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Aug 2024 · 100
With Dajena
Seconds ticking
I moved closer
My left hand around her

Seconds ticking
She moved closer
Her right hand around me

I can feel her breath
I can smell her scent
Of her skin

I moved further
Now I'm listening to her heart beat

Lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub
Ja-dach ja-dach ja-dach

Yes yes yes

Flowers of water
Came from the clouds tip tap tup
To drench us

Further I moved
I can feel the electromagnetic induction
Two bodies can't get closer

Clock stopped
Time warped
Space stood still

It's annihilation
Two souls merged

It's pair production
The merged soul released
A couple of sparkles

Little sounds
vibrations through the bodies
My lips touched hers
Rest's blanked out
It's nirvana

Couple of tear drops
coming from her eyes
Ayes fondled my lips

I have tasted a kiss.
It's love

Seconds ticking,
I move closer.
My left hand around her.

Seconds ticking,
She moves closer,
Her right hand around me.

Feeling her breath
Smelling the scent
Of her skin.

I move further.
Listening to her heart beat.

Lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub
Ja-dach ja-dach ja-dach

Yes... yes... yes...

Flowers of water,
Rushing from the clouds, tip tap tup
To drench us.

Further I move,
Electromagnetic induction,
Our bodies can't get closer.

Clock stops.
Time warps.
Space stands still.

It's annihilation,
Two souls merging.

Pair production,
The merged soul releasing
A couple of sparkles.

Little sounds,
vibrations through the bodies.
My lips touch hers.
The rest is a blank.

Tiny tear drops,
escape from her eyes.
and ****** my lips.

I have tasted a kiss.
It's love’s perpetual bliss...
<3 <3
Oct 2020 · 326
Pea(ie)ce (Haiku 84)
The dawn red as blood
Violence all over the field
Fight for peace they say
Sep 2018 · 442
The right
A fight
For the right
Without flight
See the number of meanings it conveys
Jul 2018 · 400
And then she said
Don't wait
The sight of your heart is me
Jun 2018 · 357
I am
I'm a collection of solitudes
A silence derived from
the summation of all languages
May 2018 · 1.3k
The Smell of Rain
The Sky wearing the saree
Woven from the Clouds
Oozes the elegant showers

The younger leave touched
By the first rain drop
Is dancing in joy

The wet earth graced by showers
Disperses the perfume of soil
Mar 2018 · 507
Tears of pure emotion
Tears of Pure Emotion

Tears of pure emotion rolled over his cheeks
Taking out the lava of pain down onto the earth
His revival now solely depends upon the way
He manages to carry on in the aftermath
Of the eruption of the volcano, called emotion

You're not here with me doesn't
Necessarily mean
You're not with me
I know you're always with me
Whether it is here
Or somewhere else.

Death separated
Our bodies
Not the spirits, the hearts
Your existence
In the space-time
Once or thence

I'll lead my life
Till the end
In the name of the best within Us
Mar 2018 · 521
Her Love
That song stole my sleep
Have to wake up all night

Nectar she might have drunk
For love's flowing from her voice

Drenched I am in that rain
Forgot all my pain

Bliss is all I can feel
Light's all I can see
Feb 2018 · 443
Light of Love
Love is composed of light
It lights up the souls
It removes darkness
When darkness disappears
You can see the right path
Feb 2018 · 1.9k
I am
I'm a collection of solitudes
A silence derived from
the summation of all languages
Feb 2018 · 1.9k
Love Infected
Her smile is infectious
I'm infected with a virus named her
Suffering from love
And the symptom is
Smile million times a day
Nov 2017 · 454
Colours of Life

The grey began to fade,
As the colours filled the sky,
The chill began to warm,
As the sun began to rise.
Oct 2017 · 366
Wasted Lives
Wasted Lives
Swamy Downey Vs SIRI - V

After great war
Comes great peace
In her
Intellectual musings

Agreed Swamy Downey
Not piece
But pieces
Of many
Of wasted lives
Oct 2017 · 716
In darkness I slide
No fear and tension, for her
Womb's my fortress

Haiku - 69
Oct 2017 · 635
Haiku 73
An old silent pond
A stone is thrown by a kid
Waves. Disturbances
Dedicated to queen of haikus, Elizabeth Squires
Oct 2017 · 510
Song of Life
Celebration of Life
I don' wanna live my life...
I wanna lead it...
so that It must wonder
What I'm gonna give it...

Then I came to know,
What the life is...
Life's a celebration...
Or Celebration of life,
Oct 2017 · 1.1k
The Classic (Horror)

You dumb
Don't know how to do this?

You fool
Don't know what it is?

