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Hannah Jones Apr 2021
Careful, love,
that you are not
too well-guarded,
sounding high alerts
until no one
dares approach
your gates.

Mind not to wind
yourself too tight
out of fear
to let loose
some brittle flaw
until you splinter
and shatter.

A closed fist
a lover never made--

Loosen your grip
on your expectations
of the audience,
and simply play
your part.

Come curtain,

we may
each other.
Just wondering if my friend/coworker finally got the stick out from wherever he stored it during our time together.

Those jagged edges hurt both ways, babes.
Nov 2020 · 392
Hannah Jones Nov 2020
I refuse
to hate
the sum
of my

I will not
despise how
my heart
decides to love--

she is
her best.
Hannah's been experiencing a lot of Big Feelings and Triggers lately.

Hannah is trying her best.
Nov 2020 · 671
Work With Me
Hannah Jones Nov 2020
Our minds write
in two
differet genres
but darling,
let's make a
Opposites attract.
Nov 2020 · 348
Contrary to Popular Belief
Hannah Jones Nov 2020
Things will never
truly be greener
on the other side--
there's just
different grass.

Tend to your own garden
and pay your friend's
a visit,
for company is what
makes things
I have wasted too many years sitting in jealousy; I'd crave what others had, even if we weren't in the same state of llife. As my friends grow older, I hope my desires mature, too.
Nov 2020 · 1.2k
Common Galaxies
Hannah Jones Nov 2020
is living out
their own brand
of mediocrity--
nothing stellar
occurs outside of
humble parts
coming together
and turning into
Sometimes my heart breaks when I recall that the people in my life aren't any better or worse off than I am, and that the small moments are what make my heart long for eternity. We'll be alright.
Nov 2020 · 263
Looking Forward
Hannah Jones Nov 2020
When I hear you
talk about
it makes me
if the big, wide world
could ever compare
to this tiny room
or me and you.

make me want
to be

--even if infinity
looks like Tuesday nights
and lukewarm beer
singing drunken carols
while planning for all
our projects in one go--

If I could
live forever
in this small monotony,
I suppose
there are worse
ways to never
Maybe my dreams don't have to be bigger than what's in front of me.
Apr 2020 · 283
Desert Daughter
Hannah Jones Apr 2020
If I am
a woman of abundance
speaking fluent excess
in a time where
is denied
what do I become
when the borders
are closed
to the land
I promised myself?

Pigeonholed into
this sense of security
seeing myself
through one-half
of the monocle
--wasted tension,
then, if twice-effort
produces half-sight--
Where do I go
to find myself
when the only door
I knew
is shrouded
in second-hand screens?

I will rise-
for comfort has made
apaths of us all

I will rise-
realizing these bones
ache under the weight
of collected burdens

I will rise-
vision adjusting
as perspective changes
from lower life
to heavenward glances
too dry
too bright
too foreign to the naked eye

And yet
this simplistic wealth
contradicts itself
in losing, we hope
to gain
in leaving, we hope
to find

So I will rise-
embracing the new abundance
of having nothing
except All.
Written at the beginning of my time of quarantine here in Tennessee. May my poverty lead me to the spiritual wealth I seek.
Apr 2020 · 201
Hannah Jones Apr 2020
I have never
borne a child.

But there is
a part of me
that craves
the catharsis
of seeing something
so delicate
and pure
and so much
a part of myself
come from within,
from a place
of love.

Some days
I wonder
how I could have
ever been trusted
to bring up
something so good
(in humility)
with so much beauty
(in modesty)

every moment
it begs
for truth--
how could I not
give this little one
my name?

Other days
the roles are reversed
and suddenly it is
my fears that
are comforted
my tears that
are dried
my passion,
or other outburst
borne with grace
on the page--
in these moments
the begetter
is held together.

my children are not
flesh and bone
but rather
heart and soul

and my job
is to prepare them
to go out
and change
the world.
The motherhood of the artist is something I've been leaning into during this time of isolation. I'll raise up a nation's worth of words and call them Loved.
Jan 2020 · 188
High Wire
Hannah Jones Jan 2020
And just like that--
like a cold snap
crashing through
a summer's eve--

I am above

As those words
cross my mind
I realize
this stable footing
I've pridefully conjured
proves to be no more
than a tightrope
tauntly strung
over that very same chasm
I've stumbled into
far too often.

by step
is the only way.

