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2d · 94
Jia En 2d
Sometimes I feel like dying
There isn't any point in trying
To be the person I used to be
The me
That people actually
Love. Barely
Left for the simplest of punctuation.
My notebook hasn't been touched in days
(Like I said, there's no point anyway)
It burns to even glance at it
Glance at the me that's supposed to be
Alive and thriving
But is simply
Rotting away
Doing what I can't say
But it's all fine
It's better to leave nothing behind
Than to have set fires for
Others to put out
When I'm not here anymore.
3d · 65
Jia En 3d
You can't pour wine from an empty
Bottle, the pop-up ad tells me.
I laugh. I laugh as the cracks
At its bottom cut into
My palm; I pour you
Another glass. It's all red anyway.
Who cares what that AI has to say.
ads. ads for therapy; ads to remind me to be positive; ads that know i need help but can't offer it.
Mar 15 · 45
Jia En Mar 15
Lately things are starting to slip my mind.
I'll go home and open my bag to find
Air in place of the file
I needed, while
Comfortably under my desk.
And maybe I'll rest
For a minute or two
Then forget what I was supposed to do.
It scares me.
Because surely my memory
Can't be going this early.
Soon I'll be
Forgetting names; faces;
How and why I got to places;
Who you are to me;
Who I'm supposed to be.
Do I need sleep or saving?
None of it matters anyway...
What was it I wanted to say?
i've forgotten bigger things than homework. what is love? (baby dont hurt me ****)
Mar 15 · 127
They Say Love's A Drug
Jia En Mar 15
"Love me,
Love me,
Say that you love me";
The singer's voice is oh-so dreamy
And so I try
To float along, light and high
And airy as her words; I
Can hear the synth play
er's euphoria. Something
About this song's just screaming
At me, telling me
To just be free
But how can I even imagine
That weightlessness? I hear
The tin
Man's shouts too near,
Too close to home. "If only
I had a heart,"
If only there were someone for me
That could never stand us being apart.
"Love me, love me,
Pretend that you love me."
I wouldn't be
Able to see
The difference anyway.
What do you say?
love me, love me, say that you love me.
Mar 5 · 176
Jia En Mar 5
Today as I was walking home it started to
Rain. And all I could think about
Was looking up at you
(You’d stuck out
Like a sore thumb) as the rain came
Down on us; I was just saying the same
Things over and over “just take
Out your umbrella, bodoh”
But your ego
Would break
You didn't and so
We stood there at the traffic light
Waiting for the green man
So we
Could get to the MRT
Station as planned.
I'd been right.
The umbrella was indeed
Exactly what we had need
ed. And so we ended up quite
Wet by the time we got underground.
But I didn't run today.
I guess there wasn't much to go around
But still it was what I should have done.
Take it from me when I say
Walking alone in the rain is not very fun.
and unfortunately now we dont get the chance to even walk together much because you have a life of your own. good for you. you deserved better friends.
Mar 2 · 100
Jia En Mar 2
It took months to build
And only seconds to knock down
Weeks of tiptoeing around
Because you can't stand the sound
The floor makes when my footsteps hit
Slightly too hard and so bit
By bit I disappear into the background
While trying to keep my head afloat
Because while the boat
Slowly sinks
I don't know what to start think
ing about how we
Work. You love me,
You love me not;
I always thought
This would end
One day
Because you know friends
Usually have more to say
To each other
But one day passes, another
Goes past
And I thought that the house was glass
But even to those I hold dear
It seems that my words were never clear.
construction, destruction.
Feb 28 · 49
Jia En Feb 28
I think words aren’t enough anymore
(Had they been before?)
