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Feb 2016 · 4.3k
Another Solar Return
A sea of gratitude splashes
onto the inner walls
of this humbled heart
within me.

Seasons, poets, places, people,
singing, devotion, faith, trust...

Years have rained down like
petals from a flowering tree.

Abundance blesses me
in true simplicity.

As my soul enters the womb
of renewal, unexpected blessings
wing across the world to say hello
from where our sun already shines.

Manila, New Zealand, Delhi, Chennai,
where you are it is already morning,
  and the warm sunlight of your day
shines in your greetings and wishes.

May the bliss that you bring me,
dear world family, splash all over
your own dear hearts, and may
peace and harmony be ours
on this beautiful blue planet!
A very special thank you to all my new poet friends around the world! Even poet to poet, you mean more to me than I can ever say!
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Feb 2016 · 912
Stillness, Rain Coming
Anticipatory quiet,
and the gathering fullness
builds upon itself in secret,
unknown ways.

Here in this old kitchen,
morning finds you in a shirt
silkscreened with one distant
cluster of stars.

Emblematic, a medicine shield
guarding a silent, wise heart
equally full of light.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Each winter it happens again,
deepening its way into my bones.

Light, lengthening the days, even as
cold plummets to colder.

Gentle, promising colour of sun in
an angle that warms the wall.

Sneaking up from behind to give
heat to my back, you were paler,
even unavailable, until today.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Jan 2016 · 786
Sweeter Salt
The body, when
it's fasting
becomes so aware.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Jan 2016 · 3.8k
Song for the Icelandic Wind
On a New Year's Day in Reykjavik
I stood at the very top of that old city,
intending to visit the Cathedral there.

All at once, there it was. And it was in charge.

A gust of wind so strong that it grabbed and
  slid me, speeding across several metres of ice,
only to slam, face first, into the broad chest
of a resident British Embassy staffer.

Genially, he smiled down and introduced
himself with gentlemanly aplomb.
No wonder they had an empire. At least for a while.

Oh, that wind! Ever seen snow moving horizontally?
Or felt a hole being drilled, in one ear, almost out the other?

Deep in the ancient countryside, on the way to the sea,
is a lonely valley, held captive by the power of a brutal
Gigantic troll. There, this wind has its greatest rival.

Even if you can't see them, just tell me you don't feel them...

In Reykholt now, that bullying wind buffets a cozy house,
but to no avail, for angels watch over a newborn baby girl.

Her mother, just a girl when we first met,  
now sings tenderly to her own new daughter.
Both are princesses of this beautiful island country.

Finding kindness, that tough old wind has sent
Halldora's lullaby across the open ocean,
  over wide blue skies, and onto this snowy prairie
where I hear it and cradle it softly, and so gently, to my heart.
In honor of a newborn Icelandic princess
©Elisa Maria Argiro
That day, something got into me.
Approaching the corner of 155th
and Broadway on the Upper West Side,
my friend and I were only a block from home.

Either we'd been on a mission for candy necklaces
or bubble gum cigars, from the place where the guy
was always grumpy, never actually scary,
and the sawdust on the floor, the real cigars
in fancy boxes, were something to wonder about.

Or we had just scored our first fresh sugar canes,
one each, and much taller than either of us.
The kindly Puerto Rican green grocer, proud
of his new shop, hoped we'd try the plantains
too, getting a kick out of our delight
in what he'd always known.

The light was red, and we weren't in a hurry.
I just got curious about this trap door on the side
of the old cast iron signal post,
and decided to see
if it would open... and it did.

Smiling to myself, an uncommon, delicious
sense of mischief lighting me up inside,
I calmly flipped a switch.

Instantly, all four lanes of traffic, heading north
and south on Broadway came to a screeching halt.

The feeling of power was intoxicating.
And unforgettable.

Had I been an older kid, had the policeman
who happened by been less lenient, had anyone, God forbid,
been injured, I could have been in some serious trouble.

