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Ranita Mar 2013
9:00pm: We hugged and chatted. Your sister joking with us, your brothers being silly. I love your siblings.

9:30pm: We went hunting for gear. Your dad helped us find sleeping mats and told us where to find some tarps.

10:00pm: We climbed onto the fort and made our beds. I swept the bugs and pine needles away. I remember thinking, I hate pine needles. Why Florida trees, why?

10:30pm: We made tea and got ready for bed. I love chamomile tea. Lots of sugar. Washing off my makeup was easy with your sister's fancy face wipes.

10:45pm: We climbed into our sleeping bags. I was warm. I love the plaid pattern of the sleeping bag I always use.

11:00pm: We ate snacks, drank tea, and talked. Poptarts are so good late at night. Better than in the morning. And the hot tea felt so good against the chilling breezes.

11:30pm: I turned off the flashlights. I liked it better that way. I like hearing only voices, not seeing the person. My hearing what they say feels amplified that way.

11:30pm: I laid on my back and realized how pretty the trees are. The sky was orange, oddly lit up more than normal for that time of night. Few clouds drifted in the sky.

12:00am: I poured the story out to you.

12:05am: I began watching the moon cross the sky. It was very orange and it moved faster than I imagined it would.

12:30am: I got a text.

1:00am: I proposed an adventure. I wanted to do something. I wanted not to have to think for a while. I like late night happenings. And I like not being alone.

1:15am: We got off our lazy butts and went to the garage. I started riding the ripstick. I picked it up right away and didn't fall which was new for me.

1:30am: You taught me how to longboard. It was fun, though I kept forgetting which way I would put my feet.

1:45am: We started riding bikes. I love your mom's bike. It's so smooth and easy to ride..but it clicks sometimes in weird ways. I liked the clicking too.

1:50am: ***** it, I didn't want to reply.

2:00am: We rode through the neighborhood. I love the houses in Naples..

2:05am: I fell in love with the night sky. It was beginning to look more like the normal dark blue rather than orange. The stars started to peek through better.

2:10am: The cold air made my blood rush. I was wearing such warm clothes, but the wind went straight through. I loved going fast, racing you. Speed is beautiful on a bike.

2:15am: I never wanted the night to end. I wanted to ride late at night forever.

2:35am: The silence was so beautiful. We would be quiet for short bits. I liked the pictures my mind created during that time.

2:40am: I wished I had his time stopping watch. I always wish I did.

2:45am: We started the ride home. My breathing got pretty rough. Cold air always hurts my lungs. But it was so worth it.

3:00am: We put the bikes away and crawled back into bed. I loved the fort so much..

3:10am: You fell asleep.

3:15am: The moon was higher in the sky. It was clear and white and full.  I could see it perfectly. Peeking through the trees. I fell asleep slowly. Loved it all.
Sleepover at a friend's house. That night was lovely. The next day was beautiful as well.
Florida weather has its perks.
Raphael Cheong Aug 2015

in my lungs you breed a pale disease
you are even in the air I breathe


heart in half chasing electronic dreams in technicolour screams
your claws in my teeth as I drown out my whims


and all the nights I spent lying in the freezer
and all the little lies we wasted telling each other
and even as you left I had not come around
I was the reckless wrecking havoc on wicked ground


last night I was flying around
dazed and dazed and dazed all over
awaiting my jewelled crown
adorned with the prestige of an empire

even in a new cage I could not throw you out


even as the sun rises surely troubles stay the same
even if you came back now I would gladly play your games
even after all this while all the daze you left me in

still you are imperial and my grailed heart it shakes like porcelain
Kiah Griffin Feb 2015
and right now,
here in this moment.
all i want, all i ever seem to want at 1:32am,
is your fingers tracing my hip bones.
my skin clenched between your teeth.
droplets of sweat, between sheets.
crisp white fades to pink, we tainted the linen while kissing.
the bright is a curse and the dark is a blessing,
because in the abyss i can imagine.
right now,
here in this moment.
because all i want, all i still seem to want at 1:45am,
is you.

