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lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i didn't want to stand up and face the world. i didn't want to keep going. but i did, for you.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you break break break me
and then you pretend you did nothing
you hurt hurt hurt me
and then pretend that i did something wrong
okay i'm bleeding
can't you see
you've done your damage
now please let me be

lovelywildflower Sep 2019
there is no me without you, you without me.
220 · Sep 2018
I Know I'll Be Okay
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
Our hands touched, the warmth radiating throughout my body
A stranger I do not know
He sits behind me in math class
And I knew right then and there that there’s many people in this world
That I’ve never acknowledged or known
That even though I feel left out now
Someone will come along with warm hands
And a loving soul and they will never leave me to be alone
219 · Sep 2018
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
There is literal glass in my hands
It hurts to do the things my hands are supposed to do
and if that doesn't desrcibe the way my heart feels
I don't know what does
219 · Nov 2018
the war between us
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
oh god i'm ******* screaming
but you won't listen
a poem i wrote a while ago
218 · Sep 2018
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
If your mind's wounds were illustrated on your body, what would it look like?

Mine would have broken bones, bruises, and deep cuts strewn everywhere.

But also, stitches and casts to heal them.
218 · Oct 2018
bipolar relationship
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i wonder if you still think of me
as i still think of you
we haven't seen each other in a few months
haven't touched each other
haven't looked at each other
haven't talked to each other
i wonder if you remember
any of the unique little things about me
like how i love gas stations
or how i think bumblebees are cute
and how i love the way bruises look
i wonder if you remember the simple things
like my favorite color
or the type of music i like
i sure remember those things about you
maybe i wasn't important or good enough
for you to remember those things
you thought i was weird
but i take that as a compliment
why would i ever want to be with someone
who couldn't handle my weirdness?
we are complete opposites
and yes, it's true
that opposites attract
we saw that from the very beginning
but our relationship was bipolar
a disorder of sorts
at first, we were alright
the magnets inside us were strong
we attracted so well
then we would repel
we had our ups and downs
we would be fine one minute
and fighting the next
it became manic
our love's mental health deteriorated
and the disorder kicked in
in that moment, we were already gone
we would have never survived
the disorder grew
the attractiveness gone
our relationship died
committed suicide
and our love for each other with it
written 8/15/18
lovelywildflower Sep 2019
i never really learned how to just like something. i always let it consume me.
lovelywildflower Mar 2019
i can see all the love you have for me in those eyes. i hope you can see all the love i have for you in mine.
216 · Nov 2018
the cure
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
writing about you
mends my heart
just like your existence does
it's you baby
you're all i need

215 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you said you couldn't live without me
so why aren't you dead yet?
why are you still breathing?
lovelywildflower Sep 2019
you've shown me i have reasons i should love myself.
215 · Nov 2018
help me
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
it feels like i'm running
can't breathe
demons are chasing me

something i wrote awhile ago
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i wish i could say i fell asleep to the sound of your heartbeat
and i wish i could say that your warmth calmed my storm
i wish i could say the scent from my candle would forever remind me of this moment
and i wish i could say i knew you like the back of my hand
i wish i could say i felt your lips against my forehead as i drifted to sleep
and i wish i could say the paint from my hands has moved onto yours
i wish i could say that my heartbeat memorized yours and they made a song together
and i wish i could say you were so close i could feel your breath kiss my hair
i wish i could say i heard you say 'i love you'
and i wish i could say i told you i loved you too
i wish i could say that our legs were entangled together like my thoughts about you
and i wish i could say that everything i have said was true
but, no, it's not because it only happened in my head
and not in reality like we both want it to
214 · Oct 2018
talking to the moon
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i talked to the moon about you last night
i'm sorry i wasn't what you wanted
i still wish you were here with me
213 · Oct 2018
buried treasure
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
sometimes i feel like i'm buried treasure bound with bolts and chains
i'm held down in a secret place
waiting for one brave man to go searching deep in this land inside of me
the ship is swaying from the storm in my mind
and the crew grows restless as they try to find the X that marks the spot
again and again disappointment reigns
and there's always one that gives up as it keeps pouring rain
but all i ask for that special one to stay
someone who's willing to join in the fight
to battle and wrestle with my sleepless nights
someone who's there to listen to my thoughts
and to hold me and love me when i cry a lot
someone who's willing to keep searching again
to find that treasure that's meant just for them
and i search for mine as i climb and i climb
until we cross paths and the stars align
and we will have found out buried treasure in time
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
yes, it's true. this is all new to me. i haven't really experienced love before. but i fell deeper in love with you. i know because there's just this constant feeling in my chest, like a fire that will never go out. a fire that just gets bigger. and i need to see you all the time now. you make me happier just by existing and when i can't see you, i feel so depressed and the minutes drag on until i can see you again. maybe i don't know what love is, but if that's what this is, i hope i never lose it.
213 · Oct 2018
i'm sorry
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm sorry, mom.
i know i'm a disappointment
i know you're not proud
i know you don't like who i am
i know you wish i was someone else
i know i'm not the most perfect daughter
but i'm trying
i'm trying so ******* hard
213 · Nov 2018
running is what i do
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'll see you for the last time as i walk out the door
something i wrote awhile ago
213 · Sep 2018
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I am ashamed
that I was so eager to love you
That I was so eager for your love
I barely knew you
You were a distraction
Just a distraction
I'm sorry
But I'm in love with someone else
who will never love me back again
But I'm very content with where I am
And you may never understand that
And that's okay
You don't need to understand
You're not me
I'm sorry
You were just a distraction
212 · Nov 2018
to my demons
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
stop it!
why do you try to ruin everything?
212 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you have no idea how ******* bad i want to say i love you
211 · Nov 2018
thanks but no thanks
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
although you were an ******* to me
and never loved me the way i needed
you had a big impact on my life
you were the first person i ever loved
so now i know how love feels because of you
and you treated me like ****
but i realized my self-worth through that
and you didn't really like me for who i was
but i started to love myself because of that
and because of you, i figured out what was best for me
and i promised myself
i would never let anyone treat me like **** again
even if i loved them more than anything
because i loved you more than anything
at least i thought so
but you don't deserve to feel my love
i stayed because i thought you wanted me
when in reality you were just using me the whole time
and i would say thank you for helping me find myself
but no you don't deserve that either
i am ******* terrified because of you now
and i will never ever ever forget
the way you would take me into the bathroom at school
and do things to me that i didn't really want
or do things when we were alone that made me feel disgusting
isn't school supposed to be a safe place?
but i can't be in one place
that doesn't remind me of all the things you did to me there
my life turned to **** because of you
my whole life was ruined
everything i cared about, gone
you broke up with me
7 months ago
kissed me twice after that
which caused me to hate myself because i let you
it took me this long to get back on my feet
and i hope one day
someone hurts you so bad
that it will take twice as long
to get over it

