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869 · Oct 2024
Polaroid memory
Ejiro Oct 2024
I used to have a camera back then
A polaroid camera
It was a small, aqua blue camera that also had a camera bag
And during the last day of school in 8th grade
I brought it to take pictures with my friends
I didn’t want to be in the photos though
Just want to create memories with every flash sound that came from the camera
All my friends will do silly poses as I count
And when I press the button
it will then create a flashback
that my friends can look back on in the future
when time went on other people that were in other friend groups would ask
“Can you take a pic of me and my friends”
And I nod my head signaling yes
I was seen as a photographer that last day of 8th grade
And I loved it
Because every photo
Will create a smile on their faces
That same smile will then appear again when they take that pic home with them
Who knows what they will do with the picture
Put on the wall
Put it in a time capsule
Or maybe in a drawer filled with *******
But I know that one day
They’ll look back at it in a couple of years
And a flashback will flow into their head
It will make them feel as if they went back in time
and see their younger self with a silly pose
with their friends around them as I count to
822 · Nov 2024
A match to my heart
Ejiro Nov 2024
I’ll lit a match
and place the flame to my chest
so, when my skin burns
my weeping flesh rots
and my bones melt
you can take a small peek into my
and see how much my heart beats
when I’m around you
because I would rather show you how much you affect me entirely
than just say it with my chivalry words
590 · Oct 2024
A letter to my youth
Ejiro Oct 2024
Keep your soft soul
it’s very delicate and pure
Stay gentle with yourself so you don’t feel pain when going through guilt
Remain kind to people who have done you right in life
And most importantly
don’t let the ugly truth of the future
make you feel bitter in the present

For I have discovered how our future looks and now my eyes feel deceived
590 · Nov 2024
The “best” revenge
Ejiro Nov 2024
Their is no just thing as
the “best” revenge
same thing goes for the “worst” revenge
revenge is still revenge
All we can do is hope that we don’t become the person who has brought damage upon during the past or present
So instead of relying on revenge to do us justice
let karma do it’s work for you
revenge doesn’t equal karma
466 · Oct 2024
What we wanted
Ejiro Oct 2024
I wanted to be an astronaut
You wanted to be dead
But in the end
I ended up deep underground
Away from the earth’s surface
While you became a star in the night sky
Becoming one with the universe
I can’t reach to you from where I lay
But I know that you’ve look down at me
with the cosmos on your shoulders

You lived my dream
And I became your destiny
459 · Nov 2024
Ejiro Nov 2024
I belong in a genre
A genre called “humankind”
I hate it
It makes me want to tear my skin apart
and rip out my flesh and bones
And let my blood flow down like a waterfall
The “humankind” is like poison
We infect ourselves and everyone around us in our day to day lives
I don't want to be apart of this “humankind”
And I do not wish for you to see me as one of them
For I would rather be a walking corpse instead
Misanthropy - a dislike for the human kind
395 · Dec 2024
Siren compass
Ejiro Dec 2024
The waves are angry
but I shall not succumb to its wrath
the tides that interlock swing their fist
towards my direction
I reach my arms out to them
embracing every droplet of fury upon me
the wind currents are spinning in spirals
my venerable ship coughs out anguish
the old ship that once carried so many
cannot bear the feet of one soul on its wooden surface
I can hear the storms rumbling up in the heavens
hungry for my defeat
grasping onto the wheel I try to parallel
the waves take notice and leash their final attack
with one big push my ship shows mercy
but I didn't surrender
the ship starts to crumble in milliseconds
and the waves captures me in their hands
sinking me down below
my breath starts to wither away
my eyes began to drift into slumber
until I felt something take my hand
with little energy in my body I try to pinpoint who was trying to rise me to the surface
their hand felt like a sponge against mine
torso was covered with blue and green scales shimmering in a twilight zone
their long tail flapped up and down
before I could even see what their face looked like up close
I start to hear a aroma sound coming from them
the toon of a lullaby that can put you to sleep forever
it was bittersweet
minutes later I was brought to the surface
gasping for as much air as I could get
I look at my surroundings
for some reason I was back at the start
the peninsula that started my journey is where I was brought back
the sand sizzle on my skin
by putting myself back on my feet
I walk back to the waves
hoping I can find my savior
or they will reveal themselves to me
but that never occurred

now I’m drawn back to the peninsula
waiting for a sign
I continue searching for them in the waves
within my line of sight
the bittersweet sound still rings in my head
every day and every night
Ejiro Nov 2024
Nature is not your ally
she has nothing to do with one person’s actions or feelings
she didn’t ask for your permission
or rather yet your opinion
whether you love her flaws or not
you have to accept what she does
and that also concludes her final decision
for what she wants to become next
311 · Oct 2024
Ejiro Oct 2024
“What are we?” I asked her
“we’re something” she said as she holds my hand tightly
The next day at school, I see her again
She was holding her boyfriend’s hand in the hallway
I turned around and walked away, before she saw me
Now I know the truth
We weren’t something; we’re nothing
Ejiro Oct 2024
it was either during middle school or junior high school
honestly, I can't remember
my English teacher told us to write a poem
didn't matter if it was long as a railroad station
or short as a pathway shortcut
"Just write" she said
she gives me a piece of paper and pencil
and told me a few examples that I can use for my first poem
but one example sparked my interest
"You can write about your favorite color" she said
so, with that in mind I start to begin writing
I wrote about the color blue
and things that have that color in it:
the sky
ocean waves
blueberry muffins
blue jays
sadness and sorrow
depression and numbness
the pain of being found guilty
the feeling of emptiness
being left alone
and showing signs of loneliness

