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Tatiana Dec 2023
Split seams on the dress of my daydreams.
No needle or thread in sight.
Where is the seamstress who'll fix this?
Why is she never here on time?
Lost on my way down the aisle.
Commit to a man I don't know anymore.
You don't get to sweep this under my veil.
You claim love but won't let me go.
I asked that you didn't tear my dress,
since it was my only protection from
the elements.
You agreed with me
but then snipped at the seams
when you said "Just trust me."
Was it all for your own pleasure?
To play with my own nerves.
You bought me a drink and played a sad song.
Then apologized for the miscommunication.

There was no miscommunication.

I've been gone a minute. Got into a relationship, experienced the absolute most stuff someone can experience in a relationship. Will probably write more about it all while I try to process the whole thing.
This was the 1st thing I wrote when we broke up the 1st time. I should've stayed broken up with him. It would've saved me a whole lot of pain.
Tatiana Feb 2019
Somewhere, there is a house upon a hilltop
that still has the shakes
of life that once lived within it.
Shivering with memories
of children's feet pounding
through the halls as they played.
They were the blood racing through its veins.

Yet all races must come to an end.

Now the house is nothing more
than a reminder of the past
that's unsteady; it shakes
like hands that have held too much.
The house is nothing more
than gaping windows, knocked out doors
and peeling paint;
that shudders in the terrible breeze.
Memory has always been rather shaky
Tatiana Jan 2018
I'm young and I shouldn't preach
but at least listen to me speak.
I have dreams about
what this world could be.
I have ideas
on how we could be
and to discredit me
based solely on my youth
tells me more about you
than you could ever tell me.
Who silenced you
when you were young?
Who taught you that
the younger generation is dumb?
Who taught you it was okay
to silence those youthful tongues?

Who silenced you
you silencer?
Inexperience is a thing, and i acknowledge that. But don't shut down what a person says just because they're young. Because discussion is also a thing and a much better learning tool than telling people to shut up.
Tatiana Jan 2018
Take the medicine to feel well again

Allow sleep to creep up on you

Desire the sleep and count the sheep

The flock has grown too large

to control

and it stampedes over your soul
Tatiana Aug 2014
It all started with a trip.
A simple act of a foot stuck out
in the middle of a busy hallway
but it leads to this boy's downfall.

His arms are full of books and papers,
they scatter as he falls.
Everything moves so slowly,
he can feel their eyes on him,
as he watches the ground come closer,
and closer.

Then he hits the ground,
his face smashing the tile
that makes up the school's floors.
Nothing breaks his fall.

He doesn't want to move.
People are laughing,
poking him,
and nudging him with their feet.
Calling him names.
But no one helps him.

How long he has been laying there,
he doesn't know.
But whoever tripped him,
has started a war against him,
and he'll be ****** if he loses.

Through his refusal to move,
he didn't see the one person watching him.
This shy kid,
so very shy.
This kid didn't know what to do.
but never helping,
The bell rang and the kid fearfully ran to class.
Looking back at the other boy's shaking form.

But he didn't see this kid.

The boy picked himself back up,
removing himself from the cold floor,
only then realizing that he's bleeding.
Gathering up his now ****** books
and crumpled papers,
he makes his way to the nurses office
through a now empty hallway.
So he can stitch up
his first battle wound.

In his new conflict.
*...Yet he doesn't realize it's someone else's conflict too
A new poem series!!!!!!
These poems will all start with "The Start of the..."
I really like writing these series of poems, so I hope you all enjoy them.
Tatiana Sep 2014
I was like him once.
Constantly bullied.
I watched him during my class,
And the memories flooded back.

I was falling again,
My face smashing into the ground,
For my arms were full of books,
so I couldn't break my fall.
Kids were laughing,
my nose was bleeding,
God there was so much blood.
But it got worse.
There was more blood to come.

The boy sat in class,
not really focusing on the lesson.
His head was throbbing,
and his wrist was swollen.
He didn't want to go home today,
he would have to hide it.
His parents couldn't know,
because then they would move,
and he would never fix this
on his own.
But it was becoming too much.
He turned his head
he made eye contact
with another kid.

I had to move
when I was beaten too many times
there was so much blood...
Is he looking at me?
He is,
Oh God,
I didn't mean to stare.
Can I even help him?

That kid looked away,
and the boy sighed deeply.
It hurt to breathe,
It hurt to just even exist.

What horrible things to live through.
...But it's the start of the memories that spark the solution.
Tatiana Sep 2014
The boy gets tripped the next day.
I watched him fall again.
The fall disorients him.
It's terrifying to see him so still.

He gets up quickly this time.
He's shaken and scared, isn't he?
The boy glares at his attackers slightly swaying.
He doesn't show his pain.

The other kids start to speak.
Oh God, why would they say that?
The boy stiffens.
I can't watch this anymore.
The boy's eyes are hurt and he never responds.
I'm going now.
I'm gone.

The boy tries to pick up his books,
but they keep escaping his grasp.
The books are being kicked,
and ripped apart.
He loved those books.
He loved his work.
But they were being destroyed,
piece by piece.

He manages to pick them up
and leave this mess.
But the words follow him,
down the halls
and into his classroom.
Everything is being destroyed,
himself included.
He sits in his seat,
in pain.

