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Sep 2024 · 46
Hanged Star
Casey Rodger Sep 2024
Earth with arms open to hold me,
Warmly in her blanket of hope.
I fall into her arms like they sold me,
From the sky I fell with rope.

Feet that seek gravity ,
Tightness in my throat.
Born into insanity,
Well out of my scope.

A falling star?
A shooting star?
A hanged star is before you.
Should be shining but I'm blue.
Sep 2024 · 63
One Day. If its right..
Casey Rodger Sep 2024
While I lay here breathing
Watching you sleep
Stroking your arm
Tired from the week.

Smiling as I look at you
While you're lightly snoring
Even as you sleep
To me you are not boring

I'd hate to wake you up
Although I'd love to kiss you
Dreaming of whatever
I lay beside you, with you.

I'm pretty sure right now
In this very second
I've slipped and fallen right to you
My heart for yours has beckoned.

I wonder what you dream of
Wish I could meet you there
Instead I'll wait for tomorrow
Feelings I'm not ready to share.

One day I will surely tell you
All the things I feel
Four letters will encompass
And capture, everything that's real.
Don't jinx it. When the time comes, it shall be. If it is right, it will be.
Sep 2024 · 45
Casey Rodger Sep 2024
In the darkness she sat.

In the darkness she waited.

The air too afraid to move.

A sickness it would soothe.

The darkness was familiar,
Something she could feel.
It wanted to conceal her,
Pretend that it was real.

Tempted as she was,
Always was she tempted.
The darkness gave applause,
As all her hope suspended.

Meaning behind madness,
Nothing making sense.
Wishing meaning in this sadness,
Darkness smiling in defence.

A parcel tongue now whispering,
In her broken ears.
Her eyes watch candles flickering,
Dancing memories from the years.

The breath that left her lungs,
Travelled to the flames.
The memory of two tongues,
Wrapping in throughout her veins.

Flesh that burns for him,
Pure bright white light
Taking over a dim,
Candle in the night.
There comes a day when every flower dies.. and every candle at some point must be blown out.
Jun 2024 · 829
Blue Without You
Casey Rodger Jun 2024
When I look around at what is left without you,
I am blue.
When I think about all the words that weren't said,
I am red.
I stare into oblivion and I feel pain,
Like rain.
It washes over every part of my body,
It's ******.
I think about you on a boat with a fish,
And I wish.
Such a final choice you made,
To fade.
Always in my heart.
Always in my sight.
I have to accept you gave up the fight.
My darling bro. You made a choice we all at times ponder. I have to respect your bravery.
Feb 2022 · 223
Nature Of Us
Casey Rodger Feb 2022
I sit and watch the water and the wind communicate,
I watch the birds fly over as they watch over our fate,
I wonder where the water goes, and where it all started,
The breeze carries to my nose, smells the ocean has departed.
Up here I hear the noises, nobody else can hear,
Down there they see our toes until they suddenly disappear.
It's a wonder where we go, where we all wander off to,
Like the thunder and the snow, I often wonder where they ever got to.

Such a simple thing to say that it all doesn't matter,
But don't you ever listen to the nature and its chatter?
Some times it whispers softly to your ears, or to your skin,
But when you start to listen more you can't deny what's found within.

A palm tree by the beach can rustle so aggressive,
You find one in a street so silent, so **** impressive!
Would you give it some attention if it couldn't catch your eye?
A wave that started out as just a rain drop from the sky.

Various pieces of bark have fallen from a tree,
Something in my heart, I can't see, is touching me,
The indifference between a laugh and a cry,
The distance between a love and a lie.
Nature's crack and rumble of thunder
Sparks in me, another wonder.
Feb 2022 · 206
Yours Now
Casey Rodger Feb 2022
Have you ever had something taken away from you?
Stolen from under your nose,
And you wondered what to do,
We all know how the story goes..

Was it was irreplaceable?
An experience to say the least,
Something so disgraceful,
As though your body was a feast.

Do you know what it feels like?
To carry such a secret?
Ashamed you didn't fight,
Ashamed you didn't keep it.

Have you ever wondered if you're wrong,
Set out to try and find it,
The place where you belong,
A place that you can hide in

Does your body resonate,
With a numbness and a pain?
A place reserved for hate,
And crying in the rain.

Or how about the moment
When you ripped away the carpet
Never mind atonement
Because everyone said "fark it"

When the next one had a go
And you didn't do a thing
Laid there waiting for the blow
You just copped it on the chin.

It's not your fault.
It's not your fault.
Lick your wounds
Lay off the salt.

Let go of shame
Forgive yourself
It's not a game
It's about your health.