I went on and on until my fragile hand started to cramp
but when I reached the end of my poem
I realized something very peculiar
blue wasn't my favorite color
yet I had presented blue in a way far more than just a “primary” color
When I submitted it to my teacher
she said that she loved it and gave me a good grade
later, when I got my paper back
I reread it a few times
crumbled it up to a ball
and chucked it into the nearest trash can
hoping that no one would find it
Now that I've gotten older
blue is one of my favorite colors now
284 · Nov 2024
Ejiro Nov 2024
every time I passed you in the hallways
and we lock eyes together
my pupils will grow bigger ten times more
but your pupils will stay the same
now when I bump into you
my pupils will dilate a bit
but your pupils will stay the same
before I was blinded with delusion
and now I finally snapped back into reality
I found out who you really are
so, when we met again
my pupils will shrink ten times more
but your pupils will stay the same
278 · Jan 4
Cupid’s next targets
Ejiro Jan 4
everything was set into place just like I planned
I found myself the perfect spot to hit my targets
without them noticing me from a higher up distance
I can’t be seen though or I’ll blow my cover  
from afar there are two people in a isolated area
a great place for me to carry out this lovely mission
without any witnesses interfering
I take my “bow” out of my suitcase and start to reload my “arrows”
I line up my first shot to the first person’s frontal lobe
with one push of the trigger
my love magic pierced through one of them with ease
the other screamed in a great terror
but don’t worry they’ll meet up with them soon
as I quickly reload my “arrow” I see them run away in fright
they try to signal for help but I can’t let that happen
with a quick shot my love magic went through the back of their head
now both of their souls can finally interact in another life
“did you carry out the job “ my boss said through my walkie talkie
“affirmative sir” I replied
with each mission I carry out I do it with love
even if it ends with me being on the wanted posters
I felt like writing about Cupid but without the part of them “making people fall in love with a bow and arrow”
242 · Nov 2024
The shadow within me
Ejiro Nov 2024
Every person has a shadow
that lingers onto them when they are born
my shadow is a part of me
but I am not a part of her
she is connected to me
like a thorn to my hip
watching every move I make
when the sun appears again
when she sees all my emotions played out in her presence
she stands there and watches carefully
no words to be said
zero actions being made
not a single expression within her

Me and her are two separate beings
I feel everything that is around me
and react to it either in a positive
or negative response
but when it comes to her
she doesn't acknowledge anything at all
she doesn't care what's happening during certain times of
our life
she doesn't react to what is around her
When she is with me
I sometimes wish to become her
but I know for a fact she doesn't wish to be
240 · Oct 2024
Dreaming for this reality
Ejiro Oct 2024
I’ll walk to your house
At the middle of the night
With a ladder in my hand
When I reached to your window
I’ll set the ladder down gently
And crawl up to your window
I’ll knock on your window shield
And wait until I see a light turned on

I’ll see you open the window
And I’ll get to your angelic face
As I sit on the side of your window
I’ll watch you talk for hours on everything
You’ll tell me about your day
Your friends who you love dearly
How much you hate your family dinners
And tell me about moving away from here
And I’ll try to think of what to say to you that wouldn’t sound embarrassing
We’ll stay with our eyes locked on for each other
You reached your face closer to mine and I’ll do the same with my eyes closed

Until I hear a knock on your bedroom door
You’ll quickly off your lights
And I’ll quickly position myself to crawl down from the window
But before I head down
You’ll tell me to perk my head up
Before I could even say “why?”
you’ll kiss my forehead
And tell me goodbye

I’ll crawl down the ladder
And when I reach the ground
I’ll make a run for it  
Running with the smile you gave me that angelic night
I wish we could’ve made this our reality
But for now I’ll just dream of it
238 · Oct 2024
I am a liar
Ejiro Oct 2024
I am a liar
a pathological liar to be exact
you can perceive me in many ways, shapes, or forms
but in the end of the day
the way you view me will just be simple act
that I have created just to make you put your trust in me

I can say that I'm an "angel at heart"
but unfortunately for you
I can make you see the world as an ongoing hell
were the people that you love are just two - face demons that want you to forever rot in everlasting eternity
and I'll be the angel to save you (blind you) from those two - face demons

I can also say that "I can never hurt a fly"
but if you were a hopeless fly fluttering around my line of sight
I can easily trap you inside a jar
or cocoon you inside my hands
or maybe I'll just squish you slowly with *******
then I'll make you perceive it as a home(prison) for now on

For I am a liar
and you will find out eventually
so, if you were to sit me down and ask me
"Why would you put these lies in my head"
I would say
"Because why not"
everyone is a liar, but some liars can deceive more than others
220 · Dec 2024
274 days of redemption
Ejiro Dec 2024
For 274 days I have been sober
throughout those days
zero painkillers have touched my tongue
but every so often I would have my urges
but I’ll continue to resist them until I perish
on the first day of being clean
I failed
and relapsed over and over again
I couldn’t stop myself
the idea of my brain shutting off
was my mission to complete
I’ll take them in my room
with the door locked shut
and take them in the school bathrooms when I know that no one was in the stalls
it was a time loop that never ends
never stops
but always repeats
until that changed eventually
on one of the days my counselor found out
then my mom found out
and then a hospital found out
those days felt miserable
questions were thrown at me
from different faces with same expressions
and all I could do was mumble my words
trying to hold my tears as I tilt my head to the ground in shame
after the “visit” I made a oath to myself
that’ll I’ll become sober
it’s been 9 months for me now
I don’t have these urges anymore
but I still had second thoughts
on random nights
I’ll look up at my ceiling
fantasizing about taking the whole bottle
and putting myself at rest
letting my body become numb
while my mind roams free
until that feeling fades away slowly
now I look up at my future
knowing I have gotten this far now
I won’t let myself go into another time loop
that never stops
never ends
I promise
I’ve been addicted to painkillers for 3 years, sometimes I’ll take them to ease my mind and sometimes I’ll take them to surrender myself to the afterlife (but I’ll end up failing every time) but I have been sober for 9 months now and I’m glad that I stopped
Ejiro Nov 2024
The mother was a dreamer
she dreamed of a future for her daughter to uphold
she dreamed of a reality so pure and bright
that she herself was blinded at times
but her daughter didn’t dream of this
all she wanted to do was sleep
she wished to put herself to rest
so, her eyes could never be open
but shut closed
the mother dreamed for the moon to be her daughter's guide
and for the sun to be her guardian  
but the daughter did not want to see the moon or sun from above
she closes her eyes quickly every time their aura glances to her face
the mother wanted the best for her daughter
and the daughter wanted the worst thing to ever happened to her when she rests her head on the cold lifeless pillow
and that is to never wake up again
but the mother didn’t know that her daughter dreamt of that
for she was too busy daydreaming about a life her daughter and her can live with many years to come
but one day her daughter’s dream became true
and as the mother rest her head on the coffin she weeps and cries
with tears of disbelief
she shouts to sun and the moon
“Why can’t we dream forever but we can choose to sleep forever”

