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319 · May 2022
Many afraid of themselves
The thrill of always looking,
Can chase, true happiness away, often finding what we want,
Then we make up excuses, turn, and walk away.
Never knowing, if we will ever find another,
That will touch our soul in any special way.
Too much interference, all around, with more created,
All of the time, so many bad decisions from quick choices,
That pops up in our mind, everyone is trained to think of,
Or make up what is negative about their life,
And others, to pass on their faults, and personal binds,
complements, and praise, only if they were making,
Money, to help their bottom line, a simple kind act towards another, often is turned around, some will say they got over,
Or used you, to praise themselves, in their mind, all their stories no in-betweens, they are the hero, or a victim every time.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 5/02/2022 AD
5:29 am
There was snow on the ground,
A could, cloudy January day,
When I received the sad news,
My friend John, had passed away,
A son, brother, father & friend,
A fun loving, honest family man,
Always in good spirits, his joking ways,
Willing to help anyone, with his hands,
A confident man, always A positive attitude,
With A caring heart, every day,
A friendly, outgoing personality,
No strangers, ever passed his way,
His personal thoughts, and ideas,
Seemed to glow so bright,
Always doing whatever he could,
To make everything right.
We are all creating memories,
As we journey, through each day,
Be thankful, he was in your life,
Cherished memories, that will never fade.

Tom Maxwell© 2/25/2011
John" mom had the entire pome, put on the stone, at his grave
I received the word, just the other day, my neighbor,
A very good friend, for many, many years, passed away.
Instantly, I had a hollow feeling inside, as I reached,
For a tissue, to wipe a few tears from my eyes.
I’ve been in the same situation, many times, the sadness,
Will slowly, fade, to memories of a great man, in my mind.
Each of us have a limited, life this time, a mixture,
Of years, and days, it’s a part of the original plan,
As our soul must travel and experience, many situations,
Seeking perfection, before the final judgement day.
Elmer ( Ray ) Schooley, easy on the Elmer, as Ray would say,
A dedicated family man, A husband, father, and grandpa,
Family was first to him in every way, an honest, true country man.
Many hours raising chickens, and rabbits, always making sure,
His family had food, to cook, in the frying pan. I’ve seen him,
  Pick, flowers from their yard, just to see the smile, on Pam’s face,
When he placed them, in her hands.
Time will move on, the inner pain will slowly fade, then our,
Precious memories, of Ray, will be treasured, and bring a smile,
To our face, as the sun does, after a rainy day. One memory,
I will always remember, of Ray, his rooster would sneak out of,
It’s pen, he would chase it around their yard, with a fishing net,
Before, it ran away. Rest In Peace Ray!
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 04/20/2024 A.D. Ordained Minister ULM
Many things combined together,
Create how we feel every day,
The conversations we hear, what we believe,
Our attitude, the weather, A few that come into play.
Our willingness to accept changes, thinking positive,
Trying different things, in our own way,
Working towards, even a small goal, something to do,
Changing our routines, often during this life’s stay.

                                                         ­                                                                 ­                                  
                              ­                                                         Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               ­                               5/13/2021 AD
                                                              ­                             7:30am
314 · Jan 2021
Words are the instruments
By which we form all our abstractions,
We   fashion, embody our ideas,
In which we are enabled to move,
Along a series of conclusions,
With a rapidity so fast,
With no trace, of the successive steps,
We remain unconscious,
How much we owe,
To this auxiliary, of the reasoning faculty.

                                                   ­                                                                 ­               Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               ­                                                                 ­   06/15/2020 AD
                                                              ­                                                                 ­    11:00 AM
314 · Apr 2021
Our Reason, Our Purpose
You can search, look and explore,
For days, years A lifetime
Often passing, what you desire,
Even if you feel all the right signs,
Because it’s not the perfect shape, size, or age,
Of the imaginary picture, you created, in your mind.
This one- time, short life, is A gamble, and risky,
Some decisions we make, can lead to binds.
Always remember, each of us, are an experiment,
Carrying A soul inside, we live, and feel, this life,
The soul, will mix the new and old experiences,
The reason, our purpose, and our role.

