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Mari-Elle Nov 2014
He fell in love with a walking hurricane
Putting a face to heartache as a name
She had a war going on inside her brain
She never knew that he'd love her all the same

'Cause fractured pieces
Can still make art
And wine will never cure a mistake
But choker chains
Made out of self restraints
Were worn by this runaway train

She was a runaway train
i fall asleep in the a.m. hours with my necklace holding my veins together, tight enough to remind me of your fingers interlocking in the very same place.
sunday 23rd november '14 ~ i'm trying not to get too attached
Ember Evanescent Nov 2014
Once again I wore my spiked choker and wristband today
I haven't worn them in a while
Because everyone thinks I'm depressed when I wear them
But I realized I don't care what people think of me
I'm not hollow like I was the last time I wore this
So that is all that really matters
This is my little symbol of rebellion
Against hatred
To say to those who prejudge me and hate me:
F!ck you
I'll do whatever the hell I feel like
Your approval is not needed
I'm happy dressed this way
That's all that matters
I encourage everyone to have a little bit
Of that "F!ck You Attitude" today
Just little symbols of rebellion
Draw a black X on your wrist today
In black ink
If you support
Being yourself regardless what people think
And through this little ink symbol
Though apart in miles
We will be united in spirit
Be YOU :)
I'm drawing the black X on my wrist right now. Comment if you are going to do it too. So we know someone else out there supports rebelling against hatred. ;)
briannah rae May 2017
the words slipped
out of his mouth
like a smooth ribbon
of silk
and i wanted
to tie them around
my neck
like a choker necklace
and wear them
for all to see.
i wanted
people to know
how he felt
about me
because i felt
with his
choker necklace words
and i wanted
to see my beauty.
i wanted them
to touch my necklace
and ask where
i got it
and long to have one
just like it
but that necklace
is mine
and i will do everything
i can
to keep it for
Styles Apr 2022
Sitting here,
wishing she
were here,

In this chair-
on my lap,
straddling me.

Choker on,
wearing a skirt;
pink lace thong
Hair combed long
no shirt on
tats; jet black lace her back

Gently kissing her neck,
she slowly lick her lips,
But, the rest is
all mine...

Her soft skin
rubbing against mine
goosebumps run up her hand
then scatter through her spine

Thin *******
turning me on
I need her energy
Her senses
sense me
her scent
attracts me

The rough material of my jeans
Rubbing against her ****
Buckles your knees
I can feel it
The more I move
the tighter she squeezes it

the stare in her eyes
is her invitation
to my demise;
I have

as she grinds,
absorbing all her vibes
rubbing herself against my thighs-
Leaving her wetness as my prize
anna Mar 2013
today you wrapped your hands around my waist
long fingers over thumbs, your nails were red and
chipping at the tips
You called me pretty names for pretty things, but
I’m Sylvia P. today.
look in my hand
count the beads between your fingers, tell me again
how I found my name beneath a crackling bush.

it was sunday [i remember] and my god squeezed the earth
between her thighs, crushed out water
clouds sank, my eyes lost the hem of my dress.
old man with the bell gave me a
reddish smile, his face cracked
he say a penny for the poor does a soul good
I slipped one in my
back pocket then
patted it tight for a rainy day.
you talked much too much, voice floated through the fog
and I heard too much

I was wringing out tears from my dress
when it fell like a note ringing out
and spoke to me then
and I spent my penny on a life.
I bought my life beneath a crackling bush.
I walked with it, down streets and up streets
and the hours turned my skin black and
my nails chipped off but my life stayed,
it did.

beads one, two, three, it starts with an S
ends with a
choker. absence of breath.
in moments like this
your words on my neck reminds me I'm
still alive.

a penny's worth of string and beads and
my life was bought on the lord's day.
I'm not quite done with this, but here you go. For a contest to write about an artifact.
Memories of that rhinestone choker
loose around my neck

Choke me like you like to be choked
A choker with rhinestone eyes and
hands clasped tighter than a rhinestone choker
Avery Greensmith Nov 2014
I. you don't even know who you are yet, but you still have to stand on top of buildings and scream what you stand for. people won't hear your values unless you write it on their skin and tattoo it into their minds, so that’s what you’ll do.

