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lovelywildflower Nov 2018
when you told me we would always be okay and that we will get married one day, you convinced me that we would always be safe. it made me feel safe inside. and at the same time, you planted something in me that just keeps growing by the minute and oh god i'm so in love with you.
198 · Oct 2018
before you go
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm gonna call you "baby"
and tell you all the things
i've been wanting to say to you
who knows how much time we have left
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
show me that we will make it. prove to me that you will always love me. tell me that if something happens where we're torn apart, that you will still wait for me. promise me that it's just you and me, forever and always.
195 · Oct 2018
thinking of you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i love that you're my first thought when i wake up in the morning
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you'll eventually find someone better than me
and then you will move on
and slowly stop talking
and you'll drift away
and i'll never see you again
it's just the way it goes
everyone always finds a reason to leave
194 · Sep 2018
Don't Try To Save Me
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I'm okay
Don't worry about me
I'm just sitting in the hallway like the loner I am
Hoping someone will notice me
But not you
You won't help
Please don't come and try to save me
It's not worth the pain
I know you really don't want me
Everyone just looks at me like I'm nothing
But at least that guy that just walked past made me laugh
I'm okay
Please don't try to save me
193 · Jan 2019
lovelywildflower Jan 2019
i think i've found my friends
except i have flesh and blood
but they're spirits
but we're all just ghosts
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i deleted all the poems about loving you
or made them about someone else
and i know i shouldn't do that
but they made me sick to the stomach
to see them existing
and you'll never know the way you hurt me
i'm sorry i was ever in your life in the first place
but i had to leave
192 · Oct 2018
how to know if i'm upset
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm usually a happy, bubbly person
who will walk you to your class
even if mine is on the other side of the school
but when i don't do that
it means i feel weak and tired
i can't walk without making people angry behind me
i walk too slow
there's no energy inside me
to move my bones

I'm usually a happy, bubbly person
who will try to make you laugh
and get over-excited talking about things
but when i don't say any words at all
it means i'm thinking too much
focusing on my thoughts
and not the sounds that should be coming out

i'm usually a happy, bubbly person
who will be smiling 24/7
and laughing at everything
but when there's a frown plastered on my face
it means my low feelings have risen above the high ones
and it is all i can feel
no matter how much you try to make me laugh

i'm usually a happy, bubbly person
who would skip down the hallways
and dance around my friends
but when i'm just walking and not doing anything
it means i don't have the enthusiasm to do those things
and it hasn't shown up for awhile
no matter what i do to try to revive it

i'm usually a happy, bubbly person
but when i'm upset
you would probably tell how upset i am
192 · Oct 2018
falling asleep
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
my eyes close with the idea that i could ever be loved
191 · Nov 2018
what if i mess this up?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i don't know how to tell you how much i'm afraid
there are so many things that i cannot explain
and i'm not in the business of putting my past on display
just know that i've never loved anyone this way
and the fear takes over and it holds me down
i can't seem to get away, i always drown
i'm so glad i'm the one that you found
but the fear is just always in the background
i'm scared, darling. you already know this
i've been through so many things that are the opposite of bliss
it's like i'm just waiting for the storm that always hits
honey, i don't want you to be another person i have to miss
i'm scared, god help me
i hope we're meant to be
i don't think anything is ever guaranteed
what if i'm not careful enough? what if i cause this wound to bleed?
191 · Oct 2018
1:58 a.m.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i got my hopes up again
i'm sorry for thinking we were more than friends
189 · Oct 2018
i confuse myself sometimes
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
before i told you goodbye earlier,
i almost added "love you"
like we have been together for awhile
and i don't know what has gotten into me
but it's confusing
i almost typed those words
like it was just a natural thing to do
and i'm sorry, honey,
but i shouldn't let myself fall for you
189 · Oct 2018
so many bruises
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
the pain has grown
and i can't feel nothing
my body's aching
i'm tired of being so exhausted
my eyes are closing
and my heart is broken
i'll keep on breathing
i know that i am nothing to you now
i'm scared i might just give up on myself
there must be something wrong with me
because everyone decides to leave
and if someone could just hold me
i wouldn't be here suffocating
189 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i guess i never understood love
the way people connect
maybe it's because i've never had it
not like i do now
past relationships are just shadows
they still lurk around every corner
and they still haunt me
not everyone will hurt you, darling
i'll need to perform an exorcism

i guess i never understood love
not until now
i am so afraid of losing you
like trees that lose their leaves in the fall
but they come back every spring
but who says people do the same
you won't come back when you leave
that's why i'm so scared
not everyone will leave, darling
i have this one chance to do everything right

