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Aug 2021 · 725
Silk & Heartbreak
Brandon Aug 2021
Walking home, I told you I've been down this road before
Broken communication, insecure intimacy; what a toll
Emotionally vacant, there was no saving our chemistry
This version of the ending's nothing new to me
We met one day and in my eyes, I foresaw a flourishing life
The heartache burned my silky strings
The pain was sharper than a yellow jacket's sting
The confirmation in your eyes was colder than a winter's eye
My fingertips caressed your face once, it melted my cloudy sky
Our political and social morals disrupted our beautiful contortion
Like bi-polar seasons, the effort was that of feedback distortion
You drowned in your insecurities and blocked any trust in me
As the bed we slept in had no portion for me to lie in
I smelt smoke from inside; my strings were crying for waves of blue
breakups are unfortunate because for the most part, you don't see them coming to an end. we're so caught up in our rose-colored glasses that the red flags glide right past us until the relationship status changes. communication is so important in keeping a relationship thriving. if you don't have that, then it'll wither away like your favorite flower.
Apr 2021 · 710
Brandon Apr 2021
Where do you go when the soul levitates in space?
Synths wash over me with godlike grace
I say, my dimension is slow and reverbed
With every problem, futsal shuffled to the curb
I say, "it's so surreal"
I want to gain a nursing shield
Just to show my father it's real
I know you're not around me
But I still feel your presence still
Some nights, I'm on an asteroid watching the stars
Other nights, I'm frostbitten awaiting your warmth
So, I ask you
When does your soul leave the physical?
I wanna know because you're supposed to see
What I see
Apr 2021 · 271
Brandon Apr 2021
Lightning struck the heart that you lived in
My shields overwhelmed and vulnerable
I endure states of emergencies, it's commendable
Even though I bathe in original sin
Sometimes, I feel I'm in the middle of the beginning
It's like I and we haven't moved at all
Headstrong, but I want you to catch me when I fall
I never knew a greater power than complacency
I strive to excel but it's nothing new to me
Through the winter I've been caretaking
But who can save me when I need saving?
Lightning to the heart again
What the **** is going on?
Apr 2020 · 236
Brandon Apr 2020
Since April 16th, I've been dressed in fatigue
I'm emotionally damaged with my blood on the leaves
Death purged my soul from my body; Ancient One's Creed
Natural selection took her, made me realize I failed her
How do you have the apple of Eden and still miss her?
They say don't hold your life for a pet; I'm still held up
Watching my heart swim laps in pools of bourbon cups
I should have been there to see the innocence check out her eyes
To hold her paw and camouflage my cardiac scars in disguise
I find pleasure in resting my eyes until the new day interweaves
And I have to walk this path looking into the sky with disbelief
Reality wipes you out like Japan's tsunami rolling up to receive
I had to find a way to deter the sob filled days and time freeze
And when I have it on the ropes I see pictures and the recycle begins
Recently, I have been pondering about mortality and where I stand with it. A death in the family only amplified those thoughts. Cherish every moment that you have with your loved ones.
Mar 2020 · 192
One minute in Slow Motion
Brandon Mar 2020
With grief blackening
the corners of my heart
As long as I can
Spend time alone
Needing hours of sand
But I'm too connected to my phone
Life is strange
I could wait one more hour
To prove my well-being's far from sour
You ever wonder what you'd think about if one minute lasted in slow motion?
Aug 2019 · 415
Jikan Ga Tomattara
Brandon Aug 2019
Set I
We're not in love
Just talking and earning brownie points
So far in these waters my head's above
I'm confident even when I'm alone
You make me wonder why I am feeling this way
Your butterflies flock to me when you pull up
The reaction goes both ways?
We walk up, smile, and kiss new life into the day

Set II
Za Warudo; Jikan ga tomaru
I wish I could replay every moment with you
It aches me
This romantic metamorphosis calms me
I wonder how it must have been to feel it
I wonder how it must have been to feel it
You ever just wish time stopped for you whenever a good moment happens? I wish Jojo Bizarre Aventure was real.