Although I know
the stakes are high
I can't help
but look up
and smile.

Praise and blessings
that I
do not have
to walk alone.
Bad habits are hard to break, harder to want to abandon. But I am not hidden. Though each step is a challenge, the desire to walk is a grace. A grace I'll not soon cut off.
Jan 2020 · 148
Break Bread
Hannah Jones Jan 2020
Maybe this
is the look
of fading intimacy--

As we continue
to light candles
gold flickers on
dimly-lit tableware
Bread (the same as always)
still needed
still sacred


Time is where
the ties that bind
are woven
over and under
a basket
meant to carry
budding life
through denial

--Intimacy faded,
but not away:
rather, blazing affection
morphed into subtlety,
into routine
like breathing:
as you think,
you struggle,
so best to let the body
do the work
it was made for.

To be this close
is to recognize only your body
your breath
your words
for any Other
is close enough
to be completely entwined,
To separate
is to die
and this partnership
is life itself.

When passion cools
may strength be seen
in what is not heard.
Sometimes, in the gentle glow of an afternoon mass, I'll get a glimpse of how some people call this relationship "romantic". I want that.
Apr 2019 · 263
Carry On, Wayward One
Hannah Jones Apr 2019
I cling
to my vice
because it is
the only constant
in a world
that seems to move on
without me.

To stand still
is to fall back.

Back into that hole
I've been living in.
Not stuck,
for I have always
been capable
of calling for help.

But I have been called higher,

My new constant
should be the knowledge
of my struggle.
I am free to refuse,
to stay still,
but at what cost?

My sanctity
will cost me

I am not
the version of myself
that will be called
I am called to conversion
day, after day,
after day.

Teach me to wade.
I can't swim,
so guide me in
to my ankles
my knees
my waist

Prepare my lungs
to be submerged
for I can't stand
on dry land
much longer.

My purity
lies past the horizon
and, little by little,
I will make my way.
Striving, not perfect. Because perfection doesn't exist in this part of life. Just wait, I'll make my way to heroic virtue. Because I want to be well.

》Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12《
》John 5:1-16《
Hannah Jones Apr 2019
Feeling the impact
of hard things
doesn't make me
a failure.

am not
the Savior.

I am a beggar
showing other beggars
where to find bread.

It's their choice to eat.
》Ephesians 4:1-3《

Missionary work is tough, often fruitless upon first glance. I am thankful for the chance to fight for love. It's hard. Loving is hard. But there's nothing else I'd rather be doing. Praise God for the tough moments that seem to last for weeks.
Apr 2019 · 415
Mort à la Résistance
Hannah Jones Apr 2019
Cut the pretense.
We both know
--we as in me
and myself
looking in the "I" of the beholder--
that you're scared.

Every fiber
of my being
fights against this pen
this hand
these thoughts

What to think?
Maybe forcing thought
is my form of rebellion
You can't invade
if thoughts are
my barricade
so I build
piling high rhymes
pseudanymes for good times
--words that are not my own.

What do I own?
I borrow my words,
my thoughts,
my emotions.

Do I go through the motions?
Or have I learned how to respond
as anything besides a pawn
in a game I don't even
know how to play?

Just stay.
If you're in quicksand,
If you're thirsty,

And  t h i n k.
Think for yourself.
Your mind is your weapon
as is your heart
so play your part
with courage
for you were cast for a reason.

Embrace your season.
Bear the cross
and let it be messy.
Nobody believes that it's easy
so stop resisting
and start lifting
Let yourself be strong
Let yourself be weak
Let yourself  b e.

Your strength is your presence.
Your weakness, your solitude.

"Yourself to yourself--"
too near, or too far?
Can you even determine
when reality and reverie
blend more often than not?

Be at peace.
Stop resisting.
Know where you stand,
and have a seat.

We've been waiting for you.
Prompt: resistance
Result: unnamed inner demons coming to light
Apr 2019 · 550
Mark My Words
Hannah Jones Apr 2019
It is not enough
to say
"This is a cross."