II. you aren't vain or stupid for idolizing singers with blonde hair and blue eyes, because they look like you, and yet they’re strong and beautiful. it’s okay when you connect to their music then you connect to your favorite boy band. they’ll teach you how your resident ******* means nothing compared to you. they’ll teach you how to winged eyeliner, and how to put your hair in a messy bun. they’ll teach you a new love for songwriting and you’ll probably want to start playing guitar, but the biggest thing is that you relate to them and they give you confidence.

III. wear your ******* choker and straighten your hair (or leave it wavy if you’d rather). wear your dark eyeliner and cover your eyelashes with mascara. if you want to wear blue knee high socks, please do. keep your hipster shoes untied if you want. ignore the ******* who thinks you look nice but not in the right way, and go buy that dark lipstick you've been wanting for weeks.

IV. don’t trust the people that tell you Taylor Swift has too many boyfriends, and that Beyonce dances too ******. they are the people that will criticize you for wearing a crop top and ripped jeans. they’ll pull you out of math class to change out of your short shorts, and you’ll be forced to watch as the boys you were ‘distracting’ succeed in class while you’re crying in the middle of the night trying to catch up.

V. take more pictures of the scenery. those pink clouds you thought were pretty deserve to be photographed, so do it. they won’t always be around and you have to follow your instincts sometimes.  stop taking so many pictures at concerts. they don’t really mean anything to you, and it’s more important to listen to the music that helps you breathe. cry when they sing your favorite song, and feel your dreams expanding as you watch.

VI. please take care of yourself. when you need help, ask for help, or everything will spiral out of control too quickly. get enough sleep and stick up for yourself when you’re being pushed down. stop caring what other people think, because you’re really the only one that matters. when you’re sad go do what makes you happy, because even if it doesn't make you grin from ear to ear it will help. always remember to love yourself before you let someone else love you.
xavier thomas Sep 2020
Feels so good, can’t believe that this is legal
Quench my thirst, I might need a refill
Moving your hips to make it jiggle
“Throw it back” makes you so lethal
Body language exposing your demeanor
Don’t stop, we need to finish the mission
Got you wrapped around my finger
You’re so fine you’re a s-x symbol
Hop on top, watch you go hard
Show me that special lotus trump card
Ride so wild, it caught me off guard
Foreplay crazy, place you in a choker
Got you stretching doing yoga
Too loud, we waking up the locals
Baby wait, this is becoming explosive
Reset position, time to flip you over
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                         ­   h     h o      h
                          o       k e         o
                         k          r             k
                        e       C      h         e
                        r       o       k         r
                         C      e       r        C
                           h     C    h        h
                              o      o       o
                                 ~   k    ~
Arisa Mar 2019
Be not the Clown,
But the Joker.
Don't wear the pendant,
Wear the choker.

Please, take your time,
But only if you hurry.
However, do not stress,
Unless I tell you to worry.

**** yourself,
But **** me first.
Believe in fortune,
Believe you're cursed.

Look good in white,
Look great in black.
Come here tomorrow,
and never come back.

Vote one way and please vote the other.
Hate your rival, yet love their mother.
Take down notes and burn them all away,
Collect the ashes and do your chores for the day.

You gotta be smarter,
But you better be dumb.
Play the violin,
But bang the drum.

And the most important thing of all
Is to never take anyone's advice EVER.
- Because everyone on God's green Earth
Think they're so **** clever.
A whimsical poem I made when I turned 16.
Lena LeFay May 2016
Yesterday you were the velvet one
Tickling my skin with your softest touch
Smooth and enchanting, you know I can’t keep my hands of you
Sweetest words, whispered in my ear
Couldn’t you made it last a little longer?