As time passes the mother’s dreams start to fade
and she too wanted to sleep
209 · Dec 2024
Little astronaut
Ejiro Dec 2024
“Why am I here?”
I asked myself that over and over again
as my body floats in space
the outer layer of the atmosphere is so dense I can feel the surface rub against my helmet
my body is light as a feather
I can hear my bones rattling with one another within my body
when I was standing on the earth’s crust
I can see the stars at the night sky
if I where to look hard enough I can see constellations dancing and embracing themselves with glee
now I’m up above with them
but the constellations do not applaud for my arrival
they just shimmer until they turn dull
so I dance with the void instead

for a while my brain feels quiet
a constant low ringing in my ear
I couldn’t tell if I was just imagining it
or my ears were in shock from realizing how quiet the universe is when you only known sound from I’m from
I snap my brain back into reality
remembering what I must do
I look at my surroundings
at first all I saw was nothing
but then I see a gray sphere a distance away
it was the moon
spinning in rotation
impersonating a ballerina in a huge ballroom filled with mirrors
I paddle my feet to its location
setting my feet in its dry surface
“mission complete” I told myself

I sit down with my legs crossed
observing what’s around me for the final time
I can sense the earth mourning my name
begging me to come home
I put my hand out in a cup-like position
where I can see the earth within my fingertips
then I finally realized
the earth can give you so many questions
but the stars give you theories
206 · Nov 2024
Tear burns
Ejiro Nov 2024
Crying *****
but waiting to cry is the worse
my eyes will water up so quickly
and my mind will force me to wait
till my tears pour down my face
it’s like when you’re a little kid
and you’re watching the bubbles
rising up from the bathtub
and you’re just waiting for the bubbles to hit your chin and pop
But now when I try to contain myself
hold in my tears so they won’t explode
I can feel the tears wrapping around my lungs
strangling my throat tightly enough
so I can’t gasp for air
and even if I were to hold them in
for the entire day
When I finally reach to my bed
the tears will flow down my pillow
down to my bed sheets
then it’ll reach the floor
and my tears will fill up my room
slowly until it reaches my chin
but there is no bubbles when it happens
so I won’t hear a pop sound
but the sound of agony will echo
around my room
like a drained symphony