i guess i never understood love
not until i was afraid you didn't love me
and you wrote stories in the palm of my hand
to put in my library of safe thoughts
and i was still scared
but i danced with everything i had in me
and it made me think of how you would feel if you lost me
and my heart hurt for you
not everyone will leave you behind, darling
i guess i'll just have to put all my trust in you
188 · Oct 2018
am i scaring you away yet?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
my demons are sitting right beside me
and i'm scared
oh god i'm scared
i haven't seen them this close in awhile
just breathe
i can't drown again
just breathe!
they're saying all these terrible things to me
please don't cry
i can't breathe
you're okay!
i don't want to be depressed again
please save me
188 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i wished for you
i hope you don't mind
188 · Oct 2018
falling apart again
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i'm sorry but i'm empty
please do not touch me
i swear i was doing fine, honestly
but now my hands keep shaking
my lungs keep aching
my bones keep breaking
my wrists are bleeding
and i can't control my breathing
187 · Oct 2018
The Stars Up Above
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i never got to meet one of my grandpas, my dad's dad.
he died a year before i was born
i wish i could have met him
every time i think of him
i think of a love song he wrote for my grandma
i can still hear him singing even now
the recording my grandma showed me on repeat in my head
"The Stars Up Above"
that's what it is called
i only listened to it once
but i remember it word for word
my dad plays it on the guitar sometimes
and it brings tears to my eyes
can you even miss something you've never had?
i think so
because i miss him so much
my heart aches
and tears flow out of my eyes
longing for that relationship with him i never had
the stories i hear about him are great
and i know i would have loved him
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i always thought that there was something wrong with me. and i always wanted to run, until i met you. you and me, we just fit.
187 · Oct 2018
important enough
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want to be important to someone
i want to be in your thoughts at 3 am
and the person you talk about when you're drunk
186 · Nov 2018
so many thoughts
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
there are so many thoughts
tangled up in my head
and i'm not going to stop
writing about them
until my pen had bled
its last words

185 · Nov 2018
tired of waiting
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i'm tired of waiting by the clock
staring at its hands
watching minutes go by
spinning 'round and 'round again
wondering how long it will be before we're together
honey, i wish i could have magical powers
because i would turn this clock into you
your hands on my body
the minutes passing by
you spinning me around
as we slow dance together
but right now
i'm just watching time move slowly by
185 · Sep 2018
Teardrops On My Guitar
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I now understand why Taylor Swift wrote so many songs about break ups
Because when you're in that moment
It's the only thing you can focus on
The hurt, the pain, the agony
It inspires you in a way
Because when you're sitting there
Trying not to cry
And so much pain flowing through your veins
It overtakes your system
It's the only thing you can think of
And I'm sitting here in guitar class
with tears metaphorically dropping on my guitar
But I won't actually cry because
it wouldn't help a thing
185 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
maybe the world was always meant to be broken
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you talked to me just now
after weeks of pretending i didn't exist
you asked me if i am okay
i am
don't worry about me
"you look upset"
trust me
i'm not
stop acting like you care
i haven't looked into your eyes
since the day you broke up with me
you held out your arms
like you were waiting for a hug
but i just looked down instead
i told you i had to go
and you hesitated
then decided to walk with me
i thought we were strangers
but talking to you was still so easy
we went our different ways
and you said we'll talk later
no please don't say that
i know you better than anybody
every time you come back like this
it means you're trying to pull me in again
you won't succeed
you treated me like ****
but i still loved you
and there's always going to be
a small fraction of my heart
that still loves you
you were my first everything
my first real relationship
my first kiss
but it doesn't mean i want you back
i don't love you anymore

to an ex boyfriend
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i don't have to say a word. you just look at me and you see who i am and how i feel and you accept it. you don't try to change it or want to change it. you, there are a billion people but i imagine there's only one of you.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
thinking of our future together warms my heart in a way i can't explain. if we're not meant to be, i'm never trusting love again. i'd rather be alone the rest of my life than ever spend it with someone who isn't you.
183 · Nov 2018
i believe
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i could be myself in front of you
and do you know how amazing that feels?
i'm usually so scared
so afraid of the outcome
but you always just love me anyway
that makes me feel so loved and free
i love you
i love that it's easy
like i don't have to try so hard for your love
not like past relationships
i don't have to beg you to stay
or cry myself to sleep
because i'm afraid you don't love me
i'm usually not one to believe what people say
but i believe you like i believe that i love you so ******* much
and today made me love you more
to be able to talk for hours
and hear your voice
it's like you were here
and every day gets better
and everyday i love you more
and everyday i miss you a little more
but that's okay
because you're worth it
182 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
maybe i'm not enough
maybe i'm worthless
maybe no one wants me
maybe i'm not pretty
maybe i'm not interesting
maybe i'll be sad forever
maybe i shouldn't be dreaming
181 · Oct 2018
a poet's dream
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
to fall asleep writing about you
181 · Oct 2018
you are so special
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
and i wish i could be special enough for you
181 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
this is the way the world ends
not with a bang
but a whimper
T.S. Eliot
180 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
there's that one scar on my arm
where i went too deep
it haunts me
every **** day
i wish i never had to see it again
it's there
reminding me of bad moments
if you asked me what i regret most in life
it would be that
i can't stand to see it
all i know is my first tattoo will be to cover it up
because that's not something i want to see
for the rest of my life

