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Jun 2016 · 637
redeemed by love
love consumes and mends
the broken places in my life
Jun 2016 · 678
second chances
another day sober and free
new possibilities rising
from despair to hope
resentment to love and tolerance

walking through difficulty
with my head held high
trusting in a Loving Higher Power
holding my daughter close

no longer isolated and alone
I trudge the road of happy destiny
with friends: brothers and sisters
who lift me up when I stumble and fall

I get to show up to life today
I am so grateful for second chances
to live life sober and free
my heart reaching out to help another
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
speak out
against hatred
love who you love*
without fear
Self hatred can be very destructive.
Jun 2016 · 3.1k
hope, trust and love
nothing else
is needed
just hope,
and trust
in *love
dedicated to all those impacted by gun violence and hate crimes.
Jun 2016 · 413
love lost
love lost
last breath
new life
given birth
hope sprouts
Jun 2016 · 771
sadness washes over me
like sweat on a hot summer's day in the South

air is thick with grief and yet my heart sings

my heart sings songs of love as I hold my daughter
and as I reach out my hand to help the new guy

Life is full even as I walk through grief and for that I am truly grateful.

my heart longs for cool nights back home in the mountains, where the fire flies dance and bull frogs sing
May 2016 · 782
2 x 2 10w poem
air invisible
heart vulnerable
Love indivisible
fear perpetuates
peace regenerates
A friend suggested writing a 10w poem in this format.
May 2016 · 523
love abides
forever more
love abides
even in
the dark
lonely places
May 2016 · 1.1k
free gift of sobriety
that makes
life and laughter possible
Written in gratitude for a nice visit from my mother and brother with my daughter.
May 2016 · 699
deep gratitude
this day of my birth
for divine breath
I turned 36 today.
May 2016 · 656
waits for no one
so live fully in today
May 2016 · 606
a new freedom
heart beats                              brain stops
thoughts quiet                       heart sings
a new song                             free of fear
life grows anew                    with heart free
I was experimenting with spacing and abstract free association.
May 2016 · 454
psalm of praise
my heart sings Your glory.
I am grateful I can be grateful,
when there was a time I used to
hate You because I thought You
were making life happen to me.

Thanks for not answering my daily prayer
of killing me in my sleep or checking out some other way.

Today, I am grateful for my breath and that I
can be unstuck from self-pity and despair.

Thanks for helping me be useful to You and Your other kids.
May 2016 · 1.2k
my true home
my true home rests in
the seat of my *heart
May 2016 · 452
being open
all around
singing of birds, laughter of children
right now
May 2016 · 477
suspended disbelief
shock turned to disbelief
anger to sadness
joy to grief
laughter to tears

when "I love you"
turned to
"I don't care anymore."
May 2016 · 686
city life
I wonder and wander
alone aimlessly
until I find you
May 2016 · 1.8k
eyes closed
brain quiet
breathing slowed
body relaxed
heart full
May 2016 · 1.9k
a song of gratitude
Beloved, my heart sings songs of *Your praise.
Thank You for helping me get through the day sober and free.

I am grateful I canbe present to life today.  I can give and receive love instead of being trapped in self, hopeless and full of self-pity.

Grateful I can hold my daughter with love exploding from my heart. With Your help and help of fellow sojourners, she never has to see me drunk.

Beloved, may I continue walking on the path and share this precious gift of sobriety with others that I meet on the way.

Thank You. I love You.
May 2016 · 417
lost dreams
a cold silence
seeping into broken dreams
redeemed by love
May 2016 · 692
lost on the west coast
nothing is as freeing
as aimless wandering
*i am free
I really love having time to explore a new city at my own pace. Seattle is a fun city to walk around.
May 2016 · 420
tiny moments
moments of joy
wander into my life
as I cry
May 2016 · 1.5k
Seattle Blues
Nothin' hurts like heartache
a longin' that you just can't break

Woman, you did me wrong
I am gonna mend my ways

I ain't been home in so long,
never to dance with your hips swayin'

Let me go home where I belong
back to the mountains of Appalachia,
where cicadias sing and
women are sweet like moonshine
May 2016 · 420
your words were
sweet like chocolate

now you launch bitter daggers
that pierce my heart
May 2016 · 916
subtle lessons
life unfolds its
life lessons
each moment
an opportunity to
*learn and grow
May 2016 · 1.2k
Buddha on Poetry
Better than a speech of a thousand vain words is
one thoughtful word which brings peace to the mind.
Better than a poem of a thousand vain verses is
one thoughtful line which brings peace to the mind.
Better than a hundred poems of vain stanzas is one
word of the dharma that brings peace to the mind.
Verses 100-102 from the Dhammapada as translated by Eknath Easwaran.
May 2016 · 679
a flicker of hope
hope burns even in the darkest of nights