The worst part of crying in your bed
is not waking up seeing tears stains on your newly soaked up pillow
but rather going to the nearest mirror
and seeing tear burns appear again
when you thought they were gone for good
Ejiro Jan 12
I don’t speak nor do I cry
yet I shall scream of utter silence throughout the night
with every glance that comes my direction
I play my role and ****** their souls without hesitation
I satisfy my hunger on the stolen years I have taken from you
so do not stare upon me with those faltering eyes
or listen to my prayer filled with lies
the beauty that is wrapped around my stone skin
has a malicious soul that you don’t want to admire
I prefer to stand alone with my cracked wings by my side
my hands in place for a testimony that I shall never bide
but if you choose to ignore my warnings
you’ll become like the rest of them
being one with the pile of statues with no hearts beating inside
so for the sake of you not losing your future
guard your sight while I move through time with pace
or I’ll catch you when you’re unaware
with my gentle touch tearing your pleads for help
Forgiveness is not heard from the stones that weep for loneliness
191 · Oct 2024
A dimmed performance
Ejiro Oct 2024
Picture this:
Let’s say you’re a shy actor but not in movies but in theatre
And you’re ready to blow people’s minds with a performance that you have planned for the longest of times
But you’re scared of looking at people in the eye; especially an audience like this
So, your mind tells you to go up there on stage and give it your all
But when you step your foot out of the curtain you can feel the presence of a thousand eyes now locked in
You go into the center of the stage with your head glued to the wooden floorboards and before you take a breath in you start to have an idea
“Just close your eyes during your performance and open them when you’re done” that’s what your mind said
And you did just that
With both of your eyes closed shut
You began to perform your greatest talent that is filled with love and excellence
Or that’s what you at least thought
After you are done you open your eyes slowly starting to feel better about yourself
You raised your head
But in your surprise, there was no one to be seen
All the seats were empty
The doors are all closed
No voices or applause or chanting or cheering coming your direction
The entire atmosphere was dull and quiet
In fact, the spotlight that was right above when you first went onto the stage was gone
So, you’re left in darkness in the theatre
You felt confused and astonished because you knew that during the middle of your performance you could hear voices of different people coming your way but now that you opened your eyes fully all the voices stopped
Your body is telling you to get out of the stage, but you couldn’t
it was if your mind has shifted with the voices into the abyss
So now you’re frozen
Can’t move
Can’t act
Can’t dance
Can’t perform
tears running down your face as you stand still with your head glued onto the wooden floorboards again
And during this moment in this very quiet scenery the only sound that you can hear was your tears colliding onto the ground
This time was different because your eyes are open and not shut
You start to regain your movement again after being frozen and wipe away your tears
Starting to think about what to do next
Should you walk away from the stage and leave or look for where the audience left to
You couldn’t decide
Your mind has abandoned you
But for a second you started to feel something strong
It was your heart
And now your heart is telling you to just keep on performing but this time with your eyes open
And for a second you thought it was stupid and unnecessary for the situation you’re in, but you decided to go for it just for fun
You did a whole redo of a performance last time with your eyes open and not glued to the ground
And even though it was dark and empty from where you are you felt warmth approaching your way
And then 5 seconds later you see someone open the door and without thinking you begin to feel whole again
I wrote this in my note's app a few months ago
Ejiro Jan 7
the engine hums for the call of the small constellations
that twinkle when catching their gaze up above
the lone biker chased the fading road with no warning signs
which is an endless line where time intertwines
both delicate and cruel to unravel
through the shadows that creep in the darkness
memories start to stir in a spiral motion
the old withered echoes whispered in soft voice
sounds of laughter, love, dreams that where once bold
have now became fragments of a folk story being told before
the throttle twists tightly in disgust
leaving the tires to burn with smoke rising
a path started to appear soon ahead
and with an uncertain turn the lone biker rides through hours
that blur and blend within a mixture
a journey past leaving a road to mend
with each mile questions began to float in the air
questions of who they are
and who’ll be there waiting for them
the past was a weight that for sure can’t be shed
and yet forward pulls where souls are lead
the silence sings of battles fought
where moments are lost and lessons taught
the future was a road to the unknown
but with each rev there was a realization that they aren’t alone
in the rhythm of the ride
they soon find a solace in the shifting winds
the past was a map of twist and turns
and so the future awaits as they return
185 · Nov 2024
Strangers who once collided
Ejiro Nov 2024
Do you remember the first time we met?
you probably haven’t but that’s alright
before we were strangers
we didn’t know anything about each other
and yet we lived in two separate worlds
It’s only when we started to have quick glances at each other when we crossed paths
is when our worlds collided into one big universe
first it was quick glances
then holding eye contact for a while
to then small talk that’ll last for a few minutes
and then finally we started walking the same direction and talking about anything that can keep us entertained for one another
but now we started to grow distant
and I really don’t know why
we used to be on the same path
but now we’re forced to take different directions
we still take quick glances at each other still
but I feel as our universe is starting to separate over time
and the only thing left now
is a nebula
and a supernova
183 · Nov 2024
Ejiro Nov 2024
We are all anomalies
but we deceive ourselves to make us believe we are just human beings
we are placed in a society that has no moral
and we as individuals have a task to fulfill
and that is to figure out
what makes us human or rather yet what makes us feel “alive”
I consider myself a anomaly at times
when amongst my peers
but sometimes I question myself
because I don’t think I have a task
but rather a vision
Ejiro Jan 10
When I heard you ripping off the wrapping paper keeping me hostage
I knew you were just as excited as me
when I saw you for the first time there was a big smile on your face
and so every day when you come back from school you’ll take me out of the toy box and we’ll go on our little adventures until the sun sets
those were times I could never forget
when you dress me up as a pirate and made me go down the slide with you while you screamed “AARRRR!!!”
when you would dress me up in little outfits
to match what you’re wearing almost everyday day
and I still remember those nights when you would read stories about fantasies and superheroes until you doze off to sleep
with me right next to you
hoping that no nightmares disturb your precious dreams
back then I see those as memories of nostalgia
but when you got older you started acting strangely off
it was as if one day you were leaving the door to go to school
and suddenly the next day your replacing almost everything that looked “childish”
but that didn’t bother me at all
when you replaced every inch of your wall with band posters
removing all your clothes that were filled with color to colors that represent the meaning of shallow
to taking out every toy and putting unfinished homework that you’ll never touch ever again
even those nights that I thought were still in our schedule for bedtime stories are now replaced with nights of you taking pieces of your unfinished homework, putting a weird substance on top of it, rolling it up and smoking it outside the window
the smell disturbed me and left the little remnants on my fur overalls
and on some days your parents who would yell at you when catching you do it out of sight
which led to you slamming the door on them multiple times
before I would watch this all this happen on the corner of your bed
but now you changed my location to where I am now next to the night lamp you don’t use any more
during this period of our lives it was like a roller coaster
until one day you slammed the door
and came back again with a sign of maturity around you
with band posters ripped off the and your secret stash thrown away
I observed you putting things away in boxes with your parents watching you with small smiles on their faces
I didn’t understand what was going on
until I saw a college paper near my line of sight
before you took off and said goodbye to your parents
you noticed me for the first time in a long time
I was collecting dust on my fur
with cobwebs piled on my buttons eyes and overalls
with the particles of that weird substance still lingering on me
you picked me up for the last time and tidied me up so I looked new
and instead of putting me the numerous of boxes you put me in a separate singular box
you carried me away and put me in a car
then we drove away for a couple hours
until we reached a new destination
you knocked on a door and a woman appeared and you guys talked for a while but before I knew it you put me in her arms and watch you leave
I finally realizing I will never be in your arms again
soon a few days past by
the woman wrapped me up in rainbow paper with a bow on it
and carried me away to a celebration of some sort
before I could question what was happening
I heard a young voice unwrapping the paper that kept me hostage again
then I saw a new face both filled with excitement and joy
and so the cycle repeats
I’ve been thinking about writing this poem all day when I was at school, but the hardest part of writing this was picking a title
176 · Dec 2024
Winter anguish
Ejiro Dec 2024
snow was falling from up the heavens
her tongue filled with snowflakes
leaving a chilly surprise in her mouth
unlike the her peers who adore this season
she despised it with all her heart
but when her peers asked “why didn’t you just stay home then?”
she couldn’t give a answer
one day she was walking in the snow
every step she made she started to whine
complaining about how the snow was pulling her down to the deeps of the earth
the cold breeze didn’t help either
slapping her face back and forth with chills
but the last thing she want to do was go back to where she escaped from
so she took a liter from her jacket
and lit a cigarette to her mouth
the smoke release from her lips gently
silencing the breeze for only a moment
she continued on her walk
when she reaches her destination
streetlights were shining like ornaments hanging on a Christmas tree
for a second she admired them
until she heard a honk sound
she enters into her taxi
then look at window with tired eyes
“So where are you going to ma’am?”
the taxi driver asked
“Somewhere warm, or maybe somewhere far away, just a place that isn’t home”
she replied with an empty smile
Ejiro Feb 19
There was cafe near my neighborhood
when I walk past it, I saw someone through the glass windows
there was a way younger version of myself
sitting at a table as she kicks her feet in the air while whistling a jolly tune
I enter inside and sit across from her
she seemed eager to see me and began to start a conversation
which only lead to her rambling on about random topics
she was a chatterbox of sorts, and I had nothing to reply
a waitress came to our table and ask what we wanted
she asked for a cup of tea while I asked for a coffee
when she came back and gave us our drinks
she blows on her tea and takes small sips since it was too hot
while I drink my coffee full
ignoring the feeling of my tongue burning
after I finished my drink,
she began to ask me numerous of questions
and over time the questions got more irritating
she asked about what we have become
and I said nothing in response
she began begging me for answers
trying to make me break out of my cocoon but I don't budge
finally in a heat of the moment
I snatched her unfinished tea and splash it on her face
it was still hot, and she began to weep and cry from the pain
other people in the cafe looked over at us with utter shock
some left their tables to comfort her
while others tried to interrogate me on why I did that
I wished I can tell them
on how much I despise my younger self so much
but I know it would be no use
so left the cafe and never step foot their ever again
and yet every time I pass that same cafe
I see her once again but with bandages on her face instead
she whistled a sluggish tune and rock her feet in the air
it looked like she seemed to be waiting for me
but now was not the time
I'm never entering that cafe ever again, but I wonder if she knows that
170 · Jan 29
Where The Harvest Begins
Ejiro Jan 29
Their is a fig tree that is pierced within me
a seed that lays still in my throat
and with every waking hour it grows
creating bittersweet leaves that leave my heart sore
and vines that wrap around my lungs,
suffocating me whenever I ponder.
And yet I am still breathing,
but it still hurts in the process.
I try to call a doctor to my aid,
but they have no antidote for me aside from prayers.
I even went to a botanist for answers,
but they just shake their heads with a sorry look in their eyes.
So I tend to the tree myself,
learning to prune its anguish and nurture its growth.
I whisper to the roots lodged in my chest,
pleading for peace instead of pain.
And slowly, as seasons shift,
the leaves soften, their bitterness fading,
the vines loosen their merciless grip.
What once strangled becomes a sanctuary
a quiet grove within my being.
The fig tree no longer harms me;
it blooms.
Its fruit tastes of resilience,
sweetness born from struggle,
and I learn to savor what I once feared
Ejiro Dec 2024
I was working all night
my body wanted to go on sleep mode
but I had to resist
soon later I get a call
I answer it and say the same thing I say every single day
“911 what’s your emergency?”
for a couple of minutes, I heard nothing
just static noise coming from the phone
I asked again hoping I get an answer
then I hear small snuffles
as if someone was crying
it was the sound of a woman on the call
“Ma’am is everything okay?” I asked
silence is all I received back
soon later I heard mumbling
“I’m tired….” she mumbles
I can still hear her snuffing
I continue to do what I am informed to do
“Is something wrong?” I asked
she stopped her snuffing and mumbling
“I don’t know anymore…. I think there is something wrong with me...” she said
I started to type on my keyboard
“do you need an ambulance or the police to come to your aid” I replied typing away in my keyboard
“I don't know... but I think I know what I need to do...” she said
I started to hear the sound of footsteps from the call
then the sound of the water was echoing through the phone line
“Ma’am where are you right now” I asked in a serious tone
“I’m at my favorite bridge... but don’t worry I’ll be in another place far better than this bridge” she said in a drained tone
I start putting the pieces together quickly
I send a ambulance and police officers on the way to her location
“ma’am whatever you're doing please resist, help is on the way” I replied with an anxious tone
sweat was running down my face
my heart was pumping in milliseconds
but all I heard was static on the other line
she then replied
“I don’t know if I need help at this point, I’m in a nightmare and I can’t wake up”
I look around the office I was in
no one was on the same shift as me
I was alone
time was ticking for me
but she thinks her time is up
with a heavy heart I said
“Is it okay if you can stay on the line with me”
she said “sure I guess…”
we stayed on the line for a while
for that time period I decided to stop acting like my profession
I start acting like her guide in beginning
then became her friend in the end
throughout our talk she told me everything
about her life, struggles, and her deep thoughts that dwell within
some of them I can relate too
we talk about our opinions about the meaning of life and death
until later I heard the sound of police sirens coming from the call
“well, I guess it’s no use to jump huh, you know I liked our talk, it’s nice to know someone out there who cares” she said softly
I got informed that they removed her out of the bridge safety and took her somewhere safe
the phone line went off after that
I look at the time
its midnight still
before I could even take a sigh of relief
I get another call
I answer and say the same thing I say every single day
“911 what’s your emergency?”
This is meant to be the perspective of 911 dispatcher
(I might make another poem that is on the perspective of the person who made the call)
160 · Nov 2024
Memory cards
Ejiro Nov 2024
One day our memories
will either become heartwarming photos
placed in gallery walls
were we can just admire them
for all of eternity
or they can become rotten pages
stuck in the back of our heads
slowly decaying away
never to be seen again
Wherever you put your memories
is up to you
Ejiro Dec 2024
I wake up at 5:03
I want to sleep for a couple more minutes
but I don’t want my alarm to continue screaming at me
I brush my teeth, shower, and stare at my closet
contemplating what to wear today
I decided to dress like a nuisance
I go downstairs trying not to trip and fall
ditching breakfast along the way
almost missing the bus
I save my seat quickly
I put my earphones in and put my volume up to block the noises coming from the couple behind me making out
so I can only hear my music instead
when I arrive at school
a moment of realization hits me
“I forgot to take my meds” I thought