179 · Oct 2018
euphoric afflictions
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i haven't been answering to your messages
or anyone's for that matter
i don't feel like talking
reminiscing of a time that used to be
i'm lonely
no more best friends
no more real laughter
no more being a kid
you're older now
grow up
i'm sorry i haven't responded
but i was having tea with myself in the shower
step into my life
drink up the loneliness
see the sadness crawling in my heart
feel the cold water envelope my body
focusing on the lines on my skin
i haven't been me lately
i've done things that i would never do
like drinking alcohol in the middle of school
feel it dripping off my lips
dancing around
it tasted like cough medicine
healing the sickness inside my bones
my mind screaming
is it really wrong if it feels good?
i see the world differently
i've been wanting to hurt everyone i see
it's not them as people
but just me being jealous that they can be so happy
while i'm sitting in the corner
making friends with the shadows
fingers dancing on the walls
eyes closing with the idea
that i could ever be loved
i'm broken
can't you see the shattered glass in me?
feel it against my skin
feel it in my throat
feel it in my heart
and in my lungs
i haven't felt the pleasure of breathing in so long
it makes me wonder if i'm even alive?
am i?
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
*******. i've never loved someone this ******* much. i can feel that we're meant to be.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i hope one day i get to sing my grandpa's love song to you. i hope he doesn't mind that i show you here.

"The stars up above
that shine every night
the love that i have found
just has to be right
the world keeps on turning
the rain keeps coming down
and now look at the love that i have found
the moon keeps on shining
the river seems to flow
and how glad i am
that this love will show
the world keeps on turning
the rain keeps coming down
and now look at the love i have found
and now look at the love i have found"

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i love how you explain love like it's a fire in your chest. some burning sensation that lights up when you think of me. and it happens when i think of you too. an eternal flame. and i love how you say "bye for now" instead of just "bye" like you're reminding me that there's no ending and you'll be back again. and i love the way you talk to me. like you just can't get enough of me. and i love this and i love that and i love just everything about you
176 · Oct 2018
little reminders
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
good things happen. love is real. we will be okay
176 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i have my heart in the palm of my hands
and i'm reaching it out to you
i can feel my heartbeat pulsing within me
and i want you to feel it too
so i'm handing you my heart
please take good care of it
it is now yours
i hope you can hand yours to me
because, you, i absolutely adore
174 · Nov 2018
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i can see us together
looking into each other's eyes and seeing endless galaxies
holding hands and keeping the pain at bay
telling each other our problems
arguing over stupid ****
having inside jokes
falling asleep next to each other
kissing each other
loving each other
i could go on
but then this poem would be too long
So i will stop there because i'm sure you get the point
i see us being together
and i hope i'm not just dreaming

174 · Oct 2018
make me happy again
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i hope some day you write a poem about me
to hear about myself through your words
would make me fall in love with poetry all over again
172 · Oct 2018
missing you
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i miss you even though i've never had you
170 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i really like the cold
it makes me feel really alive
169 · Sep 2018
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
Maybe I was too eager
Maybe I tried to rush this
Maybe I wanted to go too fast
Maybe I'm not good enough
Maybe no one can really love me
Maybe you don't want me
Maybe the universe hates me
Maybe I'll never be with someone that makes me happy
Maybe nothing will make me feel good again
Maybe I'm broken
Maybe I'm tired
Maybe I don't want to live in this particular moment in life
Maybe you don't even care that I'm hurting
Maybe I'm done
Maybe I'm giving up
Yeah...maybe I'm giving up
169 · Nov 2018
that hurt
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you left right in the middle of me trying to make you feel better
and i know i'm not the best at giving advice
but at least i try to help
and i'm sorry if i said something wrong
i was just trying to be a good friend
and when i saw that you left
my heart broke into pieces
168 · Nov 2018
i've been there
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you can't lie to me
i saw you crying
the smeared mascara under your eyes
your eyes red and full of tears
don't think i didn't see
i asked you if you were okay
and you said yes
but you're really not that fine
i know how it feels
crying in school
then pretending you're alright
when people ask if you're okay
it happens to me
every so often
you just have to lie
and say you're alright
i know you're not fine
167 · Oct 2018
i have to be dreaming
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
the only thing i can think is
"am i dreaming?"
your lips on mine
your hands on my hips
the look in your eyes
you holding my hand
holding me close
wearing your sweatshirt that's too big for me
you saying i look lovely
your hands trailing down down down
and lighting a passionate fire inside of me
this can't be real
166 · Oct 2018
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you don't understand
i have a vivid imagination
i can literally feel your touch
the ghost of you
wrapping around my broken body
but it's no fun
because you're not actually here
165 · Oct 2018
it's important
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
tell me
would you love the scars on my arms and thighs?
or would you just run and hide?
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