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Sep 2017 · 352
Brewed Fresh (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Sep 2017
And just like Summer.
Your love warm and hot- like steam.
Coffee best serves two
Sep 2017 · 361
A Thought (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Sep 2017
I bet you will smile.
after this next sentence, you'll see.
That this was about you
Sep 2017 · 184
Gridlock (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Sep 2017
Today I saw you.
You drove past me medium speed.
My heart dragged along
Sep 2017 · 449
Some Old Building
Kewayne Wadley Sep 2017
And like some old building I,
came crumbling down.


I drowned in the rubble of dust and smoke.
I felt my lungs collapse. Gasping for breath.


I, felt brand new aches I couldn't imagine.
Looking down I fell to a slant.


This wasn't a cry for attention or a plea of desperation.
My knees folded past my stomach.

I coughed my lungs out in a puff of smoke.
My allergies reacted in a way that I've never seen before.


Like some old building I,
came crumbling down.


Without hope of resuscitation I collapsed.
A cloud of smoke funneling it's way down my throat.


A dry cough and a gag.

I ached in ultimate agony.


All in attempt to avoid falling on top the bakery beside me.

Her smile, her scent.
Stealing all of my breath
Sep 2017 · 303
Never A Time
Kewayne Wadley Sep 2017
In the depth of her eye there is a city that begs to be explored.
A spark of curiosity hidden beneath the patter of millions of feet.

The journey of how one step, leads into a million thoughts.
Each person a developing personality all of her own.
Time has no meaning here.
There is no swiftness, no haste where anyone has a deadline to meet.
A specific place to be.

The pounding of feet hitting the pavement.

The sound of her heart.

With lips soft and gentle.

It goes unseen.

This city that hides in the spark of her eye.

This gleam of  light flickering in the skyline.

The view is just amazing.

There is never a wrong time to come out and enjoy the view.

The people here are amazing.

They always welcome me with a warm smile and a place to sit.

A metropolis full of fashion, living and breathing.

What I love most.

Is that I always feel like I am at home.