You've had to learn
To respect your body
Scars that burn
Don't make you a hotty

Exploitation is not a regret
No one told you how to be
Finding your way, don't forget
Don't let that **** cloud what you see

With such a love for all existence
None of them snuffed out your spark
Your light is shining with persistence
You made best friends with the dark.
Feb 2022 · 1.4k
My Body? Or yours?
Casey Rodger Feb 2022
What was it that made me think?
Who turned me in that direction?
Stand around and watch me sink,
Different versions of affection.

Did they ever see me blink?
Living a life of pure deception,
Hope not to drown, and so I drink,
As long as I look like perfection.

Something about me fits your kink,
No self-control, just a slave to your *******,
How did this begin? Was it the wink?
You're nothing but a **** infection.

Don't mind my mind, it's on the brink,
Deny my every last objection,
The shame I have hides in pink,
Your shame is triggered by rejection.

Live your life within your lies,
Go on and raise a f*g kid,
But when you look into my eyes,
We both know what you did.

To be mad at you is a waste of energy,
Forgiveness is just about the same,
Not mad at you, or anything,
And now I can't even remember ya name!
With love and light my remedy,
I hope you lose at your own game,
Because though you are no enemy,
You'll never understand the pain.

You'll never know the after math,
The years and tears that come,
You'll never know my wrath,
Because for you, it's all said and done.

I hope your parents question you,
I hope they look at you with disgust,
Whatever story that you spew..
But hey, one day we'll all be dust.
Jun 2021 · 222
You do it
Casey Rodger Jun 2021
If I could feed your hunger
Or take away your pain,
Wake you from your slumber,
Or wipe away your shame.

If I could paint a smile
Permanent on your face,
Arrange the perfect style
So you fit in every space.

If I could work the world for you
So everyone you meet
Will love, and always be true
You'd never feel defeat.

If I had the chance to do it all
I wouldn't do one thing.
Instead, I will watch you fall,
And cry, and burn, and sting.

See even though you tell me
You can't bare it anymore
That you may as well be..
Living on the floor.

You say you cannot breathe
You say you cannot think
With nothing to believe
You let your worry sink.

The road that you are on
Is harder than you know
It's more than right and wrong
It's not easy to grow.

I choose not to fight your battles
Or give you any cheat codes,
I can not tune your channels
Or recharge, or reload..

I know what you don't know
And see what you cannot
That just because you're low
Doesn't mean that's all ya got!

You don't need a saviour
Steeling lessons from your shelf
You'd always feel like a failure
Knowing one version of yourself.

The challenges you're facing
Moments black, white and gray
All the goals you're chasing
It's part of finding your way

I'll be there when you cry
No matter where or when
But when time comes to lie
The beds we make await, my friend.
Jun 2021 · 205
Miss Illuminal
Casey Rodger Jun 2021
I took my empty cup of tea to the sink,
The sun caught my eye, made me squint.
Chucked my tea bag in the bin,
Then to an advertisement my ears tuned in..

"Come on down to your local flower store
We've got plants and flowers and gifts galore!
Celebrations for both life and death,
Come on down, we've got the best!"

With nothing much to do this day,
Looking at flowers that faded away,
I grabbed my keys and thought, what the heck 🤷‍♀️
Flowers is what I'm off to get..

Bells that chime when you open the door
Bits of petals and leaves scattered on the floor
Wonderful smells all through the room
Some are ready, some waiting to bloom

Behind a desk absolutely piled
Out she popped, and there she smiled.
The sweetest voice you'll ever hear
Asked me if I wanted to go for a beer..

Stormed out from the back,
Draped in a coat of black,
Flustered and stressed,
Heart pounding in her chest.
Switched the sign to 'back in 5'
Rolled her eyes around her head,
Threw her arms up at me and said
"WELL? Ya coming or not?"
For a moment, I was in shock.
A confused shrug and a little smirk,
Who knew flowers were such stressful work..

Into the pub and off the street
Half a beer down, staring at her feet.
Finally lifts her head where eyes meet mine,
She said "I'm sure out of yours, it all seems fine".

"These flowers that I sell in my shop,
You take them home, and watch them rott,
They bring some meaning for a day or two,
Then what's left? Then what do you do?
You could buy something and watch it grow,
But everything alive one day dies, ya know?
All that I am able to do for you,
Is only ever going to last a day or two"

Her eyes then wandered out the window
To watch the leaves and wind blow
I could see her search for peace out there
Each blink a moment of dark dispair.

"You'd think the girl who sells you flowers
Could make you feel cheery for hours,
But every flower has her day,
And this sunny flower's day is today"

At the pub the beers were on me,
And after that, my flowers were free.

Each day after, I thought about her,
Such a rare experience to occur,
I missed her even, just a little,
While waiting for my flowers to dwiddle.
Something like 2 weeks went by,
I was so excited to go and say hi!
I didn't mind the pouring rain,
Another day would of sent me insane!