Injury never entered my mind, and maybe the officer saw that.
All in all, I got away with the only really naughty thing
I did as a child, and still get to smile.
And remember.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Jan 2016 · 2.0k
The Olympia Florist
Summertime on Broadway
in Spanish Harlem.
Wide sidewalks glinting
with mica, as I walked alone
up this hill in our neighborhood
for the very first time.

Flag Day, my parent's anniversary,
and a wish to give them flowers
I would buy all on my own.

Inside the hushed florist shop
the flowers and plants
seemed ready to interview
any potential new owners
who wished to take them home.

A dignified, kind woman,
spokesperson for their domain,
looked down at this earnest
little shrimp of a girl in a
striped T-shirt and shorts,
who wanted so much
to be taken seriously.

Respectfully, she opened heavy
glass doors where the roses slept
in orderly, long-stemmed rows.

Heady, chilled. Their fragrance
enveloped me, and still does.

I chose one red rose, and one yellow,
and the woman solemnly wrapped
them like a baby in swaddling clothes,
adding baby's breath and fern leaves.

Cradling my paper bundle, I walked on home.
Something deep inside of me had made that choice.

It felt as though the flowers knew what I wanted
to say to my cherished mother and father:
That this life they were creating for us,
was abundantly full, and balanced.

Time flew by, and one day I learned
from a holy and compassionate sage
that my heart had chosen an ancient
symbol for fullness of life:

Two flowers, one red,
one yellow, whispering
the secret of life
to the heart of a child
who wanted, more than anything,
to actually hear it,
who wanted to know,
above all else,
what was really real.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Was It You?
Small bird, singing sweet bravery
into the grey, morning cold,

Could it be that the half moon heard you?

A yellow bowl of light
rose in the East in the first few
minutes of this bright new year,
and the morning star smiled down on her.

Could it be that the rising sun heard you too?

Wooly clouds parted again when dawn arrived,
rows of icicles transforming into sparkling chandeliers
in the first orange rays of this New Year's Day.

May we thank you, small bird, for showing us the way?
A very blessed New Year to you each and all!
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Dec 2015 · 2.0k
Within the heart
is a deep blue light -
a beckoning presence
and I listen, awake.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Dec 2015 · 901
Christmas Eve, Morning
Silky clean hair shines
in momentary sunlight

Scent of sandalwood stirs
in the breathing air

Holy silence blesses
each perfect now
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Dec 2015 · 1.8k
The Iceberg Poem
These words, floating to the surface,
come from amongst an ocean of others.

Sleeping, ripening, unformed,
swimming in darkness, some rising
into green, translucent waters.

Titles, remembered images, voices
of loved ones, colours, scents,
secret moments never spoken aloud.

More, and more still, residing,
unseen, unheard, unknown
beneath this iceberg of words.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Dec 2015 · 2.9k
An Elf's Own Bliss
Tasting fresh, pungent
cinnamon on the tip
of her tongue

Washing her feet
in spicy
peppermint soap

Finding bliss simply
living life
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Dec 2015 · 1.7k
Folding Blankets
One morning in India, I learned
what I am remembering now
folding soft brown blankets,
beginning my day.

Taught by example, without any words
as brightly-colored fabric
flew deftly into perfect folds.

However simple our home, we honor it
with our care, to its walls and floors,
to ourselves, the people living within.

We honor it most of all with the words
we choose, with the silence we keep,
defining our lives in each simple moment.

Folding back winter clouds, resplendent
with color moments ago,
a prairie wind clears the sky
honoring this one and only today.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Dec 2015 · 617
*~*~ In Memoriam ~*~*
Glowing colors spread across the dawning day,
one week after you departed our world.

On this quiet street where nothing happens,
tragedy happened to you, and those who love you.

The man driving his truck couldn't stop in time.
He will never forget involuntarily ending your life.
I saw his face registering what he had done.

We pray for him daily, and for your family,
who lost you so suddenly.

I have never known a gentler soul.

Now that you are fully in the Light,
your voice, your soft, smiling laughter
come to me frequently.

I hear you saying, and it feels very real:
"Live fully and sweetly, as I have done."
©Elisa Maria Argiro
*~*~ For Marica Grey ~*~*
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
The Golden Gift
This jar of honey
still wears the scent
of flowers
visited by local bees.