I saw him pass me in the halls,
I couldn't help it,
I followed him.
He walked into my classroom,
I didn't even know we shared this class.
I saw him sit in his seat,
I walked by him to get to my own.
I saw his eyes,
and it pained me to see,
that he is just as haunted
as I used to be

**** he's in pain
*...But it's the start of someone else's pain all over again.
Each poem won't be written the exact same way, i'm kind of experimenting how I want to write them. But they will all end the same. The words in italics are the thoughts of the other kid that was mentioned in the first poem. :)
Tatiana Sep 2014
The bell rang
a hopeful tone to all the students
for it means their torture is over.
But not for the boy.
For he'll get followed,
and teased.
Horrible words flung at him
as he exits the cold halls.
He puts his head down
and keeps on moving,
ignoring the cruel jibes.
He has to ignore them,
because those words
do not define him.

He's outside now
and he falls down.
No one tripped him this time.
Everyone was laughing
surrounding him
in a cruel circle.
He felt like a circus freak,
the clown that made everyone laugh
at his own expense.
I'll do it.

"Everyone back off!
The boy heard a voice break through.
"What's you're problem!
"Leave him be!"
The crowd dispersed,
and the boy sat there quietly.
Preparing to face his new attacker.
But this kid didn't attack him.

I reached out my hand
The boy looked up slowly,
he saw the hand
outstretched toward him.
I saw him breathe deeply,
Then he reached for my hand.
There was an instant connection,
an understanding between them.
The boy looked up at the kid
his grateful smile
made the kid happy.
I'm glad I intervened

The boy was helped up,
and escorted by the kid,
out of his Hell.
I think this will work.
I think I can help him,
and he can help himself.
He just needed a hand,
to pick him up,
when he's knocked down.

I'm scared,
I might get bullied too
"You don't have to help me."
The boy whispered quietly.
I froze at those words.
He sounded so alone,
so helpless.
I was like that once.
"I do, and I will"
The kid whispered back.

It's hard to fight this all alone,
....but the start of the solution needs that helping hand.
I think i'll conclude this series with one more poem after this one. :)
Tatiana Jan 2015
Everything is okay, you're fine.
Those are only just shadows.
That noise was just the wind,
or was it the trees
or maybe it's a person,
...who is that person,
what if something bad happens.
Shut up!
I'm trying to sleep.
No, you have to be prepared.
Prepared for what.
Anything that could possibly happen,
well I guess i'm not sleeping then.
Not until you've checked all the doors and the windows
Don't forget the basement door
Oh it's so dark and creepy down there
But you have to make sure the door isn't unlocked... What was that?
What was what?
The light switch isn't working, it's like a horror movie, it's not
No it's true, the girl cant turn on the lights but she goes down the stairs anyways,
Then she makes it to the bottom but she keeps hearing these noises
okay, that's enough.
Don't go by the laundry room, there is definitely someone there.
But that's where I have to go!
Go. Don't go. Go. Don't go.
I'm going, nothing is there, i'm fine.
Don't go, DON'T GO, DON'T GO!
Oh, there was nothing there, oh well, you can go back to sleep now.
Making light of a sleepless night
Tatiana Jan 2015
They like to send you mean and harsh messages
and then they don't even stick around for the aftermath,
because they are not strong,
they are not respected,
or respectful.
But, they believe that by hurting others,
they will have their power.
But this silly coward
doesn't quite understand how I respond
to people like him.
I see this as a challenge,
as a game.
But since he refuses to show his face,
it tells me all I need to know.

I don't think this coward
is prepared to get played.

*To be continued...
I will not share the message that got me started, but I do think that he has blocked me within minutes of sending me an awful message.  But if that's the way he's going to be, then I should be allowed to express this frustration and anger.
Tatiana Jan 2015
I have a vicious cycle.
It starts with being happy
Then something changes,
and i'm sad and scared,
then I am too jaded to write about beautiful things.
But I always come around,
and I write about hope.
That no matter what happens,
I will always have hope,
and that drives me forward
and I break the surface of the deep water
finally getting a breath of fresh air,
and i'm happy,
and successful once more.

It's an infinite loop
a routine that I can't break.

But what do I avoid writing about?
What would break this loop, this routine?

*To be continued...
I am sensing another poem series! So be on the lookout for more of these "The Things that..."
Tatiana Jan 2015
This is going to be a tricky one.
I am a proud individual
who does not like to admit certain... weaknesses.
But since I am sure you all won't judge me
I think I can do this.
Right, okay.

I have a fear of the dark.
(Pause for laughter.)
I am so ashamed of that one.
I have these little purple lights that are around my bed
so I never have to sleep in the dark.
But, for some reason,
I am not afraid of the dark when i'm in the woods.
I think that's quite strange.
But when i'm in my room
and it's dark,
I am terrified.

I have a fear of being alone.
I absolutely do not like it when I am home alone
for more than a couple of hours.
It's unnerving.
I just sit on my couch worried out of my mind.
My brain goes into over drive
and somewhere in the course of three hours
I have convinced myself that,
my parents died in a car accident,
that my niece and nephews were kidnapped,
that my brother got critically injured from his game
that my sister got killed in a school shooting
and that my other sister is too far away
and I don't know what happened to her.
It's unnecessarily stressful
and I just assume that I will be all alone.

I have a fear of the future.
Or maybe this one is more of the 'unknown'
It doesn't excite me when I don't know anything,
it scares me.

