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Apr 2019 · 381
{Heart Attack}
MikeyP Apr 2019
What is it that you want?
Is it really this?
Close your eyes and imagine happiness.
I see me traveling the world.
Alone, maybe.
Is my wife always going to be here to save me?
She's fading away.
I reach out for her but nothing reciprocates.
Jan 2019 · 237
If I Let Her Go
MikeyP Jan 2019
The love you took for granted is gone
You lean in for a kiss but you can't
Anxiety so high will you every come down
If you fell would you even land?

She's a stranger as she sits next to me
We know each other's words not feelings
All of these emotions bottled up for keeps
Nothing feels real to me

Those years of happiness seem hazy
Would she even remember the good?
If you said you're gone now it wouldn't even faze me
I'll just go inside my room misunderstood

I wanted to fight for this marriage
I'm not ready to give it all away
At the same time everything's falling apart
I'm hoping I can get one more chance, maybe you'll stay...
When do you walk away?
Jun 2018 · 358
Talk Back 2 Me
MikeyP Jun 2018
The silence before the fight
The moment before explosion
I can feel it creepy slowly on me
She's waiting to say something
She won't let it slip unless I ask
Yet, I'm never ready for the condemnation
It's my fault... whatever it is, it's me
She's gonna tell me about my problem
How I don't do this or that
But won't say anything else
I get ripped apart because she's upset
I get treated like the **** she does doesn't effect me
Am I just a throw away toy?
You're avoiding me now
Don't like my presence?
Want to be alone?
I wouldn't blame you,
I'm not fond of myself either.
May 2018 · 428
The taste of Pain.
MikeyP May 2018
All I want to do is cut.
I want that taste of metal down the tip of my tongue.
Run jagged lines down my body
Make me feel the pain of a sting so ice cold, I scream in a gasp of air.
Send chills through my body that make each move and every step difficult to bear
I want to see blackness as my fist collide against my temple
I want that hard smell of blood in my nose as I hit my eye just right.
I want to deck myself to wear everyone will see the ****** I am
Beat myself senseless
****** and black and blue.
Weezy as I fail to move.
Nothing satisfies my thirst for blood
I want myself dead, yet....
I manage one more day without a touch of a blade.
One more day without physical pain to myself
May 2018 · 315
In The Moment
MikeyP May 2018
I'm getting to the point where it's getting harder to sleep
I'm deplete
Your using me
I'm trying to see
What me and you have got to beat
But yet....
The worse is coming, it hasn't passed
Wondering how long I can last
With me going as fast
As I possibly can.
The words you scream
Seem to me
As if we
Can't possibly
Be working this out

I'm sorry but I got to leave
This future is completely empty
Full of nothing
How can we beat the thought
That we might have gotten lost
When there's no more to give
Feels like we can't even live
With each other, let alone ourselves
Sometimes... all you need is a friend to vent to.. When you don't have someone though, we have poetry
Nov 2017 · 483 me...
MikeyP Nov 2017
Today's the day I mark my death
It'll be gruesome and a sight of mess.
I'll be torn up from head to ****** toe
There'll be a mask with a silver rose
She'll leave me lifeless laying on grass
With nothing but a book under my eyes
You'll find my lungs full of water
As if I had no air and I fought up
While she forced my face farther beneath the cold ice of death.
On the verge of dying, she'll help me relive.
Just long for a lung full of knife she could give.
Its nothing that causes death instantly but rather I suffer.
Nov 2017 · 374
The guitar
MikeyP Nov 2017
You ruined her career
Run that blade against your skin like your playing a cord that just rewinds this all.
You destroyed her future
Keep playing that guitar like its gonna change this time.
You took away her chances
Why don't you play us a sad song and show us your unstable
You don't care about her
Why don't you stop playing that guitar on your leg and aim for your neck
I bet the best songs come when your bleeding out pain.
Nov 2017 · 494
The Pain
MikeyP Nov 2017
You're pouring salt on my wounds,
What are you doing? This isn't you.
Take that blade out of your hands,
What are you doing? I'm so confused.
Yesterday you dreamt of a life,
A future in your sights.
But today your mind is screaming,
All you're wanting is to die.
Are you worthy of the sun's rays?
Can you stay alive long enough to find
Out if everything is okay?

This life is an ocean of pain,
I'm out in the open and this salt water covers my wounds like it's rain.
Its burning me alive,
But the feeling of this knife,
Mixed with some darkness & night,
Masked with rage and lies...