Bells that chime when you open the door
Bits of petals and leaves scattered on the floor
Wonderful smells all through the room
Some are ready, some waiting to bloom

Behind a desk all clean and cleared
Out he popped, sad eyes appeared,
A beaten voice, full of pain,
Said flowers? Or just getting out of the rain?

I asked him about my mystery girl
Where oh where? Where in the world?
I could have sworn I had the right shift,
It is her spirits that I've come to lift.

The man had never heard of her,
My memories, were but a blurr,
He said he couldn't help me find,
The girl, the sad girl, that I left behind..
He continued prepping for a funeral
For a lady they called "Miss Illuminal".
Mar 2021 · 188
Chains of Shame
Casey Rodger Mar 2021
Death.. You mean what is it like to go to sleep and never wake up?
Life.. You mean waking up after never having gone to sleep...

When I look back on my years
My reflection is meticulous.
They say to conquer my fears
But I think that's rediculous.

What scares me in this world
So few to little things,
All that has unfurled
Each memory that sings.

As I lay in bed
My fear is not to blame
Running through my head
The memories that bring shame.

Conquer your criticism
Forgive who you used to be
Ease up on the cynicism
That's how you set yourself free.
Maybe some live their life restraint by fears, maybe fears are the boundaries for some. For me, chains of shame.
Jan 2021 · 193
Casey Rodger Jan 2021
What is the most important thing to you?
Freedom? Love? Autonomy?

What do you want?
To be free?
What does it mean to be free?
What will it take to set yourself free?
How can you achieve true freedom?

To me..
Freedom is forgiveness.
Freedom is love.
Freedom is autonomy.
Above all, freedom is acceptance..

Accept your reality for what it is
And make choices
Accept your past and move forward
But learn from it
Accept yourself
Fall in love with you
Accept that you'll never have control
And flow with it

Acceptance, what is that?
To me..
Acceptance means to understand
To see
To know
To believe..

What stops you? Fear? Ignorance? Denial?
It is scary to further your awareness and come to terms with your truth.

How can we develop within such boundaries?
Courage, bravery.. Above all it's desire.

Desire. Do you really want this or do you just know you want this?
Wanting something and knowing something are two different things..

What drives you? Is it others? Yourself? Success? Status? Authority? Money?
No really! Please!
Be honest.. Actually ask yourself.. What honestly fuels you?
9 times out of 10 you will find the fuel to be empty. A false sense of motivation that runs out quickly and leads you to a dead end.

What you want vs. the method you're applying do not add up. There is a wholesome path waiting for you and it starts with reflection, awareness and support. You have the ability to become a better and more pure version of yourself... Are you gonna take it?
Jan 2021 · 557
Casey Rodger Jan 2021
I can not see the end
I can not see the start
So I keep my blind fold tight
And I follow whats in my heart

I do not know how near
I do not know how far
But nothing really matters
As long as there's fuel in my car

I'll forget I ever heard
The wonders in my mind
I'll try stay 2 steps forward
So that I dont fall behind

Where ever I may arrive
Where ever I may depart
I'll do what I do best
And I'll follow whats in my heart
Jan 2021 · 128
Popped Ears
Casey Rodger Jan 2021
You haven't lost yourself
You're shedding a skin

You have experienced pain, hurt and suffering and you survived it.
You've learned things that have altered your perception, expanded your awareness, challenged your self-image and exposed a lot of truth.

You're experiencing something new and it's scary.
You think you've lost yourself but you haven't.

You're evolving, exploring knew strengths, discovering all sorts of things about yourself and the world..

As though your ears had been blocked your entire life and you didn't even know it!

Until one day they popped...
Imagine living in a world where everyone's ears are still blocked and they don't know.. What could you do?
Not a poem but a piece of writing I wanted to share
Aug 2020 · 125
Lost in his path
Casey Rodger Aug 2020
Once upon a timeless time
He wandered down his path
Passing every sign
Left them in the past

Side roads call his name
Choice belongs to him
The path may stay the same
He wonders what's within

While he wanders deep
He journeys far away
Carried by his feet
Lost in what to say
Aug 2020 · 438
Chasing tails
Casey Rodger Aug 2020
I once met a pup
Who liked to chase his tail
Never once did he give up
Determined not to fail

Badly did he want his wagger
Between his little jaw
After he would stagger
And then fall to the floor

Not knowing what he desires
He strives for what he sees
Even when he tires
Knows what he believes

The days comes that I see
His tail and his tongue
Caught between his teeth
All tangled up as one

After 20 million circles
Tail chasing phene
Jumping many hurdles
Not caring where he's been

Finally achieving his dream
He caught what he was chasing
Success as it would seem
The moment he's now facing

The moment he worked hard for
The challenge he accepted
A journey paw after paw
He let it all go in a second!
We work so hard for what we want, take ****** all time to enjoy it, then we let it go like it was nothing. Make sure what you're chasing is worth it. Take a moment to enjoy your prize. It isn't the pleasure itself we seek but the pleausre in the journey
Jun 2020 · 976
Casey Rodger Jun 2020
I see the clouds above me,
They're floating in the sky,
I wonder what they see,
And wonder why they cry.

