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21.7k · Jan 2016
I, The Queen
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
I am the queen of what ifs
Sitting on a throne of could've beens

My fears are my loyal subjects
Escorting my dreams to the gallows

My ambitions are now prisoners
To my court of procrastination

I, the queen
Reign over all of this regret
May we never forget

I, The Queen ©

I GOT DAILY POEM!!! Wow, thank you to everyone who read, commented, shared and liked this and thanks to anyone who reads this and does the same. Yay :)

Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 11, 2016. Copywrite and all rights reserved under Bianca Reyes
13.9k · Dec 2015
I am a Volcano
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
I am an erupting volcano
Spewing passion
Spewing rage
Burning those nearby
I erupt
I burn
I die
My ashes will remain
Asphyxiating those nearby
10.5k · Jul 2016
The Ink and Paper
Bianca Reyes Jul 2016
I swear ink runs through my veins
A piece of paper passes as my heart
I hold your hand like a pen
Press it against my chest to feel
Every beat leaves a word written upon it
Endless poems and prose
You inspire even when you're gone
Shared  on Hello Poetry on July 14, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah

Wow!!!  Getting the opportunity to have this poem be recognized as a Daily really means so much to me.  Thank you to everyone who has shown some love.   You're all amazing. Love is amazing and more of it should be spread  throughout the world!
5.0k · Dec 2015
Our Lust
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
Your lips are the match
Engulf me with desire
This flame is our lust
4.2k · Dec 2015
The Rebellion
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
My soul has started a rebellion
Against all the things I know
Because I laid eyes on you
My heart was dormant for ages
Now every fiber in my body
Rages inside until I lose myself
And decide to never live without you
4.1k · Jan 2016
Only Lonely
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
If only I were lonely
Maybe then you could hold me
Never looking for forever
Let us never lay together
Shared on Hello Poetry on January 22, 2016
Copywrite protected under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved

Yada yada yada yay poetry!
3.6k · Apr 2018
April Weather
Bianca Reyes Apr 2018
I have been living within storms
But it's over at last
Petrichor forms
I have fallen for April weather
With sunflower eyes
The warmest of smiles
April sounds like Spring
Sounds just like you
I never thought of life
Being easy as it is now
All rights reserved under Bianca Reyes
3.6k · Dec 2015
Speak Loudly
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
To the kids whose voices get drowned out by the stereotypes and ignorance of society
Don't stop talking
I can hear you
Speak loudly
Everyone will hear you eventually
3.4k · Jan 2016
Sapphire Skies and Lullabies
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
I can't understand how everyone sees
Clear blue skies at which they wish to gaze
Under its trance and relax wasting the day
I can only see sapphire skies seducing
The clouds to willingly depart the day
And I need to rush to get up and run
To love and to conquer and live
So that I may come back and sing for all
A few lullabies to console your longing
For the hopes and dreams that you couldn't
Follow while you were staring at the sky

I refuse to lay around with all the rest
Viewing serene blue skies and conjuring up
Endless dreams and make believes
Because all I see are sapphire skies
Burning the time in a day with intensity
Melting away my dreams simultaneously
I must rush out into the world and experience
And accomplish the aspirations I had
Then I can return and sing lullabies
About all the beautiful things I remember
So that you can end your sobs
When you think of all the time you wasted

You see blue skies and day dream
I see sapphire skies and act and react
My lullabies will speak of the journey
The destination and the reward
Your state of dreaming will be
Manipulated by your remorse
Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 12, 2016 Bianca Reyes©
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
My heart was found guilty
Of witchcraft by my brain
He dragged her and beat her
Spewed his hatred for her
Tied her to a wooden stake

My brain couldn't comprehend
The magic of my heart
Why she never wavered
How she always loved
He started this persecution
Because he couldn't understand

I always felt her growing
Beautifully and powerfully
With every beat she won me over
All I did was want to protect her
But my brain called it heresy

My punishment was to watch
As he burned her alive
I heard the shrieks of hope die
The smell of her love stung
My nostrils and it haunts me still