Whenever I stop by for a visit
Aug 2017 · 220
Propaganda Of Kisses
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
She kissed with an intelligence that could enlighten the brightest of scholars.
The pages her tongue turns.
Her love came natural.
The woe's of being taught to fear.
She guarded her love with the careful fold indented on her cheek.
Her favorite author reveals that most pain happens where light cannot reach.
Instead she picks and chooses where to place her bookmark.
Forgetting to surrender the knowledge she bestows naturally.
Loving her is like taking a bite of an apple.
Not knowing which side to bite.
The circumstance of not wanting to spoil the best part.
The core of her smarts folded between the cover of lips.
The propaganda of where air becomes breath.
She kissed with braille skin and blind eyes.
Relying on instinct alone.
Her heart alone scribing the words of the next chapter she places her bookmark.
Aug 2017 · 361
Folds Of Our Mouth
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
Kissing her was more than transcendent.
I came to the realization that this one moment was infinite.
Setting ourselves as a door.
Revolving the same emotion that otherwise would flee.
The exact teachings teachers and prophets set as the floor.
We elevated.
Our breath becoming the message stuffed in the folds of our mouths.
Licked and sealed.
We were but envelopes made of flesh.
Our ***** left open, receiving the best of our former selves.
We discussed the effects of paper once wet.
Neither of us cared.
Becoming one with another.
Our fears smeared across our face.
No longer a label our stamps fell off.
We categorized ourselves the sender of mail we often thought to send.
But as over thought occurs.
We become shuffled around. Lost in thought.
Until we mailed ourselves.
***** left open
Aug 2017 · 414
Utter Embarrassment
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
I planned all night that when I saw you we would finally converse and that I would finally get to know you better.
Between all of the passing glances.
And not being able to catch up to you sooner.
Tomorrow would be the day I catch you when you're not busy and fill you in on what's been on my mind.
But of all the craziest things.
I forgot the words mid sentence.
My lips moved but nothing came out.
You stood in anticipation.
I stood anxiously waiting for some type of sound.
Constantly playing this moment in my head before actually getting to this moment.
I stammered over every word.
Stuttering over the simplest of words.
I barely managed to get my name out.
I held my hands out and paused.
Inviting my lips to let at least one word out so this situation wouldn't be completely awkward.
I continued to stand feeling beads of sweat begin to form against my forehead.
In a climate controlled room I felt like I stepped inside of my own personal hell.
The simplest of words were the devil.
At that moment embarrassment became my biggest sin.
I don't know if it was bitter sarcasm.
Or a good sense of humor.
But I did finally feel a bit of relief when you told me that you didn't speak good english either
Aug 2017 · 349
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
My face lit up so bright when I saw my notifications.
I am not ashamed to admit how excited I was.
Definitely worth the wait.
The music chiming a song that reminds me of you.
That absolute feel good song you hope plays in anticipation.
The wait of reply.
Rewinding the moments back to when I first heard my notification go off again and again.
You really know how to reach into me and pull out the biggest kid.
Driving myself insane waiting on my phone to chime in.
No one else in my contact list has your ability.
No one else could have the ringtone I set just for you.
On the lowest setting of screen brightness, you fill my screen with all shades of hue.
Sometimes I think it's weird.
Hearing the highs and lows of your voice over text.
Our extreme use of emojis.
Searching for the comfort of each others voice when we can't fall asleep.
Although distance seperates.
I can safely say.
That you've truly made my phone a life line
Aug 2017 · 344
Warhol Me
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
Almost every day.
Hold your hand close to me.
Post me against the wall and stick pins on all four corners.
Explain whats happening in vivid emotion.
If I've ****** you off black out my eyes.
If you've stored me in your heart cover the space behind me blood red.
There is no need to question the value of if what you feel is real.
Slide my face across bright light in means to cover my face in fashion.
In a variety of back drops and shade.
Smear my face in distorted emotion.
A synthetic hue vibrant and wild.
Color my hair yellow then blue.
Do as you wish.
But by all means don't leave my picture the way it is
Aug 2017 · 275
There To Begin
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
And it is this reason that I feel that I can never go home.
Because I know not where it exists.
Familiar faces that exist with a bit of a twist.
Those same smiles & well wishes are never what they seem.
If heaven lasts only for a second.
Be as it may, then ignorance is truly bliss.
For reason that needs no further explanation.
I've built this place in my mind that feels alot like home.
But misses the main components that make it home.
If heaven lasts but a second.
I'd rather not be forced to drink the bitter milk of it's truth.
There are many sides to a face at any given angle.
Which one is you, which is me.
In enough time things change.
In even more time, it gets hard to spot the subtle difference.
Was I ever there to begin
Aug 2017 · 335
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
You remind me of the color pink.
This morning I saw you and ran away in thought.
I can't keep losing you.
I thought of putting you on my key chain.
Holding on to what's close.
I can't keep losing you.
I value your trust.
A piece of mind each time I look to the sky.
You disappear for hours, reappearing before you lay your head down to rest.
I indulge in thought.
Tucking you into a blanket of clouds.
You make your presence each time I see you.
The thought of putting you on my key chain becomes more enticing.
Just so I'll never lose you.
But God is fair.
Allowing me to see your face before you disappear once more.
You are love.
Painting the perfect picture before you lay your head down to sleep
Aug 2017 · 178
Paper Weight
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
At times it gets hard to talk.
Instead of rambling about anything.
Most times I sit without saying a word.
Just sitting in thought.
Most times different conclusions are drawn.
This at all doesn't mean that anything is wrong.
Sitting in silence.

Admiring the space around.
Different noises are heard.
Finding their way between the lines.
Indented in brief moments.

Spurts of randomness.

Wadded up thrown to the side to make room for the next moment.

Often left blank.

Without a single use of expression.

Without a trail of lead or ink.

Just empty lines stacked and spread across a thin layer of cardboard.

An bent aluminum spine.

All stacked up waiting for a love worthy of notation.

Signatures of fluttering pages.

Familiar names and phrases.

Blank pages filled up in a parade of paragraphs.

If you listen close you'll hear the band tuning up.

Marching down empty lanes marked just for the occasion.

Inside there are large bold words filled with tubas and small lines felt with the mark of snares.

The procession of pen to paper.

In proclamation to one of the greatest loves ever found.

Sold in two different packages.