A generous gift
  more precious still
this trust
you gave me
resting here while
you were healing.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Dec 2015 · 644
Peace, Above Earth
Moon smiles sweetly as she rises in the East,
Orion slips sleepily into the West.

With so much tragedy all around us,
how blessed to find peace now
here, above us.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Nov 2015 · 1.8k
Simple Graces
First snow is falling...
melting on the wet road,
flocking the grasses
and crispy leaves.

Smiling sweetly, my
brother eats his last bite
of warm corn pancakes.

Local honey shines
on the empty
white plate.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Nov 2015 · 464
Visiting Earth
Angels, wings
sometimes broken
in service to a higher good
will always walk among us.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Animated patterns of light and dark,
quavering here on the wall beside me.

Through this window glass
from another century,
denuded branches
dance --
But only apparently.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Nov 2015 · 2.4k
Jaimini's Kaivalya
From where I sit in this bicycle rickshaw
everything is in motion.

Balloons, massed into colourful clouds,
ride in the rickshaw just ahead.

Brahmin cows walk by, unconcerned
by the tiny cars speeding and honking.

People of every age and description
walk towards the stalls and shops.

From where I sit in this bicycle rickshaw
pale pink sari fluttering around me,
all is completely still and silent,
*even as everything is in motion.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Nov 2015 · 4.7k
Planetary Line Dance
Line dancing
just hours before dawn.

take me with you!

I promise not to tell
where your secret dance hall is hidden....
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
White Chrysanthemum
Eyes opening to quiet wonder
in the stillness
of night.
My young mother
beside me.

Top bunk bed
positioned by my father
for a view of
the cosmic smile...

shining with light
way at the top of
Manhattan Island.

"Look what the tooth fairy brought to you."

In one graceful hand
my mother held
a nickel,
flowering majesty
shone huge, and white
in her other hand.

Each of us tenderly new
to this magical
of love.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Nov 2015 · 825
Field of Immortality
Transcendent sleep
is still a rarity
for me
such a gift
when it comes
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Nov 2015 · 2.3k

Like so many
of our
This evolved into my first (10W) poem.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
Your Starry Costume
Fourteen years ago on this Hallowed Eve
you joined ancestors and fellow poets,
traveling through time, and into God's light.

Always one to find meaning in your days,
perhaps you chose your last one too,
even after months of summoning
all the bravery within you.

Honoring both saints and magical living
especially in our childhood,
even a velvet mermaid's tail
embroidered with shining sequins
manifested in your deft and giving hands.

You are always with us now, Ma/Patt
even as you are always missed.

Today, your long auburn hair that never turned white
tumbles over a deep blue satin costume,
embroidered with silvery stars.

Your generous, enduring smile
is so at home, beloved Ma,
in the Heavenly company
of God's own angels.
My beloved mother made her transition into the Light of God on Hallowed Evening afternoon, October 31, 2001  
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.9k
Full Moon, My Cocoon
Wrapped up tight,
held in your light.

Find me now, vaulting through these years of loving
that only you and I have ever known.

Only this brimming, milky

Beyond familiarity, you and me, tumbling
again through lifetimes of just knowing,
fully feeling, without ever calling.

Held in your light,
wrapped up tight.

Only our brimming, milky sweetness,
eyes closed, and minds wide open...

Wrapped up in your light,
held so tight, dear full moon,
my own cocoon.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.3k
Dance of Love, and Wisdom
Jupiter and Venus,
radiantly dancing.

Proximate partners in a velvet ballroom,
somewhere over the eastern trees.

Light from a fiery source,
transformative and transforming
heart and mind of the Universe.

Convergence renders conversation
almost null and void.

Nothing but each other
will ever give them peace.
"A loving heart is the truest wisdom."
Thank you, Charles Dickens
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 2.1k
Help me to know
that this hunger
is not personal.

This form that
holds my soul
is more delicate
these days,
but the mind
is also clearer.