Tom Maxwell © 4/1/2021 AD
314 · Oct 2023
You Feel their Energy
There is an opposite, to everything,
In life this time, moments, you will make,
Mistakes, decisions in your mind,
Other days you will glow so bright,
Everything you touch or do, will,
Turn out right, be honest with yourself,
So much time can be wasted,
Trying to chase dreams, your soul and spirit,
Will let you know, they will never be in your sights.
I treat everyone the same, honest words, no games,
Life is to short, all the people, since the first two,
Adam & Eve, we each are equal to one drop of water,
In the largest sea, or one grain of sand on the beach,
You see, your words, stories, and made up excuses,
Are not as important as your actions every day.
Think of someone you loved that has passed away,
You do not picture, clothes, cars, or any other,
Material thing, You feel the energy, they shared,
And gave, while taking time from their short life,
Through actions, showing you, they truly cared.

                                               The Original Tom Maxwell  © 7/26/23 AD
314 · Jan 2022
What Keeps You Alive
what is the most important thing,
Keeping all of us alive today,
Love, children, our parents, a job,
Food, water, beer, drugs…
Everyone has a different idea to say.
Most answers, could be swept under a rug.
Go outside, in the afternoon,
Look high into the sky, that burning out star,
The sun, without the warmth it provides us,
Very quickly, every living thing on earth,
Would freeze and die.    The End

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 1/14/2022 AD
4;15 am
What is the definition of true love today,
You hear about so many searching, for it, many ways,
To be true, you would have no restrictions,
As in race, age, wealth, or trying to get others involved,
To change, their actions, how they live, and dress, each day.
It would just be special emotions, loving,
A wonderful feeling, like caring parents,
Seeing their new baby, on it’s very first day.
Working on each - others good qualities, no negative
Thoughts, about the other person, in their mind.
You have to meet in person, any one, can put a picture,
With a story on line.
Like shopping for groceries, go out and squeeze some
Lemmon’s, for if you wait, and keep talking to long,
You may miss out, and run out of time.

Tom Maxwell ® 3/12/21/AD 12:30 PM
312 · Jan 2021
All we have in this
life is time,
Everything else we borrow,
Till the day we reach,
Our dead end signs.

We each have different hills, to climb,
Be careful, for mountain slides,
Trying to reach, the summit,
Avoiding all binds.

Decisions change with time, years,
Always be yourself, what you feel,
Others may be totally wrong,
Lazy, full of fear.

                                                                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
This life will always bring us new adventures along the way,
the only thing we can count on, is that it will come to an end one day.
Answers and confusion come and go all of the time,
some will bring smiles and others, tears from our mind.
People, places and goals, we seek during this life’s race,
Often, we have to choose, which one’s we will follow at our own pace.
Sometimes  we feel we are doing good and on the right trail,
then we find ourselves off to the side, hanging on to our life by the rail.
As we travel through this life, we will all have experiences that will turn us around,
we will never know what will come next, until after we hear our last sound

                                                        ­     Tom Maxwell 1/17/06
305 · Mar 2022
Memories of my Journey
I’ve met a lot of people, as I travel, through life this time,
Searching, for my purpose, mixing the energy in my mind,
There are countless messages, and inspirations, at any moment,
In time, then I search, sort, and mix, to see what I find,
None of us should plan for a perfect grade, in life this time,
I thank God for this chance to discover and being so kind.
When my journey in this life ends, the smoke, from,
My cremation will rise up, like a dark cloud,
Floating towards the sky, and it will fade,
Only then my soul will travel on, more to discover, another stage.
My material possessions will be left, somewhere they will lay,
My poems/songs, read, learn, share, for now, and the future,
Change the worldwide negatives, to positives, harder each day,
In a few short moments, memories of me in this life will fade.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/27/2022AD 4:20 am
299 · Feb 2021
The Path of Rose’s
So Many beautiful poems,
About love today, Receiving,
Giving, sharing, wishing,
Along with tears, for those,
Hearts, that were broken,
Some way.