You *******
You don't know anything
Waste of a life

I wondered if
I'm good for at least eating.

He's your master
And THAT is his masterpiece
What have you got to show?
Go to him again.
Wait till he ratify you
My father brainwashed

Determined, I went back to the sir
I want to have my masterpiece

And soon I did have
My masterpiece
Not one.
Not two.
But many.


Since then
My master wasn't seen
By none

Any doubts?
Dedicated to master of macabre and king of humour poetry, Raj Arumugam sir
Jul 2017 · 656
Silence is
the greatest language
solitude is
the greatest country
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
Haiku - 65
He's a prime number
Exclusive, not reclusive
Solitude he says
Oct 2016 · 495
Haiku - 64
Quantum entanglement
Keeps the double helix of
DNA intact
Oct 2016 · 403
Haiku - 67
Long road to travel
Keeping an eye on the goal
It's easy, let us start
Oct 2016 · 329
Haiku - 66
His love for her is
As thick as his blood and pure
For they are siblings
Two missing haiku's are from different series. Will post them later
Oct 2016 · 580
Haiku - 63
In the ocean of
Your heart lies my abode
Come out of it, death
Oct 2016 · 449
Haiku - 62
Sky in velvet night
Lit up by milky Moon bright
Polka Stars twinkling
Oct 2016 · 965
Life Goes On
The silence of lake
In the midnight play

The cool breeze
During evening walks
Whispers sweet nothings

Sweat drops
Gleaning on the forehead
Irritates during scorching noon

The Sunshine at dawn
Fills the room with light
Wakes you up for the day's work

Life goes on
Oct 2016 · 339
Haiku - 61
The image depicts
a woman moaning in a
passionate embrace.
Kodfather was a young adult
At the time this story begins

He went to a tea shop
with one of his followers

Started debate
with few of the fellow
and was virtually

Impressed with his oratory skills
One man asked
How old are you Kod?

Dunno sir
But one thing
My mother said once
When my sister was born
"You are three years older than her Pizzie"
For she loves pizza

Thirteen years passed since
So I must be
Sixteen years older than her
To know more about the Kodfather and his sister, Rose, check here
Jul 2016 · 799
Haiku 60
Pregnant clouds floating
In the sky with grace and poise
Clouds, hope, rain, grace, poise, love
Jun 2016 · 464
Haiku - 59
Starless Night pitch black
Not a single photon of
Light, but there's hope. Yes
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
Swamy Downey vs Kodfather
Which came first?
Kodfather questioned
Philosophically intelligent
An egg or a chick?

A circle has
Swamy Downey replied
No beginning
Apr 2016 · 567
I am
I am an infinite consciousness
And a
Never before seen phenomenon -
Scorching heat, sweat pours
Vicious winds, couldn't tame it
Sweat river. It's summer. Whoa!
Old poem, but now, it's summer here
Mar 2016 · 952
The Judgment
Stone Swamy Downey to death
Roared the Kodfather
Amidst the mob
Hooded, stamping his feet on the ground.
Dust was flickering all over the air

He has
No fear
No pain
No guilt
Kodfather blasted out words.
He spat the cigarette **** out

His is a free mind
'T cannot be ruled
If he survives
We are doomed
Took the mouse from the plate before him
Cut its head with a scissors.

Blood pouring from
the innocent creature's remains
'T was dropped

Assassinate his character
That's enough of an excuse
Eyeful of tears
Mindful of fears
Are the only arrears
She left

That depressed soul
Created a big hole
By leaving her role
In poetry

That decomposed smile
Melted me for a while
I traveled many a mile
For her
Sylvia Plath
Dec 2015 · 1.6k
Deep in the Ocean of Time
Deep in  the Ocean of Time
Right into the layers of space
Dwelling through infinite dimensions
There existed an atom

It searched for a friend
Found one to its taste
Lost an electron
Gained an electron
A bond was then formed

It has no name
But there was no worry
For name is but an identification

But see there's some more atoms
And they too did the same
A little bit of sacrifice
For love needs it
Lost an electron
Gained an electron
A bond was then formed
They started dancing

Growing in complexity.
Living things, masses of atoms for they were
Dancing a pattern ever more intricate
DNA and protein
Cells and tissues
Life came
At long last man came

He was the observer
Who measures the universe
Out of the cradle
Onto the dry land
Here it is standing
Atoms with consciousness
Matter with curiosity
Stands in the ocean of time
I, a universe of atoms?
Or an atom in the universe?

*To Richard Feynman (again)
Posted long back.

I think this is my best poem (proper) till date. Most of the times I manipulate ideas to twist them into poems (almost all of them very short). But rare few times they flow into a verse of quality. This, I think, is one such, excluding haikus.