Help me to be
patient, help
me to trust
what comes.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 836
My very dear friends and wonderful, international tribe of poets:
When I first joined you all last August, I was in a time of deep solitude, culturing inner silence.
It became an ideal time to make real progress with my writing.

The part I had no idea about then, and that has become such a treasured part of my life, is the growth and blossoming of new friendships with many of you!
On June 2nd, 2016, just over a month ago, I felt to open back up to the world around me.
After all that immersion in transcendental bliss consciousness, life began presenting me with beautiful new opportunities, which has in turn lead to the most fantastic job I have yet performed, in which I am able to express and employ all of my particular set of talents and abilities.
Hence, then, my long absence, and my enormous, growing admiration for those of you who have families, jobs, and also contribute excellent poems here!
May the force be always with the poets, the writers, the thinkers, the artists... all the good and sincere well-wishers of our dear world family, and of our precious Mother Earth.
Blessings and light to us each and all,
Elisa Maria Argirò

(I have just re-written this poem that speaks to my present frame of mind, and thought to offer it again in this context. ~ EMA 2016)*

Eyes of Light

Momentarily, two eye-shaped
places in these thick grey clouds
stared directly at me, and there it was:

"Always be truthful.
Always be kind."

Just that.
A reminder.

Slipping down into the place
beyond all words,
feeling knowingness
into my bones,
residing in quiet bliss,
at home
in my own authenticity.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 2.8k
Benevolent Monster
Palest orange, a watercolor
wash slips in behind
bared branches
rustling leaves.

You slumber,
down in the cellar,
fearless of the spiders
and centipedes.

Awakening me
with your roar
my sleep vanishes,
trading places
with blessed warmth.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Shadow Play
Light creates images for us,
the appearance of Reality.

All that we know, all that
seems so real, is playing
a part we have asked it to
play. Unmanifest Reality,
appearing as all forms,
and all phenomena.

All that we know
is a dance of shadows
playing across
the infinite
ocean of bliss,
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Sitting in silent bliss,
absorbed in the Absolute,
that perfect smile
so at home
on your beautiful,
radiant face.

Regal as a queen, laughter
busts out of you
like tropical rain.  

A colorful flower opening
in time-lapse magic.

Hands of finest delicacy,
refined by teaching
the pathless path
to infinity.

A mind as clear and wise
as the heart is kind,
strong and loyal.

Infinite tenderness is
the Unity within you.

One early morning,
first of your birthdays
I was to celebrate,
watermelon juice whirred
to completion while I cut
two huge banana leaves
on which to place my gifts
before your door.

In the yogic flying hall,
just a little later,
there you were, transformed.

A Balinese angel wearing jade
green wings sat amongst us.
Soft dark hair swept up into a
sanyasi's top knot, and that
same eternal smile of bliss.

You were wearing the love I had
given you, making those giant leaves
into wings that would carry us into
decades of friendship, through
passages of loved ones, and
life's hardest challenges.

wherever we are on
Mother Earth,
we are always we,
even as you are you,
and I am always me.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
Sunday, and Sally
Halfway around the world
and here in my heart, dear friend.

Writing brave, wise poems,
so vulnerable, so original,
inviting us into your life and home.

Early this morning, a flash of red
shone at the very top of our oldest pine
like some tropical bird, here by holy magic.

The tail, in fact, of one triumphant,
energetic little squirrel, bright sunlight
transforming that waving tail
into a banner of joy.

"Sally", I smiled. Somehow
it was you, sending me another delight
in this morning display.

Rosalia, a sweet garland of God's own goodness,
connecting us with grace and cheer,
all time zones made as one.
For my dear poet friend, Sally A. Bayan
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 3.9k
Solar Wind
This was true news today:

"A gigantic hole in the sun's atmosphere has opened up
and it is spewing solar wind toward Earth."

"Earth could be inside the solar wind stream for days."

It got me thinking:

What about the solar wind stream
of your mind, blowing poems down to me
from way up North?

