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May 2021 · 542
LS May 2021
i found you
when i wasn’t even
a breath of fresh air
after being in deep water
for so long
a running and laughing down an empty hallway
type of love
a love where i don’t say that i’m sad
you just feel it
a love so pure
that nothing needs to be said
it is known.
Dec 2020 · 465
LS Dec 2020
i have struggled to make decisions
all my life
so they’ve always been made for me
what i wear
what haircut i have
what i eat
indecisiveness has always been
my worst enemy
but i chose you
and that’s the only choice
that i am sure of
the decision was mine
nobody made it for me
i own it.
LS Mar 2020
the person who you'd do anything for
who you feel that you can't breathe without
who you love so deeply
is the worst thing for you

you can be in love with someone
but that doesn't mean you're good for each other
but it's because you love each other
that you can't go on.
LS Feb 2020
because i paint a pretty picture

slight smirks
and jokes
that make your eyes squint and your body fall over

that illuminate your face
and make you shuffle in your seat

that makes you quiver
but that makes you feel loved

a relationship where you feel beautiful
but not just in someone’s bed

it’s easy to fall in love on the surface of me
because it’s the only thing you see
but as soon as you scratch through it
it’s already too late to get out.
a twist; the pov of my ex
LS Dec 2019
heartbreak doesn't have to look like it does in movies
it can be quiet
even silent

it can be all on the inside
with smiles and laughter
covering up the aching in your chest
and the sound of your ribs crushing
when you know that it's over

don't let anyone let you feel inadequate
or make you feel that
your feelings aren't valid

i promise you
they are

let them out
feel them freely
and become the best person you can be.
LS Dec 2019
look up when it's raining
you'll see my eyes
and you know it

the damp ground
will remind you of what you did
and how it made me feel

i was promised forever
but how long is it?
a month?
a year?
all in all
our definitions weren't the same
and that's okay

because i know you'll always think of me
when the skies are grey.
LS Dec 2019
i still drink coffee
even though it makes my hands shake
and my anxiety spike
i still smoke
even if it burns my lungs
and turns them to tar
i still drink
even though it makes my throat burn
and makes my words slur
i still love you
even though my heart begs for me to stop
and my mind can't take it anymore.
Oct 2019 · 392
nobody knows what they want
LS Oct 2019
nobody knows what they want
not when they're 17
and not even when they're 40
people look for their best option
whatever is going to fill the void in their heart
at that moment

whether it be a job
a sport
a hobby
or a person

some people don't always choose correctly in the moment
it's hard to know what you want
to decide what's best
that's why so many people choose wrong

nobody knows what they want
not until
it's right in front of them
Oct 2019 · 237
take care of yourself
LS Oct 2019
someone told me today
"i've never seen you without a smile on your face
you always have a front"
i laughed at her words

i thought
that's how i have to be
i can't be bringing people down with me
drowning them in my sadness
i need to make others happy

it's like she read my mind
because she smiled and said
"sometimes you need to take down that front you put on
take care of yourself"

i hardly knew how to do that
and that's when it dawned on me
i need to put myself first

i am a priority
not an option
i am my first choice
not last
i am my best friend
no one else.
LS Aug 2019
i think there is someone in our lifetime
that makes us feel emotions
we didn't think were possible
someone you'll just love and love
with everything in you
and you won't look for them
you won't meet them
they'll come into your life
at the strangest time
when you least
expect it
Aug 2019 · 243
the girl in the grey room
LS Aug 2019

nothing but
the clicking of the fan can be heard
especially at this hour

all is still
even her

the walls are dark
blending in with the night
clothes are scattered along the floor
the tv hasn't been on in ages

she lies there watching
her teeth clenched
throat tight
she hasn't spoken in hours

she lives in a constant state of sleep paralysis
her body dead asleep
as if
she had been laid in concrete
but her mind is
sharp, wide awake

she see's
what she desires
she wakes up when she can
she can't speak
when this happens
because her body is numb, asleep

all she has is her mind
her thoughts
that nobody can hear
nobody but her.
LS Apr 2019
one day
you're outside riding your bike
getting scrapes on your knees
that your mother kisses
after she's bandaged

one day you're running outside with your friends
throwing water balloons
without a care in the world

one day you're sitting in class
praying to go home
and for time to move faster

one day you'll hear your name called out
loud and clear
a stage awaiting your footsteps toward your future

one day it will all be over
appreciate it now
you don't have
as much time
as you think
Apr 2019 · 261
you're home to me
LS Apr 2019
i've lived in the same house all my life
pulled into the same driveway
carried groceries
through the same door
slept in the same bed
and yet
it's never felt like home