I listen to the fire,
While sitting in its glow,
Not a thing does it require,
But wood for it to grow.

Gently does the breeze,
Whisper to my skin,
I wander if the trees,
Mind about the wind.

I will not shut my eyes,
Wont miss one part of this,
The sun is giving the skies,
A loving goodnight kiss.
Apr 2020 · 189
Covid 19 Ain't Serene
Casey Rodger Apr 2020
War with Iran was January's desire,
As if Australia wanted that pain,
February set our country on fire,
Until finally the sky gave us rain.

March has given us Corona Virus,
Keeping us prisoners of home,
Yesterday's news is the Auzzie fires,
Now home alone on our phones.

Did you hope April your friend?
As the government offers a hand
Just another step towards the end
As we fall to their commands.

The world has said we'll band together,
But watch the over shoppers greed,
Alone they try endeavor,
Alone they try to feed.

Be sure to keep your distance,
Be it distant in your mind,
While Covid19 is persistent,
Stay home while your bills fall behind.

Bar tenders stay away,
Caution off all play grounds,
Your children can not play,
Our streets echo without sounds.

But never mind still catch the bus,
Live your life within our rules,
We're your government! Have trust!
Keep your kids home out of schools.

Await the vaccination,
Be pressured for the juice,
The saviour of the nation,
The destruction of our youth.

Don't always do what they tell you,
After your own research you might find,
The only thing any of us can do,
Is make up our own minds.
Feb 2020 · 133
For My Brother
Casey Rodger Feb 2020
I be this man
Who walks his path
No solid plan
I feel the dark

I need say nothing
They see how i live
Happiness I'm bluffing
Myself one day I'll forgive

I'm scared because i try
To search for what I'll never
Understand my cry
My purpose I'll endeavor

I see my life
In all it's wonders
I take my knife
Stand tall to thunders

Some times i feel so lost
Nobody's with me here
My smile comes at cost
Forever sadness in my cheer

I hold on like they tell me
I won't give up on me
I'll find my place to be
And everyone will see

One day my time will come
I see how strong I'll be
The man i will become
An improved type of me
Dec 2019 · 543
I don't, but I do
Casey Rodger Dec 2019
Its not that i miss you
I don't

Its not that i think about you
I won't

Its not that I'm missing a piece of me
I'm not

Its not that I'm cold
I'm hot

Its not your memory
I want to forget

Its not my mistakes
I want to regret

Its not that I'm broken
But i am

Its not that I'm lying
But i am..

All that i miss
Is you

You're always on my mind
Its true

You'll keep a piece of me

My warmth is cold but

I try to forget us
But i can't

I can't regret us
I just can't..
Dec 2019 · 455
The Snail & the Bird
Casey Rodger Dec 2019
What is love?
Asked the snail to the to the bird,
Does it come from above?
Do you see it in the world?
Can you find it with your eyes?
Does it look a certain way?
Does it come in a disguise?
Or do you see it straight away?

The bird was silent for a while,
He thought about his trails,
When he answered with a smile,
He said "Well, little snail".

You know the breeze that blows?
Gives you goose bumps on your skin,
And the water when it flows,
Like the motion felt within.
Its like the fire when it burns,
Sometimes it can be scary,
When the passion suddenly turns,
That is when you should be weary.

Little snail I'm about to,
Tell you what love really is,
This answer is for you,
So shh and listen to this..

Its giving someone the power,
To completely destroy your soul,
If ever things go sour,
Your inner warmth will turn cold.
Your love will take a piece of you,
And nurture it forever,
But nobody can choose,
Who their love will endeavor.

The snail started to worry,
Said "Will i ever find it?"
Should i start to hurry?
I'm probably right behind it!

The bird let out a laugh,
And said "Oh no, don't stress"
Love will find you on your path,
When your time is best.
Dec 2019 · 335
Unto the end
Casey Rodger Dec 2019
I thank you for your patience
And all our conversations

I thank you for your time
You're the tequila to my lime

I'm greatful for your laugh
As we wonder down this path

I'm greatful for your love
You're the hand to my glove

I'll remember that you said
Sundays are spent in bed

I'll remember how you sigh
Every time we say goodbye

Its you i won't forget
As your path to death is set

Its you i will carry far
Always living in my heart

As i stay unto the end
Before your soul ascends

I'm thankful i could love you
And that you also love me too
Dec 2019 · 255
2 Parts of me
Casey Rodger Dec 2019
Candle flames that burn apart,
But can not burn together,
A self-destructive path,
Yet claiming to be better.