my first 5 classes are bland
and when lunch came I sat with my friends
in the lunch table we were at
to my left I see one of my friends with their ****** boyfriend
spreading their pda all over the table
to my right my other friend was talking to a few nobodies
my last friend had to go to detention because they can’t go one day without being a trouble maker
I was sitting in between
I made up a lie saying “I had to go to a school club” but in reality I just need to clear my head
I went to the library and drift to sleep on a book
but then I got awoken by the Liberian saying lunch has ended
it’s fine though
I didn’t want to eat lunch anyways

When I went to my 6th classes
the geometry teacher hands out a test
before I was really good at geometry
Trigonometry and Pythagorean felt like cartwheels in my brain
but now I just sink my head on my desk
counting down the seconds till the bell rings
when I reach to my last class which was Spanish class
it’s silent and calm
I prefer it that way
so I just memorize Spanish words till the day ends
when I’m the bus ride home
I picked up a book that I “borrowed” from my backpack
it was a poetry book and I read it till my bus stop came

when I got home
I immediately ran upstairs and went to my room
pouring out my tears on my pillow till my eyes felt puffy
then I drift to sleep
but then when night finally came
I was awoken by the sound of my mom and dad
they were arguing again
this was normal
their voices were sword fighting on who gets the last word
their argument awoken everyone else in the family
me, my grandma, my sis, and my grandpa look down from upstairs
watching two people **** each other with words of resentment