Everyone, falls in love,
Numerous, reasons, and ways,
As you walk the path, of rose’s
Always make sure, your sharing,
An honest reflection, of yourself,
If you want, the love in your life, to stay.

Tom Maxwell©
02/24/2021 AD
299 · Oct 2021
Love and Life
True love is like this current life, we are in,
Our hearts will beat, until the end,
It's real, do not be a fake, or pretend.

Each of us have a soul, we can not totally explain,
It's easy to loose touch, in a world, of evil games.

Be yourself, honestly try, away from life's lies,
Work to discover, true love, your soul, before you die.
We use to be close together, shared good times,
Helped each other through, bad weather.
There were few days, you would see us apart,
We had A friendship that connected,
Right from the start.
We could feel each other’s emotions,
As if we shared the same mind,
We would guide each other through, lonely times.
Our last time together, was just A normal day,
Then for reasons unknown, our friendship,
Just drifted away.
Over the years we cross paths, it’s just like the old days,
Then we part again, journey our separate ways.
We all have friends, we hold so close in our mind,
When we think of them,
A feeling of peace, happiness, comes every time.
During this life, most friendships, will drift apart,
We will only have A few, we keep as memories,
Close to our heart.
                                                          ­                                                                 ­   Tom Maxwell©
With a little patience, taking the time,
Writing a story that rhymes, then mixing in music,
A few people can create a song, thousands of people,
Without reading a verse, can sing along, with every line.
Everyone has a style they like, each generation, tweaks it,
Their way, the ones we enjoy, can pick up our energy,
During any slow day.
Music seems to have a direct route to our personal database,
We can live for years, without hearing, a certain song play,
As soon as we hear the first note, we start singing away,
Even moving our limbs, from playing air instruments to a crowd,
That sways!
Our society can learn to remember, many important things,
While having fun at the same time,
No one looked at it as work, or school, the first time,
We heard and sang, happy birthday, and the ABC song,
Now they are a perpetual fixture, memory in our minds.
As we age, many decide to stop listening to music,
And moving around, to a sit and stare, then sooner or later,
When you're talking, others are looking at each other,
Pointing at their head, he’s losing it up there.
291 · Feb 2021
There Will be A Last Time
As the morning sun, rises,
Daylight to us, it brings,
While the early birds, entertain,
With songs, they sing.

The lights on the poles, are off,
At night they illuminated, the street,
Now people are beginning to journey,
To the places, where they meet.

Our cycle, has taken us,
Into another day,
Be thankful, appreciate, each of them,
There will be A last one, that passes your way.

Tom Maxwell©
02/09/2007 AD
291 · Feb 2022
A Trippy Place to See
Sitting in my home, with a pencil in hand,
Thoughts to letters, then words is my plan,
Often interesting impressions, appear in my head,
Then I ramble on until the story fades to dead.
Inside I can feel myself floating, places, voices,
Sometimes, as if the words are handed to me,
A journey into my mind, a trippy place to see,
Everything, the highest mountains, to open valleys,
Always peaceful, like standing in the sand, staring at the sea.
The Original: Tom Maxwell© 2/27/2022 AD
7:30 pm
290 · Nov 2021
Some Dreams Fade Away
Before we realize, the possibility,
We may be close, to a dream,
There is fantasy, in our mind,
We think in many directions,
Trying to perfect it, for when our dream,
Begins, to appear, in real time.
Sometimes, no fault of our own,
They disappear, one cloudy day,
At first, we are saddened, like, a lost puppy,
A stray, still carrying emotions, feelings,
We wanted to share, live and stay,
Always, keeping, an open door,
So many thoughts, pass through,
As we sit under a tree, in the shade, confused.
Why our dream, faded away.
The Original: Tom Maxwell 11/01/2021 AD
284 · Nov 2021
Time & Memories
The life we are in today,
Keeps moving at a steady pace,
None of us can change time,
Not even if your thoughts, do race.
Time is all we have,
Memories, is all we leave,
We are all the same
With different thoughts, we believe.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/29/2021 AD 2:00 am
281 · Jan 2022
You’re Not Alone…
Does it seem like a hundred thoughts a minute,
Often race through your mind, often worried about,
Getting somewhere on time?
Doubting, your thoughts, some things you do,
Thinking others are watching and wondering about you?
Feeling, like your body is running a fast race inside,
Uncontrollable, as if riding a scary carnival ride?
Speaking before others finish, what they have to say,
Or thinking of something else, as if they were in the way?
Taking time to criticize, what others say or do, only quick,
Complements, or positive statements, come from you?
When talking to others, often telling them what you think,
They should say or do, It's an insult if they do it to you?
If any of these rings a bell in your mind, you’re not alone,
Millions are the same, in this life, this time!