I don’t remember the last time I really
Laughed without a care in the world, maybe
There were some funnier moments but nothing
Where I could get the thoughts out of my head
I think you get what I’m saying,
Right? Instead
They get temporarily
Pushed to the back of my mind
Only to haunt me
Minutes later. I’ll find
Them unexpectedly
Perhaps halfway
Through a lesson but the voice up there says
That it’s all my fault because I
Was the one that let all this time pass by
Without doing anything productive and the time
Is going to add up and I’m
Going to die alone
Penniless and unknown
To the world and we
All know that they’re going to forget me
After a while of my absence, all they need is to
Get someone from the same cookie
Cutter and bam moving on is rather easy to do.
People care, I know
(I hope) and while there’s just so
Many thanks I’ve yet to say it’s just hard to
Put it all into words
And they’ve definitely all heard
The same thing before because my friends are all far
Too good for me. But still my bar
Is set too high
For those that fall through my
Sieve but then again it is a me
Problem; what else could it be–
Nothing, that is– and so
I return to my computer where
I’ve been sitting for the past half hour, my wet hair
Making my neck and shoulders start to ache
But I just can’t bring myself to break
Eye contact with the screen or go
Grab the hairdryer (if you know you know).
Sorry I wasted your time reading this; I
Tend to forget that people like you
Have better things to do.
im so so tired. there isnt anything worth living for anymore.
Feb 25 · 197
Jia En Feb 25
If you really
Meant what you said about
Caring for me,
I wouldn't always have to be
On the lookout
For signs that you
Truly do;
If you really
Trusted me
Then there wouldn't be
That wall between us; or
Perhaps I mean more
To you than most but I
Never really
It, you know?
Actions speak so
Much louder than words,
Have you heard?
Jia En Feb 18
I guess I just miss you.
Never once did I actually
Think that I’d have to get used to
Not seeing your face daily;
Not being able to talk about
Whatever I needed out of my system; they say
That girls take too
Many pictures but obviously it isn’t true
Because there’s not a day
That passes without me
Wishing I’d taken more of you.
I’d do anything to be
Teleported back in time, into
Your arms. And even though
The height difference between us was so
Large, you were always the one
That had the bigger piece of my heart.
I hate us having to be apart.
I bet you’re tall now. It’s been
Far too
Long since I’ve last seen
i wish you knew.
Feb 10 · 167
Tiger Mum
Jia En Feb 10
"No, not like that. That's not how
You're supposed to behave around
Other people. What will they
Think of you now?
What will they say?
Stop moving, they're going to
Stare at you.
You're being too
Chin down. You look proud.
Why can't you smile more?
They didn't approach you before
You did them because you feel
Like an ah lian. No one
Wants to deal
With you. You're no fun
To be with. Stop talking.
No more dancing while walking.
Don't waste their time. No.
You can tell they want you to go
Why are you so
What's wrong with you?
What're you trying to do?
Why are you intruding? They
Don't need you to stay.
Stop disturbing people. Go make
More friends, you loner. Can take
Less food or not? You need
A 23-
Inch waist, I say already.
Ayah, not smart enough.
Why so weak? It's not that tough.
Wash your face
And wake up. This place
Is too
Good for you."
It's easy
To be
My own Asian aunty.
i can parent myself i guess
Feb 10 · 91
Jia En Feb 10
All I really
Want us for someone to love me
Like I love almost everybody
Else-- my friends would've heard it before--
Because more
Often than not
I'd happily think my last thought
For most people in my
Life than shoot myself between the
Idk. All I want is for someone to love me
As much as I love them. Why
Does it seem so easy
For you guys?
How hard did y'all have to try?
i would **** myself for you.
Feb 10 · 275
Jia En Feb 10
Because I know
I will never be more
Than second place, will never go
Further than them in your heart for
Every time I try to reach out
You do an about
Turn, face your back to me
And all I can see
Is this huge wall
Immune to arrows, bullets, fire
And so every time I try I fall,
My body
Parallel to the bricks
And ground
And around
Is nothing but the faces of the friends I
Know you've made in my
Absence but I really
Didn't think it would be
This quick.
friendship after graduation just hits different-- or should i say it doesnt hit at all.