Today you are the one made out of leather
Flexible it seems, made to endure anything and anyone
Seductive, kinda forbidden, yet I’m scared
I try to go, you’re holding onto me
Afraid what’s in there the next day

Tomorro you’ll be metal
No difference between the shades of silver or gold
You’re hard to break, keeping me in my place
But oh these tears will look amazing on you
Glistening like diamonds, enhancing what we were
I’m literally sitting here. Literally. I’m figuratively doing nothing. This time allows me to think. Contemplate; the future of this mess we call adolescence. You look at the clock. Tick tock…kids stepping over my feet, as I literally sit here. Figuratively doing nothing. I’m breathing. Writing. Forming a collection of words in this memo. They don’t fit together, realistically. I would go for a smoke, but I have no cigarettes. I am a sixteen year old, who is too awkward too phone her boyfriend’s home phone, and too awkward just to pop round. I have to see miss in an hour, there’s a kid who’s sad and I have to talk to him.
   Apparently I am confident. I’m not. I just listen to powerful music which makes me feel like I can be a queen. That’s the idea. To feel comfortable you need to not care, and look after yourself. You are queen, you care for your subjects. You rule with fair point. You go out and buy yourself a crown, or shoplift one. I don’t know, just whatever makes you feel like the main *****. Find what you like about yourself and spark it. Make what you like stand out. Find the things you dislike about yourself and show it off. I don’t like my **** but hey, just shake it a bit and it’s like simple twerking. I have thunder thighs which consist of a fair amount of muscle; I have perfected the **** drop. I have become stronger because of what I put myself through. I am the only one who can hear my thoughts. So if at first you’re thinking ‘******* I’m terrified, what if I look like a ****’ fake it.

After acting like this powerful alter ego you can become her. She takes over at times. I can switch between quiet, shy Sophia; into the proud, queen ***** Patricia. Patricia the stripper. I admit this is my alter ego. She wears red lipstick, a leopard coat and thigh highs. She owns a tiara and blows bubbles in her gum. She struts to punk music and breaths arctic monkeys. She dances to jack white, ***** wiggles and all. She sings Kate Nash and the kooks, because she needs to keep her showgirl ship with class and talent as well as outright hot radiation. She has no idea what she is doing, as long as everyone is happy and entertained; she is satisfied with her life. She loves everyone because they all contain a characteristic she adores.

I also have another alter ego who has no name. This is the first time I’m referring to her as her own alter ego. She’s like a ****** of crows. An unkind of ravens. She wears dangerously applied dark makeup. She always wears full black. She’s pretty much a Goth who thrives on shock, horror and Edgar Allen Poe. Her favorite author is Stephan king and she has murderous thoughts. She pouts. She is, oh so pouty; with darkened lips of a cherry flavor. She makes sassy comments which sometimes come out as unintended bitchiness. She scares people, but they call her cool. She’s a bass player, with a strong stance and a black bra and thong set. She smokes like a chimney. She has ash-ened dark lungs like her mind. She’s my biting ***** ego. She hates anything that’s negative in the human spectrum of life. Ironic. She can’t stand hate but embodies it. She smiles at kids playing or people busking. Under the black shell intended to scared, she has the interior of a marshmallow. Fluffy hair, pastel teddy choker, and a love for giggling. She smells or strawberries, cherries and bubble-gum. She is actually really happy; this drives people mad as they can’t label her…neither can I, unless this pinkie paradise is one of her own. Like all my egos…she is happy.
I started writing out of boredom. Then it became advise for this kid I had to talk to about confidence *the kid who's sad* . Then it became a summary of my alter egos. We share here...this is all just rambling bull...but hey who doesn't like dumb ****, am i right?
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
Say hello to the monsters.
The ones that bed in you,
The ones that reveal themselves
The ones that turn into one
And the ones that find you.

Monster n°1 / The Fake One
This monster would want to prove itself and will use you because it can't depend on itself due to its insecurities. It's easily detectable.
This one is the least harmless.
All you have to do is simply lose contact - it won't need you twice.

Monster n°2 / The Backstabber
The one that crawls behind your back and leaves prints with every step it takes.
This one is the most vulnerable.
All you have to do is turn around, catch it and watch it tremor in-between your fingers.