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/28/2006 AD
Revised 1/7/2022 AD
Wrote in 2006 some things never change...
280 · Apr 2022
Subconsciously Trained
Our brain, Our mind, our command center,
Without thinking, they control our breathing,
Heartbeat, while processing our vision, hearing,
So much more, always giving us signs.
We can look outside to rain, convincing ourselves,
It’s going to be a gloomy day, everything seems,
To go slow even the actual time.
Some people say no one can control them,
If we hear, read, see, somethings enough,
We even start doing them every day,
How did almost, everyone in the country,
All about the same time, decide they were,
Going to carry a bottle of water or something,
Every day even if not thirsty, habits born stay,
Cell phones the same, ever hear of people,
Leaving their kids in a car, their phone, no way.
The Original: Tom Maxwell© 3/16/22 A D
9:45 pm
280 · Feb 2021
We watch the clouds pass over, almost every day,
where do they go, do the same one's, ever pass by our way?

Some are so fluffy, like huge cotton *****, others so long,
like an enormous white wall.

So many shapes, with swirls, and waves,
sometimes they open up, like the entrance to caves.

They bring us water, from high in the sky,
they control our weather, to make it wet, or dry.

They can draw pictures, and words, as they pass us by,
they being us messages, as they float in the sky.

Clouds can give us so much beauty, as they reflect the sun's rays,
or be so dark, as they drop rain upon our day.

Floating so graceful, as they pass so free, to collect more moisture,
as they travel, across the sea's.

                                                               Tom Maxwell 01/14/2003
Those close to you now,
An unknown future friend,
Who will you remember the most,
When this life, comes to an end.

Life is like A book,
Chapters change, along our way,
Along with the characters,
Those you see, every day.

Every one came into this life,
For A special reason,
We are not to judge, each other,
We all have our change, of seasons.
Tom Maxwell. ® 03/07/2007 AD
274 · Nov 2021
Real Dreams are Natural
A dream is a fantasy,
They can come true, at any time,
Often, not at the moment planned.
Usually, we never noticed, when they arrived,
We had different ideas, and projects, at hand,
Later in our journey, we look back, and understand.
Real dreams come naturally,
Not those greedy, I want thoughts, in our mind,
They are personal, for us to learn,
As we never know, when they will fade in time.
The same as when A dream starts, or when their over,
We will always remember, those moments, and signs.
I’ve seen myself, in a dream, one night,
A calendar, mirror or clock, never in sight.
Original Tom Maxwell © 11/21/2021AD
273 · Feb 2021
Appreciate Your Basic Needs
There are people in the U.S.A. that think their life is so bad, if they had to move to the other side of the world,
they would appreciate everything they ever had.
In this country everything is taken for granted every day, most people could not imagine living in a grass hut,
that’s their life long home to stay.
A polluted river is their bath tub, and clothes washer too,
many Americans get excited about a spill on their shirt, so embarrassed, what to do.
A home without electric and other convenient luxuries, and they get by just fine,
in America if the power goes out, most people will complain, what to do with their time.
Everyone is spoiled that lives in the U.S.A., no one is ever satisfied, and greed makes them want more every day.
Soap, deodorant, toilet paper, and hair spray, many in the United States would not go outside without using, and never dream about working hard just for food every day.
The world is one piece of land, should it have stayed that way, separating it into countries,
caused wars, poverty, and greed, it seems to get worse every day.

