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Mar 2015 · 389
Views, Shoes.
Moons and Tunes.
Lights, Fights.
Gas and Mass.

These words rhyme,
But they are still empty,
because if they don't mean anything to me,
they don't mean anything to anybody.
Mar 2015 · 868
You are me, I am you
being so connected to all
that when I look in the mirror
I see the universe
looking back at me
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
I am no...
I am no poet, yet I write poems.
I am no writer, yet I write stories.
I am no hippy, yet I believe in world peace.
I am no politician, yet I have my opinions.
I am no god, yet I create.
Mar 2015 · 393
The simplest thing
Amazing thing, last year I did see
This shy teenage boy asked for a girl's number
and smiled gladly.
Those two teens are now together, in love.
I know this because that girl was you,
and that shy young boy, was me
Mar 2015 · 349
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Those flowers are beautiful
but not as perfect as you
Mar 2015 · 44.5k
My gay friend
My frightened friend once said to me:
"I'm scared... I think I'm gay, no longer straight!"

To which I replied:
"I do not care, I like you for who you are, and to me you're still my mate"
Mate = Friend
Mar 2015 · 692
You are a creator
The universe is steady,
but always moving.
Noisy, yet makes no sound.
Completely dark,
but full of light.
And all of this happening,
together in my mind.
This is the last section of another of my poems, but in my opinion, it's alright by itself.
Mar 2015 · 798
The atom vibrates,
the dust settles.
The skin flakes,
an eyelash falls.
The sweat rolls,
the forehead dampens.

The eyes close,
the mouth smiles.
The head bounces,
the body dances.
The stereo booms,
the windows vibrate.

The neighbours complain,
a car passes.
The rain falls,
the black clouds rumble.
The sky darkens,
The planet turns.

The moon orbits,
The comet drags.
The satellite observes,
panels reflecting.
The sun boils,
The stars shine.

A Nebula gives birth,
The systems connect.
Black holes swallow,
light vanishes.
The galaxy turns,
the blackness roars.

The universe is steady,
but always moving.
Noisy, yet makes no sound.
Completely dark,
but full of light.
And all of this happening,
together in my mind.
Feb 2015 · 353
Our love
If my love for you is a crime
and they send me to prison
I will not care
Our love will last throughout time
Feb 2015 · 534
My name is Adam Bell
Hi, I am a normal person,
My name is Adam Bell.
I am 17 years old
I believe in a heaven and hell.

I have beliefs in New Age spirituality.
I try to forgive and love all,
even those who hurt me
whether the amount is big or small.

I hope that you read this,
of course, I hope you read all of my work.
But, I'd rather you'd just take in my words,
even if they have a slight quirk.

I want to make is simple,
I want to make it clear,
this is no poem,
This is a message that you can choose to read or hear.
Feb 2015 · 693
I am the night
I am cold and dark
I smother all I see and hear
you are my prey and I am a shark.

I am the moon
a bringer of trances
an absolute boulder of might
I ponder your chances.

I am the stars
seemingly small and bright
I am plentiful and always here
in the darkness we are both separate
and tight.

I am the land
solid and hard I am
I am the world
you are destroying me
your reason I demand.
Feb 2015 · 878
I am the day
I am warm and bright
I love all I see and hear
always strive away from a fight.

I am the sun
a giver of light
an absolute ball of brilliance
I see all in my sight.

I am the sky
smooth and blue
I am big and vast
but I am always here for you

I am the water
clear and light I am
I cover the world
you are my child
I am your mam.
Mam- Northern word for mother
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
First kiss
Hands touch,
lips are dry,
our bodies touch,
warm and smooth
like satin on skin.

Faces glowing,
cheeks are red,
hearts beat as one
a harmony of one another.

Our eyes meet
adrenaline pumps through our veins.
Stroking the skin
feeling small flips in my stomach
electric impulses pulse through our bodies.

We kiss,
the moment is magic.
The world stops for us
but we don't notice
our minds are focused.

Remember, how we met?
You used to be my best friend,
but this is better, this is bliss.
With feelings like this,
our love for each other will never end
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Sports day race
He wipes the moisture from his brow
The colour of a tomato fills his face,
as soon as we heard "GO!" he was gone,
doesn't he know that slow and steady win the race?

I don't run, I just walk slowly
I see my mother in the crowd, telling me to hurry.
Hasn't she realized that I am the Tortoise
and he is the hare.

I know I am right,
it said so in a book
we are racing around a circle
I see him and give a smug look.

For I am clever,
and he is nearing the finish line now.
haha how foolish!
He should've walked like I am,
now he'll have to rest his head in shame,
and just allow me to win this.

