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Mary Alexander Jul 2017
I want to sprint through
Cities with him
Until my heart bursts.
Mary Alexander Sep 2015
Their story wasn't real.
They'd forgotten how to feel.
So they began to learn.
For they couldn't watch each other burn.
And so they walked
Side by side and talked.
Letting the pain of life
Glance off of them
Like blunt knives
They were stronger that way.  
As they chased their feelings away.
But they realized one day
That it wouldn't  go away.
The pain.
The idea was plain.
They needed to feel.
So they made a deal.
And their story became real.
Mary Alexander May 2016
You wake up and realize
That all you want in this world
Is for oceans to part so that
You can be with the one who you can't live without.
Mary Alexander Oct 2015
I'm sprinting.
I'm hoping it works.
Hoping I forget breathing.
I'm sprinting till it hurts.
Till the pain shoots through my bones.
Hopefully then I'll wake up.
And focus on only that pain.
Reminding me not to "feel".
Because there is never very much gain.  
Hopefully soon I'll realize what's real.
Mary Alexander May 2016
A generally unattractive face,
Wild, untamed locks of ebony,
Eyes of piercing, explosive fire,
Bruised and ****** shaking hands.
A mind with an unquenchable thirst for understanding,
A hardened heart filled with self hatred and doubt,
The list goes on and on.
And yet am I always surprised when it's not me.
Mary Alexander Jul 2014
I'm tired of the stupidity that blinds my generation. I'm sick of coarse banter. I can't listen to your words. With all my strength, I block you out.

We are going through the motions of life like empty plays on a cold chess board. Knights and Kings and Queens. All asleep.

It's time to wake up. Lead lives with meaning. Rise up from the ashes in flames. Flames of hope and life.
Mary Alexander Oct 2015
Do you think I don't see?
Do you think I don't know?
Because whether you like it or not,
I'm never going to let go.
Not if you refuse to tell me
Why there's such pain in your eyes.
Not if you sit there smiling
As a sad man in disguise.
I'm sorry that I see it.
And love, you look sad.
When you think no one can see you,
And I'm sorry, but I can.
Because your masked face trick doesn't work on me.
And I love you so deeply that
I cannot watch this happen.
I can't sit here to wait and see
Wait and see?! But what if it deepens?
What would you tell me then?
"I'm sorry, I tried"?
Because if that's it, then you didn't.
You didn't really try.
You just sat and waited.
You just waited till your spirit died.
Please talk to me. It hurts me more than you know.
Mary Alexander May 2015
Your undying love is so mushy and heartfelt.
So please spare us all
And keep it to yourself.
Felt like that needed to be said.
Mary Alexander Apr 2016
I was wandering through life.
Looking around me I watch as I see faces transformed.  
Smiles and bright eyes
Now cracked lips and salted cheeks;
As I wandered through life,
I yearned to touch every soul with my earnest, trembling fingers,
And bring the sweet smiles and eyes of laughter back
Into the faces of those I love.
But I had forgotten the reasons behind my trembling fingers.
My own face, warped by the never ending confusion that is this life.
I ignored my pain and shoved it aside.
I made a fragile wish,
But my denial and staggering steps through the sea of faces
Would only drown me.
Mary Alexander Aug 2014
My knees shake and my legs threaten to give out from under me.  
My face burns as I remember the gentle words you spoke to me.
You're oblivious, and it won't ever be the same.
It was a dream.
A dream that ended so fast.
I woke up with tears of regret,
with a sudden realization.
Fairy tales don't exist.
And I should have known that.
Mary Alexander Oct 2015
I'm trying to speak,
But the words come out softly.
Reflecting the leak
Of joy in my heart.
Mary Alexander Jan 2016
My breath won't stay strong
It comes
In sharp bursts
I know it won't be long
Before my heart starts to hurt.
The pain is too much,
Overwhelming my lungs.
And so I can't breathe.  
Heart, caged
Has been stung.