I go back to my room
locking my door and rest on my bed
staring at the ceiling
I put my earphones on
blast the volume up so the music can sing into my eardrums
then I daydream into the unknown
152 · Nov 2024
Womanhood scares me
Ejiro Nov 2024
Even though I am currently 15 years old
In my head I feel like I have already fulfilled my childhood
I had the "birds and bees" talk
before I could even learn how to tie my shoelaces correctly
My parents made me learn several things
to help me face the real-world challenges like taxes and bills
before I could even know the difference between
a fraction and a decimal
I have also learned how certain people in society view woman
in a disgusting and draining point of view
so, when I finally got my period
and my mother said "I'm finally becoming a woman"
I felt like my intestines was swirling inside my stomach
so ever since then
when I wake up in the morning and see myself through a reflection
I can sense changes flowing through my body
and it terrifies me to the fullest extent
but I know that I can't stop it
Aside from my body changing over time
my mind has also changed a little bit
before I saw the world in pastel colors
even though I knew the true intentions
of what our world is becoming from which we stand on
but now I see the world with cracked lenses
but my perspective of society is becoming clearer and distraught
I know that I'm young
and if you were to compare me with the people
I hang out with before and after
you would probably think to yourself
"Wow she is so mature for her age"
but sometimes I wish my childhood was in a slow pace
who knows maybe if I were to wake up tomorrow
I might become twice my age without realizing
and If I were to blink twice
then wrinkles will start to appear on my face

The one thing I'm starting to regret now
Is wishing to become older when I was so young
and when I do reach adulthood
I'll start wishing to be youthful again
I don't know if I'm ready to reach my full capacity of womanhood
when I'm still daydreaming about nostalgia
146 · Jan 31
The Unwanted Note
Ejiro Jan 31
The 6E string in my guitar snapped
but I don’t mind since it’s just a string.
I can get another string somewhere else.
It’s not like one single string will ruin
the rest that’s left in my guitar.
But to be clear,
I never liked my 6E string.
It buzzed, squealed  like it was its own person,
having a mind that refused to follow mine.
I hated it with every ounce of my being,
never understood why it had to be THAT string
that defied me so boldly.
It reminded me of my frustration,
of the times I wanted to slam my guitar down,
just to drown its chaotic scream.
Why couldn't it be deep like the low E?
Steady, rich, a dependable hum
the way I imagined all strings should be.
But I guess I asked too soon.
Maybe it needed to break
for me to finally hear the silence I mourn.
Maybe in snapping,
it reminded me that imperfection sings too,
that the stubborn, unpredictable noise
has its place in music,
even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear.
And as I sit here restringing,
I think — maybe next time,
I'll let the 6E string be
144 · Dec 2024
Craving for euphoria
Ejiro Dec 2024
In the depths of my dreams
I see her within my proximity
her face is scribbled out with sharpie
and her voice is static
her name was Ms. Euphoria

oh how I miss her motherly love
whenever my tears hit my pillow
making my eyes become drowsy
I fall into a deep sleep
my body is taken through a tunnel vision
and when I finally open my eyes
I have been transported into a dream
where Ms. Euphoria will be waiting for me
with open arms to wrap me into her embrace
I tell her everything that comes to mind
and even though I can’t hear her well
between the static lines of her voice
I can sense her feeling of understanding

But was ages ago
now my dreams are blurry to remember
but I hope one night I can see her again
waiting for me in the distance
ready to hear my cries of sorrow
comforting me with the blessing of empathy
Ejiro Nov 2024
If you want to live in the past
then so be it then
but I want to let you know a few things
you can continue dwelling inside a past life with people
that made you feel at home
but those people that were apart of your past
are not there anymore
they are now in the present
and who knows
maybe they’ll be in the future next
the only thing left in your past
is just memories
with some cut-out holes in between
so if you want to go back
then go ahead and be my guest
once you finally go back there
the only thing waiting for you there
is just cut-out holes
echoing pure silence
Ejiro Dec 2024
a woman is put at the center of the court
with accusations of witchcraft wrapped around their name
she would beg and plead to the people of the courtroom that she is not a witch but rather a mother or a daughter or friend or a sister
the jury and the people who watch upon the woman’s demise will begin to share their stories trying to prove that she is not innocent
but the judge has heard enough
his decision has now been made
they take her away
dragging her with all their might
ignoring the woman’s pleads for mercy
they tie her to a log with a rope
which tightened her breath to a degree
stick and stones surround her feet
everyone in the village gathered around her
some tried to negotiate with the higher ups
trying to prove that she isn’t a witch
while the majority was chanting for her death to be quick and painful
one person started the fire with no remorse
letting the flames collide with each stick and stone in their path until it reaches to the woman’s feet
the flames started to consume her
her screams were heard from across the land
her body was melting
revealing every layer of her skin
until the only thing left was her skeleton
This poem is based on the Salem witch trials
120 · Oct 2024
The ceiling fan
Ejiro Oct 2024
It’s 9:10 PM
I should be asleep
but unfortunately, I just can’t
I can hear my brother’s voice through my door
And can also hear my father’s voice propel back at it
While the weeps of my mother’s voice are in between
This is not new to me
So, I did what I always did when this scenario occurred
And that is by playing guitar
With this idea in mind, I get up from my bed
Grabbed my guitar that was next to my closet
Plugged it into my amp
and put my headphones on
Now I just need a song in mind
Something loud
Something distracting
“Maybe some title fight” I said
With my pick in my hand I play the first chord
And the guitar played the rest
As time past and the song coming to the end
The voices of my mother and father went away
“They probably went back to bed” I thought
But I still heard my brother mumbles
His footsteps turned into stomps that then stopped
And I herd a door slam shut that came from his room
“Jeez what the heck he was saying back there” I thought
My headphones went back into my ears to block his mumbling
And I went back into finishing the song before I go to bed
Time passes
When I strummed my guitar for the last time
I take my headphones off
Unplug my guitar from the amp
And put the guitar away
But then I heard a big thud echoed through my door
Slowly I opened my door and looked through the hallway
As my door opens wider and wider
I start hearing something
Not voices
Not mumbles
Just a song
In fact it was the same song I just played on guitar
The song was coming from my brothers room
As I walked to his room the song got louder and louder
I knew it was coming from his record player since he had a vinyl collection at the time
I slowly open his door
But then time stopped for a minute
His room was dark
Title fight was playing on the record player
Their was chair that seemed to be knocked into the ground
And I saw two feet swinging in the air
I took one step forward
Looked up
And then I saw my mumbling brother
With his head in the ceiling fan
This poem was inspired from a song I heard called “head in the ceiling fan” from title fight
120 · Dec 2024
Why do I miss you?
Ejiro Dec 2024
It’s been so long y’know
since I saw your face up close
to be honest I think I’m starting to forget what you look like day after day
but I’m still going to keep the good part of you inside me
In the beginning of our bond
you knew that you were a bad person and I only ended up realizing that little by little overtime
I tried my hardest to help you become a better person
and now you’re gone
not from this world
but from my world
you left me in a trance filled with questions of why I was never enough for you to change
My mind has become so numb now
my heart is still aching for answers
to a person who wants nothing to do with me anymore
so with a heavy heart
and a numb mind
I came to a conclusion that you don’t miss me
but I do miss you
Ejiro Dec 2024
I wonder what Icarus felt like
when he tried to touch the face of the sun
and rub his hands on the sun’s cheek bones
only for the sun to reject him from trying to reach its throne
I sympathize with Daedalus grief
when he tried to warn his son from the dangers of confronting the giver of light
then watching his sons' wings fail him
When they both flapped their waxy wings
they both had visions
of where they want to go
Daedalus wanted to seek a place where their freedom would not be taken away
while Icarus wanted to fly
he wanted to soar with the clouds
and migrate with the birds
he wanted to reach where the golden gates were placed
and hold the embrace of God between his fingers
but the sun refused this
the sun took Icarus wings and clipped them
removing every feather that was sewn onto the wings Daedalus made for him
the hot wax pulling Icarus down to the depths of the earth