Love guides my way
Divine Love
May 2016 · 1000
slumber is fleeting
so is the promise of love
which can easily
be lost
Apr 2016 · 1.7k
I let go
breathe more deeply
my heart opens
Apr 2016 · 280
magical disappearing act
some days I wish I could fade into nothing
but then your love reminds me to stay
I plant roots and let love grow in me
Apr 2016 · 794
everything becomes
when I hold you
my arms
A poem for my daughter.
Alternate version:

everything comes
clear focus
when I hold you
my arms
Apr 2016 · 400
feeling feelings revisited
feeling discomfort dissipates as
I embrace instead of
pushing away

love remains as
I move forward with a
hole in my heart

moving towards
instead of running away,
and feeling feelings

I don't know how to do this,
and yet I get through the day
with a little glimmer of hope

I keep hearing the words
"This too shall pass."
so I breathe and take a step
I originally wrote the first stanza in July of 2014 and thought I would play off of something I had written:
Apr 2016 · 322
what we had is lost and gone,
I choose gratitude instead of bitterness.

the love we had could quickly turn into
resentment, fear and anger.

for our daughter's sake and for my own serenity,
I choose to practice love and tolerance.

I am choosing to be grateful for what we shared,
and present to the life created out of that love.

just for today, I embrace it all. the pain, joy, tears and laughter.

I mourn the loss of our marriage,
but love remains.
Apr 2016 · 909
the hidden spring
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
grief and loss
we drift further away
our once unending love is
coming to a close

the sadness of it all is overwhelming
I miss being able to laugh together
and now we can't even agree
on raising our beautiful daughter

sometimes I wonder how we got here?
But that question will lead me
to the gates of insanity?

all I can do is take little steps forward,
and keep showing up to life.
I cherish each moment with my daughter.

you react to me as if I leave a strong
unpleasant aftertaste.
I try not to react and practice love and tolerance.

at the end of the day love guides me
through this strange journey of
grief and loss.

we are no longer two made one through vows.
I am sad, but I am grateful I can welcome
little moments of joy, sadness, tears and laughter.

I embrace it all.
Apr 2016 · 791
coming back to life
little moments of joy
fill my day
with you near
Grateful for my daughter and being able to share life with her.
Apr 2016 · 588
eyes heavy
body tired
heart broken
brain fried
sustained by hope
Apr 2016 · 620
a new heart
I feel like the Tin Man
wanting a new heart
Apr 2016 · 426
death of a heart
Apr 2016 · 702
my heart crumbles
as I walk away
with you crying in your mother's arms
with tears streaming down your face
reaching out to me
First time my daughter cried during our seperation when I had to go. A change in our routine today, I saw her briefly on a day I usually don't see her, but still, it was really hard.
Apr 2016 · 1.9k
moments of grace
I get up even when I don't want to
God thank you for my life
and the courage to keep putting
one foot in front of the other
Apr 2016 · 431
watching you nap (10w)
your tiny breaths
are like love songs
to my heart
Poem for my daughter as I watch and listen to her nap.
Apr 2016 · 448
spring breeze (10w)
sitting and waiting
a breeze visits
with a soft caress
Apr 2016 · 563
my heart aches
but I am happy to know
I have loved
with all of
Mar 2016 · 306
love explodes into tiny seeds of joy
they grow all around me
even through difficulties of life
may my heart stay open and free
Mar 2016 · 715
love in silence
love is
the air I breathe
my daughter's smile
the meeting of heart to heart
in the quiet silence of now
Mar 2016 · 1.0k
moments of grace
my world falls apart with one word

as my world crumbles,
the Divine Lover whispers my name.
three words are spoken into my heart,
and my heart sings even as I walk through the death of love.
Going through separation.
Feb 2016 · 880
a raw prayer
God, I want to be real with you, but sometimes its really hard.
Help me to let go of what I think what I know about You, my spiritual journey, and who I am.

I open myself up to you, so I may experience You in my life.

Help me cut through my own *******, so I am honest with myself.

I give thanks for my life.  Please help me to breathe deeply today, so I may be present to people that I think are "*******."  Help me to get to know them as people, and connect to them beyond what's hard about them.  I don't expect this to happen overnight, so help me to have patience as You teach me to love.

Oh yeah, and help me to love the greatest pain in the *** in my life. Me.  Help me to be compassionate and loving to myself, so I may embody Your love to others.  Thanks. Amen.
A prayer I wrote in early sobriety.  It can be found in my self published book:
Feb 2016 · 494
Hell Of My Own Making
--Praying--Hair Dishevelled & Weeping--
--Reaching For Heaven--
--Gasping For Air--
--I Hit Bottom--
--Asking For Help--Taking The Hand--
--Pulls Me Out--
--A Hell Of My Own Making--
--Out Of The Darkness--A Divine Spark--
--Lighting The Way From Within--
Inspired by poetry of Rauan Klassnik
Feb 2016 · 462
being at zero (10w)
living without holding and craving
letting life flow in me
Thank you I love you I'm sorry Please Forgive me--Hawaiian Prayer
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