                                                           Copyright Tom Maxwell 09/27/03
Watching the frozen water vapor,
Ice crystals, falling from the clouds,
Towards, the cold hard ground,
With a strong wind, blowing, in every direction,
Spinning them in circles, all around.
One of nature’s most beautiful sights,
As they arrive for their landing, so gently,
Never making a sound.
When the sun shines down, on everything,
Covered in white, it brings a hypnotizing, trance,
With it, in the air, everyone always stops,
Their day, taking a few minutes and stares.
A snowfall, slows the pace of life, for everyone,
To experience, enjoy, and see, as it covers, all
Generations, reminding us,
The most beautiful, wonderful feelings, in this life,
Come naturally, simple and free.

The original: Tom Maxwell © 02/17/2024 A.D.
272 · Mar 2021
A Dark Feeling of Blue
What is reality, in our life each day.
I suppose we know, if were happy, or sad,
We can see if the weather, is good, or bad,
Is it real, for politicians, never to agree,
and the news media, keeping us sad.

The daily soap opera, is it all false,
none of it true,
Everywhere we go, cameras, recording you,
A few commit crimes, were all watched, accused,
This don’t feel like, reality & freedom,
More of A dark feeling of blue.

                                                                            Tom Maxwell 
                                                                         3:00 AM
271 · Jan 2021
I Lost Another Day
It’s two A.M. in the morning,
As I walk out the back screen door,
A beautiful light covering, of snow, on the ground,
As I stand on the sidewalk, in the chilled air,
Looking at the reflections, of lights,
The sun will rise in A few more hours,
The snow will slowly, melt away,
For me in this life, I lost another day.

                                                       Tom Maxwell ©   3/8/2019 2:00 A.M.
270 · Nov 2021
The Warmth of the sun
A round ball of fire,
Our planet earth,
Revolves around daily,
The bright sun, in the sky,
Without its warmth,
We would, quickly die,
We take the sun for granted,
Never stare, at the sun to long,
’Within A few minutes,
It would blind our eyes.

The Original: Tom Maxwell 10/01/2021AD
262 · Jan 2022
Our Active Mind
Does it seem like a hundred thoughts a minute,
Often race through your mind, often worried about,
Getting somewhere on time?
Doubting, your thoughts, some things you do,
Thinking others are watching and wondering about you?
Feeling, like your body is running a fast race inside,
Uncontrollable, as if riding a scary carnival ride?
Speaking before others finish, what they have to say,
Or thinking of something else, as if they were in the way?
Taking time to criticize, what others say or do, only quick,
Complements, or positive statements, come from you?
When talking to others, often telling them what you think,

If any of these rings a bell in your mind, you’re not alone,
Millions are the same, in this life, this time!

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/28/2006 AD
Revised 1/7/2022 AD
261 · Mar 2021
A few Small Step's Everyday
What’s important in this life,
Everyone can disagree,
Traveling through our time,
To what our future will see.

Changes in thoughts, and actions,
Like everything, will rotate with time,
Second chances, or opportunities,
To examine how we think with our mind.

A few words or actions,
Will not immediately change our ways,
Like learning to walk,
A few small step’s everyday.

                                                                       © Tom Maxwell 02/04/07
260 · Feb 2021
I sit alone on the steps, watching people go by,
Never seeing a soul, never wondering why.

I listen to laughter, and stories, never hearing a thing,
For my life is so lonely, without you, and the joy you bring.

Some people pass, say a word or two, they try to talk to me,
The only thoughts on my mind, the visions, of you I see.

Tear fill my eyes, roll down my face, without you in my life,
All I do, is sit by myself, stare into space.

My thoughts of you keep passing through, as I watch the clouds,
Pass over so high, always curious, where you went, why you never,
Took time to say good by.

You strived for my existence, then just left it to fade,
I never seen it coming,  you never explained, just walked out,
and went on your way.

Someday, I may get over you, it might take A few years,
Now all I want to do, is sit alone, wipe all of these tears.

