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Sep 2015 · 1.5k
This is it.
Maria Sep 2015
I cannot do this any longer. I have tried for so long on my own and found nothing. I finally sought out help after years of secrecy and lies and pretence but still nothing. There is nothing any one can ever do for me because there is nothing left of me and nothing left for me. Who I am or was supposed to be was stolen. They took it. Though the memories were repressed, I always knew there was something different about me. I felt no struggle to fit in with the crowd or have a huge friendship circle. I got on with everyone. I have had insecurities but that is all. As I got older I realised I like being different. I am much happier and I can express myself better. I hate conforming so I never did. I always found a way around it. But long before the insecurities I knew there was something else in me that made me hate who I was. Or rather, hate my life. I guess I have been feeling like this for much longer than I thought. The self-loathing did not occur when I was in high school. Much earlier in fact. Right around the time I was eight years old perhaps. When I told my best friend ‘I hate my life’ and ‘I have a horrible life’. What I did not realise was that it was something other than emotional abuse. Emotional abuse played more of a role in later years but the original cause was something a lot darker. I physically feel sick when I think of this happening to others let alone myself, especially to a child. They prey on you. Take advantage then leave you. Little do they know they have pushed you onto a dark, twisted, thorny path that leads to destruction. Your own mind goes against you. Your own body goes against you. I was not equipped for this battle. I have nothing to armour me. No weapons. No shield. So it is time for me to surrender. I don’t want to be afraid. Rather than continuing forth with this meaningless existence, it is much better if I end it now.

© maria.who
{The Suicide Note}
Dec 2014 · 826
Set me free.
Maria Dec 2014
Perched quietly on the dark oak wood
Gleaming, so bright. So .. beautiful?
No. I mustn't. Fight it.
Withhold the temptation.
Don't let go.
Stop it from screaming.
Stop it from staring.
Come now, just hold me tightly.
Keep me close and don't let go.
Just a touch, just this once
Stay with me
A scratch on the surface
Not too deep
Again and again and again.

© maria.who
Oct 2014 · 938
Maria Oct 2014
I feel so inclined towards you yet I feel so distant.
Whenever I believe I am attaining closeness, I'm shown exactly how far back I truly am.
I see myself as a participant in this race
In reality I am simply a spectator, onlooking,
as each person passes me by.
I yearn for those spells of closeness I am exposed to
Those veils that are lifted, sometimes for a mere second, others longer,
before I am cut off and the doors sealed.
I must not let myself slip or fall any further
For in those moments the screens rise, no longer do I wander blindly.
The wounds begin to heal
I'm lost in the ecstasy, hypnotized by the beauty
The light reflects off me and all that is around me
The moment it goes blank I feel empty and lost
I am confined in the darkness, my entirety submerged in the blackness
The journey I planned, comes to an abrupt stop
Many paths lay ahead of me, decorated with the allures of the world.
I refuse to let the ugly beauty trap me
I find myself to be at war once again
My thoughts, confused and chaotic. Which path do I take?
Every move I make must be strategically planned in order to win this battle
And I shall continue participating in this battle, positioned on the front line
With steal for amour and my mind erasing all that is trivial, insignificant.

I have hope this bitter struggle will be worth it, that there is a reward
This goal cannot be achieved of my own accord
I pray, with your guidance, your mercy and your blessings, you will forbid me from straying
You will conduct and influence the steps I take towards you.

© maria.who
Maria Oct 2014
I don't regret it, no
not at all.
But what I do regret
is telling you other things that I shouldn't have
I believed you could help
I shouldn't have
It was my mistake

Never again

© maria.who
Oct 2014 · 8.6k
Maria Oct 2014
A smile etched upon my face
Light in my heart
Calm after a storm

It was worth it

© maria.who

( comment below please )
Oct 2014 · 490
3 (The Choice part 2)
Oct 2014 · 536
Now you know.
Maria Oct 2014
When I tried to tell you
I couldn't think
I couldn't feel
I couldn't breathe
So scared.

So ineffably difficult and painful
Emotionally. Physically.
Panic and regret and worry
Emotions heightened so greatly

You were clueless when I tried explaining
But when you were told by someone else
You found it hard to believe
It was impossible you said.

And when I told you myself
I didn't know what to think
Terrified it'll come crashing down
Terrified we'd lose it all
I couldn't think
I couldn't breathe.
I couldn't feel
So scared.

At last you understood.
It all fell into place
Now you know
All that worry for nothing

I'm glad you know

© maria.who
(comment below please)
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
Untold truth
Maria Sep 2014
It's all written right in front of me,
Tattooed in my mind
I open my mouth to speak the words I long to speak
No sound leaves.

And so I'll write instead
I find myself writing in riddles
Causing confusion yet you still want to help
The things I long to say?
They continue going unsaid.

I want you to understand
I want you to know
I want your help
But I am scared ?