Monster n°3 / The One That Dances With Your Demons
This monster dancer would do anything to get under your skin and show you what you'd wish to see.
This one is the most naive.
All you have to do is notice how it agrees with you on everything that comforts you instead of everything that makes you step forward.

Monster n°4 / The Puller
This one acknowledges itself as a monster and would show you, with all its ways, a road that meets your eye, but effectively, this road would eventually lead them to their goals.
This one is physically the strongest.
All you have to do is be mentally stronger and K.O. it.

Monster n°5 / The Choker
This one is an alpha monster. Its aim is to destroy you. It knows your power well and would do anything to stop you. It will make you love it as it poisons you. It would wrap itself around your neck and you wouldn't even notice.
This one is the most dangerous.
You can do nothing about it but seek help from people that can save you from all of what that monster has drained you from.

Say hello again to these monsters.
Now that you know them, don't become one and don't let them in.

- LynnAA
Monsters are never under your bed.

Love should be a warm embrace

My embrace chokes my lovers

They leave, terrified and running

A love too much

A love too strong

I can't help my grip

Too eager and too alone

I keep my heart to myself for a while

Hoping for someone with a love like my own
Lewis Irwin Aug 2018
She had eyes like a crater,
Innocent as any girl could be.
I think she had some bruises when I met her,
But it never seemed to deter me.

I chased her like a dog chasing tails,
Was only then I started to notice her ***** nails.
And then those Yellow eyes,
Blue and Yellow never look pretty to my mind.

She belled me with croaky breathes of air,
I rushed to her house shook and scared.
She was slumped against a wall with the choker she used to wear,
Strapped around her arm and specks of ***** in her hair.

She's got track marks like a craters,
Darkness lay dormant in her soul.
A once natural and elegant Beau,
Now alone in the world of ****** and Blow.
Salsabila Farah Jul 2016
I am a disaster
Smokey eyes and dark lipstick
With a choker around my neck
I was choked all night

The panic attacks
The disappointment
The sadness
It just bursts
Into an uncontrollably cries