All in perfect silence as they travel down the same lane
Aug 2017 · 254
Left Behind
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
Through a window I was caught off guard.
I shuttered. Pulling the ***** of my collar against my neck.
I found myself standing still. Chill bumps forming against my skin.
The way she appeared dividing herself all around me.
Disappearing into the ***** of my collar searching the folds of my face.
She despised the way I smoked. Blowing my lighter out each chance she got.
She filled my hands, chasing away all of my bad habits.
Finding a better means to occupy my time.
The impact she left behind
Aug 2017 · 366
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
And with one single flicker a warmth was felt.
As it lit and swayed around I swirled in thought.
How can something so small define in mirror image,
what I've tried to say so many times.
I becoming like the wick surrounded by depth.
Lost at sea without so much as a barge to rest my head against.
With you becoming my single barge of refuge.
All thoughts of despair and lack of faith disappeared when I bumped my head against your strength.
The fragrance of the way you soothed without so much as a word.
The city lights never shined as bright. Nor have I had reason to want to stay put until you showed me
how much strength I had in myself.
The barge of clear glass that surrounds us.
Stained by the scars of who we use to be, we constantly sink.
Discovering depth over by the far side of the fire that slowly descends. Devouring the wick.
If ever this fire should burn out shall we truly find out what it is to grieve
Aug 2017 · 313
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
I couldn't keep enough love to save my life.
With all the thoughts that surround one person.
Every time I saw her I had this sensation to give as much as I could.
And when I felt this urge I'd give a piece of my heart.
And put it in a  place that I knew in my heart would be protected and reinvested each time I thought 
of her.
She didn't seem to mind the lint, checking my pockets at all costs.
Sealing my heart in an large envelope in deposit.
I gave, Until one day I was mugged.
I was taken for everything including my heart.
With just one piece, I exclaimed that you could have everything else.
Just not this, it's already promised.
It's the only thing of value.
I was robbed of everything.
When I made it to her house I told her everything that happened.
And with a look of concern she asked about the last piece of my heart.
I exclaimed yes sadly that too.
She just looked and held me close.
Giving me her heart
Aug 2017 · 556
Huey & Jazmine (Ideal Love)
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
My ideal love is a love that catches me by surprise.
The realization of intelligent things and conversations that literally take us anywhere.
My ideal love is a love that expresses ideal.
The ramifications that influence us to be who we really are in front of who we are.
A love that doesn't mind bargin shopping and putting together hundred dollar outfits that really cost $10.
The reality that its the most simplest of things that are most significant.
A spontaneous love that doesn't mind the predictability of living today before exploring the mystery of tomorrow.
Here after the after thought that we exist in the past as well as the present simultaneously.
If ever in need I'll do my best to provide all that I can for an ideal love.
Through these actions I believe the true miracle is achieved.
An ideal love that is beyond ideal.
Who sets the where and how we meet, the institutions of bliss where the masses are limited to love and longing.
To find patience and compassion sitting on the front lawn on the same institution.
As long as she provides a kiss that can send me outside of my own thoughts, and pull me closer to hers.
My ideal love wouldn't be based on a B.E.T movie.
A single expression that summarizes a scorned woman letting go.
A cliff note of lust soon as the next sceen fades to black.
Her ******* pulled down not knowing the dude is secretly abusive.
140 minutes gone by to realize the last 5 mins were the ones that made her truly happy.
The woes of love.
My ideal love is a woman built with ambition but with a heart big enough to understand that without sacrifice nothing is truly accomplished.
A culture made in truth, ripped off by those who ignore that struggle is what makes us who we are.
The courage to walk out in front and be who we really are.
A real woman that doesn't mind lounging around the house that knows whom Budda and Huey Newton was.
This revolution of ideal starts the moment I realize that I never stood a chance.
The surprise of her lips against my cheek.
I drink from this remedy each time you open your lips.
So in silence I gasp.
As you caught me off guard,
My ideal love
Aug 2017 · 283
Brief Second
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
I loved the way she looked at me.
Even if it was for a brief second, I would always stop what I was doing.
She had a knack for making me forget the simplest of things.
Often times making me stand outside of myself.

She looked at me.
And I was in a full length feature movie.
Surrounded by a bunch of characters before the plot shifts to us.
I'd watch as her pupils dilate.
The way her conversation changed from the way I heard her previously.
Before bumping into me.