I walk around pretending
As if nothing had ever happened
My brain condemned me to live
This life without my heart
Without the love and only
With the memory of that night

Every day I burn like she did
As every day I hate like he did
I was unable to convince him
That she just wanted to love
But my brain was too afraid
Of the powers of my heart
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 1, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
3.0k · Jan 2016
I Am a Killer
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
I will be turning myself in today
Life in prison awaits me
Must say I definitely deserve it
I killed a girl and I'd do it again
She would fill my head with ideas
Telling me I was worthless
Saying I should just disappear
Maybe she was right all along
But when I saw her in the mirror
My blood boiled and it enraged me
So I suffocated her one quiet night
Drowned her negativity with my pillow
Saw the malice in her eyes fade and die
Never again will she drag me down
For I am a better person now
I killed the woman in my mind
The one that said I was a waste of space
The one that said I'd never inspire
She didn't know what I was capable of
I was capable of loving myself
I killed the side of me that didn't love
Written on January  13, 2016 and shared via Hello Poetry on January 14, 2016. Copywrite belongs  to Bianca Reyes.
3.0k · Feb 2016
Mountain Ranges
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
I was happy being a mountain range
Admired by those wishing to explore
One day I caught sight of quite a beauty
This mountain range made me eager
To explore peaks and run down slopes
Feel every dip and groove of rough terrain
And find my way through every cave
I want these plates beneath me to quake
So that my range can be with your range
Let me be the snow that covers you whole
To feel myself melt in your warmth
Say you'll have me and give into desire
Allow my prints on your wonderful earth
For the future explorers to envy
Maybe then my yearning for you will cease
Or maybe I'll stay exploring forever
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 16, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
3.0k · Mar 2017
Bianca Reyes Mar 2017
Lay me down heavy on the ground
Broken and bruised
Shine down on me daily
Warm and loving
Watch me blossom from shadows
Beautiful and yours
Copyright under Bianca Reyes 2017
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
2.6k · Jan 2016
Little Rebel Girl
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
Little inexperienced girl
Wanted to eat the world
But it swallowed her whole
It won't return her
Until she's nothing but bones
2.6k · Dec 2015
Loneliness Consumes Her
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
To her, silence was comforting, alcohol was numbing and loneliness was all consuming

She often times scared away her nightly slumber  
Her thoughts grew louder and more chaotic with every tick of the clock
She let her past mistakes consume her
Rummaged internally for answers to her actions that led her here
Lying on a mattress which sat on the carpet of a rundown apartment

To her, silence was comforting, alcohol was numbing and loneliness was all consuming

She kept eyes open all night looking and thinking and drinking
A lot of drinking to seize the thoughts that drowned her
She traveled back in her dormant state to find events she wished had happened differently Dreamt up memories where she never walked away
Or where she refrained from saying something in an outburst of anger
She was haunted by

To her, silence was comforting, alcohol was numbing and loneliness was all consuming

Her thoughts had begun to agitate her being Transforming her mind into a whirlwind of anger and helplessness
She sat up at the edge of her mattress with the palms pressed tightly against her eyes, shaking her head in a frenzy
Her hands migrated to her hair, gathering a hand full and pulling
Eyes stung with the tears that began to surface  She took hasty steps toward her counter in search of a bottle to console her for the night
The only thing that put an end to the chaos was

To her, silence was comforting, alcohol was numbing and loneliness was all consuming
2.5k · Mar 2017
Verbal Abuse
Bianca Reyes Mar 2017
Please remember to break me gently
Take your sharp tongue and slice me tenderly
With your offenses destroy me lovingly
Never allow yourself to confuse abuse with love. Love yourself above all

Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
2.5k · Jan 2016
The Story of Us
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
In all the lives we've met and in all of them we fall in love
this kismet adoration has created a knot in time
no matter the bodies our souls inhabit
we will find one another and love
and love
and love
and love eachother every time we meet
the era we're in or the life we live will not matter
we will find one another like a recurring dream
happening every time our bodies seek rest
every time our minds seek peace
for every instance we are apart
our incessant hearts will cry
cry so loudly each time we lose one another
their cries will continue on until heaven hears this echo of foreverness and does this feeling justice
allowing for us to love freely and to love whole heartedly and to love
and love
and love
and love to the point where time becomes insignificant
because the seconds no longer look forward to being witness to the hours
they will beg to become witness to our love
and love
and love
and love everlasting
2.5k · Jul 2016
Nothing Lasts Forever
Bianca Reyes Jul 2016
They say nothing lasts forever
But the bitterness inside of me
And the heartbreak it caused you
Beg to differ
Shared on Hello Poetry on July 15, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
2.4k · Jan 2016
The Alphabet
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
Twenty-six letters in the alphabet
Restrain me in creativity of expression
But I'll use all variations of them
To express every possible emotion
Because I am so free and so big
Made up of small infinities
I want to love with intensity
And hurt just the same
I'll burn every letter on paper
As it burns in my heart
For you all to see that I am the letters
And also everything in between
Shared on Hello Poetry on January 29, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
Enjoy. Maybe?
2.4k · Mar 2016
A Home.
Bianca Reyes Mar 2016
I feel so homeless in you
Building fires in the cold for two
You are so homesick in me
Home is where the heart is you see
©A Home by Bianca Reyes
Shared on Hello Poetry on March 4, 2016
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
2.4k · May 2016
A Star in Me
Bianca Reyes May 2016
I can't take my eyes off of the brightest stars in the sky
Those are the ones that are burning out the quickest

I fear if you continue to gaze at me the way I gaze at them
You'll be just as sad realizing my light is burning out just the same
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Shared on Hello Poetry on May 30th,2016

Blah blah blah...enjoy!
2.1k · Jun 2017
Bianca Reyes Jun 2017
I am a realist
I hold onto facts
Tighter than I hold onto you
I toy with the idea
Of making you my world
But I am a realist
So I settle on the idea
That you're just toying with my heart
Copyright under Bianca Reyes 2017
All rights reserved
2.1k · Apr 2016
To Sink
Bianca Reyes Apr 2016
An ocean of thoughts
My lonely ship sail
Collide with the iceberg
It is so you
So sharp and so cold
Wrap my metal around
The heaviness of us both
Rusted and old
Meets new and bold
Contrast is tragic and beautiful
We were brought here by waves
To crash to sink and to fail
Let us submerge together
2.1k · Feb 2016
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
I will be the kite
And the wind at the same time
Be my kite runner
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 22,2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
Yay for haikus!!!
2.1k · Jan 2016
Being Used
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
I became the crutch you leaned on
Supporting the weight of your pain
I put a cast on your heart
When it became too battered
I became your most sturdy stilt
To help you move on
Until you felt better
That's when you left me
Never did you ask if I sustained injuries
While I was nursing you back to health
2.0k · Jan 2016
Of the Flesh
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
My aching flesh
Handprints on me are reddish
Your blanket of fire
Cold silk expose desire
Pressed against you to learn
How slow and heavy we burn
Shared on Hello Poetry on January 27, 2016.
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All Rights Reserved
Blah blah blah
2.0k · Nov 2015
Bianca Reyes Nov 2015
Too afraid to let me in.
Too insecure to walk away.
Too selfish to let me go.
Too blind to love myself.
2.0k · Jan 2016
The Truth About the Stars
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
I'll be like
Every other poet
And compare you
To the stars

Because you shine
So bright and
Very beautifully
Just like them

But you and
I both know
Behind that glow
You're dying inside
Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 21, 2016
Copywrite and all rights reserved under Bianca Reyes
2.0k · Dec 2015
Good vs Evil
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
Good and evil rage inside of me daily
                It's normal, I know
But the collision between the two is loud
             So loud, it torments me
  I'm afraid that evil will gain full power
            And I'll be fine with that
1.9k · Feb 2016
Too Tired
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
I'm too tired and too weak
From carrying all these worries
About things that may go wrong
Or things that never happened at all
I only have the will to take steady steps
Because my conquered failures hold me up

