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a m a n d a Aug 2013
(i want love in these woods)

while walking in
the quiet woods
        humidity causing
  blonde hair to stick
            to my neck
on wooden path
my footsteps move
and on highest railing
a squirrel beckons
      i smile */a real smile/

she stops
       as if listening for my footsteps
       then scampers forward
       a few more feet
       stops...tilts her head
       eyes gleaming
       listening for me again

i think she is the squirrel queen
bidding me to follow her
to my lover
waiting in the woods
i want love in these quiet woods
in the quiet night
under the moon
oh what a night
that would be
with you
the smell of the leaves
the sound of the crickets
eyes twinkling
soft blankets
this* night
   you should whisk me away
   to a place in the woods

but, alas
the squirrel queen
scampered into the woods
and i'm sitting
at a picnic table
in filtering sunlight
heart pounding
dreaming of
love in the woods
with you.
Solaces Aug 2015
The back door.  Green eyes and smelly fur!  The werewolf comes for our kid.   Its time!  White Knight teddy armed with a wooden sword and Judy the red Raccoon and her magical red powers!  Its time to vanquish this nightmare before it even starts!  The werewolf tears down the back door and howls in the darkness.  All we can see is the bright green eyes shining in the blackness.  And there awaits White Knight Teddy and Judy the Red Raccoon!  W.K.T lands a flurry of blows with his awesome unbreakable wooden sword as the werewolf cries in pain!  Judy the Red then emits waves of magical red beams that knock the werewolf out the back door as it screams in fear and scampers back into the woods!

And so W.K.T And Judy the red Raccoon triumph over the would be nightmare that was trying to haunt their kid.  NOT TONIGHT!!!
Stuffed animal guardians ( Note  My BROTHER AND I HAD THESE 2 STUFFED ANIMALS!   My Mom would tell us that they would stand guard all night when we slept and kept evil things away.  This is how I would picture them!
bluestarfall Jan 2015
She is the lady on the road.

She is a mother, a sister, a colleague, a bird, a lassie, a damsel.
She is the lady on the road.

She spreads love and enriches kindness in the society,
She is the crux of an organization, and the fundamental principles.
She is the lady on the road.

She twinkles with the stars and shimmers with the moon,
She scampers with her pets and hops like a frog,
She is not a nomad, but a faithful keeper.
She is the lady on the road.

She wears short skirts,
She wears tight tops,
She doesn't encourage the flirts,
She neither abominates the leering of cops.
She is the lady on the road.

She holds a honourable reputation,
She forms the base of ethical standards,
She buries the grudges and resolves the dissension,
She consolidates herself and maintains her fettle,
She is the epitome of cheerful disposition.
She is the lady on the road.

She ignores the catcalls,
She endures the torture and prevails her morale,
She is a monument unshakable, and a stone unbreakable,
She dumps her burdens and enlightens her destiny,
She protects her dignity and negotiates with denunciation,
She does no harm, but deals with it.
She is the lady on the road, ..the seventh wonder of the world.
The women of a country are the colors of your flag.
He's a bit of a diddeler
but more of a fiddler
as he scampers about the shoreline

He's a bit of a digger
and fast as a trigger
try to catch one, I tell you it's hard

He's a real survivor
a deep sea diver
when food is scarce on the beach

He never looks bored
shaking that extra large claw
I hope he's not looking for a fight

oh fiddle de de
please come to me
my fast footed friend, fiddler crab.

By Christos Andreas Kourtis

By NeonSolaris
© 2008 NeonSolaris (All rights reserved)
Nishu Mathur Jul 2016
It is the same garden that holds,
Prickly rose bushes,
Healing basil and spritely marigolds.

It is here the bees fly, birds rest their wings,
It is here every morning the nightingale sings.
It is here the hare scampers, the squirrel scurries,
The snake slithers, the rodent hurries.
It is here the gecko hides, the worm crawls,
The bat flies when darkness falls.

In the mud and the dirt, the soil and the gravel,
In coarse little stones, smooth little pebbles,
In  topaz skies, in waters azure,
In a lotus that blossoms in a world impure.
In the siesta of flowers, the fiesta of leaves,
In the dance of raindrops serenaded by  a breeze.
In summer's golden glare, autumns russet finger
In the green breath of spring, the white hand of winter..

Beauty in His creations, in every season,
In every color for a rainbow of reasons.
Each special and each rare,
Each, in a bough or burrow,
Has a niche somewhere.
Lilith Avenue Nov 2013
please do not tease me
with pretty words
and beautiful phrases

i take them in
like a parched man
scampers at the sight
of water

i marvel over them
much like humans admire
sunlight through
stain glass

and i cherish them
like a mother does
her first born
and hold them
close to my chest

do not tempt me
with kind words-
i'll start falling
as soon as they
fall from the
gap between
your lips
bt dubs you aren't ugly you are very opposite of ugly also should i even bother putting this on anon
The landscape sleeps in mist from morn till noon;
And, if the sun looks through, ’tis with a face
Beamless and pale and round, as if the moon,
When done the journey of her nightly race,
Had found him sleeping, and supplied his place.
For days the shepherds in the fields may be,
Nor mark a patch of sky—blindfold they trace,
The plains, that seem without a bush or tree,
Whistling aloud by guess, to flocks they cannot see.