May 2019 · 350
Brandon May 2019
Set I
You know that people will change
As feelings start to fade away
Lovers seem to drift astray
Chemistry is so strange
Friends swords are double-edged
Never thought a bond could be staged
Even if the Sun failed to stay
You need to know that I'm on a wave
I wish I was everywhere and hard to find
You want a man; I'm one of a kind
Around you, I'm so unprepared
I catch myself sounding what's not shared
Starting a new chapter composes fear
I'm still where I was last year
Meanwhile, we're talking it out
And you sustain my attention throughout
I walk you back to your haven
We stagger to be on our way without saying
Seems like you want me to linger
I hope you can endure a cruel winter
Mar 2019 · 1.2k
Brandon Mar 2019
Set I
You don't really call on me like you should
Dial my line and I'll roll through your neighborhood
We all have problems under this hemisphere
But you persevere and smile so fierce
I know your circle doesn't want smoke with me
Because they trust we can go all the way
He broke your trust, trust me, is all I say
It's okay you need someone that's calm and patient
Someone who's never okay being complacent
Who's honest enough to check you in the wrong
Does the armor on your skin belong?
Won't you be my plug?
You could be the one
Like Summer Walker, start with a handshake
And eventually, I'll need more than a hug
Let's vent late at night with Pink Moscato wine
Open up to me about these emotional crimes
All that you're missing; this late night attention
The best combination
To feel empathy is ultimate satisfaction
Communication is not meant for one side
So, do what's best for your mind
I think girls need a little something for everything. A genuine person for starters. Cheers to finding that special someone!
Mar 2019 · 760
In The Dark
Brandon Mar 2019
Set I
I don't want a friend
I want my life in a pair
I'm the one to always make amends
Miscommunicate and impair
Show me why life's not bleak
With them I know I can't compete
I see it as you look at me like I'm someone else
That's a potent drug in itself
Oh well, you can't see
So don't follow me to the bottom undersea
Where I'll be slow dancing in the dark
Follow me and you'll end up in my arms
At the seafloor, we'll find a path to embark
As long as we have the keys to our hearts
We can swim through any current to Montreal
Let me be the one to hold you when you fall
Have you made up your mind?
Do you know what you want and where to find?
I don't need any more mixed signs
Immaturity begets emotional crimes
You ever find yourself slow dancing in the dark awaiting the spark of happiness that takes the form of a lightning bolt? That bolt that'll give you that missing piece that's been absent from your life? Yeah, me too.
Jan 2019 · 332
Brandon Jan 2019
Set I
My closet is full of obscure sorrows
How do you give CPR to a heart that's hollow?
I wish I had the desire to care less about things
This inception came from people cutting my heartstrings
This monkey on my back won't loosen my grip on life
Its claws gnaw into my back like a corkscrew knife
I've made too many fumbles near the end zone
I doubt the success in my life with emotions I must condone
Once upon a time, I played life loosely
I cut off my ears and was deaf to the wise
Life's tsunami washed me away from paradise
Cutting off core friends sunk my heart acutely
I treated my life as a volleyball game
Kept everything weighing me down in the air
The risks, the lessons, bounced freely in the hands of others
It was only a matter of time before I was betrayed by my brothers
Before I blamed my failures on everyone else
Without examining my dysfunctional intellect myself
I tried to rely on others; I was left in the ocean to wallow
Learning from my actions I pieced together a fragment of sorrows
"the desire to care less about things—to loosen your grip on your life, to stop glancing behind you every few steps, afraid that someone will ****** it from you before you reach the end zone—rather to hold your life loosely and playfully, like a volleyball, keeping it in the air, with only quick fleeting interventions, ..."
