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Aug 2018 · 722
So is my dog god
as I have ordained
or am I a madman,
absolutely insane?  
       His birth name is Domino
       he picked it himself...
       a black and white pit
       pup he jumped
       on a shelf and
       down came the bones
       that anointed him so.  
Domino Dominus
both names mean
but to me he's
a best friend and
sometimes my dog.
My Bubba.....what would I do without him.
Aug 2018 · 477
Hg - 8
Bro Merc,

Hey alright?....ain't nobody heard hide or hair from you for weeks....I checked all over the universe and the two dimensions next door then I picked em all up and checked under each of their floors...

I'm starting to worry Merc.....give some proof of life...I talked to all your muses and hundreds of thousands of wives...the last one to see you said you was at the park shooting hoops with Herc on the Fourth of July  

I was joking about vaporizing you if you were hitting Venus behind my back....she does it with all my dogs...oops I mean you know I'd cut you some slack. And you know that I love talking me some good smack.

So like I said drop a line, FaceTime, come on back; your character was never in question and much less under attack.

And I'll still throw in the Pope's 10 youngest daughters so you can hem them in up your shack.

Your bro,

Aug 2018 · 212
Hg - 7
Alright Mr. Quickie...I give up
Yo Merc my boy,

....what gives.... everyone's telling me they haven't been getting their mail that you haven't been doing your job with speed. You better not be with those 7 sisters.... you see, the Pleiades belong to me.  

I took them from Atlas in a game of Russian roulette and instead of his life I just took his 7 daughters as wives and pets.

So come on son hit me up...I got some juice in a golden cup that might make your quicker .  It may not be nectar but it does taste like liquor.  And I'll throw in the 10 daughters of the youngest vicar.

Get back to your post, I've been a good host and don't want to turn you into a ghost!

ANu Dei
Mythical messeges
Aug 2018 · 160
Hg - 5
Yo yo yo yo....MERC!

Did ya at least deliver the message to the big dawg?
You better not be banging my starlette!!!!

Come on now Merc

Yo dawg whereya at, Mr. Quicksilver?...the mail's getting backed up...I need you to talk to that goddess of love quick cuz the one at my side just isn't my cup.

Aug 2018 · 272
Men of Renown
So these Giants that roamed the earth in the days of the good Old book...the so called Nephilim.... with the the power to bound thru the sky!  

Are these, "the men of renown" the same ones that now shoot pro hoops downtown? It's easy to follow the logic you see... It's obvious these guys can fly indeed.

Oh yeah!...just woke from my slumber remembering what message to send! Tell Aphrodite that I'm feeling mighty and that her celestial body I'll bend!

Aug 2018 · 203
Hg - Message 2
Hey liquid metal man,

...oops I forgot the message and who this one was intended tired and sleepy I'm throwing myself on the floor.

Mercury my man messenger to the gods, please deliver a message to the one above.  On your wings of fire tell him I've reached much much higher and I'm coming to dethrone him for his lack of humanity and the love he's expired.

Tell him "ANu Dei dawns, his name is Antoine and his soul
is your funeral pyre!"

Love this little game
Aug 2018 · 811
Summer of 86 Part 1
My mom was in Guatemala, my dad had left before I had grown. The only one in the house besides me was my grandma who never did peep nor moan.

My big lil brother was living with our father and my younger sister was somewhere I don't know.

So what's one to do at 16 when you know they're all away for at least another 10 days?  Socal in those years especially for me was a 24hr. pharmaceutical what's one to do?  Let's play!
Three part poem
Aug 2018 · 403
La pulga nuclear
"Eh **** mide marica que me traen crujificao como si huera un esucristo." Y así se lo llevaban los guardias al hueco pataleando y dando necesitaba en lo mínimo 8 guardias cuando a la "pulga nuclear" le daba por darle paliza a todos los negros de la "universidad".  Estaba vez por corretear a unos 15 negros con un fierro que lo había transformado en machete.  Intimidaba más que un régimen de soldados armados de metralletas en un pueblo de pura mujer. Además era intocable. Claro era un gamin pero capitán de barcos más fuerte que 20 hombres y sólo media poco más que metro y medio. Era el terror de todos que le hechaban un medio mal recibido vistazo.  Violento, asesino, un sicario inigualable en el arte de la tortura y el mismo angel de la muerte.  Menos mal que este gamin también era mi guardaespaldas y ferozmente fiel.  Y bien que lo necesitaba ahí en una prisión federal en TX en los años 90.
One poem in a magical realism series I'm starting soon.  This is a snippet of major character in the series.  Hope you like.
Aug 2018 · 794
El hotel de Pereira
Patas de perro con
mi primacho Miguel
en Pereira, buscando
un hotel pa pagar
la estancia de una cuartico
cerca al centro o
a poca distancia
del burdel.  