B L Costello Sep 2022
I opened my eyes,
Such sweet surprise
Toast with no egg,
Still breakfast in bed,
Oh what a night!
We met at the bar,
We walked each other home,
…..Neither had a car,
But I never made it,
I lost the fight,
Our goodnight kiss …..
Lasted all night,
Beneath my juice,
I see a note,
Perhaps a phone number
I read with hope….
“I’ve gone to school,
I had a good time,
There’s coffee down stairs,
My mom’s gets home at 9”
Sara L Russell Nov 2015
Sara L Russell 11/11/2015, 01:45am*

I wanted to end writer's block.
So I got on my magic carpet and said "Take me to India."
It took off at fantastic speed.
Clouds flew past like frantic ghosts.
I thought I saw Lord Ganesh
smoking a hookah by the Taj Mahal.
The sparkling waters of the Ganges soon came into view.
I dismounted the magic carpet and waded out
in my long chiffon dress, into the cool water.
Candles shaped like lotus flowers drifted idly by.
Suddenly I caught my toes on a reed and was falling,
falling, falling...
the magic carpet flew away.
Woke up in ****** Carpet Right.
To be continued...
I'm not tired
No, not in the slightest

I'm not upset
No, just mellow

I'm not sure
No, I really don't know

I'm not smiling
No, my face is straight

I'm not empty
No, there's emptiness to me

I'm not together
No, rather I'm apart

I'm not sane
No, try insane

I'm not saying it
No, I've said enough I think

I'm not done typing*
*No, I have plenty more I could give...
This stuffed cat toy is my only sense of physical companionship right now. Even then, the more I hug it,  the more I cry. Sorry... im just down...
Shianne Michelle May 2017
I got your message, Though it was never sent.
I heard it loud and clear.
Your silence cut through me, Sleep Evaded me and I could not tell you.
Tell you the roses that drape across the bed still have thorns.
that possessive wears the mask of a protector.
Teaching yourself to hold onto your protest so that he will still want you.
Confusing Love and Abuse, volunteering for the draft of his war.
Begging to become a causality of the love he claims to feel.
I've seen this, I've written these words once before.
anonymous999 Feb 2015
five days ago you came over. we broke up two months ago and we hadn't kissed since, but then we were wrestling and you pinned me and we paused for what seemed like forever until you kissed me. we kissed like we were making up for lost time, until we went upstairs to lay in bed together. i wrapped myself around you, hand in hand and head on chest and heart, mine, in your hands. happiness flowed through my veins.
four days ago, i show up at 12:30. you're drunk. you barely say hello. i help you to the couch, you fall off, i help you back onto the couch. you're covering your eyes, does the light hurt your eyes? here, drink this water. i got you a straw. drink it all up! you'll thank me tomorrow. you want to go to bed? i stop you from falling down the stairs and tuck you in. i come back ten minutes later and she's trying to crawl into bed with you, i tell her to leave. i ask if it's okay for me to get in bed with you. i have 8 inches on the wrong side of the bed, but that night, i was the big spoon, and we slept. my arm over your waist and my heart, again, in your hands. we wake up, it's valentine's day. good morning, how are you feeling? i rub your back and you bury your face in my neck. you tell me you have to work till 8. i hurry home from the mall before 8 and almost decide to visit you at work. i change my mind. you text me at 9, they made you stay late. your parents wouldn't let you go out. i cry, but it's okay. i understand.
three days ago, you apologize for not treating me better and thank me for putting up with you. you promise to be better in the future. i start crying because i feel like you're not trying. we talk on the phone for three hours, all is forgiven. i spend half an hour telling you cheesy pick-up lines. we say goodnight at 1:45am.
you promised me we would hang out, but it started snowing and your parents wouldnt let you. okay, but if you break another promise i'll be mad. i cry, but it's okay. goodnight, i love you too
yesterday, you asked me to hang out at 1 o'clock. i want you to plan it, but i eventually give in and say lets go ice skating. you come over at 1, we watch mean girls and hold hands. then we go skating. "hey, is it okay if i go to winter formal with this girl, just as friends?" no, if you want me back you have to act like it. "okay, i'll tell her i can't go" okay.

yesterday, you hung out with her until 12:30, and then drove straight from lunch with her to my house. you let something slip and i made you show me your phone. i start yelling at you. i continue yelling at you. don't touch me. i'll block your number right now, don't even worry about it.
two days ago you casually told your church friends about "doing stuff" with her on valentine's day.
three days ago we talked on the phone for three hours. we hang up at 1:45am, you text her at 1:47. "are you up?" yes, she's awake. "love ya" "i meant what i said. i care about you." 2:06 and you go to bed.
four days ago was valentine's day. you said "i was so confused when i woke up next to her. it was so weird" you told me you worked till 8. you worked till 7, stopped by her house for two hours, went home at 9. i guess "basically dating" doesn't include on valentine's day.
yesterday i made you show me your phone, and this is the conversation you had about five days ago. "why did you go over to Eva's house on friday?"  
"she was upset and i had nothing better to do."  
"why did you kiss her?"  
"i didn't, she kissed me and i just went with it."
"why were you hanging with her?"
"i don't know. trust me i would've rather been with you."