Jul 2018 · 421
Brandon Jul 2018
Set I
We found each other in a broken place
You caressed my heart deep in outer space
I wished it was real for Heaven's sake
But falling for you was my mistake
When times were tough and hard to see
I made sure I held you close to me
On the weekend, you called out my name
I swam to your call and all I felt was shame
I wanted you to stay when you didn't want me
Crying to my loss of you I had to flee
My heart still awaits its birth by sleep
And its key needs to be in hands that'll keep

Set II
I said I didn't feel anything, but I lied
I had to cut out myself from your life
I guess I was just another pit stop
Till you made up your mind and flopped
Can I escape the apprehension I feel for you?
I feel apprehensive to walking the road anew
But the dawn shines brightest in its darkest night
And I will fight for joy into eternity to win this fight
Maybe you were toxic but I still gravitated your pull
Draining my emotions, you left me feeling so null
Even golden wine from Hannah couldn't repair
The apprehension I have for you in despair
I guess one of the most toxic things for your heart is meeting someone at the wrong time.
Apr 2018 · 251
Brandon Apr 2018
Set I
Don't give up your morals
Believe in yourself and the Sun will shine
Go back to where you held armor to your skin
Don't over-think; just swim towards the storm
You'll be reborn
I'll swim with you
We'll make anew
And be reborn
Life is Strange
Dec 2017 · 512
"I'd Die For You"
Brandon Dec 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
I want to glide underneath the Sun
You know, it's hard sometimes
I want to guide others like I would a son
That's what I love to fantasize
For my enemies, I wouldn't dare a wish on them
Just **** them with kindness and cut their stem

{Set II: Brandon}
"I'd die for you" is easy to say
Everybody makes a list they'd take
Bullets are here and bullets jump there
I'd jump in front of everybody
But I don't seem to see bodies jumping for me
They'll abuse the phrase to conjure false smiles
I can document every situation in my files
People loosely say that they'd live for you
But they fail to realize how hard it is to do
How do you tell them when you know it's not true?
While listening to 'Ride' by 21 Pilots I just sort of thinking about the phrase "I'd die for you". People say it all the time, but do they truly mean it? Personally, I don't know. Enjoy!
Oct 2017 · 525
Pancakes W/ You at 4am
Brandon Oct 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
When I wake up,  I want to only see you
An adventure of a lifetime, all I say is 'Whoo-Hoo!'
I love the way you sound when you're fatigued
Those hands and how they fit between mine
I want you in the picture when I succeed
Pancakes, lemonade, it's almost 5
On the road to Niagara, with you I feel high
You can play with your ruby hair and I'll smile
When I look at you I know we can walk 500 miles
Pancakes, lemonade, watching a colorful sunrise
You'll be asking what I'm looking at with those eyes
I'm just looking at the last piece to my puzzle
It's the littlest things that really make your connection with somebody truly special and unique. ❤️
Oct 2017 · 499
A Beautiful Fallacy
Brandon Oct 2017
Trust is so easy to lose
On both sides, we give up easily
Patience is what our hearts need
But they won't teach you that
Details fly at Mach-4 over our heads
And when it is all said and done
Friendships end in a beautiful lie
Sailboats sink and bonds die
You built me up; we were brothers
How can you bring somebody so close to the light
Only to pile-drive them back into the darkness?
Friendships grow so fast and look as beautiful as a rose; sometimes they wither as fast as they grew. Not everything is permanent, but if you are blessed with a strong friendship that can get through anything, then you have true gold. :D
Jul 2017 · 525
Brandon Jul 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
I have
What I have
And I am happy
I've lost
What I've lost
And I am
Still happy
Once you move on, the feeling is much better.
Apr 2017 · 664
Through the Battle
Brandon Apr 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
I've been through
Hell and back
I have blemishes and bruises
Marks that can't be erased
But Life will not defeat me
I am still standing
For now
That is enough
Everybody's been through a little bit of pain. No matter how hard life knocks you down or how much it burns you, it's important to always believe in yourself, get back up, and say, "Is that all you got?". You can do this. Never give up. You might not know me, but I believe in you just as I believe in myself.