Nos tomamos un jugo de caña
y como ya tengo la maldita maña, llamamos al Toro porque
sin esa hierbita jamás
cerraría pestaña

Dándole vueltas al centro, esperándolo a él
Vi un lindo edificio
y le dije a Miguel:
"un segundo hermano que me
  gustó ese hotel, voy a entrar a
  ver si hay cupo"
y a cuánto estaba
una noche en aquél.

Me mira bien serio y
me deja pasar
quedándose afuera pa disimular.

"Buenas tardes caballero,
bien pueda...
¿En que le puedo servir?"

"Busco un cuartico que mi primo
  y yo pensamos quedarnos en
  Pereira esta noche, ¿a cuánto

¿Cómo así? me contesta
y como creía que
no me había entendido...
repiti la encuesta.  
Otra vez ....¿Cómo así?

En eso momento,
que pendejo te cuento,
me di cuenta que
no era un hotel.
De un salón a la izquierda
salían los llantos
seguidos por un desfile
en ***** de luto.....
y yo hijueputa ¡"que bruto"!

Volteaba a ver si el primo ya sabía que pasaba cuando
soltó la gran carcajada.  

Huí sin mu decir
buscando la risa de Miguel
que decía uy... ¿que pasó no es hotel?

Pero se la hice también
cuando nos recogió el torito
y comenzamos a fumar y fumar. Tantos baretos estilo Bob Marley que ya no nos podíamos ver.

Cuando se escapó todo el humo Miguel se detuvo
antes de casi caer.  
Con ojos cruzados y labios babeados empecé
a burlarme también.
Story bout my cousin letting me make a fool of myself in Pereira Colombia by asking the front desk at a funeral home if they had rooms for the night.  And how I got him back
Aug 2018 · 457
Caldo e Juete
¡Que asco! Pensé... pero el primo me obligó.. pruébelo y si no te gusta te doy el mío.  Ahí en un runcho en Bogotá probé esta "delicia" según Miguel Ángel...y sabe que....como no me supo nada mal el caldito, decidí darle un mordisquito a lo bueno.  Intentando disimular, el sinvergüenza del primacho me espiaba entre sorbos.  No se le contenía la carcajada que quería soltar.  Una cosa babosa, gelatinosa y parecía de tendón ya masticado me invadió y empecé a sudar intentando esconder lo que buscaba Miguel.  Como no le di la satisfacción, sólo dejó que se le escapará una gigante sonrisa al ofrecerme el caldo suyo. Pero no me sacó la piedra...y me quedé asombrado de como se chupaba los dedos al terminarse el mío.

¡Que asco! Comprobé
Aug 2018 · 546
Toño Toñito
Toño Toñito mató a su mujer con un machetico tan grande como él... sacó sus tripitas y las puso a vender y con esa plática compró otra mujer.
Colombian magical realism at its finest.  The bizzare is normal in the small towns in my parent's country. Here's a bedtime ryhme I was told as a child.  They Grimm Brothers have nothing on this. Horrific! By the nickname is Toño.
Aug 2018 · 133
El reloj
El reloj anda loco o le falta poco pa que le patine el coco así que por favor acuérdate que hay que darle cuerda o sin no hay que seguirle la corriente. Y cómo anda veloz y da vueltas por dos te deja a vos en nubes de ese oriente
Aug 2018 · 169
No le de cuerda a ese loco que si poco se acuerda de toda la mierda que esconde debajo las piedras y cuidado no lo friege pa que no le muerda por no haberle dado la cuerda recuerda.
Aug 2018 · 3.3k
Yo lo coloco y ella lo quita
Loco porque yo lo coloco
y ella lo quita y lo coloca
con cola loca en
otro loquito lugar

Loco lo quito y otra vez
loquito vuelvo y lo coloco
como un bobo loco
bien dónde debe estar
Y la loquita loca
lo quita de su local
Y lo coloca en otro lugar

El colmo del caso
es que si seguimos acaso  
dando este paso
nunca lo cazo en
casa local al loco
loco loquito locazo.

Así que deme otro vaso
Qué si la loca
lo quiere al loco de paso
lo buzco al triple locazo
y lo juro que
yo me lo cazco.
Trabalenguas inspirado por unos dos dichos de mi mamá. Se me prendió el foco.  ¡Hágale pues a ver!
Aug 2018 · 790
The sky's guise
The sky's disguised
as a ******* a butterfly
writing rainbows
in everyone's eyes
Aug 2018 · 114
The universe must expand to contain my imagination.  Like wild horses that roam seeking new pastures to nourish their first born, my mind exponentially multiplies seeking truth in every corner unborn of the skies.
Subconscious vapors of lucidity whisper into the depths of my soul.  Pleading Pleiades, daughters of Atlas, exhale mythical wisps that wander in the constellations of my mind anointing me and by their
decree I am Divine.
More illusions of grandeur
Aug 2018 · 434
Bonne nuit poésie
Bonne nuit ma chérie poésie. Il est un peu tardé et
j'ai besoin de dormir. 
Je suis tres fatigué,
mon crayon est cassé et
ma main ne peut plus écrire.
Les esprits du sommeil
et la nuit m'appelle au lit.
An attempt using the little French I remember from high-school.  Feedback on my rusty French greatly appreciated thanks
Aug 2018 · 454
¿Pa qué existe el zángano?  Un solo propósito tiene este bicho.....dejar preñada a la reina...hecho y dicho.