Feb 3 · 92
Full-Time Job
Jia En Feb 3
There is no point to my life except to
Make everyone else’s easier; do
The work, hold the hands,
Explain the concept of a perfect square,
Beat the bullies, stroke the hair,
Finish up the class decor;
Because there’s no use in being around anymore
If there’s nothing I can do for you.
Don’t lie to me that it isn’t true.
people only want you for what you can do for them
Jan 30 · 151
Twinkle Twinkle
Jia En Jan 30
At this point "I
Might cry"
Is my
You can probably
It on my face
But there's this urge for me
To just point it out
And make everything about
Myself or at least that's how
It works in my head.
But for now
There isn't much else for me to say
Instead (****).
Finish off with a laugh
So they know
Just how deep they've to go
Because smiles don't mean
A thing if you've been
In most people's shoes.
And usually
Attempt at making it a joke
Is a good one
So we brush it off as fun
The guilt starts to set
In but luckily I don't get
The spotlight
That I had wished for at first
So everything's alright
And I didn't spoil your night.
is the twinkle in the sky
or is it something in my eye?

i haven't had much motivation to write lately
Jan 25 · 135
Light Switch
Jia En Jan 25
Sometimes I scroll through
The messages you
Sent and try to
Figure out
If you ever actually
Cared about
Because on some days
You'd say
I was the only one who
Understood how you
Were feeling and on others
It's like we
Don't even know one another
And after ghosting me
For a day or two
Now you're suddenly
Willing to do
Anything for (one of your) best
I don't know how many
Times it seemed to be
That you would end
This torture but if I
Know anything about you
It's that time'll pass by
And neither of us are going to
Anything because I keep foolishly
Hoping you'll change and you're
Too blind to see
Just how much you're hurting me.
too many people like this nowadays
Jan 15 · 146
Elevator Wallflower
Jia En Jan 15
Just watch the children run
Out of the lift (I've never
Experienced it but since when was tuition fun?)
After another
Parents searching amongst the crowd
To find their own amongst the others
And it's not like they're particularly loud
But I still can't tell who's who
And when they all make it to
Mummy and Daddy
Dashing past me
As I stand plastered to the wall
I'm just wondering how they're all
So happy
Now another group of adults now
Probably off work
Wondering how
To pay the bills, feed the family
These are the ones with the more
Relatable faces
Only for
Work and stress
And honestly this change is happening far
Too early for the people in our
Age and now the question I'm asking is
“When will they grow out of this”
This naivety, this knowing
That growing
Up won't change a thing
Because that isn't what I've been seeing.
today i stood in the lobby of a shopping mall
Jan 13 · 91
Jia En Jan 13
You'd hit a point where you
Realise that everyone's lying
To you. Because after a while
You realise you can't keep trying
To smile
When they
You're beautiful; you hear
That lie every other day
When people get near
Enough to the part
Of your heart
That hides the insecurities;
And "gosh thanks for helping me"
Is probably
Just them being happy
That the job's done
Or the game's won.
And so eventually
The words that used to be
Called "praise" now show
Themselves as "I know you know
This isn't true"
And as much as I love you
The walls just become harder
To hear through.
lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies it's all fake i can't take it anymore
Jan 13 · 502
Jia En Jan 13
You never want a friend
Making one
Too good lest the friendship ends
When they realise you're not fun
Or smart or pretty
Enough when they meet others
On another
Whole new level.
It's human nature to
Want to come first, don't you
Think? Because being somebody's
Number one is the only
Thing that came to me
Thinking about what I want in life
The other night
And I know it's not right
To think like this
But if you've ever felt this way before
You'd know
There's no
Point in trying anymore.
everybody wants to rule everyone else's world.
Jan 9 · 104
Two Blue
Jia En Jan 9
I don't think you know
Just how many
Times I've checked my phone, so
Excited to see
If you've seen
My text but the screen
Flashes back at me
And I'm already
Of the fact that you
Don't care
As much as I do
But still I know you're online.