Maybe it’s the darkness
Maybe it’s the choker
Or maybe,
It’s just how I am

you can find more poems on my instagram : @worddevotee
RyanMJenkins Feb 2013
There's an elephant with a fire poker on a magic carpet.  There was something about this typical scene that made me not want to part it.  I jumped aboard, he put his trunk around me, laughed and said, "Hello friend!"  I was bewildered as to would become of this journey, but I already wished it'd never end.  
         I asked the 'phant where we were going, and if there was a fire to poke.  He told me, "Ryno, we're to save a sacred city before it all goes up in smoke.  My name's Vishwah, and the city of Ramthew has been my home since birth for many many years.  Unfortunately this thriving place seems to now be consumed by tears.  LaChunga's an evil man that's recently taken over; a vicious tool with relentless rule.  He's hurting all with no discrimination, and that just isn't cool.  This is why I've been searching for someone to come to our city's aid.  I just fear there's not much time before the hope starts to completely fade."  Inspired I jumped up, he yelled, "Sit down!  You surely don't want to fall!"  I obliged and said, "We'll talk about seat belts later, either way I'll risk it all."
         He sensed that the time was right and swooped down into the town.  After seeing the drained expressions on various faces I couldn't wait to face the clown!  I said that I wanted a weapon to teach him a lesson, 'cuz I'm not much of a choker.  Immediately he said, "This is for you," and presented a different fire poker.  I've never felt more prepared to fight a battle for a city, and serve up some similar medicine to the man that knows no pity.
        I gathered some locals together to share the plan I had.  Vishwah & I were to break into the palace that night, though normally I'd consider that bad.  Thankfully they had an elephant entrance in the back of the structure.  Inside we were confronted by a captivating woman, who said she'd help, but I wasn't sure if I could trust her.  Nearby guards, were alarmed, and the girl ran out of the room.  Rear to rear it was the elephant and I, seemingly left to our doom.  Wildly flailing our fire pokers, against the mob we began to push.  Before we knew it we had beaten our adversaries and put an end to the ambush.  
        What followed was a series of hallways and locked doors with uncertainty on where to go.  Then after catching a glimpse of a fire in the distance it seemed,* now we know.  *Just beyond it was a huge circular room with the ruler at his desk.  He stood up as if he knew we were there and said, "This is your final test."  He spoke of knowing all of our plans and capturing almost all involved.  Despite every word he said we knew our plans had not dissolved.  
        He pulled a lever as we grew closer and the floor in front of us had dropped!  He then let out a hearty laugh thinking we've been stopped.  Vishwah and I looked at each other and nodded as he grabbed me with his trunk.  Vish threw me across the gap in the floor and I flew with a lot of *****.  I looked into LaChunga's eyes and he looked as though he didn't know what to feel.   Gazing back into mine I know he could tell **** just got real.  
        Reaching at his side he grabbed out his sword as I charged at him with much discord and we both felt the surge of vibrations as our metals clashed.  I told him, "Punk you can consider yourself a potatoe, 'cuz you're gonna get mashed!"  I swung and whapped him across the face, which seemed to put him in a daze.  But before falling over he splashed my face with a powder and my world had vanished in a haze.
         I eventually came to, to LaChunga's screaming and the girl's beauty in my face.  He was screaming to be let out for she put him in a chain-like embrace.  The floor was back, Vishwah was there, as I was surrounded by a crowd of stares.  The people were free & overcame the strife.  All of the hope had come back to life.  I said, "For now, LaChunga should live out his days getting pies thrown at him at the peoples' discretion.  He will be faced with nothing left to taste and know the true meaning of oppression."
The people were joyous and excited, but wanted me as their king.  I turned to the girl and said, "If you were my queen it'd make my heart sing!"  She blushed and accepted, but I said I'd only rule if all the people were by my side.  After all the cheers and emotions that were felt I said, "Let's all go on a celebratory magic carpet ride, now with seat belts!"
Almost 2 years ago, I told my friend Josh Picard, that I could write to anything.  I told him to give me a line.  "There's an elephant with a fire poker on a magic carpet." is what he said.  That night, this happened.
Fay Castro Dec 2016
"I'm not a beggar!"
My mother laughs this line
at a lady trying to rip us off
a pure silver choker.

"I'm not a beggar!"
My mother half-jokes,
Wrapping the silver choker in a thick plastic ziploc
after she cut the price down to zero profit

"I'm not a beggar."
My mother's crying now.
Salty tears on her cotton nightgown
as we think of the life we lived before.
A whole life away from the rotting wooden table
we laid a cloth upon
to sell our old wares.

The glitz and glamour
the gala dinners
the pageants
and diamond-encrusted models.

It all came down because of me.

I wanted to go to an international school
I wanted to live on an island
I wanted a castle
I wanted a dog
I wanted everything.

It's my fault.
It's all my fault.
All my fault.

I'm sorry.
I am so, so sorry.
It's all my fault
Daniel Apr 2015
Depressed, suicidal, numb,
repeat and smile
because you believed in polyamory.

About a week ago,
she said she loved me.
About a week ago,
she had him coming.
My girl with the black lace choker.
Bang Bang--
No holster.
David Adamson Sep 2015
Freely accepted, constraints that bind
The senses can free the mind.

And so I knelt before her latitude.
Her choker became the horizon,
The light from her eyes a silent beatitude.

“What do you feel?” asked the voice of the wind.
I tried to answer, lips rapt and spellbound,
Eyes questing, but made no sound.

Enlarged by desire, encircled by pain,
I felt the fire and the rain.

I watched the walls of the room
Dissolve into clouds
As a crack in the sky beckoned,
Opening wide.

I was pulled upward into a swelling storm
And watched all around as I climbed
A mirror world form,
Like the universe rhymed.

Then calm.  I found myself at a steely gate.
A sign read “The Labyrinth of Language.”
The path began straight
Then forked into uncountable branches.

Words took shape and tried to dance
But hung
Captive on my soundless tongue.
They have remained there ever since.