Bright lights in my brain are set off
as I do my best to match
your inspired words.
(The part in quotes really is true news.)
Thank you,
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 2.8k
Gentle Blue Giant
My neighbor's fine husband is home.
Whirring and hissing to a stop,
like some fairy tale benevolent monster,
his huge, unhitched truck cab
shudders and roars one more time
before being subdued.

Wearing this magnificent blue color
subtle enough for an evening gown,
it dwarfs the silver pickup
parked in front of it.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
New Moon, Autumn
Across town, a train whistle sounds
and I drift away again.

Early morning sleep,
healing a delicate heart.

Several states over, my best friend
begins her day, so much
goodness given,
and always.

The challenge in this season
is to find the fullness
in emptiness.
The fullness of emptiness is a concept in the Vedic wisdom of life....
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 906
Revering all holy vessels
manifest and blessed
may this heart
held inside us
Divine Light
May this heart
held inside us
learn to become
a chalice
our own
unconditional love
For all of our dear ones facing illness, and for all of us wishing
to offer the best of ourselves.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 529
For You, Charlotte
When a newborn princess was
given your name, I smiled to myself,
"This child is in good company!"

On this warm October day,
fruition of good season
is in evidence all around us.

It is here with us in you,
dear Charlotte.

Raising sons, raising daughters
learning, teaching, first these
children, now their children,
and so many, many more.

Compassion and tolerance
find a rare and special home
in you, dear Charlotte.

My best friend's mother,
your deep wisdom,
lovely devotion to God,
bloom all around you.

Nourishing me so profoundly
these many, fortunate years
with your radiant, steady love.

Today is your day, Charlotte,
and wherever we are
we celebrate you!

Our hearts are made wiser
kinder, and stronger, by
all that you teach
simply being
dear Charlotte.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 855
Smiling In My Sleep
In meditation it happens
quite often
finding its way
into an
unconscious smile.

Smiling in my sleep
begins with you
and your
lovely kindness
finding me somewhere
in my unexpecting
grateful day.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 2.3k
Thousand-Petaled Lotus
A collaboration between Elisa Maria Argiro and SG Holter.*

Dear feather. You fell on my heart.
I keep you on my person now; pocket held;
An eternal companion.
As beautiful as you, I remind my
Thoughts to be.
I wake up as Buddha every day.                  
Peace is the corner stone of my breathing.

Dear Last Crescent Moon,
adorning Lord Shiva's brow,
smiling toward Morning Star
enjoying her sweet presence
in clearest predawn light.
She smiles too, drifting into feathery sleep.

Birdless flight, unclenched, un-
Clung to.
With this dew drop in my palm
I need no ocean to swim in.
How can Life's castle, with its wars and
Tragedies, hide within its
Towers of                                                          
Nois­e such quiet chambers?
Paper sails, bamboo, emerald waters.
Single feathers rest even when

From your outstretched palm,
sweet taste of morning touches
my tongue, oceanic dew drop
sharing itself across floating time.
An offering holding the last shining
starlight of this new morning. Drifting
now through limitless space,
finding words in our common language
on your yellow paper sails, we gaze down
from these towers of our ancient dreams,
emerald water below us waiting to catch
the falling feather.

Dear insight.
Light as the wind itself, you
Floated; fell on my heart.
Merged with heavy memories
Like paper balloons rising;
Tsunami of kamifusen
Render my whole being
Third-Eye-Hindsight sees me
Remembering nothing with
One or a hundred lifetimes
Finally now,
Even waking hours feel like

Dear Wisdom, Guardian Planet,
Buddha's radiance shining.
Thousand-Petaled Lotus
is now your own effulgent mind.
Smiling, eyes closed, feeling the
glowing kamifusen of magenta,
scarlet, turquoise, and yellow
floating above us,
we swim so deeply, diving down
into these warm emerald waters,
winking at the luminous fishes
dreaming all around us.
Copyrighted by ©SG Holter and ©Elisa Maria Argiro 
(as a collaborative poem)
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
Deep River
the river
that flows
between us
flows everywhere
at once

our internal words,
warmed by
held for so long
are all at once
sent flying
into the open air

making a splashdown
landing into this  
deep old river,
we hear the words
in our unknown voices
for the very first time

all that we know of each other
is waiting now to be heard

as if this river was a room
and this book that does not yet exist
was open on the table beside us
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 2.2k
Lake Time
Clouds this morning
ridged like
very fine
in the clear
shallow water
a very old lake
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 546
*~ Tattva Dipam ~*
Holy Light


