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Feb 2021 · 1.9k
Cross Boundry Feb 2021
Walk along the riverbed.
You will come upon a nymph,
Aged and smooth
As a riverstone
Sighing and singing with
The water’s flow
Ask her, “How are you, Nymph?”
And she will
Up at you and say
“I am but a tired soul
In a tired sea
Of tired souls.”
Her voice the soft bubbling of the river.

Walk among the trees.
You will come upon a dryad,
Ridged and furrowed
As the tree limb
Upon which she sat as she watched
The leaves fall with the autumn breeze
Ask her, “How long have you sat here, Dryad?”
And she will
Down at you and say
“I grow and grow old
With the tree.
And the tree has grown tired.”
Her voice the raspy crinkle of the fallen leaves.

Walk amidst the flowers.
You will come upon a deva,
Light and sweet
As the honeysuckle she sat amongst
Watching and humming with
The many bees
Ask her, “Who are you, Deva?”
And she will
Away from you and say
“We, those of us that
To this place,
We are Afraid.
And we wish to no longer be Afraid.”
Her voice the wavering stems of delicate flowers.

The nymph chokes on her sisters' remains as
the dryad is cut down and shredded and the deva is
forced into restrained clay pots.

They cannot be freed by one
but by the response
of all.
Oct 2020 · 187
good for you
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
she smiles like sun
you smell like rain
she listens to stories
and you write them

she hates smoke
you love fire
she'll stand aside
as you light them

she hated my voice
you hated my smile
she'll laugh along
as you taunt me

i loved her
you'll hurt her
but she'll smile
like she wants me
Oct 2020 · 326
.-.. --- ... -
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
... .... . / .-- .- ... / -... . .- ..- - .. ..-. ..- .-.. --..-- / .- -. -.. / .. - / .--. .- .. -. . -.. / -- . / - --- / .-.. . .- ...- . / .... . .-. .-.-.- / .. / .--- ..- ... - / -.. .. -.. -. .----. - / .-- .- -. - / - --- / ... . . / .... . .-. / -.-. .-. -.-- .-.-.-
.. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- -. .----. - / -- .. -. -.. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-
Oct 2020 · 220
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
crawling creatures find their way
between lost memories and the light of day
creeping little creatures with a million legs
squeezing under sanity and over old kegs
full of things packed away to forget
things in the dark that pulls the seams and lets
in scorching light that burns my skin
and the cracks where the light can't get in
lie in wait my creatures of lunacy
the monsters that eat away bloodily
at my inner rationality
let me be, the pills will get them out of me
no, don't touch me, it hurts
i'm fine, they say, they're fine let it burn
i don't know if anyone can here me
not crazy - in sane
Oct 2020 · 125
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
You said you loved me.
When I said it back, I was wrong.
Oct 2020 · 160
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
ive fallen in love with a girl ive never seen before
never spoken a word to her
she's never spoken to me
am i stupid
to fall in love with her words?
with her elegant poetry
with her beautiful savvy on that
something that has hurt me so.
ive fallen in love with a girl who doesn't know me
never spoken a word to me
but i'd like to
if she wouldn't mind.
Oct 2020 · 159
in sane.
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
not crazy, just in the process of sanity.
Oct 2020 · 89
Don't make promises.
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
I promise you, it's not worth it.
Oct 2020 · 91
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
you promised me
-you were right-
that you wouldn't hurt me
-i'm not enough-
you said we could make it
-you left me-
i guess there's no point now.
maybe next time she'll stay.
Oct 2020 · 985
-am i allowed-
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
am i allowed...
honestly, i think not
she's up there with the perfects
singing in the heights
dancing with the stars
but still i'll look...
she - dodie
Oct 2020 · 164
At Your Service
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
It hurts.
Your burn me from
But somehow
I find I simply
you and that heat.
          Though it aches,  
                   Nothing can complete
And somehow
I find I simply
how much it hurts.
If you wish to have me
                       hurt me
Always at your service, angel.
Oct 2020 · 647
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
She isn't afraid.
She isn't strong, but she is tough.
She isn't okay, she is working on it.
She is beautiful, but she doesn't think so.
I think she's beautiful and I'll tell her every day.
Oct 2020 · 207
You Owe Me
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
You owe me six years,
six years you took from me.

