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If you have never,
Lived across the waters,
Strange terrain, from,
Our homeland,
The brotherhood & memories,
You may never understand,
The hell, our veterans, lived,
For us making many stands,
Living, training, fighting,
For the people & our land.

Good friends, by their side,
When ever fireworks started,
Many fell, like flies,
The hardest one's to swallow,
Those who never had A chance,
To say good by.

A Thank You, and Honor,
To All Veterans.

Tom Maxwell copyright 2/25/2019 AD 6:00 PM 1800 HR
426 · Jan 2022
Writing my Purpose in Life?
We are traveling, caring for our soul inside,
As we search for, what we should be doing,
Our personal purpose, in this short life,
To help the soul get closer to perfection,
So, it can move on, at the end of this ride.
None of us will know if we discovered,
Our purpose, until after our body dies.
I never was a reader, never planned to write,
It was August 31, 2002, twenty years ago,
A friend called crying, a friend of his, died,
Some voice inside was saying write a poem or song,
To help my friend, relieve his sorrow inside.
I remember arguing with myself, I cannot write,
I tried, it only took me about two hours, to finish,
Jamie’s Song, it seemed easy, I was on my way,
Now, around 2,000 complete, hundreds, I started, let lay.
Often it seems so easy, they just appear in my mind,
All honest stories, messages, for the future, my purpose,
I will never know, till after my heartbeats, the last time.
The Original Tom Maxwell © 1/4/2022 AD 7:50 AM
423 · Nov 2021
We should All be Thankful
We hear about
The warming of our planet,
The rising water in the seas,
Pollution, in the air,
It must be A mystery,
That we can breathe, or see,
Everything, for survival
Earth reproduces, for free,
Oxygen, water, and food,
Our three basic needs,
Fear, is A way to control, people,
The gift, of this onetime life,
We should all be thankful for,
And happy, as we can be.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 9/20/2021 AD 5:00 am
Looking at the future,
Is it cloudy, or clear,
Thinking about the last day,
Is it far, or near.

Everyone’s, soul is searching,
Experiencing different ways,
That’s why were not to judge others,
During this life, stay.

A soul travel’s through many life’s,
Searching for perfection, every day,
Learning from all situations,
That it passes through, along the way.

                                                               Tom Maxwell © 02/01/2007 AD
422 · Feb 2021
The Music of Love
I learned to play the piano, by ear,
Like love, it can fill your heart, full of cheer,
Work hard, share the music, in everyway,
The love will stay with you, for all of your days.
First you must be dedicated, right from the start,
Then you must forget the rules, play from your heart,
If you love the music, want it in your life, everyday,
You must practice, all of the time, then the music of love, will stay.

Tom Maxwell copyright 03/13/03 AD
410 · Mar 2021
Never Say Never
I've heard those steps,
On the floor before,
Time for an exit,
Through the outside door,
Feelings, Pain & happiness,
Circulating, inside,
Trying to decide, if those tears,
Are from happiness, or joy,
As they fall from the eyes,
In the future, you may return,
Realizing, what we missed,
Another lesson learned.

Tom Maxwell copyright 12/27/2019 AD 3:00 AM
It’s fun to Journey, inside my mind,
The more I search, the more I find,
Many Visions, messages, positive signs,
I collect, rearranging, into understandable lines,
What ever I’m thinking about, at that moment, in time.

The original: Tom Maxwell © 3/30/2022 AD
406 · Dec 2021
To be happy in this life,
A question, with different answers,
Coming from every which way.
If you always looking for something,
Different or more, or comparing, with others,
Satisfaction, will, be here and gone, a short stay.
Always look for the positive, in others,
Hard in this negative, world we are in,
People are loud about, what they do not like,
Afraid to release, their true self, from within.
If we are serious, about exploring, in this life,
We must be open minded, willing to change,
Many talk their whole life, to impress others,
Wasting time in this life, wishing to rearrange,
We each have a purpose, individual mission,
We get hints, and advice, we can, explore,
The longer we wait, the choices start to fade,
Every year, fewer open doors.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/09/2021AD
404 · Jan 2021
My Precious Time
Most of my travels,
A loaner, no one by my side,
Looking at situations,
Wondering why,
I’ll give effort to help anyone,
If they are honest, and will try.
The road I’m traveling,
Will narrow, towards the finish line,
What I don’t achieve now,
May forever, be extra weight,
I will carry, in my mind,
I’ve failed or achieved before,
I can’t put a pause,
On what’s left,
Of my precious,

                                                                                                                                   Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                                   4/1/2020 AD
                                                                                                                                      11:00 Am
Our visions, that we see,
Never are the same,
Mine are realistic,
Yours are just a game.