Through talking out aloud
Through messages
Nothing escapes my lips
Nothing is given away

It's not loud enough.
The jigsaw remains incomplete.
I'm sorry.
I can't keep you in suspense
But still I cannot say.

Unlettered &Unspoken;
Hidden. Remaining a secret.
Forgive me.
One day perhaps?

© maria.who

( comment below please )
Sep 2014 · 495
Maria Sep 2014
I should miss you
But I don't
and I have no idea why....?

Is it acceptance
or am I forgetting?

© maria.who

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Aug 2014 · 1.2k
The Choice.
Maria Aug 2014
It comes down to this.

Is this worth it?
Are you worth it?

© maria.who

( comment below please )
Aug 2014 · 495
Maria Aug 2014
Immature and competitive
Childlike from my perspective
Trying to out do one another
Insults, stubbornness, banter
Who will be the winner
Which one is the victor

(Un)important questions remain unanswered
Disregarded on purpose. Fun and games? Or
overlooked because there is something more?

True or false? I do not know.
Yes. Let it be true.
Much more than a simple notion.
No. Let it remain false.
A figment of one's imagination.

The clues are there, are they not?
Is this a misunderstanding?
A case of over thinking?
Some more clues would be helpful
Complete this unfinished puzzle

Straight up confrontation?
A simple yes or no
A misread signal?
Is giving time the best for a revelation?

Forget it all.
It comes down to this
The end to a ''crazy situation''?
The moment of truth?

Do you?
Do I?

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Maria Aug 2014
You remembered.
So you enquired.
I spoke.
And you smiled.

Radiating from your face.
The immediate smile.
The sparkle in the eyes.
The words of encouragement and praise,
Of excitement and gladness.
Genuine expressions of joy.
Never will it leave my mind.

Pure interest.
Curious to know more.
Light friendly conversations.
Something to cherish,
Something to hold.

Soon you will leave
A memory
Imprinted for eternity
Who knows when we'll meet again
A memory is all that is left

This. I never want to forget
And for that,
I just want to thank you.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)

(Comment below please)
Aug 2014 · 948
Maria Aug 2014
You are so **** annoying.
Go away.
But you're so lovely,
So stay.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Aug 2014 · 751
Maria Aug 2014
Thoughts. Secrets.
Hidden behind your stare
You're scared? Of what?
Don't be.
Allow me.
Let me in.
Be not afraid.
What is it you're hiding?
What's wearing you down?
Guilt? Confusion?
You're detached.
So cold. So unaware.
Give me a clue to the mystery
A piece of the jigsaw
This isn't you.
Grant me the permission to decode
Unlock the puzzle
And to restore who you are.

© maria.who
(Comment below please)
Aug 2014 · 978
Maria Aug 2014
You have to leave
I have to accept
Embark on this journey
But please
Don't ever forget

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Maria Aug 2014
My mind is always wondering
My eyes always studying
Preoccupied and distracted

The useless talk
The nod of the head
The noise
The silence
The quick glances
The secret stares

Your walk, your talk
Every inch of the way you move
Your smile
Your laugh
Blank expressions
Vacant eyes
Deep in thought

I never once thought
this day will come
to hear the news
then wait for the day

But I can never explain nor express
Never reveal . Never tell.

I'll miss you when you're gone

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Conflicting Reality.
Maria Jul 2014
This is me
I'm that girl staring back
It's a distortion.
A figment of my imagination.
No, this isn't me.
But it's real and it exists.
How could it possibly be fabricated?
It isn't fictitious. It's genuine.

A smile so infectious
A blank expression
Body present
Eyes vacant
Life absent
The mind it screams

This is madness
This is me.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
This was the title of a novel I was planning about a year ago? Unfortunately I never got round to it, nor did I plan it out which means I've forgotten what the plot was. By writing this , it should hopefully re jog my memory and if not, come up with a better one!
Jul 2014 · 870
Ecstasy of life
Maria Jul 2014
What is this feeling
Of satisfaction, of comfort, of content?
What is this feeling
Of peace, joy, ease
A sense of balance

The ambience. My state of mind
All revolving simultaneously in harmony
Like a cool Summer's breeze in the afternoon
Like the spring air early morning
The stillness
The tranquillity
Right before Birds take flight and the City wakes.

The tiniest speck of dust
The first drop of rain
My senses magnified
My consciousness awakens
The allure and artistry in every living thing
The vastness is breathtaking but intimidating

To cast my eyes open to even a speck of
such magnificence, such splendour
leaves me high on ecstasy
How do I encompass the richness of the gardens
The gardens which no words can do justice

It is with you my Lord
Your mercy, Your blessings, Your will
Your majesty, Your Love, Your guidance
Only you.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Jul 2014 · 464
It's all in my hands
Maria Jul 2014
I chose this
This is what I want
My path to freedom
I've finally succeeded and reached my destination

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Jul 2014 · 468
Maria Jul 2014
Aged 3.
I had the world at my feet.

Aged 5.
Curiosity drove me.

Aged 10.
Bursting with life and with passion. Eager to explore what the future held.