Free them, goddess,
Let these words find flight.
Take them from the shadow of my tongue.
Release them into your luminous night.
woof spirit of wolf
tails wags not sign of amity
choker chain needed
From our country lives matter columnist
EarthGurl2004 Nov 2013
you wear your ulterior motives around your neck like a no
ose or a beaded choker you know you have weird style yo
u don't need reminding its not supposed to hurt when ****
boys with high libidos take and break but you've got eyes
that remind them who's in control they think you're *****
y and whatever you totally are it's okay to howl at the mo
on every once in awhile they'll make you want to slide into
a sinkhole or be swallowed in the soft wet soil but you've
got a hidden agenda for when you smile the sun shines bri
ght no one can deny a witch like you when you sing for ma
ma earth your soft skin makes plants grow what's a minor
heartbreak when a tsunami could wash away an entire vill
age at least you have patience
Styles Aug 2024
Sitting here, yearning for her presence,
my soul aches with longing, for her essence.

In this chair—her body a silhouette in twilight,
straddling me, a vision of pure, unspoken delight.

Choker tight, a midnight ribbon of allure,
a skirt that flirts, pink lace, mixed with passion and allure.
Hair cascading like a raven's song,
bare skin exposed, where ******* belong.
Tattoos like a poem etched in black lace,
each curve a verse,
each line eye trace.
Soft kisses I place,
caressing her face,
her back arches,
her patience quakes,
watching her lips part, a slow, sensual spark,
she may lick her lips,
But, the rest is all mine.
Teo Mar 2015
walk in the dark
down a silent street
streetlights are glaring pale orange suns
casting everything in their hateful hue
and it feels like the stones of the sidewalk
are all unwritten tombstones
and you can hear the dead
rolling around
and moaning
in despair
the cars roaring in the distance
sound as if the gates of hell had opened and
satan's army is chasing you
there is malice in the air
and you are more afraid than you've ever been in your whole life
you're sure that
your heart is
about to
you will never be safe again when
the halloween pumpkins on your porch sneer like
demons knowing your demise
and you have to be quiet or they'll
hear you
oh god, they'll
hear you
the houses across the street conceal monsters, malefactors
a few satanic sacrificial torture cults,
some serial killers/rapists, the general psychopaths, or
maybe even slenderman himself
everyone knows that killers are quiet
so be absolutely silent
or they will
y­ou should have stayed inside
now you can’t find your happy place
just a place where people can’t stop sweating
and their hearts are in the backs of their throats
. b
oh god, they'll
hear you
you are breathing way too loudly
and coughing up a trail of blood
for the hounds of hell
to follow
wearing a choker of jingling fear
each step echoes like the dying breath of a bad memory
motion sensor spotlights screech on and off like flickering banshees
and the leaves blowing down the road sound
like the marching of the god of death coming to
get you, oh god he
heard you
and suddenly the street is flooded with your worst fear
everyone heard you
coughing out
your hopes
and d
the only thing worse than things seeming to move
fast is when things suddenly
. s :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::­:::
……..t :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
………­……i ::::::::::::::::
……………………..l :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
…………………………………………………..l (i can see the shadow of time)
and you are a spider, dead in the web, torn
apart by little bugs
Was trying to literally draw a picture with the words but it doesnt really work out on this site so ***** it lol
Taylor Pyle May 2017
She's a bottomless pit of happy
But she only sings the broken songs
It broke her heart right in half when she passed
It takes time to heal and she's got an A+ in that
I couldn't be more with her
She walks around, hair down like **** the world
She cares more than the moon does for the stars
And her smile lights up a thousand rooms
She's a bottomless pit of happy
Elizz Aug 2018
I can thread it through my fingers
Running it in between my fingers
Going over the material of events
Perpetually stargazing what went wrong
Maybe because we were both Scorpios
That's why it didn't work out
Our stingers would both fight for supremacy never getting along
I was always debating every possibility every wrong turn every right turn
Hell even the left turns and the right turns and the U turns
I always wanted to have a plan A
And C
And B
And Z
But I know that even with all of my plans I still had the main plan to love you
So much so
That I loved you better than I ever loved my cracked reflection
The lines spreading out from my eyes
Grazing my throat like a choker that always fit too snuggly
Seeing you is like seeing a quicksilver flash
Just pain and happiness holding hands and dancing in a circle
Making love in sweet July rain
You were always the crashing thunder
I was always the lighting
Illuminating what you never wanted to show me
Because you put me in a glass case
Not because you thought I was delicate
Too delicate for this world
Or because I was a shining object graced by time
You were putting me behind that door
So when you walked away I wouldn't be able to follow
Locked away to be stared at whenever
Avoided after
But I think you forgot
We both kinda forgot
That lighting strikes back
And when I finally got fed up with your ****
I destroyed that glass case
And handed you your *** and never gave you what you wanted
Which was funnily enough
But I was tired of that and I got exhausted from always putting you first
So I decided to break it
And yes
It cut deep
But after everything I've seen
Those shimmering shards that drew my blood
Used it as paint on yet another one of life's canvases
Was worth it
So take as much as you need
Styles Feb 2017
Body of a goddess
her features the oddest
that’s what makes her the hottest
she thought she knew love
until I teach her what a God is
I'm a preacher and a prophet
so when I reach her, I won’t stop it
pretty little eyes, they make my eye-max.
Thick thick thighs,
she makes my high max
I won't stop it, until she prospers
take the good with the bad and all the rest of her orders
like a gentleman, I let her *** first, then I switch up the orders
then give her comfort like her thumb hurts