I have a fear of dark, empty streets.
Why? Because anything can happen there,
absolutely anything.

I have a fear of the supernatural.
(Which I firmly believe in).
That's pretty self explanatory,
and the reason as to why I don't watch horror movies.
I'm going to stop there.
Well, actually, I have one more that I am overcoming...

I have a fear of heights.
Now physically, I can climb almost anything
and I will be okay.
But figuratively...

Why do I set lofty goals
when I am still afraid of heights?

*To be continued...
This was a long one. Heights was my biggest fear, but now i'm pretty sure it's loneliness, as to the fact that I am lonely where I live.
Tatiana Jan 2015
I have a bit of a lisp.
It's not too noticeable,
but sometimes it catches my tongue
and the next thing I know
i'm linking my words together
as if I fluently speak one of the 'love' languages.
Let me tell you,
there is nothing attractive about your S's and th's
blending together as if you were a snake.
When it happens I just want to lower myself to the floor
and slither away on my belly
and go and hide.

But I will take the embarrassment
of getting tongue tied
as long as I never have to tell anyone,
a final good bye.

Because good bye's are forever.

*To be continued...
Good bye's are the most difficult things to say sometimes, aren't they? Because a final good bye would mean that you had some sort of emotional attachment to that person and now they are just gone. So yeah, I trip over my words and sometimes I lisp my way through a conversation, but I have the most trouble just saying good bye.
Tatiana Jan 2015
I read most of my poems again
to see what I tend to avoid.
Well, what I am about to say
really isn't a surprise to me.
I don't think I have ever written about Love
in a happy sense.
What even is love anyway?
There are many different types of love.
But why do most of my poems that deal with love
end in tragedy?
Is it because I do not believe in love?
But it can't be
because I do believe in love.
The familial kind,
the friendship kind,
those are the types of love that I have experienced.
I know what it is like to ¨like¨ someone
I have had many crushes,
but I couldn't tell you what it is like
to love someone
in that way.

So to me that type of love
is a tragedy waiting to happen.
I like to think
that I am better off alone.

But is being lonely truly worth it?
I'm not too sure anymore.

*To be continued...
That was part 2 of this little poem series.
Tatiana Jan 2015
where did you go?
I swear just yesterday
I was a little girl in fifth grade
who told herself that she was going to do something
But here I am
typing away endlessly,
questioning why things are this way
because I swear
there were two paths my family could have taken
when I was in fifth grade,
and the most difficult one was chosen for us,
and I don't know if I can handle it.

My sister drinks, smokes, and has *** too much,
she's only 19,
she has told me over and over again
"Don't be like me, because I did this,"
and then she proceeds to explain to me,
in very vivid detail,
what she has done.
But I never wanted to hear it.

My other sister, who is now 21.
I was not very close to from sixth grade
to my sophomore year in high school.
I couldn't have told you what her favorite color was,
and she couldn't have told you mine.
But I idolized her.
So the day I learned that she was like my other sister
for her high school career,
was the day I learned how useless pedestals were,
because people always seem to fall even farther,
and the impact hurts everyone even more
than it could be imagined.

My brother, who is 16,
is the one I absolutely adore.
I always try to be there for him
whether I am at his games
or just hanging out with him.
But the days where he doesn't say anything,
scares me.
Because I can't tell if he is okay,
and all I want to know is if someone is okay.

My parents are the best I could ask for,
but I am always under so much stress from them.
I feel like they are putting all of their hopes and dreams on me,
as if I am the only one who will do something with their life,
and that terrifies me,
and depresses me.
The expectations are not something that I wish to go through,
because they aren't my expectations,
they are somebody else's ideals placed over my own.
I also don't like how much work I do for my family,
and how much work I do in school,
only to get nothing in response,
not even a thank you.
I just get told of how I could have done it better.
I know that those sound minor,
but they still cut deeply,
because it feels like no matter how hard I try,
that I will never do anything right.
They also count on me to watch my niece and two nephews
and it has taken them two years
to mention how much I have done for those troubled kids,
whose situation tore me apart.

In sixth grade I became an aunt,
because my half-brother is an idiot
and he got this girl pregnant.
Because we are a nice family, we offered to take in this girl
and try to give her an opportunity in life to do something.
But she just lied and manipulated us into thinking
that she was going to school,
and that she was being a good parent,
and it worked,
But, one day we found out the truth.
My mom saw her out of school
when she was supposed to be there,
and then discovered that her school notebook
had only one page of notes for a month of school.
Then we all saw her hit her child's hands
and then face,
then spanked her child for crying when she needed a diaper change.
Then one day,
my half-brother and his girlfriend
took my niece away.
I was in seventh grade at the time,
already dealing with my own bullies and demons,
but that day is burned into my memory.
It changed my life forever,
because I honestly believed that I would never see my niece again,
I believed that she would be dead in the next year.
I gave my niece a kiss on her forehead,
and I prayed to God that she would be okay.
I ran into my house and I cried.
That was the day that all of my innocence was taken away.
Everything has been my own Hell since then.