For the song you have sung,
Though so full of love.
Is killing me softly.
With a pain I won't be rid of.
Actually dying at the moment.
Mary Alexander Apr 2016
Nice, so sweet.
So charming.
It's very charming.
I stare blankly, as I see lemon juice
dripping from your lips as you spit sour poetry in my face.
I'm allergic to lemons.
Mary Alexander May 2016
When my glance meets his stare
I am lost in his eyes.
I panick, burned by the intensity,
And dart my own eyes to the side.
Longing to reach out and trace the lines of his shadowed face out of pure wonder
With my pale, trembling fingers.
Wishing in that same moment,
That I am inside his arms
Where I am home, and steady and at peace.
But when he reaches for me, I begin to tremble, out of fear, the fear of my own heart.
And when I pull away, and my frozen stare meets his burning one,
My mind goes blank and my breathing stops.
I'm a mess
Mary Alexander Jan 2017
He was like a thunderstorm.
Not in the usual sense,
With a roaring voice or
Overwhelming showers,
But in the way a thunderstorm
Reminds you of a fireplace
And blankets and smiles.
The way a thunderstorm
Reminds you of home.
Mary Alexander Feb 2016
I told him I was fine,
But then he looked at me and said:
"If you're going to do that,
Then I want you to take my arm,
and cut as many times
you would yourself",
I stared in disbelief.
Told him I couldn't,
Couldn't cause him such harm.
Not ever.
Then I suddenly froze
Struggled to breathe, struggled to speak.
Lost feeling all the way through my toes.
In that moment, I saw it,
Deep in his eyes.
I finally understood.
And I stopped telling lies.
Little story
Mary Alexander Mar 2016
During this month I was told that
My level of intellect was dangerous.
It truly makes sense because
My speech can't keep up with my thoughts and
My wandering daydreams control my nights as I lay still,
Begging my mind for rest.
I have no patience for my peers
Because I read them with confusion and shock,
All easily and quickly
Like ******, young adult fiction.
A boy once told me that my mind was a maze,
But he was wrong because
There are no dead ends.
There is no rest.
Every fully dissected thought,
every soul crushing emotion
Leads to the next.
And so, my mind won't let me rest.
I will never be at peace.
They say intellect is a gift,
But it is truly a curse
As I grow more restless
With each passing hour.
Mary Alexander Jan 2015
There once was a girl
Who saw the world
In a completely different way.
Then she met a boy
Who gave her so much joy
That she could throw all the pain away.
The boy came
And told her she was his light.
She knew he would play the game.
And though he tried with all his might,
He threw the girl away.
She cried
And cried.
Until she died
Then he, alone would say,
"I'll never forget her..
No. Not at all.
The girl I threw away. "
Mary Alexander May 2016
When they enter a room,
A warmth floods your being.
Your heart beats faster.
Looking into their eyes,
Your head spins, you forget the world.
Holding them is like flying, with them, you can withstand all trials.
The person who confuses you and gives you a love without a label.
Love in its simplest form-
Two people.
The person, the only person who you want to spend 500 lifetimes with,
Never expected.
The person, the soul that you wish to hold forever.
You ask yourself, "what is this?"
For it truly makes no sense.
But that is why the purest love is the greatest riddle of all time.
Mary Alexander Mar 2017
Bright lights are deafening
And sounds cloud my vision.
Voices are magnified and
Spaces are enclosing as I
Gasp for breath, as I
Muffle small cries.
Faces. So many faces
Blurring together and I
Grab at the air, begging it
To quit it's fighting with
My stubborn lungs.
It's incredible.
All this noise, all these screams,
And I haven't moved an inch.
Inside the mind.
Mary Alexander Jul 2016
My blanket is a sheet of ice, and my mattress
An uneven boulder with an angry ripple digging into my
Spine as hot tears form thundering rivers down my face.
My face,
Completely still, omitting the occasional blink of my stinging, dull eyes.
My eyes, a vault, containing the hourglass that has become my mind
Where I've collapsed, trembling,
With golden sands streaming from above, somehow finding their way
Into my eyes and mouth as I desperately cross my pale arms
Over my head in a weak attempt
To block The Memories from streaming into my conscious.
No movement. Numb
Still no awareness of my true world other than the wetness of my cheeks,
And the sharp pain which
Is beginning to travel down my spine.
And the sand has surrounded me, obstructing my vision
With their golden projections of The Past,
Burning my eyes and seeping into the cracks
Of the walls around my heart
As I let out my first choking sob,
Causing a painful tremor down my back,
And forcing me to **** away from the rock beneath me.
I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping that I can remove The Memories
From my mind.
I hug my knees to my chest and pray for some
Praying for
Praying for The Numbness to return.
Mary Alexander Jan 2017
For your sake,
I hope the world sees you
As you see yourself.
Mary Alexander Jun 2017
The one I lost
Not long ago,
Whose eyes were burdened
Like heavy snow,
Whose heart was closed
And rigid,
Who could not seem
To sleep at night,
His pain-filled eyes
Would smile and grin
And so no one saw
The true pain he was in.
I tried to reach out,
But his ice froze my hand,
Biting right through me
Till I could no longer stand.
About a past love that still confuses me
Mary Alexander Nov 2015
I'll be gone someday.
And you'll be here wishing
I had one more hour to stay.
After all I've done
The pain finally ending,
And all the harm that I have caused
The time you've been lending.
Will no longer affect you.
For the day will come,
When you shall rise, and I shall not.
And you'll rise, still strong.  
And I'll softly call,
Goodnight, and joy be with you all.
Mary Alexander Dec 2015
I look at you.
And I see and endless pit of pride.
I look at you,
And I see a cruel soul that will soon die.