**** in a dress, real pretty in my extra long t-shirts
make her feel so good, she'll never feel hurt
lovers before friends
so when it all ends,
we'll be right back
to where we begins.

She’s so bad,
that when she’s good,
she's Bad.
I'm kinda wishing
she would.
One in trillion,
best of a chosen few.
*** her in a bad way
she loves it when I do it that way.
Choker on with some high heels
So **** she's
given me the best of views
couldn’t imagine it any better
if I did it wouldn't trues
angel in the streets
under the sheets
she's a sinner
No trick or treats
finger licking good
she will eat,
sum good lovin
for dinner,
And whine
the whole time
until I
In the briar meadow
Where the wind swings long and low,
Is the memory of a hidden path
Little women may not know.

The rancid smell of Crimson paint
Of Cupid's Scarlet Bow,
Scars its victim one by one,
A branding iron's foe.

It seals the fate of little girls
Before they come to be,
Who hide themselves to kindly peek
Upon the doe of The Briar Patches' knee.

The sweet sweet savor of blackberries
Growing wild along the lane
Delay return as all consumed
The berries from Orchid Lane.

The Whisper of the Willow Trees
That hide the Sacred Kiss
Loft the Billowing Sounds
Of a young lovers' hopeful wish.

But fate has never faltered
A Secret only the Willow know,
Why the Holy Crimson stain
Drips upon the Briar's doe.

Now the Garden only fills
The air of aged chills
Of a yearnings' life that only once
Thorned it's lovely ills.

Scarlet hushed the haunting Whispers
Made upon the Briar's Patch
While Cupid's proof kept itself softly
Far beneath the Willow's match.

Scarlet's quilted choker
Swinging in the breezy wind
Tell the blessed beauty's life
Of a dearly devoted friend.

Life once so treasured,
Now so very long ago
Leave the only trace upon The Garden's Lot
In the evenings' glow.
September 3, 2016
This poem is a funny favorite, if you find the humor in it you will find my mother's sweet sweet spirit, I hope you enjoy.
onlylovepoetry Jan 2017
losing you and it's effortless
redefining short and sweet,
a whiskey neat,
eight years, much shorter than the forever,
everyone's grand assumption feast,
wrongly assumed, love consumed,
making ***** of her and me
for believing,
and looking now,
as if it's almost
our own closing time,
the hour of our
just desserts

you lose yourself, asking yourself,
can a three legged stools
with two busted legs be
just merely rocky,
without another hand on the tiller~shoulder,

with haunting visions
of falling, failing, flailing,
down the stairs
victim of a stoning, or just ******,
gravity, the Blackhawk down,
the string puller, the no-reason reason