You must deny yourself
pick it up
and follow.
If it was easy, everyone would do it.
(Luke 9:23)
Jan 2019 · 344
Old Soul
Hannah Jones Jan 2019
My cup runneth over.

Beauty swells within--
where can it go?
Every outlet
has yet to develop
the capacity
or so it would seem
so I don't try
I grasp
aim to contain
like clutching swallows
anxious to soar
but each branch
is brittle
or green
there is no in-between
if thought was to fly
I fear thought would die.

This is where beauty
drowns in its own tears.
Sometimes I miss acting my age.
Jan 2019 · 299
Define "Wounded Healer"
Hannah Jones Jan 2019
I reach out
b e c a u s e
I want someone
to reach back.
Love is draining.
Jan 2019 · 523
Hannah Jones Jan 2019
Open light--
reveal the silhouette of morning.

Open still--
see every tuft we wish upon.

Open still--
count prismed dewdrops.

Open still--
awaken hearts at dawn.
Sunrise over San Pedro.
Hannah Jones Dec 2018
"Who ever loved who loved not at first sight?"
You see, I think that was my first mistake.
For I am in a familiar plight-
before love is offered, I rush to take
the things I think someday I will desire
(not to say that I do not want them now)
then mind feeds heart events that "may" transpire
while flustered heart forms a glistening brow.
I get worked up over my fantasy
and stumble, blind, through each and every day
until my Brother I no longer see
and view, instead, the source of my dismay.

My first response: to loathe with all my might.
I can't bear to dream of your face tonight.
Written three months prior to the last piece. Different muses, different approaches to the same problem. My, how far we've come.
Dec 2018 · 452
Alleviate the Pretense
Hannah Jones Dec 2018
Gone are the days
of hating that I
love you.

No more will I regret
harboring affection
for you, my friend-
the point of loving
is to  l o v e
not entertain bemusement
nor toy with reverie
but to love.
And this love
is a choice
I am honored to make
every day.
But darling, I'm new at this.
Right now
I don't know
what to do with this love
still young
still pure
so I get frustrated.
This isn't carnal-
I refuse to go down
that road again.
Because I love you.
You are more than
your body
your smile
your sense of humor
you are the son
of a King
and deserve to be treated
as such.
I'm simply trying to navigate
this labyrinth
there must be a map somewhere
but until I find it
I will tread carefully
'round the garden
past the budding newness
of it all
and strive to find you
at the end of the day.

Gone are the days
of hating that I
love you.

Here's to the days
of knowing how.
Love is hard. But boy, is it worth fight for.
Sep 2018 · 8.3k
Hannah Jones Sep 2018
I've never been homesick.
I've been “home-sick”--
carrying that hunk of lead in the pit of your stomach
as your time away comes to an end.
Back to routine,
back to routine.
Not to be mean
but I want to take my roots
and plant them elsewhere
time, after time, after time.
Because you have to come back to your roots.
But this plant is rotting from the bottom up,
reaching for the sun with a weak foundation
and I don't want to fall.

I've never been homesick.
But I've been so sick of the droll,
the toll,
the tax I didn't know I had to pay
for the sake of community.
But where's the common unity
if the clockwork pieces
move farther apart
with every passing hour?
Our time is coming,
but I don't know what will transpire.

I've never been homesick.
I've been sick-
sick of wanting to be sick
so I can stick to faulty sympathy--
faulty because I need to grow.
Faulty because I need to know
I can go it alone
without these training wheels
I can't detach
because guess who can't afford
half the tools she needs
since she spent it all on comfort?
It's how I was raised:
substitute praise
with a trifle,
a trinket,
a treat.
We only eat
to fill the holes we dig for each other
while father, sister, mother
spiral down-- farther, farther,
until we forget what we’re burying.

I've never been homesick.
I don't have a home to miss
(not yet) because I've never been
I've never seen
where I'm meant to reside
for the rest of my life.
My home is farther than I can reach
so I strive for heavenly speech
to mimic the local dialect.
Maybe someone will detect
that I'm lost
I can't get there just yet
but I'm homeward bound.
Every journey is like returning home. Every homestay leaves me anxious to hit the road. This mission year may be the closest I'll get to home, and that's okay.
Hannah Jones Apr 2018
Guard your heart.
Do your part
to promote his dignity.
It's a start:
you'll impart
love the way it's meant to be.
You are worth more than the sum of your parts. I vow to cease my mathematics.
Hannah Jones Nov 2017
Love for love.
Love for love's sake.
Love for the promises
you know you'll break.
Love for the way
you feel empty inside.
Love for the bitter,
cold tears you have cried.