You look at me
With judgment in your eyes,
And you'll see a scowl.
It will take you by surprise.

So look at yourself.
See what you've done?
You've created someone
Who has a company of one.

You're alone, locked in your
Egotistical mind.
And you'll never get out.
Even once you wish you'd been kind.
Mary Alexander May 2016
There's nothing I hate more,
Than judgemental, snarky people,
Who roam this earth,
Assuming that their words are harmless, but always true.
It's a major turn off for me.
Mary Alexander Oct 2014
She stands.
Afraid to move.
Afraid to breath.
Afraid that she'll hurt those around her.
She opens her eyes.
the fire burning in her heart
reflected in them.
She is strong.
She can't be controlled.
The group steps in.
She grasps her small knife and glares at the first.
As if daring him
to step further.
He takes a step forward
and she takes her own.
his lips curl into a cruel sneer.
He says,
"you stupid little girl...
you think you can hur--"
She looks down at the man.
Then around at the rest
Faces all in awe of what they'd learned
they back away
and she strides away
Flaming hair rippling behind her.
Mary Alexander Feb 2016
Warm hands outstretched,
Hey, are you okay?
Welcoming eyes of fire,
Please, I'm asking you to stay.
And now I realize, that at that first touch,
I should have walked away.
Mary Alexander Oct 2015
She stared at the wall
Surprised by her lack of thought.
She used to stand tall
But cared more than she ought.
She thought there was a simple answer,
A way to stop the pain.
So she let the cold control her.
Never letting her heart take the place of her brain.
But now her once sparkling, gold eyes
Were dull and lacked their fire.
Because she left, at least in a way
And through this change, her control level was higher.
She thought no one would miss it.
Her laughter, her crazy mind.
And so I never knew it
Whether I was right or just blind.
And as I stare at this brick wall, I miss it.
But there's no one left for me to find.
I'm invisible.
Not to them but to me.
And believe me, I wish the answer was simple,
But I can't seem to let myself free.
Mary Alexander Feb 2016
My heart has a vault
Hidden deep in its core.
A deep understanding
Of something I wish not to explore.
The knowledge of what I'll eventually choose.
The purpose of the person I'm not willing to lose.
But that knowledge, this purpose,
I'd rather ignore.
Because there's a chance that my heart
Could crash to the floor.
The sentiment, idea, and truth in this vault,
Could ruin it all
And that would be my fault.
Knowing what you really feel *****.
Mary Alexander Feb 2016
I took a step back,
And let out a small cry,
For though his hands were outstretched,
I was unable to fly.
Mary Alexander Nov 2015
Though I'm alive,
The breath is stolen from my lungs.
Though I don't cry out,
My heart is being stung.

Though I stand motionless,
I'm thrown back through glass,
Though I remain quiet,
I'm soul screams, yearning to ask.

It all happens as
Time stands still and true.
This pain occurs
Every time I see you.
Every. Freaking. Time. It's really unfortunate.
Mary Alexander Mar 2016
Always say the words that you should.
Even if you think they are already understood,
For sadly, hearts are often broken
By the simple the words we leave unspoken.
Mary Alexander Aug 2015
When you realize
A light isn't real,  
And the shadows are chasing you.
And the fire is consuming you.
You scream
And cry
And something in you
Mary Alexander May 2015
Used to be..
Used to be..
I guess that's all you are to me.
For I've been clinging
That someday you'll come back to me.