Este se hace el decir, no hace nada del labor que sostenga a la colonia.  Perdón,
pero este zumbon por ser el único macho se sale con la suya pero todo se paga y por ser un inútil tragón:

Poco después de su única relación amorosa, sufre el zángano una muerte asombrosa...pues la abeja reina lo destripa mientras goza.

Así fuera el caso con la mayoría de los hombres, cuchachos, y cuchos bien machos que no saben nada sino sacar más muchachos.
Somos zánganos los hombres pero no todos
Aug 2018 · 406
Bienvenido: No sé apene
Ud. con su arte y yo con mí arte así que no se apene que aquí escojo el mejor.  Ojalá tengan patas de perro porque perro que no sale no encuentra hueso que roer.  Y si sufres por cualquier razó mal que no tiene cura hazle la cara dura. Y por fin acá nadie le va decir que deje de mamar gallo, bien pueda que yo no les fallo.
Bienvenida a uds. los escritores de la
Aug 2018 · 423
Mis Novias
Dolores vive conmigo
Angustia aquí también
Esperanza no está lejos
Pero a ellas nunca
las voy a querer

Tenerlas no me importa y
jamás me siento bien
porqué a la única que amo
por mi siente desdén
Written in 1990s
Aug 2018 · 851
El rostro del Nuevo Mundo
El indígena * - los acabados/extintos. Los únicos que existen aún siguen escondidos en la selva huyendo del recuerdo de las lágrimas e imágenes de la salvaje Conquista

El europeo * * - el que llegó solo pa robar, violar y matar al indígena...y por supuesto a los otros de las castas de piel obscura

El mestizo * - mezcla de los dos anteriores que tuvo la gran fortuna de no poder formar parte de ni la cultura de su mamá ni papá simplemente por haber nacido

El criollo * * - El Libertador pero no del pueblo sino de sus propios intereses de acabar lo que comenzaron los europeos

El ***** * - el secuestrado, desterrado, esclavizado, odiado, torturado, violado, y matado por el color de su piel

El mulato * -  sufrió igual o poquito más quel mestizo pero no tanto como el zambo

El zambo * - pobrecito del zambo que es el rostro más bello del nuevo mundo pero como el mestizo y el mulato nunca fue recibido y nunca pudo identificarse con ningún grupo esta mezcla viene las más guapas mujeres del mundo

  *El engañao, esclavizado
  perseguido y matado
* *El zángano, explotador,
  asesino y sinvergüenza
Castas impuestos por el europeo
Aug 2018 · 108
Aug 2018 · 1.6k
Sleight of Hand
Sleight of hand
creates illusion
politicians the rich
in collusion.
Good slaves we
buy their Solutions
titrated diluted pollution.

They've got you wrangled
with the carrots they dangle.
I see black holes
You See Stars Spangled.

"Disseminate fear keep them numb and Confused
they'll reward our
egregious abuse"
but fools won't believe
when it's dark
they see day
so now I tell you
what's the use anyway?

They've got you wrangled
with the carrots they dangle...
You see white stripes.....
I see liberty.....***** and strangled

Keep it obscure,
then hand you a cure,  
their best phishing lure
To make you believe
that this country's great
they use a little bitty hook
and a tiny bit of bait

They've got you dangling with the carrots they're wrangling.
I see black holes
you see stars spangling

They've got you wrangled with the bait they dangle...
you  see white stripes,
I see liberty ***** and strangled

They got you dangling
with the **** they're wrangling....
Open your eyes
you'll see there angling.
I was blind but now I see
Aug 2018 · 1.6k
Spackled bowl
Don't spackle the bowl you nasty troll.  Did you think your mommy would clean it up?  Ah ah ah...don't say a word just grab the brush before I make you drink from your cup.
Aug 2018 · 380
Irreverent and Blasphemous
Aug 2018 · 245
Neh.... ferry us
Nefarious nephews of the nephilim; how can we get to the other side of the sea?