today i found out that after eight months, you told her you never loved me. i guess you really never loved me.
just trying to share my experience
GM Jul 2016
i feel as if everything i write
is in memory of our love
of missing you
engraved in a tomb of sorrows
here lies my heart in grieving memory of what was once to be
but i am yet to rest in piece
instead you've left my heart to rest in pieces
while you've moved on
im stuck here
stuck in the in-between
picking myself up
not yet ready to move forward
while you my dear have already moved on
moved on to something exraordinarily greater than our love
but what you've failed to realize is
is there is nothing more heavenly than what we've had
nothing you'll ever find elsewhere

but its alright
in the meantime ill be here
fastened in time waiting for you to come back
waiting to be at peace
it may take days, weeks, months, years
perhaps a whole lifetime
but know ill be here
as always with open arms
waiting to make contact with those angelic eyes
to recover the pieces of my scattered heart
falling back into this immortal, ever-lasting love

Mel Harcum Mar 2015
Some part of you is like the moon
softly glowing beside me on my too-small bed,
and the monumental loneliness you wear as a halo
must be a trick of the eye despite keeping me awake,
hunched over a folder of unedited poems at 2:45AM.
I wonder what the moon dreams of when the sun
tucks it into bed at dawn as your eyelids flutter
and your breathing hitches for a moment
before you roll over, face the wall,
parting clouds with a small sigh.
I imagine, this is what I’ll trademark
The impossibly early morning commute
I’m still drunk
It’s 6AM
And I’m still wearing my shoes

My phone sings with an urgency
It ferries the exhausting burden of responsibility

It’s 6AM
I’ll keep reminding you
Or myself
Because I have to



I have to make The Commute


My body hangs from my brain
In a disjointed way
A detached manner
Like a consciousness manifesting through a coma

If I could forge the willpower
Gather some strength in my arm
To push my phone off of the desk
And silence the alarm

I’ll regret it in some way
Not even a second thought considered
It wasn’t even a hard decision


As I inhale, and sigh
For maybe the seventh time
I’m suddenly aware
That in this very moment, I’m being held prisoner
I’m being forced to make a choice
I’m being forced to consider

My mind is awash in the buzz of last night
And the fade of this morning

Varying shades of whites & greys
Ohio in December
Ohio, the way I’ll remember

This is bleak
Wearing all of my previous evening
Inside and out
I feel like sandpaper
I smell like 3am
Friday night
Saturday morning
It’s Monday morning
And its a dreary 7:30


I’m wearing this to work
This is how well I wear exhaustion
I’ll flaunt it in a professional setting
In a professional manner
A white collar show & tell

I’ll groom the bare minimum
But I MUST shave my face
Just to save face
So it doesn’t look like I have a drinking problem
Because I don’t
I just like to party

I treat my body like a machine
It’s regarded like a car I can’t afford to keep gas in
But I can afford to drive to New York at night and explore

A special kind of neglect

7:35 am

A single apple
A bowl of cereal
A bag of chips
Some energy to pursue The Commute

Literally, running on fumes
Literally, every morning
Between 6am to 1pm
Literally, running late

Responsible living escapes me


I hit the basement
I braced my knees
I covered my hands
Adjusted to bike the streets

Covered in gear
Drunk and exhausted
The idea of just staying here
Is so attractive and real

I can ******* doggedness
I can still taste the air in my bedroom
While I’m in the basement
I can also taste….unemployment
So, I go.