Mar 2017 · 2.5k
Close to the Sun
Brandon Mar 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
The season must turn, turn, and turn
Our pain and love will turn, turn, and turn
There's a time to heal
There's a time to feel
The pain is not everlasting
But to build up
We must break down
So take my hand and rise up
Let me wipe those tears and frown
We shall not **** and not even seal
We will gain
But for that we must lose
We will make peace
I promise you it is not too late
If you're ever feeling down, then just read this poem and think of the things that make you happy and be grateful that your life isn't worse than it could be!
Mar 2017 · 1.3k
Golden Karats
Brandon Mar 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
The sky is bleeding in lethargy
Winter gives a sharp howl at me
Leaves rippled, rusty, blown into the wind
I cry as the guitar writes with its acoustic pen
Your ship may have taken damage
At your lowest points you had to ravage
Everyone pictures red like a Spanish bull
A hurricane's destruction can leave you null
I remember, I was there
Stroking this gentle, thin, string
My melancholic melody echoes across the plane
But my survival, like yours, need not be the same
You will go through great struggles
But you don't have to overcome them alone
Don't ever let go
You will never know
How the power of friendship and support feels
I've seen the demonic eye that is a black hole
Sacrificing your life is not worth reclaiming what it stole
Woah-oh-oh; Venus help me restore such beauty
Give us the courage to walk through destruction happily
Because Pain is temporary, yes
While friendship is divine; everlasting
Let us ever last Pain
This poem is dedicated to anybody that is going through a rough time. You are never alone and you will indeed struggle, but try to find a way to convert those negative feelings, stress, and pressure into positive feelings. Go do something you enjoy and keep yourself occupied! There's nothing like getting support and comfort ❤
Feb 2017 · 807
Brändon and Lia
Brandon Feb 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
Have you ever fell apart?
She told me that I wasn't enough
Then she left me with a broken heart
She fooled me twice and it was all my fault
She cut too deep and she left me scarred
There's too many thoughts skating across my brain
I used every kind of Bleach to get rid of your stain
Your actions drained my body and soul
Life is a drink that keeps pouring, so I'm not null
In my story, one person ****-joyed the streak
Crystalia breathed life into me
She opened my crusted eyes so I could see
She deserves the universe, but I am just a star
She's that Northern Star that can be way too far
I have never been so caught off guard
I have never caught feelings this hard
The collision is harder than a Fireball that I drunk
With its flames burning my sails as I sunk
She used Nature's heart to piece together my puzzle
We've swam through Hell and I need to hustle
This is a dedication poem to a certain somebody who was there for me when I really needed comfort and support. Those two things will take you a long way. Never forget the genuine.
Feb 2017 · 433
Golden Karots
Brandon Feb 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
The sky is bleeding in lethargy
Winter gives a sharp howl at me
Leaves rippled, rusty, blown into the wind
I cry as the guitar writes with it's acoustic pen
Your ship may have taken damage
At your lowest points you had to ravage
Everyone pictures red like a Spanish bull
A hurricane's Destruction can leave you null
I remember, I was there
Stroking this gentle, thin, string
My melancholic melody echoes across the plane
But my survival, like yours, need not be the same
You will go through great struggles
But you don't have to overcome them alone
Don't ever let go
You will never know
How the power of friendship and support feels
I've seen the demonic eye that is a black hole
Sacrificing your life is not worth reclaiming what it stole
Woah-oh-oh; Venus help me restore such beauty
Give us the courage to walk through destruction happily
Because Pain is temporary, yes
While friendship is divine; everlasting
Let us ever last Pain
Support and friendship can take you very far. You just have to believe.
