all they do is make you hope infinitely for something that is not even sure of happening but I still cant help but think that there will be that one person who'll come into your life and will continue to show up even though you're not searching for him and you'll know he's for you... kinda like destiny ....
238 · May 2015
Will there ever be enough?
I can never find the right words
Will there ever be*
enough letters in the alphabet for me
to describe how you came to be      
*the moon that radiates so much glee?
236 · Jun 2015
Don't bury yourself in sadness.
It will eat you alive.
Doesn't it feel so heart breaking
to be so attached to a person
whom you can no longer spend
almost your whole day with?
235 · Aug 2015
I always remember the worst
I keep on forgetting that I could just walk away from you
234 · Aug 2015
I guess knowing what your problem is isn't  important
but what matters most is that I gave you a spark of hope
and at some point
made you smile brighter than the rays
of a sunlight
I think it wont hurt to believe in something everybody doesn't even agree on because being different means maybe someday... something will change and go with the way everything you wanted it to be...
230 · Aug 2015
Dead pretty stars
You were so pretty
I got so curious
I went to you
I got ****** into you dark realm
Not knowing that you were a black hole
You engulfed my entirety
And left me with nothing
226 · Dec 2015
All my twisted dreams started to break
When you told me you just don't care~
225 · May 2015
Who I was and Who I am
I wasn't this kid who was liked by everybody
I wasn't this kid who was known by everybody
I wasn't this kid who was loved by everybody
I was never that kid

But look at me now

I found great friends who made me feel like I actually belonged
As if I'm loved and forever will be

I feel safe around them
I can be as weird as I am

I don't want this friendship to end
If ever we get in fight
Immediately I shall mend
I know it seems absurd
It seems so unrealistic
It is hard to believe
But please have a little faith in me
That you're the only ones that bring me glee
I'm not that expressive
Words are my voice
I dont have that much of a choice
Right now I just needed some time alone
To organize some things that are caught out of hand

I already promised to myself that you'll be my infinity, my love to the moon and back, the ones I know who'll always come back
and love me despite what I lack

When in fact... you guys are already my fate... :)
Is it possible to fall in love with transformation, this wondrous thing called evolution?
The way the sunset becomes a dark sky covered with a blanket of stars.
The way flower buds blossom in the spring.
Could this be now my new thing?
Yet how come people can't understand it?
A mariposa's beautiful wings as it comes out of its cocoon.
The vibrant colors of a peacock that shows as it grows.
How come people fell in love with different shades of gray?
Have humanity become color blind?
Have they lost sight of the colors of freedom?
Why must they destroy the ecology for money making buildings?
Have they lost their sanity?
Where is this so-called "Human" in HUMANITY?
Time to invade another planet... this place is starting to become trash...
218 · Oct 2015
Patience please
Tell me where to look
Tell me when to stop
Cause as of now
This is all I know of what to do
But I think maybe it's hurting you

Please bear with me for a little more time
I will explain once everything sublimes
For the meantime, just put your faith in me
I'll come back and laugh along with you
with such glee
216 · Nov 2015
I remember...
You once told me how great the sky is.
I remember you mentioning how each star brings such a wonderful bliss.
I wonder when you'll see me shining brighter than them?
When will you notice how much i'm trying to stand out?
I badly wanted to be a shooting star that'll make your eyes shimmer with glee as you see me pass by while you make a wish but at the same time I want you to wish for me.

But all these are just my hallucinations because I know for a fact that you're too far for me to reach yet you're already bright enough for me to see.
211 · Nov 2015
Caged inside unwanted thoughts
Like a helpless dove that can't show it's meaning
*to be free
209 · May 2015
I guess so
Maybe we got ourselves too absorbed
with lies that we lost our way towards the truth.
202 · Jun 2015
My shadow
They said that the stars won't shine without darkness

I suddenly remember you telling me how responsible I am
but don't you think that it is because you aren't responsible
that is why I'm being responsible for you?

You may not be the one shining today but I always tell the world
that who I am now is all because of *
198 · Jul 2015
You don't know how much I forget about the time when talking to you...
My priorities and life goals are still in tact but you make me forget that I am a normal human being with a lot of problems...
197 · Mar 2015
Here's a story like no other
Three girls who don't know each other
Til' one day, they were seated beside one another
They started treating each other like they're not a bother
Not so long that they started to become like sisters from different mothers
But as time goes by, they figure that they can't be together
One shall go to the south and the other towards the north while the last one shall stay here FOREVER.......
193 · Mar 2015
Your values
I'll never forget

The messages each of your words convey
It remains carved in my being

Your teachings that shall be proclaimed
By my own mouth once the time comes

All these things that will help me
I wont ever live in vain
Thanks will always be given
162 · Jul 2015
I am at loss for words
for those that you have told me
They're as precious as they can be
but I can't say the same to you

but thanks for being there
and for knowing how my day went

Maybe someday you'll find happiness in somebody else
and before you know it
it would be for infinity
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