The timid hare seems half its fears to lose,
Crouching and sleeping ’neath its grassy lair,
And scarcely startles, tho’ the shepherd goes
Close by its home, and dogs are barking there;
The wild colt only turns around to stare
At passer by, then knaps his hide again;
And moody crows beside the road forbear
To fly, tho’ pelted by the passing swain;
Thus day seems turn’d to night, and tries to wake in vain.

The owlet leaves her hiding-place at noon,
And ***** her grey wings in the doubling light;
The hoarse jay screams to see her out so soon,
And small birds chirp and startle with affright;
Much doth it scare the superstitious wight,
Who dreams of sorry luck, and sore dismay;
While cow-boys think the day a dream of night,
And oft grow fearful on their lonely way,
Fancying that ghosts may wake, and leave their graves by day.

Yet but awhile the slumbering weather flings
Its murky prison round—then winds wake loud;
With sudden stir the startled forest sings
Winter’s returning song—cloud races cloud,
And the horizon throws away its shroud,
Sweeping a stretching circle from the eye;
Storms upon storms in quick succession crowd,
And o’er the sameness of the purple sky
Heaven paints, with hurried hand, wild hues of every dye.

At length it comes along the forest oaks,
With sobbing ebbs, and uproar gathering high;
The scared, hoarse raven on its cradle croaks,
And stockdove-flocks in hurried terrors fly,
While the blue hawk hangs o’er them in the sky.—
The hedger hastens from the storm begun,
To seek a shelter that may keep him dry;
And foresters low bent, the wind to shun,
Scarce hear amid the strife the poacher’s muttering gun.

The ploughman hears its humming rage begin,
And hies for shelter from his naked toil;
Buttoning his doublet closer to his chin,
He bends and scampers o’er the elting soil,
While clouds above him in wild fury boil,
And winds drive heavily the beating rain;
He turns his back to catch his breath awhile,
Then ekes his speed and faces it again,
To seek the shepherd’s hut beside the rushy plain.

The boy, that scareth from the spiry wheat
The melancholy crow—in hurry weaves,
Beneath an ivied tree, his sheltering seat,
Of rushy flags and sedges tied in sheaves,
Or from the field a shock of stubble thieves.
There he doth dithering sit, and entertain
His eyes with marking the storm-driven leaves;
Oft spying nests where he spring eggs had ta’en,
And wishing in his heart ’twas summer-time again.

Thus wears the month along, in checker’d moods,
Sunshine and shadows, tempests loud, and calms;
One hour dies silent o’er the sleepy woods,
The next wakes loud with unexpected storms;
A dreary nakedness the field deforms—
Yet many a rural sound, and rural sight,
Lives in the village still about the farms,
Where toil’s rude uproar hums from morn till night
Noises, in which the ears of Industry delight.

At length the stir of rural labour’s still,
And Industry her care awhile forgoes;
When Winter comes in earnest to fulfil
His yearly task, at bleak November’s close,
And stops the plough, and hides the field in snows;
When frost locks up the stream in chill delay,
And mellows on the hedge the jetty sloes,
For little birds—then Toil hath time for play,
And nought but threshers’ flails awake the dreary day.
Reece Jul 2014
Siddhartha sat steady on a the hearth of an apartment, eyes closed
mouth closed, mind open and enchanted
Zen-man lingers in a dark park starting,
to realise indiscretions of his past lives avatar

(but don't for a second believe the lies you've been fed by the brother of your brother and the father's of the jingoist mafia because eyes blink often and the accumulative effect is a life of temporary blindness and in that blindness it's not possible to be enlightened)

Your mantras are a lie but the belief remains still
and so rolling over wild green hills in some Welsh country village it dawns on the spirits of the ether that humanity is struggling

to find absolution of even the most relative peace
- but so, and Siddhartha still sits, cross-legged and barely breathing
Emaciated; fast, faster
Losing her nerve

Zen-man died a few months back but you always live again and so a beetle on a hot car hood scampers in some intrinsic folly, semi-aware of being something or being at all

     Towards the walls of weather-beaten towns the levee finally bursts and all life ends -
until a gathering mist pulls absurd faces in the simpatico rays of a third-eye sun over the bayou of some forgotten rock in the cosmos
and the ethereal temptress of existence rolls the next dice on a green matted board
and our unified oneness speaks a solitudinal greeting to the sky.
It's always on a day like this
When morning kisses me awake
And I
Upon the magic trip
Slip into shirt and jeans.