And I really miss those days where I looked at the world
as this beautiful and exciting place
and where every new answer fascinated me
to the point where I loved asking

But now I hate that question,
because there is never really a straight answer anymore.
*To be continued...
These are turning into some emotional vents aren't they? I feel like i'm going to stop these soon because of that.
Well, my innocence started dying away earlier than fifth grade, but i'm not comfortable in sharing that.
But I really, really, do miss my innocence, and if you still have your own innocence, hang on to it! Love it! Ask questions and be free! Just don't grow up too soon because it can destroy you.
Tatiana Jan 2013
Little does he know,
that the ledge is very high,
and the drop is too far,
and the water,
the water is too shallow,
and he believes
its not.
These are words that I used in a conversation with a classmate about how some people are ignorant of the truth. Their jaw dropped and I wrote down what I just said, I did not think I would end up saying something like this in this conversation, and I did not want to forget it, because it makes so much sense.
Tatiana May 2018
They sent an ambulance
to our location.
The sirens could be heard
even under sedation.
The drugs that flow through my veins
I got without consultation.
I'm floating over broken glass
to my salvation.

I'm screaming for you from the crowd.
I hear you screaming from the crowd.
Don't suffocate on the clouds!
But I like the feel of these clouds.
Why can't you take my hand this time?
I don't want to take your hand in mine.
I'd cushion the crash of your high
Driving like this is a crime.

So I called an ambulance for you,
because that's what I needed to do
          And you
Tried to take me out of this mindset
That I did not want to leave yet.

But you drove without a seat belt on
and crashed through the windshield of your car
       And I
Wanted just to take a drive
I didn't know it'd threaten my life.

I'm going crazy
You're going crazy
Because I can hear the sirens,
but they sound slowed down.
I'm just under
the surface of consciousness
and I think I can hear that the sirens

So stay with me

I open my eyes and look to my right
to see broken glass sparkle like
diamonds in the one streetlight.
The ground is vibrating
as I'm shivering in shock.
The ambulance rumbles
the loose pieces of rock.
That rattle against the concrete
on this disaster of a street.

So broken bones and broken souls,
I'm hurting all over this ****** street.
Fill up the street that's full of holes.
Flashing lights make me close my eyes.
They push at your chest, so unkind
I'm floating again there are no ties.
In the ambulance you flatlined
Life is full of stupid lies!

Don't let your heart burst
© Tatiana
This is actually a very sad duet that I wrote awhile back.
Tatiana Jan 2018
The distinctive crack of shifting ice
echos in fearful ears
and time seems to stand still.
A graceful dark mass nears
then stills as much as you.

Eyes follow the near invisible crack
that zig zags its danger
to shift weight would be insane.
Lock eyes with the shadow stranger
are they there to help you?

The cracking ice sound silenced
the song of warming nature
and nothing could be heard.
The shadow lacks temperature
and you've always lacked patience.

There's water pooling from warmth
walking on ice in such weather
is a poor decision at best.
A shadow weighs less than a feather
while you weigh like many rocks.

Waiting for night to freeze again
is too long of a tempestuous wait
so slide your feet and your mass.
The shadow watches you aggravate
the ice so much that it breaks.

The ice breaks more as you struggle
but you were too far out
the nature remains silent.
The shadow lingers as you shout
and even after the sounds stop.

Time passes and the silence leaves
nature's voices echo contagiously
the lingering shadow hovers.
It reaches for the water shamelessly
pulling at the tragedy so patiently.

And out it pulls a shadow
of who you used to be.
Both float away from the ice
and dissipate in the trees.
Don't walk on thin ice
Tatiana Aug 2013
There is too much tension
in the place where I reside,
to the point where I want to leave
the only home I have ever known.
This house is not a home right now,
it's becoming unhealthy
and I can feel it.
The drugs she used caused it,
and I am no longer comfortable around her.
She made our parents sick with worry and anger,
and I no longer know who she is anymore.
This house is not a home,
it's a place I never wanted to be at,
and when you want to leave home,
you don't know where you would go.
All you know,
is that you don't want to be
at the place you once called home.
Tatiana May 2013
If the water
could calm my soul,
let it take me under
and sweep me away,
into the dark.
A meaningless mass of emptiness,
with just enough awareness
to know,
that I am at peace
with myself,
and with others.
If only that were the case,
right now.

I am at war.

The water is salty
and rapidly flowing.
Hyped up on adrenaline
that spreads like fire through my veins.
This burning sensation of rage,
blind rage,
creates this burden of war,
and insecurity,
that I do not want.

For the first time,
I have been taken advantage of,
during a time when I wasn't myself.
I had a concussion,
and I was taken advantage of,
by someone who I trusted.
And well,
it's safe to say,
now I don't trust them anymore.

This is my war.

It is a war I believe
to find what is real,
and I think the end result,
is that deep down
I have insecurities that I didn't know about,
and those are being dragged painfully to the surface
of the rushing water
of my mind,
and keeping me steadily
in a place I do not wish to be.

I know,
I know very well
that I will come out stronger because of it,
and more secure.
I will know
how to let go,
and take control of myself.
It only takes
one thing,
which is the will power to end this.
I have the will power,
and I will end
my war,
in the most peaceful way I can.

Until then,
I fight.
On top of a hill,
with the river bursting its banks below,
flooding the ground
until it takes all the chaos away,
and leaves me,
at peace.
Tatiana Feb 2015
Whispers are like voices being carried on the wind.
They dance just out of range
and your ear can't quite catch it.
You probably should have tried harder to listen.

Shouts are like cannons exploding the enemies ranks.
They are always heard
and your body feels the blast.
You probably should have tried harder to run away.