Love because you know
it's all you can give.
Love because you have
just one life to live.
Love because you will
make many mistakes.
Love because you know
how hard your heart breaks.

Love in spite of
the distractions and cares.
Love in spite of
all these earthly affairs.
Love through the suffering.
Love through the pain.
Love through the fear
of ne'er seeing light again.
Love though your joy
has all but disappeared.
Love though your prayer
seems to fall on deaf ears.

Love because you have
been counted as whole.
Love because it's ingrained
into your soul.

Love for love.
Love what is true.
Love because it has
been done unto you.
Love is messy. Nobody is perfect. Making the choice to love ever day isn't easy, but may I learn to never count the cost.
Nov 2017 · 1.8k
Fight or Flight
Hannah Jones Nov 2017
Forgive me
as I learn to
soften the blow
of my words.
I have a gift
for slipping daggers
into conversations,
making you bleed
before you realize it
with my sharp wit
and cutting edges.

I want nothing more
than to retire
this arsenal
because I know
picking fights
is no way
to win hearts.
I've always had a quick wit and dry sense of humor. I've also had a hard time knowing where to draw the line. I'm glad to have friends willing to tell me when I've hurt them; here's to learning how to avoid further injury as I mature.
Nov 2017 · 988
Your Eyes Are Happy Now
Hannah Jones Nov 2017
Your eyes are happy now.

I remember the first time
I peered through the window--
the shutters only half-open,
guarded from the newcomer
yet aware that you should
show some lifelight.
Cut sideways,
hardened steel
saw only what could be
cheaply afforded
in the exchange.

But slowly, eventually,
you widened the curtain
and peered out across the way
to see me standing sentinel--
You said hello.
Now the steel melts to snow
turns to pools of laughter
Even in the melancholy
you never shut the door.
I said hello.

Many a day
have led me to your door,
your window,
your eyes.
Tap the glass--
are you home?
I pray the answer
is never "no."
I love seeing how my friend is happier this season. His eyes stay open and eager; is it wrong to see something so subtle as beautiful? I hope nothing diminishes the light he's captured in his soul.
Hannah Jones Nov 2017
I won't pine for you.
You may satisfy for now,
but this isn't real.

You are beautiful.
I reach for you, though I know
you're not what I want.

Spending time with you
fills my heart with so much joy
but I'm still empty.

There's a gaping hole
where I try to keep you, but
you don't belong there.

I want something more--
more than you can ever give
in your brokenness.

You're not perfect, love,
no matter how hard I try
to think otherwise.

Someday I'll move on.
Someday I can love you sans
the idolatry.

We'll grow together.
We'll see what our hearts can bear
when we look elsewhere.

For now, forgive me
as I break these tendencies
to crave only you.
Friendships often go awry when I begin to seek consolation only though people. My heart has a void where I keep trying to put the love of other men, but they won't fill it. It's not their place. I need to learn how to be with my friends without hurting them/myself like this-- before it's too late.
Hannah Jones Oct 2017
Someday I'll have good news to share.
I'm sorry that I only tell
the parts of me I want to tear
away and send to burn in hell.

My life is a bit complex--
work and school and family
pull at me, and make me vex
my friendships and my ministry.

My body is shutting down;
I can't keep up with myself.
Sorry that I always frown
when my heart comes off the shelf.

Trust me: I want nothing more
than to be a better me
but I'm still a bit unsure
what the end result would be.

I just want to share my heart,
to share what I keep inside
but, for now, I cannot start
until in peace I will reside.

I can't give what I don't have
(it's quite sad, but it is true)
I can't split myself in half
while my parts are still askew.

Yes, I want to love you well,
but I'm not in a good place
to seek what makes my heart swell--
I'd be lying to your face.

This life isn't permanent--
I am still transitioning
into whomever I'm meant
to be living as, freely.
I'm not sure when I started titling my songs like FOB, but I'm not complaining.