Then leaning into a cup of tea
I open up the world to see
The news.
So many views (Not many likes)
I choose to enter
Exiting my door
I fall away into much more
Than commonplace.

She looks nice
A face I'd want to look at twice
And so I do.

A bus..a walk..a talk with Sanjay at the Paper shop
Where I often stop to pass the time
And then the park
A contrast to a month ago when the flow of leaves
Became a river on the ground.
Not a sound except the cracking of a nut
A squirrel but it scampers up the bony tree.

The day I came to see
Has seen it all before
The seasonal shift..the lifting light
The shortest day and the longest night but to me it's new
Or just another look at the same old view
I decide
And provide myself with the truth.
Anto MacRuairidh Aug 2015
"Stop playing with your nuts son. You'll get them full of hairs",
Said SNL netball's most famous coach to his one and only heir.
"Pa... tell me another the Scampers won the cup"
"Another one - there is only one", he said, lifting Junior up.

"But you tell it so well", Sean Jr said with a twinkle in his eye.
He has my wiley charm thought Coach, of that I cannot lie.
Coach Sean Shortt (Shortty) was full of pride - he gave his tail a twirl,
i'm really glad we had a boy though I'd have been happy with a girl.

He cleared his throat, "we'd reached the Finals in the year of ' 78,
Folks said it was 'cause I was chief but the team that year was great!
With Sammy Strain and Sereena Skylar; best Goal Attacks I ever saw
And Skittles Sloan - Wing Defence - what she couldn't do with a ball...!"

"Oh Dad! Fast forward to quarter 4 - the most exciting part !!"
Sean Jr was tired from school that day - Bless his little squirrel heart.
"Well it was even Stevens" Coach continued "only seconds on the clock.
I thought I'd never see the end my heart ticked with every tock."

"ShingleWood Sneakers were in terrific form - they hadn't yet been beat
But we played them at their own game and we really brought the heat.
Man marking and super fitness was the key to my strategy
Fair play as well but I fought for every single foul and penalty."

"Their main man was super tall - long tail - wore a medical mask,
For fear of seeming obtuse, I thought it prudent not to ask.
He never missed, this big GA - kept scoring goal after goal after goal.
I never seen the likes of him or his skills, son - Upon my soul!"

"His crowning moment a penalty - he surely couldn't miss, I'd bet.
He didn't!! And our hearts all sank like the ball, clean through the net.
Then they Gatoraded their coach but most of the liquid went the hero's way
Revealing a painted tail - a scandal!! - whispered about still, to this day."

"A raccoon ringer! - flown from the States, with a stripey lengthy tail -
To deceive the whole of our sainted league but their wicked plan had failed.
They were disqualified - to us, the cup -  I got Freedom of the Wood.
And though we ne'er won again - those memories still feel good."

Shortty gave the lad a loving look - bed time was fast approaching
- Stories have to end some time; so with Life and so with coaching -
"And what did we learn, my only son, on that fateful glorious day -
Apart from the obvious that squirrel tails arent monochrome, they're gray."

Junior huffed a pretend sigh because he really loved this tradition
And with a proper unpretend yawn he said without sedition,
"The moral of the story is to strive through thick and thin,
No Sir, winners never cheat - and cheaters never win !!"

...and so to bed...
Previously posted on another site by me.
the baby pin oak in my backyard
is strong enough to support
the wild bird feeder
blue jay watches avidly till the coast is clear
relaxing in the garden jhoola
I sip my morning tea
a lime pastel butterfly flutters close to
my cup and a tawny brown lizard
his balloon red throat puffing love-calls
scampers over my feet
sky drenches the moment in blue
and chest thumping sounds of a
Saturday baseball game
herringbones through the fantastic
fabric and handiwork
of the here and now
Writing prompt of the hour: mandrake

oh poison, what poison doth whisper in my ear

race through my veins like molten metal

cause the hottest summer to season in my mind

echoes a terrible trembling in my tingling limbs

it is mandrake, oh such deadly shade of night

that raises me to the floor luring my knees to my face

in unequalled gross distortions

oh mandrake, thou art a shade so deadly

as to make the blackest night quiver

now this poison makes strange ineluctable rhythms

gradually and patiently enter my body, my thoughts

like a gradual orchestral cadence of static melody

subtly wisping around my whole being.

destructive mandrake now scampers in my blood

becomes inseparable and lives in me

in fiery flocks of hallucinated concepts.

it fires through my body like burning sulphur

this mandrake, this poison

that has prolonged persistence

makes an experience of antediluvian treachery

from another time, not of this time, this present, this now

this here

mandrake has embalmed me to

the red roguish clay

I die ghastly from a writing prompt

mandrake, mandrake, deadly nightshade

fuqing mandrake
AprilDawn Apr 2014
Half-moon pops out of cadet blue sky's pocket
no stars yet tonight