But I am longing for someone who no longer exists.
Pretty much. Comments appreciated.
Mary Alexander Sep 2016
He was a river
That never made it to the sea, and instead
Slowed and seeped
Into the dirt,
Causing wanderers to slip
And fall as they encountered him.
Mary Alexander Jul 2018
they know
they see
they hear, they feel.
the raw pain,
the magnitude of it
surging through the glass eyes of those
right in front of them.
yet still, they stand by
and observe
patiently assuming.
And after the hurricane
She wore a tapestry out of cobwebs.
Used ink bleeding from her fingertips
To sign her name
Beneath the truth.
Till they told her the hurricane was a
Fictional conspiracy,
Saying she'd have seen the sunshine
If she were wise.
She thought to herself:
If they don't believe me,
Why should I?
And so she clawed through her tower,
Collecting raindrops
To prove to herself that she was not someone to
Invent fabricated props
Like a delusional playwright with
A crumbling set of plotholes.
As they threw stands of disbelief
She continued collecting raindrops
Each more cloudy than the last,
Repeating to herself
It happened
It happened.
It happened?
Putting her mind on trial,
They did the same with bleeding dockets.
Her certainty diminished with each test,
And her tapestry blew away
Mocking her mounting distrust.
As she feared her mind had gone
Her dry, stained fingertips found
No more raindrops.
False memory OCD meets fantasy ****
Mary Alexander Oct 2015
I'm staring off into space.
Again while he speaks.
I'm thinking about other things.
Like the falling autumn leaves.
Thinking about what it would be like
For him when I'm gone.
Wondering who would miss me
I'm wondering if I'll stay long.
I'm slowly coming back,
Picking up words here and there.
Missing the feelings I lack.
Needing people like air.
He's still talking.
Except now he staring with hope in his strange eyes.
And I feel guilt rushing through me.
"Wait what?" I ask, with blankness on my face.
And so as he looks right at me,
He gets up and walks away.
I'm just really great at being a friend.
Mary Alexander Jan 2016
His heart is what I love the most.
Behind locked doors, I found
An ever changing painting;
Always transforming with
Stunning colors sprinting across
The blank, white canvas of his making.
It will never be blank again
The crimson of his love is too strong.
The violet of his daydreams is just too complex.
The deep blue of his sadness is simply too heavy.
But these colors
Along with so many others,
Are what make his his heart his, his alone.
What I love the most,
Is his vibrant heart.
No matter how many times
He attempts
To cover it in white.
Stop trying to suppress the beauty, Love.
Mary Alexander Sep 2014
You ask me if I'm sad
No. I am not.
You ask me if I'm distant.
No. I am not.
I'm just listening. Just observing.
You're thoughtless actions amuse me
No. They do not.
They anger me.

You can fool many. Almost all.
So congratulations.
But no longer will you fool me.
So sorry,
But I know who you are.
             So know this.  

You will hear me when I say
That one day
You will crash.
You will get what is coming.
And I won't be back.
So good luck with that.
Mary Alexander Oct 2015
What happened to you
Is part of your story.
And I love you even though
It came with no glory.
Because what matters to me,
Isn't your strength.
It isn't your ability
To stop, breath and think.
I thought it was obvious, but I guess I'll explain.
It's your heart, don't you see?
Though it's been through all this pain
It's remained earnest and pure.
Even though you can't see.  
Please trust me when I say,
That where you are is where I'll be.
Always and forever
Mary Alexander Nov 2015
Things aren't that way between us.
But if he opens his arms,
I don't hesitate to run into them.
Things will never be romantic,
But I still get lost in his eyes
And forget to speak.  
We will never feel that way,
But his smile feels like my only joy
When my days are filled with darkness.
Things will never be "more",
But his presence brings me relief.
I don't know how it began,
Where it will lead,
Or how it will end.
But I know that my love in some way will remain.
Simple and pure till I live my last days.
Free verse. Sorry not sorry.
Mary Alexander Sep 2015
Wings are made to fly, they say.
Then why are mine weighted,
Ready to die today?
Mary Alexander Nov 2014
When I dream
I dream of many things.
But most often,
I dream I have wings.

Wings that will take me
Far from their faces.
Wings that will break me out
Of these worthless places.
Mary Alexander Oct 2017
His heart was like winter,
Cold but exciting.
My most favorite season,
With crisp piercing lighting.
Adventures and chills,
Through my messy black hair.
Sharp, lovely breeze,
Through the whispering air.
But as the show thickened,
The ice became tough,
And I shivered and realized,
My coat wasn't warm enough.
Haven't seen the dude in like four years and he's out of the country where is my mind.
Mary Alexander Oct 2015
You think I'm crazy
You think I'm gone.
But that's the reason
That we get along.
You think I'm insane,
Entirely bonkers.  
Like a mental drain.  
Completely off of my rocker.
There's a little poison in me.  
Just enough to make me grin.  
Because, you see, that's the key
To finding where I've been.
You think I'm crazy.
I say yes, baby I'm mad.
With my skin so pasty
And my eyes so gold.
The craziest friend that you've ever had.
Mary Alexander Jan 2016
I don't understand
What is wrong with my mind.
It's betraying my heart.
Though your hands do seem kind,
My breath stars to quicken,
And it shouldn't mean much,
But my heart quickly unravels
As I flinch, shrink from your touch.
What is happening.
Mary Alexander Aug 2014
tapping my feet.
drumming my hands on my knees.
smiling and nodding to your story
while making quick glances at the clock.
its nearly at the 40.
twenty minutes
till i can leave
without looking inpolite
your words, they bore me,
your sweet talk annoys me.
i'm sorry i'm wound so tight.
i value our friendship
but you just want to sit and flirt,
while i want to sprint and drive dangerously fast
and scream, and feel alive.
Your talking has stopped.
your eyes fixed on mine, waiting.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"
i snap out of my trance and look at you
"only that I love you"
i don't know why.
why you take that risk.
and say that to me
maybe i really don't know you
i look down at my hands, then back at the clock, which is now at the 52.
my foot stops tapping as i look into your eyes.

           maybe i love you too.

— The End —