She'd look at me but wouldn't  see me at all.
She'd see that I had a bit going for myself.
That I had a good head on my shoulders.
That nine times out of ten, I would stop if she seemed like she was in distress.
With so much going on it's hard to tell what's real from fake.

Frankly, I didn't mind it.
The way she looked at me.
It's been a while since I've seen myself in eyes that large.
It appeared that I was in a movie the way we met.
The way our conversation would last for hours.

Whenever she would speak it made it that much easier to forget that she didn't see me at all.
Honestly I haven't seen me in a long time.
The way that I use to be.
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
It's complicated
Pretty ugly jumbo shrimp
All hunched up like blah
Aug 2017 · 274
Blank Screen (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
Most of my adult life
I've found a lot of past times
Soon my phone will die
Aug 2017 · 344
Empty (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
I found a new house
It has wooden floors throughout.
Still it's too empty
Aug 2017 · 721
College Dropout (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
I am still waiting.
For something soulful yet real.
Kanye West inspires Kanye
Aug 2017 · 515
And Like A Spoon, I Fell
Kewayne Wadley Aug 2017
She felt my thirst.
Grabbing my legs lifting me in the air.
I had no idea what was about to happen.
The plastic removed from my face, the breath of life.
I felt comfort in her hands.
The places that were cold were no longer.
I've never felt a warmth like the one she provided.
The softness of her hands.
The way I sunk into her eyes.
For the first time I felt special.
Like my voice could finally be heard.
My thirst forever quenched.
Head driven first into a glass of milk.
I drunk until my head swelled.
Her hand never leaving my side.
Although I drunk my body remained slim.
No matter how self conscious I felt she reassured she would always smile.
I swirled in emotion, an eternal need that would forever be purpose
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
Of all the simplest of things.
Sometimes love is a lot like socks.
Some are long, some are short.
Hell some even come up to the height of knees.
Some are bland. Some are colorful.
Baring the fruit of comforting something bare enough to be considered as precious.
These devilish things, socks.
Sometimes they create more problems than they are worth.
Coming apart at the seams,
Getting caught between your toes.
The hassle of constantly having to stop and readjust your shoe when no one is looking.
They come in all sorts of color and sizes, these crazy things called socks.

Sometimes that one size fits all is just a lie.
In time all things wear.
Just don't be foolish enough not to enjoy the comfort of the simplest of things.
This at all isn't important during the height of the day.

But the thought is necessary as it conveys comfort.

A necessity that goes unnoticed unless you've had any of these problems.

Belts on the other hand can be a different hassle. Not fitting tight enough.

The leather hole wearing thin often tearing.

Sometimes these dang things prove more trouble than they are worth. Stupid things.

But out of everything that I've said one thing couldn't be truer.
If ever I was to become overweight.
You'd be the pair of suspenders that hold my pants up when my belt can't fit anymore
Jul 2017 · 389
Patience (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
The universe spins
Eyes swirl around a cup of tea
The spoon is patient
Jul 2017 · 504
Soda Fizz (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
Bottled sounds seep; escape.
Our noise mimics semi trucks.
All in fluid motion
Jul 2017 · 178
In Due Time (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
Suddenly it does.

This rapid thing that ticks and tocks.