Varying shades of whites & greys
Ohio in January
Ohio, all the time really
Atleast it has the feeling
Biking in the elements

The air I breath stings something awful
In my chest
Ice cubes
In my breath

The blue collar effort
Two feet of snow
And its still coming
This workout//THE COMMUTE
For a white collar job
Dealing with billing disputes
The upkeep of my finacial cause

I’m a pest
The snow is deep
Almost up to my knees
I’m a menace
I’m an obstacle among perpetual obstacles
And we’re all just trying to avoid each other


As I start to pick up speed
My body begins to adjust
My senses waken up
And narrowly avoid
This, assaulting Mack truck
Speeding on a 10speed
Down the wrong side of the street


I’ve got no choice really
I can’t see or hear what’s behind me
Behind my own panting
And Kendrick Lamar’s ranting
So down the opposite side of the road I go
Around Mack truck smoke & mounds of snow

I reach the edge of the street
And depending on the day of the week
And how generous those patrons are, of St V
I could exercise the sidewalk

No such luck,
So, **** it
I’ll fight traffic
I’ll keep to the streets
And dogde the fleets

This is the real challenge
This is the adventure…
Side to side with traffic
Hand in hand with danger

Car horns & headlights
This lifestyle might really **** me

Oh, hey look
Another *******
Middle aged driver
Righteous anger
Righteous motorist

It was on Old Main St.
At 7:47am
I was almost on the news
This is a stanza of dediction to the man in the grey Toyota
I’ve developed wonderful instincts
I almost died
This man sped through the incorrect traffic light

So I stopped!
Or else I would’ve been on the news
At roughly 8:38am
Vehicular manslaughter would probably be the charge
Probably a hit and run
I would not have stopped either
I’m this ******* in the middle of the street
On a bike
I’m an early morning, urban menace

I hit the pavement

Varying shades of whites & greys
Ohio in February
Ohio all the time really
Atleast it has the feeling
Sprawled, laying in the elements

My mind is awash in the buzz of the night
And the fade of this morning

I’m shouting now
On the ground, at the sky
In the snow, to the ice
At these ******* motorists, at my ******* bike
A special kind of entitlement

I was born in the wrong state, in the wrong place

I hit the pavement
I skinned my knees
And scraped my hands
Numb & exhausted
The idea of just laying here & giving up is so attractive and real
But I can’t…because bill$

I treat my body like a machine
I regard it like a toy I can’t put down
Even if I choose
If afforded the chance, I wouldn’t know what to do

Varying shades of whites and greys
Ohio in March
I won’t even ******* start


I show up to work
Half drunk and overworked
Sleet and snowy down my side
And rehearse this white collar ritual
After my blue collar effort
I’m so ******* tired

Living on the edge has this embrace
Like something most people couldn’t stomach
Most people aren’t built for it
Most people aren’t meant to

Don’t take this as a challenge, gentle tweeter
Or take it as one
I’m not saying it can’t be done
I accomplish this, twice a day, four in a row, and roughly an odd fifth one.
Your beautiful in every way
You have a secret identity that you can not share
You bring life to everyone in the middle of May
I wish I was you every day
But instead I'm just another that has lost my way
So find me please
Before the end of May
Ksay Mar 2014
naked cuddles
breathes hitched
remorse seeped sheets
Where Shelter Apr 2019
the unthinkable is our specialty


there are special periods of varying length
when we are given grants of capability
where solutions transferable like shared salt drops
and red gummy bears

you need, I believe, and the
no contract is signed and commissioned,
belief is suspended,
for the eyes have the evidence,
the ayes win the nomination,
the shaken but unbreakable longest kiss
secures the deal,
and the local island newspaper banners a headline,

“miracles on the island expand contagiously!”

this is when
this is where
one walks the streets and the dirt roads
sing song smiling,
the tide always incoming,
the peeks of sun
perfectly strong,
installing a feeling
of safe and home and not alone

where is shelter?

here here,
here is shelter,
hear is shelter,
in words and deeds and on our
embracing fingertips


April 11, 2019
Ofentse Tsie Sep 2014
I won't lie and say I am happy. It hurts. And I'm not too proud to tell you that I cry myself to sleep sometimes knowing that you'll never ever be mine. It pierces my heart whenever I see you or hear you smile, because I know you're pretending to be happy. I feel heartless, but it seems as if you condone whatever that I've done, as you always tell me it was for the best. At that moment, yes, but not now. My heart has a void which no one but you can fill, all the plans we had, how we used to fight and makeup tomorrow morning; the beauty I saw in you; the honest truth of amazing two kids madly in love with one another. I hate to say this, but I hope you open your eyes, and come back because I am missing you
Janet Li Nov 2014
i love when it's so cold
it hurts to breathe
i feel small and meaningless
like i don't belong
and i have to fight to
be where i am