                                                        Tom Maxwell copyright 3/17/03
259 · Apr 2021
Mental Notes
Emotions so real
Mile stones
Our life
Remembering those we loved
Expanding feelings
Signs for guidance

Tom Maxwell ©
!:05 PM
Planet earth is only so big
Exiting, we each have our own day and way
Adventuring, learning, pre – paring for what’s
Coming, when our spirit & soul, travel away
Excitement, of evil and greed, following the politician’s lead
Only caring about, their personal party, and space
Nations, starving citizens, plenty of rockets to blow up countries
Eliminating a future generation, nowhere to stay                   Actually forcing,  intelligent people, to live in evil and fear
Reasoning, not a play, that would take personal power away
There is only one ending, to a power and greed chase, death for all
Home turf earth , not to many compliments, to rulers of today.


                                        The Original: Tom Maxwell © 6/03/2024 AD
Hidden message
255 · Jan 2021
My soul, Family, Moments
My soul, adventuring,
In this period of life,
A different shell, last time,
So far, an endless flight.

My imitate family,
Have journeyed forward,
I learned, miss them much,
Be positive, for the reason.

My work, this era of time,
Advise help, and care
Separate, grief, moments,
Write, leave messages,
Discover, myself.      

Tom Maxwell ©  2/17/19 AD  11:35 AM
My soul, adventuring,
In this period of life,
A different shell, last time,
So far, an endless flight.

My imitate family,
Have journeyed forward,
I learned, miss them much,
Be positive, for the reason.

My work, this era of time,
Advise help, and care
Separate, grief, moments,
Write, leave messages,
Discover, myself.

                                                                          Tom Maxwell ©  2/17/19 AD  11:35 AM
255 · Nov 2021
Making Words out of Letters
I am sitting, at my table,
Armed with a pencil, in my hand,
Making words, out of letters, that is my basic plan.
Then my thoughts, started to appear,
One word, at a time, as I search through my files,
So many memories, in my mind.
The subject, can be about anything, from rain, to a sunny day,
To an all-night party, years ago, or the special words, I do Pray.
Never knowing, what will inspire me, I can’t, just plan to write,
Ideas flow in from every direction,
It could be morning, noon, or night.
Thoughts come, and go in a fast way
, Many writings, I have started,
May never see, their final day. never planning ahead,
watching for signs, then at one moment, I decide,
This will be the last line.

                                                          ­The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/21/21 AD 8:20 am
This life, part of many different situations,
To build our soul, to move on, after, this journey,
To our next role.
There are young, old, good, and bad influences,
Around us everywhere, our choice moving forward,
Giving life, ourselves A dare, or just hanging out,
Always wondering, what if, standing in A stare.
Some souls are very old, past prophets, old friends of, Jesus,
In this life to guide, lead, may be A total stranger, on A street,
That said A few words, you now follow,
Repeating them often, to everyone, you know and meet.
Everyone has energy, we can feel,
learn, teach with each other, pass the good on,
As knowledge, or A healing process, to someone, in need.
Everything, takes, time patience, in this world of greed.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 8/20/2021 AD 11:00am
I looked out my window in morning, two small deer playing like puppies, then I saw two eyes of the mother deer staring at me, I got idea sat down wrote entire poem. is there a relation, or just a tory to tell?
252 · Feb 2021
The Most Loyal Critters
As humans, we should be the most important creatures to each other in this world today, why are so many homeless, and we let dogs live in our homes, and rule the house where they stay.

Most people would not even think of inviting a homeless person in for a meal, but the animals always have a full bowl, and their every move is such a big deal.

Many people sleep outside with only a sidewalk to rest their head, while the shedding so called pets, lay comfortable on their human’s bed,

Is it because our dog's always love us and never talk back, or because they are always ready to play, when entertainment we lack.

We never have to wait on them, just say the words "let’s go", and they sit by our side, when our day is moving slow.

They are always watching who is around, guarding us in their own way, and about the most loyal critters we will ever find on this earth, during our days.