Little taps are like needles.
They dig gently into your fingertips
and you can barely feel them.
You probably should have tried to feel something for once.

Smacks are like gunshots.
They rip through your flesh leaving their mark
and your skin stings from the contact.
You probably should have tried to avoid them.

Light is like peace and purity.
It places hope in your heart
and your mind can understand that.
You probably should have tried to hang on to that.

Darkness is like a deep, black ocean.
It suffocates you, the pressure is intense
and your lungs feel like they're drowning.
You probably should have tried to swim.

The end is just like the beginning.
It always happens so quickly
and your body is not quite prepared for it.
You probably should have recognized that this is the end.
Tatiana Feb 2018
Beastly branches bow above me
like arms that reach wretchedly.
Desperate for the earnest earth
to become their hopeful home,
and carefully cradle them to sleep.

Twisted twigs target the gaps between
like fingers that point pathetically.
They try to force the listless leaves
to feel their sorry struggle,
and then finally fall with unease.

Terrible trunks teeter around me
like bodies done suffering stoically.
They acutely feel their laxing life.
In the way, I watch their forms fall.
Down go those troubled trees.
© Tatiana
Funny how words can just inspiré you sometimes.
Tatiana Feb 2013
I think to myself,
a great deal of things
that weigh heavily on my mind
I can't seem to express
this feeling I have
and how deep within myself
it resonates
I feel like a small but important part of me
is dying on the inside
it's shriveling into nothingness
I find that i'm not angry
and i'm not scared
i'm just sad
and depressed
and this feeling
circles through my body
unrelenting against my emotional capacity
I passed my breaking point
a long time ago
but the sadness escalates
and spills over
flowing into others
and it spreads like wildfire
it just crushes me
to no end
and I can't cry
believe me i've tried
sometimes all I want
is to cry
but no tears will fall from my eyes
there would only be the strangled gasps
of someone who is sobbing
and i'm tired of it
i'm tired of being sad
but to me
it looks like
I won't stop being sad
and i've been thinking
for a long time now
about death,
and when I go
i'll hate that i'll leave everyone I love
but to me
dying isn't a morbid thought
it's just life
and it must be accepted
as always
and when I go
whether I die young
or old
if I come to a natural end
or a not
life will go on
it's a never ending of cycle
of love and pain
a dangerous cycle
as I see it
there is so much in life to enjoy
and I know this
i'm aware
and I try not to be so absorbed in myself
so I can live
and pull out of this shell
that I have been rebuilding for months
but it's getting even harder to manage
I don't feel in control of myself
and the problems my family and I face
every single day
tears me apart
I miss the days when I was a little kid
yes i'm still young
and i'm techinically still a kid
however I feel older
this situation that i've been put in
forced me to grow up faster
not everyone has nieces and nephews when they're only twelve
and not everyone has to deal
with my irresponsible half brother who is in his twenties
and his girlfriend
who is the mother of these children
and not a good mother at all
she's cruel
just awful to these children
that's the reason one of my nephews lives with us
everything is just barely staying together
held as tight as a single thin thread can hold
and i'm the thread
I don't like the weight
and the tugging
and yanking
of the way everything is going
I feel like one day
i'll just collapse from it all
and the thread will snap
and I will fall to dizzying darkness
while the everything else
just spirals out of control
These have been my thoughts for the past month now, i'm not exactly the happiest person out there. Who knows how long i'll be here, I don't know if i'll stay here on HP much longer, some days it helps, and other days I just find myself frustrated beyond belief that I just can't keep up, or really read the poems how I want to read them. I find i don't have the time to write a comment or even leave a reply, I feel like i'm losing my love for everything that has to do with writing. Everything is just slowly falling apart... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have written all of this, but i've kept it in for too long now, and now i feel like a dam that has cracked and is ready to burst from the amount of pressure that has built up....
Tatiana Apr 2019
I'm going to ride this tidal wave of euphoria
          until it
                    on the
and the feeling exists no more.
Tatiana Aug 2013
If we could turn the hands of a clock back,
what would we change.
Would we do something different,
or watch it all stay the same.

If we had the option to relive a moment,
which one would we choose.
One filled with happiness,
or one filled with sorrow.

If we could erase our past mistakes,
what would that make us.
We'd be people without character and conviction,
if those mistakes were erased.

If we choose not to turn the hands on a clock back,
who would we be.
We'd be strong individuals,
who accept what once was and what we can be.
Tatiana Feb 2013
Feel the beat,
and tap your feet,
move with the music,
and dance away.

Don't slow down,
or you will drown,
among the large crowd,
of dancing people.

Let yourself go,
it's time for you to know,
how to be free,
with your moving feet.

Let your feet decide,
where you shall reside,
within this giant movement,
of carefree people.

This is the time,
that you move in a rhyme,
and just be yourself,
cause that's all you'll need.

It's time to dance,
it's your last chance,
to just go crazy,
and have no worries.
Tatiana Dec 2012
Whatever may happen,
always remember,
that even if I don't seem nice one day,
or if we argue,
I'll always be there for you,
because the little arguments don't matter.
We've been friends for so long,
what is the point of ruining that relationship
over something stupid?
I guess my point is,
i'll always be here.
I'll be the old friend,
that never changes,
the rock.
So to all my friends,
i'll be there,
whether you need me or not,
i'm here for all of you,
because I love you all.
To all my friends, I love you all
Tatiana Jan 2015
When the life you live is a lie,
could you ever look up to the sky
and apologize?
But you can't and you know why.