Jan 2017 · 508
Patched [Draft I] Sonnet
Brandon Jan 2017
{Set I: Brandon}**
Linking You down with my life
We're busy as usual, but we should make time
Last semester drew a hole in me with its Scythe
With lost time, I don't think I could ever be fine
Last season sent me into a limitless abyss
How you pulled me out was the ultimate assist
I damaged you and I lost your trust
I never can be perfect, but I can perfect us
I love tapping into your emotions
But I cry at night, because I'm hopeless
You can notice in my melancholic notions
My story with you is limitless, nonetheless
I've walked the Dawn with a broken heart on my sleeve
My heart's patched, but the scars profusely bleed
Jan 2017 · 615
Alive Again
Brandon Jan 2017
{Set I: Brandon}
If we only have this life, you get me through
Never met many so genuine; only a few
If we've only got this life
Then this adventure oh then I
Shall share it with you for your amenities
Your heart in mine is the ultimate proximity
She's endured my pain for so long
She's a never ending loop of your favorite song

{Set II: Brandon}
Even if our hymns fall flat
The fact that I saved her from splat
I made her believe again
Even then I can be that ultimate friend
She needed to know genuine still exists
Her smile brings back dreams I reminisce
You want an MVP in your relationship
To help patch the ship and sail for companionship
A dedication to the greatest girl in the world. Show your girl that she means everything to you!
Jan 2017 · 586
Fly On
Brandon Jan 2017
Set I: Brandon}
Flock of birds
Hovering above
Just a flock of birds
It's how you think of love
Crying throughout the night
Anxiety in the night
If I could be with you
I'd be your shining light
It seems hopeless
Never give up
I promise I'll wait
Look up at the sky
Reminisce me up high

{Set II: Brandon}
Ride through the pain
Without it, there's nothing to gain
If it takes days, weeks, or a month
Let it be known I never front
You've brought these tears down my face
What a natural rarity
Mingh Mingh and Khloe miss you
Like a cat in a window waiting on the owner
I'm just waiting to see your shining presence
Please light up the darkness
I'm on the road, but where are you?
Shall I wait? Can I contemplate?
This isn't how our story ends
On Monday, I waited on you
Waiting for that smile to light up my atmosphere
I didn't see you; darkness stayed stagnant today
But hopefully tomorrow will be different
I'm waiting for sadness to walk away
But you told me to be strong
Hold me, comfort me, wipe the tears away
Maybe one day I can fly with you
Until then, I gaze at my clipped wings.
I wrote this two December's ago when I went through a tragic heartbreak. In your darkest hour, remember that you have a flame that can still burn bright. Let it ignite.
May 2016 · 458
Fate Part I
Brandon May 2016
{Set I: Brandon}
The clouds dissipate from my mirror
Now I can see my vision a bit clearer
I struggle to be the best out now
My enemies fall back to a lil foul
Remember when Kyrie talked up my ego?
Maybe she drifted away because of my ego
32 hours of silent communication
The heart hurts when she placed a lot of sanction
I try to save everybody, but is it my place to choose?
Playing God with my options, is it my place to loose?
I pull the strings like a puppet master
Yet I'm the one running a bit faster
It isn't my place to choose a proper fate
With Doctor Fate, I want everyone past the gate
Some people will fall
Some people refuse to get up
Some people will claw
Some people will corrupt
I study abroad as I study the field
Yet even I need to sometimes yield
Over the years I've learned people in the water will frown
I also learned that you have to let certain people drown
One thing that I have learned over the years is that you can't save everybody, no matter how bad you really want to save them. You can't force people to swim.
May 2016 · 681
Brandon May 2016
I hope one day I can write
The words that explain you
So that if you ever feel
Any less than beautiful
You can read the truth
Never forget that you are beautiful as a shining pearl. Don't let others throw your name into the ground however much they please. You are not a welcome mat.
May 2016 · 1.4k
To Mind
Brandon May 2016
Might make them angry
It will make you free
If no one has ever told you
Your freedom
Is more important than their anger
You should never feel pressured to say 'yes' to someone or for anything. Sometimes saying 'no' is the best answer, and everybody should know their limits.
Mar 2016 · 1.9k
Potions (Part I)
Brandon Mar 2016
Every night is another session of inception
My mind distorts and alters my perception
What-if scenarios now a trained intercession
Is it me? Is it my views or my skin complexion?