Copyright Tom Maxwell 12/04/03
To some, love is just A game today,
The people involved, are just toys, they play,
The world is the field, where the moves are made,
When they are finished, they find another to play.
Is love, just another four letter word today,
What happened to the meaning, has it just faded away,
I'm sure It's still out there, It's just so hard to find,
When you do, you will feel the signs,
Those involved, must be trustworthy, and care,
No matter what happens, in life, while you both are there,
Stand by each other, side by side, have no secrets you hold inside.

Tom Maxwell copyright 10/16/2002 AD
I've known her for many years, I have made her laugh, and wiped,
Oh so many tears, from her dreams, that disappeared.
She always comes to me when she's down, because I've never,
Played her love, like all of those other men in town,
That give her the run around.
She never has stayed long with me, her safe place, with everything,
She wants, all of her needs, her eyes, never seem to see.
She always goes back to the ranch, finds another tree,
Hangs on from a broken branch, she might see tomorrow, by chance.
Only when the branch starts to break, she'll give me a call,
Before it's to late, I'm the only one who ever catches her falls,
And makes her feel so tall.
She always feel's safe, when she's with me, my spirit inside,
Makes hers feel free, that's what she craves, and needs, is the,
Feeling of her spirit, to be free...
249 · Mar 2022
Not the Slightest
Ingredient labels, on everything, from the,
Bottled tap water we drink, to processed food we eat,
Trying to be healthy, not tripping on our feet.
If we feel bad, grab a phone give a doctor a ring,
They have no guarantees, although they push drugs,
For almost everything. We risk our life, trusting,
The system, doctors buy licenses to deal, from,
Politicians, The Government, who keep our prescription,
Ingredient’s, hid under a rug. Many take medicines,
Normally adding more as we age, not having a clue,
Not the slightest, Drugs. In the media you may see,
What street drugs have inside, are they about the same,
Never a second thought, go right to the pharmacy,
Inhale whatever, strap yourself in, wait for the ride.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 3/14/2022 AD
4:20 pm
246 · Jan 2022
The future – will it be
Who is the captain, of our ship,
The engineer of this train,
The person in the director’s chair,
The ones that make the most gains?
Our vessel,  a round mass of dirt,
Rocks, the center full of fire,
Water and sand, knowing,
Our lives are limited reservations,
We never totally own our land.
The people should be happy,
It seems like old history,
Many welcomed strangers, to their town,
Introduce themselves, invite them for vittles,
A shot of moonshine, truly kind, not a plan,
To rob, or hurt them, they enjoyed company around.
Every generation, learns, from what they hear and see,
Those at the wheel, need to change direction, a different way,
Robots are we trying to eliminate ourselves, the future will it be.
By The Original Tom Maxwell © 1/30/2022 AD
There is much good in the world how does the media miss it?
245 · Feb 2021
A Lover and A Friend
It’s hard to find an honest person in this world of today, to have a true friend that loves you, is worth more than anything in this life, that will pass your way. Someone, who cares, no matter how you
look or feel, always waiting with open arms, when you are hungry, they will feed you a meal.                                                                          A person you can count on to help bail you out anytime, willing work with you, when the relationship gets in a bind.                     You can play the people you pass on the street, but always be
honest with a true friend, life is short, another you may never meet. No one is perfect in this life’s game, when we never admit our mistakes, all we do is ruin our own name.                                  Finding someone who loves you, and you love too, is a gift you should cherish, be honest with them in anything you do.               It’s never a matter of who is right or wrong, it’s someone you always want to be with and share life like an old love song.   Never being greedy about material things, we think we should have in our hands, the high should come from having a true loving friend to share, and explore each day on this land.                                  
Always showing appreciation for everything, and never pushing them away for the excitement you think a few  minutes of pleasure will bring.                                                                                              Never making up stories or hurting them to make you feel better inside, the worst thing you could do a lover and friend is betray them or lie.                                                                                              
Always come forward and apologize, if you turned on a friend that has always been good to you, remember your luck or game will someday come to an end and you will be all alone, and no one will be there to help no matter what you do.