i sit in my room sometimes
and think to myself
i want
to go home

home is where one feels safe
and wanted
and loved

i realize now that home was never a place for me
it was a person
it's you.
LS Feb 2019
love comes
in all shapes and sizes
and comes in all forms

whether it be
a friend
or even a lover

but the same love
never comes twice.
Jan 2019 · 307
somewhere in space
LS Jan 2019
i feel like
a black hole

always spaced out
and soaking everything up
just to put it
into a circle of nothing
but no matter what
it can't ever escape

and neither can i.
Jan 2019 · 317
in my mind
LS Jan 2019
i have moments where i space out completely
like in the classroom
where my teacher is talking
where i'm driving my car
down an old backroad
when i'm reading a book
or watching a movie
it's like for a split second
i'm not even here at all

sometimes i get so lost in my own mind
i feel like
i'll never make it out.
Jan 2019 · 273
just let go
LS Jan 2019
i remember the last time we spoke
and i told you
“i’m just tired of holding onto something that isn’t there.”
and you looked up at me and said
“then let go.”
so i did.
Dec 2018 · 279
you don't have much time
LS Dec 2018
i almost died today
i was pulling out of school
i looked to my right
looked to my left
to make sure it was clear
there was a few cars to the right
but i can make it, i have time
i start to go
and there's a car to my left
coming straight for me
i stomped on my breaks
but realized it was too late to stop
so i just went

multiple cars were coming at me
from both directions
and i just went
"yeah, i have time"

but that's what we all think
that we have all this time
until we don't

i almost died today
and i'm glad that i didn't.
Oct 2018 · 360
i love(d) you.
LS Oct 2018
you didn’t love me
i don’t think
you ever did

you just loved the way
i love you
use to

i would have done anything for you
and that
was the problem.
Oct 2018 · 942
write it down
LS Oct 2018
i've had nightmares since i was young
ones where i'd wake up
walking to my mom's room
so that i could sleep with her

when we'd wake up in the morning
if it was still bothering me
she'd make me write it down

she always told me
that things only go away
if they leave your head

but i've written your name
thousands of times
and yet
you've never left my mind
Sep 2018 · 331
keep your jaw clenched
LS Sep 2018
a lot of the time
i’m not even sure how i make people upset or angry
but i’m
**** good at it

my jaw clenches
with words i want to say
but i let them settle in the sides of my cheeks
and refrain from saying anything at all  

saying how you feel about a person
doesn’t help much
if anything
it only makes you feel worse

but you’ll soon learn
that even though it’s hard to pretend you’re okay when you really aren’t

that with time
it gets easier.
Jun 2018 · 520
let's be strangers, again
LS Jun 2018
you're sitting across from me
after months of not speaking
you called and said something about how
we don't have to be strangers

i answered on the third ring
just like i always used to do
and agreed to meet you

we decided to get coffee
to warm our bodies
from the november air
although mine is cold
by the time i even think to take a sip

"there's someone i want you to meet, you know"
it's strange
because when you said it
i didn't feel jealousy
i felt anger
i wanted to know
you grabbed my hand
"you're still important to me,
i want you
to meet her"

i knew what you were doing
and so i let you
for a few minutes more

and then i thought about how
you've never even heard my voicemail
because i always answered
on the third ring
and how
i doubt she even answers at all
and that
was enough for me

you wanted me to meet her
to compare
and if i did
you'd see that you're never
going to find anyone like me
ever again

i let go of your hand
look into your sea green eyes
that i used to dream about

my voice is suddenly clear as day
"we don't have to be strangers,
but maybe we should be."
May 2018 · 522
you and me // you. me.
LS May 2018
you and me
underneath my grey duvet
covered with only white t-shirts
and mischief

listening to 90s music
and laughing at the lyrics

kissing when the next song comes on
holding each other tightly
as if one of us will
at any moment

you and me
at the beach
right on the shoreline
where the water meets the sand

kicking off our shoes
and jumping right in
it's ice cold
but you make me feel warm

you and me
fighting about god knows what
yelling things we don't mean
and going to sleep without saying i love you

getting distant
ignoring phone calls
just to avoid arguments
going to the beach
but not with each other