I'm too tired and too weak
I've lost my will to even breathe
Due to all the useless talking I do
And the inhaling of nothing I retain
I only now have the will to exhale
All the sweet moans I've swallowed whole

I'm too tired and too weak
To find the will to live the mundane
And excite flames from ashes as before
Or feed from the dull light in the dark
I only now continue this tired heartbeat
Because someone out there is feeding it life
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 25, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
1.8k · Mar 2016
Bianca Reyes Mar 2016
If you dig in the cave
Filled with your mistakes
You will find wisdom
Shimmering like gold
Shared on Hello Poetry on March 8th, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
1.8k · Jan 2016
You Reviving, Me Rotting
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
It kills me to think of your innocence
In how you loved everything
In your belief that everyone was good
Then I barged into your life
Ruined you in ways unimaginable
I swear I loved you but I couldn't show it
I tried to tell you I was broken
But this pride wouldn't allow me

I can't apologize and I can't console you
I restrain myself from trying to see you
You'll move on and everything will be okay
The memory of me will be nothing more
Then a blemish on your perfect skin
My perfume will no longer intoxicate you
It'll blend with your scent and attract everyone
You'll find someone deserving of your love

I will cover every part of my body in shame
Hiding the scars left by your loving touch
Strands of my hair that twirled on your finger
Grey every day losing their pigment
I can smell you everywhere I go
Like a stain that set and cannot be removed
Your whispers of promises and happiness
Are now haunting voices driving me insane

I'll continue to be made of rotting material
With a memory of love I never deserved
You'll be this glorious human being
Who realized never to settle for the worst
1.8k · Jan 2017
A Bed of Roses
Bianca Reyes Jan 2017
My heart saw a bed of rose petals in you
It fell upon a bed full of your thorns
My heart waters the ache that you left
It waits for the roses to bloom
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
1.8k · Feb 2016
Be Change
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
I am the daughter of
Fear and conformity
I wish to give birth to
Courage and hope
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 12, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved

Yada yada  yada
Be the change!!!
1.7k · Feb 2016
In the Matters of Blind Love
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
I was so in love with love
That I stopped loving myself
And refused to see you
For who you really are
Vile, arrogant and manipulative
But all I wanted to see in you was
Love, confidence and intelligence
I was wrong but I will learn
In Matters of Blind Love©
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 5, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
1.7k · Jan 2016
My Dark Room
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
Arriving in a lonely dark room
In which my misery loom
Unpacking a suitcase of doubt
No windows nor any way out
I take off the coat that protects me
It was made of your laughter and glee
Now I settle atop of this bed
Supported by things that I dread
I took the path that lead me here
For love and joy was all that I fear
I will forever live in a room full of sad
When I ran away from the good that I had
Shared on Hello Poetry on January 28, 2016.
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes.
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
Hope you enjoy
1.7k · Feb 2016
You Are Everything
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
You are the words I speak
The pause in between
Where I linger for a while

You are the thoughts I seek
The inspiration from within
Where I submerge denial

You are my heartbeat at its peak
The blood rush through ravine
Where all is cleansed of vile

You are the irrationality I tweak
The insanity that was forseen
Where I lose myself and smile

You are the glow that leaks
The inner beauty that they all mean
Where it paints all I see mile by mile
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 9, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
1.6k · Sep 2016
Meant To Be
Bianca Reyes Sep 2016
I could have
          sworn we were
                             meant to be

We argued
             so perfectly
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
1.6k · Mar 2016
That Space Between
Bianca Reyes Mar 2016
I wish to
reside in the
space between your
heart and your
loneliness so that
the two may
never meet again
Shared on Hello Poetry on March 17, 2016
1.6k · Feb 2016
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
A scorching footprint on the ground
No matter where I run around
In my dreams I have caught fire
To make them real I desire
©Goals by Bianca Reyes
Shared on Hello Poetry
on February 19, 2016
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
Go make your dreams a reality, yeah?
1.6k · Jul 2016
With Time
Bianca Reyes Jul 2016
In January I felt so free
Wanting to explore vast infinity