We can see the beauty,
The stars, bring at night,
Stare at them for hours
Never seeing, the light.

The moon appears,
So big, bold, and bright,
It’s the suns reflection’
Illuminating, our
evening nights.

The trees are swaying,
Are they waving, at you and me,
The force behind them,
The wind we will never see.

Our life this time,
Not a rehearsal for a play,
It could end, at any moment,
Then you will look, at those wasted days.

Those lost years, are gone,
You can not go back, and change,
For the time that’s left,
You can start to rearrange.

There will always be things,
That are different than what we see,
Why add more confusion,
Saying words, you do not believe.

Tom Maxwell © 01/03/2004 AD
401 · Oct 2021
A lesson Learned
No one has a perfect life, on planet Earth,
During this journey; period of time,
For our Soul, is here to learn, many lessons,
As we travel, through good, and bad signs,
We have to look at, negative situation,
As one of life’s experiences, when were in a bind,
A mistake, we repeat, at least twice,
If we change after the first,
It was a lesson learned, within our mind.

                        The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                    10/22/2021 AD
399 · Jun 2021
Enjoying moments alone,
Having fun by yourself,
Just entertaining, your mind,
Not thinking of, anyone else,
Your enjoying personal time,
Exploring spontaneous thoughts,
That appear, in your mind.
Not worrying about your troubles,
Keeping visions, on positive signs,
Searching, through your stuff,
Seeing what treasures,
You may find.
A period of relaxation,
Forgetting, all your binds,
While keeping your lips, wet
With a glass of your favorite wine

The Original : Tom Maxwell 6/14/AD 2:45 PM
398 · Jan 2021
A Picture of Winter
The winter cold, has come our way,
Everything is covered with snow, on this sunny day.
Squirrels raiding the bird feeders, to ease the hunger
In their mind, as the birds circle, above,
Waiting for their feeding time.
Some resting, on the branches, of trees,
That the fallen leaves, have left bare,
Such A peaceful, beautiful site, as I,
Look out my window and stare.

                                                                     Tom Maxwell ©  12/19/2005
397 · May 2022
Who, What, Why
Organizing our travels, subconsciously,
Or with intent, we confuse our own mind,
Different, ideas, plans, changing directions,
While not forgetting, the what if’s, and whys,
With the, I knew better than that, or I know,
I just can’t think of it now, I should have tried,
Now thinking about it, their story, was a big lie.
Then we head out in the world, acting like were,
Confident having life figured out, our **** together,
Knowing nothing last forever, soon clouds will form,
Drift our way, thunder, rain, called stormy weather.
Oh, we cannot forget the guessing, experimental,
Ideas, we are all inventors, on different days, then,
The story to praise our self, and often exaggerate, lines,
The final thought, we all have experience, answers come fast,
If things do not work out, like that simple picture, in our mind,
The three W’s, who, what, or why, messed it up for us, this time.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 5/18/22 AD
11:00 am
392 · Dec 2023
Humans are a Part of Nature
Sitting at my desk, staring out the window,
Looking through the woods of leafless trees,
As the seasons change, there is always,
A new picture to, admire and see.
The green summer colors, have changed,
To the fall & winters, dormant brown,
The fallen seeds, waiting to germinate,
When the warm spring air, wakes them up,
They rise and grow, never making a sound.
The birds fly south, so patient, in a V,
They each wait their turn, flying in front as the lead.
As the squirrel’s, bury their nuts, to supply their winter feed.
Today’s, temperature is hovering around forty degrees.
About time to lay down my pencil, go outside, blow some leaves.
Humans are a part of nature,
Not as hard as the wood, of an old oak tree,
Mother nature, is a best friend, for without, we would not be,
Everyday, take time, visit outside nature, Thank God,
For the beautiful planet, he created for our soul to visit, and see.
One of many stops along our way, leave your toys inside,
Get your hands *****, listen to the peace, of nature’s sound,
Healthier than you realize, those items you cherish,
You constantly carry around, have many more germs,
Than in the dirt, that makes up the ground.
                                        The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/09/2023 AD
392 · Aug 2021
Looking towards the West
A blue sky, as a backdrop,
From up high, Hanging down,
Behind, the leafless trees,
The rays of the sun,
Provide, heat, and light,
To warm my skin, for my eyes to see,
The third day, in this month of March,
As I glance at the calendar, next to me,
Still the season of winter,
The buds slowly, start rising, on tree branches,
Waiting to be next seasons, leaves,
Looking out my window, to the west,
Across the old, Junction City, Glenridge,
Coal mine pond, The beauty of nature,
As for as my eyes, can see.