It's just that your time
Can never be mine.
tick tick
Jan 9 · 105
Jia En Jan 9
So the thing
About being
In a library
That really,
Bugs me
Is the silence
Because sometimes
(Most times?)
Quiet is great, right?
Or at least until
You accidentally ****
The vibe by making
A sound or taking
A quick, far-too-noisy
Walk to shelf 23
And like with most lists
This one is non-exhaustive
And so yeah, is it dumb of me
To lowkey
Afraid to enter a library?
i used to think i was fearless
Jan 9 · 56
Zhuang Zhou
Jia En Jan 9
Maybe I'm a butterfly
Dreaming that I'm human and my
Whole life if just a made-up story
But I guess that's alright by
Because at least that means
Every tragedy I've so-called seen
Heard felt thought
Of was fake, right? For every
Novel requires a good plot,
Even if made of pure fiction.
There's a reason why
People like Regina and Cady,
Rory and Lorelai
Because it's always nice
When the dishes bring some spice.
my spice tolerance is so low ***
Jan 9 · 279
New People
Jia En Jan 9
Because what if I talked too fast
Or too slow
Or maybe too loud
Not loud enough
High pitched
Low pitched
Too much
Too little
Or what if I said the wrong things
Or not enough of the right ones
And that's what scares me
Because we aren't even done
With just talking.
my thoughts aren't coherent enough to rhyme
Jan 9 · 125
Jia En Jan 9
You know
It's weird being in a place
That's somehow still so
Unfamiliar even though
It's taken up so much space
In your head
And I don't know how
Else to say this instead
But now
That you're there
It's really
No longer that daydream
Where it seemed to me
That time would pass
During breaks, while in class
With a smile on my face
But I guess
We all guess wrong sometimes.
one sentence to describe too many thoughts and doubts
Jan 9 · 280
Food For The Heart
Jia En Jan 9
Sometimes you
Decide to
Have a really big meal
Then proceed
To not eat
For the next eight
Hours right?
It's not that you can't wait
But the faintest smell
Of food might
As well
Knock you out.
It isn't about
Being physically
Full, correct me
If I'm wrong
But going too long
Without anything
Would bring
About the strongest's doom.
(No, food here
Is not the elephant in the room.)
maybe you stayed and maybe i got my fill but that was six months ago
Dec 2024 · 206
Jia En Dec 2024
Love me?
It’s probably
A me
But why
Can’t I
See it? Why
Don’t I
Feel cared for
When I text you anymore?
Maybe you
Used to;
Maybe you did
But what got rid
Of those feelings?
Because every time
With you and your
Issues I pour
My heart and soul into
Helping you
But I’ve just
Never been checked on
Without me breaking first.
Always been looked upon
As support for you to lean
Against but that just means
I’ve always carried your weight;
Forever stuck in a stalemate;
Not yet dead
But nowhere to run instead.
Can you tell
How much I love you
And how much I wish you
Loved me too?
not a romance; guess i just have unrealistic expectations of what a regular friendship should be
Dec 2024 · 110
Jia En Dec 2024
My Starhub Cyber Protect
Has decided that the Starhub site
Isn't safe. I guess this effect
Was unintended (right??)
But then again, it must be
Doing a great job for people like me;
Unable to
Watch YouTube, do
A Buzzfeed
Quiz, satisfy the need
To scroll on Reddit.
Is it
Just me, or is
Just all too
Familiar? Surely you
Know what I mean...
"This site has been blocked" flashing on-screen.
It's just the irony here
That makes it bigger than it appears.
welp my parental controls on my laptop are kinda working too well...?
Dec 2024 · 237
Over and Over Again
Jia En Dec 2024
Because people get tired of me
ing sad.
Because I only write sad;
Talk sad;
Act sad;
I guess we can cliche
And say my parents are mad
Because of the sad
They have to see every day.
I text sad;
My music is sad;
Days start to blur
Because the days that were
Spent happily
Don't come easily
To me.
I'm tired too.
But what else can I do?