Look up and it's gone
Jul 2017 · 762
Steak And Potatoes
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
In all honesty.
I think what I truly desired was to be put on a plate.
And be devoured piece by piece.
My attention, all my free time.
Everything that no one else could see.
With knife and fork.
T be taken apart and devoured tastefully.
With nothing left except the juice of where I laid.
The tough parts that take time to cut,
Revealed in an instant.
To be desired in mutual attraction, a certain craving.
Covered in salt, pepper, a slice of butter.
All of my interests, my habits.
The anticipation of being sizzled and flipped on a cast iron skillet.
Served fresh on a plate.
A baked potato on the side to bring out the taste.
In all honesty.
I think I'll have a steak
Jul 2017 · 307
Life As A Dream
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
I kissed the pillows of her cheeks.
Covering myself in the blanket of her caress.
While here nothing is heavy.
Maintaining the balance of smiles in the bed of her arms
She doesn't mind my snore, relaxed in complete comfort.
Without a single toss or turn.
The shape of her contoured to the shape of me.
For hours I'd lay here and day dream.
Listening to the sound of the washer hum in the next room.
I've always debated on falling asleep.
Never to wake.
To live the rest of my life as a dream.
Jul 2017 · 265
Like Air
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
The next time we meet.
I plan to meet you in unnoticed fashion.
To come face to face even if you laugh or chase to how far your mind wanders.
I plan to meet you today and the day after.
Coming face to face with unconscious desire.
Had I do anything else I am sure you'd notice.
Finding myself in finding you.
Extending to a desire to meet you in infinite space.
Accompanying you in certain philosophy.
To fill your lungs with the utmost of need.
The only interruption being,
That you'll never know how much I'll appreciate this one moment.
And how you'll never know,
That this will be all I'll ever know.
Jul 2017 · 451
Without Salt Or Pepper
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
This morning I caught the blues.
I stood on the edge of the spoon with nowhere to go.
I tied my shoes and searched for my muse.
There she sat, distance postponing an ooze of stew.
With the end of the ladle short.
The end of the table so far. I sat.
I felt like a schmuck,
sitting on the edge of the spoon.
This hunger pang unfair.
Following me ladle to the tip.
A table clothed in decoration.
I envied the way it loathed.
Laying flat with no idea of what was going on.
It would never know the hunger that ached mid-spoon.
The ingredients that drove this passion.
The smell, the feel of steam that rose from the middle of the bowl.
The meat, the vegetables.
The brew of broth I longed to taste.
This space mid-spoon.
My heart raced in mourning
Standing on the edge of the spoon
Jul 2017 · 182
Winter Blues (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
Middle of Winter,
A flower sings the blues.
Painted red then brown.
Jul 2017 · 511
Spoon (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
The one you seek, hides.
You linger about searching.
Pink packets of sugar.
Jul 2017 · 303
Books In Memphis (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
A leaf blew downtown
Amongst hands pages flew
Floating about a clean breeze
Jul 2017 · 426
Smile (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
I remember you
The day we met dreams came true
Thanks to you I smile
Jul 2017 · 188
Searched (Haiku)
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
I searched high for you,
I lost hope.
I buried my heart deep.
Jul 2017 · 238
Perfect Memory
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
It was there that she kept me in the top most part of her eye.
A small room with a mid size window. 
A wooden chair that sat on a circular brown rug.
She kept the curtain open. Closing them only at night.
She'd flick the light switch on.
Bringing about photo album after photo album.
Pieced together in perfect memory.
She'd often fall asleep in mid sentence.
Reminding herself of why she loved this room the most.
Surrounding herself in the light that peeped through the window.
It was here where she kept me among all of her favorite colors.
Sharing with me the way she saw the world.
Soon as the sun peeped through the window
Jul 2017 · 331
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
In the topic of magazines.
I sat on the cover, close to the reflection of her eyes.
Relaxed in the greeting of open arms.

She paused, sitting upright. 
The gap between us now closer.
Allowing the invitation of smiles.
Our upright becoming a corner staple in the edge of anticipation.

We both sat.

Allowing ourselves to do what came natural.
My reflection seen clear in the middle of her eyes.
Her personality pasted all around me.

No currency was exchanged in the beauty of two souls flipping to page 42.
Reading the full article.
Taking our time not to wrinkle the pages.
Moving from the cover to emotional commitment.
The exchange of excitement
Where she was free to be herself just as I.