Six years I spent pining, loving,
pleading with the world to let you love me.

You owe me my ability,
my ability to love is scarred from your carelessness.

Six years you spent carving, stabbing,
killing my love that I continued to give.

You owe me, but I don't think I could bring myself to take it back.
Oct 2020 · 168
other people's words
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
seem to fall from my tongue
more easily than my own
Oct 2020 · 1.5k
Cross Boundry Oct 2020
candy is sweet, most of it anyway.
some salted like cara
some spicy like
my favorite is bit
what does that say about me?
a bit mascohistic when to comes to bitter chocolate.
Sep 2020 · 81
so this is love
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
this is the miracle that ive been dreaming of
if this is love it comes at much to high a cost
it feels so good but hurts so bad
so this is love
defying gravity
i like how the order
changes the meaning
Sep 2020 · 240
Cross Boundry Sep 2020

"Hey, that hurts," she exclaimed, pulling away from the girl.
Her lip was bleeding and her pink tongue exposed itself to clean the mess.
The girl's tongue followed the motion,
and continued the process.

Sep 2020 · 188
isn't it lovely
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
the sun doesn't like me
the moon ignores me
the stars don't shine on me
but your smile lit my world

you left me, so isn't it lonely
its dark again and im shivering
i feel around in the empty
but everything i touch starts to hurt

isn't it lovely, letting me fall
i can't see anything at all
isn't it lonely, pushing me off
i promised i wouldn't let you get hurt
thanks billie eilish, khalid, finneas
Sep 2020 · 253
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
two swings, back and forth
a lovely rhythm of our feet scraping the ground
in opposition of each other
a pair in matching metal screeches
the eroded dips beneath us damp with rain.

the sun decides to leave us be
the clouds threatening to dampen us like the mulch
that finds it way into our shoes,
the wind picks up, pushing us higher
than we ought to be.

my hands find the chains
cold against my calloused skin
I brace myself against them, the swing out of my control
your hands find mine, you slow me down
my eyes are pressed shut.
hello, brother dearest
Sep 2020 · 258
Leave This To Me (reprise)
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
I'd hear your voice in my head,
Saying things you left unsaid
I wish i could see you again
I just wished you hadn't come down
I just wished you hadn't jumped off, my love
Why would you leave?
Why would you leave this to me?
This choice, on my own
It seems impossible, my love
Why would you leave?
Why would you leave this to me?
wordy words from a musical im writing
Sep 2020 · 583
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
i'll sketch you, mon ange
i'll draw you on the page, my pencil giving you immortality
poem four: french beauty
Sep 2020 · 410
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
i'll love you even when its cold, mon ange
i'll share my warmth, you'll never shiver in my arms
poem three: french beauty
Sep 2020 · 302
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
let me love you, mon ange
let me pleasure your slow, soft days.
poem two: french beauty
Sep 2020 · 420
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
you don't have anywhere to be, mon ange
slow down and love the world.
poem one: french beauty
Sep 2020 · 166
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
i wish
i wish
i wish
but wishing never works.
i wish
i wish
i wish
until i can't.
i wish...
you know, i don't think they can hear me.
or they're just not listening.
Sep 2020 · 311
dark things
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul."

you are my dark thing.
that beautiful, painful secret i keep from the world.

can i be your dark thing?
no one ever has to see,
i just need you to love me as certain dark things are to be loved.

let's be dark things together.
creatures, monsters in secret.
between the chaos and the light.
gracias, pablo neruda
xvii sonnet - pablo neruda
Sep 2020 · 610
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
I lost myself finding you.