I can't really say
That every day's
A bad
But every day
Has its own sad
It's true for you
Is it not?
not every day is a bad day
Dec 2024 · 122
My Body Is; My Mind Isn't
Jia En Dec 2024
Because being tall
Also means that you have to be big all
The time for those that are small.
You bend
Down to comfort a friend
Who's being
Vulnerable. All you're seeing
Is the top of their head
While you look like a god to them.
And instead
When you look for
Comfort, reassurance,
Nothing matches your size anymore.
I miss how things were before.
i'd give anything just to be able to feel small again
Dec 2024 · 195
Suicide Prevention
Jia En Dec 2024
"Without you, I
Would probably die"
"You don't know
What it feels like" "No
I can't stop"
"Right at the top
Of that building looks nice"
"I really wanna ****
When will
People stop telling me this?
All it does is
Make me
If you ever **** yourself
Was it that I didn't do
Enough for you?
"You're the only one that can"
Sure, I understand
How hard it's been
(I've seen
Others of your kind)
But if you ever die
Your own hands the only thing on my mind
Would be
The number of times
You came to me
And my love
Wasn't enough
To help. "You're
A lifesaver"; for
How long will this be true?
For how long can I keep you
In my sight?
I could try but all my might
Will never be enough for
All of you.
It's not that I can't do
It anymore.
You tell
Me you can't hold back
So I do
The holding for you.
But unfortunately
For you and me--
My arms ache as well.
guess im responsible for lives now
Dec 2024 · 374
Jia En Dec 2024
Everything has got to be the best
Nowadays. For every little test
And exam must we come out on top;
Never must we stop
Working at our every skill;
A break
And everything you're good at will
Just disappear.
Everyone just
Wants what's at the top of Mt. Everest.
I guess I've got to get used to
How it works around here.
Always having to do
More than what you can.
Sometimes I just don't understand
It but every explanation
I get just adds more and more complications
To the tangled mess in my head.
I miss how things were before
Nowadays even the karang gunis
Don't want newspapers anymore.
if you don't know what a karang guni is, then here:,use%20a%20hand%20truck%20instead.
Dec 2024 · 125
Jia En Dec 2024
Because nowadays
Every feeling is a cliche.
Every tear shed;
Every bowed head;
Every face turned red;
All are cries for
Attention (the more
The better, am I right?).
And if your eyes are bright
And shining with what are
Finally not
Then you should think of the children far
Away in Africa or whatever,
Starving or in thirst.
Feel generous, put others first
And you're just
Showing off. But helping yourself
Isn't any nicer, I've found.
Dare upset even ground
With thoughts of anger and
You'll understand
That fury
Does no one good, yet
It still seems to be
The emotion that gets
The most coverage, makes
The most change. Go through heartbreak
And be scorned for having expectations.
Have great relation
ships and people envy you
For experiencing no complications.
I don't know what to
Feel anymore.
I've experienced the repercussions
tldr nothing you feel is ever right
Dec 2024 · 141
Instruction Manual
Jia En Dec 2024
Because all you need is
To help anybody.
Good counsellor in action and really,
It's the same
Comforting words; same
Reassuring actions to beat the same
It's the routine stand-
Or- shoulder
To push the same boulder.
Validate the emotions. Talk
Them through walk
ing away
From whatever ruined their
Put in all your love and care;
Hold their hand; stroke their hair;
Tell them it'll all be fine;
Get them not to lose their mind;
Help them leave the past behind.
It's not a bad thing--
Isn't it reassuring
To have a one-fits-all
Solution? Fall
In and out
Of love; cry about
Exam results; your ex
Found their next
Too quickly;
Is all you can be--
Just go to anyone fit
And perhaps you'd come out
Even a tiny bit
Happier about life
Than you were
When you first arrived.
i'm a bit used to and tired of being the therapist
Nov 2024 · 144
Guessed Not; Guessed Wrong
Jia En Nov 2024
When we
Got the chance to have some fun
Did the clocks speed up;
Day four’s soon going to be
Day one.