                                           The Original ; Tom Maxwell© 3/3/2021 AD
390 · May 2022
Your Tears will Pass
There is nothing anyone can do or say,
To remove those empty hollow feelings,
Inside of you, It’s a part of this life’s journey,
Our soul leaves our current body, towards its,
Next challenge, different and new.
Always a harsh reminder, to listen to others,
Discover who they are inside, their soul,
Appreciate them, their money clothes,
Material things, just decorations,
We all carry on the outside.
We each will have our moment, we should,
Never know our exact time or way,
God made the rules, in Heaven, part of the original,
Plans on that very first day.
Your tears will pass, those dark clouds will fade,
The good memories will forever stay.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 5/6/2022 AD
3:36 am
388 · Jan 2021
The Original Plan
God created this beautiful planet,
Which renews, all of our survival needs,
He also created all of us equal,
Everyone sharing, loving caring,
Was the idea of the original plan, for us to see,
Then humans created money,
Which is talked about, worshiped,
More than God today,
Greed for the money, is what causes,
Separation, pain, around the world,
In every corner, of all the land,
It's time we reverse, to the original plan.
386 · Jul 2021
The Reflection of light
The light of the sun,
It’s after midnight,
Reflects, off of the, moon,
A white color, so bright in the sky,
So still, above the leafless trees,
A fresh coating of snow on the ground,
As far as I can see,
With my glasses on, or off,
There appears to be,
A smaller nickel, dime size, moon,
Hovering, out side my window, in front, of me

The original Tom Maxwell© 2021AD
384 · Jan 2022
Stay With the Flow
It’s five minutes to six am,
I have been receiving messages,
Then writing, I finished one poem,
At four fifteen, another at five-fifty am,
I’m tired, thinking of bed, with,
Twenty years, of experience, I have to,
Stay with the flow, it’s exciting,
When different thoughts, visit my head.
I have to catch them when they appear,
In my mind, without notes, or writing,
The subject can vanish, what a bind,
Never written, or said, always take time,
Listen to those voices in your mind.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/14/2022 AD
6:02 am
369 · Mar 2021
Am I Right, Crazy
I often day dream, what this life, plans,
Have left for me.
There is A reason, I have the freedom now,
To let the inner me free.
Sorting incoming energy, mixing together,
With my emotions, in my mind,
Always, listening for, guidance,
Am I right/ crazy, anything could be A sign.
Looking beyond Days and nights,
Never realize, what my inner powers are ,
Pulling more in, from out of body sights.

                                                                          Tom Maxwell 
                                                                                               3/2/19 Ad
                                                                                              1:10 Am
368 · Nov 2021
The Beauty of Leaves
I sit on the deck, staring in A trance,
Watching the leaves, take their last dance.
They twist and turn, as they fall to the ground,
Landing so gently, never bouncing, up and down.
A few, still hanging on branches, with beauty, so bright,
Showing true colors, as our days, grow longer at night.
They have all turned, red, yellow, gold, or brown,
As the wind blows, they fall, one by one, to the ground.
Leaves provide shade, from the suns bright ray’s,
Breaking the wind, on A breezy day.
Each one different, in shape and size,
They show us their shadow, when the moon light, rises,
Leaves stay, for only one growing season,
So much beauty, in such A short time,
Leaving colorful memories, Pictures, in our mind.
So, fast we forget, the beauty they gave,
We all have choice words,
As we rake, them away.