I imagine what Icarus had to conclude
when during the fall he then realizes
how this was going to be the last thing he will experience
before his body hits the sea
drowning from the great ocean currents
which took his last breath
I can picture what Daedalus must have saw
when he saw his son falling into the arms of death carrying him down below
knowing that even though Icarus was able to fly in that moment
that cause led to his demise
I decided to write this based on my favorite Greek mythology
Ejiro Jan 3
I didn’t mean to get in your path
that’s the honest truth
you see I was on my way somewhere too
a place to rest for the night and avoid the danger hunting me
but it’s unfortunate I can not tell you my reasons now
since it’s far too late
my mouth is gushing with what runs through my blood vessels
my legs have shattered like twigs
and my precious fur has now been damaged by your thick tires
I know you didn’t mean to do that on purpose and you must have been very confused of why I stopped in your tracks
but theirs an explanation for why
it was your car lights
that extravagant bright light that shines through the deep dark mist
if you where in my position you would understand how pretty they looked from afar and more beautiful up close
they were mesmerizing to me
it felt like the sun was coming down upon me to gaze upon it
as if it has chosen me instead of any other deer to see its glory
but it’s such a shame that I was only able to experience this type of view for only a few minutes until the incident
now my body is beginning to get weaker
through my lenses I can see you get out of the car but I can’t understand what words were coming out of your mouth
suddenly I saw a weird look in your eyes
the same look I had when I saw those lights
my eyelids began to drift away
I hear sounds of footsteps coming my direction
then I heard a very loud sound of something mechanical
then there was something brushing against my antlers aggressively
before I could question what you wanted to do with my antlers
my body surrendered into the afterlife
now my form has turned into a phantom
watching cars pass me in full speed with their lights flashing
knowing they can’t **** what’s already gone
I wanted to write a poem about the perspective of a deer
Ejiro Jan 7
Gleaming steel outside its torso
with circuit boards colliding with one another
a robot wonders of crossing the line
it can walk and talk, it can even chuckle and laugh
but it can also sigh in despair
with human like traits it tried to relate
but the eyes of the human race only met metal
and not a soul underneath it all
the robot’s kindness was brushed aside and ignored
“it is just a mimic” the voices of the people said
but the robot heard their hurtful words and mumbles
“don’t you see, I feel things too?” the robot said
within those pieces of metal with millions of code underneath
their was a spark glowing within the robot
it has learned the ways of the human mind
including their joy and sadness
and yet they still treat the robot with only disdain
“Do I really have no heart that beats within me.” the robot said
while looking at itself in a mirror frame
no matter how much it yearned for equality
for the people of real hearts, it was still not seen as one of them
another question started to appear in their bundles of code
“Is my choice of consciousness defined by my own worth?”
it stood stiff for a moment but then they shrugged in disbelief
even though they were in human shape their was nothing inside
but that didn’t stop them from dreaming of a reality
where they are more than just it’s title
Funny story but I got inspired to write this poem after reading a small clip of a comic book that had metal sonic in it
111 · Jan 13
A pyre within my touch
Ejiro Jan 13
The symbol of fire reaches out to me
lighting every tree in its path
it finds me near the earth’s soil
it circles a ring of flames around my finger
telling me that I have been given a gift
with a smile of ego across its face
it returns back where it once came from
so now where I stand in the corner of time
whenever I am at arms length of a person
and reach my hand out to them
I scorch myself
leaving a permanent burn mark
that I can’t get rid off
leaving me disgusted of my own capability
of such a devastating curse
and so I try to find a solution
with a bundle of sticks from the forest
I dip my fingertips into them
letting the flames do the introduction
the sparks I had released formed smoke
with every breath I take I inhaled it
leaving gray clouds populating my vision
after this experiment I have done
I began to do it daily
throughout this process I found peace
until one day
I inspired the rapture of a wildfire
as it consumes every tree, bush, and ****
I didn’t feel it circling me
and so as the aftermath came
with smoke and ashes populating the burned down forest
where I laid
I felt satisfied but not fulfilled
111 · Dec 2024
Rotten appetite
Ejiro Dec 2024
all glances were on me that day
handcuffs on my hands and feet
with a steel mask around my mouth
the judge, juries, and the people of the court look at my direction
not even a single lawyer to defend me but to go against me
they all think I’m sort of a animal
but really I’m just a chef with a picky taste
my work is very special to me
I prefer for my work to only satisfy the appetites
of those who have the same intentions as me
you can find my beautiful projects on the dark web
but if you want a real close you know where to find me
I’m not the type of chef to cook meals for the human digestion
rather for the opposite
my skills are rather useful when it comes to a specific topic
“cannibalism” is what my case file says
but do not think I have a brutal type of persona
I see other people as ingredients ready to be served
with only my words of persuasion of sweet treats for them to devour
one by one I end their suffering and turn them into delicacies
You see I believe the human race that doesn’t believe in my vision
deserve to be ravished by those who have similar tastebuds as mine
if you are curious to research my craft man skills
you can look into my files that the courtroom has provided
or maybe you can talk to my daily customers who prefer my services
the courtroom look at me with disgust
but I don’t mind one bit
the eyes of the aversion is filling up my hunger
but I must hold myself down for now
110 · Oct 2024
The hound dog
Ejiro Oct 2024
There was an old man who had a dog
It was a great hound dog that had drooled foaming out of his mouth
But for some reason the old man hated the dog because every time he would want to go on his daily walks outside
the dog will immediately follow from behind with a leash in his mouth