The candle wax has fallen,
From the moment of the spark,
I can hear the demons calling,
Light flickering in the dark.

The things i can not see,
Are there in night or day,
Some parts of me are free,
Other parts are in a cage.

Wax dripping like a tear,
Warm and loving on my finger
While some things disappear,
Other things still linger.
Dec 2019 · 218
Faded Star
Casey Rodger Dec 2019
Stars that twinkle bright
Do so through storm and rain
As long as it is night
They'll twinkle just the same.

The wind will scare your eyes
And the moon will steal your gaze
But up there in the skys
Theres a star that never fades

While we know of it's existence
But rarely ever seek to find
The wonders between our distance
Distant wonders of my mind

Sometimes i find it strange
To care about these days
As i know things always change
Life is nothing but a phase

One moment that is wonderful
In disorder and confusion
The night becomes so colourful
In the midst of my illusion

Like the star that winks at me
Through a dark and stormy night
For a second i am free
As it twinkles a little light
Dec 2019 · 157
Your sky is always blue.
Casey Rodger Dec 2019
What is it that we want in life? What is it that we need?
There are some who give their energies while others just feed,
Half of us are seeking truth while the rest of us deceive,
Through personal justification we live and we believe.

You do something bad for your own greater good,
Disregard your morals, not doing what you should,
And when the truth comes out, you claim misunderstood,
Creep back into your space, creep back into your hood.

As the days roll by, we're all growing old,
And to the night time life your youth has been sold,
You're taking what you can, oh but low and behold,
The people you had by your side have all grown cold.

Be sure to put yourself first, as you always do,
Make sure you give yourself what we wont give to you,
As long as you're on top in your one man crew,
The sun will always shine, the sky is always blue.
Dec 2019 · 236
Casey Rodger Dec 2019
You brightened our days
In all sorts of ways
You created smiles and laughter
Every memory we share
We'll remember with care
For now and every day after

From the very start
You stole our hearts
We'll cherish you forever
We'll never forget you
Or the shoes you chewed
You'll leave our hearts never

Sammy you will always be loved
As you watch us from above
And your soul returns to the breeze
The look in your eyes
When we look at the skies
We'll know you are happy and free

You lived your life in glory
And were an important part of our story
Cheeky til the very end
Too good for this earth
Until you rebirth
We'll see you again best friend
Dec 2019 · 177
Casey Rodger Dec 2019
Frozen there in the night,
Stuck there in your way,
Like a deer in the head light,
You're shinning like the day.

Can't tell if you will hurt me,
Or if I'll be harm to you,
My instincts say to run,
Are you about to run too?

I'll stand here in your beauty,
And let your light attack,
I'll let your light ****** me,
Then I'll never look back.

Rather fall here at your hand,
Just take me to my death,
I'm ready where I stand,
Take my very last breath.
Jun 2019 · 318
Elusive Moon
Casey Rodger Jun 2019
Why is it when i chase the moon it gets smaller and further away?
Always waiting for tomorrow but living in today,
I thought this journey would be brighter as the moon lights my way,
But each ditch and trip that takes me down begs of me to stay.

The air on my skin is cold and the night pitch black,
I'm worried that I've lost you and there's no going back,
A howl in the distance, i hope those wolves attack,
The moon is getting dimmer as it guides me on my track.

Maybe I'll always feel as partial as this moon,
Filled with unknown, deflated like a balloon,
Counting every breath as though I'll see you soon,
What is it that i chase when i chase that elusive moon?
Apr 2019 · 198
Was I ever complete ?
Casey Rodger Apr 2019
When was that time again when i didn't mind?
That time when everything seemed to be fine,
The whole world seem to burn around me,
But i didn't mind because i was free.

When was that time again when i didn't care?
What was mine was yours and we would share,
I felt like i could change the world,
A fully grown women in the body of a girl.

When was that time again that i was excited?
I'd venture alone, didn't need to be invited,
Some where between being loved and accepted,
Some where between being hated and rejected.

Time is known to heal all wounds,
Soul language is said to be music and tunes,
Dance is always the body's expression,
But what lives under my deep depression?

How long ago was it that i felt complete?
Could it be that i always felt defeat?
Do i stop myself before i begin?
Do i lose myself before i can win?
I always thought the answers were within,
But here i am, stuck in my skin.

I know that i am not alone,
I hate being so engrossed in my phone,
I'm actively trying my best out here,
But so much out here seems so unclear.

I don't think as i write my thoughts into poems,
Exploring the depth of my great unknowns,
Like everyone else i search for my purpose,
And hope to myself that i am worth it.
Apr 2019 · 194
Casey Rodger Apr 2019
You bring me up and down at the same time,
You create the tangles inside my mind,
You've been horrible to me but also kind,
You see it all but are still so blind.