Aged 13.
Lost & forgotten so vowed not let other people feel that way.

Aged 15.
Restless and ambitious but missing a part of me.

Aged 18.*
I now have the whole world at my feet. Curiosity is what drives me.
It's the child I've allowed help shape and guide me

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Jul 2014 · 617
Troubled Thoughts
Maria Jul 2014
Unable to sleep
Yet I feel exhausted
the energy drained from me
Unable to think
Yet my mind races
I can't see the finish line in front of me

© maria.who
(Comment below please)
Jul 2014 · 3.8k
Maria Jul 2014
Cant you hear their cries
Of pain. Of suffering.
The echoes of malicious crimes.
Or have we become unaffected by the images
As history repeats itself one more time

Some where down the line
Humanity has been lost
As ignorance prevails, and their conscious dies
Who is left to preserve and protect innocent lives

As we sit watching the events unfolding
And the tears of both young and old
Like the missiles, do they fall

Have the oppressors forgotten, it was these people
who gave them shelter when they were the oppressed
United we were then to end the brutality and maltreatment
Now the tables have turned
We ignorantly refuse to believe it is happening again

For the innocents the fight continues
Their faith and their strength. It never falters
As they take back what is theirs.
Hoping that someone helps and intervenes
Giving back what's theirs, bringing them peace

The fear and dread
The weeping souls
The blessed land
Forgotten and torn

They fight the battle
as we look on
The hourly struggle
of the abandoned ones.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
This is for those people suffering in Palestine, Gaza, Burma, Syria and anywhere else where innocent lives are being brutally taken by the evils of oppressors and ignorants.
Jul 2014 · 416
My weakness
Maria Jul 2014
What is it?

It's You.

I need you.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Okay yes this is a pathetic excuse of a poem but this is all I could write.
Just a few words describing what I desire.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Blade of glory
Maria Jun 2014
The memories,
Those awful dark times
Will always play.
But this is my prize.
I simply cannot throw it away.
As I glance at it, the pain cuts through me
The hurt washes over me .
Drowning. Suffocating.
I hold it in my palm,
Twiddle it around loosely between my fingers
Flashbacks. Nightmares. Distorted images and figures -
Like a film playing in my mind
Throw it!
No, keep it!
It's yours.
That smooth silver-grey 2 inches of metal
Cool to the touch.
It was your friend. It was your enemy.
It's your pride and your glory.

**© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Maria Jun 2014
Your sweet, gentle manner.
Your soft heart.
Your kindness, your concern.

Your shyness, when you blush.
When you're embarrassed.
When you're the one making me blush.

Your humour, your seriousness.
Your smile, your laughter.
The joy. The sadness.
Glistening in your eyes.

The warmth of your body.
The closeness, the proximity.
The firmness of your embrace,
Safe and sound. The reassurance.

You are all that I need.

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Apologies for another ''******'' one.
Jun 2014 · 790
Maria Jun 2014
Horizontal lines
So beautiful
Those pretty marks
So wonderful
Tattooed forever
A constant reminder

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Jun 2014 · 603
Maria Jun 2014
I darkened my eyes with the dust of sadness, until each of them was a sea full of pearls...
~ Rumi
I LOVE reading Rumi inspirational and marvellous!
May 2014 · 392
Your eyes
Maria May 2014
An ocean
The bluest blue
Undiscovered emotions lie deep within
Glassy orbs
Twinkling with wonderment
as they seek out a new discovery

I find myself gazing into them
Lost in thought
Wanting to know more
What is it that you're thinking
Tell me, open up to me
Allow the little boy within you come alive once more

You're just a friend
Nothing more
I'm fooling myself I know,
you'll always be more
The ''doors to your soul''
Those alluring magnificent round windows
that are etched so precisely in my memory
Will never erase themselves from my mind

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
Okay I know this is absolutely terrible but oh creative streak is slowly dying. *cries*
It is pretty lame and I probably will delete it then repost after I've edited it.
May 2014 · 425
Maria May 2014
Alone, she sits on the ground waiting
Tears falling silently with no one around
There's no end to this nightmare
on she bleeds
The mirror it lies
Too late to be fixed now
make it real
That perfect fake smile, it shadows
pain, so lost, she's not unbroken
dont forget
Living a fantasy, camouflaged
Nothing giving away this dream
Its been so long now, it's almost real
and yet it is as though
it never existed...

© maria.who

(Comment below please)
I wrote this when I was in year 10 or was it 11? Either way I must have been 15 at the time...Wow that was certainly a while back!
May 2014 · 752
Will you be there?
Maria May 2014
In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials and my tribulations
Through our doubts and frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear and my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart.
May 2014 · 389
On edge
Maria May 2014
Unable to sleep
Yet I feel exhausted
The energy is drained from me
Unable to think
Yet my mind races
I can't see the finish line in front of me

© maria.who

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Why won't people let me be? I need space yet they crowd me always.
I can't breathe.

— The End —