© Tom Maxwell 12/13/02
366 · May 2022
For the past few decades, life on this, planet,
Has slowly turned upside down,
How many more years will there be,
Knowledgeable humans, standing on the ground.
People use to be known for their good qualities,
Honesty, talents, and other personal ways,
Now almost everyone you meet, asks what you do,
How much money do you make, not much interest,
In the person that is you in any way. The internet,
Has almost eliminated, children’s outside  games,
While making their manners, and actions, rude to insane.
No one seems to have patience, they want it now or yesterday,
Most stories, in the media or you, hear on the streets, are,
Negative, it’s almost sad to say, if you are happy, Smile,
All of the time, others think you’re up to something,
In some suspicious way.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 5/6/2022 AD
5:01 am
365 · Aug 2021
Share your Dreams…
The people, we vision, in dreams,  Are the strength,
That keeps us alive,
For without their guidance,
Why would we try,
People are the reason,
We work to create dreams,
Finding your dreams, all alone,
Will create, tears, in your eyes.

                                                                                                                          Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                       11/13/2019 AD
                                                                                                      10:30 AM
What we learn, and see, then believe,
Is how we live our life each day,
Our life, a maze of situations,
Our thought’s, actions, and ways,
Decide, if we move forward,
Change directions or stay.
Our experiences, from our past,
Along with watching others, work, and play,
Creates, who we are, along with setting up,
Our home where we stay.
We are each on an individual, limited tour,
A piece of this unlimited universe,
Your spirit inside, honest advice, along your way,
My soul remembering, the first Christmas day,
Our savior Jesus Christ, born, animals in the manger,
Sharing their bedding, a bright star, guiding the way,
Everything, peaceful, calm, strangers gathered.,
Listening to feeling, the message, in their souls,
True, positive thoughts, guidance, for all of us,
They were all, lit up, by the guiding light,
Shining on everyone’s, face, a gleam in each eye.
We are losing touch with the true meaning of Christmas.
Still the best wireless communication today,
Lay down your phone, stop and say a prayer,
Thanks for the first Christmas day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/17/2021AD
360 · Feb 2021
Are You An Addict
When I hear about someone with an addiction, television is the first thought that enters my mind,
everyone that watches it is into robbery’s, ***, and violent crimes.
They all sit quiet like a rock staring into space,
with no movement at all, a cold blank look on their face.
So many of them have trouble deciding, changing channels all of the time,
So, for gone they can’t concentrate, or make a decision with their mind.
Many of them got started years ago, someone turned them on to it for free,
now that they are addicted, they are happy to pay a high monthly fee.
Television teaches children bad habits in so many ways,
watching the weather man getting paid to lie, then they learn the truth the very next day.
The viewers hide from their families and friends all of the time, has anyone ever told you they have to go, they can’t miss their fix, of a repeat TV show.
If you count up all the hours they waste, years over their life time, that’s why their called addicts, because they altered their state of mind.
The next time you, faith full watchers see a story about an addict on Tv, you can hold your head up high and say, that guy is just like me.

                Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/18/03
If you train A young child to watch Four hours of television a day, and they live into their eighties, add up the years....
357 · Feb 2021
A Lover & A Friend
It’s hard to find an honest person in this world of today, to have a true friend that loves you is worth more than anything in this life that will pass your way.
Someone who cares no matter how you look or feel, always waiting with open arms and when you are hunger, they will feed you a meal.
A person you can count on to help bail you out anytime, and willing to work with you when the relationship gets in a bind.
You can play the people you pass on the street, but always be honest with a true friend, life is short and another you may never meet.
No one is perfect in this life’s game, when we never admit our mistakes all we do is ruin our own name.
Finding someone who loves you, and you love too, is a gift you should cherish and be honest with them in anything you do.
It’s never a matter of who is right or wrong, it’s someone you always want to be with and share life like an old love song.
Never being greedy about material things, we think we should have in our hands, the high should come from having a true loving friend to share, and explore each day on this land.
Always showing appreciation for everything, and never pushing them away for the excitement you think a few minutes of pleasure will bring.
Never making up stories or hurting them to make you feel better inside, the worst thing you could do a lover and friend is betray them or lie.
Always come forward and apologize if you turned on a friend that has always been good to you, remember your luck or game will someday come to an end and you will be all alone, and no one will be there to help no matter what you do.

Tom Maxwell ©
354 · Apr 2021
A one - of -a-kind Planet
A one-of-A-kind planet,
In A universe of space,
The only one known,
With life, the human race.

Many countries divide,
Planet Earth, our place,
Different cultures, and religions,
Along with colors and race.