Neighbor's worn white chimney
looms above
six foot cedar fence
laden with returning fuchsia Bougainvilleas

Overgrown Bird of Paradise stretches
wind slashed leaves
in desperate hopes of letting
light into its heart

Mosaic stepping stones
mark a vivid trail
to so many plants
whose names I do not know
that continue to bloom and grow

Caribbean blue metal lizard scampers
across garage wall
as nearby pensive garden goddess
gently cradles dead blossoms
in cupped palms

A lone Blue Jay glides over
the pollen dressed
pool surface
toward willowy flowers
in terracotta pots
that are busy sending
fragrant messages
to my patch of suburban serenity.
This one got published  in my college literary magazine in  early 2006.I miss  this garden  in the burbs  of Houston. Like I knew I would.
Marshall Gass Nov 2014
Bruised and beaten in the salt swamped oceans
burnt to crackled skin, unbarked, floating
highways in the waters racing, warm
blanket of currents, tossed in the tide
of reaching places, far off shores
infested by man -eating sharks
piranha fish,  electric eels, the boat of misery
finds its channel to freedom
on some strange islet that leads
to unkempt land.

Not wanted in their own country
scratching for existence
watching nirvana on Channel 52
each scampers in the dead of night
to find a home in other unwanted countries
abandoned on the beach of mercy.

The war on poverty will rage
around polished tables of policies
and the rich will get richer
while the poor get  children.

We are driftwood dressed in a society
with new bark-like skins.

Author Notes

immigrants.Watch as the world disintegrates into driftwood.
© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, a month ago
Heather Moon Dec 2014
Washing Kai in the sauna,
The kerosene lantern set on a box
      outside the ground-level window,
Lights up the edge of the iron stove and the
      washtub down on the slab  
Steaming air and crackle of waterdrops
      brushed by on the pile of rocks on top
He stands in warm water
Soap all over the smooth of his thigh and stomach
      “Gary don’t soap my hair!”
      —his eye-sting fear—
      the soapy hand feeling
      through and around the globes and curves of his body  
      up in the crotch,
And washing-tickling out the *******, little ****,
      his ***** curving up and getting hard
      as I pull back skin and try to wash it
Laughing and jumping, flinging arms around,
      I squat all naked too,
                                          is this our body?

Sweating and panting in the stove-steam hot-stone  
      cedar-planking wooden bucket water-splashing  
      kerosene lantern-flicker wind-in-the-pines-out
      sierra forest ridges night—
Masa comes in, letting fresh cool air  
      sweep down from the door  
      a deep sweet breath
And she tips him over gripping neatly, one knee down
      her hair falling hiding one whole side of
      shoulder, breast, and belly,  
Washes deftly Kai’s head-hair
      as he gets mad and yells—
The body of my lady, the winding valley spine,
      the space between the thighs I reach through,
      cup her curving ***** arch and hold it from behind,  
      a soapy tickle                a hand of grail
The gates of Awe
That open back a turning double-mirror world of  
      wombs in wombs, in rings,
      that start in music,
                                          is this our body?

The hidden place of seed
The veins net flow across the ribs, that gathers  
      milk and peaks up in a ******—fits
      our mouth—
The ******* milk from this our body sends through  
      jolts of light; the son, the father,
      sharing mother’s joy
That brings a softness to the flower of the awesome  
      open curling lotus gate I cup and kiss
As Kai laughs at his mother’s breast he now is weaned  
      from, we
      wash each other,
                                          this our body

Kai’s little ******* up close to his groin,
      the seed still tucked away, that moved from us to him  
In flows that lifted with the same joys forces
      as his nursing Masa later,
      playing with her breast,
Or me within her,
Or him emerging,
                                          this is our body:

Clean, and rinsed, and sweating more, we stretch  
      out on the redwood benches hearts all beating  
Quiet to the simmer of the stove,
      the scent of cedar
And then turn over,
      murmuring gossip of the grasses,
      talking firewood,
Wondering how Gen’s napping, how to bring him in  
      soon wash him too—
These boys who love their mother
      who loves men, who passes on
      her sons to other women;

The cloud across the sky. The windy pines.  
      the trickle gurgle in the swampy meadow

      this is our body.

Fire inside and boiling water on the stove
We sigh and slide ourselves down from the benches  
      wrap the babies, step outside,

black night & all the stars.

Pour cold water on the back and thighs
Go in the house—stand steaming by the center fire  
Kai scampers on the sheepskin
Gen standing hanging on and shouting,

“Bao! bao! bao! bao! bao!”