to an ex boyfriend
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
promise me you'll always love me, even when you hate me
211 · Nov 2018
i was so close to doing it
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
hugging my knees
memories playing in my head
one in each drop of water on my arm
my body was shaking
hot water enveloping me
tears were rushing out
lungs not working
blood rushing out
my hands shaking
staring at my wrists
holding the blade to my vein
pushing in
then dropping the knife
i'm sorry

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i think you're the one, baby. i can feel it in my heart and in my soul and just everywhere. i can feel it. and i know because even though we're not physically together, i can still imagine doing every little thing with you. i've been with people who were right there beside me and i never felt that connection with them. i think you're the one.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
god made you just for me and i've never been more thankful for anything in my life. i never want anyone or anything else ever again. i could lose everything and still be okay because i would have you. i need nothing else.
209 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
many teardrops fall
am i the only one you love?
you don't talk to me that way
my chest burns with pain
209 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
the clock in the upstairs bathroom
stopped at 4:06
i wonder what happened at that time
for time to stop
and want to stay there forever
a poem i wrote a long time ago
209 · Jan 2019
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
i keep seeing spirits in front of my eyes
white wisps of smoke floating by
why are these ghosts taking shelter in my mind?
they do not belong here
am i just turning into a ghost myself?
no one sees me, no one knows
am i invisible?


lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i’d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you.
207 · Nov 2018
new beginnings
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i think i'm writing about death so much just so i can move on to new beginnings
206 · Nov 2018
i let you go
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i hope you know
i have finally let all of you go
i'm not afraid anymore
i hope you know
i am loved
i don't need you anymore
i hope you know
i'm finally free
you can't control me anymore

to an ex boyfriend
206 · Nov 2018
just keep writing
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
here's the thing about poetry
it doesn't need to make sense
just keep writing
206 · Oct 2018
i've moved on
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i remember talking to God about you
and asking Him why he was bringing you so close to me again
after you broke up with me months before
and i thought He had answered me
because He brought you back to me
but for only one week
we were together a total of 8 days
and then you left
He taught me how to let things go
i fought and fought and fought for you to be in my life
but we were never meant to be
i made everyone else hate me
just so you would love me
how stupid was i?
i gave all of myself to you
every **** part of me
just because you said you wanted to marry me
and i convinced myself you were the one
i never saw myself without you
but look at me now
look at me
i've moved on
205 · Nov 2018
haiku: leave
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
just ******* do it
you obviously want to
so just leave; just go

to someone i knew i long time ago
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
sitting in the nurse's office to avoid class
my head hurts from thinking too much
leaves running after each other outside the window
why can't i be that free?
i just ruined another thing
got yelled at by a friend
accused of something i didn't do
but my protesting didn't work
the leaves are still falling
they're scattered on the ground
scattered like raindrops from my eyes
the road up to the school is painted with leaves
the cracks in the pavement are just the scars the world bears
can't you see the cracks in me?
now i'm afraid to touch everything i see
afraid to ruin another thing
i'll just leave
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
it's like i don't know how to breathe without you. i don't know how to live. every moment is now dragging on until i can talk to you again.
203 · Nov 2018
if you break my heart
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
if you hit me,
or cheat on me
or hurt me in any way that breaks my heart
don't think your stuff won't be sitting out on the sidewalk
and all the doors locked
you don't get any second chances with me
especially after you break my heart
202 · Sep 2018
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I know I approached you
And asked you to be mine
And you gladly said yes
Which means I should be fine