Is really what is killing me inside....
I wrote this in a bad place, I needed to release.
I don't plan on this being read much..
But its real and here now
Apr 2017 · 336
H@d 2 Cl3@r m¥ ch3st
MikeyP Apr 2017
What the **** am i doing here?
Please someone help me
Im defining all odds against thee
Yet my proportions seem empty.

Im traveling the hard path
And it aint by my choice
At least im free of catastrophe
Speaking on terms of depleting

**** man! My mind is going crazy
Im draining by the minute
And im just ******* losing it
Please God, just shoot me.
I had to get it off my chest..
Love pain broken remains scar tissue over my veins
Mar 2017 · 397
Have You Seen Her?
MikeyP Mar 2017
She sees me
And steals my breath
She reads me
Before I know what's next
She accepts me
While I've been a reject
She knows me
Deeper than intimate ***
She loves me
To see passed my surface flex
She holds me*
Until I can finally rest
Feb 2017 · 326
MikeyP Feb 2017
The silence is deep and it creeps on my lips
The crisp cold of your breath rips me to shreds
I dance with your pain and play with your ideas
We imagine a future, one thats hard to see in a mirror
As we close our eyes and pray for the torture to subside
I cant help but to remember why this all worth while

You leave me breathless
My love, this torture is killing me. I want to give up, but when you look at me in that way you do, you leave me breathless.
Nov 2016 · 665
Dark Eclipse
MikeyP Nov 2016
Slowly, I can sense the caliginous feeling heavy over my eyes.
I tell myself to stray from hortatory hellions, yet still I am charmed by the falsely intriguing happiness...  
Darkness is addictive
Just like a drug, it's hard to come back once you're hooked in.
Can you relate?
Nov 2016 · 680
The Ghost Behind Me
MikeyP Nov 2016
He is always there right behind
Slowly stepping slowly creeping.
He smiles in the dark
Into my soul he's rapidly seeping.

The darkness I see in him
Is already in me.
This anger needs to drown
Deep in a ****** sea.
This is about my anger that hides behind the stupid medication the doctor prescribes for such a weak mind...
Sep 2016 · 637
Broken from here..
MikeyP Sep 2016
I am nothing but another face
You claim to love me?
Yet stare with nothing but disgrace
Love? Is nothing unique.

You slaughter me with words
**** me with jealousy
What am I doing so wrong?
Without committing a felony..

You live for my despair
Yet cry to others about the fights
What the **** am I doing here?
Just to cuddle at night?
**** love... seriously....
Jul 2016 · 247
Timeless moments
MikeyP Jul 2016
Okay I get it now,
I'm running defeat.
These circles I follow,
Won't let me breathe.

What do you expect?
It's a puzzle to me.
You dont define ****,
You're controlling this heat.
Jul 2016 · 272
Lost On Love
MikeyP Jul 2016
My mind is spinning
I don't think I'm winning
I'm trapped in a disaster

The light is disappearing
Destruction is mirroring
I'm just losing you faster
Jun 2016 · 382
Today, is my last
MikeyP Jun 2016
That's it, easy as that
Today is my last day
I'm about to make it a fact.

I just need a little help
Maybe a push
Cant someone tell me
To go **** myself?

Make me regret every day before
Tell me I'm worthless
Today I don't deserve life
I've only created a mess

I know you can be cruel
So let it rip
Tell me my method of death
Maybe bleach to sip?

I don't have a gun
****** at that
But tell to point a toy at a cop
And I'll be set

Today's my last day
And soon everyond will be safe
Seriously....tell me I don't deserve to be here
May 2016 · 280
Isn't Lovely?
MikeyP May 2016
Its so lovely to wake up
in the mornings
all alone
And not have to tell somebody
you love them
when *you don't love them anymore
This isn't mine.... I found this and loved it so much..
So much emotion behind it
May 2016 · 623
Rocks will break your bones
MikeyP May 2016
What's worse,
Expecting me just to cheat
Seeing you don't believe in me?