You speak as if you are better than all.
But how could you possibly stand tall
when you are only trying to maul
many people so they will fall?

I did not like meeting you in my light,
for you're making it as dark as night.
But maybe you believe it to be your right,
to act rudely and cruelly and fight.

Have you ever considered being nice?
I heard that it was good advice.
But hey, maybe you like your vice
and i'm watching it grow out of control like lice.

I don't like watching others endure your cruelty
for they do not deserve your foolery,
or was it your lunacy?
either way, stay away from my community.
In my community there is someone who is just so rude and mean to everyone. I have not known this person for a long time but they are seriously annoying me and many other people and I would prefer it if they stayed away from the people that I know and care about.
It's honestly like dealing with a real life troll and i'm trying to ignore them but hey, I just had to vent about it somewhere.

Apply this to whomever you wish.;)
Tatiana Apr 2013
Sorry I haven't been on in awhile,
I just haven't had the time to read my friends poems and write lately.
Between sports and school
I have very little time for friends and family,
and I have very little time for myself.
It's hard to manage time when you don't have much of it.
But anyways,
today I read over 60 poems,
and I left some comments,
I'll have to go back and reread some of them,
but I have finally caught up,
and hopefully
I will be able to go on HP
And read, comment, and write.
Once again, i'm sorry for just dropping off the radar these past days,
I will do my best to not do that anymore.
Tatiana Nov 2012
Today it was cold,
but I didn't really notice.
Because the sun had come out
from behind the dark clouds.
It didn't radiate much heat,
but I was completely warm.

Today I was anxious,
because I was going to meet up with you.
And after what we've been through
in the past couple of days,
I was a little afraid,
of what could happen.

Today I was happy,
because you seemed to be yourself.
You weren't ignoring me,
we were who we were,
in the beginning.
And that made me happy.

Today it was cold,
but I didn't really notice.
Because your arm was around me
keeping me warm as we walked,
on a rather long path,
step for step,
walking into the dark.
Tatiana Nov 2012
My work is never good enough,
that's what I always think,
and I've torn papers up
never sharing them.
But now,
To me,
it's a relief
when someone likes my work.
To me,
It means I did okay for once.
But never did I expect,
a friend to arise from this,
someone who always comments
on my work.
Someone who I want
them to see their own work
is just as lovely
as they say mine is.
My heart is bursting with joy.
and I know
that we will get through
our low views
of our own work.
So to my Friend,
Thank you.
To My Friend... Timothy, thank you.
Tatiana Feb 2018
My skin is crawling.
Touch makes me very angry
I can't stand the thought
of a room full of people
looking at me
like I've grown an extra head.
Or maybe I've grown fangs
to match my biting words?
Are they glaring now?
My cold behavior is putting people off
and i'm roughly shoving people aside
No, I don't want to hug them,
No, i'm not trying to be rude,
no, i'm not sick
I'm not sick
I'm not sick.

Tonight, I feel like a monster
please don't touch me.
Tatiana Nov 2017
The paths through forests are covered in leaves
that crumple loudly beneath my feet.
Wind makes those that still cling to the trees,
shiver with a subtle musicality.

The paths wind around homes of the birds,
who ruffle their feathers and always chirp.
But danger creates a silence to endure,
Ignorance leads to being interred.

The paths lead to a mumbling brook
rocks part the waters where they were put.
And they move loudly beneath my foot,
pressure forcing sounds and I shook.

The paths loop around and attach
the sounds jar together like a scratch
of a record that suffered a sudden impact.
I cover my ears and try not to react.

The paths are suffering from this dissonance
my ears are damaged and blistering.
Why is the music of nature distancing
from me, can it be I'm just not listening?
© Tatiana
A bunch of near rhymes and too many thoughts
Tatiana Dec 2018
Keep guard in your garden
Lethal lean leaves
seem to stick to their trees.
Scraggly-looking and furnished rather sparsely,
its roots still dug deep into the earth;
Absorbing all moisture from the dirt.

Leaving it
Like lungs;
                    unable to breathe.
Like hearts;
                    unable to beat.