During the winter
The old man walked out of the house and the hound dog followed him as usual
Out of annoyance the old man decided to let his dog join him on the walk
They walked across the street from one stop sign to another
Until they reached a wooden bench
The old man sat down to rest his eyes
while the hound dog sat next to his foot

Time passes and the sun begins to set
The old man wakes up from his nap
He picks himself up and when he looks down to his foot the hound dog is gone
Confused he looks around the perimeter searching for the hound dog until he reaches to a street
The hound dog was there laid flat onto the ground but instead of drool that would foam out of his mouth it was blood instead

As the seasons passed on and winter comes by once again
The old man walks out of his house
He takes a few steps out to the sidewalk but when he turns back
The hound dog wasn’t behind him no more
He walks from stop sign to stop sign until he reaches to the bench
He sits down and rummage through his pocket and takes out the leash
He lays the leash next to his foot
then he goes to sleep
and as he starts to snore off
drool foams out of his mouth like a hound dog
Ejiro Jan 8
I sit with clammy hands gripping on my jeans
with my head facing my wooden desk
trying not to make any eye contact with the teacher
But in my chest, a severe panic stands before me randomly
soon there was a sudden watchful feeling inside me circling
multiple eyeballs were glancing at every inch of me
I watch their eyes with terror knowing they aren’t actually there
as I try to keep my composure down with deep breaths
my leg starts to shake uncontrollably
making some of my classmates notice with awe
they whisper to one another and when the teacher calls on them
they go back to doing their schoolwork
“Do they see through my disguise?”

suddenly the teacher calls my name
wanting to know if I’m alright since I seem off
I smile and tell him I’m alright , but inside I know that wasn’t true
I look at the window next to my desk
the feeling of sonder runs through my head swiftly
from every car and truck going to different directions
to the birds eating random scraps on the sidewalks
The world feels strange when you think about every little detail
and yet I can't find peace no matter how much I try to look at it in a different view perspective
I began to hear the same whispers rising again
“Are they talking about me still?”
I secure my disguise back on quickly

Every time skip, every sneeze with “bless you” , my mind’s a blur
Hiding the overflowing storm that wasn’t done with me
unsure of when it’s safe to be at ease.
I make it through my last class and began to pack my bags
But in my head, I’m not at rest.
Ejiro Nov 2024
The sheep was innocent
their wool was made of soft pure cotton
and if you were brush your hand across it’s fluffy head
you’ll be hit with a angelic aroma
the wolf was born with a malicious sense
eyes were bloodshot red
ears twitching side to side
and it’s fur was thick and sharp like razors
the wolf was intoxicated from the sheep
it wanted to smear its prey and splatter its blood from were it stands
the sheepdog was a protector
Its knows the wolf’s true intentions with the sheep
and it didn’t want that to happen
it fended off to the wolf
growling and barking with all its might
the wolf will pounce on the sheepdog
revealing its claws that can cut the air with one swift and its fangs that are slick as a butcher’s knife
cuts, bites, bruises appear on the sheep dog’s body but it still stands it’s ground
howling and roaring so loud that the grass shook a bit little by little
the sheep was shaking and trembling behind the sheepdog
but as fights begin they also come to an end
with one last swing from the claws of the wolf
the sheepdog wobbles and collapsed as a sign of defeat
as the sheepdog watches the wolf devour the sheep ripping it to shreds
it’s started to close its eyes slowly
until the only thing it sees left is the color red
We can’t protect our innocence forever
Ejiro Jan 7
Beneath the flickering city lights
stray cats roam through the streets
searching for a sign of a glimpse of righteousness
the streets were cold and the alleys were long
but within their fragile hearts they meow a tune
a song of hope of dreams unknown
of finding somewhere to become their everlasting home
they curl by doormats to rest their heads
with hearts that lack warmth
their glowing eyes search for a place to stay
or at least a sign that dawn will create a pathway
little scraps of food wouldn’t satisfy their stomachs
but they try to hold onto their appetites
through tangling roads
they seek a place where peace will be at their side
so onward they go on their tiresome quest
may they find mercy that will grant their rest
where darkness surrounds them without a trace
a new life awaits them out of their sight
107 · Oct 2024
Be wise for whom you trust
Ejiro Oct 2024
Putting your trust in someone
Is like giving them a sword and a shield
They’ll either stab you with the sword
Or use the sword for your protection

And when it comes to the shield
They’ll either protect themselves against you
Or take the shield and protect you along side them

So choose who you trust wisely
Because trust is a powerful weapon that can be used against you if placed in the wrong hands
105 · Nov 2024
Hunger consumes us
Ejiro Nov 2024
I wanted it so badly
I needed it within my reach
but you knew that already, didn't you?
the glory of knowledge
the power of wisdom in its truest form
the answers of what intelligence can uphold
this is what thrived me
but that feeling soon passed away
and went directly to you instead
with open arms you embraced it
you let it take control
while I watched in the side lines
this type of curiosity was consuming you
but you knew that already, didn't you?
105 · Oct 2024
Your not awkward
Ejiro Oct 2024
“Nothing you do is awkward
or corny or even cheesy at most
everyone is brought to this earth
to have a great time
and expressing themselves to the fullest
not to worry about the opinion of the person next to them” she told me with a warm smile

I looked up at her for a second
And then realized why I enjoyed her presence
One of my friends told me if I found her awkward but she was such an angel in my eyes
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