For he is the Hare,
but I am the tortoise.
And even the famous book says
"Slow and steady wins the race".
Feb 2015 · 1.7k
One day I will die, as is what happens with all.
   But I'm no longer scared. I won't be forever gone.
       Just like the Phoenix, I will come back, reborn onto this world.
Feb 2015 · 576
A Poem.
A poem is sacred.
A poem is life.
Each word is a paragraph
Each paragraph, A story.
A full stop is the end of the sentence,
not the poem.
The poem will go on
in the artist's mind.

But there is only so many stories you can tell with only a couple of words.
Feb 2015 · 662
WE are the predators,
WE rip OUR prey to shreds.
WE are on Land,
WE are in Space,
WE are in the Sea.

WE are everywhere,
yet WE are nothing.
WE are small,
WE are weak,
WE are fearful.

WE know compassion,
yet WE do not show it.
WE are kind,
WE are polite,
but WE are cruel.

WE are disloyal to OUR own gift,
WE love to hate and hate to love.
WE are relentless.
WE are greedy.
WE are Human.
Not the whole human race are bad. But the amount of destruction we have done to our own planet and it's life upsets me. Some of us care, but most do not, and this is disheartening.
Feb 2015 · 559
I've never...
I've never had a girlfriend,
never had a job,
Never had a home to call my own,
Never been to the pub.

I have friends,
I have an education,
I have shelter,
I am healthy.

I've never been famous,
never been popular,
never been wealthy,
never drove a car.

I have time to myself,
I know who I can trust,
money means more to me,
I am fitter.

Yes, there are negatives in life.
But positives are there as well.
They may not be as clear.
But if you search, you will find.
Feb 2015 · 371
My father
My father was a great person.
Tall, thin and strong.
He thought before acting,
He knew his right from wrong.

He was a man of very few words.

He was a mysterious person,
always hiding away.
He and my mother were never in the same room together
I though this was weird until last May.

Something was about to change.

It was time for bed,
and I was almost asleep.
My father crept in to my room while I was under my covers,
He told me a secret that I won't forget in this life or other.

"Your father left me a while ago...
and I am your mother."
Feb 2015 · 524
Not as it seems
The sun dials,
The seas soar,
The wind turbines,
The dirt tracks.

The door steps and frames,
The bin bags,
The frame rates,
The saw mills.

The pea nuts,
The crisp packets,
The chocolate bars,
The apple crumbles
Feb 2015 · 652
Not so Happy Meal
Feeling crushed,
forced to be what society wants me to be.
Posters show something I should be.

Not healthy enough,
Not fat enough,
Can't win,
never how someone wants me to be.

I am placed alone or with others
but am always different in some way.
In the end,
Society will eat me anyway.

I wish I could say how I feel,
but I cannot...

I am a burger.
Feb 2015 · 451
I am.
I am Anger.
My soul is a storm,
a tsunami of rage.
My mind is blank.
My eyes are black.
The heart is a bomb
ready to explode.

I am Sadness.
My soul is a lake,
a large pond of stillness.
My mind is busy.
My eyes are blue.
The heart is an empty bottle
ready to break.

I am Fear.
My soul is the night,
a ghoul of darkness.
My mind is everlasting
My eyes are there, yet hollow.
The heart is the earth
crumbling under me.

I am Happiness.
My soul is the sun,
a ball of fortune.
My mind is free
My eyes are bright.
The heart is a drum
beating to the sound of my laughter.

I am love.
My soul is flower,
a plant in blossom.
My mind is racing
Eyes are distant.
The heart is a jewel
shining through my skin.

I am Emotion.
My soul is the universe,
a vast opening of many things.
My mind is awake
My eyes are full.
The heart is a meteor
ready to change it's direction.
A poem to signify the way I feel I can express my feelings.
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Her eyes
Her eyes speak kind words,
words of love and passion.
Her lips, peach pink, stay shut,
I only listen to her eyes.

The windows are open,
a beautiful scenery can be seen.
A soul behind the windows.
A soul seemingly made of dreams.

Her body is not slim.
Her face without make-up.
She may not be amazing to you,
but to me,
she is perfection.
Feb 2015 · 361
To be young again
Remember the days when we were young?
When the world was so anew?
When everything seemed happy,
And the sky and water was bright blue.

The days when the world seemed easy
And there was always something to do.
Seeing the Earth as your playground,
And nothing could hurt or harm you.

How is it that nowadays,
We have to pray up to the sky
For love and prosperity.
Is it just me who asks why?

Life used to seem so simple,
Making new friends almost at every turn.
I remember looking forward to growing up,
Now that I'm older, to be young is what I yearn.

To smile at the simplest thing,
To desire cheaper things like sweets and toys.
What happened to change us so much?
Most of us nowadays don't even miss these joys.

Remember the days when we were young?
When the world was so anew?
When everything seemed happy,
And the sky and water was bright blue.
Created to represent how I feel life changes for a young age due to society's natural influence on everyone.

— The End —