listening to 90s music
but not hearing the lyrics

sleeping in the same bed
but on opposite sides

now there's a you
but it doesn't include me.
May 2018 · 556
life or death?
LS May 2018
my mother told me i was supposed to be born in late june
but i wasn't born until the first week of july
"you jus' didn't wanna come out"
she always tells me
and laughs
it turns out she was right
i never wanted to be
under those fluorescent lights
in the hospital
hearing chatter of doctors
and the beeping of machines
because i probably knew that one day i would be there again
but for the complete opposite reason
that i already was
LS May 2018
when i was 7 i cracked my head open with glass
and blood covered my head
i didn't go to the hospital
i didn't even tell anyone

i never saw the glass really coming
it happened in just a split second
i hardly even felt it
it stung
but i was too worried about the glass
and how i was going to clean it
before my parents came home
my mom always liked to keep her house clean
so i had to pick it up

when i was 13
my best friend had her first heartbreak
i was doing homework
because i was so behind
but she called me crying
and asked if she could come over
i held her for two hours
while she sobbed into my sweatshirt
and when she left
i didn't even get a thank you

i try so hard to make everyone feel content and happy
then sit in my room
and wonder why i'm so sad
but it's because
all i do is bleed for people
and they never even hand me a bandaid
Apr 2018 · 439
my brakes don't work
LS Apr 2018
i keep having
the same reoccurring nightmare
where i'm driving and i need to stop
but my brakes won't work

it reminds me of when
i'm sitting with my friends
and i see all their subtle glances at each other
each time i take it just a little too far
because i always do

i can never
just get my brakes to work
LS Apr 2018
i got in line to get a coffee
and noticed a familiar set of strong shoulders
you turned around surprised
we had one of those
'i haven't seen you in forever'
type of looks
you asked me to sit with you
and before we knew it
we were talking how we used to
without even meaning to

you looked up from the table
and itched the back of your neck
just like you used to do
when you were nervous
"what happened to us? we had the kind of love that people made movies about."
i didn't know whether to laugh
or cry
"well you gave me the type of heartbreak that people write about."
Apr 2018 · 1.2k
this is not a love story
LS Apr 2018
i'm looking at you
after all of the damage has already been done
it's been months now
but i still can't manage to not look for you
in crowded rooms
i tell myself
you aren't mine
and i'm not yours
i am mine
and you are yours

i look at you and dare to utter
"i'm not yours anymore."
so you stifle a laugh and say
"you're always gonna be mine. at least a little bit."
i realized then
that was what i had been afraid of
the whole time
because i knew
you were right
LS Apr 2018
last night
i woke up
drenched in sweat
from a nightmare i was having
usually when this happens
i cry and shake
in the ungodly hours of the night
until my body can't anymore
but this time
i woke up
in my best friends arms
and my heart rate instantly got slower
i felt my body untense
and sink into the mattress
and if that isn't what happiness feels like
i don't know what it is anymore
katelyn if you're reading this, thank you.
Apr 2018 · 809
20/20 vision
LS Apr 2018
i got glasses in 6th grade
because i couldn't see the board
my mom took me to the eye doctor
he shook my hand and said
"your vision should get better
it's just you growing up"

i wore my glasses every day
and things stopped being such a blur
until 7th grade
when my vision got worse
i went back to the eye doctor
he shook my hand with his cold one
"your vision got a little worse, that's okay, nothing to worry about"
so i got different lenses
and a better prescription too
the board became clearer
and things were even less of a blur

i went back freshman year
because i wanted contacts
i was sure my vision changed again
maybe it got worse
the doctor shook my hand again
giving me goosebumps
"your vision hasn't changed"
i thought
how is that possible?
something has to have changed
it feels so different
but nothing did

during freshman year
is when i loved you
i loved you so much
that i ignored all the harsh words
and the way you'd make me feel small
i loved you so much
that i never saw the way you treated me
even when everyone else did

that's when i realized
even with contacts or glasses
some people still can't
see clearly
Mar 2018 · 43.1k
fall in love with a poet
LS Mar 2018
when a poet falls in love with you
you can never die
they will notice the way
you rub your palms and look down
when someone is angry at you
and the way you smirk
as you pull away from a kiss

they will notice how you can't sleep
without your body touching someone else's
how you never crease any pages of books
and how you close your eyes when you dance in your kitchen
with your record player on

they will find all of the words
that they see you as
and turn them into something beautiful

people say you die twice
once when you stop breathing
and when someone says your name
for the last time

if you fall in love with a poet
they will never stop
mentioning your name
you will be alive
for eternity
Mar 2018 · 426
swingin party.
LS Mar 2018
i'm at a party
there's people all around me
a girl is puking in the bathroom
and her boyfriend is rubbing her back
someone spilled something red on the floor
and a boy is passed out flat on his face