Why is it that only
Now’s when happiness
Showed itself to me?
Only at the last few
Weeks do the hues
Finally separate themselves from black
And white.
And only if time might
Turn itself back
Would I have held onto
For longer, or just taken more
Time for
That move on the chessboard.
Perhaps I would’ve played less
Of Stress;
Would’ve known not to say yes
To the extra responsibilities
Standing between you and me.
But now
The cards have fallen, I don’t know
I can do so
Much in three days–
There are
Too many things I didn’t say.
And now my
Heart aches for the times
That passed by
Where I thought
I’d be happy to leave.
Would it be too late to say
“Guess not”?
graduation feels hitting me hard
Nov 2024 · 1.1k
Jia En Nov 2024
Because “yes”
Means yes
And “no”
Means no,
Especially when I’m being
Ever so
Serious with the things
I’m seeing
From you; Messaging
But never speaking.
Stop asking questions when
I say so (then
Maybe I’d try to
Be nicer to
There are reasons as to why
I don’t really cry
In front of those I can’t rely
On. Stop bugging me
And then we’ll see.
people dont respect boundaries nowadays oml
Nov 2024 · 168
Think More Feel More
Jia En Nov 2024
It just feels
Like I should be feeling
More, dealing
With moving on.
I look upon
The past six years;
Joys regrets fears
Run through my mind
But I find
That nothing truly stands out
My emotions, nothing
Seems to be stabbing
Into my heart like I thought
It was but did not.
Is it wrong
To not feel much
About where I’ve been for so long?
Because deep down I know such
Thoughts will come to light
Soon; bright
And white
They will be
(Yet rendering my head and heart
Ever so dark).
How long will it take for me
To see
The pictures that should be
Running through my head,
But are choosing to hide instead?
graduating soon
Nov 2024 · 145
Jia En Nov 2024
Am I hard to make happy
Or is it that you haven’t found
What triggers me?
Look around
And I’m sure you’ll find
Stressors on my mind
But those aren’t the only kinds
Of strong
Feelings I’ve held onto
For so long.
Maybe my expectations of you
Are higher than you’re used to
But so
What? Deep down I know
That it’s not that everything’s wrong
(Though it’s seemed this way
All along)
But the day
For my to find my right
Has not yet come to light.
i was told that im hard to please
Oct 2024 · 484
Jia En Oct 2024
Fields turn flowerless
As plants turn powerless
Against the winter cold.
At only three seasons old
Do their stems start to fold,
Heads droop and begin
To wither.
Seems to be
Something similar–
Perhaps I’ll look good for a while
But the smiles
Start to fade
With too little sun
And too much shade.
So I hope knowing me for one
School year’s
Enough– I fear
Round the corner. Remember
Me at my brightest,
When my roots were strong
And my thoughts felt lightest.
For I long
For your company
But Fate’s decided we
Simply aren’t meant to be.
The storm’s coming around.
This side of me should not be found.
i think i like someone that i'll never see again
Oct 2024 · 174
Jia En Oct 2024
There is no hunger in my household,
My country;
Everyone’s worth their weight in gold
Or probably more
Economy is nothing
Short of prospering.
There is no hunger, no thirst, no craving
For anything here– no one’s saving
Food and water anymore
Rainy days
(No one does, no matter what they say).
I live my life blessed
But my mind can never rest;
I hunger for peace
Perhaps not of the world for now but simply for my mind.
I look high and low
Within all the drawers and cabinets I know
Of, yet I still can’t find
Anything that might just make me content.
For what I’ve had of life went
By relatively quietly, however nothing could stop my head
From working. Instead
I crave
For peace that I have but just can’t find.