i am positive
i've never in my life run to
see the sun rise
i am the antithesis of a morning person
in my bones i know i cannot fall asleep before midnight--
it's a waste
everything fun happens after midnight--
i'm only running now because
i ****** up my sleep schedule so badly
i've made a full circle
from normal to nocturnal and back again
i hope i can see it through

i've been letting myself fall asleep whenever i want
usually 7am-3pm
then for some reason i fall asleep watching cartoons
then up again
rinse, repeat

i have bruises on my thighs
from vitamin C deficiency
i've probably gone three shades paler
hiding from the sun for weeks
in my self-exile

i don't feel like i'm falling apart
going crazy
but all the signs are there
who is there to save me from myself?
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2013
Dog Tired, Bone Tired, Dead Tired.

all in, beat, bored, burned out,
bushed, done in, drained, drooping,
exhausted, ******, fatigued, fed up, flagging,
just about had it, indifferent, knocked out,
out of gas, pooped, punchy,
ready to drop, spent, taxed,
wearied, wearing, wiped out, worn out
plain old zonked.

there are only two words, for which there are no precise, exact, synonyms.  

To mind, they flash instantly,
For they are the constants in the equation of life.



Man, can they make you tired!

But they are constants, so we accept and pray for ourselves
To accept them both with


August 24th 2013
— noun

mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.

This poem should get the honorific of First Poem of the Day,
But as a constant, it cannot be defined by a unit of time
anon May 2011
He's composed of a list of missed opportunities,
The unseen kid in a house in your community.
Trying to find solace in a room all alone,
Yet he can't keep his eyes from staring at the phone.

Another hollow body searching for human connection,
Got sidetracked in a whirlwind of misdirection.
He'd pick up if only there was someone on the line,
Friends, family, **** even the police would be fine.

The time ticks away like he has too much of it,
It's weighing him down, he's gonna get crushed to bits.

Take some. You look like you could use it.
Boil it down, shoot it up, and abuse it.
Cook it up, swallow it down, and consume it.
Put it down, throw it up, **** it.
Lose it.

Sometimes he feels like good will is dead,
And all that remains is a void in their head.
Eroded through time by people around them,
He feels himself turning into those that surround him.
Jen Jordan Oct 2015
You think in terms of a hundred thousand tomorrows, readily available at your disposal. Like a carefree cattle in a field of green where anything is yours for the taking.
I think in the most apocalyptic terms, like today is out last and there's no time to do anything but love.
I don't know, maybe you believe that all of those tomorrows are there for you to come back to me whenever you please. Maybe you would rather spend every tomorrow by someone else's side. Maybe you want to be alone, away from the herd.
I am a hungry cattle in a barren field. I am starving for your attentions, wasting away with a lack of significance to you.

Apocalyptic? Maybe not, but I'm dying without you either way.
Shelby Hemstock Jul 2013
It all started with an urge to go to the movie theater
PTA's "The Master"
It was a 35 minute walk to the nearest cinema in Brooklyn
Nighthawks is what it was called

1:10pm, 4:10pm, 6:10pm, 10:10pm, the show times
Since I woke up at 12:45am, 1:10pm was out of the question
4:10pm seemed plausible but when the clock rolled around I was still puttering around the house
I could putter no more by 6:00pm and flew the cooped up den

The air, brisk and crisp
Time fell back
Women's heels clap the sidewalk in applause
All for the autumn on a Sunday frozen in time

I arrive, show sold out
I walk across the Williamsburg bridge, why not?
First theater in Manhattan I see turned out to be live art
So I turned out and left

Manhattans alive while Brooklyn slumbers
I dart down Clinton St toward the old Avenues
November, I could go without the cold weather, but I love the seasons
Pumpkin lattes **** my wallet dry like lesions

Soon I'm walking down 2nd Av, feeling familiar with my surroundings
Funny, feeling familiar, in a city I thought I'd never know, (you'll never know if you don't go)
Got some dollar pizza on St Marks
Followed by a dollar falafel, which tasted awful, (now I know why it was a dollar)

I walked in circles around Union Square, in union with everyone there
Happy that my feet were to the street, where they belong
Freezing, frozen, frigid, shakin' in my britches
Wrapped around my neck a borrowed scarf
Bumping into people, "I'd like to get by now", like Garth

(keep moving, you'll find what you want to find)
In big bright neon light at Village Cinema
"The Master"
(In 70mm)
Huh, 70mm, "Cool", I thought