This globe, of land and water,
Reproduces, all survival needs,
Slowly being destroyed,
By the people, and their greed

© Tom Maxwell 06/22/07
Thinking too much, New ideas, interesting signs,
Sorting through the rules, ideas, of false prophets,
Who deem we should, all walk the same line.
One reason, so much mental craziness,
We are here, to discover our soul, help it grow,
Eternity, the ultimate find.
A challenging experience, in this life of materialism,
This journey, we carry our soul through, compared to eternity,
Each of us are only here, about one second, in time.
Believing and patience, time to think, plan, make decisions, now,
As we look for future signs.
The longer you are permitted to stay, you will see more souls,
Travel away, you meet fewer as you age, only remembering,
Very few, not because of their material things, or their wages,
They shared their time, knowledge, and skills,
Their soul touched yours, on this life’s stage.

                                      The original: Tom maxwell © 1/7/2023 AD
Most people just follow, the thinking & directions,
From others, as they, try to find themselves,
As they pass through this life, of days.
Afraid of one of the hardest challenges, we have,
Stepping out, daring to be different, than those,
We hang with, their actions, and ways.
Someone, thought of, showed us the life style,
We act out, and follow during this stay,
Nothing is forever, always be open,
To different paths, the act, the part you play,
Like getting lost, hiking in a thick forest,
Life is a big maze within itself, much misdirection,
Confused minds around, wanting us to follow them,
To confirm, their actions, becoming our habits, every day,
It takes confidence, strength & knowledge,
To explore, our own direction, and ways.

                                                                                                                 Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                         5/30/2020 AD 2:15 PM
347 · Dec 2021
More - Confusion
We never know when it will happen,
It does come around, often too many times,
We are sorting through many questions,
Thought’s circling, in our mind,

We each have our  ideas, emotions,
Inner feelings, then others, try to pull us,
Their way, they could lead us the wrong way,
Confusing, us the rest of this life’s stay.

Sometimes, you have to juggle them around,
We have to evaluate the situations,
Some we may be able to see live now,
Others empty promises, and dreams are never found.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/8/2021AD
345 · Oct 2021
Ideas, Ideas
A big part of who we are,
A major ingredient of our life,
Without, ideas, we would always be the same,
Something needs to be adjusted, in our life
Only ideas, with plans, and the right resources,
Can create, positive change, we never know,
The value of our ideas, until we release them,
Take action, play with them, like a game,
As we examine a situation, with an
Attitude, to rearrange.

                                                               The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               10/21/2021 AD 4:20 am
I had an idea, wrote about it..
343 · Feb 2021
Life Moves On…
Thoughts come to my mind,
From different sounds, and scenes,
Visions of the past,
Late night dreams.

People missed,
From passed days,
Feelings, emotions,
That will never fade.

Life moves on,
My journey through time,
Always new experiences,
A collection, in my mind.

©Tom Maxwell o3/o3/07
341 · Mar 2021
Just Keep Searching
As I watch the wind blow in another day,
Some dreams will fade, from yesterday,
The sun will rise again, A new day will begin,
I’m still searching.

We often think our plans, are carved in stone,
Then we look around, were all alone,
Was it wasted time, did we learn, in our mind,
Were back to searching.

Our journey, did not bring us here,
Just to work, and play, there is more to life,
Then, just the passing io days,
Look at yourself inside, open your eyes,
Keep searching.

Searching, for the reason, why you are here,
Are you far, are you getting near, search until your end,
Some thoughts, you will have to stretch and bend,
You just have to know.