I'm drowning in a hole I dug myself into. Change is coming. Life will slow down. But for now, I'm sorry to be such a downer when you ask how my day's been.
Oct 2017 · 524
In My Dream, We Embraced
Hannah Jones Oct 2017
I hate that I miss you.
No-- I don't hate it;
It just seems trivial.

I missed you this summer,
then you came back.
Now you're gone again,
and I'm anxious for you
to come home.

I say "home"
as if we built it together
but in a way, it's true
None of this would be the same without you.

I'll never claim to own you;
You are free. Be so.
I only know
there's an echo of longing
for you to return.

I didn't plan to miss you,
yet here we are.
Just know that when you return,
in the moment allotted,
I'll cling to you
and cry out with my embrace
how I wish you wouldn't go
My friend is out of town. I'm not in love, I just miss him. Terribly.
Hannah Jones Oct 2017
You can't hear a footprint.
A mossy indentation in the earth
leaves no sound
yet you know something passed by

You can't hear a footprint
yet I see them all around
I can't grasp the entirety of You through the sole
but Your enormity is evident

You can't hear a footprint
yet I hear the leaves crunch
as legions of squirrels run for cover
The trees rustling
with every whispered breeze
The screech of robins-
two, three, four-
squared off with every other creature
battling for dominion

You can't hear a footprint
but I'll follow the ones I can find
in hopes of reaching You
wherever You've led me
I can't hold Your hand
yet I take comfort in letting my foot
fall where Yours once tread

You can't hear a footprint
but maybe I'll hear You
“In things of beauty, he contemplated the One who is supremely beautiful, and, led by the footprints he found in creatures, he followed the Beloved everywhere." -St. Bonaventure

I can't hear God when I pray. Thankfully, I don't have to. One step at a time.
Oct 2017 · 365
Not Quite
Hannah Jones Oct 2017
It wasn't the most delicious nap,
but the afterglow is delectable.

Rested eyes still see the world softly,
not quite tired
(not quite tired)
but barely stirring.

The wind in my breast
echoes a familiar sigh
at the caress of the afternoon breeze
Not quite sunny
(not quite sunny)
but the thunder seems hesitant.

Lay awake.
See all through sepia and softness.
Revel in the care,
the air.

And tonight,
rest easy.
I like naps.
Jul 2017 · 418
Inspired by Montesquieu
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
Happiness is hard.
We project onto others
subjective pleasure.
"If we only wanted to be happy, it would be easy; but we want to be happier than other people, and that is almost always difficult, since we think them happier than they are."

-Charles de Montesquieu
Jul 2017 · 478
Solace in Solitude
Hannah Jones Jul 2017

a fallen leaf

a ripple in the ocean

a grain of sand blown by the wind

a snowflake among millions

I do not know where I'm going to end up

or what to expect

all I can do

is go where the wind blows me

the current flows me

and deal with whatever comes my way

on my own.
A piece I wrote back in 2009 for a middle school poetry project.

It's so funny to look back on older pieces. My poetry and songs were the works of a child, but even now the rawness of some takes me back to another time. I'm not saying I have been or ever will be an excellent writer, but I have been and always  will be an honest one.
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
Stare into the gray.

Watch as I grow, billow, and loom over all.
Drown in the depths of me,
for I am an ocean pregnant with precipitation.
See the stark contrast between the green of the world
and the enormity of my existence.

Stare into the gray, for I am he.

Stare into the red.

See how I do not demand,
do not obscure, though I once reigned.
Follow the streamline of my form
splayed on the horizon,
for I am waning in my brilliance.
Feel the warmth I still exude
even as darker hues force me aside.

Stare into the red, for I am she.
I was waiting for a storm that never came, and this was the result.
Jul 2017 · 579
Reflection from the Chasm
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
One feels different after a fall from grace.
I say "fall", but I know
that I peered over the cliffside
knowing what I was to leave behind
and took the deadly plunge.

The haze of temptation cleared
I felt nothing
Knew everything
Wanted more
God, why have I abandoned You?
Why do I know so much
yet feel so little
when I know where You are?

I'm falling
I'm failing
I'm thirsty

"I thirst for you."

Even in the depths I hear You
Even in the darkness I see You
You who defeated Death for me
You who could not bear to be apart from me
You who are still on the cross
until the end of time.