You hurt me desert me, use and abuse,
You always fight against my blues.
You often set me up to lose,
You do what you do, i don't get to choose.

You're mean to me so often i cry,
You damage me but never say goodbye,
You have always been there by my side,
I see you confident, i see you shy.

One day i know you'll be incredible,
The memories we make are unforgettable,
The bond we have is more than chemical,
I want this life to be less than terrible.

I have so much love for you its true,
And i know there is nothing i can do,
To ever get away from you,
All i can do is see this through.

You're supposed to be my inseparable mate,
We are here today due to fate,
Release from your heart all that hate,
Let us be friends - We will be great!

If only for a moment i wish you could see,
You are my enemy - but you are me!
I'm  hoping you hear my desperate plee,
I hope i befriend this devil in me.

So Casey when you read this one time,
This crazy message from my crazy mind,
Discover this love i know you'll find,
You see all things but to yourself you are blind.
Apr 2019 · 213
Square One
Casey Rodger Apr 2019
How easy it can be to regress back to square one.
Back in that square where you did everything wrong.
Back in that place you worked so hard from.
Back in that square where you belong.
All this time i thought i could be strong.
Feeling so old even when i am young.
Grinding my teeth as i bite through my tongue.
I'm right back here.. Back in square ******* one.
Mar 2019 · 452
My Valentine
Casey Rodger Mar 2019
When you cross my mind
There's nothing i can do
My face can not hide
What i feel for you

I wish that you could see
Even just for moments
Yourself through me
And all your best components

From our first kiss
Stealing random items
Talking about cactus
My spirits you have lightened

More then just today
I'll be your valentine
In every other way
I'll be yours and you be mine
Mar 2019 · 356
Soul Journey
Casey Rodger Mar 2019
You're not a stranger in the universe
You aren't a unique fluke of life
You weren't born into a curse
And there is no wrong or right

When you look into yourself
You'll start to figure out
We're not meant for material wealth
Its hard to believe without doubt

One day i hope you realize and feel
That what you are deep down inside
In the essence that makes you real
Is what can not be denied

You are
the fabric
and structure
of existence

Life is but a dream
Perception but an illusion
Strange as that may seem
Wake up from your delusion

When your soul journey begins
Don't scare away too easy
Don't judge thy self for sins
I know that sounds a little cheesy
But take a second to believe me.
Nov 2018 · 247
Your job is your life
Casey Rodger Nov 2018
"Do something you love" they say,
"And you'll never work a day".
Others tell me to sacrifice,
Hate my job and hate half my life,
"Do something you're good at, though not so fond,"
"In order to have and do the things you want".
One day they will see,
All that stuff they "need",
Doesn't really matter, or isn't their soul purpose,
Look back on their life and wonder if its worth it.
Find what brings you alive, than go live it!
All you have is time, and its yours - every minute.
Theres more to life than working for some thing or some one,
When i found my passion i knew i had begun.
What am i preaching in this rhyme ?
We should be more focused on how we spend our time,
Rather than how we spend our money,
Which at first might seem funny,
But ask yourself - What am i here to do?
Work for me? Or work for you?
Sep 2018 · 158
Casey Rodger Sep 2018
I breathe in,
My breath is mine.
I want you to succeed,
I choose to encourage you to grow and awaken.
That is my ultimate goal.
May 2018 · 401
The City
Casey Rodger May 2018
I stand there in the night, although it’s not dark at all,
Not a single star in sight, but there is a shopping mall,
What feels like a million people rush by me so fast,
I must be invisible to them, knocking me as they go past.
Shops are lit by lights so bright up every street,
I can feel the traffic’s vibrations running up through my feet,
A warm buzz of machinery spreading through my being,
There is so much going on, I can’t believe what I am seeing.
Different lights flashing, flickering and pulsating around,
My ears are straining to try and match up each sound,
I know I’m breathing air, but I wonder how much of it is clean,
So many different types of people in this forever changing scene.
As I stand there listening to the loud commotions of the city,
I see a flock of over weight pigeons looking sick, and I feel pity,
I think back to my home and how happier the birds appeared,
Each one seemed so healthy and free, suddenly the pigeons disappeared.
My nose feels cold and frosted while my hands sit warm in my pockets,
My lips are wind struck dry as my eye ***** pasted in my sockets,
A complex stream of interesting, unfamiliar aromas fill my nose,
Quickly shifting from sweet to sour, although I have not changed my pose.
With each passing car the atmosphere will alter,
Aromata varies as the air drops from warmer to colder,
A consistent blow of wind from the icy thick night,
Pierces my eyes with tears and blurs my sight,
Cool and crisp air surges into my throat and licks my ears,
The hair on my neck suddenly feels like little spears,
Goose bumps coming and going with the breeze,
Welcome to one of the most exciting cities.
May 2018 · 454
The Outback
Casey Rodger May 2018
The wind whistles by me lightly cooling my warm sun struck skin,
Each drop of sweat instantly freezes sending shivers from within,
As the breeze picks up, so does my hair whipping and curling around my face,
Then in just a single moment it’s dead still, the wind has won it’s race.
I can hear the birds now laughing and watch them race from tree to tree,
I wonder what they’re chatting about, and if they know they’re free,
Without the wind, it’s almost as if the world stopped turning now,
It’s hot but I don’t care, let the sun keep burning down.
I can feel the temperature is high but the scent out here is low,
Traces of hay and cattle rise slowly to my nose,
A gentle soothing marinade to compliment my day,
“Smells like home” I thought to myself, but did not say.
My barren tongue lingers with tones of dirt, hay and dryness,
In my throat remains a hint of burnt bush, just the finest,
Sealed by my lips it all comfortably works there,
There is a certain peace with this landscape that I share.
Without my shoes, I feel the Earth beneath my feet,
I feel connected rather *****, I can hear my own heart beat,
Once my muscles tire of standing, I lay down in patches of dead grass,
Not long after ants are here, and they all just move so fast.
As I lay there watching, growing itchy – Though not from the ants,
A giant grasshopper visits my chest, so majestic in his stance,
He moves to face me with his intimidating position,
Whether I jump or not is completely his decision.
While my hands grow numb under my head, I squint uncomfortably at the sky,
I see a colour blue as blue, so far away, up so high,
It’s clear and clean, not a single cloud in sight,
Just the sun gleaming down, preparing the world for night.
As I lay here in the outback wanting it no other way,
Listening to the leaves rustle from wallabies that play,
I think about where I’m going to be soon far away,
But I stop and fill my lungs, and just enjoy this gorgeous day.
Apr 2018 · 375
Break the chain
Casey Rodger Apr 2018
A dog chained up next to a bike,
He protected what he thought was right,
He barked and almost gave his life,
This dog was left, out of sight.