                                                              Tom Maxwell© 10/06/2005
341 · Jun 2022
Yes it’s a lot of Work
A feeling that you can never totally explain,
Often confusing, although it always remains,
Often changing, from soft to smooth, to moments,
Of going insane. A business venture, working,
For common long term, goals, those involved,
Must share, and accept, give and receive, while,
Often switching to different role’s, often seeking,
Solutions, from within the soul. A project that needs,
Constant team work, and repair, along the way,
Enjoyment, a caring nature, emotions, are more reward,
Than any monetary pay. From patience, to times of hurry,
On any day, dedication, determination, resolving,
Issues, accepting behavior, just a short list, if you want,
Love in your life to stay.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 6/17/2022 AD
!:32 pm
340 · Jun 2022
335 · Dec 2023
Christmas Thoughts 2023
There is one thing most of us would agree,
We do not like those who are selfish, and live a life of greed.
Through most of the media outlets. evil, filtered through mind manipulation,
Is recruiting more followers, every day, slowly removing, Jesus Christ,
From his own birthday, Christmas Day.
I was at a local watering hole, on Friday night, a longtime friend,
Walked in, a fluffy white beard, red pants, black boots, Santa Clause, right,
The holiday, is to honor the birth of Jesus Christ.
If you were showing respect, and dressed up like Jesus, today,
Many would laugh, others may start a fight.
When asked, most people believe in God, Jesus is his son, he sent, To save our soul, our soul, that is who we are, how often today,
Do you hear, save my soul, compared to, save my ***?
Many like to gamble, a bad bet, if you think we would be here today,
Without the first Christmas day.
It’s been many moon’s ago, over 2023 years ago, where was your soul?
The populated, parts of the world, were at, what many are chasing,
Wanting today, one central government, that controls you, everything, you have, do, or say,
One fact, they want to eliminate, teaching history,
In schools today, It was so bad before Jesus, most everything is lost,
Everyone wanted to forget the past, they even changed the, calendar, to B.C.
Today people like to name drop, talking about famous people,
No one, comes close to Jesus, he and his father, God, they have,
In the past, and in the future, always will be the first, and second spots.

We see and hear about broken families today, Jesus was conceived,
By a ******, his mom Mary, Joseph, her man, right by her side,
A hard working carpenter, The world has been so turned around since then,
Still going on today, How many men would consider living, staying, with,
A ******, today, love has changed from feelings of the person, their soul, to what I can get, run around and show,
We, our souls, have past, and future life’s, Christmas, is a time, to think, pray and believe,
Many want the most expensive gifts, just for tell and show,
Find discover, your own soul, the gift God gave each of us, you want to be, popular, you will never forget someone, who took time,
To touch you with their soul! Those expensive, gifts, large amounts Of money, are chump change,
Compared to eternity, have patience, believe, help others,
Show appreciation, we are here to build our soul, to perfection, Through our, actions words and thoughts, from our mind.
Jesus is still around us, incognito today, there are also prophets, Teaching, angels, who watch over us, and help in our moments,
Of serious need. The word has been out there, for a long long time,
Jesus, will be back,
On center stage, a second time, to save his father’s creations,
Will the calendar, change again, with memories of us forgot,
Believe, live by what you say, Merry Christmas, AKA,
Happy Birthday Jesus, celebrate, the most wonderful holy day,
                                        Merry Christmas

                                      The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/16/2023 A.D.
334 · Jan 2021
Sooner or Later
All of us have inner hidden dreams,
We hope, wish, in time will come true, in some way,
We often miss, or pass them by,
Hoping for a better situation,
Then after time passes, we look back, and wonder why,
Life will always have road blocks,
We detour, or avoid, not to change our ways,
Then sooner or later, we find our spot,
Where we feel comfortable, and stay,
We can not compare, everything we see with our eyes,
If we wait to late, some decisions,
we will look back and cry,
Sometimes our emotions, give certain signs,
That only others, can see, we can pass them by,
Missing a part of our life,
Where we were supposed to be.

                                                                        Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                         06/10/20 AD
                                                                           10:30 PM
333 · Apr 11
The Sun moon & earth
A celestial event, a message, a warning,
A solar eclipse, God showing us to believe,
Care, love, each other every day. The moon,
Between the sun and earth, actually happens,
Every twenty nine days, to see darkness, during,
The day light hours, the moon has to be at a perfect,
Angle, to block the suns rays. God the almighty power,
Reminding us he could darken our life, any time, any day.
The power involved, hundreds of thousands people,
From around the world, not thinking of the cost,
For travel, lodging, waiting in traffic for  hours, that day,
For a three minute, view, the unseen power, pulling them,
To the area on that April day.  At the totality, a special feeling,
In the air, and your body, blessed, peace, no word of disturbances,
At any viewing sites, a perfect day, to reflect, and be reminded,
Why we are here, in this life today.