Ideally, I reread every paragraph.
Falling in love with everything represented to be pharmaceutical to deep need.
Constantly reading then rereading the same passages over and over.
Hiding myself behind the cover.
Wanting to know more
Jul 2017 · 338
My Heart's Heart
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
My heart took deep seat.
Relaxing in the comfort of plush cushion.
Neck twisted, head tucked comfortably in the nook of the chair.
A glass of water sitting on the edge of the coffee table next to the remote control.
T.V Turned low, movie charterers playing reverse roles.
Not every day does it have a chance to relax the way it does.
Rarely finding time to take a day off.
Legs dangling from the plush chair brought on sale.
My hearts face covered in the glow shone from the T.V.
Long stretched wrinkles finally at ease. Slumped over in the ease of relaxed eyebrows.
There my heart sits in comfort.
Dishes washed. Trash taken out.
Waiting for his wife to slide the key in the door.
After a long day's work
Jul 2017 · 302
Most Comfortable
Kewayne Wadley Jul 2017
Times like this I'd search the bed for her.
To throw my arm around her.
Kiss her in mid sleep.
The comfort of warm blankets.
Knowing that shes that warm lump, kept warm between two sheets, a blanket, and my warmth.
My arm becoming heavier by the moment.
Some nights she'll turn to me.
My arms forming a slight bend curving behind her, her arms stretched underneath mine.
Before losing total consciousness,
We'd hold each other in our arms before waking up, bodies spread everywhere.
Her leg draped over me.
Our bodies dead to the world.
At times like this we depended on the weight of each other,
To fill the gasp of what made us most comfortable
Jun 2017 · 349
Before Striking
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
The next time we meet, I may be someone else.
Extra thick, light in weight.
Resourced to fit purpose.
The next time we meet,
I may be a splint. Easy to light.
The next time we meet.
Would silence truly do us justice.
Learning to cope before given reason.
Rounded off at the top, rough patterns felt between us both.
A spark that ignites the scrape of when I fell for you.
We stood there because we knew how we felt, we never truly understood.
Collecting ourselves in abrupt fire. Only a fool would stand to wither completely.
What else did we truly know but to extinguish ourselves in the same abrupt manner.
Breathing in each others essence. Stained in soot.
We lived in sulfur, sliming down in the same instance.
 Lighting myself before becoming contagious.
I thought this way because it was all I'd ever know
Jun 2017 · 276
A Temporary Fix
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
I let go.
Finding that I still care.
Placing blame as a means to cope with how I felt towards you.
The rush of things that have transpired.
The thought of things that may not be the same.
In turn I lashed out in self defense in every argument you started.
Receding every inch of my heart.
Every inch that I shared with you.
In that moment all you saw was disappointment.
That not of my own.
A deep hurt that signified love in a tender moment of hurt.
A rash thought that just wanted to grab you & shake you until you understood.
Meanwhile screaming on the inside.
Screaming for you to realize that nothing could take the place of what I felt for you.
Screaming internally for this pain to go back to the smile it use to know so adamantly.
With nothing else to do, I let go.
Falling forever in thought.
Feeling my life crash against the ground.
Nothing mattered at that time except how you perceived me.
That deep well of affection that I so wanted to fall into again and again.
That somehow that I tarnished everything that we shared.
Until I realized that you never intended to feel the way that I felt about you.
That you sought a shoulder to lean on in your own leisure.
A temporary fix
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
And there I was.
Another American lost on the road.
The traffic slowed to the bare minimum.
Slim to none at the barricade of an orange and black detour sign.
Upon turning I lost signal to my phone.
The social climb of bars dropping to a small X.
It's crazy how something so convenient could be detoured so easily.
The distractions that occur along the way.
A straight path with a few twists and turns.
Without the beam of flashing lights and signs.
I wouldn't have found a new way home.
Unless I knew someone that stayed down this street I would never have turned.
A more scenic, peace devoted route without the distractions of answering the phone or adjusting the radio.
The temporary fix of building home else where, in someone elses arms.
The corridor of ears.
Relying on the siding of someone's voice to house what is thought to roof all of me.
Switching lanes, finding the right material
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
If I gave you my love.
You'd have to be good to me.
All the freak things to be explored.
One moment after the next.
If I gave you my love.
All the things I'd tell you.
The nights where I'd be nowhere but by your side.
The nights I'd wear you out, wake you up and wear you out again.
If I gave you my love.
I'd want the same thing tomorrow and the day after.
All the trouble we'd get into.
If I gave you my love.
I wouldn't need a doctor.
To heal all these aches and pains.
My morning flower.
To see how good it feels.
Being in my care.
If only you knew.
How much I do.
Want to give you my love
Jun 2017 · 357
Around You
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
I took a deep breath.
Following the mystery of a simple smell.
A familiar place taken deep within my lungs.
A perfume light scented but sweet.
She'd dab it around the rounds of her neck.
Twice on her wrists.
The wind spreading her essence to my nose.
Following a glare then a smile.
Just when I thought there was nothing left to share.
She'd bathe in dial antibacterial.
Cleasing her neck of a smell that I remember so vividly.
A perfume light scented but sweet.
The smile and bite of a quivering bottom lip.
Just when I thought that nothing else could be shared.
Someone walked passed with a familiar scent.
Taking me back to a familiar feeling that I only felt when I was around you
Jun 2017 · 405
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
Tomorrow I said that I'll soak and bathe in the middle of your heart.
That I'll remove clothes from skin.
Then run my hands underneath the faucet then take hand to soap.
Tomorrow I said that I'll find another book to not read and sit it up on top the shelf.
Giving you my undivided.
Lying in water surrounded by creme colored porcelain.
A wash rag and a bar of soap made of your smile.
Tomorrow I said that I'll be more of a talker.
Especially in the moments of silence that become instant memories.
The silence being but a moment to embrace a time where words do no justice.
Long soap foam beard. Soap foam covering each follicle of hair on top of our heads.
I know tomorrow I said that I would do all of this and more.
But why wait when now is just as good as time as any.
Cleansing myself in you
Jun 2017 · 637
Social Anxiety
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
Social Anxiety
I think love is a lot like us.
In truth, it's hard.
At least for me. To reach into my heart and pull each thought
Like some sort of note, to resort to the most simplistic of notion.
It all seems so simple.
To walk up towards the one we love and tell them how we truly feel.
At least for me.
To be honest I don't think it's entirely the thought of being rejected.
But the actual declaration and the realization that everything that you hope and dream
stares back at you and it's not reciprocated where imagination meets reality.
At least for me.
Reaching back into my heart and scrambling around for another note.
The small things in an ocean of thought that could go wrong.
The sudden rush of thoughts that prevent such circumvention.
The first step of telling you that I love you.
At least for me.
Seeing your face again, makes it so much easier.
Knowing that you would never let me drown
Jun 2017 · 358
Stir Fry
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
I was mute.
Responding to the silence in-between the dial tone.
A new proposal of a new unlimited data plan.
I don't know how many gigs equate to the amount of anticipation.
Sitting in silence.
Phone pressed against my ear waiting to the sound of your voice.
The smell of stair-fry coming from an oval pan.
The smell of darkened beef and steamed vegetables sizzling by a *** of rice.
Boiling over in anticipation
Jun 2017 · 460
The Big Head Little Girl
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
She was four and I was six.
We held hands and ate pixie stix.
The big head little girl whom followed me around the corner. 
Soon we became friends.