A leaf falls and gets caught in a sudden breeze.
The wind not realizing what it released,
for attached to the leaf were its lethal seeds.
Ready to spread their toxicity.
Keep guard in your garden
© Tatiana
Apologies for being away for so long, it's been pretty crazy. I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving! And if you don't celebrate that, I hope that was a good thursday!
Anyway, beside thanksgiving getting in the way (and work), my sister has been having a very difficult time in the relationship she's in. It's an incredibly toxic (and in my opinion, emotionally abusive) relationship. I don't know what to do other than to be there for my sister. Apparently, he has apologized and is going to try harder, but I don't believe him. He's said stuff like that before and everything is fine for a week and the next thing I know I'm getting a call from my sister about how he's treating her like crap. It hasn't been a fun month. Everyday I want to go up to him and threaten him with god knows what and I probably will do so. My sister always had enough heart for the both of us. I've always had enough rage for the two of us.
So this is just a warning. Please do your best to keep toxic people out of your life. Let your garden grow in a healthy manner.
But if you ever need someone to go to war with to help someone you love, I'm your girl.
Tatiana May 2018
All aboard the train lost to time,
feel it lurch forwards as bells chime.
Signal this present departure of mine,
and past departures on this narrow line.
© Tatiana
Tatiana Nov 2013
It looks like you're stuck
in a little box of Hell.
Emotional Hell.
The worst kind.
It makes everything else hurt so much more,
everything is just even more real than before.
It's like you're trapped,
in your box,
that's closed tight,
and will be buried,
and you'll be six feet under
with emotional Hell.
You'll wonder to yourself,
how on earth did you get here,
why in the **** world are you in this mess,
and why does everything and everyone hurt so much.
Then your own head doesn't help you,
because then you start to think of everything you've done wrong,
everything you ******* up accidentally or on purpose.
You'll imagine you deserve this ******* Hell
when you don't.
You do not deserve this,
you are better than this.
Kick and scream
fight your way out.
Don't you ever let this trapped feeling win,
don't let it take you to emotional Hell.
Head up and push on,
knock down those strict walls,
you can do it,
you are so much stronger than you think,
you are so much better than you think.
It'll all come to an end,
and your walls will be knocked down,
and you can be you again.
You had to grow up too soon,
you had felt the wrath of uncontrollable emotions.
But you are not alone,
I was there too.
But I got out,
and so can you.
Tatiana Dec 2019
Trigger my thoughts
     with a ticklish touch
and watch my body
     **** away.
As I shudder and plead
     for you to end my unease.
You think I like it.
     You say I like it.
Have I played my part yet
     like I'm some marionette?
Tug on my limbs
     make me respond to your whims.
Touch yields no pleasure
     when I'm young and in danger.
I dance because you make me.
     I lie still when you take me.
Words won't leave my mouth
     though years have passed.
You're a monster that destroys
     every child you contact.
But my pen still works
     and I'll write of you.
Like a villain in a story book
     you will end too.
These poems are always the most difficult to post but I have to process it somewhere. It's not the first time I talked about the ****** abuse I suffered when I was a kid and it won't be the last.
Just a reminder to others that they aren't alone in their struggles and if someone is hurting you, doing anything that you are uncomfortable with in the slightest, speak to someone you trust. There are people who will help.
I didn't know what was happening at the time and I was scared to even say it, could barely believe it myself and now all I have left of this is my word that it happened. So I'll continue to write about it so that others can read it and not suffer in silence that way I have for years.
Tatiana Apr 2018
I watched my friend trip
and fall and fall and fall.
Collecting countless bruises
all in the name of love.
© Tatiana
Tatiana Jun 2019
They read our unlabeled books
laughing every second
our minds erupt

how troublesome it is to be judged
Check out the other poems in this mini series I wrote****/
Tatiana Dec 2015
I don't know who to believe anymore.
I just want someone in this country
to make us safe
to make us stable
so that we can then build on that platform
and make our country a better place
for the citizens who live here
and for the future citizens
who deserve better
and I have such little faith
in all of the candidates
I don't know who to believe
because I don't think I believe that any
could actually get it done
and that scares me
I live in a Republican household but I have other family members who are Democrats and I see both extremes and how both sides will skew facts to fit what they believe and it's maddening when you're consistently caught in the gray area of politics.
Tatiana May 2019
When you turn the last page and see my face
do you find that you now hate
the story I wrote?
The part that you played?
The time you had wasted?
When you were trying to reach the end.
Tatiana Sep 2015
I would
If I could
But I can't
So I won't
Do it

I would
If I could
And I can
So I will
Do it
Tatiana Jan 2019
I see the best in people
I see the worst in them too
My two eyes, they can define
Those characteristics in you.

That's why I avoid mirrors.
I can't dissect myself anymore.
Tatiana Jul 2014
Two little horses
one the color of chestnuts,
and the other was as white as snow
saw a lifetime of change.

They saw an escape from their country
in order to achieve freedom,
the freedom that they so desperately desired.

A chance to run free
and feel their legs move ,
and no longer be stiff and unmovable.
They wanted to feel the wind,
breathe the air,
eat the lush green grass.
But they couldn't,
for they were only figurines.

They sat above a fireplace
in foreign lands
during a time of war.
They saw the bombings that broke their legs
and their hearts.
But they were glued back together constantly,
by the love of a girl.

She was only sixteen,
just reaching her prime,
but sounds of gunshots filled the air,
and riddled her with strife.
Her only happiness were the two horses,
and if those were broken,
she would be too.

She clung to them for many years,
too many to count,
and now the little girl is old.
Her hair was no longer blonde
but it was now the color of ash,
her skin lost it's healthy hue
and was replaced with the pale whiteness of the moon.

The two horses watched her grow up,
they played with her
they made her feel safe
and in return she loved them.
She made them feel as if they were alive.
But the sand in the hourglass was always falling
and nothing was changing that.

The horses watched the old woman,
the war no longer troubled her,
it was the illness that controlled her humble life.
Sickness overtakes
the ones who savored every moment.
Disease pities no one,
it just destroys the good.

She has numbered days,
and only God knows when it is time.
But we're all left waiting,
unsure of when the clock will strike the hour of death.
Uncertain of when the hour glass runs out.
The little pieces of sand seem to fall faster
and the clock is so loud.

The two horses can't bear to see it.
She loved them,
and she's fading,
and they are left behind.
If they broke,
then she suffered.
But if she disappears,
then the horses will fade away as well.