                                          The original: Tom Maxwell © 4/11/2024 A D
2 eclipse crossing the same spot in Illinois 7 years apart ?  the number 7 is related too in many religious writings.....
332 · May 2021
The Beauty of the Ocean
Looking ahead, as far as my eyes can see,
The beauty, of the ocean, brings A peaceful feeling to me.
Walking across the dirt, balancing on rocks, with my hands,
As my step’s approach, I start to feel, the warmth of the sand.
I can feel A warm breeze, from the wind upon my face,
As I watch the waves, coming to shore,
As if they were having A race.
Such a powerful force, as the moon controls, the tide,
I can see some brave souls, on their thin boards,
Trying to catch A ride.
During the day, the glare of the sun, so blinding, and bright,
In the evening, the reflection, of the moon,
Creates, A romantic night.

                                                                                                           Tom Maxwell © 03/11/2006 A.D.
The thought of past lives,
Ever pass through your mind,
Who you may have been, what you did,
Take notice when things come easy,
You must try, watch for special signs.
You are creating, another past life, today,
It will mix with your others,
When your soul journeys, from this life’s, stage.
There are old & new souls around, on planet Earth,
On their journey today, So many just compare,
Material things of others, in different ways,
A true soul mate, a soul yours new in past days,
Someone you instantly connect with, and totally trust,
They feel and act the same, right away,
Sharing stories and by actions, will help,
Both of you, discover your hidden talents,
From your past life’s, of yesterday’s

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/12/2023 AD 2:00 am
soul of the past ours remembers works both ways, ever meet someone right a way a bad feeling, you can not trust them, may be an foe from a past life
One, one-hundredth of a century, one tenth of a decade,
Eight thousand, seven hundred, and sixty hours,
Five hundred twenty five thousand, six hundred minutes,
Thirty one million, four hundred forty nine thousand,
Six hundred seconds, three hundred sixty five days,
You just traveled through, in the year, twenty, twenty three!
Everyone has their own ways to slice it, dice it, cut it up,
In any size or shape. We only are served a limited amount,
In this life, use it to be productive, do not waste any, clean your plate,
You can cut it like a pie, so much to think in quiet alone,
To find, and meet your soul, another piece, to discover,
Your hidden talents, God sent you to this life with, for this short stay,
Everyone’s, is a little different, every day, plan, a piece for fun,
Time outside, connecting with nature, for we are a part of everyday,
Stay away from, the modern mind controlling devices, that give,
More power and control, over your short life to strangers, making,
You tell, real people in your life, you do not have enough time, in a day.
As you open your door, and welcome in, twenty, twenty four,
Think positive, associate with those who do the same, do not listen,
To negative stories, or repeat the weather report, many times a day,
The times have changed, take charge of your life, before, your mind,
Is totally under control, to others, as many actions already are today.
How often, do you only look for messages, or phone calls, twice a day,
Then let the phone lay, or schedule, one hour of television, turn it off, a
Walk away … take your life back, on new year’s day, life is a very short stay!

The Original: Tom Maxwell c 12/17/2023 A.D.
Happy New Year to all of the wonderful poets on here!
ladies change during the Christmas season You can walk up to a lady and say ** *** ** and they smile.....try that on a hot July day...
It’s easy in this life, to live not knowing who you are,
Most people are known, and introduced by,
Where they work, what their worth, live, and what kind of car,
No company, believes your name, you’re an e-mail, pass word,
Always programming, your mind along the way, it often, takes,
Longer for them to decide, if you are you, than to ask, a simple,
Non – security question, why you called that day.
There is no end to changing the human being forever,
After you slowly take over their mind, keeping them, from,
The peaceful quiet of nature, alone, to know their soul,
Who you really are, why you are here, during this short stay.
Now they have adults, playing like children, giving them,
Their fake, friend, AI, to many it will become their best,
They will name it, talk to it like A pet, even good night,
When they go to bed, without any accidents on the floor,
The only mess it creates, is inside your head, so much control,
You will always, take your fake friend everywhere, even to,
The bathroom with you.
Now they know if you are going #1 or #2
That’s not all that is going into waste, they are slowly,
Removing, the morals, and values, faith, spiritual beliefs, in you,
Your fake friend, will be your brain control center,
The end, of you.
                                                            ­                                                        The Original: Tom Maxwell © 02/28/24 AD
325 · May 2021
We all have to Believe,
During, our life this time,
Everyone, makes different choices,
We often change, in our mind.

What to Believe,
From what we see, or hear,
Always sorting ideas,
Some seem so far, others touch us near.

