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Dec 2017 · 535
Silly Girl
Anomaly Dec 2017
But that’s how they do it, you know?
He gives you all this love and attention, feeds you with hugs and kisses,
makes you feel like there is no other man who could possibly love you more
than him.
Till you give him everything you have,
Everything you own,
Everything you are.  
Then he takes advantage of you.
He uses you.
Cause he knows you can’t leave.
You pour your heart into his hands
And in the end,
he just lets it slip away like sand
between his fingers.
He doesn’t care about you, silly girl.
Nov 2017 · 357
Anomaly Nov 2017
Words are  
Nothing more
Than empty air
Flowing in the wind
From mouth to ear.
Nov 2017 · 632
Rainbow Eyes
Anomaly Nov 2017
I said I love you
And believe me,
Those words were true.
Baby, I saw rainbows in your eyes.
But why is everything now so blue?
Oct 2017 · 514
Lessons Of life
Anomaly Oct 2017
The day you hurt me
Was the day I realised
Life wasn’t all flowers and sunshine.
It wasn’t only the day
I learned how to hurt,
But how to live with the hurt,
And I thank you for it.
For making me the strong woman
I am today.
For making me,
Because of you
I am able to tell my self
That I deserve more.
To all who hurt me during my journey of finding myself, I thank you.
Oct 2017 · 579
Anomaly Oct 2017
And even though they told us
We wouldn’t survive,
My heart was beating too loud
To hear their lies.
For you see,
we’re soulmates after all,
Both you and I.
No matter what they said, we didn’t believe them. And now look at us, stronger than ever. I love you my sweetheart
Oct 2017 · 579
Anomaly Oct 2017
I now know why you left me.
You like to be in control,
But you realised
My flames could not be tamed.
I was a fiery soul,
A force to be reckoned with
And you couldn’t handle me.
Can’t you just accept me, for me?
Oct 2017 · 635
A Light To Call Home
Anomaly Oct 2017
If you feel like
You can’t live another day
Cause the path you’re walking
Has faded to grey,
I will leave you a light on
To help guide your way.

But if the light starts to fade again
And you’re stuck wondering
“Is this the end?”
I’ll call out your name
And grab you by the hand
As we walk through the darkness
into neverland.

Believe me my friend,
This isn’t the end
And I will stay by your side
Until your light shines bright again.
Oct 2017 · 622
Dealing With Depression
Anomaly Oct 2017
Today I laid in bed a total of 7 more minutes than I should have
before rushing to get ready for work.
I let that sinking feeling pull me under.
Drowning in my own bed,
No thoughts actually running through my head,
Just a mind numbing realisation that I’ll have to get up at some point.  
But I just laid there.
No emotion on my face.
Eyes glued to the ceiling
Blinking every 4 seconds,
Before letting out a long sigh
as if my soul had been sent back to me.
Then i caried on with the day as normal.
This is just a small section of what it’s like waking up for a person with depression. There are many people in the world who suffer with such an extreme depression that they can’t actually gather the mental strength to get out of bed. I believe that this issue should be recognised world wide. Thank you for reading x
Sep 2017 · 1.4k
Photo Frames
Anomaly Sep 2017
I covered my wall with old photos
So that when I lay alone at night
I’m not

Thinking it would fill
That empty void in my heart.
That black hole.
But rather,
It just added more fuel to the flames.  
That burning desire
To not

But I can’t help it.
Loneliness comes naturally to me.
As If it were in my DNA.
My veins.

I separate myself from everyone else.
The only friends I have now
Are the face of those plastered on my wall.
The greatest joke of them all;
As if I could fool myself into thinking
That those faces could comfort this lonely soul.
To the photos which hold my dearest memories. Those unforgettable moments. Long gone but still here in my heart.
Sep 2017 · 409
Stranger to myself
Anomaly Sep 2017
As far as the eyes can see,
there is nothing wrong with me.
They cannot see my broken heart,
or my wounded soul.
They cannot see this little girl
lost inside her own home.

- Stranger in this human shell
Sep 2017 · 441
Anomaly Sep 2017
All these tears I've wept,
the secrets I've kept,
the nights I haven't slept.
For myself, I cannot accept.

- self-esteem dreams
Sep 2017 · 477
I'm okay, I promise
Anomaly Sep 2017
I go to sleep tired
and wake up exhausted.
But I still carry on each day as normal
and pretend that I'm okay,
so you don't have to feel this way.

- Keeping to myself to protect all else
Sep 2017 · 380
Anomaly Sep 2017
People tell us when we're wrong,
point out our flaws,
make us feel un-normal.
But what is right?
What is normal?
All this- this hatred... and what for?

- Can't we just help one another?
Sep 2017 · 407
Why? Just why...
Anomaly Sep 2017
Stood 6ft away from the closing door, she fell to her knees as she cried on the floor.

"Why does he not want me anymore? Am I no good? Was I a bore?"

Once the tears stopped evading her bloodshot eyes, she reached into a draw and pulled out a knife.

The same knife she'd been using for many of years to draw pretty little pictures with her blood stained tears.

Patterns of the saddest beauty covered her arms and thighs, but she hides them with her perfect lies.

She tells those who ask about the marks on her body that "They were simply just accidents, end of story."

In her life people come and people go, so she thought everyone didn't need to know.

She kept all the pain deep inside.
Until the one person she loved, lied.

Now he's gone and left her for good. So she's just left on the floor crying, feeling unloved and misunderstood.
Sep 2017 · 427
Left For Dead
Anomaly Sep 2017
Thinking of you as these tears fall from my eyes,
No longer able to wear this beautiful disguise.
For you have shattered every part of me with your innocent lies.
Did you ever love me? Want me? Need me? Crave me as much as I crave you?
Just the feeling of your fingers,
Or the whisper of your words.
Missing every inch of you as though you were my treasure,
But now your feelings have changed and you've moved on like the weather.
Leaving me
and broken.
Now I'm left to forget the words that you had once spoken.

- I'm here, you're there

— The End —