Despite what he felt in his heart,
He fought against what he knew was smart,
No consideration for end nor start,
He was loyal to him even though they were apart.

This man left his dog at a train station,
Left him alone with zero frustration,
Abandoned this creature of loyalty to him,
Left him alone with no consideration.

The dog would not stop protecting the bubble,
The PSO's continued to huddle,
No reason for this; all brains are muddled,
All i thought was this dog just needs to be cuddled.

Chained by the throat to a materialistic matter,
I felt my heart completely shatter,
So skinny! Rather see him be fatter,
Everyone else typically standing in chatter.

Just another spirit born into a reality,
With no choice in what or who it shall be
No need to believe me if only you'd seen,
I want that dog to just go and break free.

Unlike us this poor thing was so unaware,
That in his life - His owner did not care,
And nothing about his situation was fair,
Hes not trapped alone, his feelings i share.

I still can hear his barks not knowing what they mean,
Is it a cry for help or maybe more like a scream?
Is the situation a little better then it seemed?
Im not so sure but the call will haunt my dreams.

They say suicide is selfish but is it really?
What are those people really feeling?
That life just ain't worth seeing nor revealing?!
The rest of mine is so unappealing.

This dog was not fightful just super aggressive,
His bravery was super impressive,
But lets now make this a good lesson,
Look after yourself. Whatever their intention .
Apr 2018 · 297
Finding love for you
Casey Rodger Apr 2018
Finding love for life was easy,
I felt that grow within my soul,
Although not everything does please me,
I've always had respect for life's goal,
To teach us lessons hard or not,
Maybe even 2 or 3 times round,
You could have to climb to the top,
Or know what it's like to fall down.

Finding love for myself is a journey,
It's not been as simple to do,
Every straight road just keeps turning,
It looks so easy when I look at you,
As if the opposite has occurred,
You're just hateful towards your gift,
And in love with the mirror that's blurred,
I think your perception needs to shift.

Finding love for the ones who've hurt me,
Different ego's in different ways,
Feels almost impossible you see,
But they're making moves and running plays,
I work at letting it not bother myself,
And try my best to understand them,
I will find space in my heart on the shelf,
That is labeled "Old time friend".
Apr 2018 · 440
My Positive Affirmation
Casey Rodger Apr 2018
Everything I have - Is because of me
Everything I've done - Is because of me
I am independence
I am standing alone
I am observing the world around me, learning from it, giving to it and being apart of it
I am improving my self worth every day and searching further into myself for what I am capable of being
I am amazing
I control my life and those who get to be in it
Nobody tells me what to do
I am strong because my spirit, body and mind are connected
I don't need shiny things
I need me.
Apr 2018 · 258
Grow from fear
Casey Rodger Apr 2018
It starts with an idea, just a thought in amongst the rest,
A seed has been planted in your brain, will you let it manifest?
Will you water it? Let it grow into a dream?
Or will you let it bury in the darkest memory stream.