Want to see how friends here receive it. Of course few of them might have read it.
Dec 2015 · 3.4k
Almost Romantic (Haiku - 58)
As dawn broke we warmed
the cuckoo started love songs
Almost romantic
Dec 2015 · 2.2k
Happiness Haiku - 57
Surely that sobbing
couldn't have been going since
time immemorial.
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
Swamy Downey vs SIRI VII
There is no such thing
As free lunch
Said Swamy Downey

There is no such thing
As free server
SIRI said

Wise girl
Swamy Downey approved
She writes beautiful poetry
Experiments with form and content

Many styles, many ideas
Some vivid, few abstract
but none mediocre

She's the Queen of Haikus
Scored a century recently
And I thank, I had learnt Haikus from her
One of the first persons that I followed here, and learnt about many forms of poetry reading her beautiful poems. Wish to thank the good friend, teacher and wish her a glorious birthday and wish her to be forever young
Apr 2015 · 4.7k
The clouds are pregnant
With rain water

Earth waited with

Alas! It's abortion
Blood all over the sky

Sun's blazing
It's been two years since we have proper rains
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Tears of Pure Emotion
Tears of pure emotion rolled over his cheeks
Taking out the lava of pain down onto the earth
His revival now solely depends upon the way
He manages to carry on in the aftermath
Of the eruption of the volcano, called emotion

You're not here with me doesn't
Necessarily mean
You're not with me
I know you're always with me
Whether it is here
Or somewhere else.

Death separated
Our bodies
Not the spirits, the hearts
Your existence
In the space-time
Once or thence

I'll lead my life
Till the end
In the name of the best within Us
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
I know a girl
Who told me once...

You're alive now?
Then you're the luckiest *******.
Make it count.
Only death can stop you.
It can't your spirit.
If you make every **** second count, Your spirit will become immortal
Proof? She left the world, but her spirit never left me

The Taste of Kiss is Love
Remember the moment
When your Mother
First kissed you


It's my Coat of Arms
Imprinted upon you
Saying that
You are the Statement of my Life
Not often it is
Easy to erase your memories
Zombies they are... Yes

Attack at weaker
times to make you go into
A cocoon of thoughts

Of your past days
Reeling in nostalgia
It's sad, it's bad. Huh?

yet our memories
serve as a stark reminder
of the here and now

our minds do strengthen
with the ken we've obtained
through adverse times

whereby we can shape
a fine weather path ahead
for our future days
A collaboration on haikus

We all know Elizabeth Squires mastered the art of haikus. For that matter I have to thank her. I learned how to haikus by reading her works.

>>> First 3 are mine and the next three are by Elizabeth Squires

This is our second collaboration

© GitacharYa VedaLa
© Elizabeth Squires
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Love is Light
Swamy Downey was passing by
The table where SIRI was lecturing about love
To her friends on a meal


You know why
Love is said to be the positive force?
Asked Swamy Downey

Because people buy iPhones
For the love of Apple
Replied SIRI Haughtily

Thus spake Swamy Downey
Love is composed of light
It lights up the souls
It removes darkness
When darkness disappears
*You can see the right path
Inspired by a poem by Deborah Gregory, our HP friend

Swamy Downey Vs SIRI VII
Feb 2015 · 470
Haiku - 56
The Sun's coming up
Through Eastern hills, a red ball
A new beginning
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
P** owerful
O nslaught of
E motions with a (rhyming)
M eter
The spring in your steps
And the spring in nature
Playing a match
That let me have a catch
Of a bit of happiness
In all my loneliness

In all my loneliness
This weather makes me
Light as a feather
Dreaming of us together*

Dreaming of us together
In a fairyland
We claim as ours
Where a vast meadow
Filled with flowers
Dancing as the wind blows

Dancing as the wind blows
Taking away my woes
Sun rays kissing our skin
Let the light shine upon us
After reading her poem about cherry blossoms and the brilliant imagery, I was awestruck.

Today I got the opportunity to work with one of the gifted young poets of Hello Poetry, Blythe (I love her description, 'princess in pink'. An imaginative and fairytale look at the life).

Unsurprisingly, she carried the spirit of one of my better poems in a brilliant way and lifted it a notch.

I thank Her Royal Highness Blythe for this wonderful collaboration ;-)

© GitacharYa VedaLa
© blythe
Feb 2015 · 696
Haiku - 55
Friction between two
layers of skins results in
a fire of passion
Feb 2015 · 614
Haiku - 54
The sun is coming
up and I'm still wearing wings
shaped like broken hearts
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