The theater, empty as a loners funeral
I was the only one there, red velvet lined seats
I missed Halloween
Maybe this is my treat

The world is beautiful
This city is mine,
All I had to do
Was leave my old one behind
jocethepoet Sep 2018
It’s 1:43am and I can’t sleep
Thinking about you makes me overthink
Everything seems better when I’m with you
I’m keeping track of the time
Every minute is worth it when I’m with you

It’s 1:44am
Nothing makes me more happy then when I’m with you
I don’t think you understand how much I love you
I made a promise to myself that I will live my best life

It’s 1:45am
Happy life for myself
You make me happy
I don’t want to hurt myself again by keeping everything inside
I don’t want to be hurt again
I don’t want to me sad again

It’s 1:46am
Everything was just so bad for me at the time
Life had me in the palms of its hands

It’s 1:47am
It felt like everything was over at such a young age
Nothing made me happy
Nothing made me wake up and want to smile
Nothing made me want to wake up and have a purpose in this world
Nothing and I mean

It’s 1:48am
You came into my life when I was done
I didn’t care at all about anything
You gave me a purpose

It’s 1:49am
You made me think of my future
Of my family and friends
A family with you
I took me in and helped me
With love, honesty

It’s 1:50am
You gave me everything I needed to came back from that dark place
Yeah we fight
Yeah we have our differences
But still at the end of the day we say I love you

It’s 1:51am
No matter how bad the arguments were
We are still there for each other
And that’s all I need
I’m there for you and your here for me

It’s 1:52am
That’s all we need... is each other
I love

It’s 1:52am and I’m madly in love with you.

It’s 1:54am
A Bryan Apr 2018
Why are the good things so hard to remember?
Why do my memories fall away and turn into December?
Why was I born in the frozen month?
On a day of celebration all around the world.
Why do the stars say I'm the chosen one?
When my fears tell me I am nothing more than a little girl.
Dan Sep 2015
And tonight I name myself
Something very fleeting
Only when thoughts of you
Bombard their way to the top of my mind
"What a tragedy"
I cry out to myself
Expecting someone to hear me
And take pity
But this room is empty
And my voice echoes and burrows itself
Into painted corners
Of gray or black
Tonight I feel misery
But it won't be long
Until the cool September air
Trapped in this room
Listens and feels the emotions in my words
And wraps itself around me
As I sleep
kai michael Apr 2016
ah ah ah ah.
this linger in my walk is just the unraveling of my skin. I'll undo what has been done.
the eyes of my soul shift and shake when you are near. I hear the same words over and over saying that I should "move on." "it's over" "she's found someone else" "she's gone" "she'll never return even in my dreams because I was the ONE the let her and it's all my fault because I let her go. I let her move on with some other man who was much better and I sit in pity because it was all my fault." she told me she loved someone else when we're together. so. I let her leave to someone much better. they got together not even a week after I told her to leave. it wasn't so much her leaving was the honest pain in me. the pain was how quickly she left.
she was bad to me. she took what was mine and left for the midnight train leaving me on the track waiting to be run over.
i stood up. i walked off. i found me. i found that my love is as valuable as life it self. ghost oh ghost may you be gone forever. my bones may remember the touch because she was the first person to feel my marrow. calcium flows through my veins to build but i find peace in it. all these metaphors in my brain are no match for what my sanity has become.
Wierd Morning.
Woke late
and had a quick bathe.
Bathing was so not fun
because my soap was missing,
"it must be greenhilda, that monstrous cat of mine", i thought.


My electricity went off
and Guess what?
My first-day-at-work-clothes
were seriously rumpled.
I rushed my milk
and tried to take in the last drop,
it missed my mouth
and landed on my shirt.


"Taxi", i screamed
"God speed, right NOW" , i said.
The taxi drove.


It was the red light
and it was 8:45am.
I said a silent prayer.
Finally, the green showed
and in 15mins i was there.
" O.Malley Company" , the sign board said.
I stepped in the front gates
and then i accidentally dropped my eye-glass case.
**** !  it broke.


Day just got worse.
My usually wierd smile plastered my face.
I walk in,
no one noticed.
The office had its usual formalities.
In no time i was directed
to the Manager's office.
We talked for 2mins
and before i could stand, he announced my assigned post was occupied earlier that morning

" **** " , i cursed
*** look graced the Manager's face.