This is our body. Drawn up crosslegged by the flames  
      drinking icy water
      hugging babies, kissing bellies,

Laughing on the Great Earth  

Come out from the bath.
Gary Snyder, “The Bath” from Turtle
By Gary Snyder

Garry Snydeeerrr ******* rocks my socks!!!!
glaze Jun 2013
As the rain pours the sneezing mouse scampers for shelter,
under shelter under shelter,
pitter patter to beneath the doorframe,
she finally rests next to the drain pipe dripping.
Standing next to her like the dwarfing spire of a church is a man,
the man shares the shelter with the mouse.

As she stares open mouthed at his beauty,
he looks down upon a regular mouse.
Emma Nov 2016
In my shining spotlight the rabbit scampers
Across the fields, its bright white eyes, and stops
Crouching in the dewy grass of a foggy night
In the pale-faced cold wind of winter

In the light of the supermoon
In the light rain fog of November
And what is fog?
In the darkness
Something that I remember

The glowing leaves pile up in my pockets
Yellow ones burn like lemon flames, green like pears
They all find their way someday between the pages
Of my stained petal books

And I always find my way
Into the Moon's light,
Where blue sea laps softly on smooth stones
Of the shore
Of the skin
And the silence
Of the night
Reece Nov 2013
Through peach coloured faded blinds, you watch him type on ashen keyboards
Low music playing, he used to cut her hair, she was breathing
Words from a soul, or words from dictionaries faded as the blinds and walls and clothes on his back
A team of typists, all in a line (factory work and the repetitiveness of city living)
You notice the desk, cheap and flat-pack, worn markings exposition of veneer and wood
Did you spot the reference, or did it pass your eyes,
- are you a fan?
His derivative verse of Bukowski and the like is painful to eyes and corroding of the soul
Have you seen the bees flee?
Watch as the lights turn dead, and the oven burns red
I'm not sure if one could call it homely; his home
The way darkness arrives early each night above that house alone
and the way rabid foxes walk in large circles to avoid the shadow cast
You hear him cry at night
(and I feel ashamed at noticing you)

He sets himself alight, to feel something new
You watch from your couch and flip the channel

Are the old haunts getting older still,
by the night's final adieu, a wild dog scampers home
To lay beneath the old car with grass in the engine
and we both know the house is burning

The flashing lights in the street and the coked up vagrants dance rhythmically
Smoke contortions over the grassy morning dew
A girl with a vacant stare, from a bench afar, watches and flicks broken nails
Everything you are is nothing you want, still watching from the window
Pacing. Pacing.

(I am on the rooftop, and I saw it all.)
WJ Thompson Mar 2017
It is
Mouse on the C
Mouse on the keys
Photovoltaic benjamins
New cologne: Mars Musk
X marks the interstellar profit
Build-a-baby with CRISPR-Cas9
Mouse jumping playing "Für Elise"
Are words worthy of the afternoon?
Does the value offer gain an interest?
Nicholas coils are being insistent.
Mouse waving, saying, "see!
Will you follow me?"
Scampers toward
ignited rockets
I'll follow him
into the
New job, baby. Let's gooooooooooooo
Nishu Mathur Jul 2016
Like a stream that meanders
Cantering music sweet
Caprice treads whimsical
Lightly on her feet.

Like the wind that doesn't know
Where to gently breeze
Caprice breathes here, then there
... the air touched 'n teased.

Like the midnight stars that twinkle 
Through the darkness peer
Caprice in a wink
Appears to disappear.

Like the morning sunlight
That hides, then lights up hills
Caprice scampers up and down
Never a moment still.

Like waves and ocean tides
That ebb, rise and flow
Caprice heaves night and day..
Between her joys and woes.

Like raindrops and the rainbow
That hold the other's hand
Caprice sighs and smiles
In but a single glance.        

I wonder... if you sense her
Her murmurs, feel her warm breath
Caprice... right behind you..
Though you haven't seen her yet.
Jenny Cassell Jan 2010
We sit and we wait
For what we know not
It has no name or form
But each of us waits

We're sure it's what we want
But is it really?

It comes for a few
And they are overjoyed
We watch them leave, and we wonder
Have they found happiness?
Was it worth the wait?
Will it come for us?

And still we wait
Believing it will come for us
And we will dance with it always

Is what we wait for
And it tantalizes us with its nearness
Laughing and dancing just out of reach
Our fingers slip and our grasp is not firm
And it scampers away again
Only to tiptoe near as we're about to give up
Leaning down to whisper in our ear

"Don't give up.
I'll come for you.
You just have to wait."

But love is a tricky being
It conceals and decieves
And waits for us to believe

Waits for us to fall head over heels
For us to smile and laugh
And for us to give our hearts

And when we do
Love steals our hearts and keeps them for its own

And so we sit and we wait
For what we now know

Its name is Love and its form is stolen hearts
Ces Sep 2020
The tiny red ant scampers
In a forest of greenish mold
Its bristly legs carrying
Biological modules:
A head with pincers
An imperceptible thorax
A swelling abdomen.