The two little figurines sat above the fireplace,
staring at an empty house.
She had left them with only a few words.
"You'll love her, and she'll love you. Just like I did."
and she walked out the door and closed it behind her,
for the last time.

The two horses waited
but she never returned.
The door opened one day,
and the horses were excited,
as the light from the outside world
illuminated the rooms.
Bringing a sense of hope to their dismal existence.
But it wasn't her.

Some other woman came and scooped up the horses.
They were shocked.
They were leaving their home,
they were waiting for the old woman to come back,
but she wasn't,
and they were forced to leave.

Jostled around in a small box,
they feared where they were going.
She left them alone,
and she won't come back for them.
They felt betrayed,

The box opened and the light shown through again.
But it did not bring the same hope,
their hope was crushed by the blinding light.
The two horses were taken out,
and placed into the hands
of a seventeen year old girl.

She was gentle and careful,
she held the horses lovingly,
and regarded them with respect.
She murmured to them as she walked up the stairs
and she placed them on their own special shelf.

She whispered to them lovingly,
"I'll do my best to care for you two and love you two,
as much as my Grandmother did.
I promise."

Then the two horses hoped,
that maybe their hearts would be glued back together,
with the new love,
that was the same
as the little girl that they first knew.
Tatiana Oct 2013
That little vase,
that once held those wildflowers,
and was adored by that family,
that once lived there.
Now lays on the floor.
New dust has settled
over the now messed up inside.
The little table is thrown aside,
by the power of the earth.
It stays there forgotten,
by everyone that once knew it,
and now there is a crack
in the vase,
that was deemed unbreakable.
Not too long ago.
Timothy's poem Heirloom reminded me slightly of my poem Unbreakable that I wrote awhile back, and his poem inspired me to write kind of a continuation of my poem. :)
Tatiana Feb 2013
Little glass vase,
rests quietly on the table,
sitting there,
it hasn't been used in years,
but yet it remains,
a center piece,
for an old little table.
Glass will always break,
it is far too delicate,
it will hit the floor,
and shatter,
and someone else will have to pick up,
the tiny sparkling pieces.
But no worries,
no one lives in that house,
it has been empty for years,
it used to hold,
a little family,
that loved that little vase,
the daughter would put,
many wildflowers inside,
creating a beautiful array,
of color.
The mother would organize them,
and add flowers of her own,
sometimes her and her daughter,
worked together,
carefully placing,
each little flower,
in the perfect little vase,
the father watched on,
with a gentle smile,
caressing his face,
as his wife placed,
a flower,
on his daughter's,
small nose.
It was a time,
where everything was perfect,
nothing was wrong,
it was beautiful,
but now the house is empty,
and no one knows why,
the shutters are closed,
and  no light shines through,
and that vase is alone,
with no flowers to be put inside,
and it sits there,
collecting dust,
of wasted time.
And that little vase,
it will never break,
unless some unseen force,
shatters it.
And then,
the earth rumbled beneath,
and the vase fell,
off the old table,
crashing in the dark house,
on the hard floor,
it should have shattered,
but it stayed there,
in one piece,
Tatiana Feb 2013
I feel it mounting,
slowly, steadily building,
every little thing adds to the heat,
I feel,
that slowly rises,
to my head,
creating an ever growing red mist,
that clouds my vision.
That mist is hard to clear away,
once it comes,
and luckily I rarely see it,
but when it's there,
my rage becomes,
My fuse is long,
but once it's lit,
it can not be stopped,
i'm like a ticking time bomb,
ready to explode,
at any given moment,
and when I do explode,
I cause an impressive amount,
of damage.
But now I know I will explode soon,
I can feel the adrenaline,
rush through my veins,
and my blood,
roaring in my ears,
my body is shaking with
the anticipation,
of finally letting go,
of my anger,
and releasing all of my stress,
and feelings,
so I can start fresh again,
but until that happens,
my anger will be,
and never stopped,
until I can calm myself down.
I am not exactly the nicest person when I get angry, and I find it really hard to hold back the physical response of violence I want to give, and instead I just use my words, which my end up hurting more than any physical blows I may have given...
Tatiana Apr 2018
I have fallen to my aching knees
at a parking lot full of unease.
I cannot shake away this cold freeze
my grip tightens harshly on my keys.

I feel that eyes have managed to seize
control of my mind like a disease.
My shallow breath is barely a wheeze,
safety here has no real guarantees.

I will watch so carefully for these
fake eyes to show up after a breeze
and to move closer with snake-like ease
to see if I will start to beg, please.

My dripping nose twitches with a sneeze,
yet the slight motion does not appease
the consuming sickness that will squeeze
the last drops of me into the seas.

Temperature dropping in degrees
the terrible night won't hear my pleas.
Those fake eyes that watch in the old trees
I'm so very sorry to displease.

How can it be so, that no one sees
that my mind has felled me to my knees?
I get up, so this torture will cease
I leave the parking lot of unease.
© Tatiana
9 syllables in each line and a rhyme scheme that gave me anxiety. That's what this poem is to me.
Tatiana Oct 2019
It's terrible to think
that our ship could sink
before it reaches

And our words don't
have to work too hard
to dig our grave
in water.

But it's not time yet
to send an SOS.
Because our ship still
floats on.
I've got 2 more poems for the full story. I'm posting them separately though because it would be too much to look at once.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Next page