We can fly you 4 at a time but you can't take your lugg...neh, ferry us instead.
Aug 2018 · 314
Po'? not me!
Dis Po' ol'boy is rich as can be!!!....yessir !!! gots me a tribillion words at my 'sposal anytime I wants em o be.
Que viva Colombia!
Que viva el vueltiao
Que viva el tamal tolimense
Que viva mi machete
Que viva la ruana
Que viva la cumbia
Que viva el guarapo
Que viva Peñaranda
Que viva la sabana, el monte, el llano y el mar
Que viva mi abuelita ******
Que viva el M.A.N., mi papá
Pa que no quepa duda de que colombiano lo soy.

Aug 2018 · 208
Cómo poco como como moco pero poco porque tampoco soy tan loco pa comer tanto moco solo porque como poco
Trabalenguas inspirado por las locuras de Doña Melba
Aug 2018 · 268
Hot today Cold tomorrow
Finicky we are... Trend for 3 days and then not.  Its all good its just timing..... The right words at the right moment.... you're not in a rut....don't panic. They read when the moon is full and people are manic.  But to create this way is to cater to the masses and to need the praises of poets looking through glasses.

I fly and shoot straight I'll continue with my poems at the least likely time you'd expect.
And I don't care if it's read 10k times or none and could care less if you like it, I do it for fun.

But it also could be that like most other people you can't comprehend me. But if you want to just ask me I'll give you the key.
Aug 2018 · 413
I might be Poe reincarnate....
Who knows we share similar traits:

Impossible to muzzle
For us poems are puzzles

To be solved by
the reader's resolve

I could go on for days
telling you how we're the same

but only time will tell if the history books will, like his, remember my name.
Aug 2018 · 333
palindrome iii.
Aug 2018 · 522
Po' Me
Ah Po' me trying to pen poems like Poe writes to right poetry
from the likes of poured me
who sweats thru his pores to pour out his soul, and try out ANu poesi
Aug 2018 · 184
Writer's Block?
What is it?
Never happens to me!
Quite the opposite,
I can't keep up with
the storm of words in
my head constantly screaming..
"Let me out"
Aug 2018 · 390
Oh poem
don't look so
Please don't mope
It makes me
  R                O
 W                     N
Aug 2018 · 956
ANu dei dawns..  
                         .      '      .
                  .                           .
                .                               .
His name is Antoine
Careful don't read out loud more than once....its a spell.  Delusions of grandeur!!!!
Aug 2018 · 1.6k
ANu de girl
ANu de girl
dat made me twirl
ANd made
my moustache curl

She winked at me
I got knock-kneed
and had to
smoke some ****

It worked indeed
she puffed with me
then we both
watched this tale unfurl
More fun with words and my name
Aug 2018 · 535
ANude Girl
I put out ANu
ad for aMuse
The first girl to ANswer
hANded me ANude
Wow, Jesus, dude...
I don't know what to do...
I was just looking
for a chuckle or two.
Aug 2018 · 450
ANu Day
ANu day dawned and
ANu it was gone when
my hand tried a Poem
like Poe's........... instead of
using my own,
ANu type of prose.
This ends a string of poems I was forced to write by my hand.  If you care to read the whole rampage....begin at Not Poe then skip up to The Coconspirators and watch as my hand gets full of himself
I can't stop it from making an *** of me..
He's saying he's Poe now....what a blasphemous fool...
I gotta put him on ice
He ain't being nice...
And now all the hecklers pool.
Aug 2018 · 458
Poe (et) ANu
Remember the name
they'll be considered the same.
Two centuries apart but
both just as smart
at playing the poetry game
Aug 2018 · 539
Poem B to try Poe
If ya didn't catch Poe (M.A.)
try Poe (M.B.) because
this is not po' Poe's poetry.  It's just ANu poet trying not to be Poe but me.
Cipher games continued from Poe(try) to be me(op cit) Good luck
Wherds          Wirds

Arrgh                our

At                     ­   Rat

My                     Mye

Mer, sea            mercy

Words               Whords

Ah                             are

Rat                        rhat

Meye                     Mie

Merci                  mer see

Whirds              Wurds

R                                ­ar

Hat                           hgat

Mye                         mai

Myrhh c            murse sí
Having fun with pun intended....hahaha
Aug 2018 · 487
Poe(try) to be Me(op. cit)
Nope not better than Poe
try as I may not to mope
I don't even compare....
I might be a bishop but he's
definitely the Pope
Trying out some cipher games
Aug 2018 · 1.7k
The Co(cons)pirators
None of these verses are authored by me...
My brain's being
held hostage by
a couple of thieves.

They drain me of images
and words every night...
They're so thuggish
I won't even dare
to put up a fight.

They tell me if I'm good
they'll expedite my release...
but now I'm on my knees
begging them please.

I have some deadlines
coming up soon
I need to touch-up some paintings so they
don't look like cartoons.

But the conspiracy plays out,
the plot thickens....
they won't let me refuse.  
These wanna be poets,
my demanding hand and
a partner...the pencil, its Muse.
Next page