Light of Absolute

Embrace us

Keep us

Keep us
Your Love

Keep us

Light of Absolute

We Shine On

Holy Light
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 7.3k
Sound of Sunlight
When the air
is brightened
by a visit

It welcomes
this new

Abiding in
its own
sweetly deep

This sunlight
has its own
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 657
Ancient offering
of holy cloth,

Enfold me
in tradition.

Wrap me
in your light.

Hold me
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
A young pandit
with infinity
in his eyes

When I ask
if I may pour
the holy prasad
into the roots
of the sacred
Peepal tree

The heart-shaped
leaves dance
as I approach
silk sari

They dance
all is bliss
to the devas
of this lovely tree
"'Prasad' literally means a gracious gift. It denotes anything, typically an edible food, that is first offered to a deity, saint, Perfect Master or an avatar, and then distributed in His or Her name to their followers or others as a good sign. The prasad is then considered to have the deity's blessing residing within it." - Wikipedia
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
Born Into The Sea
I am thinking about newly-hatched sea turtles,
and about how perfectly formed they are.

And about how, with independent instinct,
they head straight for the open ocean.

In our dream worlds,
where convention holds no sway,
we do the same.

Left to our own unencumbered instincts,
and when we are rested and happy,
we make choices that nourish our souls,
and the souls of those around us.

Finding a point of origin,
and finding where we belong,
are two sides of the selfsame coin.

Trundling into the sea of our own authenticity
may seem too simple, lacking in choice.

It is our bravest, most definitive act.

As vital to our real survival,
as to those tiny beings,
who innocently do as they must.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 628
As perfect as a child's drawing,
a snowy mountain framed by
equally sloping, emerald foothills.

Only six chalets,
and soft-eyed cows meander,
their hand-hammered bells
the only sound.

It is early evening,
and a young family visits
the alpine botanical garden
in the center of the valley.

As the light fades,
the father crouches down
to photograph the hidden
worlds of these tiny flowers.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 658
Afternoon Sunlight
Vines of sound wind around my heart.
Wind of distant passion blows in
a changeable east wind.

Take me with you
to your interior landscape,
and I promise to ask no questions.

Shadows of late afternoon sunlight
tremble silently on the wall beside us,
listening to the battling of my heart.

Time and again
I have been undone by you.

Zeus himself stands by, admiring
your tricky disguises.

The simpler and more transparent
the convincing illusion
that you are some other man,
the more dangerous
the dissembling.

It is always you.
Always will be you.

And this will happen again
as it is happening now.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Oct 2015 · 2.6k
Heart of a Sadhvi
Many mornings now,
as day opens its sky eyes
to early sunlight,

Silence pervades all that I am,
or might ever want to be.

Speaking is natural, and life goes on,
but for the tug on my heart,
to go deeper, ever deeper
into the ocean of silence.

Ancient lands of my ancestry
are calling me
to come home now
be near the sea.

My own sea, salty and blue,
red rocks plunging
into stormy union
with ultramarine.

Be that I was selkie, I was mermaid,
I know these places where I lived and loved,
breathing underwater in perfect, silent freedom.

Perfection, a sidhi,
might be,
to live as a sadhvi selkie.

Knowing timelessness
through ancient, silent wisdom,
feeling, loving, living
and swimming in unboundedness.
A sadhvi("good woman") is the feminine counterpart of a sadhu("good man") , seeking moksha, enlightenment through the path of renunciation. Most sadhus are yogis; not all yogis are sadhus.
(Thank you, Wikipedia, for giving me a place to check my facts.)
Sidhi, is Sanskrit for a perfected ability, be it compassion
or yogic flying.
See the Yoga Sutras of Patajali for more on this beautiful subject.

©Elisa Maria Argiro
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