I've made a few mistakes but I'm only human..
Why stay when you only expect the worse?
Does this make you happy??
If not then just leave
Because your hurting more than just me.
Expecting the worse won't ever get us to where we need..
So why sit here and play make believe?
May 2016 · 731
Have you seen her?
MikeyP May 2016
She sees me
And steals my breath
She reads me
Before I know what's next
She accepts me
While I've been a reject
She knows me
Deeper than intimate ***
She loves me
To see passed my surface flex
She holds me*
Until I can finally rest
She is The one

I'm gonna ask her to marry me soon
May 2016 · 910
You think you know Love?
MikeyP May 2016
How do you describe love?
Besides what the standard idea is.
With nothing more to say than "she makes my heart race".

Is that love? Or just caught in lust.
Because this feeling in my heart,
Isn't the standard three month start.

I ain't caught up in some little kid crush.
She ain't even close to what is considered lust.

When I kiss her lips, it's like kissing someone gently on the finger tips,  and more than just a heart jumping shift.
When she lays down in my arms, more than my body gets completely warm, it's my soul telling me to lower all of my alarms.

Its the comforting love in complete darkness.
Its the word forever with no need for promises.
Its walking around blind but there's no risk.
Its taking that leap of faith knowing your heart can't miss.

Its feeling like you never left home
Its being in a faceless crowd but knowing you aren't alone
Its being surrounded and embraced by love just from a voice on the phone

Its agruing with her but knowing she loves you
Its blood in your veins that won't turn icy blue
Its the 4 a.m. sleepless nights where she just takes you in like she always knew..
Knew you needed that hug before you even said ****.
Walking around lonely then she appears with a lovely kiss.
Standing in front of her eyes and knowing you've been missed
Simply knowing your anger is calmed when she touches your wrist.

What is love, man?????
Love.... You truly can't even understand.
Find someone who makes it's hard to explain or even withstand,
When you have the thought of loving someone til they turn grey and old
The feeling of knowing you will mother her children, having a family of four
How listening to her voice does more than just feed your soul.
Tell me all the things she does that make you go crazy.
How you can watch her sleep and it be simply amazing.
How seeing her smile is a sight worth gaining.
Look at my lips and watch me love her more,
Way passed a simple thought of a four letter word,
Love may only be four letters but it's never sounded better
Than when you can't clearly describe it
Just what it is that she can do
From how she makes you wake up everyday
To what you'll see when you fall for her too.
Love....go chase it
May 2016 · 196
Creatures of the Night
MikeyP May 2016
What kind of human destroys what they love?
Do you find pleasure in the broken spaces?
The room filled with a thousand knifes all aimed at you.
Do you think or even consider what your hands of destruction do to something so fragile?

No.. You are nothing human. You are a beast. A creature that walks the night, lonely at heart and lost in mind.
You sir, deserve nothing but what you have dug.
Now, the empty hole awaits.
May 2016 · 268
You're Nothing
MikeyP May 2016
This is it. I'm a ******* mess
My anger is building
Its pumping right outta my chest.

I run for safety but it's me!
I'm the ******* disaster breaking free.
I best myself up over that petty *** ****
But I can't seem to make anything fit.
What the **** do i see in the mirror?
Its just another ****, nothing clear.

I'm a monster even considered worthless.
Go bad to your hole you dug and lay yourself to rest.
This world ain't for sinners like you boy!
Who the **** waits around for some kind of course.
You're simply just a mess...
Nothing greater, get the **** outta my house before no one comes to save you.
May 2016 · 1.2k
This "stupid" Game
MikeyP May 2016
You picked up a salt shaker
mistaken for a pop
You went to take a drink
And the word stupid came up

You caught yourself in a stutter
Unable to speak
People began to laugh at you
And the stupidness started to creep

Your memory wasn't the sharpest
And you received ****
As people made fun of you
The word stupid slowly began to slipped

Now you sit here in a dark corner
Beating yourself senseless
Continuously convincing yourself
You'll alway be stupid
You can only be told something for so long by your family before....before you start to just truly think, Yes.. I am stupid...
I am nothing more than just.... A *******
Apr 2016 · 308
Cy and Rose
MikeyP Apr 2016
It starts as I walk through the door and I see his coloring book on the floor.
As I walk up the next flight, around the corner is his vroom vroom hiding in plain sight.
When I took a peek around the kitchen, his mess is still there and I have no ambition.
I open the door that leads to what was a room and inside is still a hollow bed with nothing to do.
I scream out til there is blood in my cry, just to look around to see nothing in my eyes.
That smell that has been lingering in that specific air, is the whole reason why I'm so **** scared.
I'm now just lonely in my heart because I let them pull my soul apart.
With that said there was only ever light and right about now I should be saying goodnight.
But they are gone and aren't coming back, now Its time to just fix my hearts dying attack
Soon I'll see them one day again and maybe when they see my eyes, they'll see an old friend.
Cyler and Rose...
I wish I could hold you
Apr 2016 · 342
This Is What You Need
MikeyP Apr 2016
What poem is it that you need?
Is there something you wish to see?
A poem telling you to STOP! Please don't leave.
All you have to do is inform *me

I'll write to encourage you to stay strong.
I'll tell you that right here is where you belong.
That it's time to pack up and time to move on.