Me from the demons in my mind.
hungry hungry *clap clap* very very *clap clap* hungry very *clap clap* very hungry *clap clap* chikalaka pia pia chikalaka pia pia ssa *clap clap clap clap* ssa *clap clap clap clap* ssa ssa ssa ssa seessassa seessassa seessassa WOO WOO seessassa seessassa seessassa maaaaaaaaaaaaKAN
Oct 2024 · 415
Shower Thoughts
Jia En Oct 2024
Some of you
Don’t know how much you mean to
I just can’t see
A way
To say
“Just standing next to you makes my day”
Or perhaps “That made me feel so
Much better” because I know
It would just feel weird.
For how long has our society feared
Of affection?
Too much obviously feels wrong
But when you’ve been here for so long,
I don’t know how to not overdo
My gratitude towards you.
contrary to the poem i just posted
Oct 2024 · 147
Jia En Oct 2024
Sometimes one plus one isn’t two.
Sometimes you
At a person with things
That don’t add up, wondering
Where they took
The excess from.
Because sometimes one
Can skip the work, have fun
With threes
(Sounds familiar to me).
One becomes two
While you lose some value.
So maybe
Two plus zero can equal three
When skills rub off
i hate math and i hate people
Oct 2024 · 170
Jia En Oct 2024
They tell me
So many
Ways to solve my
Problems; days go by
And I hear the same things
Over and over. The people speaking
May be different but it all
Just sounds the same. I fall
For the same tricks again
And again,
Same so-called friends
And my permanent mindset.
You’d think I haven’t tried yet
But the worst part
Is that I’ve taken
The suggestions
To heart;
Tried so many times to start
(Because I know
They would probably make life so
Much better)
But it just never works with me.
They’re probably
Right about needing to reflect.
What else could the problem be?
Because (apparently)
It is always my choice;
Yell in joy or raise my voice.
Because you cannot blame
Others when they make
The same
Because when they promised they
Wouldn’t, they didn’t mean
What they say.
Because you don’t have the right
To make yourself seen
To society.
No right to influence others,
Even though the people
Still keep tabs on one another.
Because there is no one except
Me that can’t accept
Others for who they are.
Because people you consider close
Have the right to decide
They’ll be far
From your side.
You call it constraints.
I’d like to call it selfish complaints
In their heads
But of course I read
The room wrong.
Because it was my choice
To not be able to be strong
That’s why I can’t say
No one cares.
Because it isn’t fair
To expect some love
In return when I put you above
Everyone, everything
Else. Because I can’t think
That friends should benefit
From being together. It
Isn’t right for me
To expect the best from you
Because it was my choice to
It all.
Because when I fall
I shouldn’t expect anyone around
To actually try and pick
Me up. People’s lives are quick
And busy;
And the only constant
In the friendships falling apart
Is me.
Because being useless,
And joyless
Was all my decision.
There is no such thing as imprecision
Here. It’s all you,
Not them. They didn’t do
Anything wrong.
It’s your fault you can’t
Get along.
Constraints apply to them,
Not you.
Don’t even think
Of that excuse.
Go self-reflect on how
You need to change now.
After all, no one has the rights
To tell you
What to
it's 5 pieces of a5 paper long **** all in one stanza also uh it would mean a lot if you actually read it so... thanks in advance i guess...?
Oct 2024 · 68
Fourhead, Fivehead
Jia En Oct 2024
It doesn't help when people just
Point out what might be
Literally my biggest insecurity.
They're nowhere near the first
To do so
(And I'm pretty sure they know
It) but it hurts all the same.
Been getting called the same names,
Always losing at this same game.
Fine. Call me billboard face.
Maybe I'd finally have something to do
In this place.
If you say I'm a ******'s dream
You might as well gather a team
To take me out.
You seem to know
What you're talking about.
im probs overreacting but ive heard this one too many times. just please stop it.
Oct 2024 · 159
Jia En Oct 2024
Eyelids, always too heavy.