But my insecurities rise like smoke
And I fear I won't be good enough
I know that it seems like I have it all together
But darling, I'm really not so tough

I have never been more afraid in my life
How can a girl so beautiful want someone like this?
So full of anxiety and not-so-perfect imperfections
Honey, please help me, I don't want to fall into this abyss

What am I supposed to do about this feeling?
Should I tell you how I feel or should I bury it?
I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid. There's no changing that.
But I just want the fear to ease at least a little bit

I'm scared of love
I'm scared of pain
I'm scared of hurt
I think I'm going insane

202 · Nov 2018
because of you
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i know i'm not the most perfect daughter
i know all i am is a failure to you
thanks, mom
i really appreciate it
you know, i have no best friends
because of you
i barely talk to one person at school
because i know you won't approve
you know, i'm trying my ******* hardest
but still, you're not proud
i get one bad grade
and you tell me my whole life is ruined
"you better just go throw all your dreams away"
what kind of a parent are you?
you know, i tried to forgive you
a hundred times
but i can't stand it anymore
you're the reason i wanted to **** myself!
you're the reason i wanted to run away!
and you say i'll thank you when i'm older
but no, i won't thank you for these scars on my arms
i will not thank you for making my life hell
as soon as i get out of this place
you're not allowed in my life
i don't want you in it
because of you
my heart breaks every day

please don't tell me it's wrong of me to feel this way
no one knows what i've been through
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
"i look at her
and wonder
out of all the faces
in the world
how did i find one
that was so perfect
for me."

- atticus

202 · Nov 2018
i feel at peace
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
standing in the road
the cold breeze enveloping me
the autumn leaves dancing around my feet
the sun shining through the trees
onto me and the love i have for you
arms spread out like wings
and i wish i could fly
so i could get to you
the street whispers
"he will get to you soon"
202 · Oct 2018
loneliness beach
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
my lungs fill with the ocean waves
my brain refuses to behave
the storm inside my rib cage forms
as my bones reveal the splintered shore
my tear ducts fill to clear the skies
as the loneliness leaves me deprived
and i reach out to anyone
but in the end they always run
or they're torn away from me
either way, no one believes
that i'm drowning on this lonely beach
you are there and i am here
i wonder if you're ever near
if so, why can't you see the signs?
or maybe i am just as blind
i write out "help" in the wistful sand
but i can never have the upper hand
so i become one with this agonizing wind
as my new life on this beach begins
201 · Oct 2018
he made me afraid
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm afraid of annoying you
because he used to tell me i was annoying
i'm afraid to hear what you have to say about me
because he used to call me names and not the good kind
i'm afraid no one will ever love me
because he used to tell me he hated me
i'm afraid to be with you
because he used to pretend i didn't exist
i'm afraid to get close to you
because he used to flirt with other girls right in front of me
i'm afraid i'm not good enough
because he used to call me fat and called other girls pretty
i'm afraid i'm not really worth it
because he used to tell me he only wanted my body and not all of me
i'm afraid of feeling your touch
because he used to do things to me i didn't want
i'm afraid of loving you
because apparently my love was never enough for him
and what if i can't love you the way you want me to?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
are you having doubts yet?
do you want to leave yet?
that's why i don't get attached
that's why you don't know too much about me
i'm afraid you'll run
when you find out who i am

199 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i walk with my head down
staring at the ground
i don't keep my head held high
and if i do
i stare at the walls
or something in the distance
i don't make eye contact with people
i don't look at anyone
but one day i'll learn to keep my head held high
199 · Oct 2018
the cause of my pain
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
All you ever do is put me down
and i don't even think you know that you do
i'm finally happy
i'm finally okay
and then you find something awful to say
you try to convince me that this isn't right
but i will not back down without a fight
i never really asked for an opinion from you
you may be trying to be a good friend
but you just leave me feeling blue
you make me feel not good enough for anyone
you convince me that the worst possible thing could happen
and this whole time i thought it was other people
but it's you
just let me be happy for once
even if it's the wrong thing
don't bring me down
and tear me apart
just because you're jealous
that someone else likes me
and i don't want you
because that's the truth
i do not want you
i think it's pretty clear
i want him for the rest of my life
and that's never changing anytime soon
so stop hurting me
because you are hurt
i'm allowed to love who i want
and be with him if i want to
i do not need permission from you
or from anyone
i love him
and you may not think so
but he's my only reason for living
so thank you
but i do not need your opinion
i shouldn't have told you in the first place
now i'm just going to learn to keep my mouth shut around you
i'm sorry
but i'm so tired of getting hurt
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
when you told me we would always be okay and that we will get married one day, you convinced me that we would always be safe. it made me feel safe inside. and at the same time, you planted something in me that just keeps growing by the minute and oh god i'm so in love with you.
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