                                                                           Tom Maxwell ©
243 · Dec 2021
Think before, You Decide
As we float in space, riding on our planet,
We will have to make choices, many times,
For the wrong reasons, at the moment,
We think is ok, in our mind,
Are you a positive or negative, thinker?
Our you, an open, honest, sharing person,
That would help a stranger, on the street,
Or you always on the move, looking for,
Another victim, to try to defeat?
Everything, we say or do, depends,
On our personal attitude, in our mind,
Which can change, often very fast,
When making decisions, watch, listen for signs.
The Original: Tom Maxwell© 12/01/2021AD  3:45am
240 · Jan 2021
Dreams do not Last Forever
I have lived many dreams,
The first few, I didn’t realize, I was,
Until they were over, they lived their time,
Dreams do not stay, in our life forever,
We must join the ride, when they pass by,
Most only appear one time, in this life,
Follow your dreams, or always wonder why,

                                                                                                                                                     Tom Maxwell©
                                                                                                                                                  2:40 PM
We dream about many things, often we do not realize we  are living , a dream,
At the moment, we are enjoying, the excitement they bring...
240 · Jun 2021
Paranoia in our Life
Paranoia, can mess with your mind,
So much confusion, we sort through,
During this short, limited life time.
Each of us only live in this passing,
A few short moments, compared to eternity.
We are here to stimulate, our brain,
AS we try to discover, our purpose,
Being creative, understanding, while staying sane.
The biggest cause of paranoia in life today,
Leaders forcing us to live, or life,
Based on their systematic delusions,
That they are right, our thoughts are invalid,
We must follow them, or be removed out of the way.

                                                                                                                                    The Original :Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                                        6/11/20 AD
                                                                                                                                            6:55 PM
236 · Feb 2021
The Most Loyal Critters
As humans we should be the most important creatures to each other in this world today, why are so many homeless and we let dogs live in our homes and rule the house where they stay.
Most people would not even think of inviting a homeless person in for a meal, but the animals always have a fun bowl, and their every move is such a big deal.
Many people sleep outside with only a sidewalk to rest their head while the shedding so called pets lay comfortable on their human’s bed,
Is it because our dog's always love us and never talk back, or because they are always ready to play when entertainment we lack.
We never have to wait on them just say the words "let’s go” and they sit by our side when our day is moving slow.
They are always watching who is around, guarding us in their own way and about the most loyal critters we will ever find on this earth , during our days.
Copyright Tom Maxwell 12/04/03
Some people appear in our life,
At a very precise time,
To help us close A chapter,
Opening A new one in our mind.

They will pick up our spirit,
When it has fallen down,
Then as fast as they appeared,
They are no where around.

Showing us different views,
Of how our world could be,
Which may not be our choice,
What our mind, needed to see,

We will all come to crossroads,
Confused which way to turn,
As we decide, our direction,
A part of life, live and learn.

Tom Maxwell Copyright 2009AD
233 · Oct 2023
What will your Future Be
This life is a learning experience, as we journey, on our way,
We each have a different finish line, never knowing our last day,
Everyone thinks, and acts, a little strange to others, in many ways,
New ideas, and messages arrive to us, we share every day.
Who, how and why, are the false prophets around, among us today,
Those who control your life, in person, not recognizing you in any way.
Respect, morals, sharing, with hard work,
Has kept human life alive on this planet, till today, control is the reason,
So many spend hours a day, inhaling, the negative hot topics, of each day,
Through, media, artificial intelligence, which can ruin anyone, in many ways.
After they program one like you, the false one’s can take everything, they started,
Eliminating who you are, your name, means nothing today, now you are an,
E-mail, pass word, then they still do not trust, you do not have any choice,
So they send an email with a code to return, you have no record, not even, the day,
If you jump through the hoops right, they might believe, it’s you.
Look ahead, the near future, robots, clones, looking like, acting, knowing everything,
You do, then at any moment, the false ones, can take every thing you own,
With your name, and possessions, who or what, are you?

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/4 /23 AD
every one addicted to screen staring, more time every day, our lives being taken away from the inside, and every month we pay.
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