Glued for eternity
The moment I snap
Them shut. Then someone’ll clap
Or scream or shout
Their lungs out
Or tap
My shoulder or call
My name before I fall
Asleep. It really makes
Difference though–
I wouldn’t be able to take
A break,
Even if I wasn’t awake.
afraid of ever closing my eyes
Oct 2024 · 324
Dear Meant-For-Me,
Jia En Oct 2024
I’m waiting for you;
Waiting for you to
Yet I fear
That you never will.
It’s been twelve years
And you still
Haven’t arrived
In my life.
Where are you, pray tell?
I should know all too well
If you’re here,
But I still don’t think you’re near.
lonely and mad
Oct 2024 · 338
Jia En Oct 2024
You all tell me I'm born smart.
How you can't take it to heart
When I tell
You to chill-- how I've done too well
To say
That 4 hours a day
Is enough.
How studying
Hasn't been
Rough or tough
For me.
How I should just let
You all get
More stressed without
Trying to tell you about
Just how hard I know
You've worked
And how much I've seen you grow.
How a good friend
Can't attempt to end
Your panicking.
How I'm not lacking
In the areas you
How I won't understand
Your parents' demands.

I get it.
I really do.
Why else would I be trying
To help you?

Maybe if you took
A step back from your books
Then you'd see
How it didn't all
In place for me.
How I've put in
The effort needed for a win.
How although I haven't spent
My nights studying, how time went
By in class;
Glazed eyes from only staring
At the teachers as they walk past.
Not caring
About how much I carried
The team, just so
Everyone could go
Ahead for an A.
And how they
Never seemed to know
How long I spent in the glow
Of my computer screen.

I know you all don't mean
It. But I've worked hard too.
I do
Understand you.
You know,
In this scenario,
I don't think that I'm the friend
That doesn't comprehend
The stress that's sent you round the bend.
the guilt of not writing + feeling discredited at school
Sep 2024 · 293
Jia En Sep 2024
Too many people take
The shortcut home; the one to make
Your journey
No more than thirty
Seconds shorter. It may
Be dirt now, your everyday
But I’d just like to
Bring you
To the past,
When this path was still grass.
When the lawn was green
And lush,
Before people’s needs to rush
Became more
Important than the lives on the floor.
Maybe if you just took
A look
On the ground,
Then around
You for another road,
Then the grass wouldn’t have the load,
The weight of your body on them
Once you step upon them.
Make a pass
On the grass.
Take a different path
To avoid the plant’s bloodbath.
this is an analogy for people please i love nature but im not all that obsessed with grass
Sep 2024 · 293
Sore Throat
Jia En Sep 2024
I hate
The stabbing feeling
At my food and water’s gate
Into my body.
Hate dealing
With the bacteria in me
When their arrows
Are pointed in that narrow,
Singular spot
When anything cold or hot
Just hurts. Please
Leave me alone; no lease
Was signed before
You declared war
On the space
That wasn’t yours
In the first place.
and also yes im sick
Sep 2024 · 242
Jia En Sep 2024
I usually hate the violence
Of the senses presented to me–
When the noise and crowd
Is all I can hear and see,
Far too loud
Compared to the silence
You bring
To my mind. Everything
Else just fades in comparison whenever
You and I are together.
There is never
Awkward quiet; that I love.
No spirit from above
Should have given me you–
The one that’s brought me through
Thick and thin
No matter which pit I’ve fallen in.
I can forget about my troubles
When we’re together
In our bubble.
thanks nicole i love you you'll always be in my heart
Sep 2024 · 352
Last Lap
Jia En Sep 2024
Drips down my forehead.
I regret
Joining this race
In the first place
(Though there’d be nothing else to
My whole body
Is on fire; I’m wondering what drove me
To run
At the start.
My heart’s
Used to the sprint, but this one
Is unbearably long.
Why does everyone else look so strong?
Others are
Ahead of my pathetic last
Place. This is the time for me
To be
Running fast,
Yet images of past
Failures (no victory
In sight) is all I can see.
I’m tired.
My throttles have been fired.
Continuing this race is just cruel–
I’ve already run out of fuel.
I was going to give up on this website but I guess not
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