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A thought to think about, in your mind,
If you died today, what kind of memories,
Would you leave behind?
You live your life every day, is the knowledge,
In your soul, growing in many ways,
Or is your life, the same habit every day?
Do you ever think pass tomorrow,
What this life will be in future days,
Will every one be free, or forced to live a certain way,
Our generation, is creating the future days,
We are to share our wisdom, with those of the future,
So, they will understand today, that no one,
In this life will forever stay.

                                      The Original: Tom Maxwell  © 06/13/2024 AD
Planet earth is only so big
Exiting, we each have our own day and way
Adventuring, learning, pre – paring for what’s
Coming, when our spirit & soul, travel away
Excitement, of evil and greed, following the politician’s lead
Only caring about, their personal party, and space
Nations, starving citizens, plenty of rockets to blow up countries
Eliminating a future generation, nowhere to stay                   Actually forcing,  intelligent people, to live in evil and fear
Reasoning, not a play, that would take personal power away
There is only one ending, to a power and greed chase, death for all
Home turf earth , not to many compliments, to rulers of today.


                                        The Original: Tom Maxwell © 6/03/2024 AD
Hidden message
An announcement, of some one’s Soul, leaving,
Their human body, as it travels, to the next,
Planned, mission, in journey, to God’s kingdom.
Also a short, biography, of the person, who they were,
In this earthly life, what they did, and accomplished,
From the thoughts, visions, messages, from their mind.
An obituary, is a tribute to a person, how they served,
Helped others, while making this earth a better place,
For the rest of us, to live out our earthly days.
Notes of the time, knowledge, and efforts,
They shared, during their entire stay.
Many people, in this short life, use someone’s personal
Obituary, as a announcement, of all the family names,
Their place, in time, for their funeral line.  Honestly,
Most people on those list, would make excuses, not to visit you when, you are alive,
Then they rush to your funeral, they cry,
Thinking, when you were alive, they should have shared,
More time with you, in many ways.

The original: Tom Maxwell © 4/26/2024 A.D.
Death what Obituary are far
I received the word, just the other day, my neighbor,
A very good friend, for many, many years, passed away.
Instantly, I had a hollow feeling inside, as I reached,
For a tissue, to wipe a few tears from my eyes.
I’ve been in the same situation, many times, the sadness,
Will slowly, fade, to memories of a great man, in my mind.
Each of us have a limited, life this time, a mixture,
Of years, and days, it’s a part of the original plan,
As our soul must travel and experience, many situations,
Seeking perfection, before the final judgement day.
Elmer ( Ray ) Schooley, easy on the Elmer, as Ray would say,
A dedicated family man, A husband, father, and grandpa,
Family was first to him in every way, an honest, true country man.
Many hours raising chickens, and rabbits, always making sure,
His family had food, to cook, in the frying pan. I’ve seen him,
  Pick, flowers from their yard, just to see the smile, on Pam’s face,
When he placed them, in her hands.
Time will move on, the inner pain will slowly fade, then our,
Precious memories, of Ray, will be treasured, and bring a smile,
To our face, as the sun does, after a rainy day. One memory,
I will always remember, of Ray, his rooster would sneak out of,
It’s pen, he would chase it around their yard, with a fishing net,
Before, it ran away. Rest In Peace Ray!
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 04/20/2024 A.D. Ordained Minister ULM
Always keep your eyes open,
You never know, what’s in your path ahead,
Your trail could lead you far, or the end could be dead,
Some situations, will be cool, others hot, and you’re clothes,
You will shed.
Other days will be slow, and hard,
You may move, like your pants are full of lead,
After a long night, you might wake up confused, finding yourself,
Laying on a stranger’s bed, it’s normal to make mistakes,
Then you feel like, kicking yourself in the head.

An active, curious mind, will entertain you, many hours,
On different days, many things will be confusing,
Just keep trying to find answers, someway,
There will be moments, you want to relax, and go somewhere,
And play.

Some moments, will seem perfect, everything, will go right,
Everyone around you, will be helpful, and stick together tight,
Other times when you’re awful hungry, even the food you don’t,
Really like, will taste good, to the last bite.

                                   The Original: Tom Maxwell ©  04/19/2024 A.D.
A celestial event, a message, a warning,
A solar eclipse, God showing us to believe,
Care, love, each other every day. The moon,
Between the sun and earth, actually happens,
Every twenty nine days, to see darkness, during,
The day light hours, the moon has to be at a perfect,
Angle, to block the suns rays. God the almighty power,
Reminding us he could darken our life, any time, any day.
The power involved, hundreds of thousands people,
From around the world, not thinking of the cost,
For travel, lodging, waiting in traffic for  hours, that day,
For a three minute, view, the unseen power, pulling them,
To the area on that April day.  At the totality, a special feeling,
In the air, and your body, blessed, peace, no word of disturbances,
At any viewing sites, a perfect day, to reflect, and be reminded,
Why we are here, in this life today.

                                          The original: Tom Maxwell © 4/11/2024 A D
2 eclipse crossing the same spot in Illinois 7 years apart ?  the number 7 is related too in many religious writings.....
You have to be your own leader,
In this life today, so many false prophets,
Trying to sway your soul & money, their way,
Inner self motivation, your spirit, trying to guide,
You, to more positive days.
Where are you in this life, never knowing,
If the finish line, is near of far away,
Hear today, gone tomorrow, life is about,
Experiences, learning, and sharing, not what,
You can steal, beg or borrow.
It does not really matter, if you live your life,
High or low, your not hear, to always be, the star,
Of every show, This life is a stepping stone,
To educate, and strengthen, your soul.

                                       The original: Tom Maxwell© 04/02/2024 A.D.
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