Took a long time to reply, that's fine
It's all good, it's all good Mrs. Fine wine
Girl, I'm back for a few more rounds
No complications; this a "stress free" sound
Everything rides the windy coasters
While I try to cross life into a beautiful floater
I've thought about my golden childhood
"Why can't the world be like your childhood?"
No pain, no drama, no confrontations
Such a chilling sensation down my spine
Now all people wanna do is smoke and drink
I didn't think illusions would make us sink
This is just a few thoughts that my mind electrifies here and there. Have you ever wondered why you waste so much time and potential on people who don't deserve it? Part of me believes that it's because deep down inside, you want to prove yourself wrong (more than anybody else). I'd be lying if I said I was never one of those people.
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Hope (Part II)
Brandon Feb 2016
Know I've been around
You've been on my mind, subconsciously
I think too much
Our feelings have faded
Act like you know better
I know I haven't been around
I haven't forgotten you
Your name stimulates my heart
My chords vibrated from the start
Your seat has not been taken
I've been so far gone
I've been so led on
I've formed broken bonds
Established severed connections
I feel it
I can feel it
This rush of adrenaline in my veins
Oh no, oh no, no, no
This is Hope telling me to keep going
How do you sit down and quit?

You don't
Hope is always on your side. If you feel like your life is only going to get worse, I want you to know that the Sun always shines through the clouds if it's bright enough. Never give up, because the hard times will make you appreciate the golden times. You CAN do it.
Feb 2016 · 3.2k
Hope (Part I)
Brandon Feb 2016
I hope you find somebody special
Somebody who'll treat you right, respectively
I hope you find somebody to love
If you're done wrong
It takes a storm to see a rainbow.
Never give up. Even when it feels like you've been thrown into the eye of a hurricane for eons, just know that your rainbow will shine down eventually. Stay strong.
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
Brandon Feb 2016
I see that girls love Beyoncé
Girls love to pick at your conscience
They hate when guys go dark
It's funny, she was no different
Nowadays, it's hard to meet women
Almost like my love life was finished
I've always adored commitment
That's why I was in this position
Who's ever scared to let girls in
You've got admirers, yet so do I
It's not just me, we both have to comply

{Set II: Brandon}
I know I deliver these smiles
But I change once I review her files
"She cheated with this and him"
The heart bled after seeing her 1930's film
I have accepted that I could be alone
But I know nothing has been set in stone
If you have such butterflies for the boy
Say my name like I'm not a decoy
Girls make it harder to trust your heart
I fool myself entirely from the start
If you're not running games,
Realize I can never be so tame
Feb 2016 · 958
Alive Again
Brandon Feb 2016
If we only have this life, you get me through
Never met many so genuine; only a few
If we've only got this life
Then this adventure oh then I
Shall share it with you for your amenities
Your heart in mine is the ultimate proximity
She's endured my pain for so long
She's a never ending loop of your favorite song

{Set II: Brandon}
Even if our hymns fall flat
The fact that I saved her from splat
I made her believe again
Even then I can be that ultimate friend
She needed to know genuine still exists
Her smile brings back dreams I reminisce
You want an MVP in your relationship
To help patch the ship and sail for companionship

Crystal is the pearl
Sent to me as a guide
Easy to tell what I confide
The Emerald Girl
Jan 2016 · 543
Brandon Jan 2016
Looking past the colorful horizon
I feel all emotions crawling over me
The Sun shines its smile upon the shore
It makes me reminisce the times I adore
These waves, so powerful, so vigilant
Standing against them, I feel so defiant
Who's that girl holding a pearl?
I had heard she lost everyone, everything
I also heard she felt every kind of pain, every sting
Walking over to her, we made eye contact
The first guy to crack a smile, that a fact?
The vibrant, bluish waves rock my knees slowly
The seagulls shout her name as she glares
At me, she shed a tear as it fell on the pearl
Little did I know, the pearl was Hope, reincarnated
This was an excerpt from a collaboration poetic project that I am currently doing with my girlfriend. :) Feedback would be appreciated!

— The End —