I watered mine, I watered most seeds,
I felt it grow and move,
I followed almost all my leads,
And I did not win or lose.
Growing their roots into each finger,
All parts of me agreed,
All those crazy butterflies linger,
Started to see my destiny.

Fear of not doing well is fuel,
No. Fear does not hold me back,
Fear of failing is nothing we choose,
Let bravery shine through that crack.
Apr 2018 · 349
Casey Rodger Apr 2018
From fire to water, earth to air,
From seed to tree, shop to table and chair,
Light and dark, high and low,
Plain and simple the story go,
Opposites exist, and they exist together,
Day time, night time; whatever the weather,
The moon does not give light to spite the sun,
They shine together as one,
So opposite but still coexisting,
I do not see what we humans are missing..
You have conflictions inside you, and thats okay,
I have contrast in me too, we were made this way,
Point is, balance is key,
The balance between survival and unity,
But you're deeper then the mirror you see,
Don't be afraid to venture in and peek,
Dig deeper in halfs or quaters,
Sink further and live beyond your shallow waters,
Let it be known that opposites exist,
There . I said it .. Erased the myth.

Forget trying to be equal by the standards we as humans have created for ourselves; gender, religion, wealth, appearance, history, race, sexuality etc . Because fact is we're never going to be the same, we're never gonna be equal - Don't fight to be equal when we're all so amazingly different.. Fight to be able to do what you want. Free the female ******, let the lady boys use the female bathroom, let the age distanced couple go for gold, let the Muslims in, let the boys kiss eachother on the train, let Donald Trump get assassinated, let us smoke ****!! BECAUSE OUR LIVES END ! With or without a closure child to leave behind you'll die one day and that will be IT! So just embrace whatever it is you are, and just go with it . Learn so that hopefully your soul will go on to a more profound existence.
Mar 2018 · 872
To be forgotten
Casey Rodger Mar 2018
On my walk home after night shift,
I stumbled on something horrific,
I saw him through the dark mist,
So surreal yet unrealistic.

Against time i began the race,
Went to see if he still drew breath,
But it was clear by the colour of his face,
That he lay there cold in death.

I know i shouldn't have, but some how i did,
Pulled a note from his right breast pocket,
I dont know why, but i opened it,
It was neatly titled "To be forgotten"...

Confused i started to read,
I soon realized it was a letter,
Started to feel i couldn't breathe,
As it couldn't have been written better!

If i am to be found by one,
One as unlucky as you,
If you find me and my life is done,
Please take just a second or two.

My name is not important,
As it was not important in life,
I've been called names of assortment
Even "Savage" once or twice.

I tried my best and it all fell apart,
See i did not have a home,
I lead my life by following my heart,
And i ended up alone.

If ever i could, i always did,
Give to someone in need,
A teen, a dog, an elder or kid,
In hope i might just plant a seed.

Each day I'd watch my brothers and sisters,
Run to or from their life demands,
I'd sit and rub my blisters,
On my feet and on my hands.

Nothing truely important is real or being looked after,
Where are the trees? Where is the love? The music of genuine laughter.
Nothing made me angry as i understood it all,
Reasons behind reasoning, I lay down and you stand tall.
Life was life. It is what it is. I'm not anything but at peace.
Just want someone to know its not a problem if i am to decease.
Nobody cared for me, especially not as i did for others,
I do not have any caring sisters, friends nor brothers.
Use of me what you can, then dispose of me the cheapest,
Because even though I was not loved, for my people i feel the deepest.

Poor soul who find me laying here,
May i ask you one small request?
For me please shed a single tear,
Feel a small pain in your chest.

Let your soul grieve a loss,
As mine will fly on through,
This request is free of cost,
Rather asking of what's inside you.

For me you do not need to pray,
Nor need to think of me often,
Just kindly see my soul away,
For i know i lived to be forgotten.
Casey Rodger Mar 2018
No longer surrounded by gravity,
Hatred slipping from my smile,
All my feelings run dramatically,
You wont be hearing from me for a while.

Everyone annoys me,
All the ******* that they say,
In my mind i am free,
Just want them all to go away.

I'm told to fear the strangers,
But that doesn't make sense to me,
I feel I'm stranger then most strangers,
Weird as weird as it can be.

As i grow older in this body,
Each experience ages me,
My memories feel forgotten,
I do not know what I believe.

Uncomfortably inconsistent when,
Phazing in and out of focus,
One second two steps infront then,
Back to being clueless and hopeless.

The road i am blindly strolling down,
Is dark and very unclear,
Clouded with white but no sound,
No intentions will appear.

Save yourself, the message is clear,
Screaming save yourself to you,
Just work hard and save this here,
Do it for you meaning me too.

— The End —