the slow descent,
so effortless, glassine smooth at first,
barely noticed, shrugged away like a small bruise,
then you cannot help to stop and forgive the incessant
wondering of how we got,
the confusion contusions,
now body bejeweled resplendent,
everywhere, in everything

you were once
a rock, a star,
with all the answers to the questions
she was about to ask,
your arm punched,
attached to an affectionate smiling,
for the perfection of our mutuality of

was her rock,
and now, quietly,
this last piece of jewelry consists of
a necklace of stones,
a choker of
glass pebbles in both our mouths

wry cry
realizing that the
darkness cracks of
busted and rusted,
are voluminous surround sound silences
breaking up,

either side of

ClawedBeauty101 Jan 2018
A command the neck hugging necklace was given


Believing the suffocation will comfort her fears and insecurites


A dazzle is distress is it's appropriate title. Secretly, into her skin it is driven.


Believing it has the right to silence her nerves that desire to warn her of their up coming death


Innocent in charm, it convinces her neck and brain to go numb. Her voice now hidden


Soon to be mute, this man made design,  confined to her neck


Is the unseen burden she carries. This chain of confinement should be forbidden


This piece of dark fashion, shows its goal loud and crystal clear

So why are people blinded?

For it is called...
The Choker...
....The Chok(h)er....

I have nothing against this beautifully designed piece of shadow jewelry XD for I wear them all the time!

But it is interesting how it is called a choker
Sometimes I find my voice mute... My singing fading because I wear them so much, and so tightly they damage the nerves in the back of my neck, and slowly bring forth numbness to the rest of my upper body...

It's like this, the chokers can represent the sin or danger in our lives that is so noticeable and clear, that we either ignore it or are to blinded to see it.

And we don't usuall see it until it's to late... Our if we do see it...  it's either to late to do something about it....
We notice it just in time and we are able to remove that danger before we get hurt, or someone else gets hurt...

Some thing so innocent and charming can be the most dangerous, painful thing in your life, just like a choker...

We can't become a slave to something that is so wicked, like sin, looks so harmless and innocent

But if not taken cared it correctly or removed... It will devour you.. And you will be it's slave...

Sometimes that numbness and pain we suffer can seem like a comfort zone for us, a place to feel safe,  but that pain will only betray you...

How much longer you spend this suffocation.. Of your Chok(h)er women of young and old (This also goes for men too XD)

Jesus is the Way
1/27/2018 (Saturday)
Meg Howell Feb 2015
You were the sudden taste of champagne on my tongue
you gave me a taste of my future
and gave me courage
making me explode with every feeling imaginable

You were the choker on my neck
restraining your emotions with a hint of humor
changing the past & making it present

You were the pencil in my hand
erasing everything I thought I knew about love and coming up with your own definition

You were the view from my window
giving me a peak into a curious, beautiful new world awaiting me the chance to explore

You were the fog after the storm
unknown & mysterious
causing me to wander

You were the puppeteer
putting on a show
with me as your puppet
only to leave within a matter of time
Fuglene flyver kun fordi de brændes nedefra.
Og vi er teenagetragedier der sucker for elendighed.
Vi griber efter pigtråden og blodet minder os om dig.
"Jeg smager af galakser" sagde du, men bed mig.
Vores hænder stiger febrilsk fra undergrundens hjertetåge.
Ingen ser og ingen rækker deres hånd i frygt for afhængighed.
For blå øjne er farlige.
Det var sådan et drag at se dig.
Dyrke aliensex i mørket med mine fjender,
drikke kaffe med mine dæmoner, og selv dér var du rødvinssmuk.
Vodkaen smager af ensomhed.
På jagt efter den perfekte choker . På perfekt
I mine endeløse flugt fra det ordinære. Måske man skulle passe ind?
Men separatismen sidder i mine kindben.
Autistisk-sukkende strømmer blodet i mine smerteknuste vener.
Søgende efter varme, men med et nul graders hjerte der kun pumper anakroniske ****, kan man ikke flyve.

— The End —