I guess the saying
"the early bird catches the worm"
is true after all.
We all hate mornings that usually end up in a disaster.
God save us from mornings like that
david badgerow Nov 2011
My blankets are so warm,
it's like being buried beneath a bear.
My mattress is a cocoon made of bread.
The world does not exist.
I am in a black hole.
and I am no longer suspended in time, space.
I am in the world.
I am of the world.
I emerge from beneath my bear.
My mattress crumbles beneath me.
I lumber toward the bathroom.
Time to ****.
Jaclyn Jackomis Sep 2015
Death won't you come for me?

I'm miserable

That's easy to see
Luminosity Cat Feb 2014
7:30pm - I am crying. Wars are raging. Demons are coming. My soul is dying.

8:30pm - Try to resist a knife that sits. Pick up the phone, just so alone. Try to resist the urge that pursists.

9:30pm - Urges pursist, I finally cave in. Marks on my skin, wage a war thats within. Spirits are fighting, demons are crying. A soul is dying. Tempers are rising.

10:30pm - My heart is breaking. My temper is flaring. My thoughts are rising. A God I'm denying. I'm lost, chained, and bound. I'm tired of fighting.

11:30pm - Alone in night, along in day. My friends seem to walk away. Still I am trying. Is there any reason to living?

12:30am - Sleeping comes naught to that who is crying. A God who has ceased caring. Is there any life worth giving?

1:30am - Trying to write to someone so dear, but words alas, won't come near. I cry out for help, hoping a God will hear. Hoping someone might just be there.

2:30am - I walk to the garage, a shotgun awaits. I pick up the tool, to send me to my death. I look for the bullets, none can I find. I go to the house, to look for a knife.

3:30am - I pick up a knife, to hold to my neck. I think back on the past nine years of my life. The rediculing, the name calling, the moving, the drinking, the hell that's broke loss must come to an end.
I think of a friend. Will she miss me, I wonder. I think to a dance that had not long past. A friend... I think naught, an older sister. I remember the song that she played for my ears.
I remember my mentor, the one who discovered. I remember her efforts to tell me they cared. I remembered her words that told me she would always be there.
I thought yet again to a friend who long past. I thought to her last words to my ear. "You're loved, don't forget it. Even if I'm not here."
I thought to years long past. When I layed in the grass, my brothers at hand. I told them I was running. His response, "No, don't go. I love you to much for that. I need you to pick on."

3:45am - I put down my knife. I go to my room. I continue to cry. I may not be happy, but my life I must live. My demons then flee, but my chains still bind me. An angel protects me, of this I am sure. To sleep I must drift, I'll wake in the morn.
Nat Lipstadt Aug 2014
Dog Tired, Bone Tired, Dead Tired.

all in, beat, bored, burned out,
bushed, done in, drained, drooping,
exhausted, ******, fatigued, fed up, flagging,
just about had it, indifferent, knocked out,
out of gas, pooped, punchy,
ready to drop, spent, taxed,
wearied, wearing, wiped out, worn out
plain old zonked.

there are only two words, for which there are no precise, exact, synonyms.  

To mind, they flash instantly,
For they are the constants in the equation of life.



Man, can they make you tired!

But they are constants, so we accept and pray for ourselves
To accept them both with


August 24th 2013
Completely struggling to write, so reposting this on it's first anniversary.
Coob Aug 2018
The A/C unit emits the same monotone hum that almost puts me in a trance like state.
My desk chair hugs my body and I can feel the warmth trapped between my skin and the black leather.
The grey concrete floor is cold against my toes.
The burning sensation in my eyes is not from being tired.
The crystal glass has been long since emptied.
The ring is now sitting on my desk,
instead of my finger.
Obsessive and insecure are both edges to the same sword, the sword that will cut me and I will bleed sleep.
I have work in the morning.
Daniela Aug 2014
I miss you.
Plain and simple.
I miss you at 5:45am when I open my eyes to go to school, and I miss you as I dry my hair, I miss you when I put on the bracelets you once held in your hands, I miss you at school whenever my mind drifts away class (happens often), and I miss you at recess as I see everyone's face but yours. And I come home and I take a nap, because I miss you perhaps a little too much. And so when it's 3 in the morning and I can't sleep, you can certainly guess who just doesn't leave my mind. And so, I miss you against all odds and despite the gossips, I just plain and simple, miss your body next to mine.
And the only reason, your thought hasn't consumed me, the only reason I find all of this bearable, is because perhaps, you miss me too.
NOT my best work .
i don't even know who i miss, i just have this feeling of emptiness, like a lack of something except i don't know what that is. I used 'and' a lot
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2016