We held hands with skin like bricks.
I cleansed her hands inside mine.
The words we didn't know how to pronounce until we were older.
The house across the street covered in thick brick.
Our parents always pictured us together.


I cleansed her hands inside of mine. 
The big head little girl across the street.
Her hair in a tight colorful scrunchy. Hair spread all over her head.
We both had to be in before the street lights came on.
Head full of dirt.faces darker than they were before we met each other outside.

Our clothes covered in dirt and grime.
Our fingers filled with splinters.
The chime of laughs and smiles.
The big headed girl whom loved pink and purple pixie stix whom followed me around until the street lights came on.
She always gave me the blue ones and called me her friend.

I remember the time I never wanted you to follow me around.
Often threatening to feed you to my dog.
Pushing you off the swing.
Stealing your turn sliding down the slide.
You never let me go anywhere alone.

Here I am, now older. Picturing the big headed messy hair girl whom always followed me around.
Truthfully I never minded.
Even now, ringing your doorbell in thought
Jun 2017 · 485
Kewayne Wadley Jun 2017
Her heart was like a clock that I wanted to stop and rewind the dial back.
Remembering the beginning.
Following the curve of ticks as everything around disappeared.
The ticks and tonks that throb as pulse.
The blossom of smiles and times that reflected off glass.
To live in the darkness of closed eyes and reflect on genuine smiles.
The whirlwind of dials advancing into a darkness we both never knew.
A familiar scent becoming a door.
Her heart a clock filled with different size springs and dials.
A circular cubicle that sped fast.
A theory of time.
Her heart was a clock that I wanted to stop and wind back the dial to the beginning.
Across arms and lines that separated how much time has really passed
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