"I thirst for you."

I thirst for You.
I've reached for filler after filler
Only leaving myself empty
Rendering new cracks in the already broken vessel that I am
Yet You who suffered wounds for me
still desire my heart.
Why do You want this broken sparrow?
Why do You want this sickly fawn?
Why is my love-
broken and imperfect
-the very thing You crave?

"I thirst for you."

Drink, then, from my tears
of repentance
of regret
for they are all I can offer
as I continue to fall.
Drink from this broken vessel
from whom graces seep out
for I have marred my soul
and have broken Your Heart.

Drink from my sin
and my shame
and repair what I have broken
Help me, for I am alone
and have no one but You
Even though I've abandoned You
You are all I crave
You are all I need
And I thirst for You.
This was a lamentation of habitual sin I wrote as soon as I committed it. I am broken, incomplete, and totally at the mercy of the One who thrists for my love. May I never plunge into my old habits with this knowledge.

"Jesus is God, therefore His love, His Thirst, is infinite. He the creator of the universe,
asked for the love of His creatures.
He thirst for our love… These words:
‘I Thirst’ –
Do they echo in our souls?”

-St. Teresa of Kolkata
Jul 2017 · 586
Father Who Bore Me
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
When we were younger-
especially when we were particularly heinous-
you would tell us
that if it came down to it
you would choose our mother
over us

Is it any wonder why
I can't
trust you?

What kind of a man says
he would leave his daughters in a heartbeat
if it meant supporting their spouse?
What man settles for one over the other
when both are his to protect?

None of us asked to be begotten.
None of us asked to be abandoned.
You were there
but you were there for her.
Now I look to other men
for the security I should have been able to find in your arms.

Those hands should have been used for more than discipline;
they should have been extended time after time,
mistake after mistake,
loaning us your strength
instead of administering it.

I'm too tired to argue.
I just need you to know
why I feel this ocean between us
even when we're closer than ever
to dry land.
No meaningful relationship is one-dimensional. This was just a reflection on one of the harder parts of growing up with my dad.
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
When I reminisce,
I am reminded why I
mentally escaped.

My life was a cage.
I used fantasy to dream
of being better.

Magic, combat, love-
These were the key elements
to my ideal life.

I wanted to fight,
to wield power, strength, and heart
against any foe.

To be the beauty
worthy of being fought for
was something I craved.

I wanted to be
the one who inspired men
to be better selves.

Wizardry I loved.
Bending elements at will
would have been sublime.

Characters and plots
so much better than my life
were a drug to me.

Living in my head
was the only way I could
secure happiness.

Nostalgia's a *****-
when I look back I see why
these holes were filled so.

Growing up is hard.
Looking back on a hard life
can be more painful.
Apparently I was very busy last night.

Home was lonely growing up. There was more than one occasion when I prayed to be transformed, to go back in time, to live as anyone but myself. I'm thankful to live a life devoid of necessary escapism; reminiscing brings such a poignant sorrow.
Jul 2017 · 367
Laud the Skylight's Maker
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
Starlight, star bright,
How can I reach you tonight?

It's just a patch of moonlight-
square, pale, ghostly beam
peeks through the curtain
onto my bedspread.
I hollow out a space for it
on my mattress.
I open my palm and let the
nightlight hold me.
With this, I sleep.

Daylight, day bright,
How can I bring you delight?

It's just a patch of sunlight-
soft, blurry, prism beams
cascade from the dome of glass
onto my resting place.
I gaze at pinks and purples,
greens and yellows,
scores of rainbow fleets
spilling onto these pages.
I open my palm
and let a white light warm me.
With this, I dream.
Jul 2017 · 441
Jealousy Becomes Him
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
When will my love return from the war
she fights in her own heart?
When will my darling turn and see
I have been waiting patiently
for her to simply return to me
and from my side ne’er part?

When will my darling cease and desist
her spirit's self-destruction?
When will my lover place the blame
on the serpent that causes shame
to arise when she succumbs to his game
of building betwixt us obstruction?

When will my lover fight to stay
within my heart forever?
When will my beloved soulmate seize
the empty fillers meant to please
her without sacrifice, with ease,
and abandon me never?