Is there a certain kind of rhyme?
One about just losing time?
One about feeling so dark inside?
I'll tell you that you're doing just fine.

My words will hold you through your abuse,
You need to know that there is never an excuse!
They make you victims and you'll be used.
Just take my hand as we walk out of their view.

If you ever just need a new friend,
I have a pen and paper in my right hand.
I'll be your positive when you can't stand.
And I'll be your notes way passed the **end.
No really though... Whatever it is that you need. If I can write you a poem that helps you sleep.  Just tell me.
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
MikeyP Apr 2016
I want you to know I went on vacation,
I can't say I'll be back because it's amazing.
I wish you could just see,
Exactly where I'll be.
I'm free of pain, free of darkness
When you think of me, simply reminisce.
Don't think about what I did to leave,
I made my own choice and took the keys.
I'll still be here, true in your hearts
In your mind, in eyes, even your farts.
I still can't be serious when it needs,
But if I ever made you smile, it has set me free.
I wish I would've said goodbye
But it's okay, I'll be waiting in **paradise.
From a day when I was hopelessly lost. Thank God I stayed, thank God i fought.
Apr 2016 · 1.8k
The Choice Is Always Yours
MikeyP Apr 2016
What do you do* when you've lost your purpose?
Stay hidden behind closed doors or rise to the surface?
What do you do when you've given everything and all?
Give up and fail or do you stand up to redeem your fall?
What do you do when you have lost more than your heart?
Put up your walls and stay alone or open up to a new start?

Either choice is always yours to make
My advice is to try again and make a few mistakes
Don't let this world turn you dark and fake
Stand up for what you believe in at all stakes
Ignore the negativity and rise to your fate
Again, what do you do when the world turns blank??

The Choice  *is always yours, my friend.
I'm gonna find my purpose again
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
My light through dark
MikeyP Apr 2016
The 25th of April was just gone
I had no time to prepare
My beautiful kids done wrong
I had to just watch and stare

The mother decided it was best
So they took the bus
The night before was a sleepless rest
Then everything rushed

Now I stay in this dark room
Holding their toys
His favorite was his vroom vroom
Because it made the most noise

The livingroom hasn't been touched
I keep the door closed
This feeling is more than enough
Cause my heart has froze

They were more than just two kids
They gave me light
My niece and nephew outdid
Everything in sight

Rose could barely make words
Cyler was a chatter
Together they were beautiful birds
And the world didn't matter

I taught them beautiful things
Like beatboxing a sound
I wanna handle what life brings
Even if they aren't around

I don't know how to stop my cry
Because I miss my loves
I wish I could've got a better goodbye
*Maybe one last hug...
These kids did more than just touch my heart. They gave me purpose to live another day
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
My Every Night Love Bite
MikeyP Apr 2016
The day just turned to night.
I smile and upon my lip, I bite.
I touch my fingers on your skin.
Between my legs, you've got me pinned.
Your hair drops around your face.
Licking your lips, craving a taste.
My eyes stare right at your tongue,
Down on my lips is where you belong.
Your stomach breathes on top,
Your ***** on mine makes me stop.
I feel you grind just for a minute,
A moan leaves me lips unfinished.
Why did you stop just to smile,
Knowing I'm about to *** like the Nile.
You're such a tease and I like it,
You know just want to do and I won't fight it.
I'm gonna let you inside finally,
But you gotta wait silently.
As I turn you around,
You make a sound,
*Knowing you're about to ****...
She keeps me warm through the night
Apr 2016 · 493
Lost In Space
MikeyP Apr 2016
I'm going to sit here,
Lost in words.
Maybe I should stay silent,
Stay trapped like a bird.

I don't know what to do,
I feel numb.
I don't understand why,
But this isn't fun.

I wish I could escape,
Maybe disappear.
Travel to another realm,
One without fear.

— The End —