"with close kinship, interest, or connection; intimately"


it's n-early for natty,
dressed for gym penance in his
dress blue

but instead of working out,

he's working out
a gymnastic, mental, laboring problem,
that the muse mistress musters him out
to out,
and to attend to
the birthing of t-his

a re-erupting volcano that
has gone and got him good,
now he's a man intimately
with completing, recording,
an unabbreviated log of
oh so long ago's,
a list of the
oh so many


line items in his
life's lineage


went a whole life lessened by being
love less,
which always calculates as
a life lived
forever insufficient


was intimate
with tears self-shed,
on a single pillowcase in
a double bed,
that was unfulfilled,
no intersecting


as a
dictionary definition official
for a
sunken vessel,
a drowning one man scull,
racing toward a finish line
that had no visible


lost both sons, lost years, lost friends
lazy living in the slow, low heat
of a burning hell
of zero connections,
thinking the proper cost/benefit solution
was always,
never to be
greater than,
less than one


packed it in,
while overlooking a temptress river,
calling me out swiftly from the
slow lane of loneliness,
offering a


certain final outlet sale,
a mark-down event,
for clearing the heavy, overladen shelf
of over-weighty
a sale of singular single
cell marks upon human flesh


died a miserable man,
and still may,
from who knows what
pestilence consumption



from never knowing,
for the lacking of,
the unadulterated love
of a good woman

and that is
more than,
greater than,
all the unknowable

and more
than any other
life may yet
deny me,
curse me by

Jan. 18, 2016
for Steve (Sjr1000) whose nearly always,
inspired comments
reminded me that
can be
in its own right
Lydia Jul 2017
A different person, but the same thing.
He's not you, but you aren't either.
It's not his fault;
The disappointment nor the hurt.
The memories aren't his either.

All of this has a hint of you in it,
But that's not you anymore.
At least, I hope not.

The feeling has moved to another person,
And all I want is to see you.
rey Sep 2017
my teeth are raw and quivering
now that i'm awake the grinding has stopped
my heart is racing my
mind faster
my stomach is twisting
hallow but twisting
i want to purge
it's 4am and my nightmares have woken me up again
i'm shaking
my nightmares are another reality
so real and so vivid
fear built from nothing
fear that spills into my daily life
how do i ease my thoughts
how do i stop them
JN Jun 2016
You are not the judgement people make of you
Nor are you your supposed flaws
You are not entitled to believe you can't,
Just because they said you couldn't.
You are not the servant,
Of the demons that envelop
Your entire being at 3:45am in
The morning.


You are the little things in life
That make you happy.
You are a beautiful Sunday morning.
You are the way your eyes sparkle
With happiness when you read a good poem.
You are the chirping of birds at 9am.
You are everything great.

But most importantly,
You are YOU

requiEM Jan 2017
I'm awake, no sleep in sight
5:45am. The cogs keep turning and the fog keeps burning and I find myself
Wide eyed. In love.
I inhale the darkness with every breath, breathing deeper than usual
I inhale this smoke with a vengeance
Fresh air. For once in my ******* life I feel whole
Is it you?
Is it the shade?
Is it the love we made?

Don't make me go to sleep because I know when I wake it will be gone. Let me stay. Let me soak. Keep me woke.
Tommy N Oct 2010
I am watching our life together,
on some old movie film.
It is happening in clips.

Now that I know the ending,
the clips are different. The music
we danced to all night has changed.
Rather, I am hearing it for the first time.

The time we baked chocolate chip cookies at 1:00am
The time we played chess                                    at 1:15am
The time we touched each other until our bodies didn’t ache
                                                            ­                             at 1:45am.

The letter you wrote me. Every song you sent me.
I fold the moments –corners in– and put them in my pockets.

I want to teach you how to touch a body slowly. I want to learn how
to kiss again. This time with you. I want forget that feeling
of learning the valleys of someone’s hands, so I can fall into yours.

There are so many things I want to tell you.

                                                           ­                                  That is a lie
There is only one:
                                             I wish you were here,
                                                           ­                                   right now.
Part of the "100 Love Poems" series

Written 2010 during the MFA program at Columbia College Chicago

— The End —