It has nothing but a laborious drive
A pheromone-induced servility
For the queen: the lazy, bloated tyrant!
The sole purpose being
The laying of eggs.

The noble red ant
Moves on to scavenge
Blind and dumb

To the ruthless cycle
Of its existence.
Zajan Akia Sep 2012
Her velvet ears still perk up
and her tail thumps

She licks and scampers
and rubs her nose
a bit drier these days
when I call

She's old now
her golden coat faded
but always a ferocious
little puppy for me
Alan McClure Dec 2010
In the instant of creation
I am a channel of pure light,
translating truth from some wordless space,
forming the formless
and joyful at the privilege.

But then,
the thing clutches me
and demands attention
like an ill-bred child.

"Look, just go!" I beg it,
and off it scampers
but keeps returning
with news
of its own imperfection
and my poor craftsmanship.

Then it crouches on my shoulder
as I inspect the work of others
and whispers triumph at their failures
and hatred at success.

Until I start to fear beauty,
***** my eyes shut
and cover my ears, ashamed
of what it breeds in me.
- From Also Available Free
Joshua Haines Jun 2017
I backpedal before flanks of flames,
auburn and angry, devouring the
fractured field; deconstructing
                     the turn of the century.

The fire jumps up and down,
like a developing polaroid,
asking to be acknowledged
-- to which I can relate, but
I'd like to believe I cause
                  less destruction.

Closing my eyes, I become
submerged in memory of the
hideous boulevard she drove
down, to the tune of disposable
pop singers; crouching next to
the radio, praying with the servants
of postured finer joys like pirate
rubies and sweet kale salads.

When looking up, through the
windshield; through the life;
a tic scampers from eyelid to
cheek, as the car buckles before
a triumph of a deer; the size of
a Godly Eland, shoveling it's
human feet into the downtown
dirt: an asphalt so slick, we
rose from our seats, as the
God split our vehicle in half,
throwing us into opposite
guardrails; dodging cars,
while it watched us.

Shudders of savored gladness
drip down my hairline wound,
painting my face before I die
and return to the towering blaze.
Shaun Meehan Nov 2014
A head tiny, sticks outward from hole.
Up high, scanning
for dangers distant.

From limb nearby a neighbour it sees,
leaping from branch to branch—

Home lined tight with fur and leaf,
warm and soft,
comfort, seclusion, and heat.

With one anxious paw placed on bark's edge,
out it inches, inspecting overhead
for raptor looming.

It scampers out, wandering not far.
The move a tempt to that which might lie
in wait.

As threat proved false, head first its descent,
to reach carpet of flame and leaf, fulfilling desire—

Paw on floor it dismount bark,
big eyes searching for its like,
its competition.

By hop and bound it manoeuvres the land,
beneath arbor owning winter home,
the tall oak.

The giant's arms, splayed to fingers.
By them it propagates, a provider,
a giver of life.

Acorns—a favoured meal, the crop this year so small,
many have come to feast of nut

Some too small, or marked, or holed.
Those unripe buried to percolate until

Ever wary, amassing winter store,
searching and scratching, until finding one
just right.

Teeth like sabres, peeling case to flesh beneath,
a bushy tail demands black eye. Oh,
envious brother.

Scramble ensues, a chase, feathery tails waving,
barking forth and back,
a harmless show.

After a moment they part,
ownership retained,
precious maintained in

Upon fallen log it sits, billowly spine curled over back.
In hands it roles, fingers gripping, shell piling, teeth gnawing—

A sudden snap,
an echo

A strike so swift,
so accurate,

There one moment,
the next,
simply gone.

One bounce, then two, the acorn falls.
The prize once won, return to earth,
eviscerated—unclaimed, destined for

Leaf beneath boot, the hunter's approach,
neither with joy nor smile, steps heavy with
weighted soul.

Unsheathing hand from leather,
stooping, reaching low to prey at peace in
Autumn's Ember.

Warm in grip, yet frame gone limp,
a regretful finger stroking
stilled body.

A life of worth, of value,
seen as pest by most though beauty by

This place, its home, the grounds on which it foraged,
forever quieted, absent presence, its

No longer would two roam and chase,
where pair competed for food sparse, now live one
with plenty.

High in timber, the hole not long ago dwelling,
warm and secure, awaiting occupant's return in vain.
Tonight cold, empty—

On the morrow, upon lifting sun,
the leaves at Titan's base would rustle fail, the
playfulness gone.

Fur flat, tail fallen between fingers bare,
his life's consequence far reaching, not without effect,
not without

Soon to leave, his presence gone,
the absence in his wake, his mark on the land,
the place
now quiet.