Somethings, are hard to Believe,
Hearing them often, in many way’s,
If actions, don’t follow the words,
Change directions, for better day’s.

In your future, always Believe,
Not for tomorrow, after this life’s stay,
Be prepared, you can’t wait A minute,
The call could come, anytime, on any day.
                                            Tom Maxwell ©
324 · Mar 2022
This life is our present challenge,
We should learn something new,
Until the last breath, we take,
Always keep moving, our muscles, and joints,
Or they will become as stiff as boards on a crate,
While keeping our mind active, tinkering with something,
Or a new project to create,
Not sitting every day in the same spot,
As if we are wearing a body cast
We are not living today, if our stories,
Are about, the past,
No active daily plans for the future, no way,
How long will the human mind, and body last,
Look for signs of boredom, that mold your life until you pass,
If you talk about the weather, more than one time a day,
If the only thing you’re worried about coming,
Is the mail every day, or if, remember,
Is the first word, of every sentence that you say.

                                          The Original: Tom Maxwell © 3/13/2022 AD
                                                                           4:20 pm
324 · Jan 2021
The Magic of Snow
As the white translucent ice crystals, fall from the sky,
their shapes, and beauty, always seem to put A gleam, in our eyes.

They fall through the air, as they float to the ground, always,
so peaceful, until the wind blows them around.

Flakes of frozen water vapor, such A natural thing,
we all have special memories, of the excitement, they bring,

Each flake is different, in their own special way,
just like the people we pass by in our life, everyday,

There is more than the beauty, we see with our eyes,
everyone is enlightened, even strangers, have time, to say hi.

The snow, can slow down, our daily pace, the magic it spreads,
brings us closer together, in this world of race.

                                                   Maxwell copyright  12/27/2002
320 · Nov 2021
You Decide
The longer we are allowed,
To live, in this life time,
There are many decisions,
We will make, for reasons, in our mind.
Some we will investigate, and explore,
Before we finally decide, others so fast,
Not thinking, into the future, what may,
Flow back to us, later like a high tide.
Some decisions happen for unknown reasons,
Time with a friend, has faded away, no reason,
You both head different directions, never realizing,
Your last visit, was your final day.
The decisions we make, each day,
create memories, of us after our stay!
The original: Tom Maxwell © AD 11/07/2021 6:50am
319 · Jun 2021
We will Never See…
I hear a light sound,
Outside, in the air,
I can stare out the window,
Never, seeing it there.

The wind,
An act of nature,
None of us, will ever see,
The wind,
It can knock over, large trees,
Sometimes, the wind is cool,
When it shares, A summer breeze.

Our life, is about belief,
Be strong, and care,
Life changes, like the wind,
The best part, of your life,
Might still, be out there,
Some moments, in between,
May leave you, in A stare.

                                         Tom Maxwell ©
                                                 2/24/2019 10:45AM
318 · May 2022
Many afraid of themselves
The thrill of always looking,
Can chase, true happiness away, often finding what we want,
Then we make up excuses, turn, and walk away.
Never knowing, if we will ever find another,
That will touch our soul in any special way.
Too much interference, all around, with more created,
All of the time, so many bad decisions from quick choices,
That pops up in our mind, everyone is trained to think of,
Or make up what is negative about their life,
And others, to pass on their faults, and personal binds,
complements, and praise, only if they were making,
Money, to help their bottom line, a simple kind act towards another, often is turned around, some will say they got over,
Or used you, to praise themselves, in their mind, all their stories no in-betweens, they are the hero, or a victim every time.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 5/02/2022 AD
5:29 am
We never totally appreciate, or seek,
What is truly important, in life, this time,
A special connection, with someone,
A person who cares,  
Always craving, to be around you,
Not just in words, in actions, their life,
Sharing, showing, daily, positive signs.
A person who want’s you, for you,
Someone you think of, that makes your eyes shine,
You both enjoy, giving and receiving,
Together, always floating, so high.
I will hold that dream, of a special lady,
Wanting to bring it to reality, outside.
After my mom passed fifteen months ago,
I lost the last of all, who I truly loved, or did me,
I would cherish, sharing the feelings, for the rest of this life,
Before my soul, sails like a dove, high above the seas.

                                                                                                                                                     Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                                                     11/04/2019 AD
                                                                                                                                                   1:13 PM
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