My beloved soulmate’s will,
compared to Mine, is weak.
She cannot help it; this is just
how she was fashioned. She can trust
in my love. But my heart she must
make every effort to seek.
How thankful I am to be relentlessly pursued by my first love. If I could return the affection with a fraction of His fervor, I would be more than satisfied.
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
At first I was disappointed
when I saw rain give into sun.

But I looked to the West
and was met with blood orange sinking into the pine.

Blue bled into pink
as charioteers ushered spools of golden fleece
beyond the horizon.

Gray seas hollowed and waned in turn-
slowly, slowly,
cresting and sweeping with yellow foam in their wake.

A deep blue East has carried the precipitation elsewhere,
but the sweet scent of possibility lingers.

Tomorrow, or tomorrow's morrow
may bring the rain.

For now, the sun will do.
I wanted to try and capture the sunset as it unfolded.
Jul 2017 · 396
Throw in the Shovel
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
It doesn't matter
how much you sow,
how often you water,
how long you mow,
which soil you use,
how much you know,
some seeds
just won't grow.
This could be deep and insightful but honestly, I'm just bummed my sunflowers aren't sprouting in the front yard.
Jul 2017 · 549
Love's Labour's Lost
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
How do I love You?
How have I loved You?
You shower me with gifts, with praises, with affection,
and I can't even give You the time of day.

I ask, I seek, I knock,
and You provide.
Why can't I do the same for You?

You ask to drink from my heart,
to let my tears quench Your Thirst.
How can I withhold?

You seek me in the wilderness,
in the darkness I shroud myself in.
How can I stay hidden?

You knock on the door of my heart,
my sanctuary,
to fill it with Your Life and Love.
How can I keep it shut?

I've whispered through the keyhole,
pressed my hand to Yours through the wood.
But why did I neglect to turn the ****?

Please don't go.
I haven't forgotten You.
I'm still on the other side of this door.
If You knock,
I promise I'll answer.
I've been so busy desiring romance that I'd forgotten the ways I'm already being pursued. I want to love better, to be better.
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
It’s interesting:
you can spot a fallen-away Catholic
by the language they use-
once learned, it can’t be taken away.
Catholicism leaves an indelible mark
on the tongue,
a pattern in the script.
People jaded,
even rejected by wayward sheep
and wolves in their skin
bear the same brilliance
the same cry for understanding.
The Shepherd didn’t meet their expectations,
or maybe they’ve abandoned all belief in His existence.
No matter the qualm,
they all bleat the same.
There’s no removing the brand of baptism,
the vocabulary of vocations.
Even if a wall has been built
between them and the Church,
they still write the creed of their Fathers on its bricks.

This is not a reprimand,
nor a criticism;
it is a hand outstretched
to all who broke away.
It is a voiced desire
to teach
and learn
by their side.
This life does not hold all the answers,
but we can pursue Knowledge Himself
and reach the peak together.
I don't know everything about my faith, and in this lifetime I probably never will. I want to learn alongside all those who seek, knock, and ask for understanding, acceptance, and love.
Jul 2017 · 830
Petrichor Affections
Hannah Jones Jul 2017
Hold me in the rain.
Press your warm back to me and guard me from the storm
as we watch mist turn to showers turn to torrents.
Watch the lightning streak the sky with all my favorite hues.
Let me breathe into your shoulder
and wish for an eternal moment.

Dance with me in the rain.
Take my hand and run into the street
as we embrace the heat of the summer sky.
Spin me, dip me, hold me
as we laugh and shout and splash
No cares for shoes or hair
in this moment.

Kiss me in the rain.
Let your hands cradle my face
and press your lips to my forehead, nose, cheeks,
Sweetly, sweetly, sweetly,
as if the storm around us was but fog
as if the lightning above was but a limelight
as if the puddles at our feet were but dry land.
As if nothing else matters outside this moment.

Love me in the rain.
Based on a dream I wish I could have stayed in. There's rain in the forecast this afternoon, but I'll be alone.
Jun 2017 · 336
Cease and Desist
Hannah Jones Jun 2017
Pride, pride,
run and hide.
You are the thorn
in my side.
Get over yourself, kid.
Jun 2017 · 624
Cafeteria Catholic
Hannah Jones Jun 2017
You let me hunger
so that I
starve for You-
without You, die.