A broken heart,
for sake of
it's just izz Dec 2020
It is Fall.

Autumn sheds her golden sleeves,
skirts swishing softly

Her sunset stained fingers
slather the world in orange,
clean, crisp lines that capture the
crunch of leaves on canvas,
dabs of brooding blue,
bright, bold strokes for the brick-red
walls where the dormouse scampers.

art and wind;
Art, and wind.

do you hear the seasons
i miss fall :(
Wally Smith Jul 2011
The wood chimes are clunking
with each sweep of breeze,
lending melody in this space.
This is where I dig,
dividing root from soil,
time from life, and us
from everybody else.

Squirrel scampers the border,
raising hackles and creating a
two-legged dog and mayhem.
This must be his habitat,
passed down through generations
until the brick and concrete conspired
to break the oak stronghold.

The view from the decking
throws itself through other gardens
to the far distant fast lane.
Noiseless here, with only
the high haunting whistle
of the slow circling
red kite.
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
I walk into a toystore
a welcoming refuge from the cold winter breeze.
Quickly, I am mystified by this place.
Taken in by the expanse of candy and action figurines,
I realize I have entered a new world.

A young girl scampers by,
and I feel the need to follow her,
allowing her to lead my through this childish paradise.
My hands trailing along the Princess dresses and Beanie Baby fabric.

I can sense the years peeling off me,
the further in I go.
Forgetting all about education, jobs, and politics
oblivious to the outside world and all its problems.
I am now a little girl, too.
Reaching for a Barbie and tea party set,
I settle down to play. +
Beanie Baby Feb 2014
Tick Tock Tick Tock
The Mouse runs down the clock
It’s on our floor
It’s out the door
It scampers down the walk
It’s past the gate
It will escape
Robbie throws a rock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Kimberle Killips Mar 2011
The tale begins with a mother
And daughter quietly conversing
About this topic and that.

A peculiar interruption stops
The pair’s flow of words.

“Look Mom, I’m a mermaid!”
My eldest sister announced while
Shaking her rotund rear in proximity
To my mother’s face.

She immediately scampers off
To the kitchen while we look at
Each other with astonishment,
Neither knowing what just took place.

Laugher, of course, ensues.

The self-proclaimed mermaid wanders
Back to the giggling pair. I mention
Her new status and a look of
Puzzlement appears on her face.

She professes ignorance, denying
Such a thing ever happened. There
Was no convincing her of the truth.

Even now, she believes we made
Up the whole tale. But I know
She cannot renounce her actions that
Day. For she will always be thought
Of as a mermaid to me.
My sister can be amusing sometimes. (And I will never let her forget this story.)
ALesiach Jul 2019
Awakened by the kiss of dawn
the softness of her morning light
gently nudges the night away

The dew drops twinkle on the lawn
a bird sings sweetly his delight,
his trilling, courteous and gay

The garden flowers seem to spring
amidst the green they gently sway
floral fragrance floats on the breeze

The bayou softly murmuring
wavering shadows still at play,
lost in the depths of cypress trees

A squirrel scampers to the ground
and across the yard he rushes
buries acorns without a sound

In the distance a baying hound
eager to hunt in the bushes
until fox or raccoon is found

A horse gallops over a hill
enjoying freedom and the sun,
he stops, grazing in grassy fields

I follow nature and be still
watching as the day has begun
and early morning beauty yields

ALesiach © 07/29/2019
Angelica Renee Sep 2013
when my security
into sand scattered on the concrete

when my face
burns, melts
into the many little bones
holding it together

when my resolve
scampers down the walk
its leash finally tattered enough to be broken

when my eyes view yours
as they would migraines,
blinking away every fantasy of us together for fear of
pain or nausea or both

when I find myself laboring to
smile, nod, speak
as though the receptors telling me to
obey and interact have lost touch
with their synapses

when you ask me if I'm okay
and I'm struggling under your hand
as you hold me under the surface of my insecurities

and I just say, "Yes."
AMEN Apr 2014
I'm over the precipice but I don't fall
Whether by sheer will or providence, Earth doesn't yet greet me - face to face
I'm left to my own devices
I'm in a crisis

The alarms ringing in my skull incapacitate me
The fear is electrifying as my eyes shift downwards
I float briefly in my trance
Wondering shall I meet my demise at the bottom?

        What a mighty bound she takes as she leaps to the skies
        Who told her she could fly?

        The Wish, yes it's attainable
        But what is her sacrifice?