there's a group of people in another room
screaming and laughing
drinking concoctions that taste bitter and gross
just so they can feel something

ping pong ***** cover the floor and the music never stops playing
i'm sitting with a red solo cup in my right hand
i haven't spoken in hours
nobody has even noticed
i'm surrounded by teenagers
who are supposed to be my friends
but they're too busy slurring their speech and dancing
to notice that even in a room full of people
i am alone.
Mar 2018 · 459
dead roses
LS Mar 2018
i was 7 when i learned
what a cemetery was
we were walking through
the number of headstones
with names and dates
written upon them

i asked my father
what this place was
he grabbed my hand
that felt so small in his
he looked down at me with his hazel eyes
and said
it's where people go
when their time with us is up

i looked around
at the dozens of stones
and asked
how many are there?
he said
i haven't counted
so i said
someone should
LS Mar 2018
it's 12:13 A.M.
i'm sitting upright
in my bed
my fan is making the slightest buzzing noise
and yet
the silence is deafening

12:13 reminds me
of the time my best friend and i got into a fight
and she wouldn't even meet my eye
i opened my mouth so many times
but i never succeeded in saying
what i needed to
the silence
wrapped around my throat
and robbed me of all of my words

is like the time
my boyfriend told me
he would miss me
right after he said
he couldn't be with me anymore
i turned around and left
only when my words sunk into my toes
and the silence took over

reminds me of all the times
i should've said what i needed to
and how i shouldn't have
let the silence choke me
and take away all my words
when all i wanted to do
was say them
Mar 2018 · 647
who's laughing now?
LS Mar 2018
today you looked at me and told me
to fall out of love with you
you laughed
you said i couldn't do it
that i couldn't
look you in the eye
and tell you

so i looked right into your deep brown eyes
that held a mischievous glint
and said clearly
"i don't love you anymore."
Mar 2018 · 364
get out of my dreams
LS Mar 2018
you were in my dream
or more of a nightmare it seems
you stood there
with a sinister smile
and took a knife with a silver handle
and cut me
not just enough to break the skin
but to cut out parts of me
and hold them in your hands

you cut out my liver
and said i drank too much when you left
you cut out my lungs
because you said i can barley breathe
from how much i cry anyway
you cut out parts of my stomach
you said i never eat enough to fill it
you cut my heart out
and said you've seen too much of it

you dropped all of them to the floor
and they didn't even make a sound
you looked at me and laughed
and seemed almost proud

i stood there
nothing but bones and blood
looked at you
and said
"see what you've done?"
LS Mar 2018
i told myself
that i'd never
do it again
yet here i am
Mar 2018 · 340
the first time
LS Mar 2018
i was dancing on my front porch
spinning with my head to the sky
and you were looking at me
in a way you never have
so i asked, "what?"
and you looked down
so i hugged you
and asked, "what is it?"
and you looked up at me
and said
i think i'm falling for you
Feb 2018 · 337
sadness is never the same
LS Feb 2018
looks different
on everyone

when my best friend is sad
she drives to a cafe
to get coffee alone
she says,
"when people see me all alone
they see me just like how i see myself"

when my mother is sad
she yells at me for having a ***** room
even though there's only a shirt on my floor
she has a glass of red wine
and asks my sister why she was out so late
even though it's only 9

when my brother is sad
he says,
"get out of my room, i'm busy'
but in reality
he's playing video games
with the volume up to high
to drown out the thoughts in his head

i realized all pain and sadness look different
because when i'm sad
i don't really want to speak
or do anything at all
Feb 2018 · 633
love and other drugs
LS Feb 2018
melatonin for when you just wanna sleep
midol for when your cramps are unbearable
molly when you wanna dance
ibuprofen for when your parents are yelling
acid for when you wanna trip
tums for when your heart burns
xanax when you're anxious
eye drops to make them believe you weren't crying
pepto-bismol for an upset stomach
**** for when you wanna chill
alcohol when you wanna forget

but little do you know
i don't need any of these drugs
because you make me feel
and higher
than all of them combined
Feb 2018 · 489
genuine happiness
LS Feb 2018
i think
that the most beautiful thing in life
is finding genuine happiness

finding it with the people you love
and showing each other
what your idea of it is

whether it be
waking up at 5 to see the sunrise
having breakfast for dinner
laughing until your stomach aches
seeing your favorite band in concert
or just being in the presence of someone
who shares the same love for you
that you do them
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