In February I started school
Ditching classes like any fool

In March I was at work and met you
A man with brown eyes and a gaze so blue

In April my heart did sing
With all the love you did bring

In May I felt brand new
******* for the first time in front of you

In June I was so uneasy
Fearing that you'd up and leave me

In July you ended it all
Telling me you'd never call

In August I wept through the season
Feeling like my life had no reason

In September I regained my strength
Deciding to cut my depression's length

In October we met again
Darkness in your eyes did reign

In November you tried to play with me
But your false words didn't drown me in misery

In December you told me about your cheating
When you found your heart wounded and bleeding
Shared on Hello Poetry on July 25, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
1.6k · Jan 2016
You and the Synapse
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
There's been a miscommunication
Between my heart and my mind
Electrical impulses at every synapse
Scream your name in adoration
In every neuron they will find
That there has been a collapse
It's caused by my love for you

All that I know to be true
Is that there has been a malformation
A terrible replication of some kind
The one that courses violently perhaps
It fills my mind with all this information
To all else I've gone blind
A neural take over that I can't surpass
Because my body knows that I love you
Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 19, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes. All rights reserved
1.6k · Dec 2015
Love and Pain
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
Love is like the sun
Pain is like the moon
They give way to eachother
Never will only one remain
1.6k · Jan 2016
They Break Bones
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
They lied to me when they said that sticks and stones break bones but words don't hurt

I found that your words have branched and rooted within every splinter in my bones and the ache is nagging and constant

It's the guilt your words caused that weigh like boulders on my shoulders and every step causes a new fracture

Sticks and stones don't break bones but the weight of your words have crushed me
Written on January 16, 2016 and shared on Hello Poetry on January 18, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes and all rights reserved.
1.6k · Dec 2015
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
A pin drops in the middle of Time Square
but no one can hear it
A grain of sand shimmers in the desert
but no one is there to see it
I am by your side hopelessly in love with you
but you don't feel it
So the earth turns like it always does
The seasons move along as scheduled
And those three things go forever unnoticed
1.5k · Feb 2016
It was I
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
You were never to blame
For it was I who wrapped
myself around your finger
The warmth there pleased me
It was I who chose to eat
Off the palm of your hand
Everything tasted better there
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 2, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
1.5k · Feb 2016
Plenty of Fish or Myth
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
In this deep blue sea
I will either find a fish
Or drown in my search
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 10, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
Enjoy this haiku!
1.5k · Aug 2016
Lonely Alleyways
Bianca Reyes Aug 2016
I have gone on days
Stumbling down alleyways
Rummaging the ground to find
Any footprints you have left behind
To illuminate this path I've taken
And ease the pain of a love forsaken
Shared on Hello Poetry on August 2, 2016
Copyright © 2016Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
1.5k · Oct 2016
Hopes and Dreams Don't Die
Bianca Reyes Oct 2016
I no longer think hopes and dreams die
They float around this Earth waiting
Waiting until we give birth to our children
That's when they will reappear
Wrapping themselves around them
Creating an Impenetrable force field
Giving our children the strength we lacked
Helping them achieve the desires
That rumble in their bellies
They will allow the beam of light
The one we will pass down to them
To burst out of their chest
Not fearing the moon's envy
For their light will be the brightest
It will guide bodies
To their own hearts destinations
Stories will be written on staggering walls
About the children of failure who rose up
Who had so much passion
That they created their own light
Led love and happiness
To the doorsteps of many
Brought misery to its knees
With constant humble human nectar
That is what our children will be
Shared on Hello Poetry on October 18, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
1.4k · May 2016
My Ashes, Your Name
Bianca Reyes May 2016
I think about my past
In how I wanted you
I burn on the inside
To get rid of you
The flames cease
My ashes come into view
Spelling your name
Posted on May 17, 2016
Bianca Reyes
[Insert boring stuff here]
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