You scared me that day
So I spent hours bringing you
But on the way I dropped myself
and became your doll
So now I sit on your shelf
Until you lose yourself

I found myself leaving you.
and never coming back.
Sep 2020 · 224
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
I can't see me unless I have a mirror.
I can see everyone through that glass.
But they are looking at themselves.
Sep 2020 · 637
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
Hearts beat a rhythm all the same
As the workers in the factories
Pounding for their pay
Feet stomp a pattern all the same
As the birds in the skies
Looking for their way
Nobody lives without following the beat all the same
We all find it and look for something more
But we don’t need anything more
Than this rhythm, this beat
And when it stops that’s when I’ll meet
Her again.
and hopefully, she remembers me
Sep 2020 · 187
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
The world will empty
You’ll find your way out
Be it space or death
The world will empty
then, when its empty, no one will hurt me anymore
Sep 2020 · 150
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
is the impenatrable silence between days i see you
and the days i do are full of music
Sep 2020 · 284
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
Sometimes people just care too much
and it hurts.
But anyway
We'll try
We'll fly
and we'll fall.
and again.
wings of wax won't hold forever
Sep 2020 · 223
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
What really counts when it comes down to it
Because we've all been a sinner before
Sep 2020 · 223
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
don't stop to smell them
breathe them in on the winds as you fly past
Sep 2020 · 224
pale creature
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
oh, pale lover
don't cry the tears of past pain
i'll hold you in the dark
of the night
shivering under the moon

oh, darling flower
let me guide you to warmth
i'll wrap you in blankets
and my love
follow me through the world

oh, creature cold
you'll find your way in life
use me as your lantern in
the effortless dark
let me light your path

oh, pale creature
i'll love you as you do
keep your eyes to the moon
and your hands in mine
this love will never die
love me, pale creature, love as you do
Sep 2020 · 412
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
i told him i didn't love him
every word burned truth
he said he could wait forever
he could hold his love to the last
that he could keep the time we spend
and capture it in the lens of his newly dusted camera
he said
"if that's where i can have you,
                         i'll love you there."
like a thing to be phtotgraphed
           he talked about me like a thing worthy of being kept
a story he never wanted to forget
           a moment to capture
"i see what others can't and keep it
                          the  difference between dreams
                                        and reality
                                            is her."
true story
thanks to anonymous
Sep 2020 · 193
when you see me...
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
everybody’s eyes are different
some people look directly at me
while some wander off
and land on other faces.
some stare hard, others gaze gently
but you burn.
i can feel when you see me,
because its all i want
i enjoy the way you see me, I revel in the
burn of you .
when she sees me, my heart catches aflame
Sep 2020 · 499
Shallow Love Poems
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
When people
Talk about love
It always seems shallow.
But really,
How can creatures as simple as I
Be expected to use such a limited medium as language
To express a feeling, an emotion, a pull so deep
A process so quick yet so intricate
As the wide, beautiful waters of love
The raging, welcoming oceans of love;
The ever-confusing, always painful waves of love.
Its never shallow depths that drag me down.
And in the same way love is water,
                                Love is fire
Scorching heat, licking flames, crackling tinder, flying embers.
Love is as complex as fire and water, earth and air, infatuation and attraction.
It hurts beautifully and pleases terribly.
But we look for it in everything.
So if my love poems sound shallow,
if my songs are superficial,
my art simplistic,
Forgive the language’s
lack of expression.
For if the world meant ‘I love you’
Then I’d give you the universe.
it never made sense why i felt so strongly for her
Sep 2020 · 223
Cross Boundry Sep 2020
I wouldn’t mind
If the sky was always grey.
I don’t mind empty days
Full of slow background music
And the clicking of keys.
I wouldn’t mind
If the light that came through my window
Were always pale and clouded.
Should I mind?
Most people do.
I guess I wouldn’t mind
If I just wasn’t like most people.
So, I could just say,
“Sky, I wouldn’t mind
If you were always grey.”
But, it’s pointless to say
For, over your natural blue
I’ll always prefer the grey.
first poem dudes

— The End —