You let me hunger
so I know
upon my heart
You want to sow.

You let me hunger
so I feel
when I kneel.

You let me hunger
so I see
priceless Love
upon that tree.

You let me hunger
so I seek
Your strength when
my will is weak.

You let me hunger
so my heart
knows from it,
You'll never part.

You let me hunger
because You thirst
for me to always
love You first.

Lord, I am hungry.
Fill me up
with your Flesh-Bread
and Life-giving Cup.

Lord, I am hungry.
Let me starve.
Upon my heart
Your trademark carve.

Lord, I am hungry.
Thank you, though.
For without hunger
I'd never know
how much I filled
my life with things
that dull Your brilliance
and make kings
of worldly pleasures.
Let me crave
Your Word alone
and help me brave
this war of willpower.
Pave the way
to Your Kingdom
for there I'll stay
for all eternity
if I
let You consume me
till I die.
Based on a reflection on Corpus Christi/John 6.
"He lets us walk away hungry so we may starve for Him."
Jun 2017 · 341
Hannah Jones Jun 2017
Take me up
in arms of love
Metaphysically shove
me out of my
too-worldly self
Take my heart
off of the shelf
Dust it off
Polish the core
Breathe out a
desire for more
of You. The muscle
meant to house
the Lord of Lords
lets in a louse
more often than
I would prefer.
You know this.
And still You stir
within me a
desire to see
who You have
made me to be.
I love You.
You know this.
Hold me close
and gently kiss
this broken vessel
beat by beat
when I succumb
to defeat.
Take my life,
take everything
due to You,
Beloved King.
"Take my life, take all that I am.
With all that I am,
I will love You."
Like An Avalanche // Hillsong
Jun 2017 · 775
Hosea, Hear Me
Hannah Jones Jun 2017
I can't love you
not like this
I still covet
a stranger's kiss,
a stolen glance,
a loving touch:
these small things
I crave so much.
I have cheated
I've betrayed
I've handed
my heart away
to ghostly pleasures,
phantom hands,
small gestures
in great demand.
How can I
stand here and say
I'll love you
till our last day?
How can I
pretend to be
you need from me?
I am faulty.
I am weak.
Beyond you,
there's more I seek.
Grasp for goodness
with the palms
that once lifted
up in psalms
of greater love,
a higher call
Before I had
offered it all
Laid my life
before the wood
that showed me
unchanging good
within myself.
I can't compute
why my heart
and body mute
themselves to reason
shut out thoughts
of what I am
and what I'm not.
I can love you
faulty still
my heart is heavy
but I will
try my best
sustained by grace
to love you before
I see your face.
An apology to my future companion for not loving him well before we meet. Lust is a constant struggle for me, a thorn in my side as I strive to be better.
Hannah Jones May 2017
Lord, why am I not satisfied?
Why do I seek on earth
what You have promised I'll find above?
Is it because he's beautiful?
Is it because I hear his voice,
and not Yours?
Is it because I've seen his love for children,
even though you've claimed all humanity as Your Own?

Why do I want him, and not You?

Why can I not tear my eyes away
when I know I could be missing You?
Even if he were mine,
I wouldn't be loved perfectly.
A part of me would still be empty
because he's just a man.
A beautiful, loving, wonderful man,
but a man all the same.

I've asked You to take my heart,
my desires, my thirst for his love
and throw it away
unless You want this to be.
But does my desire to be fulfilled
block Your access to my heart?
Does my wish that these feelings
are meant to be in place
deafen me to Your call?

Lord, my beloved, my all in all,
You are what I crave.
You are the one I desire.
I can't say, “I don't want You enough,”
because it's a lie from the pits below.
But I do guard myself from Your love.
I hide behind my lofty dreams
when You want to carry me above them.

I don't know Your plans.
You may want us to unite.
You may want me for Your Own.
You may have someone entirely
different set aside for me to love.
I want to want what You want for me.
Guide me through the garden.
Walk with me through the valley.
I believe;
now help me to be satisfied.
Another therapeutic piece over the same man. Written during the tail end of my heart's struggle to see him as a friend. Based on St. Anthony of Padua's "Be Satisfied With Me" meditation.
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