         What foolish thinking
         That she has control over what is not hers
          She will not fly yet

           How pitiful is the untimely realisation of one's futile actions
            Her gaze lowers as fear scampers across her features
             She knows her fate

Regret flies into my face; It's slender beak nips at my curled fingers
And as time awakens, the grace period goes to sleep
My glance quickly returns to whence I came
I feel the unbearable longing for a foundation that will not fail me
But alas time is up; It is about; It will act on today's victim
There is no return

What I thought was tantalizing only just previously
Now feels like a weight in my hand
My mind whirls
I cannot breathe at this height
My grip loosens;

                 Look before you leap, they say
                  Leap and ask questions later, you do
                  Miserable child, no one is up there to answer your questions
                   And when you return down here, you can no longer ask

With trembling fingers The Wish escapes
It feebly flutters to greater heights
Abandoning this doubtful creature being tossed and thrown by the wind

                      My heart weeps for you, child

I close my eyes

                       And I do not envy you your ignorance

I raise my head to the skies

                                  Never again

Never again will I-

                                   Fill your head with such lies

I fall
                                                            ­                                              -A.M.E.N.
Jack Singer Nov 2011
You feel it
quivering like thick wet bass strings
Far beneath you,
rumbling deep within you,
In a secret place.

Push it down.
Try to swallow.
It’s not working.
It pushes to the surface
stronger now,
that bile taste
In the back of your throat
more real suddenly.

It scampers up the inside
Of your ridged esophagus,
Its padded feet
Clinging and skiddering
quickly up the dark sides.
The damp passageway
As if to throw it down
But still it climbs

It is faster now and closer
Even closer.
It is closer now and faster
Even faster.
You realize suddenly
you are trapped.
here amongst the crowd,
Surrounded on all sides
by thousands of pulsing bodies,
Only they don’t seem to see
The impending doom.
You will have to submit
To it.

Frantically, you claw at your surroundings,
at the very earth itself you have to escape
there is no other way.
There is a guttural desperation to your cries
shooting forth from your throat
and you do not recognize it.
It is closer now and it is faster and Holy
This is the end.

You pull at your hair,
Claw scarlet marks down your face
It is too much to bear
It will consume you.
You feel the very pieces of your mind
Torn apart, shearing past each other
Like tectonic plates and the world
is no more and the world
doesn’t know you anymore
it is closer now this thing this terrible thing
yes you see it now.

It is all so clear now that you can see it.
Of course this is doom.
It is complete now and the world
as you knew it is ripped and torn asunder
as easily as houses are obliterated in tornadoes
and you grab the sides of your head in complete
panic  as it climaxes
and takes over
Causticji May 2015
The world's not a stage
It's an auction house
We're all up for grabs
Wake up, kid
Smell the coffee
There is no early bird
The gavel crushed its wings
Just the feline
Hunting for the mouse
The rodent scampers
Dark alleyways
The fog clouds its vision
But the cat's got eyes
Gleam in the moonlight
Smouldering crystals
Long road cut short
Dead end
What do we have here?
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2018
A frosty evening
Grasping onto moonlight
Never releasing hold

The snow breathes
Quakes gently back and forth
Rocking the earth to sleep

The fog scampers in
Blanketing the clammy air
Then abandoning it's call

The wind barks through the night
Until day breaches
Unwritten contracts broken
I wrote this a long time ago, i was in middle school so about 10 years ago. I do like it but it is very vague in its essence.
M Jun 2018
‍   there is a rat in our room.

‍   we've always had a rat problem, but never in our room. in the kitchen; in the living room; in the backyard, yes. i don't know how it got here, but it did.

‍   i spend most time alone in the room.

‍   i guess i'm not really alone. the rat is 'with' me. it stays out of my way, mostly, but sometimes, if i hold my breath and lower whatever song's blasting off of spotify; i can hear it. it scampers around in the clothes closet. it runs across the floors. i've seen it once or twice.

‍   no one else in my family seems to care it's there.

‍   they know it is, but they haven't done anything about it. usually we'd set up mice traps but having one in the room is always a danger - we walk barefoot and throw our things around. the trap might end up snagging us before it lands the mouse.

‍   they call the rat 'friendly'.

‍   it's 'the friendly'. sometimes, i talk out loud to it, when i'm alone. i tell it about how i'm not ready for mom to leave. i tell it about how i'm scared for college. (i must be going crazy.) i was certain that the moment it would hear my voice; booming, at no one in particular; it would scuttle away.

‍   but, sometimes, if i hold my breath... i like to pretend i can hear it listening.
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2015
The wind holds you gently as you glide through the air
Yours eyes focused sharply on the movement down there

Hunting ,circling, lower you go
Your red tail it glistens in the golden sunrise
I watch enamored just mesmerized

Focused deliberate the prey in your sight
It scampers Oblivious of your inbound flight

Your body slowly rotates prepared to attack talons out stretched with wings folded back

My heart beating rapidly anticipating the impact

And then in a instant, in a big puff of fur ,leaves fill the air as your wings stir, up into the air away with your prize

The beauty of nature witnessed at Sunrise

Bill Hamilton
Scenes from a fire tower

— The End —